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"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurbs, i.e. Educational Talks) check out the following: *ALL Blurbs and Special Shows are Copyrighted Alan Watt |
Jan. - May 2007 | 2006 | |
Dec. 30, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) The Fate of Debate or Battle of Prattle: "The Net, Science, Humanism, Babble of Confusion, Arrogance Seeks Godhood in this Strong Delusion." © Alan Watt Dec. 30, 2018 Tensions that Build Up at Christmas Time - Signs of Decline into Third World Status - Lack of Decency and Respect - You have to Start Complaining - Thousands of Agencies Involved in Propaganda to Brainwash Us - Pentagon's Involvement with Movie Production - Executive Decision, Movie with Kurt Russell - Sunstein's Nudge Units - Behavioural Insights Teams - CIA Involvement in Politics - The Left, Democrats and Labour have Completely Forgotten the Worker; All for the War Agenda - George Orwell, War is Meant to Go On and On; Very Profitable for Those Involved - Mass Surveillance - Fusion Centers - Routing Calls, Spying on the Public for Years - The God Machine, The Devil Machine, The Beast - All Through the 1990s Movies About Middle East - Politicians Going into Politics from the Corporate World - Cockiness of the Young Entering into the Workforce - Telus - Companies Trying to Move Customers Away from Paper, into Electronic Payments - Bernays said Train the Public to Suit Your Product - Special Interest Groups, e.g. Gender, Race, Turned Against Each Other While We are All Moved towards Austerity - Club of Rome, Maurice Strong on the Need to Bring in Austerity - Maurice Strong, Groomed by David Rockefeller - CFR, RIIA - The Real Deep State - Think-Tanks that Advise Government - Socialism - Soviet; Rule by Councils - Very Old Organization runs Central Banks, IMF, BIS, World Bank - Maurice Strong and Adnan Khashoggi - Strong Purchased the Colorado Land and Cattle Company from Adnan Khashoggi, an Arms Dealer who had Strong Connections with the Bin Laden Family - The Baca Sits Above Vast Underground Water Systems which Strong wanted to Exploit - Strong and the U.N. Oil for Food Scandal - Euthanasia - Western Australia's Expensive Green Energy Plan - Ireland, Budget 2019, Government’s Climate Change Goals - Brussels and Euthanasia Tourism - Homelessness and Winter Deaths in the UK - Cardiologist Slams W.H.O. for 'Incorrect' Diet Advice - Gatwick Drone - U.S. Missile Sale to Turkey - ISIS, Execution of Syrian Prisoners - Macron Gives French Police a Pay Raise - Facebook - WhatsApp's Child Porn Problem - Some are More Equals than Others. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 30, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Maurice Strong, Climate Crook $1b Bill: Cost to WA of Shorten’s green energy plan revealed Details of the Horrible Carbon Tax Bill Q&A climate change: All you should know abour our position 24,000 sleeping rough or on public transport in UK At least 320,000 homeless people in Britain Excess winter deaths in England and Wales highest since 1976 Brussels denies EU rules encourage 'euthanasia tourism' Suicide Tourism Cardiologist slams 'incorrect' advice from the World Health Organization China accuses UK of 'deep-rooted pride and prejudice' after Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson raised deep concerns over Huawei’s involvement in 5G network This will destroy him': Cleared Gatwick suspect's boss says police did not speak to him even though he could give double glazing worker a cast iron alibi Police defend Gatwick drone investigation as they refuse to rule out theory that it never existed Police make incredible claim there may NEVER have been a drone attack on Gatwick as they release 'most inoffensive bloke ever' and his wife after 'ripping their house apart in appalling investigation' Crack RAF unit could have downed drone causing chaos for tens of thousands at Gatwick…but ministers refused to let them help Revealed: Facebook's secret censorship rule-book WhatsApp's child porn problem: Google and Facebook's ad networks funded apps that led users to groups on the private messenger that are dedicated to swapping illegal images Macron caves in AGAIN! French police will be given pay rises after the Blue Vests joined the Yellow Vest ISIS has executed 700 Syrian prisoners in the past two months, says human rights group US approves Patriot missile sale worth $3.5bn to Turkey Trump forces Mattis out of Pentagon early as Turkish troops mass on Syrian border Dec. 25, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Merry Christmas, 2018" © Alan Watt Dec. 25, 2018 Christmas - Visit my website www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com for Christmas Compositions from Past Years - Destruction of Sunday Family Time - Crass Commercialization of Christmas - Going into Debt at the Time of the Year - Supermarkets No Longer Humane - Factory Farming - Signs of Austerity and Decline into Third World Status - Sexual Pollution of Television, a Technique of Control - Those Who want to Know are Already Asking the Right Questions - Be Quiet and Listen - We've Been Living Through Continual War - Internet Surveillance - Before 9/11, CIA Looking at What Folk Were Reading in Libraries - Almost a Sin to Say the Word Christmas - Real Charities - Religion - BIT, Behavioural Insights Teams - When the State Becomes Big Brother, Big Mother, then Horror is Down the Road - Communism, Secular Humanism - Don't Be Freaked Out by the Agenda or Spend Your Whole Life on the Internet - Get Back into Normalcy - Christianity Gave People Basic Rights - Terrorism - Always Think for Yourselves - A Time to Reflect and Forgive - Goodwill - Arrogance and Intolerance - Bolshevik Revolution - Don't Follow Fakes - Be Your Own Champion - Milner Group, RIIA - Switch Off Sometimes; Have a Break - Marketing; Bernays - Sexual Revolution, Abortions - Punished for Saying what You See - Orwell Warned Us - Constitution of the United States of America - Christian Commandments - Mao was Only Afraid of a Big Idea - Religion is Innate within Humanity - Orwell's 1984 - Spirit - Christianity Gave Hope to the Individual - Don't Despair. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 25, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Alan Watt Previous Christmas Day Spontaneous Compositions: Alan Watt Composition: "Espíritu Resuelto", Written, Published, Copyrighted Dec. 25, 2012 Alan Watt. *Composition Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 25, 2012 *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition "Espíritu Resuelto" Alan Watt Composition: "Alegría en el Dolor", Written, Published, Copyrighted Dec. 25, 2011 Alan Watt. *Composition Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 25, 2011 *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition "Alegría en el Dolor" Alan Watt Compositions: "Wistfully Yours" & "Still Here", Written, Published, Copyrighted Dec. 25, 2010 Alan Watt. *Composition Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 25, 2010 *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition "Wistfully Yours" *Composition Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 25, 2010 *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition "Still Here" Alan Watt Composition: "Contemplación", Written, Published, Copyrighted Dec. 25, 2009 Alan Watt. *Composition Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 25, 2009 *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition "Contemplación" Alan Watt Composition: "Hombre", Written, Published, Copyrighted Dec. 25, 2008 Alan Watt. *Composition Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 25, 2008 *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition "Hombre" Alan Watt Composition: "Campeones Para Siempre", Written, Published, Copyrighted Dec. 25, 2007 Alan Watt. *Composition Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 25, 2007 *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Composition "Campeones Para Siempre" Dec. 23, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Shock Troops: "This Ancient System Does Never Tire, Using Poor and Abused to Expand World Empire." © Alan Watt Dec. 23, 2018 Visit Website to Order Books and Discs, www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com - End of Freedom on Internet - Up to the Listeners to Support the Talks - Poverty is Relative and Donations are Way Down - Brexit - Mass Migration into Europe - Poverty in Socialism is a Form of Controlling People - Milner Group, RIIA, Royal Society, Galtons, Darwins, Over-Population - A World Run by Experts - Many Other People and Shows Use My Archive and Talks without Ever Acknowledging Me - To Put the Truth Out You Will Sacrifice in Many Ways - Psychology and Psychiatry was Meant to Substitute for Religion to Give Meaning to Human Life - Communism Used Psychology and Secular Humanism - U.S. has Military Bases All Over the Planet - U.S. Took Over the Agenda from a Bankrupt Britain - Can't Pay Your Way Out of Compound Interest - Small Gang in Charge of the Central Banking System Across the World - Those at the Top don't Pay Taxes - Christine Lagarde, IMF - Herded into the Internet by Heralding the Pornography - H.G. Wells - Total Destruction of the Family - An "Evolution" Back to Barbarity - 19th Century Great Britain called The Sick Man of Europe because of Incredible Poverty - In Service to the Secret Societies that Run the World - Soldiers - George Orwell Knew the Elite Who Planned the Future - Orwell's 1984; Wars are Meant to Keep Going and Going - When Soldiers are Out of Military and Start to Mature, Sometimes they can Admit to the Atrocities they Committed - Orphanages Bred Regiments of Soldiers - People Fought Revolutions to have Privacy - Trained Not to Look at Anything Negative - An Ice Storm Years Ago in Quebec - Common Sense and Preparedness - Political Parties - Elimination of Nations - Bertrand Russell wrote about the Credit System - The West Created Present-day China - Free Trade - Taxes, High Prices - Weather Networks - Austerity to Save the Planet - Controversial Spraying Method to Curb Global Warming - China and Russia Working Together to Heat the Atmosphere; Wargames - Fake News, Embedded Reporters - John Pilger - Belgium PM Charles Michel Resigns Over Opposition to his Signing U.N. Migration Pact - Left-Wing Support for War - The Guardian - Trump announces Withdrawal of Troops from Syria and Reduction of Troops in Afghanistan - Yellow Vest Protests in France - Facebook's Data Sharing - FBI Plans Rapid DNA Network - 'Kill your foster parents', Amazon's Alexa - Homelessness on the Rise in Britain - Common Sense, Privacy. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 23, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Controversial spraying method aims to curb global warming China and Russia are working together to HEAT the atmosphere to cut off satellite communication in terrifying wargame experiment Award-winning journalist Claas Relotius wrote fake news, German magazine Der Spiegel says Belgium PM Charles Michel resigns after government collapses in dispute over UN migration pact Donald Trump's Syria withdrawal could reverberate for years Trump plans to pull thousands of troops out of Afghanistan Trump orders full withdrawal of US troops from Syria Dunford: No withdrawal date in sight for US troops in Syria France prepares chemical weapon in Paris to keep Yellow Vest rioters away France Protests: Police Threaten to Join Protesters, Demand Better Pay and Conditions Facebook's data-sharing deals exposed Facebook censoring images of starving Yemen children FBI plans 'Rapid DNA' network for quick database checks on arrestees Google wants to improve your smart home with iRobot’s room maps 'Kill your foster parents': Amazon's Alexa talks murder, sex in AI experiment Ticketmaster Invests in Facial Recognition Company Homeless people's deaths 'up 24%' over five years UN members adopt global migration pact Dec. 16, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Warmongering Agents Demand You Sell Your Soul And Flush Real Event Memories Down Memory Hole." © Alan Watt Dec. 16, 2018 Canada Post - A Bit of a Thaw - We're All Owned and Ruled by the Big Banks - Condition of British Working Class During the Period of Empire Building - White Privilege - With Poverty Comes a Lot of Fear - We've Lived Through Thirty Years of Wars in the Middle East - Labeled Conspiracy Theorist for Remembering Actual History - Orwell's 1984, Really Threatened to Conform - The Same Brutes of Power are Always in Control - Extraordinary Renditions - Income Tax - The Taxing of Labour was Considered Slavery - Orwell's Memory Hole - Reducing the Amount of Farms by Government Order - U.N. said Farming was Too Important to be Left to the Farmers, Should be Under Control of Big Agra Business - The Global System - The Club of Rome said Democracy would Never Work; Came Up with Environmental Agenda - Diet Used to Keep People Lethargic - Managing Vast Herds of People - Mark Twain - Politicians are Well-Reward for Taking the Heat; Punch and Judy Show - Central Banking, League of Nations, United Nations - Bretton Woods, Removal of Gold Standard; Elastic Money - Coins, Paper Money, IOUs - The Hidden Tax of Inflation - Preparations for Coming Mass Riots - Canada's Omnibus Anti-Terror Bill prior to 9/11 - Bank Bailouts, Special Drawing Rights - Austerity - Don't Fall for the Group Idea - Happiness doesn't Come from Outside of Yourself - Royal Institute for International Affairs Set Up U.N. - After WWII, Given the Brief Appearance of Prosperity - Dumping of Library Books in the 1990s - Intelligence Agencies Train Agitators - Lawrence of Arabia - You Take Yourself with You Wherever You Go - Macron's Credibility Shattered as France Joins Italy in Budget Disgrace - Nigel Farage, Brexit - Australia's Housing Bubble (and Canada's too) - Teachers in Ghana Rip Down Statue of Gandhi - Through-Wall Imaging - Police Drones are Watching You -U.S. Judge Orders Amazon to Provide Echo’s Audio Files - Your Google Home could be Used Against You in Court - Facebook's Patent to Predict Your Location in the Future - Taylor Swift Uses Face Recognition Tech on Fans - Amazon Robot sends 24 Employees to Hospital - BBC, Negative Imagery of Corbyn - Theresa May - There is Freedom in Knowing the Agenda. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 16, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Macron's credibility shattered as France joins Italy in budget disgrace Our politicians will betray us completely': Nigel Farage tells Leave Means Leave rally Teachers rip down statue of Gandhi unveiled by Ghana's president - saying the independence leader was 'racist' as a young man in South Africa Trump approves indefinite US presence in Syria Trump’s Neocon Conversion and the Syrian 180 Uber employee warned firm of self-driving safety risks five days before autonomous car struck and killed a pedestrian Australia Warned To Prepare For "Severe Housing Collapse" And "Banking Crisis" OECD warns Australia to prepare contingency plans for a ‘severe collapse’ in the housing market MIT researchers used Wi-Fi to recognize people through walls X-ray eyes in the sky: New method for 3-D through-wall imaging that utilizes drones and WiFi No, really. You can see through walls using drones and Wi-Fi Stray Wi-Fi signals could let spies see inside closed rooms It Begins: Government Drone Spying On Sacramento Neighborhood Your Google Home or Fitbit could be used against you in court Surveillance fears grow after Taylor Swift uses face recognition tech on fans These Police Drones are Watching You Alexa, who killed these women? U.S. judge orders Amazon to provide Echo’s audio files Robot uprising? Amazon warehouse bot sends 24 human employees to hospital with bear mace Facebook Files Patent To Calculate Your Location Mandatory Implantation of Microchips in Employees? UK Gov’t Says it Would Likely be Illegal UN members adopt global migration pact Australians will have their organs automatically harvested for donation when they die BBC knowingly broadcasts ‘coded negative imagery’ of Corbyn, top British lawyer claims Dec. 9, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Broke bailed-out Britain where Debate is Hate, Mass Migration, Welfare, Crime, Failed State." © Alan Watt Dec. 9, 2018 You're Given Your Leaders - Politics is Drama for the Public - Most Folk don't Want Truth - Truth Demands that You Change Yourself Because of It - Lord Alfred Milner - COP24 Meeting - Climate Change, Sustainability used to Bring You into a State of Austerity - Sterilized, Poisoned with Pesticides, Meat Removed from Diet - The Mob will Always Take the Path of Least Resistance - Change can Only Come from People Changing Themselves - U.N. said The Individual is the Greatest Enemy - Mao was Afraid of an Individual with a Big Idea - George Bush, Sr. Talked about World Order Coming into View, A Big Idea - Environmentalists, Eugenicists - Cecil Rhodes, Wars to Take Over South Africa - Central Banks, Elastic Money - Bank Crash of 2008 - Nudge Units - Fictional Depictions of 19th Century Britain - Carroll Quigley - The New Feudalism with Corporate Overlords - Hedonism, Narcissism, Unlimited Sex, Very Few Babies Born - Tavistock - Weaponized Culture - Perpetual Childhood - You have the Right to Think for Yourself - The Biggest Tyranny Runs the Planet - Horror Lies Ahead - Religion gives a Common Culture - The Money Racket - Two Groups at the Top, Inner Party, Outer Party - RIIA, CFR - Iraq - You Must have a Border to have a Nation - Bolshevik Revolution, Slaughtered those Who Helped Them get to Power - Yuri Bezmenov - Religion, especially Christianity had to be Destroyed - The Pied Piper - Soma Time - Aldous Huxley from the Hereditary Scientific Elite - Flooding China with Opium - COP Meeting - Club of Rome - Canada is always Avant-Garde in Implementing the Agenda - All Our Countries are Being Turned into Failed States - Bank Crises - Moped Gangs - Lawlessness in Britain - Police 'Absolutely Right' to Knock Moped Thieves Off Bikes says Prime Minister Theresa May - Teenage Thug Spared Jail after Wielding a Zombie Knife during Shocking Street Attack - Town Where the Police have Given Up - Man Stabbed in the Head for Taking Too long in Queue - 'Yellow Vest' Violence Erupts Across Europe - Change Yourself. