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"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurbs, i.e. Educational Talks) check out the following: *ALL Blurbs and Special Shows are Copyrighted Alan Watt |
Jan. - May 2007 | 2006 | |
Dec. 25, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Knowledge Fights Fear in the Coming New Year" © Alan Watt Dec. 25, 2007 (Article: "Greening of the zeitgeist" by Gregory Rodriguez, LA Times (page A15) - Dec. 10, 2007.) (Song: "By the People" by Dick Gaughan.) (Musical Piece: "Campeones Para Siempre" by Alan Watt (Alan Unplugged), Written and Performed 6:00 PM on this date Dec. 25, 2007 Copyrighted.) Dedicated to My Translators and My Listeners. Globalization, Monitoring, Surveillance - Ignorance is Bliss, Creatures of Instinct - Awareness, Self-Preservation. Individual Isolation - Maintaining Contact. European Amalgamation - Standardization - Global Government - McCarthy, Communism, Centralization, Marx. Formats, Sequences, Patterns, Procedure. United States - Indoctrination - Psychological Brainwashing. Governing Class, Retention of Survival Capabilities - "The Lethal Chamber". Robert Burns - Seeing One's Self - Propaganda Industry: "Things are getting better" - America Today. New Age Movement, Hinduism - Western Mindset - Negative, Positive - Channeling, Card Sharks, Tea Leaves. Sun is Risen. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 25, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb (includes Musical Piece) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Alan's Musical Piece (higher bit rate) Oct. 25, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Patriot Games, the Seer Beneath the Fear" © Alan Watt Oct. 25, 2007 Patriot Radio Stations - Business - Selling Fear, Magical Cures - "Conspiracy" - Christian Paraphernalia - Varied Opinions, "Aliens", "God's Will". Major City-State Battles in History - Merchants Supplying, Financing - Standing Armies - Wartime Economies - Token of Money. Christian New Testament, Revelations - Science, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, Daily Worldwide Aerial Spraying (Chemtrails) - Battle for the Mind. Taxation, Big Building Projects, Threat of War - Tribal Emblems, Flags, Representation, Rulers. Human Nature, Survival Instincts, Behavioural Psychology. Deflection of Agenda off course by Individuals - Control of One's Own Mind. First World Trade Center Bombing. Personal Fantasies, Wish Fulfillment, Wishing Lives Away - Artificial Dysfunctional System - Planks of Communist Manifesto. Societal Changes - Politics, Actors, Scriptwriters, Traps - Big Foundations, Mandates - United Nations. (Article: Nov./Dec. 1998 "Foreign Affairs" Magazine "Catastrophic Terrorism".) (Songs: "Talkin' Vietnam Potluck Blues" by Tom Paxton. "The Thinking Man" by Gibson and Camp.) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 25, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 19, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Sir James Goldsmith U.S. Senate Speech - Nov. 15, 1994" (A Supplement to Oct. 17, 2007 "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN.) (A Supplement to Oct. 17, 2007 "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN.) Sir James Goldsmith - U.S. Senate Hearings - GATT Treaty - Big Business - European Parliament - Loss of Manufacturing Jobs, Offshore Movement, Unskilled Labor. Global Free Trade - Labor Department Statistics - Trade Deficits - Foreign Investments in U.S. - China - Corporate Profits. Poverty, Children in Poverty - A "Developed" Country - Unemployment - Inflation, Wages, Economy. Uruguay Round - Protectionism - Regional Trading Blocs. *Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 19, 2007 (Exempting Speech Audio) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 11, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Mending Your Mind, Blending Your Kind and You Shall All Serve as One" © Alan Watt Oct. 11, 2007 Granite Stone Universities, Technocrats - Red-Brick Universities, Public - Control of Mind and Mass-Mind, Sociology, Psychology. Piltdown Man - Theory of Evolution, Darwin, Selective Breeding - Theosophy, Blavatsky - New Soviet Man. Experiments in Human Behaviour - Wires in Brains, Remote Manipulation, Aldous Huxley - "Mental" Patients. Advertising Industry, Commercials, Singing Devotionals - Repetition, Attaching Emotions for Impact - Patriotic, War Songs - Group Solidarity. Negation of Parental Influence - "Contamination" - Separation of Children from Adults - Bertrand Russell - Big Brother, The State. Mind Control, Brainwashing - Wholesale Methods - Pavlov's Laboratory Experiments - Torture. Psychopathy - Worship of Power - Sadomasochism - Induced Extracted "Confessions" - Hitler - Mass-Extermination. Battle for the Mind - Understanding of Central Nervous System - Hellfire and Brimstone - Religious Conversions - Suggestibility. Pavlovian Techniques - Prisons - Communist Tactics - Indoctrination - Prisoners of War. Genetic Engineering for a New Type of Lower Caste Humans. Guardians of Plato's "Republic". Survival Instincts, Self-Preservation, Domestication. (Books: "Brave New World Revisited" by Aldous Huxley. "1984" by George Orwell.) (Songs: "The Place Where The Nuts Hunt The Squirrels" by Napoleon XIV. "If I Only Had A Brain" Wizard of Oz Soundtrack.) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 11, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 20, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Technocracy Mocks De-MOCK-RA-Sees - Covert Persuaders" © Alan Watt Sept. 20, 2007 Individual and Collective Human Nature - Democracy (never static, always changing definition) - World Run by Experts, Technocrats. Jacques Ellul "The Technological Society" BOOK - Archived Data Collection on Human Personality - Technique and Technicians. The State as an "Enterprise" - "Working Capital" - Social Insurance Number (SIN) - Collateral for Previous Generations' Debt - Old Testament Slavery Law. Internationalism - Data and Statistics. Public Propaganda Campaigns - NAFTA - European Union - Slogans - "Left Behind". Elimination of Disease and Famine - Population Reduction - Life Expectancy. Disappearance of National Boundaries. Homogenous Social Units. Arrested Development and "Mental Blocks" - "Golden Age". Servants of The State - Obedience. (Song: "Revolution" by Dick Gaughan) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 20, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 13, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "BEE-HIVE-Your-All Behaviour by Behaviourist's Agenda" © Alan Watt Sept. 13, 2007 Planned Society-TV-Radio - Research Teams. Going back through history to find origins of controlled society. Manipulation of Public's Mind - Big Foundations (Fronting for Elite) - Investigation of Human Mind. Pursuit of "Happiness" - Repertoires - Environment - Schooling, Education. Circle of Dialectic Process, Force-Counterforce - Thinking in Short-Term Rewards, Planning - Pulling Levers to get a Seed. Minority Groups and Leaders - Followers are Led, Used. Evolution of Culture - Moving Herd from One Field to the Next. America as Policeman of World - Goal of World Society - Elimination of "Old-fashioned" Religions. (BOOK: "About Behaviourism") (Song: "No Genocide Mix" by Mid-West LAMBSBREAD) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 13, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 6, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Power, Potency and the Predicated Path (Partnership for Security and Prosperity)" © Alan Watt Sept. 6, 2007 Monolithic System and Economic Man - Industrial Era, Synthesis of Capitalism and Marxism, Dialectic. Soviet System - United Nations and its Policies - Mass-Man serving a World State, No Individuality. Everyone is Forced into One System - Neighbourhood Committees - Masonic Clubs. Psychological Evaluations. Long-hairstyles of 1960's (and 1800's) - Adoption of "New" - Fashion, Music, Drama Industry. Sexual Terminology of High Masonic Organizations - Potency, Virility, Obelisk. American Civil War - States and Provinces - Centralized Power - Merger of Nations. Secret Societies under Guises of Charity and "Good Works". The Bad News. Happiness of Advertising. Terror of Disease, Death, Poverty - Producer-Consumers - Degradation of