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"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurbs, i.e. Educational Talks) check out the following: *ALL Blurbs and Special Shows are Copyrighted Alan Watt |
Jan. - May 2007 | 2006 | |
Dec. 27, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "A Coat of Green Hides Banksters' Dream - Part 2" © Alan Watt Dec. 27, 2015 Agenda for Total Control - U.N. REDD+ - Financial Value for Carbon Stored in Forests - Carbon Credits - World Bank - Semantics, Playing with Words - Sustainable Development Mechanism - The King has No Clothes - Carbon Pricing - Costs of Electric Cars - Al Gore and David Blood - Blood and Gore - Generation Investment - Blood and Gore Funding Green Business - The Climate Reality Project - Armies of NGOs - Natural Resources Defense Council - Population Reduction - Swedish Foundation Mistra - An Inconvenient Truth - Jeffrey Skoll - People want Entertainment - Let Media Reason For You - Investment Companies Manage "Climate Risk" - Run by Con-Men - Eugenics Movement - Truth - Real Motives of Government - Tyranny Through Sustainability. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 27, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: About REDD+ The Carbon Markets Financial Game: How “Emissions Trading” at Paris Climate Talks Has Set Us Up For Failure POST-GORE AND THE COMING CARBON CLIMBDOWN Pricing Carbon Carbon Pricing Supporters List Blood And Gore: Making A Killing On Anti-Carbon Investment Hype Al Gore Generation Investment Management The Climate Reality Project World Resources Institute About Mistra - Mistra Climate activist Jeff Skoll places long-term bet Jeffrey Skoll Skoll Foundation Climate Change: Companies Urged To Disclose More Risks After Landmark Paris Deal Michael Bloomberg Dec. 25, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Merry Christmas, 2015" © Alan Watt Dec. 25, 2015 Merry Christmas - No Surprises - Massive Winds in Ontario - Chemtrails - Geoengineering - HAARP - Taxed for Expensive Energy - Managing to Get Through Another Year - Materialism Supplanted Meaning of Christmas - Time for Families - Goodwill - Relax and Unwind - Listen to Christmas Compositions at www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 25, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb & Alan Watt Compositions: "Wistfully Yours" & "Still Here," Written, Published, Copyrighted Dec. 25, 2010 Alan Watt. *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition "Wistfully Yours" *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition "Still Here" & Alan Watt Composition: "Contemplación," Written, Published, Copyrighted Dec. 25, 2009 Alan Watt. *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition & Alan Watt Composition: "Hombre," Written, Published, Copyrighted Dec. 25, 2008 Alan Watt. *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition Dec. 20, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "A Coat of Green Hides Banksters' Dream" © Alan Watt Dec. 20, 2015 Money Runs Cons - Brainwashed Public - Taxed for Existing - Trap of Emotions - Service Economy - Sustainable Development - Progress - Carbon Trading Scams - Show of Politics - Real Archives of Real History - Preponderance of Evidence - Omnibus Spending Bill - Green Climate Fund - Ancient Priesthoods - Window Tax - Milner Group - United Nations is a Private Body - Outcomes from COP21 - Carbon Sinks - Forest Degradation - REDD+ - World Bank - Green Businesses to Save Planet - Ego is an Awful Thing - Psychopaths - Pensioners Freezing in Their Homes - Concentrate and Learn. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 20, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Funds for Obama climate deal survive in spending bill A Vote for Green Climate Fund in Speaker Ryan's Omnibus Spending Bill Is a Vote for Paris Agreement Green Climate Fund Outcomes from COP21: Forests as a Key Climate and Development Solution About REDD+ Dec. 13, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "No Say in the Decision of Reality in Transition - Part 3" © Alan Watt Dec. 13, 2015 Communist Front Groups - Inner and Outer Parties - Drastic Population Reduction - RIIA, CFR, Quigley - Self-Appointed Guardians of the Universe - Intergenerational Revolutionaries - Environmentalism Cover for Depopulation - Maurice Strong Groomed by David Rockefeller - Strong Privatized Ontario Hydro - Club of Rome - Limits to Growth, 1972 - Albert Pike on Preparing Revolutions - Documentary, Survival of Spaceship Earth - Barbara Ward - Sverker Åström - Stockholm Summit, 1972 - Entertainment to Prepare the Mind - Buckminster Fuller, Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth, 1968 - Soylent Green - No Blade of Grass, 1970 - Logan's Run, 1976 - ZPG, 1972 - COP21, Ban Ki-moon - China and India at COP21 - Redistributing Wealth - Role of Pope Francis "Transformative" - Episcopal COP21 Delegation - Goals of Totalitarians have Never Changed - Biggest Enemy to this System is the Individual. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 13, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Maurice Strong, father of the globalist eco-control movement, dies Club of Rome Survival of Spaceship Earth (1972) Barbara Ward Only One Earth: Stockholm and the Beginning of Modern Environmental Diplomacy Sverker Åström COP21: Ban announces 'Climate Action 2016' partnership to maintain momentum after UN climate conference COP 21 extra innings: China and India waiting for Obama to fold CIGI - The End of the Beginning - Paris COP 2015 Two Cheers for the Paris Agreement on Climate Change Role of Pope Francis 'transformative' at Paris COP21 climate summit Episcopal COP21 delegation adds church's voice to climate talks Climate Justice As A Matter Of Faith Draft Paris Outcome Dec. 6, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "No Say in the Decision of Reality in Transition - Part 2" © Alan Watt Dec. 6, 2015 COP21 - Agenda Institutionalized - Virtue Signaling - CFACT's Inconvenient Facts - Agenda Written in Stone - Rundown of COP21 Events - Green Climate Fund - Global Village of Alternatives - Alternatiba - Church Pilgrimages for Climate Justice - Prayers for Paris Petition - Cities and Mayors, Climate Action - Michael Bloomberg's Group, C40 - Municipal Resources - Federation of Canadian Municipalities - Agenda 21 - Resources for Climate Change Adaptation - Department of Defense, Weather a Threat Multiplier, Cause of Terrorism - The Rural Climate Network - Soviet System - ICLEI - Sustainability for Local Areas - Sustainable Future, Depopulation - Non-Profit Corporations - Partners for Climate Protection (PCP, ICLEI) - Communist Party Front Groups - Drastic Changes Coming Your Way. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 6, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: CFACT presents four inconvenient facts about global warming at COP21 display Skeptical Climate Documentary Set to Rock Climate Debate The complete run-down for this year's historic COP21 conference The Global Village of climate-friendly Alternatives Alternatiba Charter - Alternatiba Climate-justice pilgrims begin 200-mile journey from London to Paris Pray and Act: Call for Climate Justice at COP21 From Copenhagen to Paris, cities and mayors are leading the way on climate action About Us - Rural Climate Network Climate Summit for Local Leaders Gives Cities a Strong Platform at COP21 Caritas Who is ICLEI - ICLEI Global Federation of Canadian Municipalities FCM joins official Canadian delegation to COP21 climate conference in Paris FCM - Green Municipal Fund FCM - Partners for Climate Protection DOD 2014 - Climate Change - Adaptation Roadmap A Study of Climatological Research as it Pertains to Intelligence Problems Partners for Climate Protection - Municipal Resources for Adapting - to Climate Change Nov. 29, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "No Say in the Decision of Reality in Transition" © Alan Watt Nov. 29, 2015 Trans-Pacific Partnership - COP21 Agenda - Sustainability - Transition - George Orwell - Gradual Implementation - War Strategy - Institutionalized Language - Michael Froman - Sherpas - Trilateral Commission - Security and Energy, International Economy - Department of Defense Climate Change Report - Terrorism and Climate Change - External Threat to Give Up Rights - 1974 CIA Global Cooling Report - Socialism, Fascism - Submerge Individualism to Collective - Perfectly Indoctrinated - Achieving Sanity. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 29, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Froman back on TPP tour after China talks Trilateral Commission Program on Energy Security and Climate Change The Trilateral - Program of the 2015 Annual Meeting Energy Security and Climate Change Don’t drive, you encourage terrorists Why Climate Change and Terrorism Are Connected DOD 2014 - Climate Change - Adaptation Roadmap Flashback 1974: CIA Warned GLOBAL COOLING Would Cause Terrorism A Study of Climatological Research as it Pertains to Intelligence Problems Nov. 22, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Globalist Sherpas Work in the Mist, Each Mover and Shaker a Trilateralist" © Alan Watt Nov. 22, 2015 Paris Slaughter - World Terrorism - Mass Immigration - Trading Blocs - Trilateral Commission - Secret Free Trade Deals - Sherpas Work Years in Advance - G20, ASEAN, COP21 - Council on Foreign Relations - Global Governance System - United Nations - Apec Economies and Trade Agreements - Michael Froman - Trans Pacific Partnership - Interdependence - Froman on Britain and EU - TPP - Froman Worked for European Commission - Background of Sherpa Michael Froman - Intelligence Gathering - Look at the Evidence. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 22, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Follow through on trade deals, Apec chiefs urged Trade Negotiator Michael Froman Insists TPP Will Work US warns Britain: If you leave EU you face barriers to trading with America New Zealand welcomes U.S. "countdown" to signing TPP trade deal The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) A Trade Deal of Denial: Omissions and Sins EXCLUSIVE: Obama Trade Rep Michael Froman Worked For European Commission, Farage Reveals Live On Breitbart Radio Michael Froman Nov. 15, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Poem Copyright Alan Watt Nov. 15, 2015: Lifting the Sheepskin of the Philanthrope Exposes Usual Cunning Lycanthrope - Part 2: "His Saintly Plans so Altruistic Disarm All Enquiry by the Critic By This Cover He can Easily Fool Naive Disciples which He Does Rule Enchanted Slaves Falling Under Spell Forget Best Intentions Lead to Hell Cleverly Programmed, Logic Receding Masses Conquered, Reason Fleeing Worshipping Beings Most Altruistic Which Glare so Coldly and Sadistic Despising Defeated Followers of Rules Conquerors don't Suffer Willing Fools Declaring Victory, No Going Back Sheepskins Shed to Expose the Pack Of Crisis Creators, Using Disasters The Indoctrinators, Hidden Masters, To Utopic Hades Our Intellect Went Leaving Beasts of Burden by Choice and Consent" © Alan Watt Nov. 15, 2015 Philanthropy - Corporations - Oxford Movement - Trading Blocs - Standardized Economies - Tax-Free Foundations - Philanthropy's Effect on Democracy - The Urge to Rule - Dodd Report - Reece Committee - CIA - History and Background of Foundations - Hungary's Prime Minister Criticizes Soros - Pro-Migration Activists - Open Society Foundations - George Soros - Jacques Attali - The Sham of Voting - Gilbert & Sullivan - Song About a Philanthropist - Basic Detective Work - One Very Old, Organized Agenda. *Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 15, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Bargain for billionaires: Why philanthropy is more about P.R. than progress Is Philanthropy Bad for Democracy? Plutocrats at Work: How Big Philanthropy Undermines Democracy The Importance of Criticizing Philanthropy United States House Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations The Dodd Report to the Reece Committee on Foundations (1954) Viktor Orbán Slams George Soros AGAIN: Well-Funded Activists Are Causing the Migrant Crisis Open Society Foundations Rockefeller Brothers Fund Ford Foundation Carnegie Corporation of New York John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation If You Give Me Your Attention Nov. 8, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Lifting the Sheepskin of the Philanthrope Exposes Usual Cunning Lycanthrope" © Alan Watt Nov. 8, 2015 Cultural Revolutions - Philanthropists - Wealthy Magnates - One Agenda - Standardized Indoctrination - United Nations - Total War on Public - Shaming - Foundations - Intergenerational Implementation of Plans - Coordinating Body at Top - Rural Roads in U.S. - Agenda 21 - Politics - Mayors - Role of Cities - Local Governments Address Climate Change - ICLEI - Parliament of Mayors - Super Cities - War Strategy - Ridiculing Those Who are Aware of Agenda - Bloomberg Philanthropies - George Soros - Bill Gates - Warren Buffett - Michael Bloomberg. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 8, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: To save money, states give up on repairing some rural roads 6 Organizations that Bring Mayors Together C40 Covenant of Mayors World Mayors Council on Climate Change/ United States Conference of Mayors (UCSM) United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) Sadler's stand on Agenda 21 troubling Bloomberg Philanthropies Launches $42 Million “What Works Cities” Initiative Bloomberg Philanthropies Government Innovation - Bloomberg Philanthropies Mayors Challenge - Bloomberg Philanthropies George Soros Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Michael Bloomberg Nov. 1, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Totalitarianism is the Opiate of the Intelligentsia - Part 2" © Alan Watt Nov. 1, 2015 Intelligentsia as Advisors - Academia - Ruthless Scientific Tyranny - Economic Control - Huxley and Orwell - Free Trade, Mass Immigration - Lust for Power - Behaviourism - Hypnotism - Packaging Justin Trudeau - Trojan Horses - China - Maurice Strong - Takeover of Wealth of Nations - Milner Group, RIIA, CFR, Trilateral Commission - Trudeau's Economic Advisors - Trudeau and Climate Change - Gerald Butts, Former CEO and President of World Wildlife Fund - Bronfmans and Prohibition - Restriction of Movement - Marketing of Politicians - Most Revolutions Cultural - Virtue Signaling - Executions in Communist Countries - One Agenda with Global Masters - The Ultimate Revolution - Willful Ignorance - Multiculturalism. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 1, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Huxley to Orwell: My Hellish Vision of the Future is Better Than Yours (1949) Peter Foster: Justin Trudeau and China Derangement Syndrome ‘Two innocents in Red China’ Canada-China relations Harold Laski Pierre Trudeau Maurice Strong Why Justin Trudeau’s Election Is Good News for the Fight Against Climate Change The inner circle: Inside Trudeau’s economic advisory team Gerald Butts Justin Trudeau's inner circle a reflection of the leader Justin Trudeau's fight for the top Oct. 25, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Totalitarianism is the Opiate of the Intelligentsia" © Alan Watt Oct. 25, 2015 Everything About Us has Been Studied - Consolidation of Media - Standardized Opinion - Peter Wright, Spycatcher - Vetting Civil Servants - Star-Making Machinery - Political Dynasties - United Nations Treaties - Folk Learn by Osmosis - Orwell, The Last Man - Huxley's Brave New World - Dictatorship of Proletariat - We are the Proles - Nationalize then Privatize Services - Signing of Climate Treaty - Justin Trudeau and Climate Change - Carbon Pricing Scheme - Orwell on Totalitarianism, Intelligentsia - Letter from Aldous Huxley to George Orwell - The Scientific Class - Brainwashing - Justin Trudeau's Admiration of China's Dictatorship - Club of Rome, Limits to Growth - Only One Agenda - Elite Club at Top. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 25, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Huxley to Orwell: My Hellish Vision of the Future is Better Than Yours (1949) Why Justin Trudeau’s Election Is Good News for the Fight Against Climate Change Peter Foster: Justin Trudeau and China Derangement Syndrome Oct. 18, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Never in the History of Human Conflict Have So Many Lies Been Sold to So Many by So Few" © Alan Watt Oct. 18, 2015 Hard to Get Truth - Left and Right Wings - Canadian Elections - Continuation of Agenda through Administrations - John Pilger - Fascism - Libya - Military/Industrial Complex - Yugoslavia - NATO - Privatization - Brzezinski - Afghanistan - Impulsiveness of U.S. Power - Paul Craig Roberts, Shift in Power Balance - Patrick J. Buchanan, Reaction to Russia - Putin - Nonsense of "Moderate" Terrorists - War, Corporate Looting - West Condemns Russia - Neoconservative Agenda - PNAC - Corporations Taking Over All Resources. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 18, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Why the rise of fascism is again the issue The Impulsiveness of US Power — Paul Craig Roberts Brzezinski: Obama Should Retaliate If Russia Doesn't Stop Attacking U.S. Assets A Decisive Shift In The Power Balance Has Occurred — Paul Craig Roberts War Party Targets Putin and Assad Putin dots all i's about operation in Syria Obama Extends Unending US War in Afghanistan Why US fears Putin success in Syria Oct. 11, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Hold That Thought, It's For the Best, Honest Inquiry May Bring Arrest" © Alan Watt Oct. 11, 2015 Incredible Indoctrination - Totally Controlled Society - What Journalists Can Say - Mass Immigration in Europe - Horrors of World War I - Early Logic of Global Government - Strategies for Domination - Revolutionary Democracy - Economic Warfare - Sunstein's Default Position - Many Factions at Play - Free Trade Deals - PNAC - True Freedom of Thought - Assad, Syria - Putin on Information Warfare of West - Free Thinkers Stamped Out - Eugenics Movement - Charles Galton Darwin - Effects of Mass Immigration - Xenophobic Views in Germany - Merkel and Zuckerberg, Facebook - The Soviet Story - Movie, The Lives of Others - German Government Hires Ex-Stasi Agent to Patrol Facebook - Anetta Kahane - Amaedu Antonio Foundation - Self-Policing Thoughts. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 11, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Assad gives backing to Russian airstrikes on Syrian militant groups Putin Attacks US ‘Information Warfare': Civilian Bombing Reports Emerged BEFORE Strikes Began Why Canada should celebrate the Trans-Pacific Partnership Historic Pacific trade deal faces skeptics in U.S. Congress Britain faces £90 MILLION asylum seeker bill from EU – even though we opted out of quotas Posting xenophobic views online in Germany could cost you your job & child - report German Govt Hires Ex-Stasi Agent To Patrol Facebook For ‘Xenophobic’ Comments About Us - Amadeu Antonio Stiftung Oct. 4, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "The Weapon of Encounter Groups on Those Religious Cause Ideals to Fall as Leaves Deciduous" © Alan Watt Oct. 4, 2015 Words Important - Linguistic Minimalism - Orwell and Communism - Politics - Indoctrination - Science of Manipulation - Bernays - Sell the Dream - Yuri Bezmenov - Soviets Produce Decadent West - Red to Green Flag - Green Party - Bernays on Using Leaders, Heads of Organizations to Sell - Blavatsky, Use All Religions - Mikhail Gorbachev, The Search for a New Beginning - Religious Terminology for Ecology - Soviet, Rule by Councils - Gorbachev's 1988 Address to United Nations - World Council of Churches - Rockefeller Foundation - Baptists and Climate Change - Inter Pares - Africa-Canada Relations - Canadian Religious Conference - Climate Pilgrimage - Carl Rogers and the IHM Nuns, 1960s - Encounter Groups - Education Innovation Project - Convent Rules Suspended - Used for Causes. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 4, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: World Council of Churches Baptists and Climate Change A Southern Baptist Declaration on the Environment and Climate Change Africa-Canada relations: From charity and aid to solidarity and transformation About Us - Inter Pares CRC’s JPIC Atlantic Network Fall Gathering Fast for the Climate Take part in a climate pilgrimage The Statement - Climate, Faith and Hope: Faith traditions together for a common future Carl Rogers and the IHM Nuns: Sensitivity Training, Psychological Warfare and the "Catholic Problem" Sept. 27, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "No Forthright Speech Nor Satirical Quips, Political Correctness Stuck Red Tape O'er My Lips" © Alan Watt Sept. 27, 2015 Handouts from the Media - International Socialist Agenda - Club of Rome - Global Warming - World Meetings - United Nations - Sustainable Development Goals - Pope's Encyclical Laudato Si - Jeffrey Sachs - Pope's Speech to Congress - African Bishops on SDGs - Fast Population Reduction - Infertility - Jeffrey Sachs on Nigerian Family Size - SDGs Anti-Life Agenda - Mikhail Gorbachev - Children Indoctrinated to a Form of Earth Worship - U.N. Earth Charter - UNESCO - Earth Charter's Use of "Spiritual" - Interfaith Movements - Earth Charter Carried in "Ark of Hope" to U.N., Housed at Interfaith Center - Universal Healthcare - Bioethics - Eugenics - Responsible Reproduction - European Commission State of the Union Speech - Jean-Claude Juncker - Protect Leaders from Public Scrutiny - Lies and Secrets - Handpicked Liars - Credit System, Carbon Trading - Problems of Mass Immigration - Rotherham Child Sexual Exploitation - Political Correctness - Taught You Can't Speak About Certain Topics - www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com to Donate and Purchase Books - Stick to the Important Agendas - Look at Writings They Put Out Themselves on Plans - Do Your Own Research. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 27, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Transcript: Read the Speech Pope Francis Gave to Congress African bishops beware: Here comes ‘sustainable development’ A Gospel According to Gorbachev: United Nations Plans to Teach Nature Worship in American Schools European Commission - State of the Union 2015: Time for Honesty, Unity and Solidarity Jean-Claude Juncker profile: 'When it becomes serious, you have to lie' The unspeakable truth about Rotherham Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal The African Faith Leaders Position Paper Beyond Post-2015 Development Agenda Earth Charter Sept. 20, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Technocracy et al, Is Meant to Be Our Saviour By Destroying Liberty" © Alan Watt Sept. 20, 2015 Shock Aimed at Public - Century of Change - Humanistic Scientists - Perfectibility of the Citizen - C. G. Darwin, Those at Top Would Remain Wild - Technocratic System - Intergenerational Change - World Monetary System - Pavlovian Conditioning - H.G. Wells, Shape of Things to Come - Trilateral Commission - Crisis to Speed Up Changes - Central Banks - Service Economies - China - All Competition Must Be Destroyed - Global Water Grab - Water Governance - Agenda 21 - Water ATMs - Elite to Control All Resources - Refugees in Europe - Handbooks for Migrants - W2EU, Welcome to Europe - Even Fallout Planned - NGOs Set Up - Bring in Whole New System - Scientists and Experts to Run Your Life - Incredible Planning - Top Corporations Belong to One Big Club. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 20, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Doomsday clock for global market crash strikes one minute to midnight as central banks lose control China Fixed-Asset Investment Tumbles to Lowest Since 2000 The Global Water Grab: Meet the “New Water Barons” The New “Water Barons”: Wall Street Mega-Banks are Buying up the World’s Water Europe should expect 'millions and millions' more refugees from Syria as war has created a 'living hell', warns UN director as half the country has been uprooted Sky Finds 'Handbook' For EU-Bound Migrants Index - w2eu.info - Welcome to Europe Sept. 13, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Open Wide Your Wallets If You Please, To Pay for a Dose of the SDGs" © Alan Watt Sept. 13, 2015 News is Propaganda - Learn by Osmosis - Expertly-Run Utopia - Change - Austerity Blitz - Obamacare - Sustainable Development Goals - Elite a Different Species - Communicating the SDGs to Public - United Nations Goals - Non-Governmental Organizations - Goal-Setting is Standardized UN Process - Pope's Encyclical versus SDGs - Population Reduction - Pope to Visit Congress - Civil Society's Role in Implementing SDGs - Corruption - Politicians Really Care About Ending Poverty - Pope Francis Invites Hollywood Media Players to Vatican - Easily Managed by PR - Future is Always Planned. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 13, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: FACTBOX-What are the Sustainable Development Goals and why do they matter? How to communicate the sustainable development goals to the public The Humanitarian Community Is About to Announce a Sustainable Development Agenda The pope v the UN: who will save the world first? The Pope’s Impeccable Timing (I.E. The Real Agenda Behind His Address to Congress) Pope to address Congress Civil society must be ‘equal partners’ in implementing UN sustainability agenda, Ban tells parliamentarians Your letters: House speaker’s unethical move Fourth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament - Declaration Fourth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament - List of Participants Pope Francis Invites Oprah, Ari Emanuel to the Vatican Sept. 6, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Sustainability's Costly So Love One Another, But Especially Love and Obey Big Brother" © Alan Watt Sept. 6, 2015 Emotion - Curiosity - Greenpeace - Century of Change - Driven into Austerity - Control of News - Spectacles of High Emotion - Friends of the Earth - Manipulation of Marketing - Reality Shows - United Nations - George Orwell's 1984 - Spying on Everyone - Science - Celebrities - Don't Fall for PR Blitzes - Evil Never Sleeps - U.N. Meeting of Parliamentarians - Inter-Parliamentary Union - U.N. Sustainable Development Summit 25-27 September - 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - Paul McCartney, Meatless Monday - Global Goals to End Poverty, Inequality, Fight Climate Change - Richard Curtis (Emma Freud, Edward Bernays) - Celebrity Concert to Promote Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - Your Taxes Pay for It All - Quotes from Heads of NGOs on Climate Change, Overpopulation - Post-2015 Development Agenda. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 6, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: At UN, official stresses role of parliaments in success of sustainable development agenda Paul McCartney Wants You To Take The Meat Free Monday Pledge Celebrities, artists launch campaign backing U.N. development goals Global Goals campaign announced with UNDP as key partner TRANSFORMING OUR WORLD: THE 2030 AGENDA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Inter-Parliamentary Union Music with a message: Paul McCartney, Jon Bon Jovi, Fergie, and other stars unite for charity tune Love Song to the Earth to support UN Climate Change Conference Post-2015 Development Agenda UN star-studded media blitz to promote new development goals Richard Curtis Backing UN ‘Agenda 2030,’ parliamentary leaders pledge to place democracy at service of sustainable development World's top legislators meet at UN headquarters, focusing on 17 Sustainable Development Goals Scary Quotes from Alarmists explain the "Plan." Celebrating the True Spirit of Earth Day: Sayings by famous Earth Day “Celebrities” Aug. 30, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Government Spying on Public is All A-Go, What Government is Up To, Public Can't Know" © Alan Watt Aug. 30, 2015 Winter Preparations - Chemspray - Limits on Speech in Canada - Trivia for News - Indoctrination - Thought Crime - Fictional History from Hollywood - Idiocracy - Gustavas Myers - History of the Great American Fortunes - Corruption - Clintons and Scandals - Profits of War - Libya's Looted Money - People Worship Wealth - Justice - Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership - Vague Idea of Europe - Transparency and Leaks - Mercosur - Free Trade Treaties - Trading Blocs - Crimes Committed for Fame. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 30, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Cash for clunkers Chelsea Clinton's Husband Suffers Massive Hedge Fund Loss On Greek Investment “This is the wealth of the Libyan people and it has to come home” Found in SA … Libya’s trillions Libya scrambles to find Gadhafi's missing billions EPA withholds mine spill documents from Congress TTIP deal: Business lobbyists dominate talks at expense of trade unions and NGOs TTIP controversy: The European Commission and Big Tobacco accused of cover-up after heavily redacted documents released TTIP controversy: Secret trade deal can only be read in secure 'reading room' in Brussels Mercosur Brazil's agriculture minister optimistic about a Mercosur/EU trade accord by end of the year The strength of Mercosur/Mercosul Aug. 23, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Canadian Protestors Now Live in Dread For What Conversationally They May Have Said" © Alan Watt Aug. 23, 2015 Technocracy - Ruled by Experts - Global Society Run by Corporations - News - Libraries without Books - Orwell's Memory Hole - Argue about Emotive Topics - Lawrence of Arabia - Alternative Media and Counter-Intelligence - The Patriot Circus - Dangers of Criticizing Government - What is Conspiracy Theory? What is Truth? - Afghanistan - War Propaganda - Demonizing the Enemy - Oil Reserves in Muslim Lands - Truth is a Crime Against the State - Military/Security Complex - Opposing War Becomes Criminal Act - Important Treaties Kept Secret - Media Arm of European Union - How Does Canada's Zero Tolerance Manifest? - Boycotts as Political Terror - Scare-Tactics to Silence Critics of Policy - Afraid to Speak. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 23, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: What is a Conspiracy Theory? What is the Truth? Truth is a Crime Against The State Ottawa cites hate crime laws when asked about its 'zero tolerance' for Israel boycotters Aug. 16, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Teachers with Techniques Tactical, Ensuring Next Generation Radical" © Alan Watt Aug. 16, 2015 Divide and Conquer to Rule More Easily - cuttingthroughthematrix.com for Ordering Information and Free Audios - Your Place is to Accept What You're Told - Secret Plans - Laudato Si, Pope's Encyclical - Earth Charter - Maurice Strong, Gorbachev - Ivar Giaever Media and Academic Indoctrination of Public - Radicalizing Students - Dictatorship Disguised as Democracy - John Carpenter's Film, They Live - The Economic Elite - Blatant Corruption of U.S. Politicians - News in Digital Age - Inform - Activism - Mary Flanagan - Embedding Ideas in Games - Pope's World Day of Prayer for Creation - U.N. Green Climate Fund - Radicalization of Teacher Education Programs - Change Agents/Intellectual Prostitutes - Radicalize Early Childhood Education - Minutely Categorized - The Illusion of Choice - Internet Content Managed - Intelligence/Counter-Intelligence - Magical Thinking - Critical Thinking for Pure Survival - Keep the Mind's Firewall Up - Nothing By Chance in Entertainment - Reclaim Your Brain. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 16, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics are a continuation of last week's talk: A musical tribute to Laudato Si Global Warming - Ivar Giaever Ivar Giaever God help us! Pope declares September 1st to be annual global warming prayer day $10.2 billion UN climate fund set to back first project in 2016 They Live, We Sleep: A Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy News as collaborative intelligence: Correcting the myths about news in the digital age Nudging News Producers and Consumers Toward More Thoughtful, Less Polarized Discourse Out for Change - Towards Transformative Media Organizing New Media and Social Change Podcast and liveblog: Mary Flanagan, "The Unanticipated Processes And Consequences Underlying Games" A Crisis of Competence - The Corrupting Effect of Political Activism in the University of California Summary - Radicalization of Teacher Education Programs in the United States Radicalization of Teacher Education Programs in the United States - 9 essays Aug. 9, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "What Technique Brought Me to Have That Thought?" © Alan Watt Aug. 9, 2015 Preparation and Planning - Bloodless Revolutions - Entertainment Contains Nudges - Politicians Play Roles - Standardized Education - United Nations - Power, Control, Psychopathy - Neuroscience - Academia - Indoctrinate and Radicalize Students - Richard Thaler - Behavioural Economists - Cass Sunstein - Nudge - Default Position - Nudging News Producers and Consumers - Digital Activism - MIT - Transformation of News. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 9, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: From Obama to Cameron, why do so many politicians want a piece of Richard Thaler? There's a backlash against nudging – but it was never meant to solve every problem Summary - Nudging News Producers and Consumers Toward More Thoughtful, Less Polarized Discourse PDF - Nudging News Producers and Consumers Toward More Thoughtful, Less Polarized Discourse Global Digital Activism - Introduction The Bad News About the News Aug. 2, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Plan is Factual, Implemented Consistently, Described by Wells as The Open Conspiracy" © Alan Watt Aug. 2, 2015 Herd Immunity - Simplistic Propaganda - Standardized Education - UNESCO - Milner Group, RIIA, League of Nations, United Nations - World Bank, BIS, IMF - Amalgamating Nations into Trading Blocs - Standardized Media - International Stories Supercede National - Secret TPP Talks - Corporations, Lobby Groups - Australia and TPP - Canada's CIGI, International Copyright - Global Commission on Internet Governance - Chatham House - Euromania Documentary - Jean Monnet and European Union - Supranational Foundation for Europe - Conspiracies - Men of Vision - Training Society into Default Position - Total War - Complete Domination of the Mind. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 2, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Secret TPP Talks Continue at a Luxury Hotel in Hawaii as the Deal Grows More Controversial Australia walks away from Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal talks Cables Show Hillary Clinton's State Department Deeply Involved in Trans-Pacific Partnership What Is Canada’s International Copyright Policy? Global Cyberspace Is Safer than You Think: Real Trends in Cybercrime The Emergence of Contention in Global Internet Governance Peter Vlemmix - EUROMANIA Uncovering The EU - Full Documentary What Jean Monnet Wrought History of the European Union July 26, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "We're Taught to Crave the Pot of Honey, But Never to Afford Due to Funny-Money" © Alan Watt July 26, 2015 Money System - Money Introduced as Substitute for Goods - Bartering - Arrested Development - Banking Scams - People Want Happy Endings - Psychopaths - Psychopathic Culture - IMF, BIS - Devalued Currency - European Union - Greece - China and IMF - BIS Warning for Next Crisis - Canadian Dollar Declining - Monroe Doctrine - Private Club Set Up Private Banking System - U.N. Human Rights Committee on Canada, Bill C-51 - Greed - American Catholic Schools Embrace Pope's Climate Encyclical - Catholics in Philippines - Criticism of Encyclical - The Pope and Naomi Klein on Evils of Capitalism - House Passes Anti-GMO Labeling Law - We're Getting Poisoned - Public Relations. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 26, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: IMF Said to Urge China to Exit Measures to Prop Up Stocks The world is defenceless against the next financial crisis, warns BIS Canadian dollar drops to lowest level since 2004 Bill C-51 not in keeping with Canada’s international obligations: UN Journalist group and civil liberties association start constitutional challenge to anti-terrorism Bill C-51 American Catholic Schools Embrace Pope’s Climate Change Encyclical Catholics In Philippines Make Climate Change A Priority After Pope Francis Encyclical Naive and out of touch? Leading evangelical bishop slates Pope's climate change encyclical The Pope channels Naomi Klein House passes anti-GMO labeling law July 19, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "What Kind of Mind Could Conceive A Reality for All that's Make-Believe?" © Alan Watt July 19, 2015 News is Trivia and Emotive Topics - Idea of Democracy - Technocracy - Theories Accepted as Facts - Bolsheviks - New Normals - Movies: Land of the Blind, Bananas - Totalitarianism - Capitalism - Psychopaths in Politics - Fantasy of Climate Change - Conspiracy Clubs - Think for Yourself - Advertising, P.R., Propaganda - Pierre Trudeau - Tyranny - Soviet System - Madness Taught as Normal - Met Office Reporting on Temperatures - Heavy Snow in Australia - Papal Encyclical on Climate Change - Political Make-Believe - European Union - Eliminating National Egoism - Greeks Wanted Out of EU - Banking Conology. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 19, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Met Office caught out over its 'hottest July day ever’ claim Mystery grows over Met Office’s 'hottest day’ Social media flooded with photos as freezing temperatures bring widespread snow The Pope joins the EU in a sad world of make-believe The EU’s bid to crush 'national egoism’ is tearing it apart July 12, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "He Who Believes the Shadows in Plato's Cave, Turns His Back on Freedom, Remains a Slave" © Alan Watt July 12, 2015 Control of the Weather - Real News is Kept Secret - You are Farmed - Smart Engineering, Built-in Flaws - A Price is an Idea - New Climate Treaty - Energy Taxes - Agenda 21 - Beasts of Burden - George Carlin, It's a Big Club and You Ain't In It - United Nations - Canadian Activists Take Anti-Terror Bill and Human Rights Issues to U.N. - Cons of Money - Junk Bonds, Canada - Self-Destruction of Conquered Peoples - Wildfires in Western Canada - Foreigners Buying Up Vancouver Property - Bringing Firefighters from Australia, New Zealand and Mexico to Canada - Contract Firefighters in Canada Not Used - Public Relations, Propaganda, Deceit - Advertising on Behalf of Masters of the World - Control - Bill Gates, Sterilization Microchip - Run World Through Philanthropy - Eugenics. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 12, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: George Carlin - It's a big club and you ain't in it Canadian activists turn to UN with challenge to controversial anti-terror bill Junk Bonds Signaling Trouble Ahead for Canada? Ottawa poised to defend rights record on aboriginals, terrorism at UN committee Saskatchewan First Nation sets up 'Rez Cross' wildfire evacuation centre Saskatchewan wildfires could burn until fall B.C.'s forest fire service has failed the province How skyrocketing Vancouver home prices are fuelling anger towards foreign buyers Australian, New Zealand crews join efforts to battle Canadian forest fires Some firefighters upset over Mexican crews joining Alberta wildfire battle Bill Gates' Temporary Sterilization Microchip In Beta Female Testing By End of Year July 5, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "The Future Ain't What it Used to Be With This Sophisticated Form of Slavery" © Alan Watt July 5, 2015 Street-Smarts - C.G. Darwin - Wild Men, Those Who've Retained Instincts - Slavery has Always Existed in One Form or Another - Top Corporations Run this System - Paid Army of NGOs - Secrecy - Efficiency - Your Function is to Produce - Positive Thinking - Well-Being, Happiness Factor - Alternative Media, Entertainment - Counter-Intelligence - Peace from Understanding Rigged System - TiSA, Trade in Services Agreement - Money Just an I.O.U. - Fractional Reserves - Bail-In Policies, War on Cash - Privatization - Remunicipalization - Big Trade Agreements Done in Secret - Dominant Minority Born to Be Street-Wise - Nudges - MasterCard to Launch Facial Scans to Prove Identity. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 5, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Fast-Tracking TiSA: Stealth Block to Monetary Reform. The Banking Game Exposed MasterCard will approve purchases by scanning your face The Trans-Pacific Partnership: the Totalitarian End-game of the Global Elite Trade deals a threat to Medicare, pharmacare June 28, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Increasingly Hard to Express Your Views When So Little Info is Gleaned From News" © Alan Watt June 28, 2015 Chemspray - Global Warming - WWII, Cold War, Everything Changed - Massive Indoctrination - Geoengineering - Weather Disruption is All Your Fault - Modified Bugs - Agenda 21 - Austerity - Politicians at Top Part of the System - Appearance of Democracy - Totalitarian Push - Public Relations Presented as News - Propaganda - Real News Getting Scarcer - Being Taught to Mind Your Place - Bill C51 - Online Hacker Group Anonymous Protest Against Bill C51 - Information Warfare - Ralph Nader on the TPP - Putin Reaffirms Support for Syrian Leader - Project for New American Century - Sad How Easily People are Blinded by Propaganda - Crises Needed to Get Changes Through - Star Chamber - Charles Galton Darwin, Creating a More Sophisticated Form of Slavery. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 28, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: 'Anonymous' says it cyberattacked federal government to protest Bill C-51 The long and short of C-51, the anti-terror act Three arrested during Bill C-51 protest in Halifax Bill C-51: 'No prosperity without security,' Steven Blaney says Anti-terrorism Act, 2015 10 Reasons the TPP Is Not a 'Progressive' Trade Agreement Putin reaffirms Russia's support for Syria's Assad June 21, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Corporate Leaders Obey Their Master's Voice, Master Makes Decisions, We've No Choice" © Alan Watt June 21, 2015 Most Folk Don't Question Money System - Advisors to Royalty - Bernays, Propaganda - Experts Created for You to Follow - Canadians Unaware of Trans-Pacific Partnership - Bernays - Use Existing Organizations to Change Public - Catholic Church - Pope's Encyclical - Jesuits - Liberation Theology - Priests Took Up Arms in Latin America, Worked with Communists - Encyclical Focuses on Environment and Man-Made Climate Change - Protestantism Today is a Social Club - Lord Monckton Describes Bishop Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo as an Out and Out Marxist - Advisors to Pope include John Schellnhuber, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research - Jeffrey Sachs, Economist and Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, Advisor to United Nations - Sachs also a Member of the Pontifical Academy for the Sciences - U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, Encyclical will Come at Critical Point - Pope Francis to Address a U.N. Special Summit on Sustainable Development Sept. 25 - Geoengineering - Bishop Sorondo's Writings on Globalization - Fast-Track Authority for TPP - Canada-China Investment Treaty. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 21, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Why the Pope's New Climate-Change Doctrine Matters Pope Francis warns of destruction of Earth's ecosystem in leaked encyclical Climate Expert: Marxists, Global Warming Extremists Control Vatican Pope's encyclical could have huge weigh-in on climate change talks Full copy of the Pope’s expected “climate encyclical” leaked, with translated sections Vatican Speaker on Climate Thinks There are 6 Billion Too Many of Us Hans Joachim Schellnhuber Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo Fast Track Authority for Trans Pacific Partnership Trade Pact Passes in House (Again) Today Behind the breakdown of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Trans-Pacific Partnership? Never heard of it, Canadians tell pollster Canada-China investment treaty comes into force Oct. 1 June 14, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Global Leaders Meet for Whatever You Call It, Sign Secret Deals, Hang On to Your Wallet" © Alan Watt June 14, 2015 Memory Hole - Psychopaths - Taught to Trust - Jacques Ellul - Wars to Grab Resources - Slave in a Psychopathic System - Feudal - Myth of Money System Keeps Going - Dominique Strauss-Kahn Cleared of Pimping Charges - Carlton Affair, Women Described as Livestock - International Monetary Fund - Control the Money System, You Control Everything - Paid Armies - Media Keeps You in Constant State of Fear - Bankrupting Countries - G7 - Decarbonize Global Economy - Taxes, Austerity - Prime Minister Harper Pushes Canada-EU Free Trade Agreement at G7 Summit - Action on Global Warming Top of G7 Wish List - Red Herring of British EU Exit Vote - Puerto Rico's Economic Crisis - Doublethink, Continue to Vote in this Corrupt System - U.S. Congress and the American Worker. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 14, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Dominique Strauss-Kahn acquitted in pimping trial Technology, money, policies must line up to fulfill G7 vision of shift away from fossil fuels G7 leaders wrap up summit with pledges and warnings Harper uses G7 summit to push for Canada-EU free trade agreement G7 Communique Seeks 70% Reduction in Carbon Emissions by 2050, 100% by 2100; Browsing the 44 Item G7 "Wish List" UK could lose EU veto as ‘compensation’ for Cameron’s demands David Cameron indicates Tory ministers face sack if they back EU exit Broke And Barred From Bankruptcy, Puerto Rico Seeks Outside Cash Obama Makes Fresh Plea to Dissenting Dems on Trade Bill June 7, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "An Evil Genius in Control - Moriarty? Reps Ignore Voters; Vote with the Party" © Alan Watt June 7, 2015 Founding Mythologies - Conditioning, Slogans - Bertrand Russell - Academia - Waking Up versus Reacting - Private Corporations Run the World - Club of Rome, Man-Made Global Warming - Governance, NGOs, Think-Tanks - System Run by Psychopaths - Masses Go Along with Simplistic Reasons - Democracy Sham - Carroll Quigley - Trade Blocs, Abolition of National Sovereignty - Facts don't Matter - Australian MPs can't Reveal Details of TPP Agreement - Austerity - Deal Benefits Big Corporations - 2015 United Nations Climate Change - Important People within Academia - Jeffrey Sachs, Economist (Technocrat) - Russian Mafia - Shock Therapy, Large-Scale Privatization - Sachs Advocates Sustainability, Debt Cancellation, Adviser to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon - Millennium Development Goals, Agenda 21 - USA Freedom Act 2015 - Orwell, Techniques of Keeping You Stupid - Canada, Fast-Track of Trans-Pacific Partnership - Sherpas - Technocrats Spend Years on Details of Agreements - What's the Point of Voting? *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 7, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Australian MPs allowed to see top-secret trade deal text but can't reveal contents for four years 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference Jeffrey Sachs, The Technocrat Involved with: We have six months to save the world, says leading economist The Earth Institute Mission: Solutions for Sustainable Development Center for Social and Economic Research H.R. 2048 - USA FREEDOM Act of 2015 The implications for Canada of a fast-tracked Trans-Pacific Partnership May 31, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "To Know or Not to Know Determines Where the Mind can Go" © Alan Watt May 31, 2015 Weather Warfare - Club of Rome, Technocracy - Experts, White-Coated Priests - Apathy - Escape into Fantasy - Backscatter of Daily News - Collect Your Data and Categorize You - Wealth is Power in This System - Psychopathy - Inbreeding Amongst Elite - Shipping Magnates, Captains of Industry - Humans Make Gods in Their Own Image - Counter-Intelligence - Secrecy of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) - Doublethink - Factoids and Fabricated News - Much Scientific Literature False - Omission of Data in Medical Research - Bribery and Payoffs in Politics - Senators Paid by Corporations to Fast-Track TPP Bill - Hollywood Indoctrination - Stars and Stripes Works Like Magic - Same Techniques Used All Over the World - Truth is the Ultimate Shock Treatment. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 31, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Editor In Chief Of World’s Best Known Medical Journal: Half Of All The Literature Is False Here’s how much corporations paid US senators to fast-track the TPP bill May 24, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Guided Fear Will to the Mind Derange, Causing Adaptation to the Century of Change" © Alan Watt May 24, 2015 Living in Artificial Reality - Trade Agreements - Regional Blocs - Private Clubs, CFR, RIIA, Club of Rome, IMF, BIS - Change the Culture - Indoctrination through Education - Weaponized Fiction - Grab the Youth - Blame Man for Disturbing Ecosystem - Climate Treaty - Facts don't Matter, Believe the Experts - Monetary System Rigged - Create what Appear to be Real Crises to Bring in Changes - Century of Change - Every Country Passes Same Laws at Same Time - Army 2020 Report, UK - Excessive Fear Causes Retreat into Fantasy - Project Bookend Accidentally Leaked to Press - Brexit, British Exit from EU - China, Asian Infrastructure Development Bank - CIGI, BRICS Development Bank - Bankrupting Most Indian Farmers, Mass Suicides, Buying Over Farms - Indian Farmers Forced to Sell Children to Survive - Weather Warfare - Trained to be Trusting - So-Called Primitive Societies - Charity Scams - Militarization of Police - You Accept Being Spied On as Normal - Movie "The Game" - Trans-Pacific Partnership, 12 Member Nations - Secretive, Public Kept in the Dark - Deprogram You - Start to Think for Yourselves - All You Have is Your Mind, Your Memories, Yourself - Biggest Crime is Robbing You of Reality at Birth - Can't Relax in this System - Backscatter, Irrelevant Rubbish Churned Out Daily - Make Yourself Strong. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 24, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Army 2020 Report - 2013 Update Bank Of England Accidentally E-mails Top-Secret Brexit Plan To Newspaper China will grow larger Interview: BRICS bank may change world power: Canadian expert Crop-loss Indian farmers sell their children to survive - authorities FTC sues four cancer charities over $187 million scam Militarization Is More Than Tanks and Rifles: It's a Cultural Disease Spy agencies target mobile phones, app stores to implant spyware Trans-Pacific Partnership too important to Canada to be held hostage to partisan politics US Senate votes to grant Obama fast-track power on trade deals to help wrap up 12-nation Pacific Rim pact May 17, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Control Almost Perfect, Don't You See, Reality Ain't What it Used to Be" © Alan Watt May 17, 2015 Media Outlets All Give Same News - Internet - Positive Thinking - Hard to Know What is True - Century of Change - Fear - Order Out of Chaos - Retaining Power - Infiltration and Control of Internet - Spookdom - Total Control - Cashless Society - Money is Oldest Form of Slavery - Tax on Bank Deposits, Australia - Bank Levy Debate, U.K. - HR 2028, 2016 Energy and Water Appropriations, U.S. - Always Get What They Want at the Top - One Big Organization - Labour Only Form of Wealth - A Good Citizen is a Producer and a Consumer - Private Organizations, CFR, RIIA, Trilateral Commission - Your Reality Completely Managed. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 17, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations How to end boom and bust: make cash illegal Tax on bank deposits in federal budget UK taxpayers could be about to lose £13.5 billion on the bailout of RBS Tory MPs demand end to banker bashing: Bank levy debate hots up after historic Conservative election victory HOUSE PASSES FY 2016 ENERGY AND WATER APPROPRIATIONS May 10, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Think-Tanks with Eco-Bureaucratese, Will Have U.N. Smiling, You on Your Knees" © Alan Watt May 10, 2015 Global Warming - System Must have Mind Control - No Reason to Question Experts - Societies and Agencies that Run Us All Work Together - Nothing from Media Spontaneous - Bertrand Russell - Divide Generations, Indoctrinate Young - United Nations and Groups Affiliated with U.N. - Easy to Create Armies of Compliant Who Advocate the Agenda - Change Agents - Blur Distinctions of Public/Private - CIGI, Centre for International Governance Innovation - Policy Paper on Sustainability - Think 20 (T20) Present Ottawa Meeting Outcomes for G20 Consideration - Climate Change Mitigation - Agenda 21 - Private Organizations Setting Government Policy - Trilateral Commission - FEMA to Require States to Address Climate Change Before Being Eligible for Grants - Multiple Organizations Under U.N. - Aerosol for Geoengineering - Technocracy - Club of Rome - Study on Psychology Used for Changing Beliefs on Climate Change - Australia, Maurice Newman calls Climate Change U.N. Ruse for World Takeover - Conned and Ruled by Experts. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 10, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Centre for International Governance Innovation DEVELOPMENT OF SUSTAINABILITY AND GREEN BANKING REGULATIONS EXISTING CODES AND PRACTICES Climate change mitigation Feds to require climate change plans for states seeking disaster relief Warning over aerosol climate fix PLOS ONE: Hand in Hand: Public Endorsement of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Climate change a UN-led ruse, says Tony Abbott's business adviser Maurice Newman May 3, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Like the EU, NAFTA and GATT, You'll See, We'll be Screwed Again with the TPP" © Alan Watt May 3, 2015 People Think They Live in Reality - People Management - Opinions Shaped by Media Sound Bytes - Tent Preacher Technique - Purpose of Foundations - CFR/RIIA and Branches in Other Countries - Trilateral Commission - Every Culture Studied and Analyzed - Carl Jung - The West Still has the Idea of Freedom - The New Soviet Man - C.G. Darwin, The Next Million Years - Wage Slaves - Trading Blocs Under a World Body - RIIA and CFR put Politicians and Bureaucrats in Place - Academia a Big Part of System - Funding for Private Organizations from Foundations - Given Fake Histories - Followers Never Understand What They're Rebelling For - Colour Revolutions Orchestrated - State Supreme, No Other Deity - Social Credit System in China, Individual Surveillance - Citizens Rating and Monitoring Other Citizens - Nano-Robotics - Trans-Pacific Partnership - A Handful Surveyed in Canada on TPP - Polls are Superficial, Misleading - Trilateral Commission Involvement - Obama and Abe Press Conference on TPP - Japan's Prime Minister Abe says Value of TPP 'Awesome' - Fast-Tracking Means Bypassing Congress - Trade Deals, Secret Tribunals, Betrayal of American People - Charles Galton Darwin, We are in the Process of Creating a More Sophisticated Form of Slavery. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 3, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: China rates its own citizens - including online behaviour I SPY FROM INSIDE: Nano-Robotics And The Invasion of Privacy Half of Canadians clueless about impending Pacific Rim trade deal Canadians bullish about developing trade ties in Trans-Pacific Partnership: poll Abe and Obama look to 'swift conclusion' of Trans-Pacific Partnership deal Japan's Abe to Congress: TPP's value is 'awesome' Obama, Corporate “Free Traitors” and You! Fast-Tracking the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) The Trans-Pacific globalization pact Ottawa doesn’t want to talk about: Walkom What’s in the Trans-Pacific Partnership for U.S. and Japan? April 26, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "With Purpose of Law, Conveyors have Fun, You Get a Good Reason, But Never Real One" © Alan Watt April 26, 2015 News Shows the Side-Effects of Big Plan - Technocracy - Corporations and Big Banks Set Up Foundations - Incrementalism - Federation of Nations - Setting Up Trading Blocs - Trans-Pacific Partnership - CFR/RIIA - NGO Followers - Indoctrinate Youth - Scientific Management - New Feudal System - Rights Long Gone - S.W.A.T. Raids - War on Terror - Century of Change - IMF, BIS, World Bank Privately Owned - United Nations - Eugenics - Department of Population Control - 1930's, Sustainability, Ecology - Facade of Politics - H.G. Wells, The Open Conspiracy - Bolshevik Reign of Terror - Agenda 21, Essential Vehicles Only - Tinkering with Your Own Car Could Be Copyright Violation - Self-Reliance Forbidden - Credits from Government Instead of Paychecks - Bank Bail-Ins are to Get Changes Pushed Through - Canada Bailed Out Top Banks Same Time as U.S. Bail-Outs - Canadian Banks Owe Money to U.S. Oil and Gas Firms - European Central Bank, Reduce Value of Collateral Posted by Greek Banks - Ancient Greece - Iceland Only Country to Lock Up the Bankers - Totally Controlled Society - Media's Job is to Keep You in the Dark - Lots of Folk Love Socialism - All Sides are Sides of Same System. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 26, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Automakers to gearheads: Stop repairing cars Do your own car repairs? Feds weigh change that could make that a copyright violation Canadian banks on the hook for hundreds of millions to companies caught in oil carnage ECB Prepares To Sacrifice Greek Banks With 50% Collateral Haircut April 19, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Some More Validity of the Open Conspiracy" © Alan Watt April 19, 2015 Movie Brazil - Governmental Bureaucracies, Private Corporations - Department of Information Retrieval - Problems with Telephone - Human Habitat Corridors - Coercion with Cost-Benefit or Cost-Punishment - Monopolies - Public-Private, We Pay Costs, They Make Profit - Royal Institute for International Affairs - Canada's Centre for International Governance Innovation - Oxford - Private Organization with Armies of Non-Governmental Organizations - United Nations - IMF - Brotherhood of the Bell - CIGI's Initial Funding of $30 Million Matched by Canadian Taxpayers - Private Think-Tanks Advise Government on All Policies - Total Integration of Economy and Sustainability - G20 - Millennium Development Goals, Agenda 21 - Institute for New Economic Thinking Funded by George Soros - CIGI Current and Past Partners Include Chatham House (RIIA), Brookings Institution - Greening, Depopulation, Austerity - Council on Foreign Relations First Called The Inquiry - Early Members Proponents of Woodrow Wilson's Internationalism - Everybody Who Gives You Your Reality and Runs the System Belongs to CFR - Engineer Government Policy - You Keep Voting. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 19, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: About CIGI - Centre for International Governance Innovation Centre for International Governance Innovation Council on Foreign Relations April 12, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Sanity Can Only Survive When Truth is Alive" © Alan Watt April 12, 2015 We Take Reality for Granted - Governments are Enablers of Private Organizations - Money is a Token - Experts Deal with Everything - Every Generation Taught They're the Freest - Resource Wars - Corporations Tied Together - Global Dominance for Private Interests - Given Choice, This or That, Works Like Blinders - Bertrand Russell, Train Public Only to Believe Experts - Money System Allows Hiring of Mercenaries - Milner Group Involved in War Machinations to Take Over Resources - Lots of Dogs in the Fight - Visual Orientation Makes You Easier to Control - No Law Says the News Must Be the Truth - Change How You Think About Reality - Controlled Media Gives Same Message at Same Time - Blackwater Changes Name Each Time They Get Bad Press - Opium in Afghanistan, Profits for Academi (Blackwater) - War is Great for Business - Blackwater Founder Erik Prince - Kenya Freezes Money Transfers to Somalia - Who Benefits? - Academi Mercenaries in Ukraine, 2014 - Obama Calls Somalia Counter-Terrorism a Model - Militant Groups or Mercenaries - China in Afghanistan - Roads and Railways are to Take Resources Out - Take Nothing at Face Value - Sierra Leone, Diamonds - Taking Over Resources is Standard Business Practice. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 12, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Former Blackwater gets rich as Afghan drug production hits record high Blackwater founder Erik Prince: Combative, secretive and expanding in Africa Kenya freezes key money transfers to Somalia over terror suspicion 400 US mercenaries 'deployed on ground' in Ukraine military op White House officials defend Somalia strategy as counterterrorism model Expanding its role in Afghanistan, China to help build dam, roads April 5, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Lies and Deception Always in Season, A Good Excuse for the Masses, Then a Secret, Real Reason" © Alan Watt April 5, 2015 Control Through Fear - Psychopaths in Money System - Pentagon-Sponsored Movies on War - Emulate Those at the Top to Be a Winner - Alter Terminology, Now We Send Peacekeepers to Expand Empires - Always Good Reason and Real Reason - News Anchors - Taught to Follow the Stars - Behaviourists, Neuroscientists - You are the Product - Destruction of Family Promoted in Weaponized Entertainment - You can't Make People Change - Empire, Elimination of Nations - Bill C-51 - Legitimizing What They've Done All Along - Lester Pearson - Beginnings of Global Governance - Canada's Pension Plan - Project for New American Century - Got Bogged Down with Syria - ISIS - Since Gulf War I, Have Never Changed Tune - Canada Preparing to Launch Air Strikes - An Article About You - The White House Nudge Squad - Recruiting for Study so They can Design Better Public Policies - Coordinating with Many Government Agencies - Why Not Use These Studies to Test the Politicians for Psychopathy? - Cass Sunstein - U.S. to Implement Behavioural Insights Strategy Used in U.K. - Perfectly Conditioned - For Most, The Mind has No Firewall - Thinking Requires Something Called Silence. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 5, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Diane Ablonczy Uses Air Quotes While Discussing 'Rule Of Law,' Bill C-51 Elizabeth May, Greens Say Bill C-51 Still Dangerous Despite Tory Amendments After 50 Years of the Canada Pension Plan We've Run Off Course Canada to launch airstrikes against ISIS in Syria 'within days' Here Comes the White House’s Behavioral ‘Nudge Squad’ March 29, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Childhood's Loss, Meet the New BOSS" © Alan Watt March 29, 2015 Mimic Entertainment - System Not Designed to be Fair - Compete for Gold Stars - Crisis-Ridden Society - Threat of Terrorism - Worse than East Germany's Stasi - Dealing with Depression - Pull Back a Bit, Focus on Essentials - Choose Your Battles - Learn to Live Inside Your Head - Fear is Addictive - Psychology of Horror Movies - China Funded to be Manufacturer for World - Job Loss and Fallout was Known - Imperative You Take Care of Yourself - Canada's Bill C-51 - Criminalize Private Conversations - Thought-Chill, Thought-Kill - Science Impacts Society - Human Resource, Consumer and Producer - Domestic Security, Cameras, Computers - Technology Alters Behaviour - War Propaganda - Profile Clusters of People - CCTV Cameras in All Homes and Businesses - Those in Power Should be Tested for Psychopathy - TSA Behaviour Detection - Society and Families are Broken - U.N. Mandate to Put More Resources into Mental Health - Psychiatry's Early Objective was to Evaluate Everyone - BOSS App Makes it Easier for Teachers to Monitor Students - GIRFEC - Many Apps Tailored for Common Core - Reconditioning - Trained from Birth to Death - True Progress is Freeing Up People - Careful What You Let in Your Mind. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 29, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Bill C-51: What it is and controversy behind it Why I Am Fighting Bill C-51 ‘CCTV in all homes’: Police chief’s domestic security call attacked by privacy groups ACLU Lawsuit Seeks Data on TSA's Creepy "Behavior Detection" Program Are smartphones making our children mentally ill? Behavioral Observation of Students in Schools (BOSS) BOSS User's Guide Orwellian nightmare unleashed on schoolkids March 22, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Bill C-51 and Reign of Terror? History Shows Us Law is Used, Now don't Forget, For Tyrants to Harm Those They're Meant to Protect" © Alan Watt March 22, 2015 Agendas Under Umbrella of United Nations - New Humanoids and Superman for Elite - Computers - Under Guise of Terrorism, Keep You Safe - Marx, All Wealth Comes from Labour - Self-Policing, Behaviour Changes when You're on Camera - Milner Group, Roundtable Societies, Council on Foreign Relations - Royal Institute for International Affairs - Trading Blocs to Merge into World System - Lenin - Put Your Own People at the Top then You can Lead Groups - Fabians - World Parliament - People Become Politically Aware - Canada's Proposed Anti-Terror Law, Protests - Omissions in News to Lead You to Desired Conclusion - Lone Actor Terrorism - Bill C-51, Vague, Broad New Powers - Minority Report - Computers for Surveillance - Every Word You Say can be Used Against You, Even Jokes. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 22, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Call for a World Parliament reinforced at second Global Week of Action 'Freedom in jeopardy': Thousands rally across Canada against new anti-terror law CSIS highlights white supremacist threat ahead of radical Islam Canada’s “AntiTerrorism” Bill C-51: A Legal Primer, Expands the Powers of Canada’s Spy Agency, Allows Arrest on Mere Suspicion March 15, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Devil's Dominion: Would be Doomed to be Loser Without Elect-Trick Science and Infernal Computer" © Alan Watt March 15, 2015 No True Opinion Pieces from Journalists - Updated Gradually, Trained to Think Changes are Normal - Knowledge can Help You from Self-Destruction - Computer is Essential for Global Domination - Taught that Global System will Bring Peace - Austerity, Population Reduction - Ongoing Wars, PNAC - Canada's Economy, Media Guides You to Conclusions - Service Economies - Agenda 21 - Post-Consumer - Communitarianism, Pro-Social - Canadian Household Debt - Computer Snoops on Everyone, Internet Carriers and Privacy - Debt of Developed World, It's Your Fault - Canada's Anti-Terror Laws - We Call Ourselves Democracies and Say We're Free - Scotland, Scrutiny of Plans to Allow Numerous Agencies Access to Personal Data - NSA, Massive Domes, Global Surveillance, Five Eyes Alliance - They Must Know Everything About You All the Time - Thinkers are Flagged Already - No Lack of Enablers to Tyrants. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 15, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Why Canadians should stop stressing about an economy that is stuck in second gear Canadian household debt burden hits record 163% Internet carriers may be breaching Canadian privacy laws Keeping Internet Users in the Know or the Dark Food Stamp Beneficiaries Exceed 46,000,000 for 40 Straight Months From bust to boom: How the world became addicted to debt Anti-terror bill powers ‘excessive,’ Canada’s Privacy Commissioner says Canada’s Terrifying Anti-Terror Bill MSPs debate 'super ID database' plans Snowden files: Inside Waihopai's domes March 8, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Reality has Flipped, More "Tales from the Script"" © Alan Watt March 8, 2015 Changes on a Grand Scale - Climate Treaty - Years to Plan Wars - Private Groups Behind U.N., NGOs - The Crowd Spots You When You don't Join - Lied to Even about Weather - Straight and Crooked Thinking - Be Optimistic, Trained to See Experts as Your Betters - Bend the Truth to Save Paycheck - Club of Rome, Global Warming - Too Many People - Paris Climate Talks, Canada Collecting Greenhouse Gas Reduction Measures from Provinces - U.N. Briefing on Paris Climate Talks - Obama's Federal Protection of Land without Congressional Approval - Ontario Sex-Ed Curriculum - Levin, Former Deputy Education Minister Pleads Guilty - Big Agendas All Pushed from Same Sources - Canada, Selling Off GM Shares, Housing Bubble - Smart Cities Mean Constant Surveillance - People Adapt, Default Position. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 8, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Paris Climate Talks: Canada's Contribution To UN Conference Dependent On Provinces 2015 pivotal for finalizing universal climate change agreement, Ban tells Member States Colorado canyon latest Obama “monument” land grab New sex-ed curriculum gets mixed reviews from parents Ben Levin case casts shadow over new sex ed curriculum Former deputy education minister Benjamin Levin pleads guilty to child porn charges How to Change 5000 Schools A Practical and Positive Approach for Leading Change at Every Level Ottawa’s GM shares could help balance budget Selling off assets a bad bargain for city: Hume The real cost of a $1 million home: Toronto buyers resort to sub-prime loans as prices soar The terrifying “smart” city of the future March 1, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Thine Own Mouth Condemneth Thee, Our Job is to Record the Proof, You See" © Alan Watt March 1, 2015 Nothing Hidden Today - Behaviourists, Neuroscientists Used so You Adapt - Russell on Scientific Tyranny, Breed Out Bad Genes - Monitored to Make Sure You're Safe - Religious Terminology, a Father God and You are the Children - Treated as Children in a Scientific Tyranny - Civilization is Utterly Brutal - Folk Get Angry When You Try to Wake Them Up, They Want Security - Your Gadgets and Toys are the Technology Used to Profile You - Compliance is Vital to Total Power - Controlled Opposition - Push for Positive Thinking - War is On the Individual, Elite Must Remain Wild - The State and Science are the New Gods - Techniques of Monitoring Used in Soviet System - Canada, Government Storing Emails - GCHQ, Secret Unit Targeted Online Activists - Australia, 2014 Bill Expands Powers of Intelligence Agencies - Biometrics for US Citizens Entering Europe - Total Information Collection. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 1, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: CSE monitors millions of Canadian emails to government GCHQ JTRIG Tools and Techniques for propaganda and internet deception Journalists and whistleblowers will go to jail under new national security laws US travellers set for EU biometric dragnet Feb. 22, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Global Warming...: "In the Age of Doublethink and Managed Reason, We Pretend to Sweat While Bloody Freezin' " © Alan Watt Feb. 22, 2015 Freezing During Global Warming, Weather Reporting Managed - Agenda won't Stop for Any Fact - You're a Product, In All Ages You've Been Managed - Movie, The Island, Clones Raised with Fake History and Reality - Most don't Know They're Not Free, Same Indoctrination - Owned by Big, Private Clubs - Quigley, The Illusion of Sides - Scientists Paid Well to Keep Farce Going - Brzezinski, People Expect Media to Guide Them to Conclusions - Systems Change but Symbols Don't - Geoengineering - You're All to Blame for Climate Change - Tampering with Temperatures in South America, Climategate - Soviet Union, Closed Thousands of Weather Recording Stations after End of Cold War - Scientists Live on Grants, Human Nature, Greed - Managed Society the Goal of Those Who Own It - CIA, Geoengineering Shouldn't Be Used for Hostile Purposes - NASA Research on Cleaner Jet Fuels, Type of Fuel Burned, Contrails - Brainwashed Since Birth to Believe What You're Told - UK, Sex Education for Five-Year Olds - Boost Standards for Teachers - Keep the Product Stupid. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 22, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Party leaders make joint climate commitment Climategate, the sequel: How we are STILL being tricked with flawed data on global warming Can Russia control the weather? Climate researcher says CIA fears hostile nations are triggering floods and droughts ACCESS II Alternative Jet Fuel Flight Tests Begin NASA's Alternative Fuel Effects Research Showcased Sex lessons for pupils aged five under Labour: Party plans to introduce subject to primary school curriculum in bid to tackle homophobic bullying Student teachers will need to pass literacy and numeracy test before being allowed to graduate Feb. 15, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "The Wizard Moneybags, Master of Illusion, Prepares Army to Plunder All in Confusion" © Alan Watt Feb. 15, 2015 Cold Weather, Lied to About Real Temperatures - Manage Media, Manage Minds - Dr. Wakefield - You Can't Get Justice from Corrupt System - Governments Spend Money to Keep You in Ignorance - Prince Charles, Make or Break Year for Planet - Subsidies for Solar - Taxing Vehicles by the Mile - Managed by Behaviourists - Social Status in Britain, Rigged System - Bail-In Regulations - American Dollar - Money Used to Make People Comply - Canadian Pension Funds Buy U.S. Property - Public Not Consulted - Signs of Falling Societies, Forces at Work to Destroy Morality - Social Contamination, Frankfurt School - Sexual Abuse, Britain - New Low, Reality Show Competing to Become Porn Stars - Countries Cash in on Booming Prostitution Business - Understanding Gives Peace of Mind. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 15, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: It might seem unethical but someone has to get rich fighting climate change Oregon Teams Up With Verizon To Tax Vehicles 1.5 Cents Per Mile ‘To those who have, more is given’: Britain’s social mobility myth broken? Bank Trade Groups Critical of New Proposal on Loss Absorbing Capacity America's Dollar, the World's Problem Basel committee tightens disclosure requirements for banks Big banks face $500bn "bail in" bonds bill - S&P Canadian pension funds scoop up US$2.75B in U.S. commercial property in first half of January Child sexual abuse ring in Halifax: 25 men charged - police reaction Anger as Brittan is branded a multiple child rapist only days after his death: Senior peer says claims are 'wholly unjustified' and 'based on no evidence' Social Depravity Reaches New Low: Reality show “The Sex Factor” features wannabe pornstars Strong Swiss franc boosts trade at German brothels Feb. 8, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Planned "Progress" Ignores Public Redress" © Alan Watt Feb. 8, 2015 Agendas are Boring - Understanding is Scary - Predictive Programming - Religion Works with Rulers - Politicians and Insider Trading - All Wars are Economic Wars - Privateers - Diggers - Live High by Living Off Others' Labour - Communism, Same Elite at Top - Double Agents - Peasant Only Knew Small Area - Dumbed Down to Accept Reality - Quigley's Books, Goals and Plans for World Order Run by Proper People - Woodrow Wilson, Bush Jr., The New Freedom - Eugenics Funded by NGOs, Cold Springs Harbor Tragedy and Hope - Fomented Boer War for Private Interests - Marxism, Must Make the Changes Happen - Anti-Terror Laws Before 9/11 - All Wars Change Societies - Years of Preparation for Wars - Vietnam, Hippie Culture, Drugs - Afghanistan Shattered Sense of Faith in Soviet System - Money Heaven - Money Always Devalued, Backed with Nothing - World in Chaos Hype - Economies Based On Optimism - Canada's Economy Faces Downward Spiral - Pass the Buck to the Bottom - Barter, Introduction of Middle Man - Experts on Economy - Government the Biggest Borrower - Quigley, RIIA, CFR, The Parallel Government - Wilson's Book, The New Freedom - Quigley, Economic Rewards for Politician, Two Parties Should be Almost Identical - New Feudal System, CEOs the Overlords, Meet in Basel, Switzerland - IMF and the World Bank, Private Institutions - Hondurans Protest World Bank Mining Plan - Those Who Run the Wars Benefit, Big Business - Soldiers are Renewable Resource - Entertainment is Indoctrination - You Only Own Your Own Mind - Don't Get Depressed, Influence People One at a Time - Person Being Conned Participates in the Con - Thinking can be Dangerous - Spend Time on Programs Rather than Think for Yourself. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 8, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: New alarm bells over household debt as Canada faces 'downward spiral' Hondurans Protest World Bank Mining Plan Feb. 1, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "The Agenda's Been Slow but Now Here We Go" © Alan Watt Feb. 1, 2015 Hardest Thing is Holding onto Your Sanity - Technology Changes Behaviour - Factory Towns - Bureaucracies - Adapt to Changes - War Propaganda - Elite Use Everything for Control - Science to Guide Society - Science Fiction - Myths - Future Utopias - Marxian Religion - War Makes You More Barbaric Than the Enemy - Slavery Exists in Many Forms - Corporations have Massive Power - Democracy Elastic - Gangs in Banking System - Old Myths have Fallen Flat - Inventing New Mythologies - Privately Controlled Economies - Takeover of Oil - Consequences of Technology - Control Over the Whole Planet, Everything You Think - Monitored to Make it Safe for the Masters of the World - Influx of Radicals, An Excuse for Control - Canada's New Anti-Terror Bill - Laws Can Expanded to Include Anyone with an Opinion - Legislation Pushed from Top - Culture Based on Commerce - Militarization of Police - Never Demand Anything from Government - Canadian Government Expands Powers - Need for Results Overrides Evidence - Limiting Freedom of Expression - Biometrics- Lone Wolf Used by Existing Groups - Gas Tax Proposed Canada - Ontario Provincial Carbon Pricing Policy - Stars Align for Climate Deal in Paris - NGOs Paid to Get Agendas Through - Prince Charles, Climate Deal a New Magna Carta for Earth - Lied to All the Time - Underreporting Temperatures - Everything is Deception. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 1, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: B.C. citizens should be wary of new anti-terrorism laws, officials say Canada’s anti-terror bill needs to balance religious expression and inciting terror, Kenney says Canadian Government Continues to Expand State Powers While Leaving Privacy by the Wayside Canadians support increased security powers, poll suggests New security bill aimed at combating 'lone wolf' attacks coming this week IBIA and SIA Declare Support For New Biometric Exit Provisions Biometric time and attendance solution concerns Air Canada workers Hoping for a heist at the gas pumps A provincial patchwork is the worst way to tax carbon 10 signs the stars are aligning for a climate deal in Paris Prince Charles: global pact on climate change could be Magna Carta for Earth Jan. 25, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "You Won't Relax with Carbon Tax" © Alan Watt Jan. 25, 2015 World Economic Forum and NGOs Publish Plans, Groom Leaders- Supranational - Con Game of Democracy - Fake News, Predictive Programming - Groups Run World on Behalf of Elite - Military Industrial Complex - 12 Monkeys - Psychopaths in Biochemical Warfare - Christopher Phillips Arrested in Canada - Carbon Tax, Economic Warfare - Speak Plans into Existence - Ontario to Push Carbon Pricing - US Cap and Trade - Agenda 21, Eliminate Rural Living - Ontario Petition Against Carbon Tax - World Slave Population - Joe Biden's Son Joins Ukrainian Gas Board - Bailout of Scotland's North Sea Oil Industry by Taxpayers - Russia's Gazprom Ends Gas Transit Through Ukraine - Cultural Destruction - 23 Hollywood Moms with One Sperm Donor - Eugenics - Frankfurt School - Morality Destroyed - People Follow the Stars - Paris Fashion Show 'Exposure' - Masturbation in School Rooms - Counter-Terrorism Laws Restrict Academic Freedom - Progress - Tweaked to be Politically Correct. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 25, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Christopher Phillips, ex-bio weapons specialist, back in Nova Scotia Christopher Phillips's past told through U.S. court documents Carbon pricing set to cover 80% of Canadian economy Carbon tax to meet climate concerns Ontario PCs launch petition against carbon tax PCs in Sudbury to oppose carbon tax Biden's Son, Kerry Family Friend Join Ukrainian Gas Producer's Board Ukraine's gas company Burisma enters Kazakhstan Scotland's struggling North Sea oil industry WILL be bailed out by British taxpayers, Osborne admits Russia's Gazprom says will end transits through Ukraine TD expert tells Canadian oil producers to brace for a second shock 23 Hollywood Moms With Same Sperm Donor and One Crazy Vacation 'Thought police’: Academic freedom threatened by anti-terror bill, MPs warn Jan. 18, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Carbon Scam's Goal with Persistence Is to Tax and Control Your Existence" © Alan Watt Jan. 18, 2015 Internationalist Consortium - Oil and Gas Prices, Elimination of Competitors - Venezuela - Economic War - Austerity and Taxation - UN and NGOs - Falling Gasoline Prices, Carbon Tax, Ontario - U.S. and Canada, Western Climate Initiative, Cap and Trade - Soviet Union - Appointed Leaders - Cross-Border Greenhouse Gas Registry - Slavery - Corporate Deals with Governments - Rockefeller Family - The Silent Majority - Monitoring from Birth, State-Authorized Guardians - Thought Control - Government Officials Cracking Down on Preppers - Wood-Burning Stove Ban - Off-the-Grid Living - Vaccination Exemptions - Migration to Cities - Mainstream Media - Collective Punishment - Britain, Blocking Encrypted Messaging - Electronic Surveillance - Boris Johnson, London - Intellistreets System - Vehicle Event Data Recorders - Social Control - Public Relations Officers - Ready-Made Groups - Becoming an Individual and Understanding - Promotion of Socialist Doctrines - Totalitarianism - Personal Responsibility. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 18, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Rex Murphy: Plummeting gas prices are a welcome break for Canadians — until a carbon tax comes along Ontario could see carbon tax: Wynne Western Climate Initiative - Wikipedia Western Climate Initiative, Inc. ‘Democratic outrage’: Cameron pledges new anti-strike laws ‘I am not bothered with civil liberties stuff for terror suspects’ – Boris Johnson All Over America, Government Officials Are Cracking Down On Preppers Busted! Your car's black box is spying, may be used against you in court Erosion of free speech? Cameron pledges to ban Snapchat and WhatsApp Surrounded by surveillance: Is everything spying on you? Intellistreets Jan. 11, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Dissecting Confusion for Directed Fusion" © Alan Watt Jan. 11, 2015 Sub-zero Temperatures. Winter Storms - Austerity - News Handouts - Intelligence Agencies - War and Retaliation - France, Satirical Magazine Charlie Hebdo, Blasphemy Lawsuit - World of Spookdom - Communist Infiltration - Britain, Paedophile Organization PIE and Blackmail - Destruction of the Old to Bring in the New - Corruption the Norm in Government - Internet Censorship, Fast Lanes, Licences - Sony Hack - Netflix Access - Cybersecurity in Electric Utility Industry - "Experts" in Economy - Bank of England and Financial Crash - The Abused Turns to the Abuser for Help - Falling Euro - Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen and Ben Bernanke - Benefits for Migrants - Big Business Rules - Ebola Vaccine Tests, Reports of Joint Pain - Thalidomide - Mandatory Flu Shot for Children - Sydney Venue Cancels Talk by Anti-vaccine Activist Sherri Tenpenny - Obamacare Fines Rising - Ebola Infection - Herd Management. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 11, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: France Satirical Mag Charlie Hebdo Sued by Islamists for 'Blasphemy' French Muslims to sue Charlie Hebdo over Mohammed cartoons How paedophiles infiltrated the left and hijacked the fight for civil rights Paedophile at the Home Office: He boasted of storing PIE files where police would never discover them Secret service infiltrated paedophile group to 'blackmail establishment' FCC chair likely to take Obama’s lead on net neutrality Netflix reaffirms policy against Canadians accessing U.S. site New Law Bolsters Cybersecurity Protection Bank of England was unaware of impending financial crisis Euro sinks to fresh nine-year low Most Americans are one paycheck away from the street The Economist leaves Janet Yellen off its list of most influential economists Migrant shoplifter told to claim benefits rather than steal by judge Ebola Vaccine Tests Resume - Restart Follows Pause to Assess Reports of Joint Pain Take your mandatory flu shot and shove it! New York City Requiring Flu Shots for Preschoolers Sydney venue cancels talk by anti-vaccine activist Sherri Tenpenny ObamaCare fines rising in 2015, IRS prepares to collect First Ebola boy likely infected by playing in bat tree Jan. 4, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Allay the Fear for This New Year" © Alan Watt Jan. 4, 2015 The New Year and Predictions - Cold Weather - Carbon and Energy Taxes - UN and Climate Change Agenda - Scientists Dependent on Grants - Snowstorm in Russia - Britain, Power Cuts and Blackouts - Disaster Preparations - Carbon Credit Exchange Program - Types of Carbon Credits, Voluntary and Compliance Market - Developing Countries - "Devil's Advocate" movie - UN Carbon Credit Supply - Production Units - Serving the System - Euthanasia in Holland, Mobile Death Squads - Organ Transplants - Pain Relief for Patients - New Diet Guidelines by Gov. - Restrictions on Raw Milk Producers - Behaviour Modification - Vaccinations and Schoolteachers - Contraceptive Skin Implant, Remote Control - Top Doctor says Stop wasting billions trying to cure cancer - Personal Carbon Trading System. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 4, 2015 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: ‘Winter hell’: Snowstorm paralyzes major Russian highway Britain unprepared for severe blackouts, secret Government report reveals UK weather: 'Coldest night of the year' tonight as freezing temperatures plummet to -10C Carbon credit exchange program final plan announced before Jan. 12 opening Types of Carbon Credits UN Carbon Credit Supply to Drop on Climate Vows: GDF Suez Number of mentally ill patients killed by euthanasia in Holland trebles in a year as doctors warn assisted suicide is 'out of control' Euthanasia in Holland - the country where death is now just a lifestyle choice Mobile death squads to kill sick and elderly in their own homes leads to surge in suicide rates in the Netherlands New diet guidelines might reflect environment cost Raw milk producers to be forced to make their product unpalatable under new Victorian regulations School teachers forced to wear scarlet letter flu masks, gloves when they refuse flu shots that don't even work Skin implant replaces the Pill - New chip lasts for 16 years and can be turned off by remote control when you want to conceive Stop wasting billions trying to cure cancer... It's the best way to die, says top doctor Influences on attitudes to a personal carbon trading system [Click Here for July - Dec. 2014] | |
Jan. - May 2007 | 2006 |