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"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurbs, i.e. Educational Talks) check out the following: *ALL Blurbs and Special Shows are Copyrighted Alan Watt |
Jan. - May 2007 | 2006 | |
Dec. 29, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) The Lessons of Deceptions: "PSYWAR Works on Masses, Individual Objectivity is Forsaken, If Two Plus Two Remains Four Indoctrination Has Not Taken." © Alan Watt Dec. 29, 2019 The U.S.A. was Called The Great Experiment - The Soviet, Socialist System was the Second Great Experiment - Positive Freedom and Negative Freedom - It's Beyond Virtue Signaling; I Call it Social Preening - Losing Your Culture, Rationing, So-called Privilege - Up to the 19th Century, Music and Architecture Reached Great Heights - Religious Music that Touches Your Soul - Totalitarians Hate that Which Can Stir the Soul; the Big Idea - Religion had to Be Destroyed - Messages and Updates all Through Fiction and Entertainment - Oldthink - Mao Tse-Tung said He was Most Afraid of A Big Idea - An Irish Journalist Visited by Police who said They Were Worried about How He was Thinking - Bolshevik Revolution; Secret Police, Enforcers; Where did They Find These People who would Carry Out Such Atrocities? - Diabolical Hatred - They Couldn't Bring this System in Without the Computer; Your "Personal" Computer - The Money Magicians at the Top - Psychopaths and Their Hierarchy - Dependent on the System; Internet Banking; Bertrand Russell on Credits - Universal Basic Income - Bertrand Russell said, I can Make Your Children Believe Snow is Black; They can Make You Believe Anything - Orwell's 1984 - Agenda for the 21st Century, Agenda 21 - Young Folk have Their Whole Lives Taken Up by Electronics - Watched 24 Hours a Day - Movie, The Circle - Trump said He Wanted to Increase Surveillance Technology - Self-Policing - Agenda is Much Bigger than Technocracy - We don't Get News; What Passes for Politics is Entertainment - In the Past, Christmas Brought Us Back to Basic Humanity in Our Little Transient Lives - Destroy Religion and The Family Unit - US Troops in Iraq - They're Watching You Like Hawks, Flagged by Algorithms - Guzzling Entertainment, Living on Fiction, Getting Brainwashed - We're Not Governed, We're Ruled - Psychiatry won't Help Soul Sickness - UN Approves Russia-backed 'Cybercrime' Treaty - Criminalizing Speech - Australian Bushfires: A Smart City Conspiracy? - Dr. Day, Conference in 1960s Talked about Burning Folk Off the Land if Necessary - Guardian Newspaper Headline Tells You What You are Supposed to Think: "Agenda 21 is conspiracy theory. But don't dismiss Malcolm Roberts as a harmless kook" - Headline: Agenda 21: Tens of Thousands of Aussies are Engaging in a Chilling Conspiracy Theory that Claims the Global Elite is Slowly Trying to Kill Us All - ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability; The ICLEI Oceania Regional Secretariat Serves the Interests and Needs of Local Governments in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Island Nations - Population Reduction - Sustainable Development - Australian Water Sold for $490 MILLION to Foreign Company During Drought - Dozens of Firebugs Blamed for Destructive Queensland Fires - Extreme Heat in 1896 in Australia - Colleges are Turning Students’ Phones into Surveillance Machines - George Orwell - The Freedom of the Press - The System We're in Now is the Super-Soviet - British Home Secretary Signs Extradition Order to Send Julian Assange to US - Church of England - Christian Persecution 'at Near Genocide Levels' - India Refuses to Compromise on ‘National Interests’ for US Trade Benefits - Pompeo Woos India with ‘Secure’ 5G, Arms Sales and Nuke Project -The Whole System Today is Conology - Queen Faces a Costly £86 Million Repair Bill for Prince Charles’s London Home Clarence House as it Gets Set for a New Year Makeover - Russia and China Agree to Bilateral Trade in National Currencies - Euthanasia - Life has to Be Exalted Again, Put Back on the Pedestal that Julian Huxley said it Must Be Removed From. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 29, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: UN approves Russia-backed 'cybercrime' treaty that America and Western powers say will censor the internet Colleges are turning students’ phones into surveillance machines, tracking the locations of hundreds of thousands Australian Bushfires: A Smart City Conspiracy? Agenda 21 is conspiracy theory. But don't dismiss Malcolm Roberts as a harmless kook Tens of thousands of Aussies engaging in ‘Agenda 21’ conspiracy on social media Agenda 21 - United Nations Conference on Environment and Development - Rio de Janerio, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992 Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - PDF Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Agenda 21 Agenda 21 in One Easy Lesson Your Hometown and the United Nations’ Agenda 21 ICLEI ICLEI Oceania ICLEI Oceania Members Australian Water Sold for $490MILLION to Foreign Company During Drought Dozens of firebugs blamed for destructive Queensland fires Extreme heat in 1896: Panic stricken people fled the outback on special trains as hundreds die. Everything NSW fire services could have bought if their budget wasn’t cut George Orwell - The Freedom of the Press - Orwell's Proposed Preface to ‘Animal Farm’ Britain signs extradition order to send Julian Assange to US Former chaplain to the Queen quits church and converts to Catholicism as he attacks CofE's transgender stance and failure to defend Christian values Christian persecution 'at near genocide levels' MALCOLM: Christians remain persecuted around the world India refuses to compromise on ‘national interests’ for US trade benefits Indian security forces prepare for new round of possible unrest over citizenship law Pompeo woos India with ‘secure’ 5G, arms sales and nuke project after recent tensions US warns India against buying Russian anti-air systems, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to seek stronger strategic ties with India Queen faces a costly £86 million repair bill for Prince Charles’s London home Clarence House as it gets set for a New Year makeover Dec. 25, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Merry Christmas, 2019" © Alan Watt Dec. 25, 2019 Doesn't Time Fly? - Living Through an Agenda - The Whole Culture of the West is to Be Utterly Destroyed - Communism - Cambodia's Year Zero - French Revolution - Making Free Speech Illegal - Prolonged War in the Middle East - Every Christmas Less and Less Christians; Getting Slaughtered in the Middle East - Persecution of Coptic Christians; We're Living Through a Genocide and Your Governments are Complicit - Boris Johnson - America was the Hope for Free Speech - Bill Cooper Knew He Would Be Killed Eventually and He was Assassinated - Waco, A High Masonic, Occultic Show - Intelligence Agency Involvement with Alternative Radio; Counterintelligence; Bringing You Back Around into the Con Game of Politics - The Spin on Trump - Tremendous Evil is at Work Today - Total Destruction of Everything that Worked - Adorno, Necrophilia - Meaning Must be Eradicated - When I Started Talking about this in the 1990s, I said I Would Not Be a Cheerleader for the People - You Cannot Stand by in Silence - The Primal, Cohesive Factor in the West's Culture was Christianity - Christmas Concert in Berlin from 1990, Russian Orthodox Friars' Choir - Young Leaders of Countries, Mainly Women Right Now; Finland - Training Leaders, Common Purpose in the UK - Be Very Careful About Following People; I Do Know How the Movement was Taken Over - The Russian Orthodox Singing Touches Something in Your Soul - Fake Christian Preachers Who are Multi-Millionaires - Look at Who is Using You - Stop Falling for Election-Time Christianity - Can't Play Guitar this Year Because of Bad Bout of Arthritis in My Hands - I Wish You All a Pleasant Christmas Time. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 25, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Alan Watt Previous Christmas Day Spontaneous Compositions: Alan Watt Composition: "Espíritu Resuelto", Written, Published, Copyrighted Dec. 25, 2012 Alan Watt. *Composition Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 25, 2012 *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition "Espíritu Resuelto" Alan Watt Composition: "Alegría en el Dolor", Written, Published, Copyrighted Dec. 25, 2011 Alan Watt. *Composition Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 25, 2011 *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition "Alegría en el Dolor" Alan Watt Compositions: "Wistfully Yours" & "Still Here", Written, Published, Copyrighted Dec. 25, 2010 Alan Watt. *Composition Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 25, 2010 *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition "Wistfully Yours" *Composition Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 25, 2010 *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition "Still Here" Alan Watt Composition: "Contemplación", Written, Published, Copyrighted Dec. 25, 2009 Alan Watt. *Composition Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 25, 2009 *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition "Contemplación" Alan Watt Composition: "Hombre", Written, Published, Copyrighted Dec. 25, 2008 Alan Watt. *Composition Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 25, 2008 *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition "Hombre" Alan Watt Composition: "Campeones Para Siempre", Written, Published, Copyrighted Dec. 25, 2007 Alan Watt. *Composition Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 25, 2007 *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition "Campeones Para Siempre" Topics of show covered in following links: Christian persecution 'at near genocide levels' Christmas Concert from Berlin, December 1990 Luciano Pavarotti - Ave Maria 1978 Pavarotti O Holy Night Dec. 22, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Trump-Trump-Trump the Boys are Marching, Will or Won't We Hit Iran, Resurrect WMD, Fuzzy Photos let us See, Then Send Us All the Refugees You Can." © Alan Watt Dec. 22, 2019 Frigid Temperatures, Longer Winters - Chemtrails - Geoengineering - Stanley Monteith; Seeing the World as it Really Is - We're Brought Up to Be Brainwashed - Plato's Cave - Biden's Son - Bank Crashes and Depressions of the Late 19th Century - Boer War - Large Corporations Controlling the World's Resources - Sustainability - Banning Firewood - Technocracy - The Federal Reserve - The Cons that are Used - Slavery; Being Used as an Animal by Those Who Own You - Rothschilds Advised Slave-Owning Families - Centralized Banking; Private but Given a Nationalized Name - Taxation - Charles Galton Darwin, The Next Million Years; Slavery has Always Existed in One Form or Another - Milner, Royal Institute for International Affairs - The Real Meaning of The British System - Euthanasia - The Cold War - Norman Dodd, Reece Commission - Department of Culture after WWII - Destruction of Marriage, End of Private Property - Free Trade, Interdependence - Deindustrialize the West - Maurice Strong - Agenda 21; The End of Rural Living - Counterintelligence - The Deep State - MI5, MI6 Assassination Squads - Movie, The Good Shepherd - Skripal Poisoning - The Money Spent on Wars - Goal of Technocracy was to Run a System Efficiently - Collectivist Societies - Promoting Sex without Bonding - Abortion - Euthanasia for the Elderly - Entertainment, People Seek Distraction and Cannot Handle Anything Serious - Quebec Court Invalidates Some Requirements for Assisted Death - The Dehumanization Process - Fabian Society; George Bernard Shaw - Bioethics - A Lot of Folk can't Handle the Real World; It's a Horror Show - Universal Basic Income (UBI); Bertrand Russell on the Credit System - Jobs of the Future Clustering in a Handful of U.S. Cities (Agenda 21) - High Tech Jobs; Jacques Attali on (Digital) Nomads - Columbia Professor who Fled Communism Resigns, says University is Becoming Communist - Afghanistan War, Crime of the Century (Ron Paul) - Boris, The New Blair (Peter Hitchens) - Britain's Labour Party; Jeremy Corbyn - Iran is On the List to Be Taken Out - Trump; Increasing Surveillance on Every Citizen - World’s Climate Chiefs at COP25 Decide it’s Just Too Complex, so They Kick the Carbon Emissions Can Down the Road - Congress is Trump’s Co-Conspirator Against Liberty (Ron Paul) - Tractors Clog Dutch Streets as Farmers and Builders Protest over Government's Nitrogen Policy - Fresh Evidence that UN Watchdog Suppressed Report Casting Doubt on Assad Gas Attack - How the War Party Lost the Middle East ( Patrick J. Buchanan) - Netanyahu, Pompeo push Forward with US-Israel Defense Pact - Putin and the ‘Biden Memorial Pipeline’ to China - Goldman Sachs is Reportedly in Talks to Admit Guilt, Pay $2 Billion Fine to Settle Probe into Malaysian Investment Fund - Swedish Justice Ministry Manipulated Crime Statistics - Visiting Britain’s Political Prisoner, Julian Assange (John Pilger) - Carroll Quigley, War and Planned Progress. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 22, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Quebec court invalidates some requirements for assisted death Canada Moving to Allow Human Euthanasia For Certain Diseases and Illnesses While Bullying Hospice to Murder Patients As Part of Palliative Care Dutch Doctor Acquitted for Euthanizing Woman Who Had to Be Restrained as She Was Killed Why everyone is talking about free cash handouts—an explainer on universal basic income Jobs of the future are clustering in a handful of U.S. cities, study finds Columbia professor who fled communism resigns, says university is becoming communist Afghanistan War – The Crime of the Century Boris: The New Blair Epic cop-out! World’s climate chiefs at COP25 decide it’s just too complex, so they kick the carbon emissions can down the road Congress is Trump’s Co-Conspirator Against Liberty Neoliberal Economics Destroyed the Economy and the Middle Class Tractors clog Dutch streets as farmers and builders protest over govt’s nitrogen policy Fresh evidence that UN watchdog suppressed report casting doubt on Assad gas attack Goldman Sachs is reportedly in talks to admit guilt, pay $2 billion fine to settle probe into Malaysian investment fund How the War Party Lost the Middle East Is it Jaw-Jaw or War With Iran? Netanyahu, Pompeo push forward with US-Israel defense pact Putin and the ‘Biden Memorial Pipeline’ to China Swedish justice ministry manipulated crime statistics – study Visiting Britain’s political prisoner Dec. 15, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Organized Attack on Purpose: "Superficial Relationships and Gorging of Senses, Forced Existential Apathy Destroys Human Defences." © Alan Watt Dec. 15, 2019 Boredom - Television, Movies - People Becoming Less Happy - We Live in an Advertising Age - The Computer is the TV Set Now - Brain Chip - Tavistock, Aldous Huxley - Delgado Experiment - WiFi; Living in a Field of Electromagnetism; 5G, Radar, Microwave - Persinger - Folk have Given Up the Right to Privacy - We're Becoming Helpless - Snobs Who Need the Latest Mod-Cons are Prime Targets - How Subversives Were Dealt With in the Communist System; Smuggled Typewriters - Knowledge is Power - Weaponized Entertainment, Politically Correct Updates - Data Collection Centers - Stasi - Movie, The Lives of Others - The Brain; The Last Frontier - The Ease of Inserting Modified Genes into Fish - Getting Rid of Library Books - On the Computer, Information Disappearing Down the Memory Hole - You Have One Global Intelligence Agency with Many Arms in All Countries - Internet of Things, Spyware Network in Your Home - Getting People on the Internet with Pornography - Bertrand Russell; Government Tells You that Yours is the Best Country; The Influence of the Education on Children; The State will Give Them Their Values - Why Would Adults Lie to Children? - International Socialism - Jacques Ellul on Indoctrination - Early Sexualization; No Bonding, No Breeding - History of the Cold War - Technology of Weaponry - Psychological Warfare - Conspiracy; Two or More People are Conspiring - Edward Bernays; Professional Liars; Propaganda which Led to the U.S. Military Overthrowing a Democratically Elected Government - Leveson Inquiry - Washington, Government is a Fearful Master - Jefferson, No Difference in the Agendas of Different Parties You're Under Tyranny - Youth Armies; Gramsci - Culture Industry - Soma, Boredom of Routine - Jeffrey Epstein, Honey Trap Operation - Elite Sex Club Throws Top Secret Masked Orgy - AI is Making Fake News Look Real - A Facebook Rumor about White Vans is Spreading Fear Across America - MIT, Creation of Fake Memes - Mark Zuckerberg, AI - Brain-Computer Interface - DARPA - CIA, Rock Music, Psychedelics; Boosting Scientists to Star Level - Movie, THX-1138 - The War Industry is at War with You - DARPA Electronics Resurgence Initiative (ERI) Summit; Intel Packs 8 Million Digital Neurons onto its Brain-Like Computer - Social Credit System; The Health Care System; Paying to have Your Credit Score Improved - We have 18 months to Save World, Prince Charles warns - Eugenics - Canada, Euthanasia for Terminally Ill and Depressed - Magic Mushrooms Pass First Hurdle as Depression Treatment - Silicon Valley Billionaire Pays Company Thousands 'To Be Killed and have His Brain Digitally Preserved Forever' - Life Extension for the Wealthy Elite - The Pentagon has a Laser that Can Identify People from a Distance—by their Heartbeat - Don't Give Up. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 15, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: How AI Is Making Fake News Look Real Canadian broadcaster launches fake-news chat bot A Facebook rumor about white vans is creating fear across America Inspired By Musk’s Brain Chip, Zuckerberg Hints at Similar AI Project Cigna Leverages AI | Managed Healthcare Executive Intel packs 8 million digital neurons onto its brain-like computer Silicon Valley billionaire pays company thousands 'to be killed and have his brain digitally preserved forever' Number of Cameras Across the World Will Reach 45 Billion By 2022 I documented every surveillance camera on my way to work in New York City, and it revealed a dystopian reality The Pentagon has a laser that can identify people from a distance—by their heartbeat We have 18 months to save world, Prince Charles warns Commonwealth leaders Magic Mushrooms Pass First Hurdle as Depression Treatment Dutch Doctor Acquitted for Euthanizing Woman Who Had to Be Restrained as She Was Killed PETER HITCHENS: One day it will be impossible to criticise the fanatics of Extinction Rebellion. Dec. 8, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "The First Truly Global Tyranny of Interlocking Organizations, Harvesting Rights and Souls, Achieving Goals by Scientific Mass Persuasions." © Alan Watt Dec. 8, 2019 Under Incredible Mind Control; Incessant Propaganda - Rising Fuel Costs - The Dry Winter Air - Ordered, Managed Society - Pubic-Private Partnerships - Take Over the World's Resources - The Credit System - U.N., Austerity - The Billionaires are the Front-Men for Those Way Above Them - The Accidental View of History; Wars, Free Trade, Brexit - Movies, Highlander I and II; Shielding the Sun, Ecoterrorism - The Ozone Hole could Only Be Detected by NASA - Chemspraying - Geoengineering; Harvard - Thomas Malthus, Depopulation - Movie, The Madness of King George - Working Intergenerationally with Tax-Free Foundations and Charitable Organizations - The High Freemasonic Organizations are Completely Elitist - Big Depression in the Late 1890s Before the Great Depression of the 1930s - Britain was Called the Poor Man of Europe at the Beginning of the 20th Century; Poverty, Malnourishment - Robotics - H.G. Wells, Movie Things to Come, Machines to Replace Humans for Labour; Freemasonry of the Air - The Fabian Society; The Astor Family - Communism, Efficiency - The Fabians had a Direct Line to Moscow, Trotsky - The Soviet Union was Called The Second Great Experiment (The First was the United States of America) - The Culture Industry; Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll of the 1960s - Stop the Bonding Between the Sexes - Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Have Sex, Take These Pills and Get Back to Work - Bertrand Russell, Trained to Be Unable to Do Anything without Expert Advice - People are Now in an Existential Crisis with No Purpose - Massive Amounts of Drugs, Cocaine, Fentanyl; There is No War on Drugs - Tent Cities Everywhere - The Agenda was Always to Eliminate Middle Class People - Article, Trudeau is Greenish. Canada’s Oil-Producing Prairie Provinces See Red.- Wexit - Pierre Trudeau was a Member of the Comintern (Communist International) in the 1950s - Documentary, Oh, Canada - Service Economies - City of London, World Bank, IMF, BIS - Technocracy - Facebook Building Tech to Read Your Mind - Rockefeller Foundation - Mapping the Brain - People are Convinced Facebook is Listening to Their Phone Calls - Canada Appoints Minister of Middle Class Prosperity - Canada, New Cabinet Must Make the Best of an Uncertain Economic Outlook - UN Chief Antonio Guterres says Humanity's 'War Against Nature' Must Stop - Snow Falls In The Sahara Desert - Fires in Australia - TCFD: Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures; Michael Bloomberg - Climate and the Money Trail - Club of Rome; Humans are the Problem, Man is the Enemy - Please Remember to Visit www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com to Donate and Order; This is a Tough Time of the Year Financially - People Shop and Spend to Fill that Existential Void. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 8, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Trudeau is greenish. Canada’s oil-producing prairie provinces see red. Wexit: Alberta's frustration fuels push for independence from Canada New cabinet must make the best of an uncertain economic outlook: Don Pittis Chris Selley: 'Minister of Middle Class Prosperity' isn't a joke. It should be Facebook is building brain tech that could read minds and ruin privacy Is Facebook listening to you through your phone? Almost certainly not. Amazon is developing high-tech surveillance tools for an eager customer: America's police UN chief says humanity's 'war against nature' must stop Coldest summer day on record Snow Falls In The Sahara Desert For The First Time Since 1979, And It's Just As Beautiful As You Think Climate and the Money Trail Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures | TCFD John Kerry launches 'World War Zero' climate activism coalition U.S. Homeland Security proposes face scans for all citizens leaving or entering airports China introduces mandatory face scans for phone users Australian fires: Why do people start fires during fires? Australia bushfires: Firefighter accused of arson in 'ultimate betrayal' Dec. 1, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Technocratic Social Control: "Conspiracy Theories Mocked, Experts Deriding, Though Multiple Coincidences Keep Coinciding." © Alan Watt Dec. 1, 2019 Shoveling Snow because of Global Warming - Incessant Propaganda - Technocracy Inc., Technocrats - Rockefeller - It's All One Big System - Taking Over the World's Resources; Milner Group, Cecil Rhodes, RIIA, CFR - Carroll Quigley, Historian for CFR; A New Feudalism where CEOs of Large Corporations are in Charge - The West's Involvement in Funding Communism and Sending Engineers Over to Build Towns Modeled on American Suburbs - The World Bank - Technocracy; The Engineers and Scientists who Are to Rule the World; Sustainability and the Green Movement is All Part of this System - U.N. Agenda; Austerity (Poverty) - We are Classed as Energy Units; Everything is Energy - Behavioural Insights Teams (BIT) - Gorbachev - Trilateral Commission - Couldn't Bring in this System without the Guise of Terrorism - General Wesley Clark Talked about the List of Middle East Countries to Be Taken Out - Blowback - London Bridge Stabbings - Club of Rome, Democracy Too Cumbersome - Maurice Strong - Surveillance Industry - Movie, THX-1138 - Colour Revolutions; Yellow Vests - Bertrand Russell, Money Replaced by Credits, Tokens - Elon Musk’s Grandfather Was Head Of Canada’s Technocracy Movement - Faraday; Nikola Tesla, Electric Car - Patrick Wood's books, Technocracy Rising and Trilaterals Over Washington - Antony Sutton - Gro Brundtland, The Elders - World Socialist Movement; Efficiency for Those Who Manage Us - H.G. Wells, Things to Come - Article, The Last Utopians - Quigley, CFR, Our Goals Often Mistaken for Communism - With Total Efficiency, You're Not Human Anymore and You're Not Free - Borderless Blocs or Regions - Democracy; Switzerland - Margaret Thatcher - The U.S. is Supposed to Be a Constitutional Republic - First Defector in Cold War After WWII Attempting to Enter Canada - Uncle Joe Stalin - Brexit Article 50 Creator, John Kerr, Trilateral Commission Member; Royal Dutch Shell, Rio Tinto Zinc - David Rockefeller, Competition is a Sin - Global Investors for Sustainable Development Alliance (GISD), a UN-supported Coalition of 30 Business Leaders - The Late Patrick Moore (a Former Leader of Greenpeace): Should We Celebrate Carbon Dioxide? - Conspiracy Theories, Counter-Intelligence - Communism Talked about Unleashing the Atheists and Nihilists - The French Revolution; Released Prisoners from Bastille - U.N. Plan on Hate Speech - Orwell's 1984, History has Stopped. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 1, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: The march of the technocrats Shock: Elon Musk’s Grandfather Was Head Of Canada’s Technocracy Movement The Last Utopians Business leaders join UN to rev up sustainable development investments Brexit Article 50 creator to be keynote speaker at Insider and Scotland Is Now Top 500 Business Breakfast Patrick Moore: Should We Celebrate Carbon Dioxide? Black Friday backlash: Protests against Amazon erupt across France UN plan on Hate Speech White House Makes It Official: Kenneth Juster Will Be Next US Ambassador To India London Bridge terror attack: 'the police rolled him over and saw he had a bomb vest' Homeland Security will soon have biometric data on nearly 260 million people Nov. 24, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Global Order Out of Chaos: "Stuck in a Time Loop of Bolshevist Replays, Rent-a-Mob Anarchists, Civilization to Raze." © Alan Watt Nov. 24, 2019 We are Kept in Our Place with Worry; Propaganda - Class System, Your "Betters" - Self-Policing - Indoctrination Through Television Dramas Paid for by Our Tax Dollars - The Entertainment Business is There to Indoctrinate You and Keep Your Programming Updated; Fallout within Society and Families - Giving Away Privacy for Rewards - Aldous Huxley on Loving Your Servitude (Slavery) - Socialism in Britain; an Empire Run from London - Lord Alfred Milner Group, Kindergarten, Round Table, Cecil Rhodes, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations, Unification of the Americas; Branch for Pacific Rim; Eugenics - The Relationship between Britain's Ruling Elite and the Higher Castes in India - Unifying the World through World Wars; United Nations - Escaping Poverty by Joining the Military - Depopulation - A Coordinated Effort to Alter the Cultures of Britain and the U.S. after World War II - The Beatniks; Youth are Given their Lingo; The Importance of Music to the Culture - Music is a Technique of Massive Control and Change - Teddy Boys; Elvis Presley - Pop Music; Dancing; Strobe Lights; Drugs - The Beatles - Show Business - Step by Step Changing of the Youth - CBC Documentary, Sin Cities; Pre-WWII Berlin, Drugs, Prostitution - Promoting Sex with No Bonding, The Birth Control Pill - Rock Music - Movie, Spinal Tap - Blurring the Idea of Genders - Assassination - Power Plays inside the U.S.; Open Rebellion - Way Beyond What is Called The Deep State; Moving Towards a One-Party System - End of Borders, Withering away of the State - Carroll Quigley said Elite (CFR, RIIA, et cetera) were Often Mistaken for Communists, Their Goals so Similar - Most Folk have Given Up All Their Rights that Previous Generations Fought For - Privacy - Computerized, WiFi Society - Ubiquitous Nomadic Devices; Internet of Things - Trump won't Step in to Guarantee Free Speech - Loss of Purpose - Wellbeing - The Psychology of Privacy in the Era of the Internet of Things; Smart Devices (Spyware) - Helsinki - Visual Privacy - Trump, Impeachment Hearings; You're Going Through a Psychodrama - Financial Chaos - Trilateral Commission - In a Society that is Free, You can't have Efficiency - Efficiency Beyond Basic Functioning Negates All Choices and Freedoms - EU Court: Big Tech Must Censor Critics of Politicians, Worldwide - The Digital Berlin Wall: How Germany (Accidentally) Created a Prototype for Global Online Censorship - Rubio, Sinema, Tillis Introduce Bipartisan Threat Assessment Prevention, And Safety (TAPS) Act of 2019 - When Bush was in, the Talk was about "Anti-Government" - Similar to the Chinese Social Credit System - Light Pollution from SpaceX Satellites may Block View of Stars. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 24, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: The psychology of privacy in the era of the Internet of Things Threat Assessment, Prevention, and Safety Act of 2019 (pdf) Rubio, Sinema, Tillis Introduce Bipartisan Threat Assessment Prevention, And Safety (TAPS) Act of 2019 EU Court: Big Tech Must Censor Critics of Politicians, Worldwide EU Court press release Germany's Online Crackdowns Have Inspired Russia, Venezuela, and Other Undemocratic Countries Analysis: The Digital Berlin Wall: How Germany (Accidentally) Created a Prototype for Global Online Censorship Light pollution from SpaceX satellites may block view of stars, astronomers warn New NASA Study Finds Key Melting Greenland Glacier, Once the Poster Boy for Global Warming, is now Growing Again 'Losing two farms a day': Wisconsin is facing a serious dairy crisis Climate Change, Land Use Threatens World Food Supply, U.N. Report Finds Nov. 17, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "A Free Society is a Nuisance to Rulers Megalomaniacal, Expect Intolerant Authority for Efficiency Tyrannical." © Alan Watt Nov. 17, 2019 Scare Tactics, Propaganda; Lied to by Experts and Adults - Your Freedom is a Nuisance to those Who Want to Manage You - Al Gore and His Inconvenient Lack of Proof - The Psychopath Studies You and Mimics Your Genuine Emotions - Hillary Clinton Laughing at Gaddafi's Torture and Death - Prosperity in Libya Under Gaddafi - 9/11 and the Worldwide Loss of Rights - 9/11 was the Real Kickoff to the 21st Century, the Century of Change and Transition - Carroll Quigley; The CFR is a Part of the Managing Group, The Establishment - Psychopaths in Medicine and Research - Communist Manifesto, Destruction of Family Unit, Birth Control Pill - Out in the Open Now about Depopulation - Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Julian Huxley, Planned Parenthood, UNESCO - Al Gore's Statements about the Internet - Your Personal Computer; DARPA Managed the Internet System - High Definition Television - Pentagon, Targeting Specific People for Heart Attacks with Certain Pixel Groupings and Rates - Incredible Violence Done to People by Their Own Governments - Everything is Planned - Thousands of Think-Tanks Across the Planet all Working on Specialized Areas of Managing Us and Managing the Future - Movie, Minority Report - Mass Shootings; Knifings - State-Sponsored Monitoring of Mental Health; GIRFEC in Scotland - Attorney General William Barr Announced a New “Pre-Crime” Program Inspired by “War on Terror” Tactics, an Article by Whitney Webb; Using Psychologists, Threat Assessment, Intervention Teams and Community Groups - After 9/11, President Bush Talked about the New Freedom - Clarifying Overseas Use of Data Act or CLOUD Act - Efficiency - Barr and Priti Patel Claim CLOUD will Enhance Civil Liberties and Be Used to Go After Pedophiles and Organized Crime; Jeffrey Epstein was a Key Funder of the Company Carbyne 911 - Stasi System in East Germany, Millions of the Citizenry were Used to Spy on Other Citizens - Feds Launch Probe Into Project Nightingale, Which Secretly Gave Google Access to Americans' Medical Data - Operation Inherent Resolve, OIR; Forces Being Redeployed to Syria’s Oil-Producing Areas - US election 2020: Obama Issues Warning to 'Revolutionary' Democrats; The One-Party System which is Communism - Quigley, CFR, RIIA, Milner Group - It is Revolution - Australia's Bush Fires - US Constructing Two New Bases In Syria's Oil-Rich Region - 5G Smart Poles - Extremely Cold Here. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 17, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Feds Launch Probe Into Project Nightingale, Which Secretly Gave Google Access to Americans' Medical Data Will Google get away with grabbing 50m Americans' health records? Google's secret cache of medical data includes names and full details of millions – whistleblower Google has access to detailed health records on tens of millions of Americans Apple Heart in Print: The Conversation on Data Privacy Continues NHS illegally handed Google firm 1.6m patient records, UK data watchdog finds Fmr. Brit. Ambassador: UK Stealing Oil in Syria Too US Constructing Two New Bases In Syria's Oil-Rich Region US election 2020: Obama issues warning to 'revolutionary' Democrats With Little Fanfare, William Barr Formally Announces Orwellian Pre-Crime Program Australian bushfires: Why do people start fires during fires? Verizon installs 5G in Denver in special ‘smart poles’ The City Has To Decide Where to Hide 10,000 5G Nodes LuxTurrim5G ecosystem builds the smart city of the future Smart lighting may hold the key to greater 5G coverage Nov. 10, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Masters to Slaves, "You're the Problem." "First Persuasive Techniques to Conquer Your Soul, Voluntary Sterilization, Good Citizenry the Goal." © Alan Watt Nov. 10, 2019 Sanity - Incredible Propaganda We're Forced to Consume - The British Empire, Lord Alfred Milner - Arnold Toynbee - Books Put Out in the 1930s by the RIIA, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Published by the Rockefeller Foundation, Talked about How China would Take Over from the U.S.A. as Policeman of the World - Official Statements; Fine if You Want to Call it Conspiracy Theory - The United Nations - Carroll Quigley - The Trilateral Commission - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) - Creating Revolutionaries from the Youth - Revolutionary Songs, My Generation; Bob Dylan; Sexual Revolution, Drugs; Children Love Candies - Music Heroes on Drugs Promoted by the BBC; Eton, Oxford - The First Crusade was a Children's Crusade Led by a Crazy Monk - World Wars; H.G. Wells, Not Enough People Died - School, UNESCO; Julian Huxley - Bezmenov - Nudge Units, Behaviour Insights Teams (BIT) - The Depopulation Agenda Through Time; Animals Competing for Food; Bullies in the Animal Kingdom - Don't Confuse Intellect with the Ability to Use People Like a Psychopath - The Middle Ages; Managing the Herd - Changing Military from Mercenaries to Soldiers Fighting for a Cause or Their Nation with the Use of Propaganda - The Anger of Soldiers Who Figure Out How They've Been Used - H.G. Wells, Propaganda for War, White Feather in Cap - The Super-Elite and Their Obsession with Eugenics - Charles Darwin - Hitler Studied the Eugenics Writings from Britain and the U.S. for his Hygiene Program - So-Called Geniuses as Front Men - Euthanasia - Climate Change and Depopulation - NGO Radicals - The Club of Rome Tasked with Coming Up with a Unifying Issue that Would Allow Us to Give Up Rights and Be Ruled - California Wildfires - IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - The Cunning of Psychopaths - Wars, Globalization, Genetic Modification of Your Food - Taking Over the Water Supply like the James Bond movie; Philanthropy Taking of the Water Supply of the World Under Good Causes and Conservation - Soviet Union couldn't Feed its People, Canada and U.S. Competed for Supplying Grain to USSR - Paul Ehrlich - Global Cooling, The Threat of a New Ice Age - The Person who Set the Stage for Entire Deception of Human-Caused Global Warming – Stephen Schneider; author of Global Warming (1989) had Two Decades Earlier Warned of a Returning Ice Age - Non-Governmental Climate Scientists Slam the UN's IPCC - In 2006, Al Gore said 10 Years Were Left; Warned of Rising Water Levels, but Bought a Beach-Front House - Maurice Strong - At Least Animals are More Honest if Their Intention is to Eat You - Monsanto wins $7.7b Lawsuit in Brazil, but Farmers’ Fight to Stop its ‘Amoral’ Royalty System will Continue - Put the Natural Seed into Arks for the Elite to Use when We're All Dead and Gone from Starvation - Those Who'd Paid into NHS in Britain couldn't Get Cancer Treatments but Recent Immigrants were Given Top Priority - Please Visit my Website, www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com and Make Donations and Order. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 10, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Earth Needs Fewer People to Beat the Climate Crisis, Scientists Say Signatories for the article "World Scientists' Warning of a Climate Emergency" World Scientists' Warning of a Climate Emergency Non-governmental climate scientists slam the UN's IPCC 10 times 'experts' predicted the world would end by now Whatever Happened to Global Cooling? Indispensable transformation - The global agriculture must become climate neutral About us - D+C Development and Cooperation Monsanto wins $7.7b lawsuit in Brazil – but farmers’ fight to stop its ‘amoral’ royalty system will continue Schneider's Scary Scenarios The Person who Set the Stage for Entire Deception of Human-Caused Global Warming (AGW) – Stephen Schneider. Nov. 3, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Will the Real Rulers of America Please Stand Up? "Orwell Gave us Daily 2 Minutes of Hate, But it's 24/7 from Media and Deep State." © Alan Watt Nov. 3, 2019 Snow - Increased Taxes on Essentials - Monitored, Socialized System - Trilateral Commission, Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House), Council on Foreign Relations - Unification of Europe, the Americas, Pacific Rim Region - The Milner Group, Incredibly Powerful Organization, Inner Circle and Outer Circle; Orwell's Inner and Outer Parties - Monsanto was Presented as a Solution, Genetically Modified, Terminator Gene so Farmers Couldn't Save the Seed and Replant it; Done Under the Guise of Feeding the World - Saved Natural Seeds in Vaults - If You Repeat the Information They've Put Out in Their Own Books, You're a Conspiracy Theorist - Trusting Media to Tell You What is Right, Wrong, True or False - Under a Spell, Amused, Bemused, the Muses - Socialism is the Totally Scientific Control of Everyone on the Planet from Birth to Death - H.G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, People Will Only Exist for the Rulers of the State - The Deep State - China, Simple Propaganda, The Communists were Suddenly Going to Be the Capitalists - We Gave Our Manufacturing to China, Paid to Send it There - Service Economies, Dog Paddles until Exhausted and Drowns - Trump, Ukraine, Why was the Colonel Listening and Who was he Listening For - Climate Change, Manufactured Emergency to Save Us All - George W. Bush Surrounded by Neocons - After 9/11, Slickly Moving the Whole Crisis Over to Iraq - Scotland, The Celtic Allergy to Tyranny - Mandatory Licensing to Be Able to have Children - Orwell's Concerns about Censorship of Literature - Aldous Huxley, Painless Servitude - Agenda 21, 2030 - Destruction of Common Culture, Religion, the Family - 5G, Complete Surveillance, Breathing in Nanoparticles - Ready for 6G? How AI will Shape the Network of the Future, an Article from MIT Technology Review - Agenda 21, No Private Vehicles - Making 5G Work Indoors - We Live Inside Cages of Electricity in Our Houses - Outdoor Surveillance Cameras Will Be Largest Market for 5G Internet of Things Solutions - Testbed for 5G-Powered Drones Coming to North Carolina - 5G Drones for Ridesharing, Deliveries and Industrial IoT - 2019 Triangle Smart Cities Summit Features 5G Networks, Drones - The Guardian Goes Orwell on Climate, an Article from CFACT - Green Roof Requirements On the Rise - Bezmenov Talked About Your Money Being Spent on Useless, Ridiculous Projects - ‘Largest Sloping Green Roof’ Collapses, 2011 - City Tech Collaborative Targets 2020 for Putting Heat Mapping Tool in Urban Planners Hands - Jane Fonda and Ted Danson Arrested at Weekly Climate Change Protest - Berkeley to Ban Natural Gas - All Social Cancers Start in California - Seattle Mayor Proposes a Heating Oil Tax - 70% of Millenials Would Vote for Socialists - A Third of Millenials Approve of Communism - California's Prop 47 Leads to Rise in Shoplifting and Thefts - Feds to Experiment with Allowing Police Officers to Wear Body Cameras. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 3, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Former CIA Directors Admit to Deep State Coup to Remove President Trump Ready for 6G? How AI will shape the network of the future Researchers say 6G will stream human brain-caliber AI to wireless devices World’s first 6G White Paper builds cornerstones for 2030 wireless intelligence Making 5G work indoors is a huge task for operators Gartner Predicts Outdoor Surveillance Cameras Will Be Largest Market for 5G Internet of Things Solutions Over Next Three Years Testbed for 5G-powered drones coming to North Carolina AT&T and Uber partner on 5G drones for ridesharing, industrial IoT 2019 Triangle Smart Cities Summit Features 5G Networks, Drones The Guardian goes Orwell on climate Why we're rethinking the images we use for our climate journalism Ted Danson is the latest celebrity to get arrested with Jane Fonda at weekly climate change protest Green Roof Requirements Are On the Rise New York City Passes Law Requiring Green Roofs on New Buildings 'Largest Sloping Green Roof' Collapses City Tech Collaborative targets 2020 for putting heat mapping tool in urban planners' hands Berkeley became first US city to ban natural gas. Here's what that may mean for the future Seattle mayor proposes heating oil tax to push electrification New Survey Shows 70 Percent of Millennials Would Vote for Socialists More than a third of millennials polled approve of communism California's Prop 47 leads to rise in shoplifting, thefts, criminal activity across state Feds to experiment with allowing police officers to wear body cameras on task forces UN Inciting Youth Rent-a-mobs for Globalism UN to America: We’re the Boss Out of Power Nationally, Politician Finally Tells Truth on “Global Warming” Oct. 27, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Who will Dare Powers of the Air: "As Vexed Hexers Conjure Malevolence on The Wicked, See The Elect-Trick and Enchant us With Brain-chips and 5G." © Alan Watt Oct. 27, 2019 What You Get as News is Horrifying - Leveson Inquiry - 5G, Control - Anti-Globalism Protests - Globalism, A Structure to Benefit the Big, International Corporations - The Game They Play that You're Free, Go and Vote - Machiavelli, The Prince - Francis Bacon - MI6, Delving into the Economic Business of Foreign Powers - Nations are Private Businesses - Massive Bureaucracy that Manages Your Mind - A Virtual Reality You - We Buy Our Own Chains - Soft Power, Organizations, E. Bernays - Colour Revolutions - Protesting, Using the Lost and Those on the Fringes - The West Funds Protests, Colour Revolutions - Putin had Pussy Riot Arrested Eventually - Protests Planned with Neurologists, Behaviourists, Psychologists - Murder of Polish Officers in Katyn, Killed by Communists; German Film of the Atrocity Doctored by the Soviets to Make it Appear the Nazis Committed the Murders - Post-Traumatic Stress - Abu Ghraib - Experiments on Obedience to Authority; Milgram etc. - The Control Factor is Getting the Public to Believe Politics and Money System is All Real - Building the Incredible Wealth of a Small Number of Families - Taking Over the World's Resources - Milner Group, Cecil Rhodes - Wealthy Businessmen, Not Self-Made, Put Out to Worship and Follow - All the Old American Patriot Radio, Shortwave Shows that Gave Real Talks about Freedom and Rights are Gone, Taken Over by Authorized Substitutes - Front NGO Groups, Antifa - Shocking Photos of Congresswoman Katie Hill Showing Off Nazi-era Tattoo while Smoking a Bong, Kissing her Female Staffer and Posing Nude on 'Wife Sharing' Sites - Contamination, Bezmenov - Katie Hill was Being Promoted in a Show as the New Type of Progressive - Halloween - Thousands of Witches Casting a Binding Spell on Trump - Rockefeller, Lucis (Lucifer) Trust - Julian Assange - Renowned Exorcist Holds Mass To Combat Coven Of Witches Hexing Kavanaugh - Family Planning, Planned Parenthood - Women’s Rights Issues are Climate Change Issues, John Podesta - The Club of Rome, Climate Change, Famine, Plague a Control Device - Extinction Rebellion Climate Change Protesters Strip Off for 'Nudie Parade' through Melbourne - Satanic Temple: US Naval Academy should Host Satanic Services - Mum and Lesbian Lover Tear Off 9-year-old Son’s Penis then Behead Him ‘as He Reminded Her of Her Dad’ - Drugged-up Mum Cut 3-year-old Son's Genitals, Starved Him so Badly He Became Deformed - You're Looking at a Battlefield where Most of the Fighting is Done and You're Left with Chaos - Mother Scalded Toddler with Boiling Water to Punish Him for Peeing on the Floor - McCain told Graham to Avoid Trump Drama - We're in a Time of Perpetual Terrorism, We'll Never See the Old System Back with Rights and Freedoms - Behind the Organized Insanity is a Very Obvious Whiff of the Diabolical - No More International Postal Money Orders between Canada and the U.S. - Please Visit my Website, www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com and Donate and Order using PayPal, Send Cash, Use Moneygram or Personal Cheques from within Canada and the U.S. - In the Esoteric, They Say You Must Destroy All that Was to Bring in the New - Ordo Ab Chao - The Age of Transition, The Century of Change. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 27, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Inside Mexico’s brutal drug cartels – who behead rivals with chainsaws and murder pregnant women and kids – as police hunt new ‘El Chapo’ Mother scalded toddler with boiling water to punish him for peeing on the floor Drugged-up mum cut 3-year-old son's genitals, starved him so badly he became deformed Mum and lesbian lover tear off 9-year-old son’s penis then behead him ‘as he reminded her of her dad’ Satanic Temple: US Naval Academy should host satanic services Shocking photos of Congresswoman Katie Hill are revealed showing off Nazi-era tattoo while smoking a bong, kissing her female staffer and posing nude on 'wife sharing' sites Katie Hill asked estranged husband to be stay-at-home ‘house husband’ Rep. Katie Hill used wife-swapping website to post naked photo of herself smoking bong When Did Everybody Become a Witch? Each month, thousands of witches cast a spell against Donald Trump Witches Are About To Cast A ‘Binding Spell’ On President Trump Witches Now Outnumber Presbyterians In The US Renowned Exorcist Holds Mass To Combat Coven Of Witches Hexing Kavanaugh Judge Overrules Jury That Blocked Texas Father From Stopping Son's Transgender Transition Women’s rights issues are climate change issues The Guardian goes Orwell on climate How the Trump Admin Used a Secret Livestream to Spy on Julian Assange ‘A 1950s show trial’: John Pilger describes ‘disgraceful’ courtroom treatment of Julian Assange by UK judge ‘I can’t think properly’: Assange fights back tears and struggles to say own name as he appears in court over US extradition For Putin, All Conspiracy Theories Lead to the West McCain told Graham to avoid Trump drama Oct. 20, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Vote for......????? "We're on Par with China using Techniques Coercive, Total Surveillance on All in The Great Collective." © Alan Watt Oct. 20, 2019 News is Presented with Sides to Choose From - Given a Left and Right Wing; The Dialectic Technique - People are Militarized into a Cause - Given a Fictitious History as Your Nations Rulers or Leaders Going Across the World Pillaging Resources - The Scottish Pipe Band - Culloden; Highland Clearing, Genocide; Forbidden to Wear Clan Tartans or Speak Gaelic - Given the Version of Events You are Supposed to Accept; 9/11 - Syria Scheduled for Demolishing back in the 1980s by the CIA - The Revolutionary Movement; Your Elected Leaders are Not the Bosses - Reece Commission - Charles Galton Darwin's book, The Next Million Years; Ruled by Wild Men who haven't Been Indoctrinated, Who Can Do What They Want, Unhampered by Conventional Norms - Given So-Called Geniuses to Follow - Christian Culture; No One was Higher Than God, The Message was Don't Go Worshipping People - Cultural War; Media, Internet - In the Digital Age, You're Watching History Disappear - Now into a Socialist Type of Governmental System; Everything Run by Science on Behalf of a Very Rich Elite - Socialism is Part of a Revolutionary Strategy - Communism - Carroll Quigley - The Banking Collective of the World Bank, IMF, BIS, and Central Banks; Privately-Owned, Not Owned by Government or The People - Bring Down Standard of Living Under Various Guises such as Sustainability - Yuri Bezmenov - NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization - Grabbing Oil and Resources for Private Corporations - Tony Blair - C.G. Darwin, Slavery has Always Existed on Earth in One Form or Another; Aldous Huxley Made Similar Statements about Slavery and a Dominant Minority - Surveillance by Government and Private Corporations; Photographed and Filmed Everywhere, Emails Kept Forever - Orwell's 1984, O'Brien to Winston, It's Not Good Enough to Say It, You Must Believe It - Religion Gave Purpose - Facial Recognition Being Introduced Everywhere; Nowhere to Point to as an Example of Freedom - China's Social Credit System - Long Ago, We had Rights but Now We Get Privileges - Watching the Chipmunks and Their Struggle to Survive Scarred and Rag-Tag, Reminds Me of How Humans have Been Flayed by Perfected Psychological Attacks - Behavioural Insights Teams (BIT) - Free Trade - China was Set Up by Those Who Ruled and Still Rule the West - EU, CFR, RIIA, Cecil Rhodes, Centralized Banking - Canada's Elections - Obama Weighs in on Canada's Federal Election, backs Trudeau - Moving the Patriot Radio Shows Away from Politics - Bertrand Russell Talked about Those Bright Children Who Might Be Brought into the Agenda, but Those who won't Go Along Will Be Eliminated - Agenda 21, Off the Land into the City - No Private Vehicles - Bill Clinton and the Origin of Smart Cities - The First Thing Communists Do is Restrict Movement - Sadiq Khan, New 'Green' Energy Company - Austria, New Lab for Smart City Development - Fairmount Line Bus Shelter Living Roof Initiative; Bezmenov Talked about Throwing Money at Silly, Useless Projects - NGOs, Soviet Rule by Councils - Google Offers Tool for Cities to Measure Emissions - Los Angeles has a New urban Forest Officer - UK’s First Purpose-Built Smart City - Nearly 100 City Mayors Announce Support of Global Green New Deal at C40 summit - Car Free Oslo - Car Free Zones in Glasgow - San Francisco to Ban Cars on Part of Market Street - American Summer Camps Using Facial Recognition Technology to Send Updates to Parents - Apple, Amazon, Google and the Race for Your Face - France to Use Nationwide Facial Recognition ID App - The First Public Schools In The US Will Start Using Facial Recognition - Toronto Police have been Using Facial Recognition Technology for More than a Year - Australian Governments Continue Expanding Use of Facial Recognition - Chinese Citizens will Soon Need to Scan their Face Before They can Access Internet Services - Please Remember to Visit my Website, www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com and Donate and Order - Locksley Hall, Alfred, Lord Tennyson - Words, Spelling, a Spell - Managed with Left/Right Politics or You'd Have to Have Revolutions. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 20, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Austria introduces new intelligence lab for resident-centric smart city development London Power: Sadiq Khan unveils plans for new 'green' energy company Fairmount Line Bus Shelter Living Roof Initiative Google offers tool for cities to measure emissions New urban forest officer named to manage canopy: ‘City is home to the nation’s largest urban forest’ UK’s first purpose-built Smart City operating system deployed in Hull Nearly 100 city mayors announce support of global Green New Deal at C40 summit Car Free Zones introduced around six Glasgow primaries Oslo is the latest city to make its central zone car-free 12 major cities that are starting to go car-free SF Officials Vote to Ban Private Cars From Part of Market Street American summer camps using facial recognition technology to send updates of 'happy kids' to parents Australian governments continue expanding use of facial recognition Facial recognition: Apple, Amazon, Google and the race for your face France to become first EU country to use nationwide facial recognition ID app Lockport Public Schools Will Be The First In The Country To Use Facial Recognition On June 3 Toronto police have been using facial recognition technology for more than a year Landmark hearing finds use of facial recognition technology lawful Chinese citizens will soon need to scan their face before they can access internet services or get a new phone number Beijing Launches New Rule: Residents Must Pass Facial Recognition Test to Surf Internet Obama weighs in on Canada's federal election, backs Trudeau Oct. 13, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) The Wizards of O.S.S.: "The Future is Planned, Not Chanced to a Toss, We Human Herds Managed by The Wizards of O.S.S." © Alan Watt Oct. 13, 2019 The Incredible Massive Movements, Organizations, Governments, Bureaucracy, Money and Manpower, Think Tanks, Running the Planet; It is Staggering - Our Leaders are Selected, Vetted; Carroll Quigley - Pre-planned System of the Destruction of Nations - The International Brotherhood of Freemasonry; Graded as You Move Up the Ranks - CIA and Other Intelligence Agencies Recruit from Colleges and High Schools - Intergenerational Bureaucrats - Freemasonry was Meant to Be a Revolutionary Force - Royal Institute for International Affairs, The Milner Group, The Kindergarten; Collection of Wealth by Taking Over the Planet's Resources; Council on Foreign Relations; European Branch for the Politicians in Europe; Branch for Pacific Rim Countries, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, etc. - Quigley was Given Access to the CFR Archives - People don't Relate to Bureaucrats; Want Strong Leaders - Huge Teams Behind Leaders such as Marx, Lenin, Stalin - Mao, Chairman Mao, the Chinese Communist Leader; Movie with Gregory Peck, The Chairman - Collectivism - Lenin, Communism is Only Socialism in a Hurry - Cecil Rhodes, The Commonwealth - East India Company, Hudson Bay Company - Private Companies with Their Own Military - OSS Blossomed into the CIA for the U.S.; MI6 in Britain - The CIA Would Often Go to the Rockefellers for Money - The Great Philanthropists, a Massive Front for a Private Club - David Rockefeller, Competition is a Sin - Carnegie - Gulf War I, Halliburton Flying in Pallets of Freshly Printed Cash, American Money - You're Run by Interlinking Systems, the True Pyramid Scheme - Reece Commission, Norman Dodd; With Grant-Making Powers can Merge the Soviet System with That of the West - Social Credit Systems, Self-Policing; You're Not Free, Just Free to Go Along with It - The Vietnam War Run by the CIA, brought in Massive Amounts of Drugs to Fund Operations; Stuffing the Bodies of Dead Soldiers with Heroin - Eugenics - H.G. Wells, Free Love; book, A Modern Utopia; Marketer Drumming Up Terms to Defame the Enemy, The Hun - Secretive Organizations with Layers, Levels, Degrees; The Capstone at the Top, the Perfected Ones - B. Russell, Diet, Injections and Injunctions Used to Sterilize or Even Kill the Wrong Classes of People - The Hard Road to World Order, CFR; Mutual Interdependence; The So-called Oil Crisis of the 1970s; International Monetary Fund; BRIC Nations; Institutions of Limited Jurisdiction; An End-Run Around National Sovereignty - Bertrand Russell Quoting Fichte on the Importance of Education, Early Indoctrination; Any Criticism of Authorities will Be Psychologically Impossible - Anti-Iran Alliance Falters as Netanyahu, Trump and MBS Focus on Their Own Predicaments - Chinese Citizens will Need to Scan their Face Before they can Access Internet Services or Get a New Phone Number - People Gave Away Their Rights for Points on a Card to Save a Few Bucks - The Wizards of OSS - Drugs for Guns Scandal, Oliver North - School of the Americas - Karl Rove; When We Act, We Create Our Own Reality - The List of Countries to Take Out (General Wesley Clark on Democracy Now) - The Media and Donald Trump - CFR Talked about Raising Up Philanthropists to Higher Role in Governance - Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt Believes Biology is the Next Frontier in Computing - Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg this Year Announced He and his Wife Priscilla Chan would Donate $68 Million to Support the Mapping of All the Cells in the Human Body - Elon Musk Unveils Plan to Build Mind-Reading Implants - Scientists Have Successfully Implanted an Artificial Memory - U.K., Groundbreaking New Platform Launched to Support Mental Health - Article by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Euro-federalists Financed by U.S. Spy Chiefs - Remember to Donate and Order from My Website, www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 13, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Anti-Iran Alliance Falters as Netanyahu, Trump and MBS Focus on Their Own Predicaments Chinese citizens will soon need to scan their face before they can access internet services or get a new phone number Beijing Launches New Rule: Residents Must Pass Facial Recognition Test to Surf Internet AI working against you? How artificial intelligence bias can block you Eric Schmidt says he's eyeing biology for the next computing frontier Elon Musk unveils plan to build mind-reading implants: 'The monkey is out of the bag' Inception: Scientists Successfully Implanted an Artificial Memory Groundbreaking new platform launched to support mental health - Every Mind Matters Euro-federalists financed by US spy chiefs Oct. 6, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) The Global Social People's Plantation: "Nuisance People, Oldthink, with Rights, Untamable, To be Forced into Austerity, Freedom Unsustainable." © Alan Watt Oct. 6, 2019 In Years Past, There Were Many Unique Researchers in Patriot Radio; Now it is All Back to Politics - The System - Movies for Children; The Adventures of Sinbad; The Genie in the Lamp would Try and Trick You with Your Wishes so You'd End Up with a Dud - Common Culture, Language, What is Called a Nation - Communists Point to the Capitalist Class without Saying Who They Are - Britain's Old Middle Class or Managerial Class - The Magic of Neuroscience, Psychology and Behaviourism - Made Up Drama to Fictionalize Royalty - Politics is a Punch and Judy Show to Make the Public Believe it's All Real - Enormous Amount of Money to Launch The Beatles to International Fame - A Parallel Government that Could Get Things Done; A Marxist System - Weather Underground Techniques - An Apparently Socialistic System - Make Things so Bad that Folk Demand the Very Thing You Want Them to Have - East Germany, Stasi; Movie, The Lives of Others - Pierre Trudeau was a Leader of the Young Communists for Canada, Led a Delegation to Moscow in the Early 1950s - U.N.'s IPCC for Climate - Radicalized Youth for Climate Change Agenda - Leni Riefenstahl, Drifting into Change, Totalitarianism - Voting was Created to Stop True Revolutions from Happening - Sustainability is an Excuse to Tackle Overpopulation; Prince Philip - Stagnation of a Service Economy and the Farce of Blaming it All on China when We Gave China All the Manufacturing and Paid to Have it Shipped Over to Them - We don't Even Have a Fake British Invasion of Music to Look Forward To - Experts say US Aid Cuts will Spur Central America Migration - Guatemalan Farmers Grew Heroin Poppies and When the Military Destroyed Their Crops They Fled to the U.S. - NAFTA Renamed - At Toronto Fundraiser in 2013, Justin Trudeau Seemingly Admires China's 'Basic Dictatorship' - Canada's Liberal Party Promises Net-Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050 - Austerity - The Liberals’ Covert Green Plan for Canada: Poverty and Dictatorship - Maurice Strong - Scientists Set Out How to Halve Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2030 - The Importance of Meat in Your Diet - Post-Consumer Society - Global Warming Fraud Exposed In Pictures - U.N.; Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - Salzburg Global Seminar; Creating Urban Environments Which Let Nature and People Thrive; Urban Wellbeing - Agenda 21; 2030 - National Park City Foundation - London has Become the World's First National Park City - Google Makes Deepfakes to Fight Deepfakes - Facebook - Dallas Fed's Kaplan: U.S. Needs More, Not Less, Immigration for Economic Growth - Amazon Smart Glasses Spark Privacy Nightmare; Consumers Call it Terrifying Spyware - Remember to Donate and Order Books and Discs - Remember I Started Out Talking about Sinbad; Watch Out for the Genie - Politicians are Not as Clever as the Genie, but They Use Speechwriters and Professional Marketing Companies. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 6, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Poor Guatemalan farmers turned to heroin poppies US aid cuts will spur Central America migration, experts say At Toronto fundraiser, Justin Trudeau seemingly admires China's 'basic dictatorship' Canada's Liberal party promises net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 The Liberals’ Covert Green Plan for Canada – Poverty and Dictatorship AOC chief of staff confirms: Green New Deal was not really about the climate Labour set to commit to net zero emissions by 2030 Scientists set out how to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 Climate change: Big lifestyle changes 'needed to cut emissions' Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Global Warming Fraud Exposed In Pictures Salzburg Global Seminar Creating Urban Environments Which Let Nature and People Thrive Partnerships for Urban Wellbeing and Resilience: Harnessing Nature and Protected Areas for the Sustainable Development Goals London has become the world's first National Park City National Park City Foundation Google makes deepfakes to fight deepfakes Google makes deepfakes to fight deepfakes - BBC Dallas Fed's Kaplan: U.S. needs more, not less, immigration for economic growth Amazon smart glasses spark privacy nightmare, as people fear an 'Orwellian' world is on the horizon Sept. 29, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Utility of Sterility: "Oh, No Need to Worry Says Professional Persuasion, With Estrogen Mimickers You're a Sterile Mutation." © Alan Watt Sept. 29, 2019 Long Winters - Walk Up the Snow Piles to the Roof - Intuition - Telepathy, Synthetic Telepathy - Persinger; Corbin Helmet; An Electrified Field - Intuition is Important - Military Applications of Synthetic Telepathy, Transmission - Zbigniew Brzezinski, CFR, Trilateral Commission - Elections are a Bit of a Joke; Carroll Quigley Goes into the Fact that the Heads of all Parties are Chosen - HAARP Technology for Influence; Standing Waves, Superheating the Atmosphere - Fear is a Great Driver to Get Folk to Comply - Standing Waves can Be Used to Manipulate Behaviour - Thomas Malthus, Population - Brzezinski Talked about Technetronic Warfare Being Used to Manipulate Behaviour Across Whole Continents - Darwinism - Education, Indoctrination, Control - Social Credit System in China Done by the State; In the West, Pretend it's Private Corporations - Global Citizen Concert - Libraries used to Keep Reference Books and Non-Fiction for Many Years - Conformity is All Around You Now - Electronic Prison; Cashless Society - Not Enough People Died in World War I and II; Too Many of You; Told Not to Have More than Two Children - Tony Blair - World Socialism - Do Away with Democracy - Climate Strikes Across the World - Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions - Boris Johnson Unveils £1.2bn in Funding for Climate and Endangered Species - U.S. Religious Leaders Issue “Religious Declaration of Unprecedented Human Emergency” - E. Bernays said Use Existing Organizations, even Churches and Have the Leaders Get Their Flock to Follow Them - Faith Pledges Push Global Fossil Fuel Divestments over $11 Trillion - Coming Austerity - Technocracy Inc.; Everything Revolves around Energy (Food is Energy) - Idea for Hitler Youth Came from Young Communist League - Couples Not having Children Because of Climate Change - Mycoestrogens; Xenoestrogens; Endocrine Disruptors - Geoengineering; Harvard - Monsanto, Aluminum Resistant Genes for Plants - Storing Normal Seeds in Heavily Guarded Arks - Plastic in Drinking Water - Phthalates - Phytoestrogens; Mimic Estrogen - Proton Pump Inhibitor Type Medication so You Stop Producing So Much Acid (in Reaction to Modified Food) - Tens of Thousands of 5G Telecommunications Satellites, Escalating Tensions in a Contested and Congested Space Environment - Brzezinski's Technetronic Era - Health Fears Prompt Swiss 5G Revolt - Nanobots, Smart Dust, 5G Wireless and Smart Cities - Smart Dust Is Coming - Think Back to Malthus; Who Wants You to Become Vegan? - Georgia Guidestones - The Social Credit System is Here - Politicians, Psychopaths - Libraries Dumping Books (Weeding) - Please Donate and Visit My Website www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 29, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Wrong Again: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions Doomsdays that didn’t happen: Think tank compiles decades’ worth of dire climate predictions Boris Johnson unveils £1.2bn for climate and endangered species U.S. religious leaders issue “Religious Declaration of Unprecedented Human Emergency” Faith pledges push global fossil fuel divestments over $11 trillion Young couples not having children because of climate change Mycoestrogen Plastic pollution is in your cup of TEA Plastic Teabags Release Billions of Microparticles and Nanoparticles into Tea Plastic in drinking water: what are the risks to human health? Endocrine disruptors - National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Environmental causes of cancer: endocrine disruptors as carcinogens Endocrine disruptor Phthalate Cancer worries prompt generic Zantac recalls at Walgreens, Walmart and Rite Aid: What you need to know Tens of Thousands of 5G Telecommunications Satellites. Escalating Tensions in a Contested and Congested Space Environment 20,000 Satellites for 5G to be Launched Sending Focused Beams of Intense Microwave Radiation Over Entire Earth Researchers develop low-power, low-cost network for 5G connectivity: A millimeter wave network for billions of things Health fears prompt Swiss 5G revolt The Last Mile to Civilization 2.0: Technologies From Our Not Too Distant Future; Nanobots, Smart Dust, 5G Wireless and Smart Cities Smart Dust Is Coming. Are You Ready? MEMS and Smart Dust: The Big Potential of a Tiny Future Harvard WorldMUN Harvard WorldMUN 2020 - Tokyo 27th All Japan Model United Nations Global Citizen Festival Thousands attend Global Citizen Festival in Central Park Sept. 22, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) The Psychological Knavery of Technique Slavery: "From School to Climate Catastrophe, Trained by Rote, Fearful Desperate Damaged Cultures Continue to Vote." © Alan Watt Sept. 22, 2019 Living in Some Sort of Groundhog's Day - Trump and Iran - Qaddafi, Libya - Withering Away of the Nation-State - RIIA, CFR - Free Trade Agreements - Free Trade is Monopolistic for a Consortium, a Bloc of Countries; A Communist Idea - Anthony Hopkins in Movie, Heartland - We're Run by Secrecy and Deception - Elimination of Manufacturing Base in Canada and the United States - The Mexican Corridor; then Moved Manufacturing to China - Planned Hyperinflation - After 2008 Financial Crash, Bank Bailouts, Special Drawing Rights for Canada and Other Foreign Banks - Money is a Tool of Power - Politicians and Insider Trading Tips - Bring Down Western Countries into Austerity (a Nicer Word than Poverty) - War on Culture, Hyper-Sexualization, Music Television - Television Series from the BBC called The Scheme - (Housing Schemes in Britain, Scotland) - Heroin Flooding into Britain in the 1990s at the Same Time Jobs Just Vanish - Drugs; Big Pharma, Government Steps in to Pick Up the Slack, Social Workers - Bring in the Pseudo-Science Experts of the Mind - Native Indian Culture, Follow the Tradition of the Elders; There was Purpose, Busy for Survival - You Cannot Make a Profit from So-Called Arrested Civilizations - We're in the Eradication Phase - Pesticides, Genetically Modified Food - Socialism was Picked by High Levels of the Middle Classes who Despised the Poor and Were Afraid of Them; H.G. Wells had Contempt for the Working Classes - Brave New World, Aldous Huxley; Breeding and Genetically Modifying Humans for Specific Kinds of Work; Promiscuity Promoted; The Savage, Wild Man who Could Still Think, who Valued Beauty and Emotions - John Dewey, You'd Live a Certain Amount of Years and then You'd Die and Your Death wouldn't Be Mourned but Celebrated - Purpose, Family and Community Destroyed - No One to Stand Up for the Individual, as Many (including George Bernard Shaw) Wanted) - Socialism is an Ordered, Planned Society that Makes the Elite Feel Safer - Signs and Symptoms of a Destroyed Society - Democratic Donor Ed Buck is Arrested for Running a Drug Den and Being a Violent Sexual Predator; Like Something You'd Read About from Caligula - Claim, Jeffrey Epstein Ran a $500M Ponzi Scheme Fueled by Insider Trading and Fake Stock Buys - No Doubt Epstein was Part of a Massive Intelligence Operation - Donations to MIT's Media Lab - Much More to MIT's Media Lab than Meets the Eye - Richard Stallman Argues that Epstein Victims were Entirely Willing - G. Maxwell Called the Girls Trash - Patents - Stanford R. Ovshinsky Mentored Joi Ito, Who Recently Resigned from MIT's Media Lab after He Admitted Taking $525,000 in Funding from Jeffrey Epstein for the Media Lab - Ito's Godfather was Timothy Leary - Sackler Family - Aggressive Marketing of Highly Addictive Opioids - Pro-Choice and Anti-Abortion Advocates Express Shock at the Discovery of Fetal Remains at Dr. Ulrich "George" Klopfer's home - Torture, Waterboarding - Forest Spraying Concerns, Sudbury - TEK Elders will take Government to Court Over Aerial Spraying of Glyphosate Herbicides by Forest Management - Cancer-Causing Herbicides Dubbed "Agent Orange" were Sprayed by the B.C. Government During the ‘60s and ‘70s - Toxic Gas Tested on Norwich - Millions were in Germ War Tests in Britain between 1940 and 1979 - Documentary – Radioactive waste: Dumped and Forgotten - Cancer Kills Many California Sea Lions, Most Born in the Channel Islands - Privately-Owned Cars should be Banned from London by 2030 - Ireland Set to Ban Private Cars - Elimination of Private Vehicles a Big Part of Agenda 21 - Is Deutsche Bank the Next ‘Lehman Brothers’? - 'Death Taxes' Swell U.K. Treasury Coffers - Please visit my Site, www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com to Donate and Order. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 22, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: The Scheme Documentary (with Subtitles) Episode 1 The Scheme Episode 2 The Scheme Episode 3 The Scheme Episode 4 The Scheme Episode 5 Democratic donor Ed Buck is Arrested for running a drug den and 'being a violent sexual predator' 'Dr Kevorkian': Democratic donor Ed Buck as he is hit with new federal charge in overdose deaths of two black men Jeffrey Epstein 'ran a $500M Ponzi scheme fueled by insider trading and fake stock buys Bill Gates says he wishes he hadn't met with Jeffrey Epstein in 2013 MIT scientist resigns over emails discussing academic linked to Epstein Director of M.I.T.’s Media Lab Resigns After Taking Money From Jeffrey Epstein MIT scientist appears to Defend Jeffrey Epstein Renowned MIT Scientist Defends Epstein: Victims Were ‘Entirely Willing’ Famed Computer Scientist Richard Stallman Described Epstein Victims As 'Entirely Willing' Joi Ito Timothy Leary Mortimer Sackler Pro-choice and anti-abortion advocates express shock at the discovery of fetal remains at Dr. Ulrich "George" Klopfer's home Abortionist Ulrich Klopfer kept thousands of dead babies but inspires little curiosity Spraying of forests with chemicals unacceptable TEK Elders will take government to court Toxic 'Agent Orange' sprayed in B.C. Toxic Gas Tested on Norwich Millions were in germ war tests Dumped and Forgotten - Radioactive waste off the European coasts Radioactive waste - Dumped and Forgotten Documentary – Radioactive waste: Dumped and Forgotten The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis 40 Years of Human Experimentation in America: The Tuskegee Study Is Deutsche Bank the Next ‘Lehman Brothers’? Deutsche Bank May Face ECB Probe Over Dealings in Its Own Bonds Better hungry than eating meat? UK school goes veg-only, no packed lunches Death taxes' swell Treasury coffers by £5.4bn Ireland Set to Ban Private Cars While Planning Mass Third World Migration Privately-owned cars should be BANNED from London by 2030 Sept. 15, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Slick Formalities of New Normalities: "People Praise their Flags Routinely Day by Day, While their National Values Go the Opposite Way." © Alan Watt Sept. 15, 2019 Mentioned in a Talk in 2001, Right After 9/11 that The Hardest Thing for an Individual would Be to Hang on to Your Sanity - Depopulation Agenda - Everything Normal was to Be Turned Upside Down - Bush Sr. Speech about New World Order Coming into View - Even Thoughts to Be Banned; U.N. Talked about Self-Policing - Socialistic Societies, Privileges Rather than Freedom - Politicians; Psychopaths Gravitate Towards Power and Applause - PNAC Group, The Warhawks; John Bolton - General Wesley Clark - Christianity Could Never Exist Alongside a Post-Modern Society where Experts are Running the Show and Decide the Value of Life - Experts in White Coats or Business Suits - Entertainment is a Massive Business - Scientists Promoted as Stars - Your Given Your Leaders, Pied Pipers - Nothing in this System is Left to Chance - Orwell, Entertainment would Be Cranked Out by Machines - Reshaping Man, Woman, Marriage, the Value of Life - Situation Ethics - Trained to Eat Bugs Rather than Meat - Trained to Be a Victim; You're the Problem - The Unelected; After Margaret Thatcher Left Office She Talked about Now Belonging to an Organization of Former Leaders Who Get Things Done - Secret Circles Across the World; RIIA, CFR, Trilateral Commission - Much of the World has Looked to the U.S. as a Place where Rights Exist and the Ordinary Man Knew His Rights - United Nations Charter - Always Think for Yourself - You're Living in an Age of the End of Individuality - Rebellions versus Revolutions - Socialism in the USSR and Socialism in Germany and the U.K. - The Big Shift in Europe of the Industrial Revolution - Orwell on Linguistic Minimalism; Shrinking Dictionary of Words so No One Could Communicate Rebellion - All that Gave Meaning to Society has Been Destroyed - Constantly Working on the Minds of Young People - Crowding You into Cities - The Family is a Small Tribe - H.G. Wells wrote about the Destroying the Family Unit so Government Could Dictate Directly to the Individual Who Would have No One to Defend Him - What was Called Patriot Radio is Now Just Entertainment - Even in the 1990s, the Rest of the World would Listen to Americans Who Knew Their Rights and Demanded Them - Given the Same Slogans and Rhetoric but Everything has Turned 180 Degrees in the Opposite Direction - Thinly Veiled Propaganda on Behalf of Politicians - National Health Services - NHS Trusts Handing Over £205m a Year to the Government in Interest Payments as Debts Mount - Monopolization - Universal Health Care; Paying for Health Care across the World - Disabled 41-Year-Old Canadian Man is Euthanized After Funding for Home Health Care Runs Out - Academia Considers Cannibalism - 5G and Smart Cities - Report Pours Scorn over Google's Ideas for Toronto Smart City - UK, Marriage Rates Continue to Fall - Edward Snowden Prepares to Release Memoir - Media Blacks Out Roger Waters’ Performance (Event Organized by Waters and John Pilger) in Defence of Assange - Pompeo: Iran Behind Attack on Saudi Oil Facilities - Visit www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com to Donate and Order. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 15, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: NHS trusts handing over £205m a year to the Government in interest payments as debts mount NHS hospitals will have to pay £80 billion due to ‘toxic’ legacy of PFI deals Marriage rates collapse in the UK Media blacks out Roger Waters’ performance in defence of Assange Journalist John Pilger's remarks at rally in defense of Julian Assange Father with ALS Euthanized after Denied Sufficient Care Disabled 41-Year-Old Man is Euthanized After Funding for Home Health Care Runs Out B.C. man with ALS chooses medically assisted death after years of struggling to fund 24-hour care A modest proposal indeed: Academia considers cannibalism Cannibalism: A new way to stop the spread of disease 'Irrelevant': report pours scorn over Google's ideas for Toronto smart city Edward Snowden prepares to release memoir saying the US intelligence community 'hacked the Constitution' Reactions to attack on Saudi oil facilities Pompeo: Iran behind attack on Saudi oil facilities claimed by Houthi rebels Sept. 8, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Wild Men, Morally Unconventional, Rule from Outside the Box, Within Which we're Encased and They've the Keys to the Locks." © Alan Watt Sept. 8, 2019 This New Chapter is a Whole New Phase of Reality - Much of the Planning of Where We are Now goes Back to the 1940s; How the Computer would Be Used to Shape Behaviour on a World Scale - Public Unaware They're Being Nudged; Behavioural Insights Teams (BIT) and Nudge Units - Jeffrey Epstein's Involvement with People in the Scientific Communities Who are Part of the Big Super-Structure which is Above Governments and That Actually Manage and Control Us; Cybernetics - Huge Organizations Above Politics - Fear (Climate Change, etc.) - Eugenics - Scientists Promoted as Stars Might Not Even have Real Scientific Qualifications - The Role of Intelligence Agencies - The CIA and its Involvement in Culture Creation - H.G. Wells, Things to Come - MI5 and MI6 - Contractors for the CIA and Related Private Agencies - You're Not Supposed to Be Involved in Reality at All; You're Supposed to Be Involved in Your Social Credit System, Be Good - Programs that Contain a Virtual You - Everyone Must Be Predictable - Socialism; Fabian Society Funded by Astor Family and Other of the Wealthy Class - Claim that Men Go to War Because They're Warlike and Too Wild, but if They don't Put on the Uniform They're Put in Prison or Put to Death - Socialism was to Curb that Wildness in Man (to Be a Form of Control) - In the 1920s and 1930s, there was Resistance to Communism inside Germany - European Union Army; Corruption - Superstar Scientists and Technological Elite Promoted as Geniuses; Their Job is to Shape the Way the World is Coalescing into One System - Mao Tse-Tung; Uniformity - Mind Control - Mikhail Gorbachev Given a Place in the Presidio in the U.S. to Work on His Variation of the Socialistic Green Party Agenda - Ghost-written Books - Gorbachev said He was an Atheist but We Must Create a New Religion Based on Mother Earth - The Power of Mass Communication, Mass Psychology - Guilt and Obedience so You'll Never Think in a Wild Fashion Again - Charles Galton Darwin said the Intergenerational Scientific and Academic Elite Must Remain Wild; Promoting Promiscuity among the General Public, Lowering the IQ through Injections - Nothing Happens Unless Those at the Top Allow it to Happen - The Public Should Be Hypersexed and on Drugs - Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome - All the Jobs that are Created when Manufacturing and Production is Done within Your Own Country - Service Economies; Intentionally Brought Down to a State of Helplessness; U.N. Interdependence - The Super-Soma Stage - Chaos, Rations, Social Credit Score - Psychiatrists in Vancouver will Begin Phase III Clinical Trial of MDMA (Ecstasy) to Treat Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - Movie, Urge, Probably Named after the Demiurge - MDMA can Decrease Fear and Defensiveness and Increase Trust and Empathy - Aldous Huxley Talked about Techniques which Would Make People Accept Things Which Might Not Be Good for Them - A German Financier Wants to Turn Magic Mushrooms into Modern Medicine - White House Considers New Project Seeking Links Between Mental Health and Violent Behavior, HARPA, SAFE HOME - Images are Biblical, Religious; You Imagine, Image In; the Image gets Stuck in the Mind; Movie, Urge; Orgy Clubs - New South Wales, Australia, A third of the Prison Population has Hepatitis C - Remember to visit My Website www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com and Order Books, Discs and Make Donations to Keep These Talks Going. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 8, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: The Canadian revival of psychedelic drug research FDA-Approved Ketamine Nasal Spray Cuts Depression Symptoms in 24 Hours Mental Health is Getting the Psychedelic Treatment The psychedelics evangelist: A German financier wants to turn magic mushrooms into modern medicine Psychedelics in the Age After Aquarius White House considers new project seeking links between mental health and violent behavior Is 'social credit' coming to the US? Report claims score systems similar to China's are being used increasingly by Silicon Valley companies Doorbell-camera firm Ring teams with 400 police forces, extending surveillance reach A third of the prison population has Hepatitis C Sept. 1, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) The Banks of Think-Tanks: "Adventure of Our Future now Caged, Forlorn, The Future was Planned Before We Were Born." © Alan Watt Sept. 1, 2019 The End of Summer - Global Warming - Spraying the Skies - Giving Shows about All the Things that were Planned and Watching Them Come to Pass - Think-Tanks, Projections - Eugenics, Old Types of People Must Die Off, Darwinian Obsolescence - Julian Huxley, UNESCO - Club of Rome would Use the Term Democracy - War is Very Useful for Changing All Sides and Opinions - In a Strong Culture with Common Beliefs You Need Very Little Policing - Financing Wars, Taking Over Resources, Central Banks, Debt - Depression in Britain Post WWI; Massive Social Programs after WWII - Royal Institute for International Affairs - People Want to Believe that the Elite have Some Sort of Affinity for Those that They Rule Over - Gramsci; The Gradual Takeover of Culture through Education, Media, etc.; A Communistic Technique was Used - Hegelian Dialectic - Train and Change All the Time Until You have New Normals Across the Board - Changing Terminology; The Weather Underground - Rapid Study and Learning of Us through the Use of the Internet and Computers - Artificial Intelligence (AI) will Be Running Your Lives - Soviet System, Inflexibility of Opinion, a Mental Illness - Chinese Social Credit System - Bertrand Russell on the Credit System - Universal Basic Income - Bring in Rationing after the Next Crash - Inflation - Food is Energy (Fuel) - Eat Insects - Charles Galton Darwin's book The Next Million Years; Manhattan Project - Cold Spring Harbor; Rockefeller - Reduce Us to Save Us - Movie, Johnny Mnemonic - C.G. Darwin on the Ability to Change Intellectual and Moral Natures through some Kind of Hormonal Injection - Bertrand Russell, Diet, Injections and Injunctions - C.G. Darwin on Parasitic Types - George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman; Man Must be Able to Adapt to a New Scientific Age; Those Who Cannot Adapt should Be Extinct - Those Who Plan and Implement the Agenda Always Do what They Say They're Going to Do - The Club of Rome, Man is the Enemy - Gorbachev, Creating a New Religion Based on a Form of Earth Worship - Creed, Religion, Sustainability - People Wait for Experts to Tell them What they Should Know - JAMA Study on Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and Lowering of IQ Scores - 1960s, Sex without Limits, NHS Takes care of Unwanted Pregnancies - Public Relations Companies for the Royal Family - Prince Harry and Meghan Hire a Social Media Expert to Boost their Popularity - Queensland Govt Says it Owns Rainfall Once it Hits the Ground on Your Property - Britain has More CCTV Cameras than Any Other Country on Earth - UK, Lip-Reading Cameras that Will Force People to Talk 'with Hands Over Mouths' - BOE's Mark Carney Urges Replacing Dollar With Libra-Like Reserve Currency - Australia Eyes Rush of Hong Kong Millionaires - U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) developing Policies to Respond to the Effects of Climate Change on DOD Missions, Assets, and the Operational Environment - Unconventional Warfare Training Being Staged in 21 North Carolina Counties, Army says - Universal Basic Income, Its Pros and Cons With Examples - Everyone is Talking about Free Cash Handouts - Upgrade Your Memory With a Surgically Implanted Chip - Please Visit www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com to Order Books and Discs and to Support these Talks. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 1, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Lip-reading cameras that will force people to talk 'with hands over mouths' are latest attack on privacy Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in Offspring in Canada Is Fluoride in Drinking Water Safe? A New Study Reignites a Long-Standing Debate U.S. Department of Defense - GlobalChange.gov Qld Govt says it owns rainfall once it hits the ground on your property Prince Harry and Meghan hire a social media expert to boost their popularity In Unprecedented, Shocking Proposal, BOE's Mark Carney Urges Replacing Dollar With Libra-Like Reserve Currency Australia Eyes Rush of Hong Kong Millionaires Unconventional warfare training being staged in 21 North Carolina counties, Army say Universal Basic Income, Its Pros and Cons With Examples Why everyone is talking about free cash handouts Upgrade Your Memory With a Surgically Implanted Chip Aug. 25, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) August News 2019: "Ruled by A.I. Professionals, Mind Control Pranksters, Slick-Superstar-Super-Rich Too-Big-to-Jail Gangsters." © Alan Watt Aug. 25, 2019 Jeffrey Epstein, News, Censorship - Elements of a Movie; Sex, Subterfuge, Possible Blackmail, Possible Intelligence Agency Operation - U.S., Clashes of Different Groups are Often Orchestrated by Government Agencies - Communists; Same Type of Language Used with Social Justice - In Socialism the State is All-Powerful - Propaganda, Emotions - During the Cold War and Even During WWII, the West Kept the Soviets Supplied with Essential Goods, Weaponry - We Lived in a World of Shape Shifters; Uncle Joe (Stalin) became a Big Bad Bear - Class System in the Soviet Union - Disaster Movies; The Survival of the Elite; Movie, 2012 - Snobbery of Academia - Movie and Series, Kung Fu - Inaccuracy and Deception of Scientific Studies - Everything in the System Depends on Money; Gangsterism Runs the System - Money is the Biggest Con in the World - Bretton Woods - Gold (and Silver) Standard - Inflation - Going into an Anti-Human System - Opinions Must Be Standardized - The Values We Used to Have Kept Us Secure - The U.S. Took Over from Britain the Role of Policing the World; Toynbee said U.S. Would Run Itself into the Ground - Tangible Goods, Real Estate - Eugenics; Julian Huxley, Planned Parenthood; Transhumanism - Elite Believe Humans were Made Imperfect; Master Builder will Perfect It - Inferior Types Allowed to Die Off - H.G. Wells, A Modern Utopia - If You Lose Control Over Emotion, You've Lost Everything - The Boxer, Mohammed Ali (Cassius Clay) would Goad His Opponents in Advance of the Bout - Gaining Knowledge is a Battle; Gaining True Knowledge is Almost Impossible - Books Down the Memory Hole - Control Over the Internet, Tyranny - Behaviour Modification; Creating Trust in Government, Creating Perceived Value so Citizens are Willing to Give Up Something for What Governments Offer; Also Granting Coercive Powers to the State - Power won't Give Itself Up - Club of Rome; Pollution, Drought, Global Warming, Famine; Humanity Itself is the Enemy - Barack Obama - True Right Wing would be Closer to Anarchy - Leftism, the State is God and Controls Everything - Brave New World, Aldous Huxley, Soma - The Country School of Tomorrow - People on Love Drug MDMA Still Know Who to Trust; Academics Live on Grants and Churn Out Reports - Sacramento Salon Owner Claims Californian Homeless Crisis is Forcing Her to Relocate - Total Cultural Warfare - Gramsci - Contamination - Tech Firms Must Give up Their Awkward Secret - Humans are Listening and Spying on You - Trained Not to Even Expect News - Visit www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com to Donate and Order Books and Discs. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 25, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: To Break Google’s Monopoly on Search, Make Its Index Public Power and the Internet People on love drug MDMA still know who to trust Sacramento salon owner claims Californian homeless crisis is forcing her to relocate YouTube algorithm pushes videos with children to pedophiles, report says Tech firms must give up their awkward secret: Humans Aug. 18, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "The Experts Declare The Future is Planned, Decided, By Themselves and Stakeholders, You're not Invited." © Alan Watt Aug. 18, 2019 News is All the Bad Stuff to Attract Readers, Get Ratings - Systems are about Control - Big Business - Causes have been Weaponised by Those Who Control the System - News Grabbers, Sensational Stories - Socialism, Soviet System - The State, as H.G. Wells said, has to Become God - According to Articles from Think-Tanks, Club of Rome, etc., Democracy has had its Day - Movement Towards Eliminating Free Thought - Aldous Huxley, Sedating the Public with Drugs - Mental Strobes - WiFi - Trained to Listen to Authority Figures - You're Supposed to Think for Yourself - Carroll Quigley on Debating; The Expert to Counter Unauthorized Voices - Gary Allen, None Dare Call it Conspiracy - Documentary, Starsuckers; Taught to Worship Celebrities - Governance which is Over National Government - U.N; Stakeholders - The Overlay of this System is Eugenics - Darwinian Clubs; Malthus - How the Peasants are Seen by the Elite, by the Aristocracy - Letters Exchanged Between Aldous Huxley and George Orwell - DNA Alterations, In Vitro Fertilization - Chinese Social Credit System Coming to West Under Different Guises of Fighting Terrorism, etc. - Sock Puppets - Social Media Set Up to Do the Judging - Obama Administration, Rumsfeld Congratulated Obama for Continuing the Wars - The Parties All Serve the Same Master - Tyranny Removes Barriers Until You have Horror on the Go - Prescribed Drugs - Electronic Fields and Affects on the Brain - Don't Get Whipped Up by Emotion - The Conflict is Desired to Push Through Changes - Post-Democratic - Your Personal, Private, Computer - Public Relations - Everything Politicians say is Written by Scriptwriters - Latin American Drug System with its Incredible Viciousness - Look Out for Your Family - Eventually the Only Defense You'll have is Your Mind - The Savage in Brave New World - Austerity, Bank Bail-ins - Elite would Love to Have a Rationing System - Crisis, Crisis, Crisis - Club of Rome, Man is the Enemy - Australia, Reserve Bank Considering ‘Extreme Measures’ to Save Economy, Quantitative Easing - BIS, IMF - Trade Agreements; China Given Free Access by the World Trade Organization (WTO) - How China Gets What it Wants from American Companies - Service Economies - Harvard Creates Advisory Panel to Oversee Solar Geoengineering Project - Stratospheric Aerosol Injection Tactics and Costs in the First 15 years of Deployment - Could Dimming the Sun Save the Earth? Bill Gates Wants to Spray Millions of Tonnes of Dust into the Stratosphere to Stop Global Warming - Ex-Fed Boss Greenspan says ‘There is No Barrier’ to Treasury Yields Falling Below Zero - Our Meatless Future: How The $90B Global Meat Market Gets Disrupted - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Debate Issues Relating to the Environment; Fuel to Heat and Cool Yourself; Meat Consumption - Organic Food Snob Appeal - President Bolsonaro Tells Brazilians to 'Poop Every Other Day' to Help Save the Environment - Canada Joins Christchurch Call to Action to Eliminate Terrorist and Violent Extremist Content Online - Canada's Digital Charter - Scotland's GIRFEC (Getting it Right for Every Child) - Always Wanted the Right to Psychologically Test Everyone Throughout Their Lifetime - Behavioural Insights Teams (BIT) - Drop Age of Consent to 14, says Academic (2007) - France Votes Against Setting Minimum Age of Sexual Consent Amid Backlash - Drive-in Sex Booths Proposed for Berlin's Historic Tempelhof Airport - Lawyers say Epstein Victims to Sue Financier's Estate this Week - Child Victims Act - Going into a New Phase of Austerity; Inflation; Devalued Currency - Keep Calm. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 18, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Reserve Bank considering ‘extreme measures’ to save economy Ex-Fed boss Greenspan says ‘there is no barrier’ to Treasury yields falling below zero How China gets what it wants from American companies Can big investors save the world? Stratospheric aerosol injection tactics and costs in the first 15 years of deployment Harvard panel oversees geoengineering project Bill Gates wants to spray millions of tonnes of dust into the stratosphere Our Meatless Future: How The $90B Global Meat Market Gets Disrupted Leaked climate change report says we must change eating habits to save the world Could the next sin tax fall on red meat? President Bolsonaro tells Brazilians to 'poop every other day' to help save the environment as he comes under fire for a surge in Amazon deforestation Canada joins Christchurch Call to Action to eliminate terrorist and violent extremist content online Canada's Digital Charter: Trust in a digital world Drop age of consent to 14, says academic France votes against setting minimum age of sexual consent amid backlash Jeffrey Epstein and the Myth of the ‘Underage Woman’ Lawyers say Epstein victims to sue financier's estate this week Drive-in sex booths proposed for Berlin's historic Tempelhof airport Aug. 11, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) The Jeffrey CleanUp: "How Much Smell as Jeffrey Fell, Protection Evaporating, From Intel Op. to Belly Flop, a Memory Left for Hating, Some Powers Cry, Others Sigh with Hope it'll be Forgot, Along with Screams Children's Dreams Cry Forget-Me-Not." © Alan Watt Aug. 11, 2019 Nine Eleven - 21st Century, The Century of Change - Banks Profit from War - Authorized Talking Heads - Brzezinski - People See the Media as an Appendage to Their Brain, There to Guide Them - CFR - Movie, Wag the Dog - Adam Curtis Documentaries - Jacques Ellul, Propaganda, Fiction - News Anchor, Father Figure - Loans and Aid, Cultural Change, Elimination of Borders - Globalization, Elimination of the Nation-State - Foundations, Think-Tanks, NGOs - Andrew Carnegie, International Revolutionary - Rockefeller said Competition is a Sin, All the World's Resources Should Be in the Hands of Those Who Would Use it Wisely, A Private Club - People are Creatures of Habit - Internet Censorship, Spying - Most People don't Mind having No Privacy - Those at the Top don't Feel Safe Unless They Know Everything About You - We Have a Natural Inclination to Trust - CFR, RIIA, Private Organizations, Carroll Quigley's book Tragedy and Hope, Many of the Goals are the Same as Communism; Bankers on Board - The Manchurian Candidate, MK ULTRA, Many ways to Depattern the Brain; Drugs, LSD - Latin America, Drug Business - Opium, Heroin - Psychological Warfare, Demoralization - Britain in the 1960s and 1970s, No Jobs, Heavy Taxation; Britain Overtook Sweden for Amount of Suicides - European Union, NAFTA - Margaret Thatcher said There's a Generation Growing Up Now Who will Never See Work in Their Lifetime, Get Used to It - 2008 Financial Crash, Canadian Banks were also Bailed Out by the U.S. Federal Reserve - Due for Another Crash - Quantitative Easing, Inflation - Trained Not to Expect Interest on Your Savings - Aldous Huxley, Soma, Legalization of Drugs - John Pilger Interview with Leni Riefenstahl - Visit www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com and Make a List of My Official Sites - Please Donate and Order Books - Mexico Gang Leaves 19 Bodies, Some Hanging from Bridge, as a Warning - Nixon in China - They've Hyper-Sexualized the Planet, Lowering Age of Consent for Intergenerational Sex - Jeffrey Epstein - Mistreatment of Maids and Servant Class - Ghislaine Maxwell - Media Tycoon Robert Maxwell Scammed Millions from his Employee's Pension Plans, Pyramid Schemes - G. Maxwell Launched back into Society in 2000 with Prince Andrew on Her Arm - G. Maxwell Insisted that a Dark Conspiracy of Mossad Renegades and Sicilian Contract Killers Took Her Father's Life - Kit Kat Club - Epstein's Relationship with Wexner - Honey Trap System - Epstein's Operation was Big - Intelligence Operations - New ECB President, Christine Lagarde, Praises Negative Interest Rates - Make Friends that aren't On the Internet, that You can Communicate with Face to Face. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 11, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Maxwell's body found in sea Jeffrey Epstein, accused sex trafficker, dies by suicide NYC Power Couple’s Butler Says Swedish Teen Told Him of Epstein Island Horrors How Ghislaine Rose From Ashes – Maxwell's Heirs Building A New Business Empire Why ARE the rich and powerful so in thrall to Ghislaine Maxwell? Inside the mysterious Manhattan apartment building on East 66th Street Unsealed documents detail alleged Epstein victim’s recruitment at Mar-a-Lago California stabbing rampage Mexico gang leaves 19 bodies, some hanging from bridge, as a warning Statement by Managing Director Christine Lagarde New ECB President, Christine Lagarde, Praises Negative Interest Rates Australia could soon have zero interest rates Enabling Deep Negative Rates to Fight Recessions: A Guide Australian Government draft legislation limiting all cash transactions to $10k Chelsea Manning jailed for a YEAR for refusing to testify against Assange FBI document warns conspiracy theories are a new domestic terrorism threat Remarks at the launch of the United Nations Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech Aug. 4, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Electro-Elect: "Culture and Morality, Proffered with Profanity, From Egos Sour, Craving Power, Utopic Insanity." © Alan Watt Aug. 4, 2019 Money Controls the World - Cecil Rhodes, Round Tables, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission - Dividing the World into Three Regions - Hegelian Dialectic to Push the Agenda Through - Bloodless Revolutions, Cultural, Sexual; Planned Long Ago - You wouldn't Recognize the World in Thirty Years - Rudyard Kipling - The New Managerial Class of the System, Made into Multi-Millionaires, Arrogant and Cocky, Told They Rule the World through Algorithms - H.G. Wells; Part of a Class of People Who Saw the World as a Place to Be Shaped and Ruled - The People are Cannon Fodder for those Who Own an Empire - Eliminating any Voice that is Off the Path of the Authorized Truth, Until You're Left with Only Counterintelligence - WWII BBC Radio Propaganda about Imminent Threat from Germany - Hitler, Aim Propaganda at Women who Demand to Be Kept Safe; Government then Overrules the Husband; Aim it at the Woman, the Child Will Follow the Woman and the Man Must Therefore Follow the Child - Bertrand Russell, Brass Bands and Emotions - Conspiracy Theorists the New Danger to the Planet - 2008 Financial Crash; Money Heaven - Social and Cultural Attachments to International Loans - Hillary Clinton - Agenda for the 21st Century, The Millennium Project, Sustainability, Population Control - Agenda 21, No Private Ownership of Property - Canada, Priced Out of the Housing Market - Public-Private Partnerships, International Landlords, Real Estate Agents - Marrying Affordability to Sustainability, Mixed Income Housing Outside Minneapolis - Brave New World - NAFTA - Dissolving of National Borders - Arrogant Strutters, Those Who Think They're Near the Top of this System - Chamath Palihapitiya, Venture Capitalist, Former VP at Facebook - Palihapitiya Urges Others to Use Their Money to Create a Good, Proper Culture for the People with Algorithms and Behavioural Modification Techniques - Former Facebook VP says Social Media is Destroying Society with ‘Dopamine-Driven Feedback Loops’ - Facebook Could Soon be Snooping on Your Encrypted WhatsApp Messages Under Plans to Moderate Content on the Platform - Former Google Engineer Says Google Will Try to Prevent Trump's Reelection - Monsanto’s “Rain of Death” on Canada’s Forests - First Human-Monkey Chimera Raises Concern among Scientists - Jeffrey Epstein - Intelligence Operations - Censorship Meeting, was Public Ready to See Intergenerational Sex - Contamination, a Term from the Communist Era for Contact with another Culture - American Indian Ghost Dance - Boris Johnson - Priti Patel, Secret Meetings with Israel, Erosion of Public Trust - Remember to Donate and Order Books at www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 4, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Priced out of the market? Three housing alternatives for hot markets As middle class gets priced out of housing market, Canada takes drastic steps to make it affordable Priced Out of the Housing Market $7.4B money laundering scheme spiked B.C. home costs 5 per cent, reports find Want to buy a home in UK? You need to earn £54,000 on average Marrying Affordability and Sustainability at The Rose The World's Largest Real Estate Companies 2018 Chamath Palihapitiya Former Facebook exec says social media is ripping apart society Former Facebook VP says social media is destroying society with ‘dopamine-driven feedback loops’ Chamath Palihapitiya, Founder and CEO Social Capital, on Money as an Instrument of Change Facebook could soon be snooping on your encrypted WhatsApp messages Former Google Engineer Says Google Will Try to Prevent Trump's Reelection Should the Rich Be Allowed to Buy the Best Genes? First human-monkey chimera raises concern among scientists Britain's top private schools are 'awash with Class A drugs' Monsanto’s “Rain of Death” on Canada's Forests Jeffrey Epstein’s Sick Story Played Out for Years in Plain Sight Victoria’s Secret Has More than a Jeffrey Epstein Problem Priti Patel fallout erodes public trust and diminishes UK's stature, say critics What did Israel hope to gain from Priti Patel's secret meetings? July 28, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Freedom is Fighting Crime of Losing Time: "Through Windows You are Studied by Creatures Hidden, Which Stroke Authorized Thought, Punishes Forbidden, There's Innocent Play forever if You're In The Mood, In this Dystopic Utopia and Your Lifelong Childhood." © Alan Watt July 28, 2019 Please visit www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com and Donate or Order Books and Discs - Club of Rome, Trained into a New Morality - Chinese Social Credit System - Aldous Huxley, People Would Be Trained to Love Their Servitude - Julian Huxley and Aldous Huxley Descended from a Whole Family that Interbred, Even with the Darwins - Selective Breeding, Eugenics - Tony Wedgwood Benn - Abraham Lincoln and Karl Marx - Gradual Disintegration of Borders - Real Reasons for American Civil War - Psychopaths - Television and the Media Promotion of "The Winner" through Reality Shows - Hype about Climate Change - Julian Huxley Promoted Sustainability - Meatless Diet; When Gandhi was Ill, He asked for Meat to Be Put in His Diet - A. Huxley said 99.5% of the World's Population were Stupid and Philistine, Imbecilic - Rockefeller, U.N., Population Control - Counterintelligence - Phone Records Kept Forever - Communism is Socialism in a Hurry; Specialists and Experts Running Your Lives - Debt - Hollywood Publicist on Fake Celebrity Romances - Julian Huxley and the Continuity of Eugenics in 20th Century Britain - Gene Therapy, Stem Cell Therapy - UK Biobank - New NHS Mental Health Data Hub - Star Trek - Your Opinions are Changed by Entertainment - 23andMe Competitor Veritas Genetics Slashes Price of Whole Genome Sequencing - Genetic Origins of Depression - BBC Television - Types of Depression - UK Biobank Researchers Want to Link Your Genes and Income - Genetic Data on Half a Million Brits Reveal Ongoing Evolution and Neanderthal Legacy - Horror Movies - 'Buckets of Limbs, a Cooler Filled with Male Genitalia and a Woman's Head Sewn onto a Man's Torso': Lawsuit Against Arizona Scientific Center Reveals the True Horror of 'Frankenstein-style' Research Involving 1,755 Donated Body Parts - California is Making Plans to Track your Children, California’s New “Cradle to Career Data System” - Iranian Embargo - The List of Middle East Countries to Be Taken Out that General Wesley Clark Talked About - Perfidious Britain - Washington Greenlights Military Sales to Pakistan and India, Months after Air Skirmish; The Peace Drive Program - Anthony Hopkins in the Movie Heartland - Fake Honey is Pouring into Canada - Aldous Huxley, Dysgenics and Democracy - Bad News versus Happy Things to Think About - Authorized Protests that can Even Shut Down the Functioning of Cities - Destruction of the Patriot Movement; Now You're Left with Politics - Remember to Donate to Me to Keep these Talks Going. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 28, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Julian Huxley and the Continuity of Eugenics Aldous Huxley on the Imbecility of the Masses UK Biobank Supercharges Medicine with Gene Data on 500,000 Brits New NHS mental health data hub, Babylon Healthcheck and more UK digital health news briefs 23andMe competitor Veritas Genetics slashes price of whole genome sequencing 40% to $600 Origins of depression brought into focus in large-scale genetic study Researchers Want to Link Your Genes and Income—Should They? Genetic data on half a million Brits reveal ongoing evolution and Neanderthal legacy 'Buckets of limbs, a cooler filled with male genitalia and a woman's head sewn onto a man's torso' California is making plans to track your children Noose tightens around Iranian shipping Turkish military chiefs discuss possible offensive in Syria Washington Greenlights military sales to Pakistan and India Fake honey still pouring into Canada July 21, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) I Think on The Look of Changes: "Behaviour Modification, We're Dwindling Individuals Forlorn, Going Deep to Resist the Sleep, Living, Rather than Conform." © Alan Watt July 21, 2019 Hype about the Heat - Training the Public that We're Living in Crisis - Must Allow Professionals to Manage Your Lives - Aldous Huxley, People Will Come to Love Their Servitude - This is the Century of Change - Magic Promoted for Years in Television Shows - Psychology and Behaviourism; Behaviour Management - You're Owned - Fads; Extremely Tight, Painted-On Pants for Men and Women - Conformity - Derren Brown's Experiment on Social Conformity - Movie, Fight Club - Totalitarian Systems Eat Their Own - Orwell's Animal Farm - Renting Crowds to Protest - Crowd Control, Police Intimidation; Movie, Zulu - Ultimately, Governments Run on Force - Norbert Weiner, Cybernetics; book The Human Use of Human Beings - Nudge Units, Behavioural Insights Teams - Marx Talked about the Lumpen Proletariat - Tattoos; Pirates, Gangs, Tribes; Symbolism of Tattoos within Gangs; In the 1950s, Psychologists said Generally Tattooed People were of the Criminal Classes; Prison Culture - Now We're Told Tattoos are Sign of an Individual (Promoted in the Culture for Everybody to Have Them!) - In the 1990s, a Fashion for Women was Sleeves that Covered their Hands; Nobody's Child; Bare Bellies in the Middle of Winter - The Cashless Society; Cargo Pants, No Place for a Wallet - The Meatless Agenda - Microchips, Even Stenciled onto Your Skin, Just Like a Tattoo - Skinny Pants, Eat Less, Thin People are the "In" People - Movie, Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Dust in the Wind; Good Citizens Play Their Lives Away - Delgado Experiments with Wires in Brain - Christopher Walken movie, The Mind Snatchers - Biowarfare, Ethnic Specific Warfare - David Kelly - Porton Down - Movie, Twelve Monkeys - Trump Okays about Half a Million High-Tech Workers from India into the U.S.; Their Culture still has Family Values and Will Produce Offspring - The Attack on the West - Spirituality as it's Promoted - So Sad that People Think They're Making Their Own Decisions - New York Times article, Google’s 4,000-Word Privacy Policy Is a Secret History of the Internet - Elon Musk’s Neuralink Plans to Hook Human Brains Directly to Computers - Artificial Intelligence - Swedes are Getting Implants in Their Hands to Replace Cash, Credit Cards - Predictive Programming - Selling Your DNA Data - NHS to Sell DNA Tests to Healthy People in Push to Find New Treatments - Euthanasia of Dutch Patients with Psychiatric Disorders between 2015 and 2017 - Lyme Disease; House Orders Pentagon to Review if it Exposed Americans to Weaponised Ticks - During and after WWII, Canada Led the World in Biowarfare; Book, Deadly Allies - Plum Island - Ads Masquerading as Articles, Cricket Juice Healthier Than Orange Juice? Many Insects Loaded With Antioxidants, Study Finds; Tim Horton's Fake Meat Burgers - Extinction Rebellion Led by Extreme Marxists, Former Members say Vegans were Most Radical of All Members - Club of Rome, Democracy too Cumbersome, Bring in a New Governance System - Policies - Iran Confiscated a British Tanker - Exporting Factories to China Under Free Trade - A Few in Every Generation to Pass on the Facts to the Next Generation - Total Conformity to the Boss. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 21, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Conformity - Derren Brown Social Experiment Google’s 4,000-Word Privacy Policy Is a Secret History of the Internet Elon Musk’s Neuralink plans to hook human brains directly to computers Swedish people are getting chip implants to replace cash Selling yourself: There’s a growing market for your DNA data NHS to sell DNA tests to healthy people in push to find new treatments The US has picked the DNA centers that will sequence 1 million genomes China’s $9.2 billion precision medicine initiative could see about 100 million whole human genomes sequenced by 2030 Euthanasia of Dutch Patients with Psychiatric Disorders between 2015 and 2017 House orders Pentagon to review if it exposed Americans to weaponised ticks Over and over again, the military has conducted dangerous biowarfare experiments on Americans Cricket Juice Healthier Than Orange Juice? Many Insects Loaded With Antioxidants, Study Finds Beyond Meat: Tim Hortons will start selling Beyond Meat sandwiches across Canada Extinction Rebellion is led by extreme Marxists Google to pay multimillion-dollar fine for 'targeting children with adverts Iran Seizes British Tanker July 14, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Times and Portents to Conjure Terror, Pay for Safety from War and Weather - Part 2" © Alan Watt July 14, 2019 Long Winter Straight into Summer - Seeing Time in Different Ways - Reconstructing the Past; Understanding What People were Really Feeling - Wage and Debt Slavery - Total Surveillance, Cameras in Trees - Movie, The Circle - Important to Experience Being Totally on Your Own - A Sense of Real Freedom - Study of Occult; Necessity for Complete Silence from Man-Made Noises, Just the Sound of Nature, A Timeless Feeling - The Poet Yeats on the Necessity for Total Silence from the Sounds of Other People - Wireless Technology- This World has been Through Centuries of Planned Revolution - The Lunar Society - Stewart Brand - Show Business and the Creation of Stars -John Brockman, Elevating Scientists to Star Status - Rockefeller, Competition is a Sin - H.G. Wells - Newspaper Cartels - Carroll Quigley - Communism; Sexual Revolution in the West, Destruction of Family - The Red Bishop, Lifelong Education - WWII; Glorification of Stalin; Eleanor Roosevelt, Pavlov; Conditioned, Standardized Students - Bertrand Russell on Total Conditioning - Jeffrey Epstein - Lowering the Age of Sexual Consent - Intelligence Systems including Five Eyes - Your Given Your Stars to Follow - Trained to Worship those with Lots of Money - Wealthy Philanthropists All On Board for the Same Agenda - Protests at Globalism Meetings - Loss of Jobs and Manufacturing; Free Trade Agreements - The Politicians don't Work for You, Folks - NGOs, Climate Change, Scary Scenarios - Remember to Go to My Website and Make a Donation - Adam Weishaupt, Oh Foolish Man - Jamie Bartlett's Book, "The People vs. Tech, how the Internet is Killing Democracy" - All Power is About Control - A Third CRISPR Baby May have Already been Born in China - Silence Connotes Consent - Bertrand Russell's book, The Impact of Science on Society; Controlling through Diet, Injections and Injunctions - Creation of Super-Soldiers - Differences in the Visions of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and George Orwell's 1984 - Authoritarianism - Mortality Rates are Still Rising in the UK – Currency Loses its Value - Chinese Triads Launder Billions through Vancouver (and Toronto); Driving Up Housing Prices - Payment to Pensioners in Australia - Soviets Laundered Money in London - Even Today, Russian Money-Laundering in London (P. Patel) - Agenda 21 - Putin, Whoever Leads AI (Artificial Intelligence) will Rule the World - How Charities are Harnessing the Power of Virtual Reality - the Nonprofit’s Guide to Augmented Reality - Study Shows that Augmented Reality Changes how People Interact and Communicate - Google Staff Keep ‘Blacklist’ of Conservative and ‘Fringe’ Sites - Future Work, Technology 2050 Global Scenarios; The Millennium Project - Etienne Gilson, The Terrors of the Year Two Thousand - Nietzsche said "I am not a man, I am dynamite." - Reversal of Values - This is the World of the Power-Mad and the Psychopath - Everything is Connected with a Force Behind It that Runs Many Organizations Underneath It. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 14, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Putin: Leader in artificial intelligence will rule world Putin - AI Google staff keep ‘blacklist’ of conservative and ‘fringe’ sites - report Federal Trade Commission issues Facebook a $5 billion fine for repeated privacy violations How Charities Are Harnessing the Power of VR The Nonprofit’s Guide to Augmented Reality Augmented reality changes how people interact and communicate, study finds Future Work/Technology 2050 Global Scenarios – The Millennium Project The Millennium Project - About Us Is digital technology leading us into a new dark age? Your smartphone is making you stupid, antisocial and unhealthy. So why can’t you put it down? A third CRISPR baby may have already been born in China Mortality rates are still rising in the UK – and everyone is ignoring how many more people are dying Australia’s house prices to fall off a cliff – and China will be to blame: Futurist who foreshadowed 9/11 makes shocking prediction Can't afford a house in a big Aussie city? Buy an island paradise instead - it'll only set you back $385,000 Government to bring a cash injection as compensation for plummeting interest rates Chinese Triads launder billions through Vancouver, buying luxury real estate, cars Epstein was hired as a teacher in 1970s James Patterson: Jeffrey Epstein Was "Watching" More Than "Participating," Like Gatsby Coulter: Epstein Had A "State Sponsor" Behind Him, Was Used For "Blackmailing Purposes" July 7, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Times and Portents to Conjure Terror, Pay for Safety from War and Weather." © Alan Watt July 7, 2019 This Week's Talk is an Addendum to Last Week's (June 30, 2019), entitled, "Just a Minute.....There's Many an Idea We've so Sorely Bought, And Pain Foreseen with a Little Forethought" - We're Encouraged Not to Analyze Things - Across the Planet We're Given the Same System - We are in What is Being Decried as the Chinese Social Credit System - This was Designed Years Before We Were Given the Internet - Lifelong Education - 1930s, The Red Bishop in London on the Need for World Socialism; Continuing Education would be in the Form of Entertainment - Radio Entertainment Serials; Tune in for the Cliffhanger from the Day Before; Social Messages - Television - The Internet, Algorithms - The Actor George C. Scott; The Hindenburg; Portrayal of the German Soldiers asking for Passports is Nothing Compared to the Homeland Security Measures Travel Now in the U.S. - The Brutality of the Soviet System - Giving Up Rights for Security; The First Right to Go is the Right to Privacy - History is a Horror Show - Scary Scenarios - Ancient Sun Priests Terrified the Public - Individualism is the Worst Enemy of Totalitarian Systems; Mao Feared Someone with a Big Idea - Religion that Gave Individual Rights (Christianity) had to Be Destroyed - Club of Rome; Professionals and Experts in Charge; Democracy too Cumbersome - Nuremberg, Goering on the Need to Eliminate Democracy at that Time - I said Immediately after 9/11 that the Hardest Fight You'll have is to Hold onto Your Sanity - Carroll Quigley, No Real Difference of the Goals of the Political Parties - Convenience Cards, Mousetraps - Aldous Huxley's Brave New World was Put Out as a Warning - Intermarriage of the Huxley and Darwin Families; Social Engineering - Julian Huxley, UNESCO, Planned Parenthood; He was into Anything that Created Uniform Systems Throughout the World - George Orwell and Aldous Huxley, Orwell's 1984 published in 1948; Orwell wanted to Title it The Last Man; No Individuality, Ownthink was a Crime - In this New Chapter, We're Not Getting Real News - Bertrand Russell Worked with Others to Create a New Culture for the Planet, Post WWII - Etienne Gilson, The Terrors of the Year Two Thousand, a Book Published in 1949 - The Bushes on The New World Order Coming into View, A Big Idea - Debates Until it was Decided Two Thousand Actually Started in 2001 - Godlike Status Given to Philosophers - School, Schola, Leisure - Nietzsche Declared that Now Man Was God; Same Mantra of the New-Agers, Shirley MacLaine - Religion Gives Basic Rules of Right and Wrong - Joining Groups that Function like a Pyramid with the Controls at the Top - Present-Day Magic - Etienne Gilson on Nietzsche and the Philosophers; If God is Dead, then No Horror is Impossible - Kissinger; Easier to Kill Millions of People than Manage Them - Christianity and the Idea that the World is Evil - Psychopaths - Total Warfare; Even Civilians can Be Targets - World War I, Trench Warfare with Machine Guns - Gilson; Pasteurian (Pasteur), Bioweaponry; Bioengineering Humans - Huxley, You'll Come to Love Your Servitude; Nudge Units, Behavioural Insights Teams - The West Goes Sterile - The Impact of Science on Society, Bertrand Russell - Russell said Repetition Necessary to Condition People - Repetition of Ideas is Also Necessary for You to Free Yourself - Macy Group, Eisenhower - Russell, Diet, Injections and Injunctions; Russell on Fichte's Ideas about Education's Purpose to Destroy Free Will - Movie, The Handmaid's Tale - Counterintelligence - News, Public Relations Handouts - There's Always a Capstone at the Top - Remember to Visit my website, www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com and Order Books and Discs and Donate. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 7, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb June 30, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Just a Minute..... "There's Many an Idea We've so Sorely Bought, And Pain Foreseen with a Little Forethought." © Alan Watt June 30, 2019 Time is Flying - News Now is Part of the Big Agenda of Sustainability - The World Wildlife Fund - Prince Philip - Crisis Scenario to Make You Give Up Your Rights - Reduction of Population - Foundations and Philanthropists on Board with the Agenda - Can Be No Dissenting Voices from the Propaganda - Remember to Order and Donate to Keep These Talks Going - www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com - Politics is a Con Game - Suggestibility - People don't Want to Be Different or Stand Out - Most Folk Conform to Their Peer Group Quickly - Charlotte Iserbyt on the U.S. Education System - Teachers are Change Agents - Children can Be Persuaded to Adapt - Socialism - George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman - The Laws of Moses - East German Stasi - Internet Surveillance and Control - Judges in Britain - U.S. Democratic Party, Every Day is Christmas - We're Already in the World Stasi System and it's Going to get Worse - Self-Policing - Repetition of Slogans - The Magical Portents of Time - The Reality of Evil; a Deep Knowledge of Forces including Evil in Religion - The Horror Show of World War I; the Rise of Science and Weaponry - Nietzsche, God is Dead; the New gods are Scientists and Social Philosophers - WWI led to WWII, Atomic Bombs used on Japan - 9/11, 2001; Numbers and Symbolism - Iraq, Madeleine Albright, the Death of Half a Million was "Worth" It - Do You Really Think We're Progressing to Some Better Future? - What Starvation Really Looks Like - Your Manufacturing is in China, You don't have Any Say about Wars or Any Other Policy; Why Do You Vote? - Tony Blair, Iraq; Went to Work for J.P. Morgan - President Wilson, with Bernays, got U.S. into World War I - Ruled by Corporations - Mass Slaughter - Sustainability; Carbon Neutral - Current Volcanic Activity; That's Holy Smoke - Mud and Wattle Huts - Sustainable Living Schemes in Wales - Nudge Experts - Bertrand Russell, the True Language of Numbers which is What the Electronic System is Based Upon - Managed by Experts, Behaviourists. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 30, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: The family-of-four living off-grid One Wales One Planet The Beyond Meat of Fish Is Coming KFC vegan burger: Fast food brand launches meat-free chicken burger The Imposter Census of Agriculture shows continued decline in number of US farms Extinct volcano has woken up and scientists say it could erupt 'at any moment' Revived Russian Volcano could cause Pompeii-like Destruction, Scientists warn Do volcanoes affect weather? Incredible Photo from the Space Station Shows Raikoke Volcano Erupting Currently Erupting Tsunami threat after 7.0 magnitude earthquake causes chaos in New Zealand June 23, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) And by Peace... "Enormity of Conformity, Aimed at Majority, Modus Psycho Logical, Cunningly Diabolical." © Alan Watt June 23, 2019 Rapid Changes - Living Through Interesting Times - Iran was on the List from the 1990s - General Wesley Clark - Embargo - Madeleine Albright - Perception Management - Remember to Visit My Website www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com and See All My Official Sites Listed There - Please Donate and Order from Me - Nudge Units, Behavioural Insights Teams - Managed by Experts Watching Every Single Thing You Do and Predicting What You Think - Aldous Huxley, People Will Come to Love Their Servitude - Depopulation, Austerity Agenda - Where are All the Far Left Groups that Used to March Against Wars? - We're in the True, New Soviet; Rule by Council - We have Thousands of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Funded by Our Tax Dollars and Massive Funding by the Big Foundations - The Richest People on the Planet Direct Where We're Going - Depopulation, Mandatory Sterilization - Malthus - Hegelian Dialectic - Must have a Dissatisfied Segment of Society to Demand Change - Sustainability and Climate Change Groups Running Our Lives - Malthus, Population Reduction, Darwin, Eugenics - Mandatory Sterilization to Save the World - Club of Rome, Man Killing the World - United Nations has Called China the Model State for the World to Follow - Ex-Interpol Chief Pleads Guilty to Corruption, China says - Shadow Banning - Bertrand Russell, Credit System - CIA, MK Ultra; Shocks, LSD to Depattern the Brain - MK ULTRA - Democracy - Oddball Characters - Orwell, The Right to Say What You Want to Say - H.G. Wells - Money, Central Banking Systems - Africa, Boer War, Claiming Resources (Diamonds) for Themselves - Rockefeller, Competition is a Sin - U.S. Soldiers in Iraq, "We've Come to Give You Democracy" - In Stores, Secret Surveillance Tracks Your Every Move - DNA and Facial Recognition - Data is Power, That's Why They're After It - Movie, Anon - Shaming is a Big Part of Controlling the Population - Social Credit System is also To Do with Eugenics - Movie, Gattaca - Cold Spring Harbor - The Uniqueness of the Individual is the Target; That is Anathema to Conformity of the Social System - Well-Paid Teachers to Indoctrinate - Amazon's Rekognition Software Lets Cops Track Faces - Poverty in Post-War Britain - Japanese Sign Up for DNA Matchmaking as Country Faces Demographic Crisis - China is Harvesting Organs from Falun Gong Prisoners in Potential Genocide, Tribunal says - Bioethics - Canadian Blood Services Releases First Set of National Guidelines for Organ Donation after Medical Assistance in Dying - Milner Group - Ontario, Canada to Put Money into Job Creation - Ottawa Picks 11 Communities for Pilot Immigration Project Because of Lack of Workers - Transatlantic Working Group Seeks to Address Harmful Content Online - End of Freedom of Expression - World Seeing ‘Greatest Monetary Policy Experiment in History’ - Rothschild - Global Compact for Migration - Global Population Could Hit 10.9 Billion - Industry Must Commit to Halt all Future Fossil Fuel Extraction - John Schellnhuber, Climatologist and Advisor to Pope Francis - The First Crusade, Peter the Hermit, The Children's Crusade - Bolton in Israel - Trump, More Sanctions on Iran - Netanyahu to Bolton, Time for U.S. to Recognize Golan Heights in Israel - Indoctrination of Children so Important - Hey, Teen Vogue. On career day, no young girl should say 'I want to be a prostitute.' *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 23, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: In Stores, Secret Surveillance Tracks Your Every Move The Unholy Alliance Between DNA Sites and Facial Recognition From face to DNA: new method aims to improve match between DNA sample and face database Amazon's Rekognition software lets cops track faces: Here's what you need to know Major DNA Testing Company Sharing Genetic Data With the FBI Japanese sign up for DNA matchmaking as country faces demographic crisis China is harvesting organs from Falun Gong prisoners in potential genocide, tribunal says Canada Conjoins Euthanasia and Organ Harvesting Euthanasia doctor hired for prime role at Ottawa Catholic palliative care hospital Canadian Blood Services releases first set of national guidelines for organ donation after medical assistance in dying Ottawa picks 11 communities for pilot immigration project Ontario Cuts Red Tape, Supports Investment and Job Creation Transatlantic Working Group Seeks to Address Harmful Content Online Bolton arrives in Israel amid heightened US-Iranian military tensions Netanyahu to Bolton: Time for U.S. to recognize Golan Heights in Israel US-Iran: Trump announces 'major' sanctions amid tensions Ex-Interpol chief pleads guilty to corruption, China says World seeing ‘greatest monetary policy experiment in history’ - Rothschild Global Compact for Migration Global population could hit 10.9 BILLION Industry must commit to halt all future fossil fuel extraction Meet John Schellnhuber: climatologist to Pope Francis Call for ‘Climate Passports’ for refugees from ‘global warming’ at UN summit World in Transition - A Social Contract for Sustainability - With John Schellnhuber, Advisor to the Pope Hey, Teen Vogue. On career day, no young girl should say 'I want to be a prostitute.' Maduro Stymied in Bid to Pull $1.2 Billion of Gold From U.K. The Vatican is considering allowing married men to become priests in remote parts of the Amazon International Migration Drivers Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration June 16, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Overlords call Struggle for Freedom Pathetic, Under Total Surveillance, Controls Cybernetic." © Alan Watt June 16, 2019 Visit My Website, www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com and Donate and Order Books and Discs - Make a Note of All My Official Sites - Followers of Jesus Abandoned Him when He was On the Cross; Everyone Wants a Winner - Ongoing Wars - The Purpose of the Internet and its Short Period of Relative Freedom - Julian Assange - John Pilger - Trump's Recent Visit to London - Gearing Up for Iran - U.K. Home Secretary Signs Assange Extradition Order - Extraordinary Rendition - Given Your Choices of What You'll Do, Down to Extreme Body Art - We are Truly Like Antennas - Standard Oil; Even then Buying Up Newspapers and Standardizing Information - The British Empire; RIIA, Milner Group - Those at the Top Must Own All the Resources of the World - Giving Each Generation of Youth Their Culture - The Reasons for WWI and WWII - After WWI, Stiff Reparations for Germany - Aldous Huxley, People Will Come to Love Their Servitude - Pornography and Drugs Allowed - Drug Scandals; Oliver North, CIA Black Budgets - Bush Sr. and Jr.; The New World Order - H.G. Wells, Fabian Society, Bernard Shaw, The Plan of WWI; "The War to End All Wars" - League of Nations, United Nations - Bureaucrats are More Important than Politicians - Police, Military - Dirty Work is Done by Every Country - Scientist Kelly Found Dead Just Before He was to Testify - Iran, Same Scenario as Syria - Japan's PM Visits Iran at the Time of Attack of Tankers - Political Assassinations - The Assassin's Trade is About as Old as Prostitution - The Nature of Humans has Never Changed - Teachers Know They are There to Change the Culture Through Indoctrinating the Children - Article, Australia May Well Be the World’s Most Secretive Democracy - Democracies from the United States to the Philippines are Increasingly Targeting Journalists to Ferret out Leaks, Silence Critics and Punish Information Sharing - Spied On Through Your Personal Computer - Sustainability, Population Control - Do Empty Cradles Matter? Look At Japan; America’s Fertility Rate has Fallen to its Lowest Point in History - UK, Abortions High 'Shows Need for Contraception Access' - Maine Becomes 8th State to Legalize Assisted Suicide - Bioethics, Convincing People to Give Up on Life; Teams of Professional Persuaders for Organ Donation - Maine is 8th State to Legalize Assisted Suicide - A Number of New York State Lawmakers are Calling for the Legalization of Prostitution - Meddling 101: US Army Research Center Publishes Strategy to Destabilize Russia - Movie, Three Days of the Condor - Google Staff Keep ‘Blacklist’ of Conservative and ‘Fringe’ Sites - UK's Hunt Warns Iran of 'Unintended but Catastrophic' Consequences Over Attacks on Gulf Tankers. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 16, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Australia may well be the world’s most secretive democracy Australian men are in crisis, with suicide rates rising. Meet some of the men who’ll die this week Do Empty Cradles Matter? Look At Japan. Abortions high 'shows need for contraception access' Magic mushrooms could replace antidepressants within five years, says new psychedelic research centre Maine becomes 8th state to legalize assisted suicide British Home Secretary signs extradition order to send Julian Assange to US Julian Assange: Sajid Javid signs US extradition request Group of New York Lawmakers Calls for Legalization of Prostitution US Army research center publishes strategy to destabilize Russia Overextending and Unbalancing Russia - PDF Overextending and Unbalancing Russia Google staff keep ‘blacklist’ of conservative and ‘fringe’ sites - report Jeremy Hunt warns Iran of 'unintended but catastrophic' consequences ‘Suspicious doesn’t begin to describe what happened’: Iran’s FM on tanker ‘attacks’ in Gulf of Oman Pentagon seeks to build global ‘consensus’ on Iran. Is it time to worry? Lawmakers from both sides reveal in late-night session that Mike Pompeo told them Trump CAN attack Iran U.S. blames Iran for assault on oil tankers US 'warmongers' pushing for conflict with Iran June 9, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Powers of the Air: "We're so Wired, so Fired and 5G Mired, Surveyed, Betrayed, Pulse-Fried Tired." © Alan Watt June 9, 2019 Sunny Weather - Mosquitoes - Carbon Neutral - Panels will Decide Who can Have Children - CIA - Man is the Enemy - First World Countries Going Down Fast - France, Yellow Vests - Fuel Taxes - Austerity - Food is Classed as Energy - Dystopia - Yellow Vest Protestors Losing Eyes; Rubber Bullets Used by Police - France's Macron - Actors and Musicians Used as Spokesmen - World Government, Governance - Family Unit Destroyed - U.N., Program for United Europe Kept Secret from Public; Americas, Pacific Rim - Radio Frequencies of Internet, WiFi, Microwave Range; Electromagnetic Fields, Brain Cancer - Laptops and Cancer - 5G System Launched in Scotland (Orkney), Initial Launch Failed - The Internet of Things - Huawei - 5G; Nowhere to Hide; Used for Crowd Control, it Burns People; Linked to Infertility, Diabetes - Europe 5G to Cost Billions More if Chinese Vendors are Banned - DARPA, US Military Developing Wireless Tech to Control Weapons With Your Mind - Brzezinski, Technology to Bathe Whole Planet with Technetronic Waves of Power - Amazon wants to 3D-Scan Bodies - US National Toxicology Program Technical Reports on Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Study in Rats Exposed to Whole-Body Radiofrequency Radiation at 900 MHz and in Mice Exposed to Whole-Body Radiofrequency Radiation at 1,900 MHz - Measurements of Radiofrequency Radiation with a Body-Borne Exposimeter in Swedish Schools with Wi-Fi - UK Study Connects Social Media Use and Depression - Buildup for War with Iran - U.S. Commander says American Forces Face 'Imminent' Threat from Iran - General Wesley Clark - Starving by Embargo - AFP Raided the ABC's Sydney Headquarters, Going Through Emails and Documents of Journalists - Assange - Australia had its Own Version of UK's Leveson Inquiry - The True Nature of War - Suicide and Assisted Dying - Brave New World - Globalists, Communism, Socialism, Carroll Quigley - Under Socialism Your Life is Ruled from Birth to Death - Belgium Investigates Right-to-Die Group Offering Suicide Powder - Three Chinese Warships Dock in Sydney Harbour - Internet of Things, Nanotechnology, 5G - Michael Persinger - The Tar in Cigarettes and in Marijuana - Logic - Knowledge Spreads from Those Who can Handle the Bad News. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 9, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: 5G: Finally, it's here in the UK - so what is it? Live BBC broadcast over 5G network on launch day fails 5G, There's Nowhere to Hide! 5G: Why Orkney got the latest tech before London Europe 5G to cost many billions more if Chinese vendors banned US Military Developing Wireless Tech to Control Weapons With Your Mind Amazon wants to 3D-scan volunteers’ bodies for a $25 gift card Comments on US National Toxicology Program reports on toxicology and carcinogenesis study in rats exposed to whole-body radiofrequency radiation at 900 MHz and in mice exposed to whole-body radiofrequency radiation at 1,900 MHz WHO - Electromagnetic fields and public health Electromagnetic Radiation Safety Measurements of Radiofrequency Radiation with a Body-Borne Exposimeter in Swedish Schools with Wi-Fi UK Study Connects Social Media Use and Depression Switzerland: Teachers Vote to Keep Wi-Fi Out of School Swiss Firms Will Not Be Compensated if 5G Found to Be Harmful Michael Persinger on No More Secrets I live-tweeted the AFP's every move as they raided the ABC's Sydney headquarters U.S. commander says American forces face 'imminent' threat from Iran Opening Assisted Dying to Psychiatric Patients a Bad Idea? Belgium investigates right-to-die group offering suicide powder Doctor Killed Healthy 24-Year-Old in Euthanasia Raped girl, 17, legally allowed to die in Holland Criminal Case Spurs a Rethink of Euthanasia for Mental Illness Three Chinese warships dock in Sydney Harbour — but were they even invited? June 2, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) News= "Toxic Control Ensures Public are Damaged, Kept in the Dark and "Expertly" Managed." © Alan Watt June 2, 2019 Pouring Rain - Meeting the Mosquito - The Planned System - Leveson Inquiry, Britain - News is Now Handouts, Ads, Public Relations - Public Kept from Knowing and Debating Big Agendas - The Drama and Suspense of Brexit - The Purpose of Marriage and the Family - Spraying the Skies - Downbursts - Noctilucent Clouds - HAARP - Bertrand Russell, Scientific Supremacy - Weather Stations for Television - Geoengineering - World Agenda for Wellbeing - Drug Addiction - Be Happy - The Act of Politics - Decline in Fertility - Sperm Counts are On the Decline - Population Explosion, Baby Boomers - Wellbeing Budget, New Zealand, Measuring Your Success by Your Wellbeing - Wellbeing Should Replace Growth as 'Main Aim of UK Spending' - Wearing Bullet - Proof Vests in London - Sex with Children Has Become Big Business in America - Grooming of Children in Britain - UK Prostitutes want Decriminalization to Protect Them from Crime - Britain's Royal College of Nurses Vote to Back Decriminalisation of Prostitution - Tackling Spain's Sex Traffickers; 'Prostitution is Seen as a Leisure Activity Here' - Organ Donation; Big Business - Organ Donation on the Rise as Fatal Drug Overdoses Mount - Pentagon Eyes Expanding DARPA Future Warfare Research Office - US Military Developing Wireless Tech to Control Weapons With Your Mind - UN Hysteria Linking Climate Change and Species Extinction Mindlessly Parroted by Media - Paul Ehrlich, The Club of Rome - Scary Scenarios - Facts don't Matter - The Soviet Technique - Creation of an Obedient Society - Blending Communism and Capitalism - Reese Commission. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 2, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Sperm counts are on the decline – could plastics be to blame? National treasure: How the Scottish Government’s National Performance Framework is linking policies to outcomes New Zealand's world-first ‘wellbeing’ budget to focus on poverty and mental health Wellbeing should replace growth as 'main aim of UK spending' Wellbeing should replace growth - Spending review to increase wellbeing The Essence of Evil: Sex with Children Has Become Big Business in America Decriminalise sex work to protect us from crime, prostitutes say Nurses vote to back decriminalisation of prostitution 'Prostitution is seen as a leisure activity here': tackling Spain's sex traffickers Organ donation on the rise as fatal drug overdoses mount As death tolls rise, opioid crisis makes more organs available for transplant UN hysteria linking climate change and species extinction mindlessly parroted by media Climate Geoengineering Governance Pentagon eyes expanding DARPA future warfare research office US Military Developing Wireless Tech to Control Weapons With Your Mind May 26, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) To Perfect That Which was Left Imperfect: "Guided by Professional Opinioners, Authoritative, Formal, Most Conclude Vast Societal Changes to be Random, Normal." © Alan Watt May 26, 2019 Weather Manipulation - Regulation of Population, Deciding Who Should be Allowed to Have Children - Charles Galton Darwin; the "Wild Men" Would Steer the World - Divide and Conquer Segments of Society - Marxist Doctrine of Eliminating All Competition - Drug-Infested Poverty - Post-Industrial - UK; Cheap Alcohol, Empty Homes, Bedroom Tax - World Economic Forum - World Bank, IMF, BIS, Central Banks are All Private - No Jobs or Manufacturing - Countries and Areas Used as Test beds - Australia; Creation of Artificial Womb in a Man - Bioengineering - Eugenics Program where Scientists are in Control of Everything - Transhumanism; Making Humans for Different Functions - Julian Huxley; Knock Man Off His Pedestal - Australian Women Will Be Able to have Babies without Males - Bioethics - Article; Want to Dismantle Capitalism? Abolish the Family - Marxist Critical Theory - Carbon Taxes, Carbon Exchanges - Agenda 21 - Global Environmental Facility - Al Gore Paid to Lecture in Australia - Blood and Gore Carbon Exchange, Name Changed - Pornography; As Long as You Don't have Children They Don't Care What You Do - Cognitive Dissonance - U.N. Sustainable Development Goals - Automation, Government-Issued Credits based on Social Behaviour - What Czech Files Claim about how Tony Blair's Minister Handed Over Sensitive Documents at a Pimlico Restaurant - Greed, Power, Maxwell and How Geoffrey Robinson's Millions Bewitched Blair and Mandelson - Generation Investment Management, Co-founded by Former US Vice President Al Gore and Goldman Sachs' Asset Management Head David Blood; Finance and Sustainability - J. Huxley - Mousetraps; It's Free - Calgary Police Let Organ Donors Off for Minor Traffic Violations - DNA - Drug Overdose Deaths Top 70,000 in 2017, Drive Down U.S. Life Expectancy - Almost One in Three Drugs Overdoses in Europe Recorded in UK - IQ Rates are Dropping - Green Banks - Money for Nothing and Your Kicks for Free - Naomi Wolf - Logic, Reason and Facts Must Guide You - Don't Let Yourself Be Manipulated by Emotive Topics - Order Out of Chaos - Rockefeller; They'll Come to Us with Perfect Docility - Maurice Strong, Bertrand Russell, Macy Group. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 26, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: An artificial womb successfully grew baby sheep — and humans could be next No male required for future of fertility in Queensland. Future of fertility: Making babies without men Want to Dismantle Capitalism? Abolish the Family A Healthy Planet Depends on Us All - UN Environment About Sustainable Development Goals- UN Environment UN Environment 2018 Annual Report Al Gore Former US vice president Al Gore will lead a three-day climate change lecture Generation Investment Management Global Environment Facility - Funding Global Environment Facility - GEF Project and Program Cycle Policy Feminist author Naomi Wolf learns in a live radio interview that her new book contains fundamental factual blunder Claim about how Tony Blair's minister handed over sensitive documents Greed, power, Maxwell - and how Geoffrey Robinson's millions bewitched Blair and Mandelson Do handwritten notes in Robinson file prove he spied for the Czechs? Calgary police let organ donors off for minor traffic violations Drug overdose deaths top 70,000, drive down U.S. life expectancy Overdose Death Rates Almost one in three drugs overdoses in Europe recorded in UK Police officers' son, 18, who was spared jail despite ploughing into and killing two pedestrians while high on cannabis 'These people don't have electricity mate' Alcohol - Britain's Most Harmful Drug Girls Living On The Streets Of Brighton The Rise of Fentanyl Life Inside Britain's Legal Red Light District - Sex, Drugs and Murder - Episode 1 Seattle is Dying ON THE STREETS -- a feature documentary on homelessness in L.A. Heroin's Children: Inside the US opioid crisis May 19, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Welcome to Bedlam Where Minds are Limited, Contained, Where C.G.D.'s "Wild Men" Rule over Mass of the Tamed." © Alan Watt May 19, 2019 Brzezinski, Easier to Kill a Million People than to Control Them - Legal Notices - League of Nations, United Nations, World Government - Terrorism, Teachings of Military Academies, End of National Warfare Comes with the End of Nations - Indoctrination of those Born into a System Under Constant Threat of Terror - Climate Change Indoctrination - Movie, Soylent Green came from a Book called Make Room, Make Room - Movie, No Blade of Grass - Movie, THX-1138 - Gen. Wesley Clark, List of Middle Eastern Countries to be Taken Out - Aldous Huxley Gave a Few Clues and Warnings of What was Coming - Movie, Empire of the Sun - We Judge too Quickly; Walk a Mile in Another Man's Moccasins - Mobs are Always Used - In the James Bond movies, the Threats came from Rich Individuals - Jeremy Bentham, Panopticon Prison System - Necessity is the Excuse Used to Take Away Your Freedoms - Highland Clearances - Brainwashed Enforcers of the Agenda - Austerity - Eugenics - Euthanasia - Japan's Declining Birth Rate; Abortions following Fukushima because of Radiation Fears - Zika Virus - Industrial Revolution - Communism, Laissez-fair Capitalism - Movie, Logan's Run; Everyone Born into Artificial System, Sent to Nirvana (Killed) at a Set Age - Gorbachev on Creating New Religion that was a Form of Earth Worship - Former U.S. Drug Czar warns about Heroin and Fentanyl - Jacinda Arden, Censorship, Facebook - Movie, Fahrenheit 451; Obedience, Don't Ask Questions - Louisiana Unveils Ambitious Plan to Help People Get Out of the Way of Climate Change - Cities that are Doing the Most to Combat Global Warming - Florida Bill Lays Out Plan to Study and Prepare for Climate Costs and Impacts - Americans are Not Having Sex, according to National Survey - US births lowest in 3 Decades Despite Improving Economy - Movie, Enemy of the State; Total Coordinated Surveillance - Movie, Brazil; Tuttle gets Mixed Up with Buttle - will it make rich people genetically superior - IARPA, Video Surveillance Algorithms - Chinese Facial Recognition Start-up can ID a Person in Seconds - Man Ordered to Uncover Face in Front of Police Camera and then Fined £90 - British General says No Increased Iran Threat in Syria and Iraq, Prompting Rare Rebuke by Pentagon - Congress Demands Urgent Iran Briefing - Fall in Number of UK Deaths - Huawei - Hackers can Steal Your ID and Bank Details from a Coffee Machine - Judge Orders Manning Back to Jail - Russian Oil No One Wants to Pay For - Corporate Warfare - Going into a Time of Fear - Will Gene Editing Make Rich People Genetically Superior - Remember to Visit my Official Websites and There You can Order Books and Donate - The Battle Between Good and Evil. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 19, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Jacinda Ardern won't rule out blocking Facebook if used to spread extremist content Jakobshavn Isbrae: Mighty Greenland glacier slams on brakes Louisiana Unveils Ambitious Plan to Help People Get Out of the Way of Climate Change These Are the Cities Doing the Most to Combat Global Warming Florida Bill Lays Out Plan to Study, Prepare for Climate Costs and Impacts Governor Ron DeSantis Announces Major Water Policy Reforms The share of Americans not having sex has reached a record high US births lowest in 3 decades despite improving economy IARPA Needs More Training Data for Video Surveillance Algorithms This Chinese facial recognition start-up can identify a person in seconds Man ordered to uncover face in front of police camera and then fined £90 US claims of Iran threat to coalition forces in Middle East rejected by British general British general says no increased Iran threat in Syria and Iraq, prompting rare rebuke by Pentagon 'Time warp speed': Congress demands urgent Iran briefing Gene editing: will it make rich people genetically superior? Fall in number of UK deaths hits profits at funeral provider Huawei ban clouds U.S.-China trade talks, tech sector Now hackers can steal your ID and bank details from a coffee machine! Judge orders former U.S. soldier and WikiLeaks source Manning back to jail Russian oil no one wants to pay for Former US drug czar--'overlooking real culprit' May 12, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "With Scientific Tyranny over You and Me, The Future Ain't What it Used to Be." © Alan Watt May 12, 2019 New Chapter in the Agenda - Cashless - The Deep State - European Union - Free Trade - Incredibly Rich at the Top; Many have Titles - Peacekeepers Look Just Like Soldiers Always Did - Run by Jingoism and Slogans - Emotive Topics, Grabbers - We Must Participate in Our Own Deception - Police Force; Wearing Black, Symbolizing Death - Illustration of Gulag Prisoners; Too Afraid to Attempt Escape - Maurice Strong, Rio Conference, Biodiversity - People Adapt - Charles Galton Darwin; Manhattan Project - Thomas Huxley - C.G. Darwin's book The Next Million Years; Creeds (Religions); Convincing People to Go Along with Depopulation, Sterilization - Julian Huxley; Progressive Eugenics - The New Religion of Greening, Sustainability, Veganism - Promiscuity - Nudge Units, Behavioural Insights Teams - In Orwell's book, 1984, Winston came to Love Big Brother; Torture - There's Nothing New Under the Sun - ‘Julian Huxley and the Continuity of Eugenics in Twentieth-century Britain’ by Professor Paul Weindling - J. Huxley, UNESCO Declaration on Race - The Post-Natural Age - Julian Huxley Coined the Term Transhuman - Necessity; To Save Us All - Bill Gates-backed Startup, Beyond Meat - Seeds with Terminator Gene - Lab Grown Meat - Euthanasia - George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush; The New World Order - Obama; Euthanasia - Aldous Huxley, People Will Come to Love Their Servitude - More than a Quarter of the Deaths in Holland are Induced; Euthanasia, Suicide, Palliative Sedation - Euthanasia Doctor Hired for Prime Role at Ottawa Catholic Palliative Care Hospital - MAID, Medical Assistance in Dying - Macron and Zuckerberg Meet to Tackle Hate Speech - SOMA; Decriminalizing Psilocybin Mushrooms in Denver - Articles in The Guardian and Mail Online on Microdosing Mushrooms - University of Toronto Study on Microdosing LSD - The Mums who took Cocaine During Play Dates. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 12, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: ‘Julian Huxley and the Continuity of Eugenics in Twentieth-century Britain’ Why the 'post-natural' age could be strange and beautiful Plant-based meat startup Beyond Meat prices at $25 a share ahead of IPO Lab-Grown Meat Coming to Supermarket Shelves Soon? Maggot sausage and a scoop of insect ice-cream: Scientists claim alternative protein made from BUGS 'needs to be incorporated' to meals Miliband - we will have to 'eat less meat' White Castle - plant-based sliders Charles Galton Darwin Euthanasia doctor hired for prime role at Ottawa Catholic palliative care hospital Death by organ donation: Euthanizing patients for their organs gains frightening traction More than a quarter of the deaths in Holland are “induced,” report finds Zuckerberg, Macron to tackle hate speech How the trade war with China could hit you A quick guide to the US-China trade war Denver becomes first US city to decriminalize 'magic mushrooms' 'It makes me enjoy playing with the kids': is microdosing mushrooms going mainstream? 'I felt alive': University lecturer, 40, who 'micro-dosed' tiny amounts of psychedelic mushrooms says drugs encouraged her to split with husband Is microdosing LSD a solution to the 'crisis of meaning' in modern life? The mums who took cocaine during play dates Experimental surgery gains support as opioid deaths rise May 5, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Short-Term Memory: "Because Our Lives are Short and Agendas are Damning, Our Masters Hide Evidence within Long-Term Planning." © Alan Watt May 5, 2019 The Shortness of Life - Death - Materialistic System; Post-Christianity - Those Who've Accumulated Wealth Given the Power to Rule Over Us; Philanthropists - Public-Private Partnerships - Trilateral Commission - CFR, Time for Philanthropists to Participate in Governing the World - Post-Democratic Governance; Foundations and Front Groups - The Club of Rome, Find a Common Enemy to Unite the World, Global Warming - Carter Administration, Trilateral Commission, Brzezinski; Scientifically Controlled Society - Think-Tanks; Money; Elimination of Industry - Maurice Strong - Reduce Everyone to a State of Poverty - Populations in the West Declining - Japan's Child Population Declines - Charles Galton Darwin, The Next Million Years; Money Always Used as a Weapon - Coerce People Not to have Children - Alan Greenspan - Austerity - Cost of Energy - We are Not in a Democracy - CEOs and the New Feudal System - News is like Movie, Groundhog Day, Same Wars - Sock Puppets, Bots - Given Emotive Topics to Argue About - Will Durant - George Orwell's Animal Farm and 1984 - Sadists and Torturers - Be Awfully Careful about What is Presented to You as Facts - Edward Bernays, How to Use Existing Organizations - Hollywood Movies showing Fantastic Displays of Wealth Designed to Make Average People Dissatisfied with Their Lives - We Get Our Thoughts Given to Us Mainly Through Fiction - Movies, John Wayne - Destruction of the Family - Genetic Manipulation Way Beyond Brave New World - Military Research and Development - The Cold War - Only Authorized Voices Giving Authorized Versions - Big Tech Companies and Privacy - Spy Agencies with Legitimate Corporations - Ireland - Lawlessness and Knifings in Wild West Britain - How to Spy on Google and Facebook's Spying - From 2012, How Target Figured Out A Teen Girl Was Pregnant Before Her Father Did - Coupons, Loyalty Cards, Mousetraps - DARPA Prosthetic Memory Implant - It's a Cruel World - Christianity's Recognition of the World as an Evil Place; They Called it The Fall; The Fallen Nature of Humans - Understanding Death and Dying is an Essential Part of Living Life - Nearly 50,000 Animals have been Killed in Seven years at Ministry of Defence's Top Secret Porton Down Research Base - The Past Porton Down can't Hide, Humans Used as Guinea Pigs from 1945 to 1989 - U.S. Secretly Tested Carcinogen in Western Canada During the Cold War - Operation LAC - We're Kept Naive - Warfare Companies Involved in Growing Our Food - Charles Fort, We are Farmed - The Older Christians Knew this was a Deceptive World. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 5, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Ireland Big Tech and Privacy Japan's child population declines Schools forced to install knife arches at the gates How to spy on Google and Facebook's spying How Target Figured Out A Teen Girl Was Pregnant Before Her Father Did This DARPA-Developed Brain Implant Can Help Recover Your Memories DARPA Wants Brain Interfaces for Able-Bodied Warfighters Nearly 50,000 animals have been killed in seven years at Ministry of Defence's top secret Porton Down research base by being shot, blown up, gassed or poisoned The past Porton Down can't hide U.S. secretly tested carcinogen in Western Canada during the Cold War, researcher finds Operation LAC British M.O.D. Subjected Citizens to Bio and Chemical Experiments during Cold War Millions were in germ war tests Biological Weapons Tested On British Public 1/4 Biological Weapons Tested On British Public 2/4 Biological Weapons Tested On British Public 3/4 Apr. 28, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "The Séance of Science Entranced Us to a State All Catatonic, We're Brain-Entrained Electric-Chained, System Technetronic." © Alan Watt Apr. 28, 2019 Snow - Climate Change - Scary Scenarios - Derren Brown; Hypnotism, Behaviourism - People Want to Be Part of the Crowd - Delphi Techniques - Creation of Groups - Repetition of One-Liners - Derren Brown's show, Heist - Milgram Experiment - Giving Authority to the Person in the White Coat - Psychopaths Selected for Certain Military Jobs - Most People Live in a Kind of Disneyland - Brainwashing in Certain Must-Be Programs - Rulers, Unseen and Unknown by the Public; Carroll Quigley Called Them The Oligarchy - Aldous Huxley Talked about a Dominant Minority at the Top - Plato's Republic; Breeding Programs - World Government - Locksley Hall, Parliament of the World - League of Nations - Jacques Attali, Winners and Losers; Self-Surveillance - No Real Democracy - Kept Distracted with Meaningless Data - Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era; a Totally Surveilled Society Run by a Dominant Elite with Allegedly Superior Scientific Know-how - Cass Sunstein's Nudge; Behavioural Insights Teams - The Delphi Technique Uses the Audience Against Someone Speaking Out with Facts - Your Opinions are Shaped for You by the Use of Your Emotions - When Reason is Out the Window, Someone is Using You - John Brockman, making Scientists into Stars - Reece Commission, Norman Dodd; Foundations and Promotion of Communism; Amalgamation of Capitalism and Communism the Goal - Lenin, Communism is Only Socialism in a Hurry - Lord Alfred Milner, The Milner Group, RIIA, CFR - Tony Blair's Mentor, Isaiah Berlin, Positive and Negative Freedom - Rights Taken Away Under the Guise of Necessity - Giving Up Privacy to Get a Slight Discount on a Purchase - You Do the Work, More Profit for the Stores; Greed - EU, NAFTA Not about Free Trade; Total Amalgamation and Parliament - Brzezinski, Regionalization, Trilateral Plan for a Gradual Convergence of East and West Ultimately Leading Towards the Goal of One World Government - Brzezinski wrote about Geoengineering - Karl Marx, All Wealth Comes from Labour - We are the Business - Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars - Normalization of Cancer, Autism, Sterilization - Politicians and Simple Slogans - The Controlled, Technetronic System - Human Rights Group Alleges Google may be Helping the U.S. Government Conduct Warrantless Searches - Amazon’s Alexa Reviewers Reportedly have Access to Customer Home Addresses - We are in the Technetronic Era - Cameras in Stores that can Guess Your Age and Sex - We Buy our Spies - Drones - LRAD Sound Cannons to Disperse Crowds - Electric Vehicles Emit more CO2 than Diesel Ones - Julian Assange - Spells are Cast Over the World; 9/11 - Shock and Awe; ELF Weapons - Assange; The Whole Idea where You can say What You Want on the Internet is Over - Jacques Ellul - UK, Home Office Investigated Over Student Visa Cheat Claims - UK to Blame for 55% of Europe's Gonorrhoea Epidemic -Microsoft Employees Question if Diversity is Important and Slam the Tech Giant's 'Discriminatory Hiring' Against Asian and White Men - NHS doctor and UK pharmacist who became torturers for ISIS - Canada Watchdog to Seek Court Order to Force Facebook to Follow Privacy Laws - Attali said the Nation-State was Obsolete - Supercities - The Enormous Wealth of Silicon Valley - Syria and Destruction of its Economy - Tech Giants are Downgrading Humanity - Ex-Google Manager Tristan Harris says Tech Giants are 'Downgrading Humanity'; Short Attention Spans and Narcissism - Julian Huxley, Knock Man off His Pedestal - Attali Praised the Warburgs and said the Future Would Be Run by Massive International Bankers and Economics Would Rule Us All. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Apr. 28, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Human rights group alleges Google may be helping the U.S. government conduct warrantless searches in 'massive file scanning program' Alexa reviewers have access to customer addresses Coming to store shelves: cameras that guess your age and sex Chula Vista Police Drones Help in Close to 60 Arrests in First 5 Months What is it like when the police use an LRAD ‘sound cannon’ to disperse a crowd? Police across the country are adding sonic weapons to their crowd control arsenal Electric vehicles emit more CO2 than diesel ones, German study shows UN experts warn Assange arrest exposes him to risk of serious human rights violations Home Office investigated over student visa cheat claims Microsoft Discriminatory Hiring NHS doctor and UK pharmacist worked for ISIS Facebook is in hot water again Silicon Valley could be the second richest country in the world Waiting 19 Hours for Gas in a Lifeless City (Syria) Tech giants are 'downgrading humanity' Technology campaigners offer plan to fight 'human downgrading' UK is the EU’s gonorrhoea hotspot World government Derren Brown - The Heist, Pt. 1 Apr. 21, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) First You Till the Soil.... "Revolution, Fabian Style, Slow, Persuasive, Incremental, Then Uncompromising Raised Clenched Fist, None too Gentle, So Now the State Provides, go Enjoy, dance and Splurge, In Stuporous State You'll be Issued Fate in Latest Purge." © Alan Watt Apr. 21, 2019 We're into a New Chapter of Our History - The Cold War; Our Taxes into the War Industry - The World Bank Lends to All Countries - The Ruling Oligarchy is Beyond the Deep State - China, Model State - GATT - Iraq, Kuwait, the Bush Family; Story about Throwing Babies from Incubators - Syria, Iran - The Phase We're in Now is the New Soviet System - Soviet is Rule by Councils (NGOs, Foundations) - Social Warriors - The Young Joiners are Used - Groups Aimed at Youth are Run by Very Old People - Yellow Vests in France - Britain's Eco-Warriors; Police Joining in with Protestors - Goal is Scientific, Socialist Control; Compulsory Sterilization, Permits to have Children - The Illuminati - World Revolutionary Party Members Came Over from Germany to Help Lincoln Fight the South in the Civil War - Ideas of Right and Wrong Come from Philosophy - Lenin, We Shall Win by Slogans - Climate Change, Veganism - The Club of Rome - Private Organizations Using the United Nations - U.N., World Government - Arnold Toynbee - Will and Ariel Durant - CIA and the Funding of Communes - Jim Jones - The Study of Cults - Taxes, Austerity - We're Living Through a Plan and The Plan has Chapters - E.U. and Farmers; Butter Mountains - The E.U. was Never Meant to be Democratic - Bertrand Russell - H.G. Wells - Will Durant Quote on Religion and Civilization - A Presentation of History that Makes the Rise of Tyrants seem Inevitable - Trotskyism, Perpetual Revolution - Protest Movements that have Totally Disappeared - We are the Problem Now because We Exist and We Consume - 20th Century Art; All Beauty Must Be Destroyed; Atonal Music - Julian Huxley, Dethrone Humans from their Pedestal - Dehumanization - Abortion - Euthanasia - Life is Cheap Now; We're Knocked Off that Pedestal - Washington State to Legalize Human Composting; Organic Reduction; Liquid Cremation - We are the Business - Soylent Green - Biodegradable Burial Pod Turns Your Body into a Tree - You Find Out Your Real Purpose in Life is to Supply Nutrients to a Tree - Britain to Implement Opt-Out Organ Donation - Pig Brains Kept Alive Outside Body - Extinction Rebellion in Britain - Social Warriors for Veganism - Attacking Farmers - Funded, Organized, Massive NGO Armies - Agenda 21 - David Attenborough says We're Running Out of Time to Save Planet and Calls for Urgent Action to Tackle Global Warming - 2013, Attenborough says Humans are a Plague on Earth, Limit Population - Jonathan Porritt - Population Matters - Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb - U.N.'s Eco Green Clubs in Schools - The Green Party was Initially Called the Ecology Party - Extinction Rebellion Leaders; Jet-setters - Green Giants - The Eco Power List - U.N. Environment's List of Accredited Organizations - Tax-Free Foundations Owned by Biggest Corporations - Porritt, Green Party - Zuckerberg calls for Internet Regulation - Julian Assange - Fear and then Terror Used on the Public - Notre Dame Cathedral Acoustics, Photos - Geoengineering - Destruction of Good Music - No More News; Aldous Huxley, Infotainment. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Apr. 21, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Notre Dame cathedral photos captured by Australian honeymooner hours before fire Orson Welles - Tribute to Builders of Chartres Cathedral (could say the same for Notre Dame) An eco-friendly deathstyle? Washington poised to legalize HUMAN composting Washington may become first state to legalize human composting The biodegradable burial pod that turns your body into a tree A Green Alternative to Cremation: Dissolving Your Corpse in Water and Lye A Burial Machine That Will Freeze Your Corpse, Vibrate It to Dust, and Turn It Into Soil ‘Scotland’s new organ donation plans will help me find a heart’ Britain plans for opt-out organ donation scheme to save lives Pig brains kept alive outside body for hours after death 'We are running out of time to save the planet' David Attenborough - Humans are plague on Earth Sir David Attenborough: we must act on population Population Matters Jonathon Porritt Ecology Party (Now Green Party) Eco-Green Clubs in Schools - UN Extinction Rebellion: Shell HQ windows smashed as climate protest blocks London roads The Extinction Rebellion leaders: Jet-setter Robin Boardman Green giants - the eco power list International Vegan Rights Alliance List of accredited organizations - UN Environment Environ-Vegans and the High Life 'Unacceptable behaviour' of officers caught RAVING and skateboarding with eco-warriors The Cotswold Conspirators: How four key players in the Extinction Rebellion eco-mob plotted chaos in London from vegetarian café in leafy market town Zuckerberg Calls for Global Internet Regulations Longshot presidential candidate Andrew Yang wants US to take the lead on geoengineering The Energy 202: Study renews debate about a radical climate solution – geoengineering Apr. 14, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Total Control Always the Goal: "Governance, Commerce Want Efficiency, Total Control, Over All that is Mortal, Sans Individual, Sans Soul." © Alan Watt Apr. 14, 2019 Big Changes - Everyone Struggles with Bills, Employment, Layoffs, No Job Security - Book, The Crowd - The Silent Majority; Those who don't Have Strong Opinions; Marx Called Them the Lumpen Proletariat - Julian Assange and the Recent Blitz of Media; The Standard Technique of Defamation of Character - Intelligence Services; Espionage - Media have Always been an Essential Part of Government - Early Days of the Internet - Complexities of Power - After 9/11, Censorship Kicked In - Government is Power, Power is Never Nice - Ultimate Power Really is Control - Omnibus Crime Bills Passed in Canada in the Late 1990s - Sexual Revolution of 1960s; Elements Tested in the 1920s; Miniskirts, Birth Control Pill - End of the Family Unit - Those Who Understand What is Happening have to Always Keep Hold of Their Sanity - No Choices Under Tyranny, Only Authorized Pathways of What You can Do - Cashless Society - Francis Bacon; His Understanding of Human Nature and How to Govern the General Populace - Machiavelli, The Prince - Monopolies - Bacon Advised Small Price Increases Instead of Large Tax as Not to Scare People - Austerity - Taxed into the Grave to Save You from Climate Change - Eugenics; H.G. Wells wrote about Sterilization - Movie, Metropolis, Erotic Power, Robots - Virtual Reality - Controlling Who is Allowed to Breed; Brave New World - Georgia Guidestones - Julian Huxley - Aldous Huxley, The Painless Concentration Camp - Lose Yourself in Entertainment, Escape from Worries - Socialism, Abolition of Religion - Right and Wrong; We Choose - Cultural Revolutions in Communist Countries - Former Pope Benedict Blames Catholic Church Sex Abuse Crisis on 1960s Sexual Revolution and 'Collapse in Morality' - 'Vegan Soldier' Storms a Farm with Her 'Army' of Protesters - Peter Hitchens was a Trotskyist and Later Completely Changed; In Recent Interview said No Hope for Britain; Lawlessness, Debt from Wars, Mass Migration - NASA says Mysterious Dancing Blue Lights Spotted Over the Arctic Circle were Caused by Vapor Tests and NOT Aliens - Netflix is Accused of 'Eco-Tragedy Porn' - Yellow Vest Violence in Toulouse - Same-Sex Couple Warns of Incest Dangers After Learning Sperm Donor Fathered 48 Children - Movie, Code 46 - Public-Private Partnerships - Floating City, Oceanix will Save Coastal Cities from Flooding Caused by Climate Change - Middle-Aged Treated Like Second Class Citizens - Amazon Workers Listening to What You Tell Alexa - Data Collection from Your Car - IMF Bailout for Ecuador Paved Way for Arrest of Assange - Foundations, Think-Tanks - End of Nation-State - World Economic Forum - Try Not to Lose Your Temper with Each Other. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Apr. 14, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Former Pope Benedict blames Catholic Church sex abuse crisis on 1960s sexual revolution and 'collapse in morality' How Assange’s arrest and potential extradition might prove embarrassing for Trump Julian Assange branded 'narcissist' by judge as he is found guilty of breaching bail conditions Assange inside his fetid lair Pamela Anderson condemns Assange arrest $4.2 Billion IMF Bailout for Ecuador Paved the Way for Assange’s Arrest Assange sold himself as '87% sl t' Peter Hitchens Interview COPY, PASTE, LEGISLATE NASA says mysterious dancing blue lights spotted over the Arctic Circle were caused by vapor tests and NOT aliens, as some feared Netflix is accused of 'eco-tragedy porn' in new Attenborough documentary featuring walruses falling to their deaths 'because of climate change' after zoologist claims they were being CHASED by polar bears Yellow Vest violence explodes in Toulouse Floating city dubbed Oceanix will save coastal cities from flooding caused by climate change, UN project claims Middle-aged treated like 'second class citizens' Painting roofs white can reflect the sun's heat and prevent thousands of deaths in cities during heatwaves Same-sex couple warns of incest dangers after learning sperm donor fathered 48 children Amazon Workers Are Listening to What You Tell Alexa Your car is watching you. Who owns the data? Pope Benedict Says Blame the ’60s for Priests’ Abuse Apr. 7, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) A Blink in Time: "Changes Fast and Furious Causing Alienation, Power, Always Prodding to Mind Your Station." © Alan Watt Apr. 7, 2019 I Want to Thank those Who Listen to the Talks - Always New Listeners Who Want to Know What it's All About - The Rich People Rule the World; Many have said this Before Me - Aldous Huxley Talked about a Dominant Elite Who have Always Existed and He Presumed They Always Would - Academia - Jacques Ellul on Efficiency - Man-Made Global Warming - People Turn to Self-Destructive Behaviours Because They can't Find Purpose - Psychopathic Tendencies; Political Correctness - H.G. Wells, Fabian Socialists, Communists - Alienation Studied in the 1800's; A Sense of Drifting - Terrible Conditions for the Worker at the Height of the British Empire - The Common Market - Margaret Thatcher said Get Used to Mass Unemployment, Some will Never See Employment in Their Lifetime - Manufacturing Exported to China - India - What Employed Remains in the West? - Real Estate - The Majority of the Public won't Have Private Property - Dennis Potter, Television Writer and Journalist - The BBC - MI5, MI6 - The 1960s, Pop Music, Drugs, LSD, Sex, the Birth Control Pill - Blade on the Feather - As Dennis Potter was Dying in 1994, he wrote his Last Two Television Movies, Karaoke and Cold Lazarus - In Potter's Cold Lazarus, a World Run by Extremely Wealthy Business Owners who have Superstar Status, People Totally Surveilled and Treated Poorly, the Cars are Driverless, the Police-Military Types are Black-Clad, Heavily Armed and Everywhere - Public-Private Partnerships - Electromagnetic Waves - In Peace, War Industry Shifts to Surveillance and Security Systems - Queen Elizabeth I; Elaborate Spy System - Why Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste? - Club of Rome; Famine, Plague, Drought; Man is the Enemy of the Planet - Utopias and the Incredible Lies around Utopias - Soviet Gulags - Tyranny Always Silences Speech - Khrushchev - Alienation, Despondency - Orwell on Freedom of the Press - Carbon Taxes - USMCA, A NAFTA Reboot - Mark Zuckerberg asks Governments to Help Control Internet Content - US Military Develops Genetically Modified Plants to Spy in Environments ‘Unsuitable for Traditional Sensors’ - Millionaires Immigrating to Canada - Carbon Taxes, Private Organizations - AEI Holds Carbon Tax Love-In - Australian Billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes calls for Reinstatement of Carbon Tax - Militant Vegans - Julian Assange - U.N. Floating Cities - For the Younger Listeners, Life is Not Just Fun, Games and the Occult. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Apr. 7, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Mark Zuckerberg asks governments to help control internet content US military to develop genetically modified plants to spy in environments ‘unsuitable for traditional sensors’ USMCA: A NAFTA Reboot? Estimated 8,000 millionaires immigrated to Canada last year, report says AEI Holds Carbon Tax Love-In A carbon tax AEI? Really?!? The Philanthropists Who Think a Carbon Tax Offers the Best Way Forward on Climate Policy Mike Cannon-Brookes, Atlassian billionaire, calls on Government to reinstate carbon price Federal carbon tax starts in four provinces ‘It’s no longer free to pollute’: Canada imposes carbon tax on four provinces Lock your gates, install CCTV and vet new staff carefully: The advice to farmers ahead of ‘major animal activist event’ by militant vegan groups Ecuador’s UK ambassador REJECTS Wikileaks’ claims that Julian Assange is about to be expelled from its London embassy and arrested Floating city dubbed Oceanix will save coastal cities from flooding caused by climate change, UN project claims Middle-aged treated like 'second class citizens' Mar. 31, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) The Human Condition: "Propaganda, Persuasion, sides, Age, Indecision, Add Experience, You Have, The Human Condition." © Alan Watt Mar. 31, 2019 Geoengineering - Medical Fads; Removal of Tonsils, etc. - Politicized Themes - Social Control - Old Sci-Fi Movies - Alien Invasion Scenarios - Club of Rome; Global Warming, Famine - Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb - Julian Huxley, UNESCO - Aldous Huxley, Overpopulation - Bertrand Russell said War hadn't Killed Enough Off, Need Plague - George Bernard Shaw - The Real Currency is Energy - Jacques Ellul, Early Indoctrination - B. Russell on Scientific Indoctrination through Education; Parents Merely Economic Supporters - Genetic Propensity to Addiction - Collecting and Analyzing Data on You - U.S. Pentagon - Computer Viruses - The Internet is Affecting Our Minds - Turning Natural, Necessary Drives into Addictions - Pornography - Historical Rules and Taboos to Avoid Personal, Family and Tribal Chaos - We're Living in the Most Surveilled Society that has Ever Existed - Nudge Units, Behaviourists - Television Brought very Debased Culture - Adam Curtis Documentaries on Television - Ellul on Fictional Propaganda about Hospitals and Police - Stalin on the Role of Police, Military and Teachers - Sexual Revolution was Promoted from the Top - The BBC - Psychology and Candy at the Checkout Counter - U.N. Supercities - Marxism, Centralized Government - The World Bank and Social Changes - China, Huawei, Canada and the U.S. - CFR, RIIA, Trilateral Commission, the Invisible Government - We Paid the Companies and Corporations to Move to China - WEF, World Economic Forum - Excellent Seers of their Time; Aldous Huxley's book Brave New World and George Orwell's books 1984 and Animal Farm - The Past for Most People was a Horror Show - Deindustrialization of Britain; Germany was Set Up as the Industrial Power - In 70's and 80's, Thatcher Talked about a Generation that Would Never See Work - Destruction of People by Drugs and Alcohol - Backdoors on Computers - China is the U.N.'s Model State for the World - Old Testament Prophets - Chinese Telecom Giant Huawei Spends £1 billion Building a Fake European Town for 30,000 Workers - China Blocks Imports of Canadian Canola Products - Slogans - BirthStrikers: Women who Refuse to have Children until Climate Change Ends - Britain's Drug Minister, Victoria Atkins, and her Husband's Involvement with a Legal Cannabis Farm - Tory Party Deputy Chairman’s Dancer-Turned-Barrister Cousin Buys 4,000-acre Farm in Sierra Leone to Grow and Import Cannabis after Obtaining Licence to Make Drug for Use in Medicines - U.S. Security Concerns Over Grindr App - Sexual Blackmail - Acute Illness Associated With Cannabis Use - Cold War with Russia; movie, Blast From the Past - US Air Force deploys B-52 bombers to Europe in Message to Russia - Plato, No Such Thing as Justice, Only the Appearance of Justice - Students Buying Essays and PhD Dissertations - Farmers Across Europe with EU Dairy Compacts Lost Their Farms - Agenda Planned Far in Advance. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Mar. 31, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: BirthStrikers: meet the women who refuse to have children until climate change ends No Thanks Cupid How being TOO KIND can lead to emotional burnout! Psychiatrists 'must ask kids about social media use' MP Victoria Atkins accused of 'hypocrisy' over legal cannabis farm Tory Party deputy chairman’s dancer-turned-barrister cousin buys 4,000-acre farm in Sierra Leone to grow and import cannabis after obtaining licence to make drug for use in medicines Acute Illness Associated With Cannabis Use, by Route of Exposure: An Observational Study A mysterious syndrome that makes marijuana users violently ill is starting to worry doctors A mysterious syndrome in which marijuana users get violently ill is starting to worry researchers The rise of robot authors: is the writing on the wall for human novelists? I felt guilty when I got my results: your stories of buying essays EXCLUSIVE: We'll write your PhD thesis... for £6,173! Grindr security concerns Canada’s $27B canola market could lose $2.7B over China’s import block Huawei--Fake European town for 30,000 workers US Air Force deploys B-52 bombers to Europe in message to Russia U.S. Air Force B-52s participate in large exercise over Norwegian Sea Stratofortresses fly sorties over South China Sea, first since November Mar. 24, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) The Foundations, Unelected, Undetected: "A Vast Part-machine Multi-layered Superstructure Directs all Humans, Systems, the Future, Culture" © Alan Watt Mar. 24, 2019 Massive Changes Underway - H.G. Wells, Change in the Air - Albert Pike, Preparing Groundwork for Revolution - Pike Trained Mazzini - Mazzini was a Good Friend of Bertrand Russell's Mother - Control of Media - Globalism - Futurist Societies - Socialism, Marxism - Soviet, Rule by Councils - Winston Churchill - Created Opposition - Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis - Planned, Accelerated Evolution of Everything - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World - Soma, Drugs to Keep You Happy - The Perennial Philosophy; The Right of Those Who Know to Rule Over the Lesser Beings - Plato's Book, The Republic - The Guardian Class at the Top - Children, Organized by Adults, Making Demands for Sustainability, Vegetarianism - In Every Profession People Sell Out, Become Change Agents - Bureaucracy Living Well Off the Taxpayers - Scientific Socialism - Power has Always Used Fear on the People - Britain's Poor Houses - Free Trade - In Brave New World, the Creation of Types of Humans for Each Kind of Work - Terms You Hear; Sustainability, Borderless World, Overpopulation - League of Nations; Bypass Politicians - Carroll Quigley - Children Most Heavily Targeted with Propaganda - Nihilism - Hope - Incredible Destruction of Human Life in War - Gulf War I, Plundering of Oil Fields - Central Banking System; World Bank, BIS, IMF - Technocrats, Technocracy - George Orwell on the Dangers of Socialism - Brexit is a Soap Opera for the Public - Donald Trump, Tweets - Academia - Truth can Be Taken as an Act of Treason - Intolerance - Fear can Motivate People to be Very Nasty to You; Fear of Losing Job, etc. - Scotland, Merchants Controlled Everything; Clearances Not only in Highlands but All Over Scotland - Irish Famine - The Weavers - Corn Laws - Exporting Criminals to Botany Bay and the Americas - Cheviot Sheep - Scottish Highlands Genocide - Creation of Kilts; Scottish Regiments used as Shock Troops - The Abused End Up Getting Used - Families Who were Burned Out of Their Homes, Living in Churchyards, Waiting for Help - No Validation anymore of a Just War, so Troops Today are Living on a Cocktail of Drugs - The World Economic Forum - 51% of Young Americans are Single; Delayed Marriage Phenomenon, Waithood - President Trump Signs Executive Order on Free Speech at College Campuses - General Social Survey funded by National Science Foundation - The Food We Eat - Bisphenol A - Weedkiller Roundup Removed from DIY Store Shelves - Monopoly Power - Insulin Crisis in America - AI Handling Routine Tasks - Google, Medical Records in UK - St. Joseph’s Oratory Stabbing - The Family Unit is a Small Tribe - All Socialist Doctrine wants to Eliminate the Family and Religion - Covenanters Slaughtered in Scotland; No King but Jesus - Outlandish, Award-Winning Campaign to Redistribute School Funds and a Teacher who Said she was Forced to Scrub the Loos - WEF Funding Futurist Societies and Groups to do with Psychology, Sustainability - Lab Meat - We're Way Beyond Frankenfood - Veganism - Drugs of any Kind can Flatten Your Emotions - Neurolinguistics - Scientific Dictatorship (Tyranny) is Ruthless. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Mar. 24, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: No Thanks Cupid The millennials who REFUSE Marriage, Children 'I am with you': President Trump signs executive order on free speech at college campuses General Social Survey Weedkiller is removed from DIY store What's behind America’s insulin crisis Why AI will make healthcare personal St. Joseph's Oratory stabbing Tesla autopilot nearly causing crash Full marks for school austerity scaremongering Outlandish The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation The World Economic Forum Global Agenda Association of Professional Futurists - Most Significant Futures Works China signs $300m deal to buy lab-grown meat from Israel Mar. 17, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Witness Signs of Huxley's-Blair's Ultimate Revolution, Using Geneticists, Bio-Chemists, Scientific Collusion - Part 4" © Alan Watt Mar. 17, 2019 A Short Thaw, More Snow to Come - Everything is Put Down to Global Warming, the Mantra for the New Religion - Public-Private Partnerships Control Education and Media, Make People Believe Anything - Too Many People - End of World Scenarios, Situation Ethics; Deep Impact, Well-Known Actors, Big Budget; Lottery for Survival - A Threat that Would Bring People Together - Henry Kissinger; Overpopulation - Thomas Huxley, Darwin's Bulldog - Aldous Huxley, Julian Huxley - Thomas Malthus - Throughout History, Taking Down Populations When Deemed Necessary - Local Spies - Rights of Privacy - Conology (A Very High Degree) - Trained to be Subservient - Scientific Techniques - Aliens Invading Earth; Who Would Want to Come Here? - Humanity Comes Together to Fight the Aliens - Club of Rome, Man to Become the Enemy (We're Fighting Ourselves) - Climate Commissars, the New Priesthood - Socialism - Georgia Guidestones - Politics is a Fiction - Democracy - U.N. Super-cities - Smart City - Advertising Brands for Free - Domesticated Animals - I.Q. Dropping - Fluoride study; Neurodegenerative Changes for Brain, Spinal Cord and Sciatic Nerve of Rats Treated with Fluoride - The Term, To Help You, is Used as a Horror Show - Fluoride's Affects on Central Nervous System - Soya and Sterilization - Study from India on Aluminum Found in Soil from Geoengineering - The SPICE Project; Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering - Geoengineering and Governance - US5003186A Patent, Stratospheric Welsbach Seeding for Reduction of Global Warming - 2010, U.N. Urged to Freeze Climate Geo-Engineering Projects - George Orwell's Animal Farm, preface on Freedom of the Press - Censorship - Embedded Propaganda - Peer Group Studies - Middle Class Conformity is Well-Studied - Education Domesticates You - Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society, page 50; Education Should Aim at Destroying Free Will; Diet, Injections and Injunctions - Eugenics - Julian Huxley - Book, Acres of Skin - China's Gene-Edited Babies - Brave New World. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Mar. 17, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: The Impact of Science on Society p. 50 George Orwell - The Freedom of the Press - Orwell's Proposed Preface to ‘Animal Farm’ US5003186A - Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming On the regulation of geoengineering Developing an International Framework for Geoengineering U.N. urged to freeze climate geo-engineering projects Why won't the UK make the sun shine for the Olympics? Aluminum poisoning of humanity and Earth’s biota by clandestine geoengineeringactivity: implications for India Climate Geoengineering Governance SPICE - Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering Mar. 10, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Witness Signs of Huxley's-Blair's Ultimate Revolution, Using Geneticists, Bio-Chemists, Scientific Collusion - Part 3" © Alan Watt Mar. 10, 2019 Going for Broke with this Ancient Agenda; World Orders, Globalism, Global Governance, Global Government - The Term Conspiracy Theorist was Put Out by Intelligence Agencies after Death of John F. Kennedy - Public Executions as Entertainment - Counterintelligence is Counter to Intelligence - Labeled Conspiracy Nut when Reading Articles from the Government's Own Websites and Agencies - Bush Sr. Talked about a New World Order Coming into View - This Talk is Part 3 of Eugenics Series - Religion - Reason - Lucifer Stands for Intelligence, Intellect, Reason - Secular Humanism - Subversion of All that Kept Society Intact - The Shock of the Massive Slaughter of World War I and II - Go Into Archive Section of My Website, www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com; Many Talks Cover the Occult - Even the Big Talk Shows Use My Archive; Why Do the Work when I Already Have? - Oxford University Press Put Out a Book on Jewish Myths and Legends; Ancient Rituals Described, Similar Rituals seen with Knights Templar and Albigensians - Ancient Rituals Still Seen Today in Masonic Rituals - Hidden Because the Goal to Overthrow the Existing Order is Heretical in All Ages - H.G. Wells story Things to Come - Creation of a Universal Financial System; Central Banks - IMF, World Bank; Debt as a Social Change Policy Directed from the West - Austerity at Home - War is Used to Bring About Much Change - Correspondence between George Orwell and Aldous Huxley - Paris, Treaty of Versailles; Warburgs; Germans to Pay Exorbitant Reparations - Karl Marx, a Unified Europe and Unified Americas, NAFTA - Orwell's 1984 - Soviet System was a Test, The Second Great Experiment - Soviet, Rule by Councils - Orwell Foresaw the Spy, Surveillance System - Your Ideas of Freedom are Delusions - Carnegie Council, Resurgent Idea of World Government - Financial Times, Is it Time for World Government? - UN/EU, Tower of Babel - Control of Everything - One Organization Created U.N., World Bank, BIS, IMF - Public-Private - H.G. Wells, Another War to Bring the Nations to their Knees - Fabian Society - Barry Goldwater on The Trilateral Commission - RIIA, Milner Group - CFR - GATT Treaty - Sexual Revolution, Abortion - Rolling Stones, Tribute to the Devil, Time is On My Side - Destruction of the Family - Trilateral Commission, Technocrats - News Anchors - World Federalist Society - Brand, Making Scientists Superstars - Unabomber - Zuckerberg - Deepfakes - Eugenics - China's Gene-Edited Baby - Movie, Gattaca - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Julian Huxley, Planned Parenthood, UNESCO, Create Common Culture to Indoctrinate Children; Involved with many Ecological Organizations - Lenin, We Shall Win by Slogans - The Ecological Society of America - Sustainability, Eugenics - Rockefeller's Molecular Vision of Life, Caltech - Nazis copied Eugenics Program from the West; America - Bertrand Russell, Diet, Injections, Injunctions - Political and Economic Planning; Julian Huxley - Britain's National Health Service - The Nature Conservancy - Children Kidnapped for Paedophiles, The Philippines. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Mar. 10, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Chinese government may have funded the world's first gene-edited babies, report claims Ocasio-Cortez Poses ‘Legitimate’ Question: ‘Is It Okay to Still Have Children?’ Ecological Society of America ‘Julian Huxley and the Continuity of Eugenics in Twentieth-century Britain’ The Rockefeller Foundation's Molecular Vision of Life Political and Economic Planning The Nature Conservancy World Government Summit Zuckerberg outlines 'privacy-focused Vision Real-life child-snatcher reveals how she is paid £15 per abduction by Philippine gangs who set her a quota of two a week and sell them to paedophiles with prices determined by their looks Former CIA Whistleblower: Yes, Even the US Post Office Is Spying on You As Smart Cities Become Our Norm, We Must Be Smart About a Data Strategy Alphabet's Sidewalk Labs proposed cut of Toronto taxes for smart city Electronic GPS tags to track thousands of criminals in England and Wales The 'happy' girl scout, 17, found with a knife in her back in east London park - becoming 18th murder victim of 2019 in blood-soaked capital GBI crime lab finds THC in food evidence from Sandtown Middle School Canada ordered to pay U.S. concrete company $7M in NAFTA case Deepfakes explained: How technology is masking reality The Resurgent Idea of World Government The Illusion of World Government And Now for a World Government Tower of Babel E.U. Parliament Building, Strasbourg Mar. 3, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Witness Signs of Huxley's-Blair's Ultimate Revolution, Using Geneticists, Bio-Chemists, Scientific Collusion - Part 2" © Alan Watt Mar. 3, 2019 Geoengineering - U.S. Air Force, Owning the Weather - Managed by Experts in Every Aspect of Your Life - H.G. Wells - Communism, Collectivism - The Drive for Efficiency - A Thousand Points of Light - Our Lives are Short and so We are Short-Term Planners - Laissez faire Capitalism - Poverty in Great Britain - Marketers Work on How to Put Ideas Across to the Public - Behavioural Insights Teams - Psychology was Dreamed Up to Control People; Psychiatry went Further with Drugs - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World - The Leisure Class - Plato's The Republic - Esoteric Circles - The Occult is Simply Hidden - Real History Kept by Long Established Churches - Scroll Making in Egypt - The Literate Priest Class - The Great Plagues - The Norman System of Rule - Al Gore, Sustainability, The Environment - Eugenics - Ruling Oligarchies - Franklin D. Roosevelt, Always a Good Reason and the Real Reason - Albert Pike, Manley P. Hall - Abortion - Doublethink; Too Many of Us, Stop Breeding? or Not Enough People to Pay Taxes, Mass Immigration? - Elimination of National Boundaries, Standardized Culture - The Reward will be to Pass Your Genes On - Reincarnation - Secular Humanism - The Hellfire Club, Benjamin Franklin, Brothels, Aleister Crowley, The Magical Child - H.G. Wells Hated the Working Class; Secret Society, Brotherhood of the Air - Stem Cell Research, Longevity - Three Levels of Science - Success Measured in Hits and Clicks - Royal Institute for International Affairs - Trilateral Commission - Technocrats - The Rockefeller Family; Finance and Train Top Players in Science, Academia, Politics - Book, The Rockefeller Foundation's Molecular Vision of Life---How the Aims of Eugenics, Social Control, and Human Engineering Shaped Molecular Biology and 20th Century Science; (Oxford University Press, 1993) - Psychobiology - Science for Eugenics and Social Control - Total Observation of Everyone on the Planet - Peter Hitchens on ID Cards - William Pitt the Younger; Necessity; The Cry of Every Tyrant is Safety - Food is Energy - Vegetarian Diet Played a Role in the Death of the Mother of NHS Cardiologist - Depopulation - War on Superbugs is Putting Elderly People at Risk, NHS Gives Bonuses for GPs who Don't Prescribe Antibiotics - Paris Climate Agreement - Ocasio-Cortez Poses ‘Legitimate’ Question: ‘Is It Okay to Still Have Children?’ - In Australia, Household Energy Bills Could Soar by Hundreds of Dollars - Chinese Government May have Funded Disgraced Scientist He Jiankui to Create the World's First Gene-Edited Babies - Socialism - Philanthropists All on Board with Same Agenda - Who Trained You Into Conformity? *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Mar. 3, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: The Rockefeller Foundation's Molecular Vision of Life PETER HITCHENS: ID cards are great... if you want to spit on liberty and be a serf Vegetarianism led to my mother's premature death: Prominent NHS cardiologist claims the meat-free diet played a 'crucial role in her suffering' War on superbugs is putting elderly people at risk of dying with SEPSIS Paris Climate Agreement: Everything You Need to Know Ocasio-Cortez Poses ‘Legitimate’ Question: ‘Is It Okay to Still Have Children?’ Liberal Party study claims household energy bills could soar by HUNDREDS of dollars under Labor's plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions Chinese government may have funded the world's first gene-edited babies, report claims Feb. 24, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Witness Signs of Huxley's-Blair's Ultimate Revolution, Using Geneticists, Bio-Chemists, Scientific Collusion." © Alan Watt Feb. 24, 2019 Up on the Roof, Snow and Ice - Club of Rome - Diet, Injections and Injunctions - Famines in Ireland - Laissez-faire - Five Corporations Running the Planet's Agriculture - Neocons in Venezuela, Iran - Karl Marx, Centralization of Power - City-States - George Orwell - Progressive - Carroll Quigley - Book, None Dare Call it Conspiracy - CIA - Orwell, Lawrence of Arabia, Trained by the British Establishment - Orwell worked for Dept. of Information during WWII; Propaganda - Royal Institute for International Affairs - Many Think-Tanks with Ties to the CFR - Smart Cities - Agenda Implemented with Your Tax Dollars - Quigley said CFR and Related Groups were Often Mistaken for Communists; Same Agenda, Sustainability, Reduction of Population - Aldous Huxley, They Will Come to Love Their Servitude; Lots of Drugs, Sex - Using Australia as an Example of How Quickly the Agenda is Moving Along - The Matrix Movies - Movie, Anon; Brain Implants, Everything Seen and Known - Predictive Programming - Festivals in Australia show the Results of the Post-Cultural War - Syphilis now Rampant - Baby Boomers - Academia, Neuroscience used for Control - Aldous and Julian Huxley part of a Scientific Elite; UNESCO - Secular Humanism - Charles Galton Darwin, Manhattan Project - Religion gave People Rights - Brave New World, Bred for Your Particular Task, Soma - Huxley's Letter to Orwell about 1984; The Ultimate Revolution; Marquis de Sade, Animal Magnetism, Hypnotism - MK Ultra - Freud's nephew, Bernays - Managed like a Herd of Cattle - Right is Wrong, Up is Down; New Normals - H.G. Wells Hated the British Working Class as Inferior - Bertrand Russell said There is Nothing We Cannot Do with People - Politics is a Joke; Politicians are Well-Paid Fronts - NAFTA - Some of Australia's Top Universities Accused of Selling Permanent Residency to Foreign Students - China, Australia, Huawei - Our Rulers in the West Funded Modern China into Existence - Painless Concentration Camp - Half all Phone Calls are Spam - Orwell on the Press and Censorship - Lenin said, We Shall Win by Slogans - Global Warming Causes the Cold - CIGI, Centre for International Governance Innovation - Canada and GM Food - Pacific Islanders Reject Socialist Proposal to Trade Sovereignty for Climate Change Safety - Suicides Amongst Children on the Rise in Australia - Loss of Purpose - Euthanasia - Australia, Homes Contaminated with Drug, Ice; Children Deliberately Overdosing on Antidepressants - Conspiracy Theories - Counter-Intelligence - Count Yourself Lucky to Have One or Two Good Friends in Your Lifetime. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 24, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Some of Australia's top universities are accused of selling permanent residency and access to jobs to foreign students Australia's immigration level soars to a record high in 2018 - with 832,560 new arrivals calling the country home - after the Government promised cuts What we will lose if an angry China stops buying from us: Australia will plunge into a recession if our biggest trading partner stopped buying $22 BILLION worth of coal every year Robocalls and phone scams don't seem to slow down in 2019 Cold outbreaks are not caused by global warming Centre for International Governance Innovation Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program Waterloo City Councillor bringing climate change expertise across Canada The Green New Deal Isn’t Just About Energy, It’s Also About Controlling What Americans Eat Pacific Islanders Reject Socialist Proposal Is your home contaminated with meth? Shock as it's revealed 64 per cent of houses tested are riddled with ice residue - posing a serious health risk A Major Study finds Half of Australians have been Bullied at School or Work Australia's mental health crisis deepens as the number of children taking anti-depressant pills doubles in just six years to 100,000 after spate of youth suicides Children deliberately overdosing on antidepressants and antipsychotics 'Struggling to cope': child suicide rates may rise as intentional self-poisoning rates double Iran-Contra and Arms-for-Hostages Scandals - Elliott Abrams Venezuela Envoy Elliott Abrams Elliott Abrams, Special Envoy to Venezuela Feb. 17, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Slavery Through Knavery: "Famine Drought Pestilence, My, We're All Damned, So Abandon Our Rights Accept Slavery as Planned." © Alan Watt Feb. 17, 2019 Censorship - Controlled by Experts from Birth to Death - Bertrand Russell - All Changes are Promoted from the Very Top - Fabian Socialism - UNESCO; Standardized Education - Jackson's Colourized Footage of World War I Brings the Men to Life - Tremendous Loss of Life in WWI - Obedience to Authority - British Empire System - Abuse; Using Orphans and People who Broke the Law - "Great" Britain; Daily Mail's Series of Late 1800's Photographs of Children in Rags - Punished for Petty Crimes - White Privilege - Depopulation Agenda - Julian Huxley - Visit my Websites to Donate and Buy My Books and Discs - Battling the Elements; Keeping My Roof from Giving Out Under the Weight of Snow - Cycles of Weather - AC/DC - Geoengineering - Club of Rome - U.N. Agenda to Bring Back Collectivist-Type Living Quarters - Orwell's 1984 - Lots of Cheap Entertainment in the Painless Prison Camp - CFR; World Government - Have to Get Away from Politics - Attenborough, Cousteau, Suzuki - Gorbachev on the Creation of a Form of Earth Worship; Green Religion; Sustainability; Eugenics - Canada's Maurice Strong Groomed by Rockefeller; Treated like Royalty - Counter-Intelligence - Carroll Quigley on the Invisible Government - World Bank, Bretton Woods - Hawaii sees Winter Snow for the First Time - Poor Performance of Electric Car Batteries in Cold Weather - Agenda 21 - Head of Portugal's UNESCO says Climate Change More Dangerous than Terrorism - Germany to Shut Down All its Coal-Powered Plants - Australia Rejects New Coal Mine because of Climate Change - Rain Tax in Wyoming, Pennsylvania and New Jersey - Corruption in Government - The Battle of Athens, Tennessee - Ring and Rekognition - IBM AI Facial Recognition - Movies, Anon and Minority Report - Rapid DNA Act - One Of The Biggest At-Home DNA Testing Companies Is SecretlySharing Data With The FBI - In UK, Clicking on Terrorist Propaganda Even Once Could Mean 15 years in Prison Under New Law. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 17, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Everything You Know About Global Order Is Wrong Earth just experienced one of the warmest years on record Hawaii sees snow from winter storm for first time in state park on Maui Snow joke! Cold weather can cut the range of the Tesla Model S and other electric cars by more than 40% as it saps their battery power Climate change “more dangerous than terrorism” Aussie Court Rejects New Coal Mine Because Climate Change Germany to close all 84 of its coal-fired power plants, will rely primarily on renewable energy Wyoming Valley Sanitary Authority Stormwater Fee Sparks Controversy ‘Rain Tax’ Likely To Become Reality In New Jersey New Jersey To Implement Rain Tax Where Carbon Is Taxed How Ring & Rekognition Set the Stage for Consumer Generated Mass Surveillance IBM builds a more diverse million-face data set to help reduce bias in AI Diversity in Faces Dataset Rapid DNA Act: The FBI’s Diabolical Plan To Create A Nation Of Suspects One Of The Biggest At-Home DNA Testing Companies Is Secretly Sharing Data With The FBI Clicking on terrorist propaganda even once could mean 15 years in prison under new law One click and you're out: UK makes it an offence to view terrorist propaganda even once Feb. 10, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Materialism = "Societal Breakdown, Financial Mess, We All Pay for Our Rulers' Success." © Alan Watt Feb. 10, 2019 Visit My Website, www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com to Order Books and Discs and to Donate - Covering the Esoteric - Your Life is Short - Natural Sixth Sense - Materialism and the Worries of Surviving - You're Given Gurus and Stars - Old Religions gave Values and a Sense of Worth to People - Standard of Living - U.S. War for Independence - Intergenerational Revolutionaries - George Bernard Shaw; H.G. Wells; Fabian Society; Socialism versus Socialist; A Complete Reordering of Society - Communism - Soviet; Rule by Council - Beria, Chief of Secret Police in USSR, Talked about How Quickly People's Opinions and Values Could be Completed Changed - Easier to Control Society by Segmenting it into Groups - It Takes Work to Be a Good Human - Neighbors had to Help Each Other Before the Welfare System - Banning Speakers at Universities because of Their Views (Peter Hitchens) - The Importance of Free Speech - George Orwell's 1984; Surveillance; Wrongthought like Winston's Neighbor - Indoctrination - Nudge Units - Authorized Opposition Raking in the Money - Corruption Everywhere You Look - Greed - Bank Crashes and Corruption - Sudbury Weather, Ice Storm, High Winds - Two Recent Earthquakes, Sudbury - Underground Accelerator and Deep Underground Lab in the Area - Sudbury Policeman Charged with Discreditable Conduct for Exposing the Huge Pay Raises of Local Police Officials - Materialism; Me, Me, Me; Narcissism; Hedonism - Georgia Guidestones - Front Groups for Environmental Movement (Eugenics) - Thomas Jefferson, a Good Society can Only Be as Good as the Corruption They Tolerate from Those that Rule Over Them - Australia is Similar to Canada with the Old British Colonial System - Banking Scandals and Corruption in Australia and their Housing Bubble - Nick Leeson, Barings Bank; movie, Rogue Trader - Australia, Royal Commission Report on Banking Misconduct and Greed - MoD Bunker - Central Banks; IMF - 1MDB Scandal; Goldman Chief says He's Sorry and will Cut Bonuses - The Spiritual Side was About Improving Yourself and Changing Yourself - Death is the Great Equalizer - Franciscan Order, the Idea of St. Francis was to Serve Humanity - More Drugs than Ever, the Painless Concentration Camp - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited, Euthanasia - Opioid Strong Enough to Sedate Elephants on Rise in Ohio - Bankers - The Dominant Elite - BIT, Behavioural Insights Teams are Responsible for Most of Your Thoughts. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 10, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Hayne's findings won't be a shock; the banking scandals were decades in the making Cold calling customers to flog insurance and superannuation deals will be BANNED as part of crackdown on greedy banks How the biggest shake-up in Australian banking history will affect YOU Big banks accused of ripping off customers may not face court for a DECADE despite the royal commission recommending criminal charge Goldman chief says sorry over ex-banker's role in 1MDB scandal Goldman Sachs plans to cut bonuses as 1MDB scandal deepens 1Malaysia Development Berhad 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson 'lands taxpayers with a £300million bill' because he objects to his VIP parking space at Parliament being used for building work on the £5billion restoration - but is he really trying to protect a nuclear bunker? Nissan was offered secret state aid to cope with Brexit, minister concedes Sudbury officer found guilty of discreditable conduct Sudbury experiences two earthquakes in less than 48 hours Nearly 1,500 died of illicit overdoses last year in B.C. Opioid strong enough to sedate elephants on rise in Ohio, coroners warn Feb. 3, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) From The Commission on Decision: "Sterilization, Toxic Food, Cancers, We're Damned, Guilty of Living in this Future Already Planned." © Alan Watt Feb. 3, 2019 Weather - People don't Want to Talk about Hard Times - Inflation - Banks, Plunder Sprees - Alan Greenspan - It's Normal to Be Robbed at Least Twice a Century by the Banks - Lord Rothschild on the System - Lord Milner - H.G. Wells, The Need to Get World Wars Going - World War I, the War to End All Wars - Federal Reserve Monopoly of Banks - WWI was to Get Nations to Give Up their Sovereignty - Rationing - The Great Depression - British Government Seizure of Farms During WWII - Compound Interest - The Power of Money would do the Job that Armies Once Did - Prime Minister Chretien - Oh, Canada - Club of Rome, Democracy is Inadequate - Why Would You Vote? - People Fall for Slogans - Winston Churchill had Rooms Full of Toy Soldiers - Dardanelles - Staggering Loss of Life in WWI - Fabian Society, RIIA - Cecil Rhodes said Round Table Society was Based on the Jesuit Type of Organization - Politics is an Emotive Show for the Public - Victimhood; Who is Allowed to Hate and Who isn't - The Art of Ruling People - Machiavelli - Everyone is Monitored - At One Time, People Fought for their Privacy - British Class System - Trained that All the Cancer is Normal - Pesticides - Food Industry Run by a Cartel - Causes of Cancer - Viruses - The Huxleys were Part of the Scientific Elite; Intergenerational Managers - Overpopulation - Training Obedient Citizens - Sterilization - Eugenics - After WWII, H.G. Wells said Another World War would be Needed - War Strategy, Global Warming, Control of Food - Lord Bertrand Russell Helped Design Culture We Live in; Macy Group - B. Russell wrote The Impact of Science on Society - Diet, Injections (Vaccines) and Injunctions - Russell Worked for MI5 During WWII, and Worked with George Orwell In and Out of the BBC - Arthur Koestler - H.G. Wells wrote about The World Brain - Creation of Artificial Wombs - Polar Vortex - MIT Scientists said Global Warming Consensus was Determined Before Research had Begun - The Club of Rome Climate Emergency Plan - Lancet, EAT, Doctors Demand Total Control of Global Food Distribution - The Expert-Controlled Society - Wikileaks Vault 7 - Family Watched through Hacked Nest Security Cameras - Facebook Facial Recognition - Toyota Introduces Amazon Alexa for 2019 - Toyota's Guardian to Help Humans - YouTube Changes Recommendation Algorithms Not to Direct to Conspiracy Videos - Thought Police - Cannabis Use and Risk of Opioid Use Disorder - Catholics want Cuomo Excommunicated because of New York Abortion Bill - Vermont's Unlimited Abortions Bill - Six Tanzanian Children Killed 'for Body Parts'. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 3, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: One of the coldest spells in HISTORY wreaks havoc across the Midwest where rail tracks are set alight to keep trains moving and people are warned to 'avoid taking deep breaths' in -70 wind chill MIT climate scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen: ‘Global warming’ ‘consensus’ was determined before the research even began The Club of Rome Climate Emergency Plan Food in the Anthropocene: the EAT–Lancet Commission on healthy diets from sustainable food systems Doctors Demand Total Control of Global Food Distribution to Solve Obesity, Hunger and Climate Change Family Was Watched Through Nest Security Cameras Is the 10-year challenge a boon to Facebook's facial recognition tech? Toyota to Introduce Amazon Alexa in its Vehicles Toyota to Give Guardian Safety to Help Humans YouTube says it will crack down on recommending conspiracy videos Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence Cannabis Use and Risk of Prescription Opioid Use Disorder in the United States Catholics want New York’s Gov. Cuomo to be excommunicated for his abortion policy N.Y. abortion bill: 'alarming in every sense' Vermont introduces radical bill to protect ‘fundamental right’ to unlimited abortions Six Tanzanian children killed 'for body parts' Jan. 27, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Training the Public to Suit the Product: "Socialism is Our System, We're Society's Saviours, Profiting While Experimenting with Novel Behaviours." © Alan Watt Jan. 27, 2019 Time is All You Have - Spielberg on Television - Mind Control - Weaponized Entertainment, Movies, Children's Books - Bertrand Russell said that Eventually Anybody (the Controllers) will be Able to Convince Anyone Else of Anything - Council on Foreign Relations - Unification of the Americas - Lloyd Axworthy - Top Owners and some Journalists are Members of CFR - Carroll Quigley; Politicians are Pre-Selected; Top Members of Every Party belong to the CFR - The Future is Planned - George Orwell - Extremely Cold Temperatures in Canada - We don't Get Winters Now, We Get Polar Vortexes - 9/11, the Pearl Harbor Event that was Needed - Central Bank System - Music Business, Show Business - The Trends of Music are Part of the Culture Industry - 1950s, Rebellion; the Marlon Brando, James Dean types in the Movies - 19960s, Revolution; Bob Dylan - Give the Youth a New Idea of Purpose - Drugs are Important to Those Who Rule the World - Flooded China with Bales of Opium - George Orwell's Father; Involvement in Opium Business - Opium Touted for its Medicinal Uses - U.S. in Afghanistan - Taliban had Banned Opium - Australia's Drug Problems - CIA and Drugs - Sex and Drugs used as Weapons Since Ancient Times - The Formula of Drugs, Alcohol, Promiscuity, Abortion, Infanticide; Then Your Country is Overrun - Gramsci's Idea of Subversion from Within Used in Britain - Fabian Society, Use of Unions - Democracy as it is Promoted to the Public; Segments to be Used like Tools - The U.N.; the Individual is the Greatest Threat to this System - Takeover of Folk Music by Communists - Yuri Bezmenov - Old Values, Morality - Peter Hitchens, on Russia after Communism - Massive Debt Incurred by Everybody - Usury - Buying Cars on Credit - Convenience and Loyalty Cards - Bernays, Change the Consumer to Suit Your Product - Everybody is a Slave Borrowing Money All the Time - Even Dentists Offer Loans - 2008 Crash - Banks Hardly Pay any Interest on Your Money - People Trained to be Egocentric - Behaviourists - Australia as a Test bed for Certain Things; Revellers, Amphetamines, MDMA - Sodom and Gomorrah - Greece, Bacchanalia - Transgender Axe Attacker Flew into Drug-Fuelled Rage after Failed Date - Tilray, The Marijuana Billionaire Who Doesn’t Smoke Weed - Tilray Board of Advisors, Lloyd Axworthy - Israel's Cabinet about to Approve Cannabis Exports - New York Legislation is "Celebrated" that Allows Abortion Up to Day of Birth. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 27, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Sun's out, tongues out! Thousands of revellers masquerading in a sea of showstopping, barely-there outfits flock to Australia Day music festivals across the country as temperatures soar to 45C Sharp rise in number of Australians accessing treatment for amphetamine use Teenager 'with more than 500 MDMA pills' is among 10 punters arrested on drug charges at Australia Day music festivals 'I will kill people - it will be your fault' The Marijuana Billionaire Who Doesn’t Smoke Weed Tilray - International Advisory Board Israel's grass to grow greener, cabinet about to approve cannabis exports New York celebrates legalizing abortion until birth by lighting One World Trade Center pink Search results for drug overdose deaths Jan. 20, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Scientific Socialism: "Obey, Take Your Drugs, Sex will Calm All Anxiety, Behaviourism and Neuroscience Run Planned Society - Part 2" © Alan Watt Jan. 20, 2019 Everything Today is Incredibly Politicized - Cult of the Personality - Everyone is a Corporation These Days - Gillette, Toxic Masculinity - Adam Curtis, The Angrier People Get, the More They Click Away - Gillette, Cheapening Blades so People had to Buy More - Light bulbs - Planned Obsolescence - Family-Run Businesses - Corporate Raiders - Old Morality that Kept Cultures Intact - Book, The Corporate Man - Milton Friedman, Greed is Good - Advertising that is All About You - Narcissism - Movie, Idiocracy; Doctors Point at Pictures; They are Not Interested in Family Histories - No Point Complaining to Agencies and Companies - Societies of Winners and Losers - Military uses Anthropologists to Study Cultures - Teacher's Tool Kits - Peter Hitchens, Loss of Past and Values - Margaret Thatcher - Gorbachev spoke about the Perceived End of Communism - China, Conformity - Thomas Jefferson said When the Same Agenda Continues Regardless of the Party in Power, then Know You are Living Under Tyranny - Tony Blair - The Deindustrialization of the UK - People don't Ask the Right Questions - We're Not at War, It's a Policing Action - Perception Management - George Orwell's 1984, Who is the Enemy Today? - Middle East Oil - Russia - Propaganda - History Must be Taught the Way it was Pre-Planned to be Taught - Milner Group, RIIA - Carroll Quigley's books, The Anglo-American Establishment; Tragedy and Hope - Quigley talks about the Group Grabbing Resources in Africa - Socialism in Britain - The Youth are Always Catered to with Sex and Hedonism - Quigley wrote about Networking Circles - CFR, U.N., World Bank, BIS, IMF; Debt Creation - Austerity - Earth Worship, Sacrifice for Planet Earth - Aldous Huxley - Lord Bertrand Russell, Socialism - Libraries Weeding Book Collections on a Massive Scale - Orwell's Memory Hole - Most People have No Reason to Question Anything - Hold on to Your Mind. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 20, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Gillette draws fire for #MeToo commercial that challenges 'toxic masculinity' Weeding Collections: A Four Library Perspective New Zealand - why you should weed The Art of Weeding | Collection Management Weed to achieve: a fundamental part of the public library mission? Collection Maintenance: Weeding and Inventory CREW: A Weeding Manual for Modern Libraries Jan. 13, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Scientific Socialism: "Obey, Take Your Drugs, Sex will Calm All Anxiety, Behaviourism and Neuroscience Run Planned Society." © Alan Watt Jan. 13, 2019 Meaning of Happy Holidays - Commercialization - Rants from the Movie 'Network' on Corporations Running the System - The Toga-Wearing Utopia we were Shown in Movies - Lord Milner, British Empire - The International Elite at the Top use whatever Area Suits them Best at the Time - City of London, New York, Centers of Finance - An Elite Group Way Above what We Think of as Nations - Carroll Quigley said in the 1960s that Leaders of All Parties Chosen - Non-Governmental Organizations, Charities, Social Programs, Library Events - Debt and Compound Interest - Denzel Washington movie - Time is on My Side - Scientific Socialism is the Key - Secular Humanism - Inflation, Rising Costs, Devalued Currencies - Creation of Apathy - Rationing which Continued long after WWII in Britain - Unemployment in the 1970s - Britain's High Suicide Rate in the 1970s - Introduction of Drug Cartels - Freedom is a Lot More than Sex - Civility - Bureaucracy - The Psychopathic Era - Microsoft - Public Servants Live like Kings - Cecil Rhodes Left Most of his Money to the Rothschilds - Spy (Intelligence) Agencies - Any Problems that Come Out of Sex will be Dealt with for You Free of Charge - Pornography - Weaponized Entertainment - The Sexualization of Everything - Normalizing Pedophilia - Contamination, Getting into Degrees of Right and Wrong - Music Festival in Australia - FOMO, Fear of Missing Out - Clusters of Cancer in the U.S.A. and Australia - Toxic Secret, 3M and Pollution with Toxic PFAS - Chemicals - Leader of Russian Orthodox Church says Antichrist will Control us Through Phones - Five Eyes Intelligence Agencies - Tavistock - Corruption Now Rampant throughout the System - Gasoline Theft in Mexico - Sydney Measles Alert - Bolton says No Withdrawal from Syria Yet - Pacific Trade Deal Spurs Canadian Farm Sales to Japan as U.S. Watches - UK Floats the Idea of a Meat Tax - 48,000 Brits Dead after Worst Winter in 42 Years - Problems with Mail Delivery - Mental Health Issues with Youth - Sense of Purpose has been Destroyed. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 13, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Would Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 70% tax proposal work in UK? Caroline Lucas urges parliament to ‘seriously consider’ a meat tax 48,000 Brits dead after worst winter in 42 years Contradicting Trump, Bolton says no withdrawal from Syria until ISIS destroyed, Kurds’ safety guaranteed With Golan at Stake, Netanyahu, Bolton Set Trump Straight on US Syria Withdrawal Plan Sydney measles alert: Man with deadly disease caught from a Thai child visits popular bars, a gym and a shopping centre Six Mexican states are running short on gasoline, prompting frantic rush to the pumps Increase in student mental health issues means support must be efficient Kristie Ainsworth is lucky to be alive, but feels guilty every day Toxic Secrets: The town that 3M built - where kids are dying of cancer Is Fiskville the tip of an iceberg? PFAS detected across Victoria Cancer-linked Chemicals Manufactured by 3M Are Turning Up in Drinking Water 'It's gut-wrenching': Barwon Heads cancer toll mounts Monday briefing: 'Five Eyes' intelligence chiefs reportedly agreed to limit Huawei's growth The Antichrist will control mankind through gadgets and the Internet as people 'fall into slavery' to smartphones, warns FOMO The glitter and the grief: Another young victim is added to the death toll at Australia's summer dance parties as woman, 19, overdoses at FOMO festival – amid heated debate over pill testing Jan. 6, 2019 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) No Decision with This Religion: "Mind Masters Mould Memes, All Must be True, Temple Ethernet is for Worship, Take a Pew." © Alan Watt Jan. 6, 2019 Purpose - Our Needs are Greater than Just Material - RIIA, CFR, the Milner Group and the Creation of a World Government with a Common Culture - The British Empire - Myths and Foundation Myths - Pirates, Queen Elizabeth I, Walter Raleigh, Francis Drake, the Spanish Armada - Central Banking System, World Bank, BIS, IMF - Ireland and the IMF - How You are Taught to Perceive Things, for Example the Comedian - The Comedian is the Product and Behind Him are Teams of Writers, Image-Makers, Deportment, Stylists, Fashion Designers and the Corporate Boys, Advertising, Bookings, Accommodations; It's a Corporation and You see the End Product - Same Technique Used with Politicians who are Trained how to Avoid Certain Topics and Questions - Kissinger had Managers who Decided in Advance of the Interview what Questions were Allowed - Show Business - The Star-Making Machinery - This Technique is Also Used to Launch Professors on Big Talk Shows who have Been Chosen to Lead People in a Certain Direction - CFR has used George Clooney, Angelina Jolie and Other Stars - Adam Curtis' Documentaries; BBC - Hypernormalization; Put on a Pretense that Everything is Okay - Algorithms - The Ether Becomes an Echo Chamber of You - DARPA - You're Given Just Enough Freedom so You don't Break - The Ideal Citizen Produces and Consumes, Seen as Economic Units - Less Suicides and Domestic Violence During Wartime - The Club of Rome and the Trouble with Democracy - Jimmy Carter - The Trilateral Commission, the Real Technocrats behind the Scenes - Zbigniew Brzezinski's Book, Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era; Radio Waves and other Quiet Weaponry; The Gradual Appearance of a More Controlled Society - Continuous Surveillance over Each Citizen - Bertrand Russell, Macy Group, Frankfurt School - Carroll Quigley, Communism, Foundations - Brzezinski said People and Governments Must Serve the Needs of Multi-National Banks and Corporations - Adam Curtis' The Mayfair Set - Britain after Suez Crisis - Military - Surveillance Technology Replaces other Types of Weapons Sales - Boer War - UK Propaganda, "The Integrity Initiative" - The Institute for Statecraft - International Institute for Strategic Studies - Smith Richardson Foundation - Christopher Nigel Donnelly - Operation Mockingbird - Carl Bernstein, The CIA and the Media - Amazon's Secret Cloud Region for the CIA - FBI uses Amazon's Facial Recognition Technology - China's New Antenna is a Cancer Risk - Walmart's Autonomous Robot Bees - Poo on all McDonald's Touchscreens Tested - Canada Government Debt to GDP - Canada's National Debt Clock- Has Australia's Net Debt Doubled. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 6, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Inside the Temple of Covert Propaganda: The Integrity Initiative and the UK’s Scandalous Information War The “Integrity Initiative,” Spies and their Lies International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) Institute for Statecraft Smith Richardson Foundation Christopher Nigel Donnelly The CIA and the Media The FBI is Trying Amazon’s Facial-Recognition Software Amazon Web Services Announces Secret Cloud Region For CIA China’s new antenna is five times the size of New York City, but some fear it could be a cancer risk Poo found on every McDonald's touchscreen tested Walmart has patented autonomous robot bees | World Economic Forum Australia most exposed to debt crisis: State Street The world of easy money transformed Canada into debt nation. That world is coming to an end Canada Government Debt to GDP Canada's National Debt Clock: The Canadian Taxpayer's Federation Eliminate court fines and fees that penalize poverty FactCheck: has Australia’s net debt doubled under the current government? Trapped In A System Of Political Control The Mayfair Set [Click Here for Jan. - Dec. 2018] | |
Jan. - May 2007 | 2006 |