Elderly. Questions and Instant Answers - Starting to Think for Yourself, You have to do the Work. -- Your contributions keep me (Alan) going. If you want to keep this going, you can help out. -- (Song: "Achy Breaky Song" by "Weird Al" Yankovic) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 6, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 30, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Synchronicities, Psychotronics and Behaviour Modification - By Environmental Stimuli" © Alan Watt August 30, 2007 Spraying effects on Public - Psychotronic Warfare - Scalar Weaponry - Mood Alteration - Confusion. "One of those days" - Deja Vu. U.S. dollar on par with Canadian dollar - Merger, American Union - Common Culture. CEO movement between "competing" companies - Capstone of Pyramid and below. Alteration of Perception through alteration of immediate environment. Training of World Society into New Ways of Behaviour, through Science. Freemasonic Breeding Program - Arranged Marriages - Offspring - Genealogies. Habitat Areas - Urban Sprawl. Ancient Mysteries - Greece, Egypt - Idea of "Individual Salvation". Fear of Death - Toleration of Hell on Earth. Coinage, Paper, Blips on Screens: SAME CON-JOB. Individual Sentience versus Collective BORG. Know Thy Self - Solutions Inside. (Song: "I'm My Own Grandpa" by Homer and Jethro) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - August 30, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 23, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Integration of the Americas - First Open Declaration, March 23, 2005" © Alan Watt August 23, 2007 Alan plays audio news clips of March 23, 2007 Integration of the Americas with Bush, Martin and Fox meeting in Texas, USA. Council on Foreign Relations: belongs to Royal Institute for International Affairs - Open Declarations of Amalgamation - Show of Democracy. Global Citizenship - 3 Trading Blocs: Europe, Americas, Pacific Rim-Far East. "The Noble Lie" for the public (children). Merged Law Enforcement, Customs - Shared Energy Strategy - Full Mobility of Labor. Co-ordination of Security, Economic and Health systems - "Closer Co-operation" - Free Trade. (Song: "They Call It Democracy" by Bruce Cockburn, "The Winner Takes It All" by Abba) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - August 23, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 3, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Psychopathic Psychopomps and Their Quest for Civilian Submission" © Alan Watt August 3, 2007 Totalitarian Executive Orders - Adolf Hitler - Joseph Stalin - Masonic Language and Terms. Feudal System - Collectivism - Tribal Living. Darwinistic Socialism. Middle Classes - Feudal Overlords - No rights for commoners. Anonymous conformist authority - Marketing likes and dislikes, products, values - Science of Persuasion - Madison Avenue. Overt authority - Public submission - Sado-masochism - Psychopathic personality - Love of Power. George Orwell book "1984". Right now is pivotal point for past, present and future - Getting needed information out, especially to the young. (Song: "Che Sera" by Jose Feliciano). *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - August 3, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 1, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Persistent Pests of the Professional Profiteering Perpetrators - (with Butch Chancellor, Missouri, USA)" © Alan Watt August 1, 2007 Alan speaks with Butch Chancellor of Missouri, USA. A continuation of previous Blurbs, listen to: June 20, 2007 and May 24, 2007 Blurbs. (Song: "Yesterday When I Was Young" by Charles Aznavour and Diane Reeves). *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - August 1, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 27, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Medieval Feudal Collective to Capitalist Monopolist. The Dilemma of Individualism in Stormy Seas." © Alan Watt July 27, 2007 Global "Climate Change" - Al Gore's "Goring" - "The sky is falling" - Aerial Spraying and HAARP pulsation. The sphere of our lives and what reality is - projections of reality. Effects and Forces - Laws of Nature - Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis. Life in Middle Ages - Feudal system of kings, queens, aristocracy, learned class - Illiterate populace - World run by all-seeing deity. Protestant Revolution - Reaction against suppressive old system - Protestant "work ethic". Beginnings of trade guilds - Price and wage fixing - Monopolies - Ownership of resources. Goldsmith - Gold - Money lending. Views of life and death in ancient times - In Greece, Egypt - Judaism - Christianity. Fear of death in Western world - Money spent on funerals. Looting and plundering buccaneers - Capitalism - Piracy - Monopoly making. Fads, fashion, education, indoctrination - Conformity to a group and its standards - Maintaining Elite and System. Animalistic traits vs. self-expression - Suppression of emotion - Neurosis in society. Commercialization and exploitation - Expensive placebos for "happiness" - Psychological warfare in media and advertising. Strength and happiness within - KNOW THY SELF. (Song: "Whose Garden Was This" by Tom Paxton). *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 27, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 26, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "EYE-BEAM (IBM) and the New Global Competitive Citizen - Cyborgism to Silence Sentience" © Alan Watt July 26, 2007 Independent news sources - Putting pieces together to form view of future - Definition of "Peace." (Article: New York Times - July 5, 2007 - "IBM Training and Accounts" by Steve Lore) IBM - "Global Citizen's Portfolio" - MAL (not good) Matching Accounts for Learning - "Enhancement" of Capabilities - Global Integration. "Corporate Service Corps." - Bureaucratic Lingo - Marketing Techniques - Non-Governmental Organizations. Public-Private Partnerships - Public pays, private reaps profits. Communitarianism and Collectivism. Part-Cyborg Superheroes - Brain-Chips - Alteration - "Pinheads" on legs. "Upgrading" our memory. CONS - CON-Men know psychology and logic of Victim. Training of public to rely on experts. British Council housing - Inspection of houses - Degradation of Renters and Property Owners - Fines and Punishment. Abolition of private property - Habitat Areas - Managed society. Forced planned adaptation process. History of Africa and Middle East - Adaptation. Age-Discrimination and Debasement of Elderly. Spirit as Life-Force in Humanity - Reflection on One's Self. Survival Instincts of Nature. Mass-Man, Mass-Groups of Industrial Era - Hegelian Dialectic in every problem. Tops of ALL groups united in a single vision of a future - working towards global domination of global society. AGENDA is annihilation of individual personality and sentient thought. Mythological pasts - Movies and Fantasies - Gaping holes in the psyche that cannot be filled - Contact with those of similar minds. Effects of total promiscuity - Nothing is special about current partner - Relationships of "comparisons." We must find a new way, a way which the elite have not planned - and not based on the old way. Law of Nature: What goes around comes around. Executive Orders against "Verbal Terrorists" and "Thought-Criminals." The "New" Freedom - Tyranny. 10, 20, 30, 100 Year Wars - Gulf War One (and Two). --Crucial Time of NOW. The choice is: Is humanity, with all of its potential and all of its contradictions, worth saving?