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 9, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Canada announces reduction in federal emissions during COP24 Crop yields consistently up confounding warming scare stories U.N. Climate Summit, COP24, Warns of ‘Collapse of Our Civilizations’ New publication: Climate Change Reconsidered II: Fossil Fuels Bureau of the COP bodies page Climate Hockey Stick COP24: UN climate change conference, what’s at stake and what you need to know PRESS RELEASE: Heartland Institute to Present Latest Climate Science in Poland During COP-24 UN Climate Conference Features Meat (and Emissions) Heavy Menu Peak Oil Postponed Again: “USGS Identifies Largest Continuous Oil and Gas Resource Potential Ever”… And it’s in the Permian Basin United Nations Chiefs of Police Summit 2018 Watch Undercover Cops Knock Off Unsuspecting Moped Riders A Metropolitan Police officer is under criminal investigation after using a controversial manoeuvre to knock a teenager off his moped, leaving him with serious head injuries. Police 'absolutely right' to knock moped thieves off bikes Cops call on 'Commissioner Coward' to quit Have police lost control? Most Britons think criminals have no fear of the law Too Long in Queue Teenage thug spared jail after wielding a zombie knife during shocking street attack had already been 'let off' with a community order for mugging a 12-year-old boy Cyclist filmed pulling out a 'zombie knife' and smashing a car window in a terrifying road rage row walks free from court Video of Attack 'Thieves' knocked off mopeds by police in London Town where the police have GIVEN UP: Hartlepool has only ten officers for a population of 90,000 people UK 'lacks will' to tackle British-based people-smuggling 'mafia', French mayor claims 'Yellow vest' violence erupts across Europe Has YOUR town just been named one of Britain's worst? Dec. 2, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "The System shows Symptoms of Decay and Decline, Having Weathered Austerity for Too Long a Time." © Alan Watt Dec. 2, 2018 Talks on the Future I Gave Years Ago - Karl Marx, Three Trading Blocs - Unified Europe, Unified Americas - RIIA - Third World Debt - Small Cabal gets the Benefits and Resources, You get the Bills - World Governance, 3 Trading Blocs, Free Trade - CFR, NAFTA - Bernays said Don't Make Your Product Better to Suit the Public, Train the Public to Suit Your Product - Rising Cost of Gasoline, Electric Cars - Agenda 21, Essential Vehicles Only - Signs of Austerity - Bell Canada, Technicians Once a Year for the Same Problems - Agenda 21, Sustainability, Getting People Off the Land into Cities - Third World Countries Come Up a Little, First World Countries Economies Go Down a Bit, All Managed by the IMF and the World Bank - Manufacturing to China, You're Left with a Service Economy - Carroll Quigley - Iceland Tore Up Debts - Ireland Gave In - Visit www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com to Order Books and Discs - Social Approval and Disapproval - IMF's Christine Lagarde Telling Central Banks to Promote Digital Currency, Cashless Society - Bertrand Russell wrote about System of Credits - Brexit - Theresa May - Enoch Powell - Club of Rome - COP Meeting, Conference of the Parties, Starve to Save the Environment - Al Gore - Scientists have New Plan to Fight Global Warming: Dimming the Sun - Adult Asylum Seeker Posed as Teenager - Lab-Grown Placentas - Gene-Edited Babies - China Blacklists Millions from Flights - USA's First Biometric Terminal - Corporate Welfare - G.M. to Idle Plants and Cut Jobs - Warren Buffet's Chinese Battery Giant - Tesla’s big South Australian battery - Canada's Immigration System has been a Success - France Fuel Protests - Google Blocks Gender Pronouns. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 2, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Holy Bruno Tonioli, what’s going on in Brexitland? Enoch Powell’s speech about the EEC Migration is 'behind 82% of UK's population growth' as Labour's open door policy added 5.4m new arrivals in just 15 years, says report Al Gore to host 24-hour climate change special featuring Moby, Goo Goo Dolls Scientists have new plan to fight global warming: Dimming the sun Global Warming: Media Ignore Sharp Drop In Global Temperatures Over Past Two Years Excess winter deaths almost double in Wales Cheap sun barrier could cut global warming First picture of 'adult asylum seeker who posed as a 15-year-old schoolboy to sit GCSEs' Lab-grown placentas 'will transform pregnancy research' What we know — and what we don’t — about the claim of world’s first gene-edited babies China’s modern-day Frankenstein babies China halts work by team on gene-edited babies Google urged to drop Chinese 'Dragonfly' project China blacklists millions of people from booking flights as 'social credit' system introduced Delta: USA's 'first biometric terminal' ready to go at Atlanta airport G.M. to Stop Production at 5 Plants in U.S. and Canada Warren Buffett's Chinese battery giant BYD to take on Tesla in Australia Australia just switched on the world's biggest battery Why Canada's immigration system has been a success Google blocks gender pronouns including 'him' and 'her' from its AI tool Google engineers 'debated whether to change algorithms to push conservative media outlets lower in search results' after Trump won the 2016 election France fuel protests: Tear gas fired in clashes in Paris The real Minority Report: AI that studies CCTV to predict violent crimes BEFORE they happen will be rolled out in the UK Nov. 25, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "A Brave New World of Paid Painless Prisons, Owner-Specialists Make All Life's Decisions." © Alan Watt Nov. 25, 2018 Early Winters - COP24 - Inflation - The Con of Money - Prison Studies - Social Workers - Industrial Britain's Inhumane System - Queen Victoria, The Great White Chief, The Mother - Today We have the Super Gods of Technology - Democracy is a Tool of the Ruling Elite - Carroll Quigley on how Leaders of All Parties are Chosen in Advance - Club of Rome, Frighten People into Obedience with Climate Change Fear Tactics - Technocratic Rule - Fabian Society - The Astor Family -J. Maynard Keynes - International Bankers Prefer Socialism - B. Russell Talked about Training People to be Narcissistic, Hedonistic - Mental Evaluation of Children - Medicating Active Young Boys, Eradicate Leadership Abilities - Kinsey Pushed by Rockefeller - Teachers are Change Agents - Dr. Spock, Raised a Generation of Psychopaths - In a Socialist System, Let the Experts Decide Everything for You - Orwell's Animal Farm - UNESCO - Brainwashed by Fiction and Entertainment - Politically Correct Speech, Intolerance - Hater - George Soros, the Child's Vote - Young Communist League, Hitler Youth - Boy Scouts - Terming Something Hate Speech Can be Used to Shut Down All Debate - France to 'Embed' Regulators at Facebook - Bell Telephone - COP24, Climate Change Used to Bring in Austerity - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) - Agenda 21, Crowd You into Cities, End Maintenance of Rural Roads and Phone Lines - David Attenborough - David Suzuki, People are Just Maggots - Humans 'Off the Hook' for African Mammal Extinction - Stratospheric Aerosol Injection Tactics and Costs in the First 15 Years of Deployment - Soma - Made-in-India Drugs Based on Weed will Soon be Available - Filmmaker Ami Horowitz Investigates Migrant Caravan- Theresa May, Brexit - Spain Threatens to Pull the Plug on Brexit Deal, Rock of Gibraltar - School has 17 Children Changing Gender as Whistleblower Claims Autistic Pupils are Being Tricked into Thinking They are the Wrong Sex - British Girls are among the Heaviest Binge-Drinkers in Europe - 1 in 3 Women in Britain has an Abortion and 95% don't Regret It - Celine Dion's Gender-Neutral Clothing Line - Nick Clegg - Wyoming Billionaire Pledges to Protect 30% of Planet by 2030 - Getting Through to Young Folk Who can Avoid Some Pitfalls. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 25, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: David Attenborough takes 'people's seat' at climate change talks Climate change: Warming gas concentrations at new record high COP24 Stratospheric aerosol injection tactics and costs in the first 15 years of deployment Stratospheric aerosol injection tactics and costs in the first 15 years of deployment - PDF Humans 'off the hook' for African mammal extinction Filmmaker Ami Horowitz Investigates Migrant Caravan: Organized, Well-Funded Tension Grows as Spain Threatens to Pull Plug on Brexit Deal over Gibraltar Amended Act on the Protection of Personal Information - Japan Are you Ready for the Amended Japanese Privacy Law? School has 17 children changing gender as whistleblower claims autistic pupils are being tricked into thinking they are the wrong sex Made-in-India drugs based on weed British girls are among the heaviest binge-drinkers in Europe, reveals WHO league table of 36 nations across the continent Britain faces a liver disease 'epidemic' 1 In 3 Women Has An Abortion, And 95% Don't Regret It – So Why Are We So Afraid To Talk About It? Celine Dion unveils gender-neutral clothing line for children Law-breaking Scottish police database gets bigger Hiring politicians to companies like Facebook is a threat to our democracy France to 'embed' regulators at Facebook to tackle online hate speech 'Mini Ice Age' Looms As NASA Scientist Warns Lack Of Sunspots Could Bring Record Wyoming billionaire pledges to protect 30% of the planet by 2030 Nov. 18, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Depraved New World: "Entertainment, Sex, Drugs, Feeling Good, The Masses Come to Love Their Servitude." © Alan Watt Nov. 18, 2018 Extremely Cold - Visit www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com to Order Books and Discs - Devalued Currency - The Con Game of the Debt System - Al Gore, Internet - DARPA - China - Cold War - NATO - Mutually Assured Destruction - US Base in Scotland during Cold War - George Soros, Institute for International Affairs for Europe - Money itself is an Abusive System - Bretton Woods - Money Backed by Nothing - Inflation - Politicians - Punch and Judy - World Bank, IMF, BIS - United Nations - Carroll Quigley - Socialism, Debt, Control - Elimination of Borders - World Psychiatric Association - Cameron - UNESCO, Julian Huxley, Create Common Culture, Experts will Run Your Life - Aldous Huxley, You Could be Made to Love Your Servitude - Feudalism - Impact of WWI and WWII on Britain - ACE Aware Scotland - Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) - GIRFEC, Getting it Right for Every Child - War on Families and Society - Aldous Huxley, Dictatorship without Tears - Marketing, Use Women for Change - The Ongoing Push to Test Everyone's Mental Health - Eliminate Individual Thinkers - World War 2 Left Toxic Legacy of Ill Health and Depression - Tony Blair's Secret Plan for Multicultural UK - Bourke Street Attack, Australia - London Needs More Police Officers - Trump, Iran - China's Brain Scanning Hats - UK Firm Microchips Employees - Brain Mapping - Supercomputer that could Map the Human Brain - -Google AI Maps the Brain's Neurons - Nanobots Made of DNA - CRISPR Gene Editing to Create More Crops - Painless Concentration Camp - Science is Our Hell. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 18, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Google researchers create AI that maps the brain's neurons With brain-scanning hats, China signals it has no interest in workers’ privacy ‘Forget the Facebook leak’: China is mining data directly from workers’ brains on an industrial scale Alarm over talks to implant UK employees with microchips Map of a billion brain links reveals clues about how we think The Supercomputer That Could Map the Human Brain Nanobots Made of DNA Can Now Carry and Sort Molecular Cargo Mapping the Brain’s electric fields with Magnetoelectric nanoparticles Geneticists Have Used CRISPR Gene Editing to Create Crops That Grow More Food Invasion of the ‘frankenbees’: the danger of building a better bee Trump taps ex-Monsanto executive to lead wildlife agency Woman tried to save Melbourne restaurant icon Sisto Malaspina after terror attack Scott Morrison slams 'lame excuse' for Bourke Street terrorist London needs more police officers on the streets 'Dishonest' Blair and Straw accused over secret plan for multicultural UK ACE Aware Scotland Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) Mental health care for children and adolescents worldwide: a review World War 2 left toxic legacy of ill health and depression Nov. 11, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Guides from Childhood Groomed, Not by Chance, To Use and Lead Followers in Pre-Ordained Dance." © Alan Watt Nov. 11, 2018 Snow and Cold Temperatures - Climate Predictions - CFR - RIIA - Central Banks Making Money Out of Nothing - Gold Standard Long Gone - The Con of the Money System - Bretton Woods - John Maynard Keynes - World War II, Science at Pinnacle of Being Worshipped - Totalitarian Ideas - Scientists the New Magicians - United Nations, World Bank - Cost of Living Always Increases Canceling Out Pay Raises - Austerity - Private Group Created U.N., IMF, BIS, World Bank - Cecil Rhodes - Boer War - RIIA, Royal Society - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World - Letters Exchanged between Aldous Huxley and George Orwell - Since 9/11, Giving Up Privacy - Threat of Government is Coercion - Fabian Society - Eugenics - International Socialist Movement - Free Trade was to Benefit Corporations - Leaders Trained from Young Age - Tony Blair, War, Mass Migration - Blair was Mentored by Isaiah Berlin - Berlin's Theories on Positive and Negative Freedom - Migration into Ireland - Borderless World - Tyranny - Easy to Manage People Through Culture Industry Backed by Government - Destruction of the Family - The Occult - Isaac Newton was a Cabbalist - Revolutionary Mission of Secret Societies - Dee, Bacon, The New Atlantis - Quigley, Leaders from All Parties are Selected - Future Leaders are Picked and Trained - International Union of Socialist Youth - UN ECOSOC; Right Out of Orwell's 1984 - World Government - Caravan into the U.S. - To the Communists, Peace was the Absence of All Opposition - The Weavers - Multi-Billionaires Funding Communism and Socialism - Karl Popper, Philosopher, London School of Economics - Popper Came Up with the Idea of The Open Society - George Soros' Mentor was Karl Popper - George Soros Directly Funds 187 Organizations - Alliance for Justice - New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, World Citizenship - Lloyd Axworthy, World Refugee Council, Seize Assets from Dictators to Remedy Refugee Crisis - Common Purpose UK, Training World Leaders. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 11, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: International Union of Socialist Youth Karl Popper - British philosopher Funded by George Soros: 187 organizations directly funded and 7 indirectly George Soros on the new world disorder Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's statement to the United Nations General Assembly Jacinda Ardern Monsanto’s top weedkiller now found in pet food as well as cereal Common Purpose UK Canadian-led movement aims to seize assets from dictators to remedy refugee crisis World Bank Too young to decide? Questions dividing real-life Butterfly families Tavistock Institute Nov. 4, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) The World State: "Cold, Ruthless Algorithms Dissect Conversation, Punishing, Applauding, Methodically Persuading, In Leer of Our Overseer Hints a Smile Sardonic, No Other Gods Before Him, Whiffs of the Demonic." © Alan Watt Nov. 4, 2018 Time is Flying - Persinger's Field Theory - Techniques of Control - Bertrand Russell - Trained to Believe We Live in Best Country in the World - Life is Full of Deceptions - Kept Distracted with Data - Adam Curtis, Propaganda, Decency Laws in 1950s Britain - Deviancy Promoted in the Culture - Vulnerable Children - Neuroscientists, Behaviourists - BIT, Behavioural Insights Teams - Movie, The Third Man - Communism - Documentary on The Katyn Massacre of Polish Officers by the Communists; The Soviets Altered Film to Make it Appear the Germans had Slaughtered the Officers - The World is Silent about Communist Atrocities - George Orwell Connected Dots between Communism and Germany's National Socialism - Marxism is a Religion - Forced Migration, Economic Warfare - Not Allowed to Speak Out, Threats, Imprisonment and Then Finally Extermination - Viciousness of Human Nature - Dropping the Atom Bomb - All Through the Soviet Era, Canada and the U.S. Supplied Soviets with Grain - World Bank Loans to Developing Countries Funded by the Taxpayers of First World Countries - Power Group that Runs the World Owns the World Bank, IMF, BIS, United Nations, the Central Banks - Eustace Mullins Wrote a Book about the Creation of the Federal Reserve - Jekyll Island - Special Drawing Rights - Socialism is a Cover for a Very Powerful Group - Carroll Quigley - Elastic Money Backed by Nothing; a Fiction - Gaddafi - Tony Blair; Divvying Up Iraqi Oil Fields Far in Advance of Invasion - Science and Socialism Strip You of Any Kind of Sacredness of Humanity - Polio Vaccines with Simian 40 Virus - Brain Chips - Religious Debates - Belief is Different than Knowing - Tangible Evil - Abortion - Deliberate Destruction of the Family - Total War - Genocide in Rwanda; What was in These People? - Persuasive Design - Psychologists and Behaviourists Hired to Create Products We Want to Use More and More - B.J. Fogg - Book, The Hidden Persuaders - Silicon Valley Technologists very Wary of Letting Their Children have Screen Time - DARPA - Thousands of Swedes getting Microchipped - Technological Fascism - Totalitarianism - Global Compact on Migration - United Nations Parliamentary Assembly - WiFi Field is Not Just for Communication - Technotronics - 3,000 Norwegians Convert to Islam - Movie, Minority Report - Predicting When and Where Crime Will Happen - Peter Hitchens - International Union of Socialist Youth - Please Remember to Order My Books and Discs and Donate. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 4, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Tech companies use “persuasive design” to get us hooked. Psychologists say it’s unethical. A Dark Consensus About Screens and Kids Begins to Emerge in Silicon Valley The Digital Gap Between Rich and Poor Kids Is Not What We Expected Thousands Are VOLUNTEERING to Be MICROCHIPPED in Sweden: Can the Rest of the World Be Far Behind? Thousands of Swedes are getting microchip IDs inserted into their hands to swipe into homes, offices, concerts and even to access social media Revolution, flashmobs, and brain chips. A grim vision of the future United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA) Our Minds Have Been Hijacked by Our Phones. Tristan Harris Wants to Rescue Them 3,000 Norwegians convert to Islam Can we predict when and where a crime will take place? Norway Looks to Strip 1,600 Migrants of Refugee Status, Send Them Back to Somalia The burglars are at your door. And the police? Hiding in their office: How the balance of fear is shifting in Britain as criminals are no loner afraid of the law Oct. 28, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "World Agenda on Course, Pace Pick-up Hectic, Toward Ordo ab Chao via Steered Dialectic." © Alan Watt Oct. 28, 2018 Shorted on Wood Order - Greed Throughout Society - Morality - Tribes, Clans - Loss of Life in WWI - 1944 Population Meeting - Atom Bomb, Biological Warfare - IMF, World Bank, BIS - OECD - Virtue Signaling, Virtue Preening - Easily Manipulated by Behaviourists, Neuroscientists - The Bankers Never Lose; They Like Wars - Politicians are Hysterical, Attention Seeking Psychopaths, not Statesmen - Politics is Now Entertainment - Democracy - Republic - Behind Every Great Fortune is a Great Crime - Winners and Losers in a Psychopathic System - UNESCO, Julian Huxley - Aristocracy Blamed the People for Being Poor - Forcing People Off the Land into Factory Cities - Prince Philip said Too Many Poor - Greece - Goldman Sachs Fudged Books to Get Greece into EU - Mass Migration - Economic Warfare on Everybody - Crime Everywhere - Moped Gangs - You're Living Under Incredible Control; Retraining You - Orwell's 1984 - Socialism, Eugenics, The Mass Society - Dystopian Movies - You Always Turn to Your Abuser for Protection - H.G. Wells, The Family Unit is Always a Problem for Those in Power - Starvation as a Strategy used by Communists - Ethiopia, World Bank, IMF - History, His Stories - Rules-Based Order - Boris Johnson - UK Defence Minister Demands Crackdown on Violence - Scandal-Hit African £112k 'Queen of Oxfam' is Moving Charity HQ from Britain to Kenya - 2008 Bailout - Federal Reserve, Special Drawing Rights - Greed is Good - Australia's Banking Royal Commission Findings - IMF Disbursement to Argentina - Sir Philip Green, Me Too - Cops and Politicians Joining Canada's Cannabis Business - Soma - Google CEO says Censored Chinese Search Engine Could have Broad Benefits - NAFTA Rebranded as USMCA, The United States, Mexico, Canada Agreement. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 28, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Britain can't let the world's bad guys win: Defence Minister demands crackdown on violence by anyone from moped gangs to the Taliban African £112k 'Queen of Oxfam' is moving charity HQ from Britain to Kenya, as scandal-hit NGO fights off MORE claims of sexual harassment and aid workers using prostitutes Banking royal commission key findings from Kenneth Hayne's interim report From fees charged to dead people, to bribery rings with envelopes of cash, these are the major scandals to date. Hammond to unleash billions of pension cash to turn UK into start-up powerhouse The Guardian - World Bank IMF Executive Board Completes First Review Under Argentina's Stand-By Arrangement, Approves US$5.7 Billion Disbursement Sir Philip Green named in Parliament as businessman at centre of Britain's Me Too scandal Philip Green BARONESS ROS ALTMANN: Sir Philip Green bullied me with menacing late night texts The cops and politicians joining Canada's cannabis business Canada becomes second country to legalise recreational marijuana China Admits Creating 'Re-education' Camps for Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang Google CEO Tells Senators That Censored Chinese Search Engine Could Provide “Broad Benefits” The Coming North American Digital Trade Zone - NAFTA Rebranded as USMCA Oct. 21, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "See Child Peter Picked, Groomed, then Off Flying Up Through Power Levels Without Hardly Even Trying, A Secret Weapon of Bankers and the United Nations, Destroying where Tyrants Failed, Using Mass Migrations." © Alan Watt Oct. 21, 2018 Cold, Allergies, Heavy Aerial Spraying - Geoengineering - Symbol of the Pyramid - Gramsci, How to Destroy Everything that was Normal in Western Civilization - Madame Blavatsky, World Helpers, Feminism - Fabian Society Board, How to Destroy the Family Unit - We're Owned - Those in Charge of Money will Always Be in Charge of Governments - Fraudulent Banking System - Ancient Techniques of Controlling People - Aldous Huxley, Mike Wallace Interview - Clubs, Cartels, International Corporations - European Union, Common Purpose, Pick and Train Future Leaders who are Often Selected Before They're Teenagers - Globalization - Money is a Great Persuader for Most People - Psychopaths - Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars - Thermal Weaponry for Crowd Control - J. Ellul, Must Indoctrinate Children Very Early - The Diggers - Everything is Funded by the Taxpayer - There's No Such Thing as Democracy - Pre-WWII Germany, Living Space, Living with Nature - Genetically Modified Food - Foundations - Groups are Told What to Protest Against - Frankenfood - Canada's Crown Land - United Nations - EU Parliament - Nudge Units; Behavioural Insights Team - Maurice Strong Groomed by Rockefeller - Electric Cars, Agenda 21, No Private Vehicles - Don't Get Caught Up in the Emotive Topics Given to You - Peter Sutherland was U.N. Special Representative for International Migration, Chairman of Goldman-Sachs, Director General of World Trade Organization, EU Commissioner, Bilderberg, Trilateral - RIIA, CFR - Carroll Quigley said Leaders from All Parties were Picked - Erasmus - GATT - Sutherland Credited with Being Father of Globalization - Sutherland Promoted Establishment of the Global Forum on Migration and Development - Multiculturalism - Global Forum on Migration and Development - You'll Never Know What's Really Happening on the Large Scale that Affects Your Life - Aldous Huxley, You are Persuaded to Accept Things that Perhaps You Shouldn't - BIT, Behavioural Insights Team - E. Bernays on the Manipulation of the Masses. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 21, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Peter Sutherland EU should 'undermine national homogeneity' says UN migration chief EU Migration Policy Migration Policy Institute - Elizabeth Collett Migration Policy Institute - Kathleen Newland Behavioural Insights Team - Wikipedia Behavioural Insights Team BIT Public/Private Helping Public Make Right Decisions BIT - Who We Work With Behavioral Science and Policy Association - Global Decision Makers Behavioural Insights Canada Behavioural Insights Canada - speakers Global Forum on Migration and Development Aldous Huxley interviewed by Mike Wallace (1958) Oct. 14, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) The Pace of ACE: "The State's "Child Partnerships," so Very Kind, Storming The Last Refuge, Sanctity of the Mind." © Alan Watt Oct. 14, 2018 Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals, The Weather Underground, Techniques Used Now by Antifa - Age of Mass News, Mass Propaganda - UNESCO, Create a Common Culture for the Youth - Pavlovian Conditioning of Society - Techniques of Control - Carroll Quigley said of the CFR, RIIA, That They were Often Mistaken for Communism - According to the United Nations, Individuality was the Major Problem in the World - Bertrand Russell belonged to the Macy Group, Frankfurt School, the World Socialist Society and during WWII to MI5 - Using Science to Control Populations and Create a Uniform Society Across the Planet - Eugenics - The Wealthy Elite of All Countries Should have the Right to Rule - The Effects of War in the Middle East on the Rest of the World - All the Chaos was Planned - U.N. Treaties - Grumbling on the Internet, Studied and Placated - Waiting for the Next Crash - Plummeting Currencies, Rising Cost of Living - The Greed Factor goes All the Way to the Bottom - Darwin, Evolution - Plato on the Nobility - Capitalism, Usury, Theft and Knighthoods - A Lot of the Nobility were just Plundering Robber Barons - Serfdom - Charles Galton Darwin - The Darwins Intermarried with the Galtons and the Wedgewoods for Generations - H.G. Wells and George Bernard Shaw Talked Openly about Need to Control Society, Cull Off the "Wrong Types"; Sterilize them and Let them Die Off - Depression, Poverty, Rigged System Stops People from Moving Up - Social Engineers of the 20th Century - Julian Huxley - You Pay the BBC for the License to get Propagandized - Crown Corporations - Shares of the BBC were Sold to the CIA - Personal Computer -B. Russell said Scientific Indoctrination via Education would Nullify the Influence of Parents on Children - Jacques Ellul on Importance of Initial Indoctrination on Children - Scotland, Advocate Assigned to Children - Scotland has Been Hammered Over the Years - Rationing during WWI and WWII, Malnutrition - GIRFEC, Getting it Right for Every Child - Revolution - Wellbeing - ACEs, Adverse Childhood Experiences, State-Sponsored Poverty - BIT, Behavioural Insights Team - Nudging Doctors not to Prescribe Antibiotics - Scottish Doctors Prescribe Bird-Watching - Most Folk No Longer Care for their Aging and Dying Relatives - War Against the Family - Sexual Revolution - Freud - Always Looking for the Magic Pill to Make Everyone Happy - The Big Business of Marijuana - Soma Time, Brave New World - Ontario, Canada spends Millions to Tell You How Great the Medical Care is - Softening Concepts with the Use of Marketing and PR Language - No Gold Standard, Elastic Money. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 14, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) ACE-Aware Scotland Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Mental health care for children and adolescents worldwide: a review Mental health checks for pupils: Teachers to assess children as young as four - as Britain appoints world's first Minister for Suicide Prevention World War 2 left toxic legacy of ill health and depression Scottish GPs to begin prescribing rambling and birdwatching Oct. 7, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Drumming-up Consent for War Coalition, Payoffs and Bribes, Hell is Repetition." © Alan Watt Oct. 7, 2018 Groundhog Day - War after War - Demonization of Enemy - Government Involvement in Guns and Drugs - No-Fly Zone over Iraq - Soldiers are Now Peacekeepers - Perception Management - Stories Told During Reagan and Bush Administrations - PNAC - The Distraction of Political Soap Opera - Pompeo Getting Agreement from Europe on Syria - Truth Doesn't Matter When the Agenda is at Stake - Pompeo Announced U.S. is Terminating a 1955 Treaty with Iran - Trump at UN Security Council: Syria's Butchery Is Enabled by Russia, Iran - Reviving the Bad Bear of Russia - Netanyahu Accuses Iran of Concealing Nuclear Material for Weapons Program - Germany, US Agree Need to Prevent Chemical Weapons Attacks in Syria - Operation Iraqi Freedom - In Blair Administration, Dividing Up the Oil Fields and Refineries between Different Companies - Government Propaganda - Cognitive Dissonance - Double Bind - The Most Game-Changing Weapons of the 21st Century - DARPA - Russian Zombie Radiation Gun - Thermal Weaponry - Nudge Units - Combination of Orwell's 1984 and Huxley's Brave New World - Our Thoughts are Bought and Sold; We Pay for Our Own Chains - Directed Protesters - Psychopaths Planning Wars - Support the Talks with Your Donations and Orders - Don't Lose Your Compassion. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Oct. 7, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Trump at UN Security Council: Syria's Butchery Is Enabled by Russia, Iran Netanyahu accuses Iran of concealing nuclear material for weapons program Germany, US agree need to prevent chemical weapons attacks in Syria Israel's Netanyahu claims Iran has a ‘secret atomic warehouse in Tehran’ Pompeo pulls out of treaty with Iran, in response to UN court ruling Trump has tough sell recruiting Iranian-Americans in campaign against Tehran Raytheon delivers first SeeMe satellite to DARPA U.S. military project could be seen as a bioweapon, scientists warn Moscow accuses US of developing bioweapon on its border These are the 19 most game-changing weapons of the 21st century Vladimir Putin Confirms Russian Zombie Radiation Gun Here's a look at Russia's 'invulnerable' weapons Double bind Sept. 30, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Control over Minions from Ancient Times Meant Studying Prey then Disabling Minds" © Alan Watt Sept. 30, 2018 Please support the talks and websites with your orders and donations - We Live in a Very Old System - Solon - Knowledge is Power - Albert Pike said We Make No Apologies for Nature - Plato on The Art of Memorizing - Empires and the Understanding of Human Nature - Elite Always Intermarry - Be Still in Your Mind to Learn - Extraneous Entertainment - City-States are the Beehives - Language is Coded - Carroll Quigley was Historian for Council on Foreign Relations - Pharmaceutical Drugs - Legalizing Marijuana - Arthur C. Clarke's 2001, 2010 and 3001, and Childhood's End - Eugenics, Winners and Losers - Freemasonry, There are No Moral Absolutes - Rudyard Kipling - MK-ULTRA, Psychic Driving - Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll - Theo Adorno, Frankfurt School - Destruction of Family Unit - Youth Culture, Teenager, Separate the Generations - In Orwell's 1984 there were Virgins Groups, Agenda of Separating Men from Women Continues Today - Situation Ethics - Royal Institute of International Affairs - Soap Opera Drama of Politics - Me Too Movement - Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals, The Weather Underground - Trump's Speech at the United Nations - Netanyahu - Gen. Wesley Clark - PNAC - Politicians and Arms Industry - Philip May - Hillary Clinton - Private Police in Britain - Canada and Marijuana Industry. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 30, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Common antidepressants could fuel the rise of superbugs, study finds RBS bailout 'unlikely to be recouped' Neighbourhood Policing Cuts Are So Bad, Some People Are Paying For 'Private Police' Syria foreign minister tells U.N. country is ready for refugee return U.S. pulls diplomats from Iraqi city, citing threats from Iran Philip May, Husband of Prime Minister May: Yet Another Example of the ‘Cosy Relationship’ Between Government and the Arms Industry Theresa May’s Husband’s Capital Group Is Largest Shareholder in BAE, Shares Soar Since Syrian Airstrikes Clinton Tops List of Arms Company Donations PC government to table bill on pot legalization Growing marijuana 101: How your pot is being produced ahead of legalization Freemason Royal Ritual 2017, 300 year celebrations in London Sept. 23, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "This Ancient Agenda, Perfect Empire, Ethereal, Has Graded our Genes, You are the Material. - Part 2" © Alan Watt Sept. 23, 2018 Gale Force Winds - Trees Down - Problems with Vehicle - Wooden Homes and Rot, Constant Repairs - Agenda 21 - U.N. Supercities - Sustainability Enforced by Radicalized Youth - Young Communists League, Hitler Youth - Mao's Little Red Book - The Russell Family - Church of England and the Theft of Catholic Property - Long-Term Planning, Tax-Free Foundations - Ports, Duties, City of London - Huge Salaries of Civil Servants to Bring in the System called Free-Trade - Creation of Income Tax - Temporary War Tax, Victory Tax - Politicians all Belong to the Same Club - Carroll Quigley, All Leaders are Picked - CFR, RIIA - Important Organizations Headquartered in City of London - Freemasonry - Planning Ahead even in Centuries - After WWII, U.S. Subsidized Used Televisions for the British - Cod Liver Oil and Orange Juice for the Young - Britain's Post-War Rationing well into the 1950s - H.G. Wells and Bertrand Russell on the Necessity to Destroy the Family - Bolshevik Revolution, Agitation by the Far Left to Make Conditions Unbearable for the Peasants - Lower Order of Society, Junk Genes - The Sciences Used on the Public - The British Empire System - IMF, World Bank, BIS - Rhodes, Milner, RIIA - The Balfour Declaration - Political System must Promote a Sense of Duty - World Government - Julian Huxley, founder of UNESCO - Scientific Techniques to Create a Common Culture - The British Council, Created in 1930s, Training Future Leaders - Bertrand Russell's Experimental School - Pavlov - Russell on the Creation of a Scientific Dictatorship - NHS Criticized for a TV ad that Features a Song about Euthanasia - Coca-Cola in Talks about Branching into Cannabis Beverage Market - A Study on the Impact of Early Medical Treatment in Transgender Youth. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 23, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: British Council British Council History UNESCO TVET Program Improving Capacities and Competencies of TVET Stakeholders British Council - Future Leaders Connect British Council Iraq The Impact of Early Medical Treatment in Transgender Youth Gordon Brown in dire warning about the next financial crisis NHS criticised over TV advertisement which features nurses tending to patients while song ‘about euthanasia’ plays in the background Coca-Cola in ‘serious talks’ about branching into cannabis beverage market Sept. 16, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "This Ancient Agenda, Perfect Empire, Ethereal, Has Graded our Genes, You are the Material." © Alan Watt Sept. 16, 2018 The World Order is Always Changing - Order Out of Chaos - What You're Given as News Today is Just Soap Opera - Alliances Between Nations - Treaties - World War II, Poland, Yalta - NATO, the Military Wing of the United Nations - War is Always Grand Theft - Today the Warfare is More Covert - Cultural Warfare - Loss of Rights and Freedoms since 9/11 - Agit-Prop - Those in Soviet System who Made Millions in the Supposed Utopia for Workers - Big Foundations that Fund and Organize Protest Groups - You are Given the Issues to Protest and then You're Studied - Ellul Wrote about the Punch Card System for Gathering Data on Everyone - Biowarfare - Importance of Early Indoctrination, Education - The City of London - Creating a Psychopathic Culture - Chimera for Specific Tasks - Instill New Perceptions into People - Creation of New Normals - Step by Step into the Transhumanist Agenda - Transfusions of Blood from Young People - Euthanasia - Organ Harvesting is a Multi-Billion Dollar Business - Valid versus Invalid in Society - Nudge Units to Discourage Doctors from Prescribing Antibiotics - Batches of Vaccines are Labeled - Charles Fort said, We're Being Farmed - Financing so-called Terrorists - Knifings in London more Prevalent - Dissociative Anxiety - Occam's Razor - Tyrants Use Nationalistic Jingoism - The British Empire - Cecil Rhodes - The Milner Group - CFR - RIIA, Book Published in 1938 on the Future of the Commonwealth - Star Trek was about the Free Trade System - Talking in the 1930's about the Political and Economic Integration of Europe - Aldous Huxley on Popular Culture - No Real Investigative Journalism - Instant News, Instant Protests - Orwell's 1984 and Huxley's Brave New World - Cyborgs and Total Control - Fear He Who can Kill Both the Body and the Soul - The Ghost in the Machine. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 16, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Top scientists claim transfusions of young blood will put an END to sickness in old age VC vampire: Peter Thiel wants to live forever Ambrosia: the startup harvesting the blood of the young Young Blood Renews Old Mice Portal:Transhumanism What is Transhumanism? Government probe into why so many girls want to be boys Sept. 9, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "BIT: Free Thought Buster, Opinion Adjuster - Part 2" © Alan Watt Sept. 9, 2018 Creating Internet Addiction - Planned Global Society - Please Visit My Websites to Order Books and Discs and to Donate - Cities are a Trap - BIT: Free Thought Buster, Opinion Adjuster, Part 2 - Nudged and Guided into Conforming - What is Freedom? - We're Given Front Men, Stars - The Elite are Unconventional - The Pettiness of Humans - If Voting Worked it Would've Been Banned - Cyborg Technology - Celebrity - Power - Every Year Countless Studies are Done on the Public - Very Easy to Change Society - Bernays - Behaviourists Design Curriculum and Teacher's Toolkits - Aldous Huxley Talked about Techniques that Would Change People's Behaviour in Ways that Wouldn't Be Good for Them - Nothing is Left to Chance in This System - BIT, Behavioural Insights Team - Behavioural Exchange (BX) Conference will be Held in London in 2019 - Behavioural Insights (BI) is Global, with Over 200 Teams Working in Countries around the World - BX, Interaction Between Policy Makers and Academics - BIT Works with Doctors to Discourage Them from Prescribing Antibiotics - Euthanasia, Do Not Resuscitate - GMO Tested on Canadians without Their Knowledge - Frankenfoods - Google, Alphabet, DeepMind - Agenda 21 - Jigsaw - Documentary, The Weight of Chains - Behavioral Science and Policy Association - Sunstein - Canada's Behavioural Insights Group (BIG) - The Final Frontier is Your Mind - Uniformity - Why Do You Bother to Vote? *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 9, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: BX is coming back to London for 2019 Is there a healthy intersection to leverage between food industry and public health interests? Google's Complex Relationship With DeepMind Gets Exposed Google Jigsaw Conversation AI The company formerly known as Google is far bigger than most people realize Behavioral Science & Policy Association - Global Decision Makers 2018 Behavioural Insights in Canada - Partners Improving communications using behavioural insights – new results from TEST + Build Using behavioural science to put charities on a surer footing Integrating the next generation: how school composition affects inter-ethnic attitudes Committee on Climate Change Daniel Goldstein - BIT A smarter smart city - MIT Technology Review University of Strathclyde to roll out wellbeing and sustainability programme BX2018: Scaling effective health interventions across the globe Sept. 2, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "BIT: Free Thought Buster, Opinion Adjuster." © Alan Watt Sept. 2, 2018 Behaviourism - Specialists Study Humanity and How to Alter Human Behaviour - Bertrand Russell - Domesticating People by Understanding What Motivates Fear - Money Tends to Marry Money - Aldous Huxley - Foundations, NGOs, Think-Tanks Working on Behalf of Large Corporations and the Present Elite - A. Huxley on Popular Culture - H.G. Wells, Wartime Propaganda Songs - Distractions, Cities and Deviancy - The Star Making Machinery - Don't Believe Your Governments are There to Help You - Behaviour Modification is Always Being Done - H.G. Wells, Free Love - Scientific Controllers - Warfare, Eugenics - Machiavelli - The Underground Stream of Knowledge - Freemasonry - Facebook - Behavioral Science and Policy Association - Nesta - Nudging - Behavioral Insights Team, BIT - Gus O'Donnell - Canada's BIT - It isn't Pessimistic to Understand the Agenda. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Sept. 2, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Behavioral Science & Policy Association - Global Decision Makers Nesta Nesta IGL Toolkit Richard Thaler Richard Thaler (BIT) 2018 Behavioural Insights in Canada - Partners Behavioural Insights Team BIT Public/Private Helping Public Make Right Decisions BIT - Who We Work With Behavioural Insights Team BIT Academy Member Gus O'Donnell Aug. 26, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Peace is Hivemind, no Realthought Competitor, All Happily Worshipping Smiley-Face Predator" © Alan Watt Aug. 26, 2018 Book of Revelation - Always Learning, Never Knowing - Pestilences, Crop Failures, even Earthquakes can be Caused Scientifically - The Search for the Spanish Flu - Early Vaccines on Soldiers During World War I - Tsunami Bombs - Climate Change, Carbon Taxes - Peasants are the Source of Income for All Corporations - Elite Represent themselves with Emblems of Predators - Government Corruption - Money Laundering - Priti Patel - Albert Pike - Nature - Taxation of the Workers - Mennonites in Belize - Malthus - Eugenics - Doublethink - J. Ellul on Propaganda - Pavlovian Responses to Certain Words - Politics - Public-Private Partnerships - Conditioning - Domesticated People - Forest Fires - Agenda 21 - Carbon Sinks. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 26, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Grasslands more reliable carbon sink than trees Aug. 19, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Social Approval, Disapproval. Oh! The Enormity! Academic Web Police Coercing All to Conformity." © Alan Watt Aug. 19, 2018 Please Remember to Visit My Websites and Support the Talks with Your Orders - The System We're in Today is Conformity - Data and Too Much Data - Politicians from all Parties are Selected and Tested - News, Propaganda, Behaviour Modification - Non-Linear Thinking - China, Conformity - The Elite have Always Studied Forms of Control, Eugenics - Beehive, Symbol of the Perfect Society - Using the Poor Folk as Cannon Fodder - Abuse - The Crowd, Peer Pressure, Shaming into Conformity - You're in a Scientifically Designed Nightmare - Population Engineering and Climate Change - Altering the Jet Stream - Club of Rome - Geoengineering - Restricting Who will have Children - Hold onto Your Humanity. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 19, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Eugenics: The War Of Capitalism And Socialism Against Humanity Population Engineering and the Fight against Climate Change Those CRISPR’d human embryos? We got it right, scientists insist, rejecting criticism Aug. 12, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "From Chaos come Columns of Young Eager Truth Seekers, Who then Sacrifice their Minds to System-Supplied Leaders" © Alan Watt Aug. 12, 2018 Carroll Quigley, Leaders of the Parties all Belong to the Same Organizations - Trilateral Commission - 9/11 - Wealthy Middle Classes Come into Countries Driving Up Real Estate Prices - Survival Redoubts in New Zealand for the Ultra-Wealthy - Mass Migration Not Happening by Chance - The World is Managed - Layers of Intelligence Agencies - Movie, Enemy of the State - Club of Rome Came Up with the Excuse for Agenda, Man is the Enemy - Eugenics - Junk Genes the Reason the Elite Give for Your Failure to Be Successful - Sterility Across the West - Culling the Herd - Machiavelli, Scheming of Royalty throughout History - Addicting Youth to Tech -From Game-Playing Straight into Military - BBC Program on Nudging People - Behaviour Modification - Bubble Gum Entertainment - A Scientifically Managed System - Social Approval, Social Disapproval - Long-Term Planning by Social Engineers - H.G. Wells, Fabian Society, RIIA - Know Thyself - Movie, Wag the Dog - Intolerance by Controllers - IMF, World Bank, Interfering with Culture - Nations Must Push the Agenda to get the Loan - Canada and Saudi Arabia - Canada, Removing Statues of John A. Macdonald - Knife Attacker had Marijuana Induced Psychosis - Jury Rules Roundup is Cancerous. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 12, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Father of Confederation's statue history but his legacy can't be erased Removing John A. Macdonald: 'Historical vandalism' or step toward reconciliation? Sudbury transit terminal attacker was suffering a marijuana induced psychosis Monsanto's Roundup IS cancerous, jury declares Apocalypse NO! New Zealand is set to ban foreigners buying homes Tech industry accused of using unethical techniques to hook kids Conflict with Saudi Arabia could impact Sask. exports Canada still seeking clarity from Saudi Arabia on diplomatic dispute Saudi Arabia to sell off Canadian assets and stop buying Canadian wheat and barley Aug. 5, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Genetics Must Lead to the Eugenics Czar, Who'll Decide Your Fate if Just Below PAR - Part 3" © Alan Watt Aug. 5, 2018 Eugenics - Perpetual War Since 9/11 - Tony Blair - Afghanistan, Opium - Private Organizations, U.N., IMF, World Bank - Parry Sound 33 Forest Fire - Privatization of Essential Services - Maurice Strong - Long-term Plan to Bring in Windmills - Communism, CFR, RIIA - Indoctrination, Teacher Tool Kits - The Role of Genetics - Julian and Aldous Huxley - Assisted Dying - George Bernard Shaw Spoke of People Having to Justify Why They Should be Allowed to Live - Tyranny - The History of Psychiatry - Crisis Management - Blasting During Fan Ban for Construction of Windmills (Green Energy) Caused Massive Forest Fire - Carbon Taxes, Climate Change - Socialism, Eugenics, Sterilization - Greece Bankrupt, Lack of Firefighting Equipment - Agenda 21 - Euthanasia. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 5, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Massive Ontario forest fire sparked by wind farm construction during extreme fire ban, workers allege Major wildfire expands as smoke impacts northern Ontario air quality 'Landmark' wind farm in works for Henvey Inlet Henvey Inlet develops largest wind farm in a First Nation Change in weather could stoke northeast Ontario fires What you need to know about the Civic long weekend and Parry Sound 33 Snow and hail blanket southern Alberta highway — in July China is attempting the largest artificial rain experiment in history, over an area 3 times the size of Spain Chronically ill man releases audio of hospital staff offering assisted death Euthanization, not relocation, likely for coyotes People in a long-term vegetative state can be allowed to die without court ruling Schools to teach 21st century relationships and sex education Children to learn perils of social media at school, Education Secretary announces UNESCO - International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education Weather Warfare - Quotes Weather as a Force Multiplier - Owning the Weather in 2025 Here’s the reason we’d never halt a geoengineering project midway through July 29, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Genetics Must Lead to the Eugenics Czar, Who'll Decide Your Fate if Just Below PAR - Part 2" © Alan Watt July 29, 2018 Please Support the Talks by Ordering Books and Discs or Donating at www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com - Everything Today is Warfare - Job of Media is to Control All Thought, Give Us Our Opinions - People No Longer Know the Views of those Who Control Media - Most Data Today is Trivia - Machiavelli - The Art of Managing People - Movie, The Looker, Shows What was Understood About Advertising - Eugenics - Indoctrinating Children at a Very Early Age - The Transgender Push Distracts from Issues that Affect Us All - Movie, Three Days of the Condor - Oil Wars - The Incredible Cost of War - The Goal is Always World Government - Depopulation - Many Ways to Stop Breeding - Julian Huxley - Foundations, NGOs, Fomenting Protest - You can't Compete with the Lobbying Power of NGOs - Rather than Protect Children, Give Them Right to Consent - Hypersexualizing Children - Abortion, Euthanasia - The Art of Politics is to Play Games - Planned Parenthood - Margaret Sanger - United Nations, Sex Education Agenda, UNESCO - Rockefeller and U.N. Population Policies - Early Eugenics Society Members included Julian Huxley, H.G. Wells, the Darwins and Galtons - Genetics and Modern Eugenics - The Galton Collection on Eugenics - Galton and Selective Breeding - Introduction of Mandatory Schooling for Children - Peter Hitchens, White Helmets - H.G. Wells and Promotion of Free Love, Destruction of Family - The Galton Institute - Movie, Gattaca, Defective Genes - Arthur C. Clarke, 3001 - Warfare Game Strategy - Weather Warfare. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 29, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Galton Institute--Exploring Human Heredity Archive for the 'Galton Collection' Category The Embryo Project American Eugenics Society International Federation of Eugenics Organizations UN’s radical agenda pushes sex, LGBT education starting in kindergarten Doctors: Puberty blockers are a dangerous experiment Are we saving Syrian 'heroes'... or just importing more fanatics? July 22, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Genetics Must Lead to the Eugenics Czar, Who'll Decide Your Fate if Just Below PAR" © Alan Watt July 22, 2018 Fires in Northern Ontario - Privatizing Essential Services - Greed in the Medical Profession - Carroll Quigley - Julian Huxley, Eugenics - Euthanasia - Pushing the Next Phase, Sex Between Adults and Children as Long as the Children Consent - Political Correctness and Hostility When People are Presented with an Unauthorized Viewpoint - Bertrand Russell - Sir Thomas Huxley, Darwin's Bulldog, the Champion for Darwinism - Standardization of People - Communitarianism - Statistics - Science, Humanism - Control - Trained to Choose Material Goods Over Having Children - UNESCO - Dystopian Futures with the "Right" Kind of Breeders - Promotion of Promiscuity and Elimination of Bonding - Kinsey's Studies Funded by Rockefeller - Julian Huxley and Transhumanism - George Bernard Shaw and H.G. Wells Founding Members of Fabian Society - Eugenic Ideas Put Across in Entertainment such as Star Trek - Genetic Manipulation - Vaccines having Terrible Reactions with Some People - Some Heroes are Monsters when You Really Look at Them. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 22, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Forest Fires Northern Ontario Fire crews continue to fight Parry Sound 33 fire, which has caused evacuations south of Sudbury ‘Julian Huxley and the Continuity of Eugenics in Twentieth-century Britain’ Eugenics: the skeleton that rattles loudest in the left's closet July 15, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Battalions of Foundations, NGOs Unelected, Reshaping Cultures, Mostly Undetected" © Alan Watt July 15, 2018 This Century of the Great Transition - Taught to Emulate What We See on Television - Living Through Controlled Change - Go to My Website www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com to Order My Books and Discs - The Current State of Alternate Media and Radio - Old Documentary on 19th Century Conditions in England for the Working People - Lack of Sanitation, Cholera - During the Boer War, the Poor Physical Condition of the Troops Frightened the Elite into Feeding them Better - Poverty in Industrial Britain - Diggers, Communism - The Brute Nastiness of Real History - India's Class System - Real-Time Studies of Us with Electronics - China is the Model State for the World - Many Ways to Get You to Conform - Lifelong Education - Curtail Electricity Use, Raise Prices - Bertrand Russell on a Token System - A Society Based on Privileges - Mind Your Place - Intellectual Snobbery - Coyotes Yipping Away - Forest Fires to the North of Me - We Live in a Very Precarious System - Money - Companies that Train Non-Governmental Organizations - Psychological Persuasion - Aldous Huxley - Bernays - CFR, Council of Councils - video, The Even Older Plan for World Gov't. You've Never Heard Of - WiFi, 5G Wireless - Self-Policing, Political Correctness - The Dangers of Cell Phones, Wireless Microwave Radiation - 'Prostitutes, Orgies': Ex-Wife of Former Maori Leader says He Led a Paedophile Ring - Eugenics, Depopulation, Euthanasia. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 15, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Council of Councils Seventh Annual Conference Council on Foreign Relations - Council of Councils The Challenge to Global Order: A Conversation With Richard N. Haass and the Council of Councils Council of Councils 2018 Report Card on International Cooperation Founding Council of Councils Member Organizations Stability in Age of Globalized Finance The Even Older Plan for World Gov't You've Never Heard Of The Wifi Alliance, Coming Soon to Your Neighborhood: 5G Wireless The Same Frequencies Used for Pain-Inflicting Crowd Control Weapons Form the Foundation of the Network That Will Tie Together More Than 50 Billion Devices as Part of the Internet of Things How Safe is Your Cell Phone? France’s "Fake News" Law Will Be Used To Silence Critics, Win Elections NGO and Corporate Partnerships - Cause Strategy Partnerships Cannabis in Canada The billionaires trying to control Saskatchewan’s cannabis industry, & more 48North Cannabis Co., parent company of licensed producer Delshen Therapeutics, adds industry heavyweights to board of directors Delshen Therapeutics Ontario First Nations Group Announces Plan to Produce Medical Cannabis 'Prostitutes, orgies, group sex - all of it': Esteemed politician 'was a paedophile,' wife claims The staggering rise of India’s super-rich July 8, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "When Men do Band in Secretive Combinations Confessions May Lead to Heavy Persuasions" © Alan Watt July 8, 2018 Fear is Good Tool for Obedience - History is Written by the Victors - Conspiracy Theories - The Power of Those Who Take Oaths - Secret Societies - Chatham House Rules - The Internet - What Patriot Radio Used to Be About - Psychopaths in Business and Politics - British Empire System - The Commonwealth - History is a Horror Show - H.G. Wells - Fabian Society - Foundations, NGOs - Most People Absorb Information via Osmosis - Free Trade is Not Free - Soviet System - Academics Spent the Last Year Testing Whether Your Phone Is Secretly Listening to You -Violence and Gang Shootings in Toronto - Schools in U.K. Banning Skirts - UNESCO, Gender-Neutral Language. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 8, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: These Academics Spent the Last Year Testing Whether Your Phone Is Secretly Listening to You Data release: list of websites that have third-party “session replay” scripts 40 schools in England ban girls from wearing skirts to accommodate transgender students Ontario Conservatives will ‘restore’ sex-ed to pre-Wynne days, but when? Director Diego Kaplan Defends Netflix Film ‘Desire’ From Accusations of Child Pornography No more boys, no more girls - and no more Winnie-the-Pooh or Barbie dolls: Books and toys could be banned from schools due to radical push to make classrooms 'gender-neutral' 'It’s all about democracy': inside gender neutral schools in Sweden ATA Toolkit guides teachers in conversations about gender diversity Gender-neutral language is coming – here’s why it matters New Statesman UNESCO - Gender-Sensitive Resources UNESCO - Guidelines on Gender-Neutral Language Christian doctor is SACKED by the Government for refusing to identify patients by their preferred gender because he believes sex is established at birth Peel police chief says violence increase 'disturbing' 2 men dead, 1 woman injured in 'brazen' downtown Toronto shooting Shotgun-wielding woman wounds two during road-rage confrontation: Cops July 1, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Freedom: "The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Deceptions" © Alan Watt July 1, 2018 Thunderstorm, High Humidity - Jacques Ellul said We Learn by Osmosis - Constant Revolution - Official Secrets Acts in Every Country - First Duty of Power is to Protect Itself - Enjoyment of Life - Propaganda - Wartime Rationing and Malnourishment - Skulls Found Under Mexico City Reveal Massive Scale of Human Sacrifice in Aztec Capital - Media's Role in Shaping Your Opinions - Memes Designed to Take Hold Like an Inoculation - Quigley, CFR, Chatham House - Freemasonry - Charity - Anthropologists Sent with Troops to Manipulate Cultures of the Countries Invaded - Alexander the Great - Philosophical Mentors Steeped in the Mysteries - Greek Mythology, Good Stories about Human Nature - Mathematics, Laws - Aristotle - Social Change During War - Taking Out Gaddafi - PNAC, Project for a New American Century - NSA Spy Hubs - Australia's Anti-Foreign Meddling Laws - Queen Elizabeth Makes Millions From the U.K.’s Offshore Wind Farms - More than 4 Million UK Adults Forced to use Food Banks - Tens of Thousands of Pensioners Face Income Cuts after HMRC Identified Decades of Payment Errors - Teenage Suicides in London on the Rise - 132 Candidates or Politicians Killed Since Start of Mexico's Electoral Campaign - Ruthlessness and Psychopathy - Human Nature - Abortion - Euthanasia. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 1, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: The NSA’s Hidden Spy Hubs in Eight U.S. Cities The NSA’s Spy Hub in New York, Hidden in Plain Sight AT&T Helped U.S. Spy on Internet on a Vast Scale Australia's Government must guard against foreign interference, but not by curbing our rights Australia passes anti-foreign meddling laws in message to China Queen Elizabeth Makes Millions From the U.K.’s Offshore Wind Farms Tens of thousands of pensioners face income CUTS while others could get a boost after HMRC identified DECADES of payment errors Nearly 4 million UK adults forced to use food banks, figures reveal Teenage suicides in London rise by 107% - more than four times national rate, new figures reveal EU keen to strike deal with Muammar Gaddafi on immigration Libya: US, UK and France attack Gaddafi forces The bombing of Mali highlights all the lessons of western intervention The Big Lie About the Libyan War German chancellor Angela Merkel secures asylum seeker return deals with 14 EU countries Rabat Process - Marrakesh Political Declaration Spain’s Migrant Wave Grows, Even as Europe’s Subsides Feeding the gods: Hundreds of skulls reveal massive scale of human sacrifice in Aztec capital Factbox: A look at Mexico's presidential contenders ahead of key election Mexico goes to the polls this weekend. 132 politicians have been killed since campaigning began Aborted fetus cells used in beauty creams Companies admit illegal fetal tissue sales, end California operations. Is Planned Parenthood next? Planned Parenthood pledges $1.5 million to protect pro-abortion Pennsylvania governor Los Angeles fetus disposal scandal Limited palliative care pushing patients to assisted dying, Que. doctors say More than 600 cases of doctor-assisted death in Quebec in 2016-17 Assisted dying and the removal of all hope ‘Obstacle to drug-free society’: Russia says Canada’s weed legalization undermines intl. law Past pot conviction won't automatically prevent involvement in cannabis industry June 24, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "The Babylon System Runs by Chaos and Confusion, Monopoly over Necessities, People--Just Use Them" © Alan Watt June 24, 2018 Wealth and Power - Rockefellers, Bad Publicity and Philanthropy - Psychopaths - System We're in was Planned Long Ago - H.G. Wells Talked About the World Brain - Enterprise - The Reality of Internet and Phone Service in Rural Ontario, Canada - Third World, Class-Ridden Societies - True Meaning of Fascism - Your Tax Dollars Funding Corporations - Hypnotized by a Fake Reality - J. Attali Wrote that Winners in this System Would be Those with Access to the Best Technology, Fastest Internet - Agenda 21 - Another Tesla Catches Fire - Man Died when Cell Phone Exploded - Drive to Rid Schools of 'Dead White Men' like Shakespeare - Japan Suspends Sale of Canadian Wheat over Discovery of Monsanto-made GMO - Bayer to Ditch Monsanto Name after Mega-Merger - Conspiracies - New Book says Israel Planned to Shoot Down Passenger Jet in Arafat Assassination Plot - Ramping up Russia Threat – Manna from Heaven for UK Arms Industry - Facebook Ad Feature Predicts User's Future Behaviour - Washington, D.C., the Psychopath Capital of America - The Bottom of the Pyramid Represents the Peasantry. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 24, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: 5G wireless telecommunication corridor slated for Ontario, Quebec Canadian Telecoms Won’t Commit To Any Dates For 5G Networks Internet Speed and Connectivity In Rural Alberta Huawei enables Bell Canada's Wireless to the Home (WTTH) trials that put Canadian rural customers on the path to 5G Tesla car catches fire ‘out of the blue’ in California Brit-educated tech boss dies after his mobile phone exploded as he slept next to it No witches, no peril, no good: Children’s books are being sanitised and dumbed down Drive to rid schools of 'dead white men' like Shakespeare will leave children at mercy of fads and fashions, Jenny Agutter says Israel planned to shoot down passenger jet in Arafat assassination plot – new book Japan suspends sale of Canadian wheat over discovery of Monsanto-made GMO Ramping up Russia threat – manna from heaven for UK arms industry Facebook ad feature claims to predict user's future behaviour Washington, D.C.: the Psychopath Capital of America Bayer to ditch Monsanto name after mega-merger June 17, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Reality, by Professionals, is Weaponized, All but a Few Folk are Standardized" © Alan Watt June 17, 2018 Human Nature - George Soros - People are Incredibly Devious - You Can't Get into the Mindset of a Psychopath - Outrageous Salaries Paid to Heads of Charities - Bertrand Russell on the Role of Parents and the State to Install Values into Children - Trained to Put All Your Data Online - You Don't Need to Learn Every Politician's Name - Hollywood and the Creation of Stars - CFR Brought in Actors - Scientists Promoted as Stars - Don't Jump into Emotive Topics - Secret Societies - Nimrod - You have CEOs Who are Like gods and Walk Across Water - The New Feudal System that Carroll Quigley Talked About - Propaganda Works Very Well on Most People - UNICEF - Education - Communism Will Have Succeeded When There's an Absence of Opposition - How Sexual "Freedom" has Been Used as a Weapon Down through Time - Drugs - Trudeau, Trump at G7, NAFTA - Legalized Marijuana, Soma - Annual World Naked Bike Ride in Toronto, Ontario - The Real Job of Entertainment Censors - Hollywood, Intergenerational Sex, Bestiality - Tyranny of the Minorities - Pimp Dennis Hof Chosen by Republicans - Women who Refuse to have Babies to Save the Planet - UK, The Impact of Immigration on Population Growth. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 17, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Bonokoski: As simple as ‘unleashing Canada’s world-class public service?’ 'SPECIAL PLACE IN HELL': Trudeau blasted by Trump adviser after G7 stunt The low-down on what Canada's marijuana legalization means Annual World Naked Bike Ride bares it all in Toronto Hollywood liberals now want you to accept bestiality. Here’s proof Tyranny of the minorities: We live in an age of mob rule by minorities in which anybody who disagrees with them is censored and freedom of expression is something only THEY enjoy Pimp Dennis Hof chosen by Republicans as candidate for Nevada state assembly seat Women who refuse to have babies — to save the planet! Meet the Britons who claim they are doing their part to stop the crippling impact over-population has on the Earth The impact of immigration on population growth Proposed relaxation of immigration rules for non-EU skilled workers Macron and Italy's new PM meet as migrant crisis threatens to rip Europe's political order apart: Summit at the Elysee as Merkel fights for her job and notorious refugee ship sails for Spain Hungary's far-right Prime Minister Viktor Orbán claims 'replacement of populations is underway' with mass migration because financiers want to profit from the 'ruination of Europe' Delingpole: Shock! Antarctica Still Doing Just Great Peter Hitchens blog, 17 June 2018 - Don't be duped by this 'rescue mission' Nine British charities paid staff over £300k each last year June 10, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Government's "Hygienists" will Finish us Off, To Save Money Rather than Treat the Cough, Euthanasia, Eugenics, Laws Incremental, Now Let's Kill Parents for Being Forgetful" © Alan Watt June 10, 2018 Techniques of Control - Global Warming - Codes for Messages - Alternative Media's Support of Wars - PNAC, Project for a New American System - Secret Societies - The British Empire - Politicians are Packaged and Sold as Products - Carroll Quigley, The Tops of All Parties are Part of the System and are Selected - Francis Bacon's The New Atlantis - Council on Foreign Relations - Visit My Official Websites to Buy My Books and Discs - The Internet - Free Speech - Self-Policing - Linguistic Minimalism, Tweeting, Being Taught Not to Convey Proper Thought - Peter Hitchens on Tony Blair - Suicides - It's Intended for Life to Become More and More Miserable - Euthanasia Promoted - Cutbacks on Medical Care - Government's Agenda is Not to Help You - The Charity Scam - Governments "Give" Money Across the World that You Must Pay Back - Justin Trudeau Announces $400 Million for Girls' Education at G7 Summit - Corruption - Wars Promoted by Clergy - Lawrence of Arabia - The Media and Public Opinion - The Mind has No Firewall - Data Collection on You - Biometrics - Police Use of Genealogy Databases - Canada's RCMP Created National Missing Person's DNA Program - Eugenics - Chronically Ill Man in Canada wants Moratorium on Assisted Suicide - Canada's Senate Votes to Legalize Recreational Marijuana - Farmer's Asked Not to Spread Manure During G7. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 10, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Investigative strategy of police prompts debate on DNA privacy rights Five questions about genetic genealogy and how police use it Washington police say DNA led to arrest of man for 1987 murders of Victoria couple The National Missing Persons DNA Program Government of Canada announces launch of the RCMP's National Missing Persons DNA Program Facebook let SIXTY companies, including Apple and Amazon, have 'deep access personal data about users and their friends' Canada Offering Assisted Suicide Rather than Treatment Newly available drug could boost number of self-administered assisted deaths More than 600 cases of doctor-assisted death in Quebec in 2016-17 Sajid Javid unveils plans for MI5 to share information on 20,000 terror suspects with teachers, social workers and councils Chilling moment Britain's youngest female ISIS terrorist took a selfie outside MI6 HQ during reconnaissance mission for 'Mad Hatters tea party' machine gun and grenade attack in London PETER HITCHENS: The real villain behind the Windrush scandal? Once again, it's BLAIR Canada Senate passes bill legalizing recreational marijuana Be nice and don’t spread manure: Canadian farmers asked to avoid smelly fertilizer during G7 Genetic engineering and chemical agriculture, what’s in your food? Top mobile firms including EE, Nokia and Vodafone are telling shareholders about potential cancer risks of phones while hiding the threat from customers Canada to announce $400 million for girls' education at G7 summit June 3, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "While We All Gabber Down Below Elite Unelected Run the Show" © Alan Watt June 3, 2018 Democracy Always Ends Up with Tyranny - Global Governance, Council on Foreign Relations, Royal Institute of International Affairs - Control Over Media - The Dialectic - Politicians Know there's a Power Above Them - Albert Pike - Most People are Being Trained to Wait to Be Told What to Do - Groupthink, Brainwashing Children, Consensus, Shunning - Private Organizations have Run Us for a Long Time - How Can You Pretend You Live in a System that Is Yours? - World Government - George Soros - European Council on Foreign Relations - Soros Funding Best for Britain to Hold another Brexit Referendum - World Government Summit - Philanthropists and the Parallel Government - Facebook - Tesla - Think for Yourselves. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 3, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: How to Save Europe - Speech to the European Council on Foreign Relations Anti-Brexit tycoon George Soros says EU faces 'existential crisis' George Soros Wants to Curb Market Crash With Marshall Plan for Africa Soros calls for a ‘multi-track’ Europe George Soros ‘wants to get rid of nation-states’, Hungary’s FM tells RT World Government Summit (Dubai) Big Brother is watching? New Facebook facial recognition spots you even if you’re not tagged Facebook admits it’s bad for your health, suggests using it more ‘Minority Report’ China: Railway police use facial recognition glasses to fight crime Twitter is BANNING women who 'speak out against trans ideology', feminists claim Tesla Is Burning $6,500 Every Minute. It's Probably Going to Need to Raise Terrifying moment cyclist armed with a huge 'zombie knife' tries to smash motorist's window May 27, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Techniques do Daily Hammer the Minions, Ensuring Standardized Public Opinions" © Alan Watt May 27, 2018 Please Remember to Donate and Order Books and Discs - www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com - The System is Not that Complicated - Language, Neurolinguistics - Verbal Symbols are Very Effective for Controlling People - Standardized Opinions - Psychopaths have No Problem Rationalizing that They Should Not Be Part of The Herd - Bloomberg Wants to Tax Poor People More to Change Their Habits - Much Easier to Indoctrinate the Young - The Mob is Fickle and Easily Swayed - In This World, the Fight is to Find Yourself - Functionality Takes Self- Discipline - Using Christian Leaders for Political Agendas - Bernays - Use Existing Institutions - Money - Your Taxes Used to Fund Wars, Abortion, Euthanasia - Bio-Chemical Changes in People - Vaccinations - So Many Vaccines Today are Grown on Cancers - The Book, Acres of Skin - Positive Thinking, Training the Public Not to Look at the Negative - Chimera - Chemtrails - Secret Document FCO 30/1048 Kept Truth About EU from British for 30 Years - CFR, RIIA - Document from 1971 for Tory Prime Minister Edward Heath - NAFTA - Karl Marx, Three Trading Blocs for the World - Canada, Time to Enforce Border Laws - Killing Gaza - Eric Margolis' article, Palestinians-70 Years of Suffering - Scotland's GIRFEC and Wellbeing. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 27, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: We were lied to! Secret document FCO 30/1048 kept truth about EU from British for 30 years FCO 30/1048 France’s Emmanuel Macron uses German crisis to call for DEEPER EU integration REVEALED: The three EU countries that face HUGE contribution hikes as a result of Brexit Italy’s new government to defy EU with plans to DEPORT 500,000 migrants Nursery children get a warm welcome to Wellbeing Wood Wellbeing - GIRFEC Bloomberg says that poor people paying proportionately more money in taxes is a GOOD THING because that's 'one of the ways you influence people to do what's in their own interest' US national security requests to Apple more than doubled, transparency report reveals MALCOLM: It's time to start enforcing our border laws (Canada) Tech companies scramble as sweeping data rules take effect Happy GDPR day! US news sites blocked, FB sued as EU privacy rules come into force Killing Gaza Palestinians-70 Years of Suffering Ireland ends abortion ban as 'quiet revolution' transforms country Transgender people encouraged to become priests in Church of England diversity drive May 20, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "U.N. Fiction Promotes 'All Men Are as Equal Brothers,' Yet Wealth and Power Show Some More Equal than Others" © Alan Watt May 20, 2018 Visit My Website www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com to Order Books, Discs and Donate - Standardizing Viewpoints Across the World - Given Emotive, Distracting News - Death Toll Goes Up in Palestine - Incredible Ostentatious Display of Royal Wedding - Soros is Tesla's New Bondholder - Agenda 21 - George Soros wants to Pay More Taxes - Another Tesla Bursts into Flames - Trump May Reopen Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations - $21 Trillion Lost Under Guise of US National Security - The Age of Dope - Soma - Apologizing and Virtue Signaling - Aurora now Largest Cannabis Grower in World - Britain's Life Satisfaction Survey - EU Commission on Tackling Online Disinformation with EU-wide Code of Practice - Alexa will be Built into All New Homes from Lennar - Ex-IDF Intel Chief: By 2025, Constant Satellite Feed will Aid Targeted Killings - Hell on Earth Coming Down - Google's Selfish Ledger, a Vision of Silicon Valley Social Engineering - Nunavut, Canada, Children Dying from Lack of Decent Care. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 20, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Meet Tesla's new bondholder: Billionaire George Soros Tesla bursts into flames after fatal crash in Switzerland Soros Hedge Fund Paid Under $1,000 Taxes Trump Reopens Door to TPP Trump's War Against Iran Trump's Failed Coup in Iran $21 trillion lost: Largest theft in history buried under guise of US national security Has Our Government Spent $21 Trillion Of Our Money Without Telling Us? Is Canada Apologising too Much? Record 6,200 foreign criminals including killers, sex attackers, robbers and drug dealers are living in the community Aurora now Largest Cannabis Grower in World Aurora finally wins CanniMed in Canada’s biggest marijuana deal yet Britain's Most Miserable People are the Welsh, study says EU Censorship Disguised as "Journalistic Code of Practice" Amazon's Alexa will be built into all new homes from Lennar 'Minority Report' targeted killings of terrorists by 2025 - ex-IDF chief Aided by Palantir, the LAPD Uses Predictive Policing to Monitor Specific People and Neighborhoods Google’s Selfish Ledger is an unsettling vision of Silicon Valley social engineering Microchips get under the skin of technophile Swedes Get off Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms to reduce anxiety and stress, farmers advised Young People Are Lonelier Than Their Elders 'It was too late for us': Nunavut mother says son's pneumonia death preventable Fist-size gunshot wounds, pulverized bones, inadmissible use of force by Israel in Gaza ‘Terrible massacre’: Israel kills 52, injures 2,410 Gaza protesters as US embassy opens in Jerusalem May 13, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Though Perception Managers Hide within Heavy Fog, A Breeze helps you See Who is Wagging the Dog" © Alan Watt May 13, 2018 Different Realities - How to Motivate Human Behaviour - So Easy to Distract People and Divert You from What is Happening - Regimes - Non-Governmental Organizations - Currency is Devalued all the Time - The Elite are Raised Knowing True Agenda - Chatham House, CFR - Roman Observers of Early Britain - Standardizing Public Opinion - Quigley - Diplomacy - You are Always Being Used - US Weapons Manufacturers' Stock Price Soars - Big Bank Frauds in India - Psychopaths Love Money and Power - Agenda 21 - Car-Free Day (Cardiff, Wales) - Forcing People Out of Rural Areas into Cities - Rural Shortages of Doctors, Nurses, Maternal Care - Water Restrictions on Wells in Washington State, USA - Bank of Canada Chief Warns of High Household Debt - Australia’s Biggest Bank Lost 20mn Customers Data - Big Lenders Offering 100% Mortgages - Roma Slave Gang Jailed for a Total of 40 Years - Las Vegas Plans 'World's Biggest Orgy' - Russia, Washington's Next Vassal? - Have to have a Bit of Humour in These Times. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 13, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Type of Mortgages that Crashed Economy are Back India - International Crime on India's Banks - Nirav Modi India - PNB scam shouldn't lead to 'fear psychosis' India - PNB Scam: 107 companies, 7 LLPs linked to Nirav Modi and Mehul Choksi under SFIO probe India - Before multi-crore scam, PNB lost $431 million to fraud last fiscal year Trump committed to 'regime change' in Iran, his lawyer Giuliani says Trump team 'hired Israeli spy firm to collect dirt on Obama officials in an attempt to discredit Iran nuclear deal' US weapons manufacturers' stock price soars as Trump pulls out of Iran deal Putin stops neither Iran, nor Israel, in Syria Monty Python's Eric Idle Sings for Trump - Warning: May Be Offensive to Some Russia: Washington’s Next Vassal? Las Vegas Sex Orgy Bank of Canada Chief Warns of High Household Debt Canada's Last Farm Commodity Shuts Down Australia’s biggest bank ‘lost’ data of up to 20mn customers and did not inform them Roma slave gang are jailed for a total of 40 years Court water-well ruling imposes undue burden on rural families May 6, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "The System is Babylon, Still in Control, Disguised by Time, Hell-on-Earth the Goal" © Alan Watt May 6, 2018 We're Under Incredible Management - Layers and Layers of Bureaucracy - University Programs in Sustainability - Introduction of Writing - Sumer, Record Keeping - School, Leisure - Plato's Republic - Today's Atheistic System - Secular Humanism - Eugenics - BBC on Shortwave Radio - Standardized Information Across the World - Central Banks - Money and the Idea of Class - Freemasonry - Rosicrucianism - John Dee and the Cabala - Francis Bacon's The New Atlantis - City of London - The Role of the U.S. in World Domination - Ongoing War in the Middle East - Wartime Austerity - PNAC - Patriot Radio - Socialist Systems - Jesuit Technique of Confession to Strengthen Priests Inverted and Used by Weishaupt to Blackmail - The Arrogance of Those who Manage Us - Impact Canada Initiative - Smart Cities Challenge - Hanoi, Vietnam Sends Delegation to Canada to Study Smart City Development - Tesla's Smart Power Grid in Canada and Australia - ICLEI, Local Governments for Sustainability (founded in 1990 as International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) - Building Adaptive and Resilient Communities (BARC) Program - Bill Gates Warns of Pandemic that Could Kill 33 Million - China Using Helmets that Measure Brain Activity. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 6, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Impact Canada Initiative Applicant Guide - Impact Canada Challenge Hanoi studies Canada’s experiences in smart city development Moncton taking part in the Smart Cities Challenge Oshawa the next city to join Bell's all-fibre broadband network Tesla's latest smart power grid experiment begins in Canada South Australia, Tesla partner on world’s largest virtual power plant ICLEI Canada - Changing Climate, Changing Communities ICLEI BARC - ICLEI Canada ICLEI World Congress 2018 UN probes former WHO,Unicef official 'found with two boys at his home' Peter Dalglish PE01692: Inquiry into the human rights impact of GIRFEC policy and data processing GIRFEC Petition EarthCare Thunder Bay launches climate change website Bill Gates calls on U.S. to lead fight against a pandemic that could kill 33 million Helmets that measure your emotional state? China is on it Apr. 29, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Blame Game: "Every Group Fights, Winners, Losers, Given Time Victims Become the Abusers" © Alan Watt Apr. 29, 2018 More Snow - Paul Craig Roberts, White Slavery - Centralization of Government - The Past for Most was Scraping By and Worry - Loss of Life in WWI - Interest in Reincarnation and Spiritualism - WWII Followed by Masses of Immigration into Britain - Old Photographs Capture People from the Past who Were Just as Real as You - See the Same Headlines as Used in the 1990s, Syria and Iran - People Brought Up in a Myth that They have Countries - Brainwashing, Psychological Warfare - Drumbeats for War with Syria - We are So Incredibly Well Studied - Julian Huxley, Bertrand Russell - Tribal Instincts - First Strike Policy - Easy Credit, a Generation hasn't Known Starvation or Poverty - Trained Not to Look at Negative Things - Positive Thinking, Wellness, Mandated from the Top - Washington Using Currency Wars to Destabilize Iran - BIS, Bank for International Settlements - Attacks on White South African Farmers - Facebook AI Technology to Predict Your Future - Eugenics - Goldman Sachs asks if Curing Patients is a Sustainable Business Model - South Africa - Cannot Be Silent when Others Suffer - Scotland, Highland Clearings; Regiments used to Fight Wars for England. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Apr. 29, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: A Conversation on Race — Paul Craig Roberts 'If Iran hits Tel Aviv, we'll hit Tehran' defense minister tells Saudi paper Israel Defense Minister Threatens Iran: “The Iranian Regime Is in Its Final Days” Mattis: Still no evidence on Syria chemical attack, but I believe there was one The Growing Threat of an Israeli War Against Iran Racially Motivated Attacks on South African Farmers? White South Africans Facing Genocide Who Are South Africa's Persecuted White Farmers? Bail-in in the new bank resolution framework: is there an issue with the middle class? Russian Foreign Minister says US trying to 'divide Syria into parts' Oliver Stone, visiting Iran, calls US a global 'outlaw' Facebook launches controversial AI that predicts your future and sells this information to advertisers Goldman Sachs asks in biotech research report: 'Is curing patients a sustainable business model?' Apr. 22, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Democracy = "Multi-layered Hierarchy works to Bestow Standardized Ignorance on Profane Below" © Alan Watt Apr. 22, 2018 Resident Groundhog - Weather Control is Routine - HAARP - The Culture You are Given is Carefully Thought Out - Worldwide Standardized Education - Natural Acceptance of Tribal Systems - Money Hires Protection for Rulers - Governance is So Remote from Your Reality - Politicians Lie to Get Elected - Supra-governmental System of Ex-Politicians - Carroll Quigley - Council on Foreign Relations - Royal Institute for International Affairs - IMF, World Bank, BIS - Single Currency - Foundations, NGOs - Cecil Rhodes, Alfred Milner, Lord Rothschild - Secret Societies, Jesuit-style Training, Find Weaknesses Through Confession - Adam Weishaupt Bragged about the Fools who Followed Him - Taxing Labour is a Form of Slavery - Flooding Countries with Immigrants - Angst Groups Formed Just for You - Old Greek Movies about the Gods on Mount Olympus who Played with People for Their Amusement - The People Never Knew They Were Being Used - Lord Bertrand Russell, Credit System - Even in Communist China, Class System is Alive and Well - China, the Model State for World - Social Approval and Disapproval, Punishment and Reward - Trump, Neocons, Perpetual War - New World Order - You're Only Going Through a Little Journey Here - John Pilger's Documentary, The Coming War on China - Bureaucrats are the Same the World Over - We Paid to Move Manufacturing to China - The Mess of Britain, Stabbings - Centre for International Governance Innovation, CIGI - CIGI's World Refugee Council - The Digital Economy - Britain's First WhatsApp Fingerprint Conviction - This is the Prison You're In - Facial Recognition Software - The White Helmets - Corruption in Britain's Police Force - Decriminalization of Drugs, Canada. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Apr. 22, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Britain's first WhatsApp fingerprint conviction leads to flood of new cases Chinese man caught by facial recognition at pop concert Commonwealth Games facial recognition software to stay, but when will it be used? The Queensland Government won't say The Coming War on China World Refugee Council: Greater Political Accountability Necessary to Reform Refugee System Lloyd Axworthy Council Members - World Refugee Council Transforming the Global Refugee System: Solidarity, Humanity and Accountability The Digital Economy: Jobs of the Future and the Emergence of a New Social Compact RT visits hospital seen in Douma ‘chemical attack’ video, talks to boy from footage (VIDEO) BBC Panorama on White Helmets Fabrication UK Gov’t Exposed For Funding Terrorist “Councils,” “Police,” And “White Helmets” Pink Floyd Frontman Leaks Email Exposing How White Helmets Recruit Celebs With Saudi Money White Helmets and ‘Local Councils’ – Is the UK FCO Financing Terrorism in Syria with Taxpayer Funds? Nauert Nonsense: U.S. State Dept Spox ‘Plays Dumb’ on White Helmets Funding Question London Stabbing Toll Heading for "Summer of Carnage" Macron: Europe Entering Age of ‘Unprecedented’ Mass Migration, ‘Shares Destiny’ with Africa Does this ex-detective's sex empire prove British police have all but legalised brothels? The broken blue line: STEPHEN GLOVER on how the once proud police force is being led by a 'politically correct sect' who are turning a blind eye to 'low level' crime including drugs and burglaries Supreme Court's free-the-beer ruling sparks fears of cannabis trade restrictions Liberal caucus proposes decriminalization of illegal drug use, simple possession Apr. 15, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Syria, Number 4 on The List: "Pied Pipers Adjust to Save their Position, The Agenda Continues, Hell is Repetition" © Alan Watt Apr. 15, 2018 Routine Weather Modification - Syria - The Time it Takes to Plan Wars - PNAC Countries to Take Out Including Libya, Syria, Iran - Excuses Given to Attack Countries - Looting Artifacts - Blair and Iraq War - General Wesley Clark, List of Nations to Take Out (Democracy Now) - Lord Bertrand Russell, Can Do More with a Brass Band than Decades of Education - People Feel Like They've Been Let Down by Those They Backed - Ever-Changing Names of Terror Groups - Libya - Propaganda - People React Emotionally - Jeremy Corbyn - Your Natural Instincts are Used Against You - We're Used Over and Over Again - Desmond Morris - National Pride, Aggressive Armies, Tribes - Jeanne Kirkpatrick - Swiss Lab says 'BZ toxin’ Not Produced in Russia - Jack Straw and Tony Blair, Plans for Multiculturalism - Facts don't Matter - Genocide. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Apr. 15, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: 'Dishonest' Blair and Straw accused over secret plan for multicultural UK Blair-Bush deal before Iraq war revealed in secret memo Secret memos expose link between oil firms and invasion of Iraq Oil, money and what unites Iraq invasion, BP and Blair Blair's War About Oil The Plan - According to retired U.S. General Wesley Clark (DemocracyNow.org Interview 2007-03-02) Nasrallah: Israel targeting Syria air base was 'a historic mistake' Russia says its experts have found no evidence of poison at site of Syrian chemical attack Qatar’s allowing missiles to be fired from airbase shameful: Syrian official Syria will allow inspectors at site of suspected chemical attack, complicating U.S. retaliation Syria air strikes: UK publishes legal case for military action Theresa May's great gamble: UK subs move within missile range of Syria as PM is poised to sideline Parliament and join Donald Trump's attack Tony Blair says Theresa May does not need Parliament's approval for air strikes against Assad regime 1986 CIA Document Analyzes Possibilities Of “Regime Change” In Syria BZ Toxin used in Salisbury was "in Service in UK and US" Swiss Lab says BZ Toxin used in Salisbury Not Russian Syrians Rejoice as Jaish al-Islam Capitulates – Mainstream Media Pushes Chemical Weapons Meme Instead Netanyahu praises US strikes in Syria, warns about Iran I'm not one of the super-rich, says Tony Blair despite being worth £20m a year and owning six homes Tony Of Arabia Earns $43M As Advisor To Kuwait, While Getting Paid By Morgan Stanley And The UN Blair, Immigration, and the Betrayal of British Workers Whose Sarin? -- Seymour Hersh China to make it rain over area 3 times the size of Spain Apr. 8, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) It Is with Such Ease We Accept Rising Disease: ""Experts" Call for a Cull, Calmly, no Hysterics, Targets then Snooze Through Terminal Eugenics" © Alan Watt Apr. 8, 2018 H.G. Wells, Culling the Population - Laissez-faire Capitalism - The Owl Symbolizes those Who Can See in the Dark - The Profane Cannot See - Tabloid Trash - Just Be Happy - Eugenics and Depopulation - Malthus - Charles Galton Darwin - Scotland, Highland Clearances - The Fabian Society - UNICEF, Uniform Indoctrination - Loss of Lives in World War I - Obedience - We're Going Sterile and That's Not by Chance - Compound Interest is Meant to Keep You in Slavery Forever - Great Britain, Cancer Patient Forced to Sleep in Cupboard - Facebook, Google - 1994 Senate Report, Is Military Research Hazardous To Veterans' Health? - 2001 Dark Winter Exercise, A Fictional Scenario Depicting a Covert Smallpox Attack On U.S. Citizens - Feral Gangs in Britain - 5G Internet System - Sustainable Development Goals 2030 - Canada Is Off-Track For Its Paris Climate Goal - Be Like the Owl and See in the Dark and Start Connecting the Dots. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Apr. 8, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Cancer patient, 49, was forced to sleep in a CUPBOARD after a life-saving operation due to a bed shortage as the NHS continues to buckle under the pressure Facebook suspends Canadian political consultancy firm AggregateIQ over links to Cambridge Analytica as British Columbia's privacy watchdog probes its role in Brexit campaign Facebook backs off its creepy plans to secretly access private medical records and match the data to user profiles Dark Winter Drug Testing on Troops and Civilians Britain's feral gangs 'are now a bigger danger than terrorism': Criminals' online boasts of shootings and stabbings inspire the next generation of gangsters says crime expert Slow, steady waves keep brain humming First You Get Used to It---Big Brother Spy Systems International EMF Scientist Appeal Is the Increase in Radiation from 5G Technology Dangerous? Canada Is Off-Track For Its Paris Climate Goal. Stronger Policies Can Close The Gap, Save More Than $150 Billion Annually Enhancing Canada's Climate Commitments: building on the Pan-Canadian Framework Pan-Canadian Framework Canada 2030: Scan of Emerging Issues – Government in 2030 Education Goal 2030 - What will it take to reach it? Apr. 1, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "We are Ruled by Predators, Food for Fat Vultures, Grown and Managed as though we're Petri Cultures" © Alan Watt Apr. 1, 2018 Global Warming - Eugenics - Depopulation - Nick Clegg - Chaos Across Europe - Behaviourists Trained Troops to Kill - Perception Management - Manipulating Public on Behalf of Governments - Hollywood Vilifies the Redneck - War Industry Demonizes People - Karl Marx and The Mass - 19th Century Britain's Incredible Class System - Terrible Snobbery - Royalty - China Expert at Managing the Mass - Studying Women in the West and the Declining Birthrate - Music Industry - Bob Dylan and Revolution - Culture Creation after World War II - Aiming Propaganda at Women - In the 1930s, Beria Talked about the Soviet System of Indoctrination - PNAC - The Neocons are Back in Power - Bolton, the War Hawk - Thomas Huxley - Tony Blair - Easter Revelers in Britain Falling Down Drunk - You Have the Capability to Change Everything - It Starts by Using Your Mind - Greatest Enemy of Agenda is the Individual with the Ability to Think - Facebook and the Governance Structure - Intelligence Agencies and the Media - Iraq War Destabilized World, Neocons aren't Finished Yet - Rainmaking in China - Machines that Read Your Thoughts - Smart Cities - 5G Network - You Have the Freedom to Think. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Apr. 1, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: In Smart Cities of the Future, Posters and Street Signs Can Talk China pours billion into rainmaking China needs more water. So it's building a rain-making network three times the size of Spain Horror on streets of Germany: State of emergency declared as 80 men brawl with MACHETES How Iraq War destabilized the world and why the neocons aren't finished yet Stabbings by Refugees increasing in Germany No more secrets! New mind-reading machine can translate your thoughts and display them as text INSTANTLY Facebook logs texts and calls, users find as they delete accounts 'Facebook will NEVER sell your information without consent': Mark Zuckerberg's claim in a 2009 interview is revealed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden London Murder Rate Higher than New York's Brawl in Birmingham Dickensian Diseases Make a Comeback Mar. 25, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Many Love their Servitude, Propaganda-Smitten, Think They've Choices, The Future is Written" © Alan Watt Mar. 25, 2018 Life's Ups and Downs - Limited Choices for Heating - Milner Group - Unified World System - Multiculturalism - The Books I Have Written Offer a Unique Perspective on the Agenda We're Living Through - www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com - PNAC - John Bolton - People Like to Participate in Being Conned - Elevating Scientists to Star Status - Dominant Minority with Scientists Beneath Them to Manage the System - Julian Huxley - Eugenics - UNESCO's Aims - The Role of the Teacher - National Education Agency - Humanist Manifesto - Trained by Hollywood to Follow the Stars - George Clooney, Council on Foreign Relations - The Mess of Britain; Stabbings and Shootings - Relaxing Punishment for Pedophiles - Chaos is Used as a Strategy - You Remain a Child if You Cannot Look at the Negative - The Resilience of Students with an Immigrant Background; OECD - United Nations - 29 per cent of 15-year-olds in UK Immigrant Backgrounds - UK, Surge in Drug Gangs Triples Number of Albanians in Our Jails - The Organizations that John Bolton is Affiliated With; a Bulldog for War - Fabian Society - White Privilege - To Sir With Love - Don't Be Afraid to Look at the Negative. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Mar. 25, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: The Resilience of Students with an Immigrant Background OECD What explains enhanced psychological resilience of students at VMBO schools in the Netherlands? The Positive Deviance Approach in Action. Global Forum on Migration and Development Child sex gang of seven 'predatory' men who abused girls as young as 13 in a 's*** wagon' with licence plate ending 'SHG' are convicted after jury took 24 DAYS to reach their verdict Paedophile grandfather sold children for sex in a Telford 'rape house' where perverts queued down the stairs to abuse youngsters The latest victim of London's crime epidemic: Student, 23, who was shot AND stabbed to death in an unprovoked attack was in 'the wrong place at the wrong time' Surge in drug gangs triples number of Albanians in our jails with 726 offenders from the Balkan state behind bars last year 29% of UK Children are from Immigrant Backgrounds Gender-bending chemicals found in plastic and linked to breast and prostate cancer are found in 86% of teenagers' bodies Service Canada's gender neutral directive is 'confusing' and 'will be corrected' says minister Can social scoring be used to get a home loan? The epidemiology of tuberculosis in Europe Rise of drug resistant TB cases threatens Europe Tuberculosis surveillance and monitoring in Europe - 2017 'Racist to its core': Outrage as nurses are subject to a new code where they must announce their 'white privilege' before treating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients Bolton may herald rightward shift in Trump's foreign policy John R. Bolton Jewish Institute for National Security of America Cannabis activist attempts to hang himself by leaping from public gallery of Dutch parliament in front of horrified politicians after leaving Facebook post saying 'I had to do this' The Plan - According to retired U.S. General Wesley Clark (DemocracyNow.org Interview 2007-03-02) Mar. 18, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "The Culture Machine's Smooth, No Hesitation, See Copycat Antics of Music Video Generation, Programmers, Confident, all Oozing Knavery, Said "Do What Thou Wilt!" Freedom is Slavery." © Alan Watt Mar. 18, 2018 Revolution - Trotsky - Peter Hitchens - Brutality of the Soviet System - Different Realities on the Go at the Same Time - Milner Group - Kindergarten - Setting Up World Government - Science Used for Control - Royal Institute for International Affairs - Council on Foreign Relations - Cecil Rhodes - Jesuit Technique of Confession Used by Illuminati as a Blackmail Tool - The Big Experiment of the U.S., Could People Handle Freedom - Sin Cities Documentary - Hitler - How Well the Propaganda of Entertainment Works - Movie, Prophecy with Christopher Walken - War Used to Bring People Together for a Cause Such as Austerity (Rationing) - Bertrand Russell, the State and the Child - Depopulation Starting with the West - H.G. Wells, Free Love - Movie, Idiocracy - Florida Bridge Collapse - We are in Idiocracy - Perversion Lauded as Normal - Site Pulled with No Explanation - Peter Newell - Paedophile Network and Children's Rights Movement - Mardis Gras and St. Patrick's Day in Australia - Spring Break in Florida - John W. Money, Gender Identity - Use Psychology as a Front to Make Societal Changes Seem Legitimate - U.N. Encouraged Teaching Masturbation to 5-Year-Olds - Joycelyn Elders - Richard Dawkins, Cannibalism - Have as Much Sex as You Want, But don't Breed - Be Careful, It's a Jungle Out There. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Mar. 18, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: “Curiouser and Curiouser!” Paedophile Networks and the Children's Rights Movement The abusers behind the idea that children have a 'gender identity' John William Money, 84, Sexual Identity Researcher, Dies Met Opera fires longtime conductor James Levine, 74, for sexually abusing and harassing young male musicians and running 'mutual masturbation sessions' with his students Remember That Time Bill Clinton Fired His Surgeon General for Encouraging Masturbation Education? Clinton Fires Surgeon General Over New Flap United Nations Plan: Teach Masturbation to 5-Year-Olds Richard Dawkins Suggests Eating Human Flesh to Overcome Cannibalism ‘Taboo’s FIU's pedestrian bridge installation left it vulnerable to collapse until complete, experts say 'Multiple deaths' as 950-ton pedestrian bridge collapses on top of cars and people on Florida college campus just days after it was installed First-of-its-kind pedestrian bridge “swings” into place Community gathers to watch 950-ton bridge move across Southwest 8th Street Collapsed Miami bridge was put in place WITHOUT the central tower and suspension cables which weren't due to be added for another year Idiocracy Mar. 11, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) The Elect say Respect: "I'm a Ten Foot Giant, I Was a Lemon Pie, Darwin Said We'd Better Adapt or Die" © Alan Watt Mar. 11, 2018 Century of Change - The Presentation of News - Controlling Both Sides - Specialists to Deal with the Societal Fallout - Bankers Love Communism, Socialism, an Ordered Society with Layers of Bureaucrats - Bank Bail-ins and Bailouts - Austerity - Give Up Rights for Sustainability - To Criticize Any Part of the Agenda is Dangerous - The Corruption of Charities - Life Today is Way Beyond Satire - Followers are Always Used and Abused - New South Wales, Australia Spends $2 Billion on New Trains Too Wide to Get Through Tunnels - Euthanasia - Folk Brainwashed by Constant Updates of Entertainment - The Big Business of Marijuana - Lack of Access to Opioids for Those in Chronic Pain - The Religion of Secular Humanism - Plundered by Civil Servants - Don't Be a Follower. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Mar. 11, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Sydney residents frustrated as Mardi Gras partygoers leave behind 'faeces and urine' Guess Who's Coming to Parliament? Labour leader under pressure from gay MP to sack LGBT adviser who 'practices witchcraft and Voodoo' and was pictured covered in blood in bizarre Halloween snap over 'hairy lesbian' jibe on social media NSW’s $2 billion new trains are too wide to get through tunnels Gang 'ran family business buying destitute slaves from Eastern Europe for £200 a head and feeding them on stale bread and goulash so they could swindle benefits in their names' Terrifying rise of super-strength 'skunk' cannabis: It now makes up 94 per cent of all marijuana seized Ontario promises to give municipalities $40M for marijuana enforcement Say 'high' to the Ontario Cannabis Store! LCBO unveils legal pot retailer's name and logo Opioids no better than acetaminophen, ibuprofen for chronic back and arthritis pain: study We should treat heroin like other prescription drugs Thousands of men are needlessly treated for prostate cancer because there is NO reliable test for the disease, concludes decade-long study Robbed of their femininity: How thousands of women are having needless hysterectomies The Opioid Crisis the News Isn’t Talking About Smiths Falls, Ont., funeral business dissolves the dead, pours them into town sewers Irish Govt ‘Paid Press’ to Promote Plan to Grow Population by One Million With Mass Migration Project Ireland 2040: How it hopes to tackle 7 key questions for the next two decades Mark Twain was right: fake news spreads far more rapidly than the genuine article We the working class! That's how the granddaughter of a Baron urged her Communist comrades to back Jeremy Corbyn in the latest sign the toffs are taking over the hard left Exploring Gender Identity: Can a 5'9, White Guy Be a 6'5, Chinese Woman? Mar. 4, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Bacchanalia, Dionysia, Pleasured Body and Soul, When Approved by the State, Control is the Goal" © Alan Watt Mar. 4, 2018 Madness - Television is a Weapon - Cultural War - Visit My Website, www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com to Order Books and Discs or Make a Donation - Learn to Use Your Mind - Hassles with FedEx and UPS, Customs - So Much for Free Trade - A Price is an Idea - Government is a Massive Business - PNAC, Project for a New American Century - Neocons - Tony Blair - Smiling Psychopaths - Top Capitalists Funded Communism - We Participate In Our Own Destruction - Initiation of the Ancient Scholar - Decadence and Freedom to Do Whatever You Want Sexually and The End of Civilizations - Taxation, A Form of Slavery - South Africa - Don't Let Yourself Be Used - Proposing Euthanasia for Children in Canada - Julian Huxley, Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood - Orwellian Terminology - Universities are the Training Grounds for Radicals - Canadian Liberals Want to Police Speech on Social Media - Greed Runs the World - Netanyahu to Visit AIPAC - More Sanctions on Iran - Totally Debauched Society - Revolutionaries - Patriot Radio - Bertrand Russell said Eventually Elite Would Form a Separate Species - Hang in There. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Mar. 4, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: FURY: Liberals double down on threats to regulate social media How Netanyahu Will Use Trump to Save His Hide Six things to watch for at the AIPAC policy conference The US Will Spend $500M on Syrian Kurds This Year. For What? Carl Icahn Sells off $31 Million in Steel-Dependent Company Days Before Trump Said He'd Slap 25% Tariff on Imports Carl Icahn Another blow to Jared: New York state banking regulator asks lenders for details on their relationship with him and the Kushner real estate empire 'We are not calling for the slaughter of white people - at least for now': South African parliament votes to SEIZE white-owned land as experts warn of violent repercussions Why South Africa’s ANC Aims to Take On the Central Bank Canadian activists now pushing to euthanize children Canadian Paediatricians consider extending euthanasia to newborns, minors and teens. Medical Assistance in Dying: A Paediatric Perspective Expert Panel on Medical Assistance in Dying Not Dead Yet Feb. 25, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Signs and Symptoms: "It is Perpetual War, it's a Plan, Admirably Unrecognized, By Masters of Confusion, Master Destroyers, Masters of Lies" © Alan Watt Feb. 25, 2018 Surviving the Last Gasps of Winter - Intensity of Psychological Warfare - Edward Snowden - Incredibly Corruption - Charity Scams - Flooding Britain with Immigrants - PNAC's List of Countries - Hollywood Scandals - Contamination - Revolution and Free Love - Psychiatry - The Frankfurt School - Destruction of the Family - Newcastle Sex Grooming Gangs - During French and Bolshevik Revolutions, Prisoners Released to Cause Mayhem - Scooter Gangs, Acid Attacks in Britain - Drag Queen to Read Stories About Tolerance to Children - Archbishop of Canterbury says Islamic Rules are Incompatible with British Laws. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 25, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Save the Children boss quit over ‘unsuitable and thoughtless’ texts to female staff Charity Backed by Meghan Markle Faces Food for Sex Scandal Aid Workers Traded Wheat for Sex in West Africa Aid Agencies Bloated with Power I’m no Harvey Weinstein... I know right from wrong. But I, too, abused women, says the former boss of a major aid agency Eton College calls in police over claims ex-housemaster went to parties swapping photos of naked children Newcastle grooming gangs were allowed to abuse 700 girls because police blamed the victims, review finds Child Sex Grooming Rife in Britain Police Paid Convicted Child Rapist £10,000 to Act as Informant Inquiry into Asian Sex Groomers in Britain - PDF Jihadi Brides are a Terror Threat Drag Queens Perform for Children Asylum Seeker Plans to Kill English in England Migration to UK 244,000 in 12 Months Archbishop of Canterbury on Sharia Law Blair and Straw Secret Plan to Multiculturalise Britain Blair, Immigration, and the Betrayal of British Workers - Gilad Atzmon Money Power Behind Blair Labour Will Let in More Migrants Inside Britain's moped gangs who use acid to steal phones Feb. 18, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Upon Gathering my Thoughts, I did Find, External AI Energy had Changed my Mind" © Alan Watt Feb. 18, 2018 An Age of Announcements - Data is Dumped on Us - Power Holds onto Itself - You Don't Vote for Those Who Attend Davos - Mind Manipulators - Don't Dismiss the Announcements - The Internet of Things - Unified Field - WiFi - Milner Group - RIIA, CFR Meeting in Australia in 1930s Before World War II - Population Meeting Held During WWII - 9/11 Used as Pearl Harbor Event - Public Under Total Surveillance - Eugenics - Voluntary Euthanasia - The "Natural" Elite - The Florida School Shooting - No Privacy - Data Collection - Movie, The Circle - World Government Summit, Dubai - Benevolent Dictator - Brain Entrainment - Intercept and Alter Thoughts - The Hive Mind - The Science of Terminology - Consent for Organ Donation - Pentagon Bio-weapons - Corruption - Oxfam Orgies - Charity Led by David Miliband Hushed Sex Abuse Claims - Soros Calls on EU to Regulate Social Media - UK's Treatment of Down's Syndrome Amounts to Eugenics. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 18, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Don’t Look Up: ‘Astonishing Number’ Of Viruses Float Down On Us From The Sky Deposition rates of viruses and bacteria above the atmospheric boundary layer Explosive Article: The Pentagon Bio-weapons No TIME to Die Consultation on introducing ‘opt-out’ consent for organ and tissue donation in England ‘Brain death’: should it be reconsidered? Results of world's largest Near Death Experiences study published Non-depolarizing blocking agents Transplantation from deceased donors after circulatory death Euthanasia and elder abuse Voluntary euthanasia and ‘assisted dying’ in Tasmania: a response to Giddings & Mckim Press Release from CMDS - Christian Medical and Dental Society of Canada The World Government Summit 2018 in Dubai comes to an end Oxfam 'covered up Caligula-style prostitute orgy' involving staff and EARTHQUAKE victims Oxfam is hit by second wave of claims staff in Chad held 'sex parties attended by prostitutes' on the organisation's property Charity fronted by former Labour foreign secretary David Miliband 'hushed up 37 allegations of fraud, sex abuse and bribery' Top UNICEF children's rights campaigner - who led UK's anti-smacking campaign - is jailed for rape of boy, 13, in latest charity sex scandal UK's treatment of Down's syndrome amounts to eugenics, synod told Soros - Only the EU can break Facebook and Google's dominance Soros Calls on EU to Regulate Social Media to Fight Populism Feb. 11, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) The Architect: "The Grand Chessboard Played in Our Time To Preset Formula, Calculated Design" © Alan Watt Feb. 11, 2018 Farmed as Needed - Weaponizing Common Viruses - Every Flu Season They Get it Wrong - Vaccines Have a Lot of Side Effects - Endless Wars in the Middle East - PNAC List of Countries to Be Taken Out - First Rule of Warfare is to Demonize the Enemy - Gaddafi's Warning at the U.N. - The Grand Chessboard - Milner Group, RIIA Behind Fomenting Wars - What is a Conspiracy? - The Communist Idea of Continual Revolution - Soros Backs Pro-EU Campaign with £400,000 - The CIA Has Gone Around the World Overthrowing Governments - Non-EU Migrants Win Right to Stay in UK Once Every 36 Seconds - Eritrean and Afghan Migrants Fighting in French Port City of Calais - Violent Crime in Sweden is Soaring - Trained Not to Look at Anything Negative - Planned Chaos - Soma Time - Oxyana - Hidden America: Children of the Mountains - Roundup - Glyphosates - Dengue Vaccine - Christian Doctors in Ontario, Canada are Forced to Make Referrals for Euthanasia. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 11, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Non-EU migrant wins right to stay in the UK every 36 seconds: More than 865,000 people were allowed to live in Britain during 2016 France: Migrant Crisis Spirals Out Of Control Eritrean and Afghan Migrants Shoot it Out in Calais Former Italian PM Berlusconi calls immigration a 'social bomb ready to explode in Italy' as he pledges to deport 600,000 illegal migrants if he's re-elected Violent crime in Sweden is soaring. When will politicians act? Who are the ISIS "Beatles" Jihadis? Beheadings, electrocutions, crucifixions…the reign of the west London Jihadists who grew up listening to the Spice Girls ‘He is no friend of Britain’s’: Brexiteer backbencher tells George Soros - the billionaire investor who 'broke the Bank of England' – to ‘butt out’ of UK affairs after it emerged he gave £400,000 to bid to thwart Brexit First Dengue Fever Vaccine Gets Green Light in 3 Countries A problem with dengue virus vaccine GOP lawmakers take aim at WHO agency over Roundup ingredient Hidden America: "Children of the Mountains" Oxyana Town where Almost Everyone is Addicted to Drugs 20.8 Million Oxycodone and Hydrocodone Pills Shipped to W.V. Town with 2,900 Residents Thousands Of Jobs In Ohio Are Left Unfilled Because People Can’t ‘Pass A Drug Test’ Ontario Court Forces Christian Doctors to Refer Patients for Euthanasia Press Release from CMDS - Christian Medical and Dental Society of Canada Liberal MP breaks ranks to blast Trudeau gov’t’s ban on summer job grants for pro-lifers The midwife hounded out of her job after 30 years (and 5,000 babies) because she refused to supervise abortions Ambulance service is accused of 'playing God' after woman died following heart attack while she was guinea pig in controversial medical trial she knew nothing about Secondary schools ‘should ALL have mental health staff’ to help distressed pupils Feb. 4, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Please, No More, We've Seen it Before "Cold War Part 2 Strategists Take Up Position, Propagandists, Behaviourists, Hell is Repetition" © Alan Watt Feb. 4, 2018 Council on Foreign Relations - Surveillance - CIA - Globalism, Nationalism - Changes Achieved During Wartime - Elite Work - Intergenerationally - Solzhenitsyn - Common Culture - It Takes So Long to Make a Civilization - Bolsheviks, Perfection of Slaughter - Socialism is Revolutionary - Revolutionaries are Utopians - Behaviour Modification - Prosperity Doctrine - Don't Worry, Be Happy - Anything that Destroys a Culture is Part of Genocide - The Experiment of the Soviet System - Sexual Assaults in Sweden and Germany - Planned Dystopia - Agenda 21 - Tyranny - Under Incredible Surveillance Since 9/11. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 4, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Germany's returning ISIS families pose 'massive danger' INTERVIEW: Retired Swedish Police Chief Says Malmo Crime Skyrocketing Due To Uncontrolled Immigration, No Go Zones Swedish teen hit with bottle for rejecting groping man Safe shorts to STOP women joggers suffering SEX ATTACKS in Germany are sold out The number of rapes in Sweden went up by ten per cent last year Police warn women not to go out alone in Swedish town after spate of sex attacks Explosion hits night club in Malmo, Sweden Swedish police accused of covering up sex attacks by refugees at music festival New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Germany Jan. 28, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Appearance of Chaos, What's it Mean, What For? So You'll be Glad of New Order after This War" © Alan Watt Jan. 28, 2018 Carroll Quigley - Cecil Rhodes - Lord Alfred Milner - Free Trade - Merchant Bankers - Britain Used as Embryo of System Which was Then Moved to U.S. - Quigley's Tragedy and Hope - The Farce of Democracy - Aldous and Julian Huxley on the Scientific Elite - Davos - Public-Private Partnerships - Elon Musk - Agenda 21 - Tax-Subsidized Electric Vehicles - The Plunder by the Wealthy Ruling Class in the Soviet System - Order Out of Chaos - The Chaos is Created - Countries are Corporations - Communist Plank, Destruction of Marriage, Families, Religion - Freud's Intent with Psychotherapy - PNAC's List of Middle East Countries to Take Down - Don't Fall for Left-Right Politics - The Schizophrenia of News Presentation - Gangs in the U.S. - Gaddafi's Warning - Climate Scientists at Davos Buried in Snow - South Australia's Anti-Coal Quest - Britain is Finished - Patients Dying in Hospital Corridors, Britain' NHS - Apple is Bringing Health Records to iPhone - Carillion UK Bankruptcy - Carillion Canada to Get Creditor Protection - Private Finance Initiatives. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 28, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Scientists Get Buried In Snow At Davos While Lecturing On Global Warming Going nowhere fast: US Navy's new high-speed warship USS Little Rock is FROZEN on the shores of Montreal and unable to set sail until the spring Patients 'dying in hospital corridors' How 18 psychiatric patients freed by one NHS Trust ALL went on to kill Apple announces effortless solution bringing health records to iPhone Last South Australian coal-fired power station demolition nears completion Whites Need Not Apply--BBC Vacancy Oxford University gives women more time to pass exams Now you've got to be in agony to have hip op: Most NHS trusts now imposing cruel new pain tests in row over 'rationing' Ontario government must step in to protect hospital staff and the public in Carillion bankruptcy Road to ruin? Carillion collapse puts spotlight on U.K. outsourcing model PFI: What are Private Finance Initiatives, will they really cost the taxpayer £200bn and is it finally time to get rid of them? Carillion: 'Matter of days' to stop collapse Carillion Canada gets creditor protection after failure of U.K. parent Construction News Liquidation of British firm Carillion threatens 6,000 jobs in Canada MS-13 gang accused of beheading a man and tearing out his heart near Washington park Musk's New Pay Deal Could Make Him the World's Richest Man—If Tesla Succeeds People Approve of Company CEOs More Than World Leaders Friends mourn three teenagers killed after they were run over by 'out-of-control' Audi driver Jan. 21, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) Scream from Latrine "Greed and Ambition, Spears Thrust in the Fray, Will there be Peace in the Outhouse Some Day?" © Alan Watt Jan. 21, 2018 We Get Little Gems of Truth Occasionally - Government Outsourcing to Private Agencies - Everything Looks Chaotic - We Need Lots of Agencies to Take Care of the Fallout of Living - Look at the Techniques of Controlling People Throughout History - Bacon, Machiavelli and Others said Never Tell the People the Truth - In More Primitive Societies Terror is Used - Lenin's Reign of Terror - Basic Tribalism - Psychopaths Go Into Politics, Banking, Become CEOs - New Guinea, Each Tribe had a Big Man - Told After 9/11 That We Must Be Spied On to Keep Us Safe - Politics is a Show for the People - Tony Blair, War and Oil - Fallout of Middle East Wars - Mass Migration to Western Countries - Fears that Belgium Could Become a Backdoor for Migrants into Britain - It's All About Control - Socialism, Eugenics, Ruled by Experts - Bertrand Russell Talked About a Credit System - Receive a Universal Wage from the Government - Smart Cities, Internet of Things - Your Own Tax Money Always Funds Your Chains in This System - The Reality of Free Trade - Testing Citizen's Income in Scotland and Universal Basic Income in Canada - But don't Worry, in Comes Soma - Casual Marijuana Use Linked to Abnormalities in Young Brains - Mass Migration, Gang Warfare - Bankruptcy of Carillion - Public-Private - Private Finance Initiative. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 21, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Amazon's creepy plan to put a camera and microphone in every BEDROOM with launch of its £120 Echo Spot 'smart alarm' Big Brother on wheels: Why your car company may know more about you than your spouse. Welcome to the neighbourhood. Have you read the terms of service? Finnish MP backs citizens income plan for Scotland Citizen's income: Could it work in Scotland? Canada tests 'basic income' effect on poverty amid lost jobs Why It's Still a Big Deal if Your Teen Smokes Pot Casual Marijuana Use Linked to Brain Abnormalities Cannabis Use Is Quantitatively Associated with Nucleus Accumbens and Amygdala Abnormalities in Young Adult Recreational Users Cannabis Use Is Quantitatively Associated with Nucleus Accumbens and Amygdala Abnormalities in Young Adult Recreational Users (PDF - study) 58.1 Cannabis use Across Europe: A Ticket to Psychosis? Cannabis Users More Likely to feel Deceived by Others Canadian cannabis grower Aurora heads to Europe The cops and politicians joining Canada's cannabis business The all-American drive to legalise marijuana 'Dishonest' Blair and Straw accused over secret plan for multicultural UK Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser Conman Blair's cynical conspiracy to deceive the British people and let in 2million migrants against the rules: Explosive new biography lays ex-PM's betrayal bare Blair, Immigration, and the Betrayal of British Workers How Sweden became an example of how not to handle immigration Swedish police station is rocked by a 'hand grenade attack' with 'multiple vehicles damaged. Sweden to hold GRENADE amnesty following dozens of bomb attacks carried out by criminal gangs in the last year List of grenade attacks in Sweden Fears over Belgium becoming a back door to Britain amid tighter security at Calais as armed migrants battle police Carillion: Banks call for government help Fury as boss trousers £600k bonus as Carillion collapse leaves 20,000 jobs at risk Carillion's millionaire £750,000-a-year boss is STILL working as business advisor to the Government after construction giant's £1.3bn collapse Carillion fat cats earning up to £55,000 a MONTH while company hurtled towards collapse with 20,000 jobs at risk Carillion: What went wrong. Carillion makes last-ditch plea to banks with £1.5billion debt collapse looming after the Government refused to bail out stricken construction giant What You Need To Know About the Collapse of Carillion, a U.K. Construction Giant Fears Carillion could have a £2.6bn pensions black hole: Experts warn worst-case reading of figures could be FIVE times what its former CEO told the High Court Carillion fiasco shows why we musn't let private firms build our public facilities PFI: What are Private Finance Initiatives, will they really cost the taxpayer £200bn and is it finally time to get rid of them? Private finance initiative PFI Deals Leave Britain 222 Billion Pounds in Debt Taxpayers to be saddled with £200billion bill for PFI deals by 2040, says bombshell report Carillion Carillion - Investor Relations Carillion - Board of Directors Carillion - Leadership Team Company Overview of Carillion plc Carillion - Modern Slavery Statement (PDF) Property Asset Management Pension Scheme Announcement Carillion Canada says it's soldiering on despite U.K. parent's financial woes Carillion Canada Rokstad Power Corporation Jan. 14, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "Winners and Losers, Greed, Riches the Goal, Devours its Own System, Humanity, Soul" © Alan Watt Jan. 14, 2018 Continuing Saga of Car Troubles - Bad Experiences at Garages - Freezing Temperatures - Club of Rome - Indoctrinating the Future Greenies - Humanity to Blame for Climate Change - It's a Miracle that We're Here at All - Since Ancient Times, We are Constantly Studied by Those Above Us - Siddhartha - Merchandising is a Big Part of Understanding Human Nature - Materialism - Spirituality - St. Francis Saw that the Monks had Become Fat - There Were Many Good Monks Who Worked at the Bottom - Medicine Used to Be a Vocation - The Psychopath Sniffs the Wind - Devaluing Life - Darwin, Karl Marx, Rise of Socialism, Fabian Society - Experts from Academia to Run the World - Euthanizing the Elderly - Britain's National Healthcare System - Corruption in the NHS - Idiocracy - No Welfare in the Communist System - Socialists Wrote About Eliminating the Unfit Long Before WWII - Prince Philip - GM Foods, Pesticides, Folk Going Sterile in the West - Train the People to Give Up Their Rights - Scary Scenarios - The News Now is Mostly Press Releases - The New Opinion Makers - Journalists Must Now Rely Upon Academics and Other Experts - Health Tourist Racks Up Britain's Biggest Ever Unpaid NHS Bill - Britain Cancels 50,000 Surgeries - Beware This Season's Flu - Abortions that Take Only a Minute - Net Neutrality - Leveson 2 - Fitness Down in U.S. Army Recruits - RAF Chief Urges X-Box Gamers to Consider the Airforce - Legalization of Marijuana - Cops and Politicians Join Canada's Cannabis Business - Everything is Corrupt; No Integrity Left. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 14, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Health tourist racks up Britain's biggest ever unpaid NHS bill after saddling hospital with £530,000 debt Socialized medicine update: Britain cancels 50,000 surgeries as NHS hospitals face winter crisis ‘The problem child of seasonal flu’: Beware this winter’s virus An artificial womb successfully grew baby sheep — and humans could be next New ‘SofTouch’ Abortions Kill Unborn Babies In Only Minutes Net neutrality Net neutrality opponents agree: FCC fake comments are a problem The new opinion makers Peers' bid to force through second Leveson inquiry 'is threat to the Press' Physically fit recruits for Army are hard to find. Especially in these states Join the RAF for the real thing, Xbox teenagers are told: Head of the air force says young gamers should take it to the next level by operating drones Full Transcript | Sadiq Khan | Speech law and order | Fabian Society | 7 March 2011 Canadian cannabis grower Aurora heads to Europe Don't say junkies... The all-American drive to legalise marijuana The cops and politicians joining Canada's cannabis business Jan. 7, 2018 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk) "News is Now Soap Drama, with Cheap Intrigue, World's Ruled by Corporate Cabals in League" © Alan Watt Jan. 7, 2018 Hogmanay - Have You Noticed the Weather? - Incredible Sub-Zero Temperatures in Northern Ontario - Power Steering Pump Went - Fixing the Car in the Extreme Cold - Edward Bernays, Nephew of Sigmund Freud - Techniques to Change Opinions - A Bold Knight - Bold is Someone Who Breaks the Rules of Convention - Bernays Said to Use Existing Organizations; Go to The Leaders and Get Them On Board - We've Been Trained To Accept Disposable Junk - Experts to Run Your Life From Birth to Death - The Farce of Free Trade - People Expect the Media to Do Their Reasoning for Them - Alternative Media, Patriot Radio - Iran - Use of Social Media in Protests and Colour Revolutions - PNAC, Countries to Be Taken Down - Slaughtering Folk Until They Accept Democracy - Those Below are Used - Jesuit Technique of Confession - Blackmail - We Are So Carefully Studied - The Frankfurt School - Pre-Fab Homes for Migrants in the UK - Kurdistan Free Life Party - Telegram Messaging - Michael Wolff Book; Ivanka Seeks the Presidency; What Kissinger Said of White House Infighting - In England, Kurdish Gangsters Offer Police Bribes. *Title & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 7, 2018 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Blurb Topics of show covered in following links: Kurdish-Iranian groups support protests for democracy in Iran Kurdistan Free Life Party Iran blacks out social media as President Rouhani slams Trump in address to his nation after defiant protesters face water cannon and hundreds of arrests on the fourth day of demonstrations Telegram (messaging service) Telegram was the app where Iranians talked politics. Then the government caught on Revolution, flashmobs, and brain chips. A grim vision of the future As Trump Heads Into New Year, These Are the Three Decisions He Must Make on Iran Russia berates the US for calling UN Security Council meeting over protests in Iran that have left at least 21 dead Iran Protests Go Violent – Color Revolution Becoming More Likely Ivanka seeks the presidency – and other big claims from explosive new book What Kissinger Meant By A ‘White House War’ Between Jews And Non-Jews 'It's a war between the Jews and the non-Jews': Henry Kissinger tells Wolff there was a growing rift in the White House between former Trump adviser Steve Bannon and Jared and Ivanka Trump Horrific New Year's Day assault on a female police officer in Paris was filmed by her attackers as they kicked her around like a rag doll in ‘cowardly and criminal lynching’ Police talk tough on 'African youth gang problem' 'You're not welcome here - this is a Kurdish street': What gangsters told police as they offered bribes to stop officers investigating drug dealing and human trafficking The return of the post-war prefabs: After 30,000 UK homes are given to migrants, ministers plan 100,000 pre-made homes to help solve housing crisis DCDC Global Strategic Trends Programme 2007-2036 [Click Here for Jan. - Dec. 2017] | |
Jan. - May 2007 | 2006 |