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Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" Live on RBN![]() Republic Broadcasting Network |
May - June 2013: June 28, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 28, 2013: Democracy Trending as Freedom is Ending: "There's Total War on Mind and Body Using Perfected Techniques, Never Shoddy, Majority of People Trained Not to See, Each Living in His/Her "Bubble of Me", Globalist Foundations say They Must Fulfil Objectives by Using Public Trust, And Trust They Do, Very Naive, Rejecting Proof when Rulers Deceive, Knowing Investigation May Bring Trouble, Re-evaluating Self, Bursting Bubble, Re-learning Everything is Quite the Task When You See what's Behind the Mask, Respectable People You Used to Follow, Features Grotesque, Words All Hollow, What is Truth? -- Asked Pontius Pilate, It's P.R. Marketed by Corporate Pirate, John Lennon's All I Want is the Truth, In Today's Directed Neurolinguistic Spoof" © Alan Watt June 28, 2013 Managed News - Obama Speech in Africa - System of "Democracy" - Human Genetic Modification - Aerial Spraying, Weather Warfare - Public Prompted into New Way of Living, Austerity - Food Futures Market - Thailand - GM Coffee - Monopolization of All Essentials - GM Crops, Lower Yields, Higher Pesticide Use, Organ Damage - "Climate Change" Jobs - Centralization of Power - BIS, Legal Plunder, Bail-ins - Redefinition of Husband and Wife - Department of Statistics - Prostitute Employment Ad. - Scorpion Poison GM Cabbages - Poisoning of Birds - Israel, Drone Exports - Insects as Biological Weapons. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 28, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: Obama in Africa Leading Gay Rights UK Pushes 3-Parent IVF Technique Video on Geo-Engineering Western States Heat Wave Thai farmers protest at rice subsidy cut Rice exports from India may fall Monsanto and Syngenta Award World Food Prize to Themselves Another Study Shows GMOs Cause Organ Damage IMF: 'Climate change will create jobs' (For Gov. Agencies) Military Escalation. Qatar "Friends of Syria" Conference Opens "New Stage" in Syrian War The Bank for International Settlement's Plan for All Banks--2015 Canada--Police Seize Firearms from Flooded Homes in Alberta UK Redefines Meaning( s) of Husband-Wife UK Office for National Statistics Say Double-Dip Recession Never Happened Employment Ad. Lets Aspiring Prostitutes Get Started Scorpion Poison GM Cabbages Lifetime Accumulation of Pesticide from Food and Telomere Shortening among Males & More on Above Bye-Bye Birdie USDA Admits to Exterminating Birds, Crops and Bees When the sky rains starlings USDA Lethal Control of Blackbirds to Manage Damage to Sunflower Gov. PDF on Gov. Quotas of Bird Species Killed & More on Above USDA Wildlife Damage Management (Culling) & More on Above Dead birds in Sweden killed by 'external blows' Ruddy Duck Ordered to be Exterminated--UK Monk Parakeet Ordered to be Exterminated--UK Israel leads global drone exports as demand grows China Targets American and Israeli UAVs THE ROLE OF INSECTS AS BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS Asian Tiger Mosquito Invades Texas, U.S. Scientists Genetically Engineer 'Dead End' Mosquitoes to Fight Dengue More GM Mosquitoes Launched Another Man-boy Pedo Ring Exposed at Vatican & More on Above Three Arrested in Vatican Bank Scandal June 27, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 27, 2013: Lies and Spies, Who's-Who Surprise: "The World of Spookdom Works by Deception, Chameleon-like They can Alter Perception, Stirring Up Peoples Who'll Never Believe They're Set-up to Fall by Those who Deceive, History is Full of Perpetrator Spies, Taught the Dark Arts of Credible Lies, Goading Races, Religions Against One Another, Government Journalists--Truth They Smother, Think for Yourself, And Who Stands to Gain, Who Gets Halos, Who Gets the Pain, Don't Jump in a Fray, Meant to Confuse, Because You'll Be the Fall Guy, You'll Lose, In Orwell's 1984, O'Brien Taught the Lesson, Can't Win Up Against The Science of Deception" © Alan Watt June 27, 2013 Conology - RIIA/CFR - Latvia and Soviet Union - Manipulation of History - Programming through Entertainment - The Little People - Escapism into Movies - Greenies and Greening Agenda - Groups of Psychopaths - Facebook User Data Collection - Perception of Slavery - Leaders Given to All Sides - The World of Spookdom - Spy Drones - Pesticide Toxicity - Police State Britain - Google and "Sensitive Data" - Public Trained into Self-Policing - Jewish Section in English Defence League - Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer Refused Entry to UK - Stephen Hawking Mocked by ? * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 27, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: The Ongoing Mission of Facebook Al-Nusra Front Leader is a CIA Operative US, Philippines start military exercise in South China Sea Spy Drone Optics Lifetime Accumulation of Pesticide from Food and Telomere Shortening among Males & More on Above Everyday Effects of Police State Britain & Police PR Sanitized Version Pensioners living on pocket money as savings crisis hits millions Google and "Sensitive Data" Jewish Section in English Defence League US Jewish Activist Bloggers Refused Entry to UK Stephen Hawking Mocked by ? June 26, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 26, 2013: Good is Evil, Down is Up, DARPA's a Softy, Philanthropic Nut: "DARPA, Research Arm of US Military Development, Has Knocked My Reason into Dishevelment, I Used to Think the Military was for Killing But Recent Admissions Set Me to Chilling, They're Spending Millions to Help the Disabled With Advanced Robotics, Arms Cybernetic Enabled, And Working on Advanced Brain Investigations, To Help Alzheimer's, Stroke Victims, Oh, Revelations Have Completely Made Me Feel Ashamed, Stupid Me Thought We were to Be Tamed By a Scientific Tyranny, Clever, Demanding That Science Maps the Brain for Understanding, To Control the Masses which will Be Content Being Managed, Manipulated without Consent, Never Knowing, Guided by Nano-Bots, Is Philanthropy Behind "A Penny for Your Thoughts?" © Alan Watt June 26, 2013 Continuous Agenda between Changes of House - Escapism - Counter-intelligence, Fact Ridiculed - Groups for Radical Change - Masked Protesters to Get 10yr. Jail Term---Canada - Creation of Stars - Perception Management - Dominated Society - "The Net" documentary - Richard Dawkins - "Free Love" and Roaring Twenties - DARPA, Threat-recognition Technology, Prosthetic Limbs - More-Efficient Soldiers, Killing Machines - Brain-Computer Interfacing - Brain Research Projects - Scientific Tyranny - Eugenics System - Geo-engineering, Weather Warfare - Legal Tax Havens - "Starsuckers" documentary - Front-Man Bono and ONE Foundation. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 26, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: Masked Protesters to Get 10yr. Jail Term---Canada Waiting for DawGod The Net: The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet US Supreme Court Rules on Same-Gender Marriage Tag Team Threat-recognition Technology Incorporates Mind, Machine Prosthetic Limbs Controlled By Thought Are In Development (Cyborg Exploration) Scraping the Surface of Pentagon Experiments on Your Minds New Technology Allows a Person to Interact with Computers and Robotics Using Just the Mind Overview of Past and Future Brain Research Projects Audio - Aldous Huxley: The Ultimate Revolution, March 20, 1962, at Berkeley University The Speech (MP3 - Listen / Download) Question and Answer Session (MP3 - Listen / Download) Conveniently Finished Before Latest Weather Warfare on Canadians-- Climate Change Adaptation: A Priorities Plan for Canada The Purpose-Made Spy in Your Home Legal Tax Havens How and Why You are Led by the Nose Because of Your Addiction to Celebrities. The Psychology of the Masters -- Starsuckers Video Bono insists moving U2 for lower taxes was just business Bono's ONE foundation under fire for giving little over 1% of funds to charity Bono: I helped bring Facebook and Google here.. so why can't I be tough in business? June 25, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 25, 2013: Gov/Corporate Definition of Winners and Losers, Future is Managed, Losers can't Be Choosers: "Green Grants, Carbon Credits, CEOs Salivating At the Massive Gov. Gifts to Each Corporation Which Uses the Cash Happily Expanding Business, Public's Lifestyle Plummets, Profits Limitless, Such Giant Corporations Own Almost All the Grub And Your Water Supply, Rationed for the Tub, The Food Will Go to Biofuels, Some Suspect, You'll Eat Chemicals to Flavour Lunch Insects, While CEOs and Politicos Must Eat Healthy Food, No GM, Glycophosphates, No Cancer, Sperm Count Good, You Peasants are Plentiful, In the Global Village, Be Good and Obey, Accept Government/Corporate Pillage" © Alan Watt June 25, 2013 Implementation of Agenda 21 - Taxpayer-Funded Private Enterprise, Energy Projects - US Natural Gas Exports - Tyson Foods Using Animal Grease in New Biofuel Plant - US Navy "Great Green Fleet", Biofuel Program - Ocean Biofuel Production - Front-Men Politicians - Smart Meter and Smart Grid Promotion - Ireland, Arrogant Bankers Caught on Tape - Bank of America Lied to Homeowners - Body of Ibragim Todashev is flown to Russia - Corporations Creating their own Business - Canada--Bacterial and Viral Warfare - Release of Modified Insects - Drug Trade - Fracking Industry. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 25, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: Your Masters Don't Eat the GM Food they Force on You US Companies Prepare to Export Natural Gas Tyson Foods Using Animal Grease in New Biofuel Plant US Navy---Come Hell Or High Water, Great Green Fleet Will Sail Decimate the oceans and turn it into a breeding tank for invasive algae that you sell as an alternative energy....and you get carbon credits too... Obama Nourishes Smart Grid And Feeds His Legacy---PR Piece "A Policy Framework for the 21st Century Grid: A Progress Report" DOE Opens New Smart Grid Integration Testing Facility Smart Grid US--Research and Markets: United States SGIG Utility Spending Detail By Technology Obama climate plan targets coal, pushes for renewable energy projects Obama's Climate Change Speech Is Closed to the Public--NGOs Only The president's strategy for tackling climate change, published ahead of a landmark speech by Obama at Georgetown university Obama on Power Trip 'Arrogant' bankers caught on tape spark outrage in Ireland Bankers on Tape Talk about Gov. Loan and they'd Never Pay it Back Former Taoiseach Brian Cowen refuses to comment on Anglo tapes controversy Bank of America--"They Told Us to Lie" Body of Ibragim Todashev is flown to Russia Delta refused, won't say why June 24, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 24, 2013: The Black Hole of CarbSchmucka: "The Great Black Hole of the Carbon Con, Money for Nothing, Credits Go for a Song, They're Guaranteed to Soar in Market, No Need to See it, Nor Warehouse to Park it, Governments Agreed to Inject in Cash, Ensuring Escalating Value of Non-Existing Stash, A New Trading Market for Casino Rothschild, His World Conservation Bank Running Wild, Plus All the Peasants Will Pay to Exist And Extra for Items on Regular Shopping List, It's the Best Scam since Paper Money, Backed by Nothing, Elastically Funny, For the Average TV-Watching Naive Soul, Ignorant of Rich Ruling World with Cons for Control" © Alan Watt June 24, 2013 Con of Climate Change and Carbon - Global Geoengineering, Extreme Weather, Flooding - Carbon Taxes - HAARP Signal - Obama Raises 'Carbon Price' - Obligatory Smart-meters for Global Grid - Aerial Spraying, use of Heavy Metals, Alteration of the Jet Stream - Degradation through Entertainment - Ministry of Statistics - Rising Food Prices - Medical Records given to Private Corporations - Stasi Power of IRS - Gangsterism - Chancellor of the H-Chequer - Royal Bank of Scotland - Israeli Nuclear Warheads a Threat to its Own Security - Waste Products put in Food. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 24, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: Canada hit by heavy flooding Canada's power supplies could be hit for months by floods Obama to push climate plan as Senate grapples with immigration controversy Unlikely alliance urges Ontario government to adopt price on carbon Obama Quietly Raises 'Carbon Price' as Costs to Climate Increase B.C. plans to promote carbon taxes, among other green initiatives EU parliament support grows for carbon market rescue-climate boss UK Forces Obligatory Smart-meters Via Back Door Geoengineering Gradual Decriminalization of Paedo-Porn The Bully Bureau of National Statistics Potatoes Up 213% in Price Stasi Power of IRS Britain Prepares to Sell Its Stake in Lloyds and Weighs a Breakup of R.B.S. Israeli Nuclear Warheads a Threat to its Own Security US Cancer-Causing Foods Banned overseas June 21, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 21, 2013: Marketers of Persuasion Use 'Fact' Creation: "Perhaps We're Ruled by Beings from Mars, Straight-Faced Experts Present Us with Farce, Dressed-Up as Logic, Backed with Statistics, We All Must Obey because of Logistics, "Allow GM Crops or Children will Die", "Geo-Engineer Skies or We're Going to Fry", Wear Plastic Shoes, No More Leather, Farting Cows are Destroying the Weather, Big Energy Companies Must Be Given Power To Monitor and Gouge You for Every Shower, Big Agri-Biz Companies have a Dream, "To Feed the World", A Virtuous Scheme, No Doubt About, Each Big Enterprise Uses Guilt and Psychology to Profit from Lies" © Alan Watt June 21, 2013 Creation of a More Sophisticated Form of Slavery, Democracy - NGOs and Foundations - Takeover of Food and Water Supply - Worldwide Genetically-Modified Food Mandate - Natural Seed Arks - GM Food Banned in UK Parliament Cafeteria - Canadians Test Subjects for GM Food - Californian Pension Crisis - Canada, Political Corruption - Data Mining and Surveillance Industry - Government Parenting Advice is Corrosive and Harmful - GIRFEC Program - Western Experts Can be a Weapon of Mass Destruction - National Health Service - Quantitative Easing. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 21, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: GM even safer than conventional food, says environment secretary UK Politicians Want to Poison the Public with GM Food but Still Ban it from Parliament's Restaurants Will Cameron Eat GM Food? Won't Say Facts on GM Corn Your DVR and Cablebox are Watching You Bulgaria standing on the edge of revolution? California on the Brink: Pension Crisis About to Get Worse Canada is Doomed Obama Called a War Criminal in Irish Parliament Gal-on: Continue struggle against human trafficking Data Mining the Public Government Parenting Advice is Corrosive and Harmful Western Experts Can be a Weapon of Mass Destruction Israel's security forces have been accused by a United Nations monitoring group of torturing and tormenting Palestinian children. & More Above JP Morgan's man in the White House: Barack Obama's legacy of ashes In Britain You Let Burglars Take What They Want---Or You Will be Charged with Grievous Bodily Harm= Life in Prison Beware the National Health "Service"--Your Life in Their (Gulp!) Hands New Normal Cover-up Fear Used to Sell GM Food Agenda Peres confers Medal of Distinction on Clinton The Money Con The Geoengineering of Canada---Flooding Up to 4 Dead in Alberta Flooding June 20, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 20, 2013: We All Lose, Soaking up "News": "What has Filled Your Mind Today? Upcoming Movies or what Celebrities Say, Lots of Gossip, the Latest Affair, Or Trivia for which Media has Flair, Perhaps Ominous News on the Economy, Resignation to Austerity for Majority, Foreign Wars, One after Another, Mercenaries Paid to Kill their Brother, Corporations Move in to Steal Resources Our Governments Claim No Other Recourses, Most Information Calculated, in Frequence, Works on Subconscious, Staged Sequence, Neurolinguistic Accuracy surely Runs Deep, Are You Awake, or Really Asleep?" © Alan Watt June 20, 2013 Carroll Quigley, RIIA/CFR, New Feudal System, Financial Control in Private Hands - Plunder of Countries by IMF - Privatized Military - G4S - Media Trivia - High-Speed Rail Contract - War on Syria Planned Two Years Before "Arab Spring" - US President undermines Catholic schools after Vatican Prefect praised them - Agenda 21, Forced Depopulation of Rural Areas - Elimination of Small Farms - Two-Tiered Food Supply - Subsidized Corporate Farms - Fabricated Scientific Research - Super-Prisons, Slave Labour - Siberia-Alaska Rail and Tunnel - Euthanasia - Police Use School Bus as Roadblock - Testing and Diagnosis of Flu - Financial Ratings Agencies and Interest Rates. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 20, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: International Monetary Fund's external relations director Caroline Atkinson resigned Thursday after being appointed as a White House special assistant to the president for international economic affairs. (This creature would have been presiding at the IMF when they made to first move to topple Ireland, and now she's back for this G8....) & More on Above Britain's Private Army Gates --Global Push for Abortion Abuse--Country by Country High-speed rail project beset by political mine fields California bullet train obtains exemption from federal review War on Syria Planned Two Years Before "Arab Spring" US President undermines Catholic schools after Vatican Prefect praised them Forced Depopulation of Rural Areas Bad Science and Fact Fabrication Super-Prisons Russia Green Lights $65 Billion Siberia-Alaska Rail and Tunnel to Bridge the Bering Strait! by Andrew Michler, 08/23/11 Quebec Euthanasia Bill Criticized for Enshrining 'Power to Kill' England---Police Use School Bus Filled With Children as a Roadblock Data Mining the Public The Integration of Canada into a U.S. Dominated North American Security Perimeter The Great Influenza Business Ratings Agencies are Tools of the Big Boys June 19, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 19, 2013: Good Luck on Quest to Find YOUR Mind: "This Scientific Tyranny, Latest of its Kind, Is very Proficient in Control of the Mind, The Public have been Trained to Accept Private Committees Rule on Behalf of Elect, Carte Blanche Over How We Think and Act, Updating Political Correctness from Idea to Fact, And All the "Good" People Who Wish to Be Nice Swallow and Parrot all New Trendy Advice, Regardless If the Advocacy of the Expert Is Deleterious to Society, May Even Pervert The Natural Order, (You can't Fool Nature), Even If Ordered by the Legislator, To Be Accepted by Peers, Trendies Never say No, When Chaos Ensues, Remember, I Told You So" © Alan Watt June 19, 2013 Money and Corruption - Montreal Mafia - Kickbacks on Government Contracts - The Vaccine Industry and Informed Consent - Banking Commission - Bill Gates invests in G4S "Security" Company - Bank Rate Rigging - Integration of Canada and U.S. - NSA's Canadian Counterpart - Daily Geo-engineering and Catastrophic Effects - Wet Summers - Scam of Carbon Credit Trading - Club of Rome, Creation of an Enemy to Unite Mankind, Manufacturing Consensus in Society - Co-op Bank Bail-Out and Bail-In - Met Office - Drug Cartels in Mexico - Monsanto's Milk - Diagnosis of "Swine Flu" - Chemtrails and Toxic Levels of Aluminum - Collection of Personal Health Info. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 19, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: Montreal Mafia---Mayor Applebaum Faces 14 Charges The Vaccine Industry and Informed Consent Conflicts Within Vaccine Industry and Law Banking Commission--"Bankers Should face Threat of Jail and Loss of Bonuses" Radical reforms demanded by Banking Commission Bill Gates Buys into World's Largest "Security" Company British banks up to their old tricks More Bank Scandal The Integration of Canada into a U.S. Dominated North American Security Perimeter NSA's Canadian Counterpart Capital One Hires U.S. Immigration Chief to Oversee Compliance Wet Summers from Now On? Club Of Rome Founder Proposed "Global Matrix" Of Manufactured Consent Delphi method The bloody history of 'Limits to Growth' NSA Googles Photos of Their Data Centres Co-op to get Taxpayer Bail-Out Plus Depositor Bail-Ins Co-op boss 'looking for best solution' Madness of Met Office Mexican Narco-Trafficker's Revelation Exposes Drug War's Duplicity UK Pushes Europe to Accept GM Crops Fox Reporters Fired for Reporting Truth on Monsanto's Milk Health officials 'very disappointed' that most doctors and nurses declined flu vaccinations last winter. BBC Radio 4 - Today, 19/06/2013 MSNBC Host to Daughter--"When You Grow Up will You Marry Another Girl" Effects of Spraying Aluminum Particles In Geo-engineering ObamaCare weighs in: CVS tells employees to reveal personal health info -- or pay up June 18, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 18, 2013: RIIA/CFR Plan: End of Nation-States to Leave Crusts upon Your Plates: "E.U.-North America are in a Free-Trade Deal, Creating Bigger Pool of Subjects' Taxes to Steal, A Panel to Equalize and Standardize All Laws, Rules which They'll "Harmonize", Then, We'll Be Brothers, "Birds of a Feather", Bailing Europe's Banks, "We're In It Together", Then to Prove that We're All Great Pals, Grants as Presents for Business Internationals, Private Clubs Rule, G-8, G-20, Oh Gee-Whiz, Public-Private Partnerships Good for Big Biz" © Alan Watt June 18, 2013 Management by Experts - Edward Bernays - Predictive Programming - Facts Don't Matter in Planned Wars - Syria and Iraq - Accusations of "Weapons of Mass Destruction" - Plunder of Resources - Doublethink of "Democracy" - US to Buy Russian Helicopters for Afghan Military - US Funding National Defense of Israel - EU-US Free Trade Pact Negotiations - RIIA/CFR - Creation of Regional Blocs - G-8 Summit - Bad Science and Fact Fabrication - Von Rompuy Declares Euro is Safe - United Nations and Wars in Africa - Subsidized Wind Farm Industry. Knights Templars. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 18, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: Washington is Crazy--Like a Fox US to Buy Russian Helicopters for Afghan Military US Passes Amendment to NDAA Regarding National Defense of---Israel EU, US to launch talks for world's biggest trade pact G-8 Summit and G-X World Bad Science and Fact Fabrication The euro is safe, declares European Council chief Corporate Takeover--The UN prepares to go to war for the first time, with a 3,000-strong task force sent to fight rebels in the Congo True Cost of Britain's Wind Farm Industry Why do I call them bat-chomping, bird-slicing eco crucifixes...? June 17, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 17, 2013: Prophets of Profit Rely on the Sly: "Who Stole Reality, Substituting Servile Compliance? It Accelerated with Pavlov, then Armies within Science, The Media is the Message, Trains You to Technique, Disabling Critical Thinking, Obscuring what You Seek, Your Battle May Leave You Battered, Dishevelled, Yet Perseverance Shows Reality is Many-Levelled, The Prole at the Bottom gets His from Twitter or TV, Children of Elite get "Daddy Talk" when They're Wee, Well-Paid Professors get Stints in Institutions Trained to Present Agendas in Psychological Convolutions, Lots of Fear Promoted "You're All Going to Die" 'less You Leave it to the Experts, Proficient in the Lie" © Alan Watt June 17, 2013 Low-Level Reality - Mentality of the Psychopath - Blending of Capitalism and Communism - Politicians and Con of Charity - Royal Institute of International Affairs - CBC Canada - George Orwell and Aldous Huxley - 1984 - Linguistic Minimalism - Cultural and Societal Alteration - Statesmen - Mandated Vaccinations and Gov. Contracts - Fascism - Gorbachev, Creation of a New Religion for the West - Global Geo-engineering and Cooling - NSA's Canadian Counterpart - Surveillance Data Sharing - Gardasil and Cervarix Vaccines. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 17, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: Orwell Back in Fashion Japan---Health Ministry Withdraws Recommendation for Cervical HPV Vaccine Lead Vaccine Developer for Anti-HPV Vaccines Says They Don't Work Scrap the Met Office---12 Good Reasons Why the Met Office is Alarmed NSA's Canadian Counterpart Snowden Vows Details on NSA Global Cyber-Chiefs say They Need to Pry Even Further Surveillance is Never Enough Democracy is Dead Pre-Crime Artificial Intel. Programme June 14, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 14, 2013: Tax-serfs, Don't Hide, We're Just Along for the Ride: "Corporate Wars are All the Rage, Privatizing Governments Stage by Stage, Using the Military or by Negotiations, Trust the Media to Cloud Revelations, As Private Clubs of World Leaders Direct Tax Money to Corporate Feeders For Massive Projects for the Elite Who Gorge Ambrosia, so Free and Sweet, This Fascistic Arrangement, What's it For? To Ease World Supremacy of Corporate Wars" © Alan Watt June 14, 2013 New Feudal System, Corporate Overlords - Programming - "Rollerball" movie - Creation of Trading Blocs - Surveilled Populations - Socialism - Private Armies - G4S in Britain - Sherpas at G8 Summit - Monsanto Backed by Governments - The US is Behaving Like China - Nicaragua, Chinese Company to build Trans-Oceanic Canal - Global Geo-Engineering and Patents - Jeb Bush and Immigration, Fertility Rate - Brazil, Human Trafficking Business - Mandate of GM Crops - IMF - Spying and Inside Information - Bestiality Banned in Sweden - Bilderberg - World Investment Meetings - Depopulation. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 14, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: Britain's Private Army Bill Gates Buys into World's Largest "Security" Company G8 Summit Heading for the G8 summit - with your Sherpa & More on Above Canadian Sherpa for Canadian Gov. for G-8 Peter Boehm Britain's Main Sherpa for G-8 Ivan Rogers US Sherpa Lael Brainard Russia to Have New G8 Sherpa If You Criticize Obama---- "Justice" Industry Backs Monsanto in Law Suit The US is Behaving Like China Nicaragua waterway to dwarf Panama canal Chinese firm to build and run $40bn trans-oceanic plan as opponents demand proper scrutiny of environmental impacts Geo-engineering the Atmosphere Causes Extreme Weather One of Many Chemtrail Geo-engineering Patents Effects of Spraying Aluminum Particles In Geo-engineering Jeb Bush Adds 'Immigrants Are More Fertile' to Reform Debate White Decline in US Brazil Lagging in Fight against Human Trafficking Israeli arrested in Rome for organ trafficking Chinese Officials' Denials on Organ Harvesting Suggest Culpability UK Pushes Europe to Accept GM Crops Putin says Russia seeking IMF reform, battling offshores IMF says monetary policy needs of "independent central banks" International Monetary Fund's external relations director Caroline Atkinson resigned Thursday after being appointed as a White House special assistant to the president for international economic affairs. (This creature would have been presiding at the IMF when they made to first move to topple Ireland, and now she's back for this G8....) & More on Above IMF Wades Into Fed Exit Debate, Urges No Change Through 2013 EU Destroying Britain NSA Googles Photos of Their Data Centres NSA and other Agencies Give Business Info to Big Corporations NSA is a Global Superpower Bestiality Banned in Sweden Obama slated to name five openly homosexual foreign ambassadors WATCH: Obama uses 3rd graders to introduce him at gay pride event June 13, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 13, 2013: Cunning Knavery of Sophisticated Slavery: "We Live in the Shadows of the Superclass Who View the Lowlanders as Primitive, Crass, Trained to Gullibility and Perfectly Naive, Believing Well-Informed, Easy to Deceive, Trade Privacy and Rights for Entertainment Which Downloads Updates by Brain Entrainment, Accept "Special People" Run World's Affairs, "Ordinary Folk" don't Go, So No-one Dares, Training to Serfdom He's Been Perfected By Means the Masses have Never Detected" © Alan Watt June 13, 2013 New Format of Media - No Complaints Department - Lifelong Training - Carbon Scam - Escape into Fantasy - Mass Surveillance, No Privacy - Addiction to Computers - New Yahoo Mail Scans and Sells Data - U.S. Military Drones in Latin America - Profitable War Business - World Carbon Taxes and Trading - New Form of Slavery - Weather Warfare - Death and Chemtrail Geoengineering - Global Dimming - Racket of "Charity" - Attack on USS Liberty. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 13, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: New Yahoo Mail Scans and Sells Data U.S. Military Wants More Drones In Latin America Obama Quietly Raises 'Carbon Price' as Costs to Climate Increase RGGI Carbon Price Rises 15% Gillard, Terminator talk carbon pricing Death and Chemtrail Geoengineering Susan G. Komen CEO making $684,000 a year as breast cancer organization faces nationwide race cancellations and flagging donations Survivor's resolve: Remember the Liberty Elmira resident pursues answers to 1967 Israeli attack on U.S. ship, claiming life of Ithaca sailor June 12, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 12, 2013: Corruption Brings Destruction: "The Fabric of Society is in Self-Destruct, Government Today Consists of Gangs of Corrupt, It's the Psychopathic Class, Top of the Tree, Hedonistic, Ambitious, "It's All About Me", Starting in the Sixties, it's the Culmination Of "Greed is Success, to Hell with the Nation", Yet Every Trick Used to Enrich Themselves Means Citizens' Freedoms Permanently Shelved, Big Donors to Politicos from Industry, Banking, Have Ways and Means of Generously Thanking Actors in Power for Playing the Game Of Peace by War, Massive Profits the Gain, And Directing Taxes to Corporate Enterprise, Military Industrial Complex, Banks Re-Capitalize" © Alan Watt June 12, 2013 Artificial System of Money and Cities - Managed Population - Wiretapping - Special Interest Lobbies - NSA Prism "Data Management" Program and Edward Snowden - Conology - Takedown of the West and Build-up of China - Copper and Metal Theft in U.S. - Creation of Stars - Front Companies - State Department, Cover-up of Prostitutes and Pedophilia - Endemic Corruption at the Top - Cultural Degradation - Edward Bradley Manning Trial and Unconstitutional Secrecy - China Outsources Carbon Emissions to Poor Areas - Government Sharing Intelligence with Corporations - NIPPC Report on Climate Change - National Health Service. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 12, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: History of Wiretapping --More on Above & More on Above Pope Francis Confirms Vatican Homosexual Lobby and Corruption Homosexuality within Catholic Priesthood & More on Above US: No plans to end broad surveillance program Is Snowden's Story a Snow-job? Spying on Everyone Keeps Elite Feeling Safe Senate Moves to Federally Criminalize Theft of Copper More on NSA Scandal Hillary's sorry state of affairs Probes into her department's sex scandals were quashed, memo says State Department Reviewing Cover-Up Claims on Prostitutes, Drugs Whistle-blower alleges State Dept. squelched probes State Department Covered Up Pedophilia by Ambassador Who Was Obama and Hillary Donor U.S. Ambassador Howard Gutman: Allegations of child sex solicitation 76 Yr. old Man Slashes Wrist and Tells IRS to Take His Blood Third Grade-Boy Forced to Perform Oral Sex at School Edward Bradley Manning Trial and Unconstitutional Secrecy China Outsources Carbon Emissions to Poor Areas Government Gives Spying info. to Corporations Greece to Censor Bad News on Economy NIPPC Report to be Accepted by Chinese Academy of Sciences---Climate Change Release of Scientific Data Disproving IPPC Stance on Climate Change Hospitals making £5.50 per baby born through cash-for-access deals NHS Spent 2 Million Pounds on Cover-ups June 11, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 11, 2013: Not a Peep from All Who Sleep: "Public Easily Trained to Naive Simplicity, Necessity of Spying and No Personal Privacy, Addicted to Terror Dramas, Works of Fiction, The World Seems Scary, Take NSA Benediction, It's the Best Propaganda Tool in Every Home, Government's with You, You're Never Alone, From the Personal Computer to Big Brother, It's Good to Share all Thoughts with Another, Then You're Never Lonely with Television, Especially Ones that Watch You and Listen, Feelings of Freedom from Inside your Box, If You Awake, Listen, Door Will have Knocks" © Alan Watt June 11, 2013 FDA Approves Flu Vaccine containing Reprogrammed Insect Virus - Smart Meters and Billing - Elimination of Old Social Norms - Robotic Bees for GMO Crops - World Resource Takeover - Business is War - Child Tracking in Schools - EU Fears Militants Returning from Syria - Pentagon Private Contractors, Mercenaries - Patents for Surveillance Techniques - Teachers and "Inappropriate Behaviour" - US Cyber Attack List - Students Sharing Diseases Online - Contactless Payment Theft - EU "Data Protection" - PSA ad. depicts "Pregnant" Boys. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 11, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: FDA Approves Flu Vaccine containing Reprogrammed Insect Virus Smart metering under EU Data Protection Law Russia Bans Homosexual Propaganda Robotic Bees to Pollinate Monsanto Crops Prince Harry saved me from homophobic attack in Alberta, soldier reveals Child-Tracking in Australia Raises Parents' Hackles Europe Worries as "Freedom Fighters" Sent to Syria Return Home Pentagon Doesn't Know What its Contractors are Doing Patents reveal crafty surveillance techniques from Verizon, AT&T, IBM, and more Panel lets 11 teachers who showed improper behaviour towards pupils stay in profession NATO Meeting Going On in Brussels MI5 Infiltrators in Scottish National Party Obama Draws Up Cyber Attack List of Targets Plot to Drag Lebanon into War Students can Share their STD and Aids Stories Online HIV Death Wish Irish PM: Essential to Meet Deadlines on Banking Union IBM Pulls the Rug from Under AWS Wi-fi Credit Cards Europe's data privacy laws threatens energy management programs, SEDC says PSA ad. depicts "Pregnant" Boys June 10, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 10, 2013: Spark in the Dark: "Controlled Reality, So Complex yet Efficient, Yet Most of the 'Real' is Entirely Deficient, The Complete Process is So All-Pervasive, You Doubt Personal Recall, Succumb to Persuasive, Fantasy and Fact are Blended into One, Finally the Authorized Version, All's Said and Done, Bernays would Be Proud, the Science Not Uncouth, Slick Young Ivy-Leaguers Trained to Obscure Truth, Works On the Masses, From Masters of Perception, Trained in Human Minds, to Keep in Dark Deception" © Alan Watt June 10, 2013 Mass Surveillance, Data Mining the Public - Integrated Security Agencies - International Data Sharing - Investigation into Tim Yeo and Lobbying - Propaganda Movies and Television - Psychopaths in Politics - Controlled News - RIIA-CFR, Chatham House - Creation of World Wars - EU-US Free Trade Agreement - New Feudal System - Corporate Litigation against Nations - Israel-Colombia Free Trade and Drones - Jordan Wargames - No Taxes for Thames Valley Water Corp. - Privatization of Infrastructure - Completely Useless College Courses - Boy Scouts of America - Ongoing Cultural Revolutions, Radical Change. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 10, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: Data Mining the Public Whistleblower Defending Liberty Snowden the Whistleblower Americans see everything we do, regardless of Canadian policy: expert Former CSIS Watchdog Boss Arrested on Fraud Charges Obama, Prism and Whistleblowers More PRISM-NSA Docs Mass Surveillance Protects Civil Liberties Security and Liberty More on Britain-US Data Sharing on Subjects Investigation into Tim Yeo EU-US free trade deal threatens public interest and democracy Israel, Colombia sign free trade agreement Colombia Identified as Secret UAV Buyer Colombia's president awarded Shalom Prize Washington and the Breakdown of the Colombia-Venezuela-FARC Peace Process U.S. Military Wants More Drones In Latin America Jordan wargames: Patriot batteries, F-16s and 4,500 US troops near Syrian border No Taxes for Thames Valley Water Corp. Strong reaction from Bolivarian countries to Colombia's cooperation with NATO Completely Useless College Courses CEO of the Palmetto Council of the Boy Scouts of America to resign June 30 & Article on Above June 7, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 7, 2013: How Absurd, Taking Authority at its Word: "It's Interesting to Note how Terminology Is Intensely Studied by Psychology, Behaviourists who've Made an Alliance To Use Neurolinguistics in Neuroscience In Order to Instill Agendas Disguised as News Within Articles to Change Our Views, Not for Truth's Sake but to Standardize Authorized Reality Wrapped in Lies, Working with Editors They do Collude, Creating Noble Lies for the Common Good, Following Russell's Suggestions They Fling Out Techniques Convincing People of Anything" © Alan Watt June 7, 2013 Politicians, Lobbyists and Bribes, "Cash for Access" - Front-Man Obama Defends Surveillance - International Intelligence Sharing - Fukushima Radiation Leaks, Contaminated Water - Troops to Teachers - G8 Security Bill - National Vigil for Life---Dublin - Scottish landowners deny new Highland Clearances - Frankfurt School - Gov. "Sex Education" Websites - Peter Singer, Women and Children Compared to Overgrazing Cows in a Field - Genetically-Modified Salmon and Hybridized Fish - Israel Complains of British anti-Israel Protests - Political Party Donations - Chemicals in Food - War Games on the Public - Internet Censorship - Knowledge is Power. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 7, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: A member of the House of Lords has become the latest senior politician to be embroiled in the growing Parliamentary lobbying scandal. Front-Man Obama Defends Surveillance NSA Data Mining Lauded by Obama World Economic Forum on the Middle East and North Africa 2013 Verizon Records Shared with British Intelligence Fukushima Radiation Leaks On and On Troops to Teachers Treasury to Foot Bill of 50 Million Pounds G8 Summit Security Bill National Vigil for Life---Dublin Scottish landowners deny new Highland Clearances Gov. Site on Sex for Girls age 10 to 16 Environ. Propaganda---Women and Children Compared to Overgrazing Cows in a Field GM salmon can breed with trout and harm ecosystem, warn scientists Israel Complains of British anti-Israel Protests Donating Business Shares to the British Labour Party The 'Food' Trade Half the Population to Get Cancer ---New Normal NSA Real-Time Covert Warrant-less Surveillance Prism Used For Surveillance UK gathering secret intelligence via covert NSA operation NSA PRISM program taps in to user data of Apple, Google and others GCHQ 'has been accessing intelligence through internet firms' Australia's de-facto Internet filter may block 250k sites. June 6, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 6, 2013: To Be One Who Knows, Beware Celebs and N.G.O.s: "It's a Mad, Mad World, Crazy-Fox-Mad by Direction Of Master Manipulators who Usually Escape Detection, Very Little Authorized Reality's True or So it Seems To Those Struggling Up for Air Through All the Dreams, Breaking Surface, a Sign says You've Arrived, "We've Got All the Truth, We're Glad You've Survived", After a While, the Camaraderie, it Wears Thin, As Uncomfortable Sensations Begins to Itch the Skin, And So Your Journey Continues, Signs Come and Go, Each Group Claims Answers, We Really Know, You Know, Eventually You Find They're Controlled Opposition, Funded by Manipulators, Trained Actors in Top Position, Bernays et al Created Stars, Celebs, for Sheep to Follow, Sheep Ignore Warnings When Sensing Leader's Role is Hollow" © Alan Watt June 6, 2013 Adaptation to Changes and New Normals - Plato, Fomentation of Revolution - Cultural Destruction - Political Tool of Psychology - Socialism - Third Ear on Every Phone Call - Verizon Providing All Call Records to Gov. - Dianne Feinstein on NSA - Politicians Using Gov. as a Private Business - Russian Navy in Mediterranean - US-Israel Intelligence - Obama Criminalizing News Gathering - Flooding in Europe - Paedo Teacher Allowed Back to Teach Children - Canada, Price Fixing - Emasculation of Males - Home Foreclosures - Australia's Internet Filter - Successful Psychopaths. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 6, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: White House Defends Stassi-Style Wiretapping of US Citizens Verizon Providing All Call Records to Gov. Dianne Feinstein on NSA: 'It's called protecting America' Sen. Dianne Feinstein's husband wins CA rail contract (Government used as Private Business?) Dianne Feinstein's Hubby Wins Another Gov. Contract to Sell-Off Closed Post Offices Across US Russia announces permanent Mediterranean naval presence Is Israel Running the NSA? Obama Criminalizing News Gathering Empty Fund: EU Lacks Money for Flood Aid Paedo Teacher Allowed Back to Teach Children Chocolate Price Fixing in Canada School Policy and the Emasculation of Natural Male Instincts Attorney General Sues HSBC Australia's de-facto Internet filter may block 250k sites. Bill Clinton to be Paid Half a Million Dollars for Half Hour Speech June 5, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 5, 2013: Investigate, Warning! NeuroMaster is Forming: "Those Controlling the Future won't Be Caught Napping, Pouring Billions of Dollars into Human Brain-Mapping, For the Elite Want a Future of Living in Peace In a Stress-Free Role Managed with Ease, Thanks to Neuroscience There'll Be No Radical Thinking, Non-PC Thoughts Caught, Rectified, Fast as Blinking, In the "Internet of Things" Thoughts will Be Detected And Beamed Frequencies Ensure They'll Be Corrected, Plus Mandatory Child Testing Such as GIRFEC Will Catch Children or Parents Branded Suspect Of Having Critical Thinking and Reasoning Powers, Correctly Figuring the Tyrants in Scientific Towers, Newt Gingrich Referred to Thought Control as a Hive, He Lauded the Day Own-Thought to Be Barely Alive, The Untouched Elite can then Relax On Their Asses, Confident of Peace as They Live Off the Masses" © Alan Watt June 5, 2013 Behaviour Modification - Bacterial and Viral Warfare - Creation of the Perfect Citizen - Brain-Computer Interfaces - Vaccines and Health Effects - BIS Authorizes Stealing Depositors' Money for Bank Recapitalization - Test-Bed of Scotland, GIRFEC Program, Monitoring and Testing of Every Child - Neuroscience and Human Brain Project - Religious Fundamentalism Could Be Treated As A Mental Illness - Freud and Agenda of Psychology - Samantha Power - SEC, Investment Managers and Fraud - Inefficient Sterilization of Medical Instruments in Quebec Hospital - ParlAmericas Society - Navy Seal Becomes a Mermaid. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 5, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: Military Agenda disguised under 'Helping People with Neuro-Degenerative Disorders' The Vaccine Confidence Project Monitoring Public Confidence in Immunisation Programmes Bank for International Settlements Authorizes Stealing Depositors' Money for Recapitalization in Next Round of Bankruptcies Scotland---If You Love the Children and a Good Future, Save them From GIRFEC & More on Above Science tries to get inside your head with a €1bn brain Kathleen Taylor, Neuroscientist, Says Religious Fundamentalism Could Be Treated As A Mental Illness Video: "Zbigniew Brzezinski to Jihadists: Your cause is right!" Samantha Power (wife of Cass Sunstein) To Be Named As US Ambassador To The UN Susan Rice, Samantha Power named to lead Obama national security team Rolling Stone on the SEC and Madoff Inefficient Sterilization of Instruments in Quebec Hospital Leads to Patient Testing for HIV etc. Obama Signs Executive Order Giving Pay Increase to Himself New Cities Summit Sao Paulo 2013 June 4-6 The Human City ParlAmericas Society & More on Above Navy Seal Becomes a Mermaid June 4, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 4, 2013: Despicable, Overlords Make You Completely Predictable: "It May Be Hard to Convince a Woman or Man We Live in an Agenda that's Going to Plan, All the Tidbits of News, You'll Be Surprised, Are There to Read Because they're Authorized, Predictive Programming Works, Technique Noxious, As it Bypasses Awareness, Embeds in Subconscious, Making Changes to Come, Planned Usually Annually, Seem Inevitable so Change Must Come Naturally, You Adopt Changes and Opinions without Reason, Total War on Your Mind is in Open Season, Taxes for Multi-Billion Schemes in Mapping Brain By Neuroscientists, Behaviourists Wanting to Train A Generation, with "Wellness", Efficiently Obedient, This Part of the Agenda is Stamped Expedient" © Alan Watt June 4, 2013 CFR-RIIA - Brain Mapping and Psychological Testing - Data Collection for Predictability - Front Companies - Electronic Tattoos and Monitoring Microchips - Creation of More Efficient Workers - "De-radicalizing" the Brain - Dogmas of Sciences, Neuroscience - Genocide, Eradication of Peoples - Highland Clearances - Destruction of Cultures - GIRFEC, State-Appointed Guardians - Drugs Imported into Countries - Failing NHS - Slovenia Downgraded - DNA Swabs - Movement into Texas - Small-Scale Organic Farming in Russia - Sochi Olympic Funds Stolen - Afghans Kidnapped in Nighttime Raids, Graves of Prisoners - ID Card Plan to Snoop on Scots - Police Compensation Gravy Train. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 4, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: Google-NSA Alliance Bilderberg, Google and the G-8 The hi-tech tattoo that could replace ALL your passwords: Motorola reveals plans for ink and even pills to identify us Marketing Piece for Internal Password Microchips Science tries to get inside your head with a €1bn brain Japanese research organizations contribute to Human Brain Project Sick hospital patients squeezed out by drug users The Failing NHS in Britain Slovenia Gets Second Agency Debt Downgrade Supreme Court OKs DNA swab of people under arrest Why so Many People are Moving to Texas Russians Prove Small-scale Organic Gardening Works Approx. $30 Billion Stolen from Russian Sochi Olympic Funds US-led troops kidnap Afghan civilians in nocturnal operation Bodies of Afghan Prisoners Dug Up Outside Former US Base NATO Commanders Denounced for War Crimes in Afghanistan ID Card Plan to Snoop on Scots Police Compensation Gravy Train June 3, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt June 3, 2013: Truth Doesn't Matter to Persuasion Master: "Man-Made Global Warming, The Fear-mongers' Call, If Summer Continues, There'll Be No Suntan at All, But Facts don't Matter When Big Money's Riding Their Carbon Horse to Which You'll Be Tithing, It's a Whole New Income for the Ultra Elite Who've Raped the Peasants on Cons so Sweet, They Own the Sciences which Use Gymnastic Reality, Orwell's O'Brien's Proud Art of Logic Versatility, Using the Commies with New Winner Called Greening, Facts and Logic can Be Bent or Reversed, Seeming Perfectly Reasonable Coming via Skilled Orators, Persuasion Masters, Critical Thinking Seldom Monitors" © Alan Watt June 3, 2013 British Empire System - Trading Blocs - Rise of China - Amalgamation of Continents - Blackmail of "Free Trade" - EU and Transatlantic Trade Partnership - Global Cooling and Fuel Poverty - Policy of Multiculturalism - Drones and Invasion of Privacy - Dangers of Nanotechnology and RFID Chips - Chinese Auto Industry in Detroit - CDC Promotion of Flu Vaccine - Pharma Contracts with Gov. - Britain's Concentration Camps - Bilderberg Meeting and G8 Summit - Private Central Banking - Licenced and Authorized Media - Monsanto, GM and Warfare Strategy - Germany, Reparations and Fracking - Gibson Guitar Raids. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 3, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: Obama Warns UK Not to Leave EU Davey Attacks News Outlets that Report 'Destructive Climate Skepticism' Drones to Enter Public Skies in 2015 Drone Business Trying to Alter Public's Negative Perception RFID and EMF & More on Above Chinese Auto Industry in Detroit CDC Pushing Flu Vaccine on All Children Britain's Concentration Camps from the Boer War to Present Afghanistan US Hiding 27,000 Kidnapped People in Ships Likely Cost of Private Bilderberg Meeting Bilderberg List of Attendees for June 2013 British police to patrol coastal waters for G8 summit in Northern Ireland Austerity Strike in Lisbon The US Presstitute Media Contaminated by GM US Exports of Grain is Part of Monsanto's War Strategy Japan Suspends US Grain Imports French Farmer Successfully Sues Monsanto Central Europe Hit by Floods French Ski Resort Opens in June for First Ever Early Start Spain Braces for Coldest Summer in 200yrs. Holocaust Reparations: Germany to Pay 772 Million Euros to Survivors German Brewers Fear Fracking Could Damage Centuries-Old Industry Obama Dems. Behind Harassment of Gibson Guitars May 31, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 31, 2013: Front Actors are Zeros, Well-Paid to Play Neros: "The G8 Elite Team Getting Ready to Make Party Time in Ireland and So They Fake Empty Stores with Pictures So it Seems To Passing Limos, Stores Thriving, Clean, After All, Closed Stores Bring a Sad Frown, Partying G8, They don't Need to Feel Down, As Their Decisions are Scripted in Advance They've Time for 24-Course Meals, Drink, Dance, Their World is Perfect, Reality They Fake, Gorging Expensive Cuisine, Tell Irish to Eat Cake" © Alan Watt May 31, 2013 Agenda 21 and ICLEI - Boston Bombing Suspect - Royal Institute of International Affairs/Council on Foreign Relations - Amalgamation of the Americas - Bank for International Settlements and Basel III Banking Reforms - Bank Bail-ins, Stealing Depositors' Money - Use of Soft Power and Sanctions on Iran - CFR Wants Rand Paul to Join Them - Texas Internet Bill - Former CSIS Watchdog Boss Arrested on Fraud Charges - Death by Flu Shot - Novartis, Lobbying and Payoffs - Smart Meters - Drone Spying Business - Houston Criminalizes "Dumpster Diving" - Food Banks in "Big Society" - Fake Shops for G8 Summit. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 31, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: Agenda 21 and ICLEI Boston Bombing Suspects Did FBI Execute my Boy? Father of man FBI shot claims his son was executed The Bank for International Settlements Bank of England---"Stealing Depositors' Money Won't be Enough" Canada Plans to Beam Iranian Dissidents' Views into the Country using Social Media CFR Wants Rand Paul to Join Them Controversial Internet Bill Passes Out of Texas Legislature Texas Bill--Search Warrants Relating to Customer Data, Communications etc. Texas House Passes Three Amendments to CISPA-Like Bill What Will Happen if Texas CISPA-Like Bill Passes? Former CSIS Watchdog Boss Arrested on Fraud Charges Seven Yr.-old Dies from Flu Shot Did Novartis Violate Its Corporate Integrity Agreement? & More on Above Diet Soda Erodes Teeth Don't Smart Meter Me--UK Vacuum Cleaners to have Reduced Power to Save Energy Drones to Enter Public Skies in 2015 Houston Bans Homeless from "Dumpster Diving" Fifty Ways to Close a Food Bank Food Banks are Part of Cameron's 'Big Society' Fake Shops Open Up Ahead of G8 Summit May 30, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 30, 2013: Cause and Effect, Courtesy of Elect: "Nations' Peoples are Nervous, Perhaps Of Inflation, Coming Economic Collapse, Yet Few Suspect the Future is Planned, The Road to Success for Most is Banned, The Age of Austerity will Be Forced In, All the Old Values Tossed in the Bin, A Planned Global Society is to Manage Us All Through and Out of the Damage Government Agencies will Then Consume Your Spending Cash as They Bloom, C.G. Darwin re. Public, Heaped Derision, Said Experts to Rule, Make All Decisions" © Alan Watt May 30, 2013 Age of Austerity - Managed System - Criticism of Government - Tax Farming - Bank Crashes and Plunder - Takeover of European Countries - System of Compound Interest and Debt - Amalgamation of Europe - UK Faces EU Court over Benefits for EU Nationals - Con of Global Warming - Warming Alarmists Recant - Climate Always Changes - "Loyalty" Cards and Air Miles, Data Collection - Marketing Mousetraps - Orwell's 1984 - Show Trials of Soviet Union - Groupthink in Schools - Communist Fronts - Foreclosures and Suicides in Spain - Britain the Flagship for the World - CFR-RIIA Group. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 30, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: UK Faces EU Court over Benefits for EU Nationals Confessions of a Climate Change Believer Tesco Supermarket Selling Records of Your Eating Habits Foreclosures and Suicides in Spain Spain's Bankia Decimates Savers Potatoes Too Expensive for School Dinners May 29, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 29, 2013: Science Inhumane to Domestic Game: "Business "Science" Turns Out a New Breed, Taught to Maximize Profits in Name of Greed, Every Penny Kept is a Penny Saved, While Quality Plummets as Pennies Shaved, Europe's Feeding Maggots to its Livestock, Brainchild of Scientists, Listen, Tick-Tock, For News to Be Released in a Few Years Reminiscent of Mad-Cow, Reviving the Fears As Farming Moves to Growing Bio-Mass For Power Generators, Not Grain nor Grass To the Livestock Which Most Certainly Need A Decent Life of Pasture and Feed" © Alan Watt May 29, 2013 Foreign Corporations Taking over Food Supply - US-Canada Peace Bridge - Global Cooling - Computers, Cellphones, Xbox Game Console are Monitoring Devices - Takedown of the US - Teacher Disciplined for Reminding Students of Constitutional Rights - Students Strip-Searched. Writings of Ancient Philosophers. Russia Warns about Monsanto, GM Crops and Bee-Killing Pesticides - US Farmer Acquitted on selling Raw Milk - Livestock to be Fed Maggot Larvae in EU Trial - NYU Scientists and Bribes from China - Rioting in Stockholm - Destruction of Western Cultures - Countries Dropping US Dollar for Chinese Yuan. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 29, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: China's Shuanghui to buy Smithfield Foods for $4.7 billion Pork and Beef Industry US Canada and Peace Bridge To the Horror of Global Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling is Here New Xbox is a Monitoring Device US---Teacher Disciplined for Reminding Students of Constitutional Rights Quebec Teachers Strip-Search Students During Math Exam Russia Unhappy over US Pushing Monsanto US Farmer Acquitted on selling Raw Milk Livestock to be fed larvae reared on cow and pig excrement in EU trial Three NYU Scientists Accused of Taking Bribes from China 'Diverse Immigrants' Still Rioting in Stockholm New Children's Cartoon has Boy Turning into Girl New Zealand follows Australia---Dropping US Dollar for Chinese Yuan Monsanto Found Guilty of Poisoning Global Warming Postponed Alaska--Pedophile who 'killed elderly couple and raped two-year-old' had been released from prison for almost identical attack just HOURS earlier May 28, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 28, 2013: Will Gov. Gain from the Slain?: "Woolwich Executioners were Watched by MI5, No Help to Rigby, who was Butchered Alive, Was this Allowed to Happen to Achieve a Goal? They're Pushing More Intrusion on Every Soul, With the Public Already Under Observation, Tweets and Phone Calls, Causing Consternation, Monitoring of Innocent is Tyrannical Confusion, Monitored in a Smog of Intrusive Pollution" © Alan Watt May 28, 2013 Mass Immigration and Martial Law - Scotland, GIRFEC Program - NHS - Radicalization Websites - Woolwich Attackers had Been Under Observation by MI5 - Wi-Fi Sensitivity, Health Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation - Privatization in New Feudal System - US Wood Pellet Shipments to European Plants - "Renewable" Con - Courts to be Privatised - Private Prisons - TransCanada Corp. Seizes Land in Texas - Constitutional Experts on Obama - Roman Tyrants - Tony Blair and Palestine - Test Bed of Scotland, Rendition Flights - Joe Biden on Social Liberalism - Hollywood Changing Culture - Cervical Cancer Vaccination. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 28, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: MI5 and Woolwich Suspect Woolwich Attackers had Been Under Observation by MI5 Woolwich Killing sparks Calls for More Internet Monitoring Former MI5 Boss Calls for Everyone to Spy on Everyone Else Wi-Fi Sensitivity Royal Mail sounds out market for £1.5 billion IPO loan Renewable Energy? Shipping US Wood Pellets to Burn in European Plants Courts to be Privatised & More on Above TransCanada Corp. Seizes Land in Texas Constitutional Experts on Obama Tony Blair to be in charge of £3billion plan to revitalise Palestine's economy, U.S. secretary of state John Kerry reveals Scottish Airports Used for 'Rendition' Flights Joe Biden attributes Social Liberalism to Jewish Control of Hollywood and Social Media Cervical Cancer Vaccination---5 alarming Stories May 27, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 27, 2013: GIRFEC: The Suspective Collective: "Scotland, the Test-Bed for Social Engineering, Government Overseer for Every Child is Pioneering, The Soviet System and Staasi, Decrepit, Salivating, Envious of the State Power They'd Been all Craving, Parents to Be Rated by Their Kindergarten Children, Views on Ethnic Diversity Rated Fair to Middlin', A Giant Database to House All Information, As Lifelong Records Added to for Collectivization, Pavlovians, Skinnerians are Taking this Opportunity To Engineer Good Citizens, Pillars of Community" © Alan Watt May 27, 2013 Scientific Indoctrination of Children - State-Appointed Social Worker for Every Child - Monitoring and Assessment of Parents - SNP Bill to Spy on Parents----Scotland - Communitarian-Collectivist Society - Totalitarian Government - Elite Guiding the Future - United Nations - Freezing and Snow in Europe - Senate Rejects Labeling of GM Food - Privatization of Mail and Utilities - Pedo-Predator-Polanski - Cabinet Office Rainbow Flag - Creation of Ionospheric Plasma Clouds using HAARP - Global Warming Postponed - Crime Runs in Families - Liberalism-Communism. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 27, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: A Social Worker for Every Child in Scotland State Snoops Checking Out New Parents SNP Bill to Spy on Parents----Scotland Parts of Europe Recently Blanketed in Snow Senate rejects GM food labeling amendment to farm bill Royal Mail reveals profits boost - but Vince Cable says 'no alternative' to privatisation Royal Mail CEO In Line For £500,000 Bonus Royal Mail sounds out market for £1.5 billion IPO loan Pedo-Predator-Polanski UK Gov. Cabinet Office to Fly Gay Rainbow Flag Gender Bender Day at School HAARP and Plasma Clouds---US Navy Global Warming Postponed Crime Runs in Families May 24, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 24, 2013: It's Becoming Loud, Marx would be Proud: "You'll Notice Whistle-blowers Get No Thanks, Especially Employees Inside Central Banks, They Speak of Corruption by a Clique Of Transnational Bankers, Total Power They Seek Over Globalist Policies, and All Occupations, Eventually Eradicating the Memory of Nations, The Public to Be Obedient to New Superpower, First Based in New York in the U.N. Tower, Left Wing Leaders and Bankers Look to the Day Marx's Plan is Fulfilled, Nations Fade Away" © Alan Watt May 24, 2013 Federal Reserve and Global Central Banking System - Economic Warfare - US Gold Shipments during WWII - Crisis Creation - Plunder of Bank Deposits for "Bail-ins" - ECB in Charge of Banking Supervision - Britain Must become "More European" - Total Integration of Europe - Elevation of "Experts" - UK Building DNA Database in NHS by Stealth - Eugenics, Genetic Testing, Risk Assessments - Ethnic Riots - Australia's Totalitarian Web Filter - French Tax Soars Over 100% - Private Contractor G4S - End of National Sovereignty and Culture - Agenda of Internationalism. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 24, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: World Bank Insider Blows Whistle on Corruption Inside Federal Reserve MEPs vote to protect small bank depositors ECB's Draghi: 'Imperative' to Set up New Bank Body EU risks "too big to cooperate" bank supervision Europe needs a more European UK, says ECB president European Commission to revamp bank bailout rules Australian Law -- Children can be Sterilized without Parental Consent Under Mental Health Orders UK Building DNA Database in NHS by Stealth Woolwich Attackers had Been Under Observation by MI5 Stockholm Immigrant Riots Continue Australia's Totalitarian Web Filter Causes Alarm French Tax Soars Over 100% G4S contract to run sexual assault referral centres damned Campaigners criticise 'sell-off' of sensitive services to private company that bungled Olympics security contract How G4S helps Israel break the Geneva convention May 23, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 23, 2013: Trick of the Dialectic: "As the Nations Go Bust, Is This a Token, Pointing to the Fact the System is Broken, Or is it the Trick to Force Planned Change Into True Global Governance, Experts Rearrange Trading Blocs Under One Big Body, Claiming Old System's Inefficient and Shoddy, If So, You'll Find Nothing's Left to Chance, With Necessary Departments Set Up in Advance, Planned Change can't Come Without the Problems, And Passive Public Oblivious to Stop Them" © Alan Watt May 23, 2013 The Abused Turn to the Abuser for Help - History of Politicians - Perks and Expenses of EU Parliamentarians - Water Fluoridation and Health Effects of Fluoride - CIA Experiments - Miami Cannibal Attack Victim - Drugs Tested on Soldiers - US and UK to Arm Syrian Insurgents - Inflation and Devaluation - IMF, EU Bailouts and Debt - Increasing Home Ownership Taxes - Mobile Phone Signal Blocking at G8 Summit - Costs of G8 and G20 - Psychiatry, Freud and Jung - ADHD is a Fictitious Disease says its Inventor - Ritalin and Pharmaceutical Industry - Christine Lagarde and $520 Million Pay-off - Two FBI Agents Die in Helicopter Training Exercise. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 23, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: EU expenses: MEPs in Brussels earn up to 740% more than average citizen EPA Reverses Itself on Fluoride Brave mum tackles bloodied fanatic Britain---MP says Woolwich Beheading will be Repeated Woolwich attack in pictures: British soldier killed by terrorists in south London Woolwich Attack---'Crazed Animals' Remember the Miami Cannibal Attack Victim? US Senate Votes to Arm "Syrian Rebels" Britain to Arm Syrian Insurgents Insurgents in Syria Receive 35 tons of Saudi Arms Preparation for Economic and Monetary Crisis Continues IMF Suggests Reducing Corporate Tax and Increasing Home Property Taxes IMF's Chopra Wants ESM to Refinance Ireland Bank Debts Irish police will get powers to block mobile phone signals for G8 summit in Fermanagh G8 summit police costs 'about €50m' ADHD is a Fictitious Disease says its Inventor IMF chief Christine Lagarde to face questions over $520 million pay-off Two FBI Agents who Participated in Arrest of Tsarnaev Die Falling Out of Helicopter May 22, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 22, 2013: Who Foments and Lashes Ethnics to Clashes?: "Ethnic Clashes are Burning in Sweden And in England which Hymns Depicted as Eden, A White Man's Hacked to Death, in Pieces, Followed by Cautious News Releases Of a "Terrorist" Attack, Public Execution Of Englishman to Protest British Resolution To Continuous Warfare on Islamic Nations, And Bring Back Troops to Base Stations, While Swedish Minister said the Scheme Of Multicultural Utopia's Now a Bad Dream" © Alan Watt May 22, 2013 Trading Blocs and Free Trade System - EU Soviet System, Budget Fraud - Iceland Shelves Accession Plans to EU - Railroads and Robber Barons - Canadian Economy, Oil Pipelines, Exportation of Raw Resources - Interdependence - Flu Hype and Marketing for Drug Companies - UK Gov. Contract for Tamiflu Drug - Monsanto Protection Act - Machete Attack in London - Policy of Mass Immigration and Multiculturalism in EU - Stockholm Riots - Public Suicide over Same Gender Marriage in France - Scam of College Education, Student Loan Debts - Bank Foreclosure Protest - Banking and "Victimless Crimes" - Legalized Plunder. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 22, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: EU budget fraud may be more than £4BILLION which is 12 times higher than previous figure Iceland Shelves Accession Plans to EU Oil Pipelines to Drive Canadian Economy Tamiflu Drug Bill--Shocking Waste of Taxpayers' Money Merkley Pushes 'Monsanto Protection Act' Repeal 'Shootings' and 'machete attack' in south east London: latest --More on Above & More on Above Stockholm Riots Continue for Third Night 'Multiculturalism failing': Swedish PM pleas for order as riots engulf Stockholm suburbs Croydon riots victims welcome change to 'out-of-date' law Public Suicide over Same Gender Marriage in France Suicide Letter College Education in US has Become a Cruel Joke Blood Donation Ban Lifted for Homosexual Men London--Boris: I'll decide when police can use water cannons on protesters Protesters in Washington Urge US Judiciary to Halt Bank Foreclosures May 21, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 21, 2013: Banks to Government, "Let's Make a Deal--Make it Legal for Banks to Steal": "You can Feel the Glee, Excitement Mounts, As Governments Approve Stealing Bank Accounts, A Thinking Person Must Truly Wonder As This is Encouraging Banks to Plunder, Think of Rewards for Claiming "Bank in Trouble", Using Any Excuse Such as Investing in Bubble, For the Banks and Governments Made a Deal Called Bail-Ins, Depositors' Savings They Steal, And it's NOW LEGAL and There's Ne'er a Peep From the Unwashed Masses, Fast Asleep" © Alan Watt May 21, 2013 Oklahoma Tornado - Policeman Threatens to Beat up Man and Plant Cocaine on Him - Private Supranational Organizations - Transatlantic Union - Special Relationships and Closer Ties - Gov. Backdoors Mandated for All Communications - Taxpayer-Funded International Corporations - Apple's "Tax Avoidance" Strategy - Car Tracking Devices and Insurance - Bank Bail-ins - BIS, IMF and Quantitative Easing - Asylum Denied for German Home-school Family in US - EU to Ban Olive Oil Jugs from Restaurants - Britain's Tax Snoops - Mark Carney and Bank of Canada. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 21, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: Oklahoma Tornado Durham Ontario---Policeman Threatens to Beat up Man and Plant Cocaine on Him Transatlantic Union---Scandals, Scoundrels and Global Trade Partners Gov. Backdoor into Skype Amazon received more money from UK grants than it paid in corporation tax Apple shifted profits to 'ghost companies' in Ireland Second 'house of horrors' abortion clinic where doctor 'twisted heads off fetus' necks with his bare hands' is investigated in Texas Another Gosnell: Report Shows Texas Abortion Doc Kills Babies Born Alive Promo Piece for Car Tracking Devices MEPs vote to protect small bank depositors Arguments over "Quantitative Easing" Court Upholds Obama Admin Denial of German Home-school Family EU to Ban Olive Oil Jugs from Restaurants Even Europhiles starting to turn against the EU project Britain's Tax Snoops Canada Works--Carney on Economy May 20, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 20, 2013: Eugenicists Behind Screen of Cancer Meme: ""Conology" which Practitioners Call "Art of Persuasion", Is a Lucrative Field for Those in the Occupation, Ask the Client's Goal, Design Ways to Make it Happen, Target Appropriate News, Catch the Public Nappin', Use a Hollywood Celebrity, Whose Figure Creates Envy, Add Cancer, Mastectomy, Sure to Cause a Frenzy, Follow by Governments, Possible Mandatory Tests, Bringing Down Costs with Subsidies, More or Less, You'll See Whole Populations Offering Their Genes, Fitting in with Gov. Eugenics, Nothing's as it Seems, Conology is the Ancient Art of Persuasive Deception, Leading to More Abortions--Fetus "Faulty" from Conception" © Alan Watt May 20, 2013 The Public Follow the Stars - "Cancer" Screening, Genetic Testing and Profiling, Eugenics - Perpetual War - Pentagon Authority over Civil Disturbances - Effects of Wi-Fi and Smart Meters - UK Labour Party, Marxism and Policy of Mass Immigration - New Psychiatric DSM-5 and Diagnoses - Contactless Payment Cards - Jamie Dimon and JP Morgan - Permanent War on Terror - Credit Default Swaps - EU Banks and Bail-ins - Autism and Vaccines. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 20, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: As Designed---Breast Cancer Charity Calls for Uniform Tests after Jolie Admission U.K. program targets 'Jewish' cancer gene with DNA analysis Mainstreaming Cancer Genetics Global Warming Could be Slower than Thought US--Dept. of Defense Grants Itself Powers to Operate with Domestic Law Agencies & More on Above War on "Terror" is Permanent Experiment Shows Garden Cress Won't Grow Near a Wireless Router Britain---Peter Mandelson admits Labour brought migrants here after losing working class votes. More Suicides and Foreclosures than the Great Depression US mental health 'bible' DSM-5 updated "No-Contact" Payment Cards Kerry Names New US Anti-Semitic Envoy Angry JP Morgan Shareholders Give Them Our Huddled Masses Euro-Style Bail-In Plan Means Bondholder Wipe-Out: Brazil Credit EU Banks and Bail-ins CFTC Dilutes Derivatives Rule--Big Banks Win Again Credit Default Swaps Readied for Bank "Bail-Ins" Britain---Dangers of Smart Meters "Britain Should be More Like China"---Two Child Policy Paul Tucker, Resolution, Bank of England, Bail-in, bailout At the Hague: INSOL International Conference 2013 International Association of Restructuring, Insolvency & Bankruptcy Professionals Autism Channel Australian dollar hits fresh 11-month lows May 17, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 17, 2013: Neuroscience has a Ball, The Mind has No Firewall: "Solid in Your Opinions - Never Budge? Perhaps You Arrived at Them by a Nudge, Governments want Compliance, Consternation, Created Departments of Behaviour Modification Using Behavioural Psychology, Opinions Wilt, Anti-Green Thoughts Bring Feelings of Guilt, It Worked so Well These Experts with Glee Are Changing Opinions Regarding LGBT, Guilt-Indoctrination Works Like Gestalt, Wrong-Thought Sends You Back to Default" © Alan Watt May 17, 2013 Smart Meters and Grid, Power Cut-offs, Spying on Homes - Retirement "Bad for Health" - The Poor Blamed for Bank Crash - Bioengineering and Cloned Humans - Economic Depressions - EU-US Free Trade Deal, Harmonized Laws - Cartels Rigging Prices - EU and Eurocrats - Denial of Asylum for German Home-school Family in US - Executions by Syrian Rebels - State Bans on UN Agenda 21 - Elimination of Private Property - The West's Hidden Propaganda Machine - Behaviour Modification - Mindspace Group - Default Positions - Bank Bail-ins - European UAS. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 17, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: Smart Meters a Waste of Money Parliamentarians Told PR Piece ---Retirement Bad for Health Foundation Blames the Poor for 2008 Bank Crash Cloned Humans Possible More Suicides and Foreclosures than the Great Depression EU-US Free Trade Deal & More on Above Everything Is Rigged, Continued: European Commission Raids Oil Companies in Price-Fixing Probe Even Europhiles starting to turn against the EU project The EU Green Hell Court Upholds Obama Admin Denial of German Home-school Family Pro-Assad hackers publish video content of alleged executions by rebels on newspaper's social media accounts and blogs. How Wisconsin and Alabama Just Saved the World Missouri Legislature Bans Agenda 21 Oklahoma House Bill to Ban Agenda 21 State Ban on UN Agenda 21 Clears Arizona Senate The West's Hidden Propaganda Machine Influencing Behaviour Through Public Policy Department of Defence Guide to Non-Lethal Weaponry Canada Moving Ahead on Bank Contingent Capital Plan European Air Forces Seek a Common Weaponized UAS May 16, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 16, 2013: Behaviour Modification Causes Hardly a Ripple, Guaranteed to Work and it's So Simple: "Trained that Well-Being's All that Matters, Rights, Freedoms, Privacy All in Tatters, Threatened, Forced, Did We Agree to Comply? It was Done by Persuasion and the Noble Lie, Embedded in Talk Shows, Movies, Fiction, Nudged Along with Neurolinguistic Diction, High Priests of Conology Talked Down to Laity, Must Give Up Privacy for Peace and Safety" © Alan Watt May 16, 2013 Television a Substitute for Reality - Everyone Must be Predictable - Daily Aerial Spraying, Weather Warfare - Geoengineers Discuss Poisoning the Sky, Use of Pathogens - Domesticated Public - Scientifically-Controlled Society - Warfare Industry - New Feudal System - Tax Exemption for Goldman Sachs - Mass Graves in Iraq - Corporate Tax Havens, Malta - US Gov. Funding GMO Lobby - National Cyber Security Alliance - Democracy by NGOs - LED Lighting and Eye Damage - Scotland---Every Child has a State-Appointed Overseer - Scientific Indoctrination of Children - Lifelong Upgrades - Early Intervention - Con of Charities. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 16, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: You Could Imagine Putting Pathogens in A Cloud HMRC Tax Deal with Goldman Sachs "Not Unlawful" Three Mass Graves Found in Iraq---1,000 People Executed by US Troops UK's top companies condemned for prolific use of tax havens - 30 in Malta New cables 'expose' US govt lobbies worldwide for Monsanto, other GMO corps National Cyber Security Alliance and LGBT Technology Partnership Launch Internet Safety Initiative for LGBT Community Why Online Privacy, Confidentiality and Security Matter to LGBT Communities EEOC's Draft Plan Targets Recruiting And Hiring Practices, LGBT Bias, Pregnancy Accommodation, ADAAA Issues LED Lighting and Eye Damage Scotland---Every Child has a State-Appointed Overseer & More on Above Ringleader of Holocaust Survivor Fraud Found Guilty May 15, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 15, 2013: Rearrange in The Century of Change: "Change is Now Rapid, Change is Good, You Should Be for It, You Know You Should, Free Trade Deals and Opportunity for All, As Old National Sovereignty Goes to the Wall, Tax-Free Movement of Goods and Labour Heralded by the W.T.O. as the New Saviour, All National Laws are Out On the Table To Be Merged and Run by a New Stable, Like the E.U. Did, Went Super-Governmental, Perhaps We should Yell Where to Shove-it All" © Alan Watt May 15, 2013 Free Trade System - RIIA-CFR - Multiculturalism - EU-US Free-Trade Deal, All Sectors Involved - G8 and Private World Clubs - Drug Patents and Canada-EU Deal - Regional Blocs under One Parliament - Dehumanization - Elimination of "Useless Eaters" - Euthanasia in US and UK - Global Warming, Brainwashing. Constellations of the Zodiac - Age of Aquarius - Ancient Egypt, Mystery Schools and Socrates - Benevolent Dictators - Freemasonry - Revolutionary Movement. Petrol Price Fixing - Computerized Crime Prediction - GIRFEC in Scotland - National Health Service - Genetically-Modified Maize - Sex Trade in Britain and Prostitution Enablers - Luton England, Gang Warfare. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 15, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: EU-US Free-Trade Deal Ontario government wants drug patents taken out of Canada-EU deal US Businesses Can be Fined and Imprisoned for Supporting Israel Boycott Vermont Becomes fourth State to Permit Euthanasia GPs could decide on assisted suicide England---Snow in Devon and Cornwall in May B.P. and Shell---Price Rigging & More on Above 'Minority Report' policing comes to the UK An Example of GIRFEC in Scotland Minister: NHS will collapse if elderly bed blocking continues Mexico---GM Maize Versus Food Sovereignty New cables 'expose' US govt lobbies worldwide for Monsanto, other GMO corps Grooming the Sex Trade in Britain The Ego of Prostitution Enablers Luton England---Armed Gang Warfare Luton---Wikipedia (Immigration Stats at Bottom) May 14, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 14, 2013: At it Again, "Eat Bugs" says UN, Peasants to Toffs - "Go Bugger Off": "Our Food's Bad Enough, GMO, Chemicals, Drugs, Yet the Lofty UN Wants Us to Eat Bugs, "To Help the Environment" These Liars State, Well, Lead by Example with Bugs on Your Plate, Won't Happen, The UN's Surrounded by the Best Restaurants, Beefy Menus and Excellent Chefs, UN Bureaucrats with Thick Gold-Rimmed Lenses, Gorge themselves, Write it Off on Expenses, "The Public should Be Vegetarian" They Yell, Let's Tell Them to Eat Crow and Go to Hell" © Alan Watt May 14, 2013 Groupthink, Bricks in the Wall - Soviet Union - Billionaires in New York and Moscow - Top Banks and Shareholders - Internet Control under United Nations - Monsanto's Patented Seed - Mandatory Smoking Test For Pregnant Mothers - Fabian Socialism - "Slightly Radioactive" Water Leak - Poison Food from China - Global Cartels and Meetings - Bee Death Pesticide - US Gov. Spying on Reporters - UN Promoting Eating Insects - Autism and Vaccination - Children Losing Motor Skills - HPV Vaccine and Ovarian Failure - UK Bedroom Tax - UK Councillor: Cull Disabled Children - Asian-Oxford Paedophile Ring - Western-Backed Syrian Rebels. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 14, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: Most Billionaires Live in New York and Moscow Large Families that Rule the World U.N.'s ITU pursues Internet control -- again -- this week Supreme Court Sides with Monsanto Mandatory Smoking Test For Pregnant Mothers "Slightly Radioactive" Water Leaks into Lake Michigan Chinese Organic Food Not Good Enough for Pet Food & More on Above Mini-Bilderberg Meeting? The depopulation schemers and dreamers are at it again US Approves Bee Death Pesticide as Europe Bans it US Gov. Spying on Reporters AP: Justice Department seizure of phone records an unprecedented intrusion BBC News - UN urges people to eat insects to fight world hunger Kevin Orr's report suggests financial future is bleak for Detroit, which is broke and has a projected budget deficit of nearly $400m Congressman's Bill asks for Study of Autism Rates between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children Children Losing Motor Skills due to Overuse of Technology Premature ovarian failure 3 years after menarche in a 16-year-old girl following human papillomavirus vaccination Gran commits suicide because of bedroom tax Disgraced UK Councillor Compared Culling Disabled Children as Farmers do to Sick Animals Asian-Oxford Paedophile Ring Guilty Western-Backed Syrian Rebel Leader Eats Human Heart May 13, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 13, 2013: Globalists Parade their Enslaving "Free"-Trade: "Financial Crises Good for Globalists' Schedule, Binding More Trade Partnerships, Urgency the Tool, North American TPP and North American to E.U., A Whole New Agency to Supervise it Too, The Peoples of These Nations Simply have No Say, They're the Guarantors of Loans, Just There to Pay, We Live for the New Feudal CEO Overlords Who're Responsible to the New World Supergods, To Mammon They Offer the Burnt Offerings of War, Enriching Themselves, Enslaving Us, Is What it's For" © Alan Watt May 13, 2013 Monitoring from Birth to Death - US National ID System - Montreal, Gov. Contracts and Kickbacks - Creeping Ice Destroys Homes - Gore's Fear-Mongering is Very Profitable - GMOs and Infant Formula - EU Banks and Bail-ins - Private Central Banking System - Turkey and Syria - World Land Grabs and Resource Takeover - Privatization of Royal Mail - Charles Links to Savile - US-EU Free Trade Negotiations - The UK---Murder, Rape and Foreign Nationals - PNAC and "Liberation" Democracy - Pro-GM Supreme Court - Abortionist Kermit Gosnell Convicted of Murder - Co-op Bank Downgrade and Bail-ins. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 13, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: Petition to Stop GIRFEC in Scotland US National ID system comes a step closer to reality Gangsterism in Montreal Creeping Ice Destroys Homes in Manitoba Ice Sheet Creeps Ashore in Minnesota Gore's Fear-Mongering is Very Profitable GMOs and Infant Formula & More on Above EU Banks and Bail-ins Erdogan is a murderer, claims Syrian minister after deadly car bombings Deutsche Bank and World Bank Land Grabs in Vietnam and Cambodia Foreign buyers 'express interest' in Royal Mail Charles Links to Savile Obama's Controllers get him to tell Cameron to Stay in EU Cameron: 'no exceptions' in US-EU free trade talks Cameron: We Must Do Everything to Promote Free Trade Cameron to Push European Free Trade The UK---Murder, Rape and Foreign Nationals US National Security Policy--Free Trade and Forced Democracy Abroad Elena Kagan: Toward a Pro-GM Supreme Court? & More on Above Jury convicts abortion provider Kermit Gosnell of murder Phila. abortion doctor guilty of murdering 3 babies Shootings at New Orleans---Mothers' Day Parade One of Shooters in New Orleans Parade Australia --"Tighten Your Belts" Co-op Bank move to reassure customers after debt ratings are downgraded to 'junk' Unions hold emergency talks over future of Co-operative Bank UK Bank Downgrade Status and "Bail-ins" MOODY'S ANALYST BREAKS SILENCE: Says Ratings Agency Rotten To Core With Conflicts May 10, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 10, 2013: "Doing God's Work": "The Mystery of Money is Made Hard to Follow, Degreed Explanations-- Long-Winded, Hollow, Run by "Experts", Things should Go as Planned, So Why do Banks Crash, Then Bail-Outs Demand? After Every Enquiry, Committees do Declare, Insiders Knew Who'd Fail, What, Why, Where, For Centuries this System has Plundered Nations, Public Told to Tighten Belts and have Patience, Experts Who "Didn't See it Coming" Work On Solution, While Banksters are Blessed with Holy Absolution" © Alan Watt May 10, 2013 Monetary System, based on Faith - Self-Preservation in Wild Animals - Slaves Bailing Out the Banks - Currency Devaluation - Rigged System - World Run by Gangs - Straight and Crooked Thinking - Cyber-Criminal ATM Bank Heist - Transatlantic and Transpacific Trade Agreements, Harmonized Laws - Fannie Mae Repayments - G7 Meeting - Rich Communists - Narcolepsy after Swine Flu Vaccine - Austerity Plans, Sales of National Assets - Crash of Australian Dollar - The Rich get Richer - Popular Music Industry - Cultural Destruction and Fallout - HPV Vaccine. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 10, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: Cyber-Criminals stole from ATMs EU-Canada trade agreement threatens European fracking bans Fannie Mae to pay $59.4bn back to US taxpayer and forestall debt battle G7 talks begin, with currency wars, austerity in focus Mao's granddaughter accused over China rich list Ireland: Over 50 youngsters have sleep disorder after jab Vaccine Controversy Bankrupt Slovenia Country preparing to sell largest telecommunications operator and second largest bank as it races to reassure investors Aussie Dollar will Come Down Hard The Rich get Richer Baltimore Prison--Sex and Drugs Premature ovarian failure 3 years after menarche in a 16-year-old girl following human papillomavirus vaccination HPV Vaccine PR Piece May 9, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 9, 2013: Taxpayers are Lambs for Scams: "Not a Day Passes Where Thinkers do Marvel As Fraud of Democracy Continues to Unravel, Contributors to Parties, Favours Distorted, Means Gifts to Corporations, Well-Rewarded, Green Alternate Energy, The Latest Klondike, Is the Current Great Present Con-Men Like, Billions in Tax Dollars, Ready to Flood Every Greedy Green Hand to Produce a Dud" © Alan Watt May 9, 2013 RIIA-CFR, World Amalgamation through Treaties - European Union Created in Secrecy - EU Propaganda - Embedded Journalists - Grants to Corporations, Lobbying and Kickbacks - SolarCity Sues Government for More Subsidies - Britain faces Energy Crisis unless Ministers Abandon Green Policies - In Defense of Carbon Dioxide - BBC Breach of Charter and Corruption - Jewish Committees Lambaste Church of Scotland - Australia---Big Brother Network - Destruction of Cultures - Savile Inquiry - Elimination of Age of Consent - Moral Relativity. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 9, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: Queen's Speech Contains European Union Propaganda The gravy train is low on gravy---Elon Musk's SolarCity Sues Government for More Subsidies Britain faces Energy Crisis unless Ministers Abandon Green Policies In Defense of Carbon Dioxide Abolish the BBC Common Purpose Members of BBC Jewish Committees Lambaste Church of Scotland Australia---Big Brother Network Told You So---Savile "Witch-Hunt" Brings Forth Lawyer Demanding Age of Consent be Lowered to 13yrs. --More on Above & More on Above May 8, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 8, 2013: You're Not Resistant if You Believe the Inconsistent: "Government Propaganda is Increasing, Contradictions Within are Never Ceasing, These Create in Viewers a Doublethink, Reinforced by Newscasters without a Blink, Such Psychological Technique Works Because in the Subconscious there Lurks A Process of Reason, Logic, Confirmation, Based on Perception of Presentation, With Contradiction the Flow's Interrupted, Resulting in Reason Being Blunted, Conclusion then Becomes Trust-Based, Propaganda's Always Truth with Lies Laced" © Alan Watt May 8, 2013 Gross Well-Being - Mood-Tracking Surveys and Software - Newsman Turns Newswoman - PNAC War Plan in Middle East - U.S. "Humanitarian Assistance" to Syria - Puppet Governments in Middle East - MSNBC News - Gov. Handouts to Green Energy - Germany's Solar Industry Disaster - Lysenko Affair - International Bankers Love Socialism - Global Cooling May Jeopardize Green Energy Funding - Fire Season Hype Extinguished with Inconvenient Data - David Cameron and EU - Stephen Hawking Joins Academic Boycott of Israel - Inquiry into Benghazi Attack - Syrian Rebels Armed by the West - Expanding Security State, Cities under Lockdown. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 8, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: App Taps "Well-being" Newsman Turns Newswoman--"Mother Fed Him Female Hormones" U.S. to give $100 million more for Syrian humanitarian aid Chris Matthews and MSNBC: The Toilet Bowl of Broadcast Journalism Germany's Solar Industry a "Capital Destroyer of Historic Dimensions" Global Cooling May Jeopardize Green Energy Funding Fire Season Hype Extinguished with Inconvenient Data Why we must quit the EU Cameron says the Fuehrer of Britain Instead of Future Stephen Hawking Joins Academic Boycott of Israel Benghazi witness describes effort to lure more Americans into 'trap,' says knew attack was terrorism Britain lays out plan for arming Syrian rebels amid fears of 'likely' chemical weapons attack Expanding Security State--US Are all telephone calls recorded and accessible to the US government? May 7, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 7, 2013: Banks to get Bail-In, Depositors to be Done-In: "Passive TV Viewers, Downloaded, Not Detecting The Patterns of Data, Setting Mind-Directing, For Every "Story" You See with Eyes a-Slitted There's a Hundred Important Articles Omitted, It's All Done Through News Agencies' Agreements To Direct Viewers' Thoughts from Achievements Of the World's Masters, Those "Totally Noble", As They Plunder the Planet, Turn it Global, Laws Passing to Affect the "Global Village" Enabling Bankers to Plunder, Steal and Pillage All Depositors' Bank Amounts, Exempting Privileged Names with Special Accounts" © Alan Watt May 7, 2013 Public Relations (Propaganda) - Farce of Democracy - Managed News - Use of Symbols and Emotion - System of "Progress" - Rise of Big Government, Socialism - CIA Selects New Head of Clandestine Service - George Soros, Currency Speculation and Crashes - Plunder of Bank Depositors' Savings - Big Investors Bailed Out - EU Bank Creditor Loss Rules - 'Bail-In' Crony Bankster Scam - New Rule Signals Kiss of Death for Pensions - Elderly Blamed for National Debt - UK, Immigration and Welfare - Normal Procedure of Raids and Arrests - EU Regulation of Seed Industry - Monsanto Lawsuits against Farmers - UK Can't Afford Open Borders Any More - NHS Organ Scandal. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 7, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: CIA Selects New Head of Clandestine Service Soros At It Again---Speculation Causes Dollar Slide China Buying Up Australian Property Bank deposits of over €100,000 may be at risk EU Ministers to Grapple Next Week Over Bank Creditor Loss Rules The Cyprus Bank 'Bail-In' Is Another Crony Bankster Scam New Rule Signals Kiss of Death for Pensions Targeting the Pensioners We need more immigrants to save us from the elderly Arrest first - ask questions later: How dawn raids and ransacking houses became standard operating procedure Seed industry to benefit from new EU regulation, NGO says EU Planning to Forbid Planting of "Unauthorized Seed" UK Can't Afford Open Borders Any More UK--Another Organ Scandal Hits National Health Service NHS Alder Hey organs scandal & More on Above May 6, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 6, 2013: Stop Victim Game, Use Your Brain: "Now's a Good Time to Do Spring Cleaning, Cleanse Mind of Specialist Opinion-Feeding, Not a Day Goes By Where There is No Spin On Our Opinion Downloads, Let the Light In, Think of the Wonder of the Complex Brain, Start Using Your Own, No-One's to Blame But Yourself, for Trying to Stay Peter Pan, Time to Grow Up and See the Big Plan, Bernays' Disciples have You Trained by Trance, Believe This, Don't Say That, Jump and Dance, Trained You Elite's Good and You Believe, Because Indoctrination Keeps You Very Naive, Thinking is Freedom, It Lets You Look As to How We're Run by an Army of Crooks" © Alan Watt May 6, 2013 Edward Bernays and Mass Manipulation - Opinion Creation - Propaganda for War - US Judge Sentenced in Kids for Cash Scandal - Israeli Airstrike on Syria - UN Reveals Rebels used Sarin Gas on Syria - US Immigration Reform - Britons Borrowing Money for Food - Fake Meat - Millennium Development Goals - CIGI, CFR and RIIA - "The End of Men" - Fluvax Lawsuit - Snow in Arkansas - Al Gore's Investments and Profits - IBM and Bribery Allegations - Monsanto - JPMorgan and Manipulation of Power Market - Corruption the Norm at the Top - I.Q. Limit for Police - Ban on Unvaccinated Children from Childcare. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 6, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: Jail Time for US Judge in Kids for Cash Scandal Israeli Strikes on Syria Co-ordinated with Terrorists--BBC Israeli Airstrike on Syria Israel's Unprovoked Attack on Syria UN Reveals Rebels used Sarin Gas on Syria UN accuses Syrian rebels of chemical weapons use Israel, US and the West are Humanity's Greatest Threat Russia, China express alarm over Israeli air strikes in Syria German Government---Global Warming has Stopped Billionaire Bill Gates was major bondholder in bailed-out Irish banks Immigration Strategy for the Borderless Economy Britons Borrowing Money for Food China arrests 900 in fake meat scandal CIGI Millennium Goals, Post-2015 & Affiliates Last Desperate Act of European Union Central Bank? Moody's Slashes Slovenia Rating to Junk Status End of Men---CBC Documentary Family Launch Lawsuit Against Fluvax Maker Snow in May for Arkansas---First since Records Began Building a Global Community to Drive Social Change Her Majesty's Revenue Collector Let Goldman Sachs Off the Hook to Avoid Embarrassment The Gall of Gore IBM Says Justice Department Probing Bribery Allegations Hungarian Rally Against World Jewish Congress which is to be Held in Budapest JPMorgan Chase & Co. Pursued by Regulators over Manipulation of Power Market Above Average I.Q. Too High for Police Recruit Tory MP Nigel Evans in Rape Inquiry No Jab-No Play for Australian Child Preschools and Daycare Centres Number of Disabled Children Rose 16% in 10yrs.---Autism The Nobel Prize winner 'president' is playing his part. First insert mercenaries, then claim they need help from the population they've invaded. Daniel Kessler: The Coming ObamaCare Shock Obama to nominate Jewish hotel heiress for secretary of commerce Penny Pritzker served as national finance chair for Obama's first president campaign in 2008 and co-chair for his 2012 race. Pat Buchanan: 'Amnesty and Path to Citizenship Lead to Erasure of Southern Border of U.S.' Singapore Will Replace Switzerland as Wealth Capital May 3, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 3, 2013: The New Gods to Discard Genes and Select To Perfect That which Was Left Imperfect: "The Global Agenda's PR Going Well, Scientists Chomping at Bit, Easy to Tell, By Pompous Announcements They Train Us to Believe They Should Control the Brain, The Term Eugenics is a Nasty Relic They Ditched in Favour of Bioethics, They're On Board with Governments, Deciding Who Should or Not Breed 'mongst Law Abiding, Claiming that Some Children, Given Time, Are Predisposed to Committing Crime, To Breed or Not to Breed, That's the Question, Modern Gene Tinkerers to Shape Man's Direction" © Alan Watt May 3, 2013 Standardized Media - Eugenics, Psychiatry and Neuroscience - Pre-Crime Intervention - Genetic Basis for Crime and Inherited Behaviour - Brain Scans and Genetic Screening to Identify "Violent Traits" - Test-Bed Countries - Scotland, Universal Surveillance System and Compulsory "Well-being" Assessments - Milken Institute, Immigration Strategy for the Borderless Economy - Human Capital - Abortion/Infanticide for Population Control - China, Creation of New Strains of Influenza Virus - Emulation of Television Violence - Royal Mint Digital Cash - China Invades India? - Human Genetic Modification. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 3, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: The War You Don't See - Media Support of Wars Jailed because You Might Commit Crime Scotland is Test-Bed for Lifelong Surveillance & More on Above Immigration Strategy for the Borderless Economy Building a Global Community to Drive Social Change Abortion Doctor Leaves Decapitated Baby's Head in Woman's Womb Abortion clinic video makers call for government investigation Melbourne Doctor's Abortion Stance May Bring Punishment Chinese Scientists Create New Strains of Transmittable Flu Persistence of TV Violence after Sandy Hook Digital Cash in Works from Royal Canadian Mint China Invades India? May 2, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 2, 2013: You are Taught to Share Your Thought: "It's the Age of Mass Thought-Control And No Individualism is the Goal, We've Been Dissected, Studied, Analyzed, Indoctrinated into Being Standardized, Each Person's Nature is Explicable, Collectively We're Now Predictable, TV Fictional Characters are Mimicked, Traditions and Values are Limmericked, The More the Owners Tell Me I'm Free, I Remind Myself How it Used to Be" © Alan Watt May 2, 2013 New More Sophisticated Form of Slavery - Communist System - Technocratic Age - Controlled Society - Departments of Information - Prince Charles, Collection of Intestate Assets - May Day - Obama, Proclamation of "Loyalty Day" - Abortion, Organ "Harvesting", Training that Life is Cheap - European Central Bank - HMRC and Goldman Sachs - Radioactive Fracking Debris - Interest Rates, Everything is Rigged by International Banking Cartel - Google Glass Hacked - Humans the Most Studied Species - Survey on Students, Materialism and Narcissism. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 2, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: The Feudal System is Alive and Well---Prince Charles and "Intestate" Cash May First is Loyalty Day Abortion clinic video makers call for government investigation Chinese Surgeon who Harvested Political Prisoners' Organs Gets Honorary Professorship Award from University of Sydney Last Desperate Act of European Union Central Bank? Her Majesty's Revenue Collector Let Goldman Sachs Off the Hook to Avoid Embarrassment Fracking Debris and Radiation Everything is Rigged--Rolling Stone on Libor Rigging Global Warming and Snowy Springs Google Glass Wearable Computer Hacked The Young---Life Goals and Expectations May 1, 2013 Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN: Poem Copyright Alan Watt May 1, 2013: Dominate the Nation then World Federation: "It's Called Progress, The West's Decline, By Infiltrators Sent in to Undermine Existing Cultures They Utterly Hated, Though They Now Dominate it's Unabated, If Anything They are Now Exhilarated, Their Enemies Dwindling, Extirpated, The Few Offspring Indoctrinated into Guilt For the Civilization Fathers Built, They're Disinherited, Homeless, Slumming, By Gradualism Defeated, Didn't See it Coming" © Alan Watt May 1, 2013 Media Handouts - Royal Institute of International Affairs/CFR - Creation of World Wars - Nations Run as Businesses - Standardization of the World - Destruction of Cultures - Merger of Communism with Western System - Creation of Welfare States - Public-Private Partnerships - Fascism is Socialism - Maurice Strong - The White House and the ADL - Pentagon May Court Martial Soldiers who Profess Christian Faith - Theo Adorno and Frankfurt School - Degenerate Society - Billboard Advertising Bestiality - Professional Actors used in Terror Drills - Television the Greatest Tool for Indoctrination - EU Orders Britain to Take More Migrants - White Britons Becoming Minority - UK Behavioural Insights Unit - Corporate Governance. * Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 1, 2013 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) * LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: Executive Order---Accelerating Investment in Industrial Energy Efficiency The White House and the ADL "invisibility of LGBT in history" "history and impact of LGBT slurs" "standards alignment" ADL Centennial Summit and Gala Speakers Guide Pentagon May Court Martial Soldiers who Profess Christian Faith Billboard Advertising Bestiality & More on Above Gov. Admits Using Professional Actors in Terror Drills Homeland Security Emergency Exercise Evaluation Program for Participating Actors in Drills & More on Above Boston---DHS Contracted Marathon Security Out to Israelis Witnessing Boston's Mass-Casualty Event Brussels seeks to 'make it easier' for EU migrants to move to Britain White Britons Becoming Minority Britain's Behaviour Control "Nudge Unit" to be Privatised---You Pay to Have Experts Direct Your Behaviour The Great Civil Service Sell-Off Click Here for March - April 2013 Sept - Oct '12 | July - Aug '12 | May - Jun '12 | Mar - Apr '12 | Jan - Feb '12 Nov - Dec '11 | Sept - Oct '11 | July - Aug '11 | May - Jun '11 | Mar - Apr '11 Jan - Feb '11 | Nov - Dec '10 | Sept - Oct '10 | July - Aug '10 | May - Jun '10 Mar - Apr '10 | Jan - Feb '10 | Nov - Dec '09 | Sept - Oct '09 | July - Aug '09 May - Jun '09 | Mar - Apr '09 | Jan - Feb '09 | Nov - Dec '08 | Jun - Oct '08 Jan - May '08 | 2007 |