-- (Song: "The Willing Conscript" by Tom Paxton). *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 26, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 25, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Chertoff's CREATE-ORS of Chaos, Paranoia and Control" © Alan Watt July 25, 2007 Public are predictable - Personality profiles - Census - Data collection - National Identity Cards. Ultra-Paranoid Cunning Elite - Terrified of losing their own life - Nature of the psychopath - Schemes to dominate forever. Double-think of: "We're global but we're international." Thought-crime, Speak-crime, Gesture-crime. Chip implant was ready years ago - Use of fiction to promote chip. (Article: CanadaEast.com - July 22, 2007 - "CityWatcher.com, a Provider of Surveillance Equipment...") Injectable chipping of workers with RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification tags) - Electronic tagging. VeriChip Corporation - Portable scanners - Unique Identification Numbers - Medical history records. VeriMed Network - Sensor X-Rays and Sensors may be needed to find chip in body. CREATE - Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events - U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Countermeasures for imagined "terrorism" scenarios. Insanity is employed to rule us on behalf of psychopathic group at the top. (Article: Friday, July 20, 2007 - "A Briefing by Michael Chertoff" - USC Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events.) Psychopaths from top to bottom of society - Love of applause and admiration. Groups are controlled from top by a leader - War to destroy individuality. Theft of Alan's for-sale books and discs - Taking away bread from Alan's dinner plate - Need of financial support to keep going. ("Founding Fathers' Guitar" clip. Followed by Song: "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" by the Beatles). *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 25, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 19, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Battle of the Sentient in the Age of Aquarius" © Alan Watt July 19, 2007 Weather modification and control - HAARP - Chemtrails - Lightning and Storms - Tricks of Science - Air Force. Individual crises and tragedy - Survival in a world of changes - Authoritarian organizations (World Soviet). Social services and charities - Minimal services - Hospitals and National health care - Patients classified by "value." Movement from "field of pasture" to "field of scarcity." Those who can break through and stop blaming themselves - Realization of corrupt system. Success by world's standard - By any means possible. World standardization of dysfunctional system. BAR Association - Legal system. Experimentation on soldiers (United States) - Atomic explosion propaganda movie. Old elite strategies to takeover planet and everything on it. Use of terror and apathy to manage public. Living is taking chances - Overcoming problems and becoming stronger - Re-evaluating EVERYTHING - A different path and direction from the one the elite have planned. Time-clock for agenda - Going to the "Heavenly Plan" - Ancient priesthoods' study of sun, moon and stars - Exoteric stories written for "the profane". Human traits of emotion - Perfecting the "Imperfect". Now is time to communicate with others, anywhere in the world. Now is time for choices - Being silent against injustice is a choice. (Song: "The Age of Aquarius" from musical: "Hair"). *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 19, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 18, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Nothing New Under the Sun" Encouragement of each individual to be concerned only with immediate environment - Cut-off from bigger picture - Withholding of data, promotion of trivia. Nothing is given to public that might upset the system - Topics of debate, entertainment, information. Monitoring of public and all buying and selling. Francis Bacon's "New Atlantis" - Nuclear Energy - Atomist organizations of Ancient Greece - ATOM=ADAM (Microcosm). Psychological Warfare - Giving up before anything starts. Elitist Utopia run by intellectuals - Rosicrucians - Pyramid schemes. Hereditary nobility - Lords - Wigs (curls-degrees) -- Feb. 1929 magazine article (listen to blurb for article source) -- - Babies Will Be Produced by Chemists in Laboratories (Year 2029) - Changing institution of marriage - Life-expectancy - Synthetic food - Climate alteration - Scientific discoveries altering human life. Physics - World supply of cheap energy - Atomic energy - Geographic alteration - Harnessing wind power. Wind power - Tidal energy - Reducing speed of Earth's rotation - 48 hour day. Wireless telephones - Stereoscopic television (in color) - Computer voting. New chemical substances for "human enjoyment." Realization of "secrets of living chemistry" of human body - Life-extension. Solving "mysteries" of human heredity - Eugenics - Intelligent combinations of "suitable genes" - Ectogenic birth - Ectogenesis. Reactions of public are figured out and overcome in advance. Breeding a nation of "industrial dullards" (morons) - Planned Society - Ectogenic slave of future (happy doing his task) - Worker bee - Robot - GOLEM. Laboratory-grown meats - "Chemical Nourishment" - Agriculture as a "rich man's hobby." (Song: "Keep Your Eyes on Palestine" by Larry Norman). *Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 18, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 13, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Men of Many Masks and the Cloaks of Ideologies" © Alan Watt July 13, 2007 Omissions in recent American history. How the face of tyrants became loving benefactors. The rich foundations and their interlocking agenda. Standard Oil and the massacres of workers in the early 1900's. (Books to read: "The Crimes and Punishment of I.G. Farben". "The Rockefellers - An American Dynasty" by Peter Collier and David Horowitz) (Song: "Goodnight Saigon" by Billy Joel) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 13, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 12, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Sorcery's Circle and the End of an Age" © Alan Watt July 12, 2007 Deciding what direction to take - Time of massive changes along a pre-planned route - Global Society. Information stored deep within the mind - Barriers - Subconscious, Unconscious Mind. Computers and technology given to public - "The Bait" to get you "hooked" - Steps toward a Brain-Chip and interfacing. Giving up individuality in exchange for "convenience" - Composites of "downloading" by experts. Global Elite - Tracing history of money and hereditary families - Rise and fall of empires. Aristotle. Symbol of the serpent eating its tail - Ancient Egyptian Uraeus - Symbol of Completion - "Wise as a serpent". Exit homes for elderly - Disrespect towards elderly - Indoctrination and repetitive propaganda. Passing down wisdom - State brings up children today - Education system - Scientific Indoctrination. Past cultures of the West - Creation of Muses - Shaping of Culture, it is plastic. Insanity in Cities - Artificiality - Habitat Areas - Deviancy - Dysfunctional system. Psychological Operations - Order Out of Chaos - Changes at End of an Age - Collective hysteria - Collective therapy. Psychotherapy - Psychiatry - Yoga - Self-Improvement courses - BAND-AIDS - Abolishment of Rights and Freedoms - Neurotic society. SPELL cast by Spelling - Coding - Programming a computer (or human being) through language and logic. Original religions given as a starting place, and were immediately corrupted by elite to gain power over people. Constant monitoring of public to maintain control. (Song: "By The Rivers Dark" by Leonard Cohen). *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 12, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 11, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Superheroes to Supermen to Supersimpletons - Agenda for the Young" © Alan Watt July 11, 2007 Experiences "going into town." - People who are oblivious of what is happening around them. Step-by-step training toward a brain-chip - Living in a world where physical contact will be unnecessary - Virtual Reality. Wars within all nations (on their own people) and wars abroad - Changing society through conflict. Pre-World War II authors - Today's journalists and preparation for war. Wars of 20th century. Young people's ignorance of recent history - Workers' Protests and Unions. Soviet strategies of unemployment compensation. GATT Treaty - Movement of industry to China. The Never-Ending Story, the Ongoing Plan - Future Strategies - Terrorism everywhere. Gods chiseled in stone - Egypt - Psychological effects on uneducated classes - "Giants" (massive statues). Study of Cultures before Invasion - Tailor-made religions for different peoples - India. Buddha: "I am awake" - Knowing and Understanding. Old religions mixed with new when founder is dead. Dogma - Formality - Laws - Customs - Controls of religion by hierarchy - People are kept in ignorance. Media - Hollywood programming - Indoctrination of children - Cartoon Superheroes - Conditioning and Behaviour Modification. Military-Industrial-Complex - Information War - History re-written every generation - Control of Information Networks. Today's soldiers have been trained since childhood. People have been trained NOT to believe in themselves. "Brazil" movie: Department of Information - Massive Bureaucracy - SWAT Teams. Those who care have to start getting active NOW. Time is running very short. (Song: "Teach Your Children Well" by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young). *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 11, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 6, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Mama, Don't Let Your Sons Grow Up to be Vow-Boys - Techniques of Conditioned Military Bonding Exposed" © Alan Watt July 6, 2007 Going over the history of all the events leading to the present era - a time of changes. Authorized Authors - Books on the Agenda - Creation of a new society. World War II - Global Governance. Ethnologists, zoologists and other -ologists. Mass-migrations and culture clashes - "Speeding up the process of nature" - Trick of Terrorism - Creation of Enemy Within. Control Factors of military and police over society. Worldwide standardized indoctrination - Creation of a new "Brotherhood" based on tribal instincts. Middle Ages - Templar wars - Middle East - Roving bands of mercenaries and armies (throughout Europe). "Bonding" of soldiers - Military Super-Tribe. Studies of dictators and dictatorships - Recruitment of youth into army and police forces. Communist Youth Party: would kill parents if told. (Natzi) Hitler Youth - Boy Scout movement - Wearing uniforms, losing personal identity. "Great Depression" in U.S., Canada and Europe. Disciplined organizations for youth living in poverty. Creation of addictive video games for youth, desensitizing youth to kill automatically. Children crave a form of leadership, a purpose: which is given to them by those who understand the science. Deification of "the Leader" by the people - Waiting for a savior - promise of Salvation in religions. Sea of unconscious - thoughts, knowledge, dreams. American Indians - Ghost Dance. "The Dead" as majority of public - are used to fight wars. New substitute god of dictator (photographs, statues, etc.) watching you - Big Brother - Surveillance cameras. Isolation of Individual - Children's training at school (group-think) - Terrorists could be "loners" or "unique thinkers". Power structure of the Elite - Feudal system - Authorized priesthoods - Double-think. Black ski-masks, once used by criminals, are now used by "the good guys." Criminals were once called "hoods." --Movie: "Madness of King George" -- Anti-terrorism searches and inquisitions as the norm. Unelected bureaucracies - United Nations - Demand for testing of psychopathic traits - What organizations do they belong to? (Song: "Code of Silence" by Bruce Springsteen). *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 6, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 5, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Driving Miss Effie, Part 3: Living History by a Louisiana Lady, 1920's to Present" © Alan Watt July 5, 2007 People are shocked how far ahead science really IS. Projection onto Others. Plans of Elite - New Mythologies - Psychological Warfare. Alan talks with Miss Effie about her life's experiences and observations - Living through manipulated changes. Promise of a paradise, creation of a hell. Miss Effie takes you on a "road trip," a journey through a transitional time of her generation. Early America - Native Americans - European Settlers. Great Depression and World War II - Gold Confiscation - Wars and Crisis as Way of Life - Big Government. Little red schoolhouse replaced by federal schools. Riots over Food (Manufactured Famine) - Dumping of food in ocean, burning of potatoes in Maine while people go hungry. Introduction of driver's license and fees - Increased taxation and "red-tape". Deficit spending - "American Dream" - Consumer Credit - "The Godfather" gives you the bill for his spending. G.I. Government Issue - World of Experts and Evening News - "Get the mind, and the body will follow." Television - New Babysitter - "Grown-up" movies - Division of Ages and Genders. Free Ranges and Open Spaces - Traveling the country. "The best things in life are free, you don't have to worry about anyone stealing them from you." Eradication of History - Little Big Horn - Wounded Knee slaughter (by cavalry) - Indian Reservations - Buffalo killing to eliminate Indian food supply - Sitting Bull and tribe - (BOOK: "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee"). CCC work-camps (Soviets had CCCP) - Hitler Youth - Training for World War II. Burning, dumping and burying food to keep prices up - "Butter Mountain" with British Common Market (dumped in sea). Public's ignorance of history. Grocery store chains - Big suppliers - Big-Agri-Business - Elimination of competition. Misleading information and propaganda - Late-night talk-shows. Bribery of government officials. Mad-cow disease - killing of healthy cattle and deer (by federal govt.). Previous ice-ages and warming-ages - Public fear of weather. Dying honey-bees - Chemtrails and Modified food. Photographs of MAN-MADE flying saucers (UFOs). (Song: "How Can a Poor Man Stand Such Times and Live?" by Blind Alfred Reed) READ SONG LYRICS *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 5, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 4, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Modern Mythological Enemies versus The Man in the Mirror - Psychological Projection in the Scientific Era" © Alan Watt July 4, 2007 Perceptions and Logic - How we arrive at (what we think are) our conclusions. Education - Indoctrination - Learned Behaviour - Experiences - Propaganda - Arrival at erroneous conclusions - Living in a world of dis-information. Rise of civilizations (money - commerce - armies - empires). Elite and middle-class eradication of lower-class - Fall of Rome - Massive Taxation - Degeneration - Corruption - Greed - Movement of rural peoples into cities. "Reptilians" - Taking allegory as fact - Religions - Esoteric meanings. Secrets of Deception from Past - Ancient Histories. Early Judaism - Talmud (begun in Babylon) - Human creation of a god in their own image - Old Testament deity (Exoteric level: angry father with rules and laws). Hellenized Christianity - Hellenic world (Ancient Greek) - Alexander the Great - Female gods. New Testament deity. Seeing Exoteric and Esoteric - Individual Journey. Mass Man and Women - Gregariousness and groups - Dislike of differences. Earning knowledge by self-examination - Third Eye is MIND. Serpent as allegory for Wisdom - Egyptian use of Uraeus (Ouraios, Cobra) - Guarding the Mind - Strike of the cobra. Snake shedding its skin - Symbol of Immortality - Born-again - Wisdom of the Ages - Mastery and Control of Minds of Others. Psychopathy in Noble Families - Inbreeding for traits - Paranoia of Elite Psychopaths - Culling-off Public - Ancient Population Control. Psychopathic traits: egocentricity, rationalization of all they do, lack of guilt. Nature worship and pantheism. Science and exploration - Science-FICTION - Nephilim and Space-Being - Possibility-Thinking - Tunnel of Imagination. Introduction of money and goods (by U.S.) into Pacific islands - Cargo Cults - Desperation brings bizarre rationalizations. Christian religion - Message to Individuals. Democracy of today - Authorized Historians - Archive access - Spins - AUTHOR - AUTHORized. Nature of Evil - Diabolos - Cunning - Fooling en masse - Politicians - Born Actors. How do They get away with this? - Inability of public to comprehend how psychopaths can do what they do. Knight - K Night - Allegorical figure of Cain. Cain and Nimrod - Founding of Cities - First Artificer - City: first artificial bee-hive, a habitat. Grand Finale of U.N. (un - one) - Habitat areas - Containment. WHAT IS EVIL? - LIVE backwards - EVE gets the blame - Belief in Evolve - Meanings within meanings. Logic of Psychopath (predictability of) - Desire to Dominate Public - Psychopathic Lust for Power (need of a victim) - Sadism - Eventual Turning on Each Other - Vying for "King of the World" - In-fighting. Inward Search for Answers - Purpose for each Individual - Truth Within. New Age Movement - Looking for thrill of experience instead of truth. Pride of Soldiers to KILL - Readiness to kill in war abroad. War Protestors - Placement in Medical Units on front-lines. Majority will do what they are told. Knowing by Experience - Supernatural - Advanced Sciences. Madame Blavatsky: function of Theosophy is to cross spirit with science. John Wycliffe. Telepathic abilities. Alan: "Power of a thought can truly penetrate everything" - Guarding and Guiding Thought. Now is vital time to pass knowledge onto others. Devaluation of Life - Medical Exploitation - Abortion - Selling Body Organs - Science's Debauchery of Sacredness. Humanist religion - Right of Might and Power - Man's worship of Man - Creation of a "Star" - Darwin. Dehumanization of Enemy - Baby is a "Fetus". Examination of Evil - Examination of Self - Thinking for One's Self. (Book: "Tragedy and Hope" by Carroll Quigley)--Rural farming - City-state creation - Age of Imperialism - Period of Decline and Deviancy. (Song: "Lift Me Up" by Bruce Springsteen). *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 4, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 29, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Mass-Movements versus the Residual Individual - Accepting the Uniqueness of Self" © Alan Watt June 29, 2007 --Tyranny uses cheap repetitive slogans. Terminology constantly changing to cover the same totalitarian procedures. --War on Poverty = More Poor. War on Drugs = More Drugs. War on Obesity = More Obese. --International Corporations promoting denaturalised food for 30 years, causing malnourished, obese people. --Culture promoted: Man and Wife working, therefore, eat fast food and take-outs. Who gets blamed for obesity?-The obese people. --Training Public to Obey evermore prevalent Road Checks. The message is: OBEY. Black-clad combat-booted police. They call their roadside checks "Blitzes" (after Natzi Blitzkrieg). --Canada Day, so eat lots of garlic. Same with upcoming U.S. "In-Dependence" Day. Who created the borders? Masonic obelisks set along U.S.-Canada border = Big Builders' agreement. --Churches forget Individual Soul, and create Mass Social Conformist Organization-Helps to destroy the Individual's Search (Book: "The Undiscovered Self, the Mass versus the Individual" by Carl Jung) (Song: "You'll Never Walk Alone" by Gerry Marsden) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 29, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 28, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Russellian Regime for Regulating the Rabble - Transformation from Innocence to Alternate Reality" © Alan Watt June 28, 2007 (Books: "Impact of Science on Society" and "The Scientific Outlook" by Bertrand Russell) Living through a Business Plan containing the Present and Future. Cold Wars, Hot Wars, Psychological Wars and Revolutions. People emulate what they see, from fashion, neologisms and television, etc.. The minority of those who see beyond the exoteric - Those who have Wisdom. Real and Virtual Worlds. Noble orders of higher knighthood. Council on Foreign Relations and Royal Institute of International Affairs. Brain-chipping - Sending messages to Central Computers - Promotion to Youth - Cyborg Superheroes. Coronati Lodge - Vedas - Chaturvedi. Quote: "Many people would sooner die than think." Training of generations what to think - Mass Psychology - Modern Methods of Propaganda. Behaviour of Elite. Tax is a Tax on Labor - Taxing the Mind and Body - Fiction of Money. Artificial System of Humanity. -- Bertrand Russell books: "Impact of Science on Society" and "The Scientific Outlook" -- (Song: "Hurricane Eye" by Paul Simon). *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 28, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 27, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Sentient Asylum for a Depraved New World" © Alan Watt June 27, 2007 Noticing the Chemtrails at night - Mushy Haze - Rainbows around the Sun (weathermen claimed "Ice crystals"), Ancient Greeks - Egypt - Ptolemaists - Figure of Young Horus - Harpocrates - Mystery Religion, "Matrix" movies - Allegories of Reality - Scientifically induced Education - Virtual Reality - "Plugging In" and Assimilation - Domination of the Mind - Choices between different Programs - Architect of the Universe, -- "The Register," June 23, 2007 article: "Sentient World: War Games on the Grandest Scale" by Mark Baard. -- U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) - Alternate Reality (AR = RA backwards) - Synthetic Mirror of Real World - Psy-Ops - Anticipating and Shaping Behaviors - Prediction of Individual and Mob response to Stressors - Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulations (SEAS) - Neologisms - SWS - Military-Industrial-Complex - Science Foundations - DARPA - Homeland Security - Privacy Issues - "Urban Resolve" - Scenarios of Civil Unrest - Urban Warfare - Future Wars - From a Number to a Node - Databases - "Depersonalized Likeness" for each Individual - Consumers giving up Personal Information, Store Customer Cards - Elimination of Competition - Genetically Modified Food: No One Asks about it - Training to Pass Hand over Scanner, Voluntary Contribution of Information - Cognitive Psychologists - Behavioral Economics - Cutting Off Food and Water Supply - Positive Psychology - Predictive Models - Cultural Anthropology, -- "Economic Times" (India Times), June 24, 2007 article: "Care to Eat Chips (Digital Ones)?" by Shelley Singh. -- VIP Members of Barcelona Club - Implantable Microchip - NSA National Security Agency - Sex sells Chips - Snob-appeal - RFID tags (can be powered by body heat) - Credits on Chip - Monitoring - "Digital Doorlock" - Edible RFID chips - "Fortress" movie - Veri-chip company - Medical RFID for Diagnosis - "Intra-body Wireless Communications", Loss of Sentience - Huxley's "Brave New World" - Tavistock Institute - Drugging Populace - Elite View of Public, Cultural Chaos - Atheism - Darwinism - Experts and Propaganda, Ancient Religions - Early Christianity - Choice of Obeying Tyranny or Conscience - Early Takeover by Authorities - New Age - Psychological Disarmed, Random Factors - Individual Unpredictability - Problem of the Mob - Democracy - Consent of the Majority - Psychopaths in every Strata of Society - Flexibility of Culture, -- Alan: The system isn't designed to give you peace. -- Wars - Economic Depression - No Single Generation given Peace, Chipped Superheroes - Cyborgs - Fantasy - Planned Fiction, New Upgraded form of Socialism - Nothing will be Real, War on Those Who are Awake - Understanding of the overall picture - Joy in Being Awake - Esoteric side of things, Synchronicity, Mob Psychology - Trading One Tyranny for Another., Getting messages across - Poetry and Song - Yeats, -- Alan reads email about a woman gang-raped, set on fire with gasoline and killed by mob. -- Left-wing "Opposition" - Projection of Hate onto Others - Mob Sacrifice - Mob Rule., Yeats: Hawk and Butterfly, Love of Predators (Coats of Arms) - Ancient Sumerian frescos - Hawk of Horus - Hawk (symbol of Logic) - Butterfly (symbol of Intuition) - Yeats: "Wisdom is a butterfly, and not a gloomy bird of prey.", Format of the System is a Land of the Dead, -- Alan: Intuition is your Link to Something Higher and Beyond "This." -- Mob wants Sameness - Control Freak Mentality - Predator Worship and Inhumanity - Need of a New Way outside of what is Planned and Expected, Guidance by Intuition, (Song: "Eleanor Rigby" by the Beatles). *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 27, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 22, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Those Who Don't Know History . . . are Doomed to Repeat It" Jefferson's letters on debt, warning people of rich dynasties taking over government. Those who can't handle bad news will find no peace. Talk show agendas. Christian patriot community and how they're used. Mexican immigration and how the small people will fight each other. American Indians' reaction when white man came - waves of historical immigration. 1950's "Good times" - Easy credit - Entertainment blitz to lull people to sleep while big changes were being implemented. Liking the Individual as opposed to Liking the Race - Natural Law. (Song: "No Apologies" by Joni Mitchell). *Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 22, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 21, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Monitored - Cradle to Grave" © Alan Watt June 21, 2007 Stirring Up the People to Fight for Future Utopia - Public-Private = Public Paying and Private Shareholders reaping Profits, Feudal System based on Hereditary Blood - Special Traits from Selective Breeding - Marriages chosen by Priesthoods - Genealogy, Corporate Bail-outs - Public-Private Deals - Taxpayer Financing, True History is Knowledge - Diluted bits and bites today - Archives - Ancient Greek Philosophers, Ancient Egypt - Pharaohs as Representatives of Gods - Myth Making, Tin from Cornwall (England) for Weaponry - Phoenician Sailors (fraternities) - Bonded to Keep Secrets - Swearing to Secrecy under Penalty of Death - Official Secrets Acts, French Revolution - Envisaged World of Intelligentsia and Experts - Freemasonry - "Illumined Ones" - Adam Weishaupt - Profane (unenlightened) - Right of Illumined Ones to feed off and direct "Those in the Dark" - United Nations - New "Electronic Prison", Dialectical Counter to Capitalism - Fascism - Bureaucracy - Soviet System - Permissions from Government Agencies, Personality Profiles kept on everyone in All Western Countries - School Records - Gossip Collection - Social Organizations - Police - Computer Banks, Revolutions of 1700's - Elevation of "Rights of Individual" - Today: Teaching Individual is the Problem - Scientific Indoctrination, -- Telegraph Co. UK article: "Celebrity Children will get Database Privacy" Sept. 2, 2006 by Sarah Womack -- Human Rights - Data Protection Act - Incidents for Collective Punishment - Everyone is a Possible Criminal - Databases - Surveillance - Security - Insiders, Totalitarianism, Thomas Jefferson - Nucleus for a Federated World (System) - Led by a Council of 12 Wise Men, Blue Sky of Low Masonry, Brotherhoods - Jesuits - Passwords and Signs - Deception - Misleading Appearances, South Africa - Boer War - Britain, Cecil Rhodes - "Anglo-American Establishment" - CFR, -- book: "The Intimate Papers of Colonel House" (1926) -- Edward Mandell House - Monroe Doctrine - United States - World Powers - Partnerships - League of Nations - United Nations, Sexual - Feminist Revolutions, Club of Rome, Spraying the Skies in 1990's - Kyoto Accord - Ontario spraying 1998, Elimination of Ability to Think - BORG., Humane system without Deviants and Control Freaks - Finding a New Way, (Song: "Changes" by Phil Ochs (Live at Vancouver, 1968) ). *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 21, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 20, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Conversation with Butch Chancellor - Martha's home, thanks to listeners' action. (Update from May 24, 2007)" © Alan Watt June 20, 2007 Thanks to listeners' response, the Medi-Natzis released Martha to her home. Mental competency evaluation head-games attempt to bully Martha into acceptance of hospice. Attempt to bully Butch into visiting hospital-possible evaluation. Medi-business taking orders from United Nations definition of good citizen=producer-consumer. Martha's doing well. Home care visits. Hospital's reaction to inundation of phone calls and postcards, the elderly's right to pass the rest of their years as they see fit. Big business versus human rights. Separation of the generations through indoctrination-elderly portrayed as all senile children. Elderly indignation viewed as mental agitation. Ever-broadening definition of terrorism to include political incorrectness and "inflexibility of opinions." Warning to all young men from all ethnic groups to beware of: leaders advocating violence = probably CIA or MI6. Gold and silver to be "thrown in the streets" - Selective Christianity. Fake "firemen" SWAT team - Water pistols? Thanks to listeners who acted to release Martha. (Song: "Soledad" by Gypsy Kings) *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 20, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 15, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "The Negation of Human Affect in the Age of Darwinistic Technocracy" © Alan Watt June 15, 2007 Alan's Earlier Show Canceled because of Power Outage, Magic is Science Not Explained to General Public - Overhead Spraying - Blank Stares, Blaring Television - Zoo at Feeding Time - Acceptance of New Normal - Flashing Advertising - Subliminals - Bizarre Comedies - Canned Laughter - Conditioned Responses - Talk Shows give Your Thoughts-Conclusions-Arguments - "Delphi Technique" - Political Correctness - New Worldwide Soviet - Fascism, Contented Slave Population is Goal of Tyrants, Illusion - Safety Nets - Masonic Courts - JUSTICE ("to Joust"), Aristocracy - Commoners - Knights - Lawyers (SOLicitor), Separate Laws for Nobility - Judged by "Peer" Group - Commoner Laws for Masses, Integration into Virtual Reality - Final Goals - Hollywood Science Fiction - Censor Part of Brain is Down during Entertainment, -- Information Society Technologies - IST Project Fact Sheet - "Dynamic Information Clouds in a Hybrid World" -- Virtual Offices - IT Information Technology - Mobile Devices - "Smart Artifacts" - Collective - "Enhancing" Quality of Life - ID Ideal Design - Privacy Issues - Miniaturization of Computer and Embedding - "Augmented Elements of the Environment" - Interaction - Sensors - Government-Backing - Funding for Research and Implementation - Big Foundations, "Peace" for Dominant Minority, Psychopathic battle for "King of the World", Creation of Ego-syntonic Ego-centric Society - Self-centeredness: World revolves around You, Fast-food Restaurants (Chicken Coops), Fear of Criminality and Police, Media Repetition of Emotive Images - New Orleans Hurricane - Creation of Helplessness and Debility - Psychological Warfare - "Spectacular" Racing Car Crashes - Video of Twin Towers' Plane Crashes - PSYCHIC DRIVING, -- Carl Gustav Jung book "The Undiscovered Self" -- the Shadow side of People (Deep Unconscious Sea) - Decision-Making - Intellect and Rationality - "Dark Machinations of the Political Monster" - Moral Complacency - Projection onto Others - Self-criticism - Objective Facts - Dehumanization of the Enemy - Marxism - Mass State - Psychic Isolation of the Individual - Collective Society - Eugenics - Sameness, Natural Tribal Instincts - Deification of Leaders, Mass Man - Police Spying and Terror - War on Terror is WAR OF TERROR, Dictator State - Total Information Network - Suspects - Soviet Techniques - ex-KGB working for Pentagon, Superficial Talk - Lack of Communication - Worrying about saying the Wrong Thing, Love of Neighbour - Caritas, Fear of Losing One's Culture - Fear of Immigration - Culture Clashes - Differences in Customs and Living, Elite view of All Peasants as "Junk Genes", Real Intent of Global Government - Superiority Complexes - "Noble Lie" - "Profane" Masses - League of Nations - United Nations - Destruction of Independent Cultures - Domination and Interdependence, News and Entertainment - Mixture of Frivolity and Horror - Loss of Memory, Atheist Society and Pantheism - Sterilization - Lobotomy - More Efficient Servants - Theory of Evolution, Fear of Making Eye Contact - Who's Watching? - Thought Criminals, Annihilation of Conscious Mind - UN War on Individuality - UN=ONE, Future "Utopia" - New Nomads -- Jacques Attali book "Millennium: Winners and Losers in the Coming World Order" -- (World of the BORG - Science as New Master), -- Alan: Thanks to those who've Donated, It keeps me going. -- (Song: "Dog Eat Dog" by Joni Mitchell). *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 15, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 14, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) " "Cosmic CONscience to Soma-Coma" - "The Willing Fool goes Where Angels Fear to Tread" " © Alan Watt June 14, 2007 Pale Blue Chemtrails - Haze and Heat - 116 F in the Sun - "New Norm" above Our Heads - Trillions of Metallic Mirrors reflecting Heat, People Glued to Cell-Phones and Video Games - Brain Frequencies - Addiction - Interfacing into a Virtual Zombied Artificial World, Indoctrinated Realities - Breaking Through by Occasional Individuals, Importance of Religion in All Ages - Priesthoods and Sciences - Taboos and Superstitions given to Public - Self-Policing, Humans as Energy Source - "Matrix" movie - Human "Batteries", 10 to 15 percent of Brain used by average individual - "Silent" portion is most of Brain - Upgrading and Reprogramming Humans (as computers), Mainstream News and Media funneled from Capstone at Top - Daily Programming - Specialized Foundations - Club of Rome - Think Tanks - News Wires, Peace to the Elite is Absence of Opposition to Their Plans - Social Approval and Disapproval, Teaching Children to Inject Heroin "Safely" - Lack of Public Outcry - Future Public Execution for Cigarette Smokers, Television Watching - Giving Thoughts-Likes-Dislikes - Electronic Reality, Rebellions in the Recent Past - Intrusion by Government into Private Life - Natural Survival Mechanisms - Indignancy at Intrusion, Personal Information - Total Information Network - No Privacy - Political Correct Thinking - Testing for "Psychological Correctness" - Right-think and Wrong-think, SIN number - Social Insurance Number, Conditioned Responses to give out Personal Data, Robert Duvall movie "THX 1138" - Drugged Population - Double-think and Double-speak - Technocrats - Torture, Higher Levels of Science - Cold War - Military Industrial Complex, Rush toward Brain-chip - Totalitarianism, We are Not All the Same - Different Drug Reactions with Different People - Medical and Herbal Industry, Communist System - Incentives to Bureaucracy - 200 Families that Ruled Soviet Union since its Beginning, War and Threat of War - Taxation - Overseas Economic Development Fund - Shell Corporations - Shareholders - Public Funding, 1970's - Acid Rain - Dying Lakes - Increased Taxation, Greenhouse Gases - The World is a Big Greenhouse!, Late 1970's - AIDS scare, West Nile Virus - Crow Deaths, Avian Flu, Marketing - Psychology of Persuasion - Terror Tactics, Purchasing Taxes on Computers and TVs - Disposal Fees, "New More Sophisticated Form of Slavery" - Charles Galton Darwin book "The Next Million Years", New Definitions of Terrorism - Anything that is not authorized - Financial Terrorism - Changing Words in New Dictionaries, Natural Understanding - Mystery Schools - Holy Books and Mythologies - Meeting the Deity(s) and Debating - Profound Truths - Easier to Give In to Temptations - Climbing the Higher Route - Chance to be Fully Human or Tyrants Ourselves, Psychopathic Elements in Culture, United Nation Scandals - Oil for Food Scam - Child Prostitution in "Liberated" Countries - Logo of the UN (world grid), Profound Truths meant to Free the Individual (will Enslave the Masses) - Double-edged Truths - Mass Behaviour, Group-think, Plato's Cave, the SKULL - Home of Thought - sitting on 33 Bones of Spinal Column - going to the UPPER ROOM to Think - Truth is Crucified on a place of the SKULL (Golgotha), Masonic use of the Skull - Drinking from - "the water of life" (truth, symbolically), One Life to Lead Yourself - A Working Mind, Heroes are given to those Waking Up - Leading "Patriot" types round in circles - Exposure of Truths - Adaptation to Science - Taking You Back to Same Agenda, Fear of Death - Sales of "Health" products - Inability to handle Consciousness, Helping Others - Busy Times - (Alan) Thanks to those who sent Donations, Isolation - Becoming Comfortable with Yourself, (Song: "If You Could Read My Mind" by Gordon Lightfoot). *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 14, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 13, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Stop This Program, I Want to Get Off! - Better Living through Borgism" © Alan Watt June 13, 2007 New Chemtrails - Polymer - Tranquilizers, International Committees planning the Future - Public Has No Say - Worldwide Fake Democracy, Scientific Research Grants - Warfare Industries - Electronics - Interfacing Human Brains with Computers - Serving the World State - Drugging - Lobotomy - Brain-Chip - Virtual Reality - Genetic Research - Claims to Help Sick and Disabled, Organ Donation Industry, Post-Technological Post-Agricultural Era, Walls and Wars, -- Nov 30, 2006 "Innovation Watch" article "Modifying the Human Body or Enhancing Our Cognitive Abilities" by Gregor Wolbring -- Faceless Borgs - Brain Activity - Advanced Robotics - EEG - "Machine Learning" - "Braingate" - Spinal Cord Injuries - "Future Emerging Technologies" - "Presence" Research - Computer Generated People and Environment, US Air Force - Alternative Control Technology, MRI, Cinema (Theater) Virtual Reality - Scents and Rumbling, Pavlovian Rewards - "Threat Avoidance" - Behaviour Modification - Virtual Worlds, Predictive -- Pratt E-Press (Duke University) Sept 2002 article "DARPA to Support Brain Machine Research" - Prosthetic Limbs - Neuro-Robots - Brain-Machine Interface Technology - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) - Augmenting Human Performance - Sensory Feedback Mechanism - Translating Brain Signals into Control Commands, Future Virtual Workplaces, "Matrix" movies - Humans as "Batteries" - Artificial Wombs, Old Business Plan of the Ages - "People Will Worship the Image They Made with Their Hands" - Imagination-Image - Exterior Programming, Phasing in Wearable (Implanted) Computers, Futurist Societies, -- "Innovation Watch" article "Crime in the Twilight Zone" by Cynthia Mooney and Arnold Brown -- Differentiating Between Real and Virtual Worlds - MIT - Direct-to-Retina Video Games - GPS - Virtual Professors - Expanding Internet into Outer Space - Social Networking Sites - Cyberspace Crimes - Virtual and Real Money - Identity Theft - Software Development and I.T., Cold War Computer Hacking, Computer Monitoring, Jonathan Swift book "Gulliver's Travels" : Commoners are "Yahoos" - Plato: Commoners are "ITS", Tracking Children from Birth onward, Personal Information Theft - Biotech - Genetic Identity - Patents on Crop Seeds - Monsanto Patenting, DNA Collection by Police during Detention or Arrest, Blogs and Vlogs - Online Complaints and Slander, "Devil's Advocate" movie. - "Armies of Lawyers", Copyright Crimes - Cell Phone Scanning and Faxing - Patent Infringement - Patent Office - Stealing Inventions - Einstein, Free Flow of Goods and Labor - Legal and Illegal Immigration - Homogenous and Heterogeneous Nations - "Gangsta" Culture, Bringing in Madness as New Normal, "Expansion" of Criminal Activities - Newly Emerging Crimes, "New World Order coming into View" - Globalized Society - Threat of War - Substitutes for War - "Need" for Military and Police - Terrorist Organization Recruiting - "Risk Management", Data Collection for Sales in Stores - Conditioning, Double-speak and CONS - P.R., Growing Up in a Programmed Reality - Domination by Few at Top, Battle for the Mind - Belief in Media - Telling You All You Must Know - Expectation of Media to do Reasoning - Television Fantasy Programs, Personal Indignation at the Intrusiveness of Big Brother, Socialism promoted to Working People - Perpetual Childhood - World of Experts, -- article: "Teenager moves video icons just by imagination" by Tony Fitzpatrick (Washington University at St. Louis), (Song: "Strawberry Fields" by the Beatles), *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 13, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 8, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Masters of Money, Mayhem and Mass Manipulation in All Ages" © Alan Watt June 8, 2007 Storms, Food Rationing - Credits given to Public - "Utopia", Hierarchies of Dominant Minorities - Building Empires - Money and Debt Collection, Egyptian Priesthoods - Weighing Silver and Gold - Weights and Measures - Standardization by Phoenicians - circa 800 B.C. Coin Introduced - British Pound - Currency Devaluations - Economic Depressions, Overt Slavery, Military Privileges, Monetary System and Standing Armies, Deviant Psychopaths - Magician Tactics - Cursing People - Psychological Warfare - New Age, Lessers (Normals) - Eugenics - Inbreeding to Keep Power and Genetics, Forced Schooling - Universal Formats to Train Your Mind, Good Workers and Producers - Leisure Class of Thinkers - Maintenance of Power for Future Generations - "The Nature of Things", Amalgamation of Tribes into Nations, Pandemic and Disease Breakouts (from Laboratories) - Public Turn to Government for Safety, Space Weaponry from 1960's onward, End of this Era - Bringing In a New Era - New Way - New Deal, More Efficient Population to Serve Elite, Micro-burst Storms - High Winds - Downed Trees, Family Trees of Politicians - CONning the Public - Confiscation of Wealth, FDR - Banks and Deposits - Mortgages and Loans - Government-Ordered Bank Closures - National Bank Holiday - Treasury, (Franklin D. Roosevelt: "Banking Holiday Explained" NBC 1933. followed by clip: Beaver (Leave it to Beaver TV Series): "We've been tooken". Song: "When the Idle Poor Become the Idle Rich" from Finian's Rainbow). *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 8, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 7, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "New Order Schemes to Track Your Dreams (The New I.D. is a Bad IDea)" © Alan Watt June 7, 2007 Heavy Traffic on Alan's Websites, -- parallelnormal.wordpress.com article "RFID Will Protect You, Says Industry Lawyer" by Mark Baard -- RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) - Department of Homeland Security - "Public Safety - Chipping Business - ID Cards - Passports - Live Chips - 911 - British ID Passport - Lawsuits after "Terrorist Attacks" - Public-Private - New Feudal System - Psychopathic Terms - Approved Technology - Remote Tracking Devices to "Protect You" - Wal-Mart (5 Pointed Star Logo) - Walls - Wall Street - Wailing Wall - Wall is Law (Backwards) - Proctor and Gamble - Target - Tagging and Tracking Store Items from Factory Floor to Checkout Counter and Beyond - Data-Mining - "RFID Journal" - a Masonic Must-Be - Safety Act to Protect Large Corporations - Corporate Liability - "Backroom Deals" - Lobbying - Tort Reform - DHS "Certified Seal" - Private Councils of Unelected Members - British System - Public-Private Corporation running Democracy - Privatising Water-Natural Gas Supply - Taxes Finance the building of - One World Corporation - Pyramid Capstone at Top - -- Alan: "If You Don't Know Your History, You are Doomed to Repeat It" -- Movements toward "Democracy" - Holding Power by keeping Pulse of Public - World Elite and Feudal Serfdom - Specialized Priesthoods - Machiavellian Techniques - Guiding a Planned Future - New World Order is always becoming New, Commonwealth Countries - Public Servants - Allegiances Sworn to Royalty - Oaths - Double-think - Terms Used to Rule Public - Tribal Psychology - Expectation of Leaders to Speak to Us, Parallel Government - In Britain - "The Establishment" - Workings of the REAL WORLD, United Nations - World System - League of Nations - World Government - Planned Society - Population Reduction - Global Warming - Psychopaths will Blame Others - Rationalization of Anything, US Short-wave Radio - "Founding Fathers" many were verified Freemasons - Bill Cooper, Taxpayers' Honey-Pot - Lifetime Incomes, Unjust System - Those Who Want to Save the System - Great Depression - Bankers - Tax-men - George Soros' plunder of Bank of England - International Banking - Temporary Prosperity - Buying off Generations with Credit - Feeding Frenzy of Materialism, Legalistic Statements by Media - People Have Been Told - Everyone is Making Decisions, Super-cities of UN - Amalgamation of smaller boroughs - Migration - Rising Fuel Costs - Forcing Public off the Road - Habitat Areas - Agenda 21 - Cloning and Genetic Enhancement, Plato's "Republic" - Breeding Qualities In or Out - Animal Husbandry, Looking at Alternate Ways of Getting Through All This - Why Save an Illusion? - Property Taxes, Inhumane System - Psychopathy vs Decent People, Ignorance vs Stupidity - Ignorance is a Choice - Relationships - Awake Individuals - Conscience - Psychopathic Egocentric Culture - Conscience brings Responsibility, Pointing Out What Is- What Will Be- What Can Be, Not Caring is a Choice, Those through the Ages that could Understand with Clarity - Teaching Others, Age of Aquarius brings in Final Solution for Elite, Trinity of 2 in 1 - Duad - High Occult - 21 Century (2 in 1) - Completion of Part of Plan - Time to Pass On Knowledge is Running Out, Children's Conditioning for Chips and Virtual Reality, Infiltration of Mass Movements, Multi-faceted Structure of Agenda - Many Spokes of a Wheel, Personal Choices on a Daily Basis, Risk of Complete Oblivion of Conscious Mind, Silence is Acquiescence - Empathy for Others Ensures Your Own Survival - Caring About Others, Humanity and Genes are Building Material - Selection of Particular Qualities for Future Humans - Alteration then Chipping would bring Non-Persons, -- Alan: "You are Your Own Champion" - "No One can be a Hero for You, Except Yourself", (Song: "Turn, Turn, Turn" by Judy Collins). *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 7, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 6, 2007 Alan Watt Blurb (i.e. Educational Talk) "Tunnel Vision - Brought to You by Those with Vision" © Alan Watt June 6, 2007 World of the Individual - Pre-made Tunnels - Tunnel Vision and Thinking - Curiosity of Childhood, Psychological Tunnel Syndrome - Leisure Class Philosophers - Ancient Mysteries - Study of Control of People - Scientific Observation, Changing Versions of Reality given by Government - Big Tricks and Cons of Past - "Revelation of the Method", Thinking Outside of the Tunnel, New Definitions of "Family" - State Foster Care, Aristocratic Societies for Elite - Creation of Low-level Masonry - Sifting Process for Who Could Keep Secrets, Mithraism - Roots in India - Similar Stories as Christianity - Military-Enslaved Population - Fraternities - Military Massacres, Freemasonry and Police Officers - Encouragement to Join, "Brotherhood of Man" - Ongoing Revolutions and Standardization - Conflict Creation, Pythagoras - Egyptian Priesthood - Mystery Schools - Vows of Silence - Training of Female Marriage Partners - Bringing in a New Order to Amalgamate Militaries - Intelligentsia to Rule Public - "The Great Work", "Democracy" given in Transitional Times - Parallel Secret Government running Show, Some People are Born knowing Something is Wrong - Rebellion and Self-Destructive Behaviour - Inability to Fit-In - Ongoing Process of Maturity and Wisdom, Stepping Outside of All Conditioning and "Sticky" Thinking - Seeing the World as it Actually IS, Listening for Answers - "Watch-Look-Listen" - Constant Questioners want Justification for Answers they Already Believe - Shopping for Religion, Norman Dodd - Congressional Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations (1954) - Reece Committee - Investigation of Philanthropic Foundations funding Communist Groups - Ford-Carnegie-Rockefeller Foundations - Orders taken from White House, Carroll Quigley - Competition Allowed at lower levels of Politics - Top Leaders vetted by a Higher Organization, Democratic "Appeal", Good Shepherds to Guide Sheep, Merger of Soviet System with West - Conflict brings Compromise toward Next Step, Understanding of Nature - Opposites - Dialectic - Supra-Government In Charge - One Dominant Minority, Legalistic Double-Speak - Double Meanings of Words, Slants-Omissions-Insertions of Written History - Schooling, Promises and Lies - Telling Public what they Want to Hear - Deception of the "Great Unwashed Masses" - Mass Psychology, Ethnic Group Immigration - Planned Conflict through Mass Migrations, Authorized Authors - Scholarships - War as Main Motivating Force for Change, Global Warming Theory - Organ Donation "Raffle" Game-show - Debasement and Flaunting of Misery - Circuses of Ancient Rome - Deviancy, Government Authorized Casinos - Promise to Pay off National Debt - Mafia - Charity Organizations - Helping "Widows and Orphans", Allegory of Osiris, Patriot Business - Selling Fear - Gold and Silver - Cures - Alternate Health Industry - Creating Hypochondria - Expensive Solutions and Antidotes, Work on Oneself - Analyzing - Real Experiences, New Age Deactivation - Craving for Supernatural and Power, Religion and Science, Facing the Facts, Asking the Right Questions, Forgiving Oneself, Empathy for Others - Survival Instincts, (Song: "There But For Fortune" by Phil Ochs (Live at Vancouver 1968) ). *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 6, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD [Click Here for Jan.- May 2007] | |
Jan. - May 2007 | 2006 |