June 21st, 2006
Alan Watt on
"Sweet Liberty" with Jackie Patru
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Jackie Patru: Good Evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for joining us tonight on Sweet Liberty. Today is Wednesday. And it is the 21st of June in the year 2006. And I’m glad you’ve joined us today. I hope you’re having a nice day. I hope you’re having nice weather.
Alan: It’s been dull and almost dark.
Jackie: This has been a lovely day here, Alan. This is a quote that we’ve all heard. "Know thyself. There is nothing else to seek." Yes?
Alan: That’s pretty well it.
Jackie: That’s pretty well it, isn’t it, Alan?
Alan: It’s the only thing you can actually find. (Laughter) Because the rest of it is endless.
Jackie: So, we haven’t spoken until just a couple of minutes ago. Is there anything particular that is on your mind that you want to bring up tonight?
Alan: The only thing really is the hullabaloo on all the radio shows about the NAFTA highway, as though it was a brand new idea. Even though it was discussed in the 1980s, openly in the newspapers, when they did the Free Trade Negotiations. And what you realize eventually is that most of the public sleep through everything. They do sleep through things. They slept through the transfer of industry to China after the GATT Treaty. And their attention is only drawn to something when they’re told to think about it.
Jackie: Well, this email is going all over the internet. And geez, I remember six or seven years ago, we were discussing the NAFTA highway. And a particular situation that happened. We were having Tim Clemm on with us. He was the facilitator for XEROX corporation, former facilitator. He was explaining the total quality management.
Alan: Guiding you to the conclusion.
Jackie: Thank you, yes. There’s several names for it, group dynamics. He was explaining it to us. Well, he was due to come on the air, and I got a call from him just a few minutes before the broadcast. He said, I’m not going to be able to make it. We’ve had a tornado that ran through here. He was in Oklahoma City. And he said, we’ve never had such a series of storms in history. And when he did come on with us a few days later, he was telling us, Alan, listen to this, they were bringing the NAFTA highway down to Oklahoma City. They were going to bypass Oklahoma City, and in the bypass, it was going to take out a community, their community. And Tim Clemm, being an expert in that, was in the group that was opposing it, and they were being successful. And guess where the tornado hit? That community. And I often wonder, because I really didn’t follow up on it, but at that time, I thought, this is just too coincidental to be a coincidence.
Alan: And especially when they publish, even before that, through Brzezinski, the fact that future wars would be fought with weaponry of weather and so on, and storms.
Jackie: Right, right. So, as you said, the NAFTA, this NAFTA Highway is not a new thing, but it is true that, it hasn’t been spoken of lately.
Alan: Well, that’s how quickly the public go to sleep. In fact, they slept through the negotiations as though it didn’t affect them. That was what was astounding. See, technically, the big boys always legally will tell you. It’s just that they don’t tell you to worry about it, and that’s what Brzezinski said. The public will not think about something, unless they’re told to by the media. And so this is understood, this form of psychology. We worry about the things they tell us to worry about. There’s no point worrying about something after it’s done.
Jackie: Well, let me ask you this. Is this on mainstream media?
Alan: It was then. I’m sure it’s on various local news.
Jackie: No, but I mean today you said it’s a big hullabaloo on…
Alan: Oh, it’s shortwave. I mean, it’s all shortwave. And unfortunately, shortwave concentrates on the effects after the cause. And it’s too late howling about it when it’s put into place. You’re just seeing the side effects of it now. The same as the done deal that the border between Mexico and the US would eventually come down, and other South American countries too. So, I mean, you’re seeing the effects, and that’s the only time the people get startled is when they think their way of life has been threatened, immediately, you know.
Jackie: Yeah, well, you know, that is true to a point. But there are people who have exposed these things, and it isn’t that they go to sleep on it. Alan, for example, I talked about regional governance probably for two years. I was on other broadcasts as a guest. We had a regionalism document packet. Had a lot of lot of response. Regionalism is alive and well. And it isn’t necessarily, I didn’t go to sleep on regionalism. But I had covered it so heavily and to keep on harping on it. See, what they do is they keep presenting new things for people to talk about.
Alan: And worry about.
Jackie: Yeah, sure. And so, not to put all the blame on "sleeping people". They just keep bombarding, you can’t cover. And if you do cover all the news, that’s all you’re doing. You know, like Robbie N. He used to sit and go, and so did Rick W, that was on shortwave there, that’s all they did is sit and go through the news. Blow people’s minds away, but what are those people going to do about it.
Alan: It’s after the fact. It’s after the event. And scream and howl and beating your breast, when you see the effects. But, the fact is, this stuff has been published for, Karl Marx talked about the amalgamation of the different continents in the 1800s, you know.
Jackie: Yeah, but, Alan, and I don’t mean yeah but. I shouldn’t say that. See, we appreciate the information you bring to us. You have had access and made yourself aware and knowledgeable. You had resources and information that we didn’t have access to. And maybe it wasn’t that people didn’t care at the time. You see what I’m saying?
Alan: Well, they do. They do have access to them.
Jackie: How?
Alan: If they’d gone into their libraries and researched this kind of dry material.
Jackie: I know, but if you don’t know about it, how do you know to research about it?
Alan: Because, the thing is, there’s got to be a reason for things. Big, big movements, world movements, there’s always reasons for them. They don’t come into existence and become big, unless they’re authorized. And that’s how the people are led by the pied pipers and the dialectical arguments in fact. They’ve got to have sides created to oppose each other and then have a synthesis. And when you understand that, you’ve got to read the dry stuff to get the nitty-gritty. And you always know what’s coming, because sure as blazes, they always publish it, you know. And as I say, in reality, we don’t have much of a say in this system. It’s not our system.
Jackie: Well, that’s what my thought here.
Alan: It’s not our system.
Jackie: And going back to regional governance, I didn’t know about it, but it was known about almost from the get-go. There were certain people that were sounding the warning bells, as far back as the 1970s. The Illinois State legislature set up a special committee to study the effects of regional governance. I have three huge books, seven hundred and some pages of transcripts from those hearings. And what the legislature came up with is we better damn stop it here. And so, what they did is they passed a bill to set up a committee to study regionalism, to stop any further form of regionalism in Illinois, and to begin to undo regionalism that had already been put in place. Well, the governor vetoed it. And there weren’t enough votes. But this was the result of people that were involved and talking to these legislatures and bringing them information, and enough people putting the pressure on, that they did it. And yet, it got vetoed by the governor. So, there you go.
Alan: That’s what I’m saying. People don’t realize that this is not their system. There is a control mechanism at the top. And they make sure of it. That’s how they never lose control. That’s why they can plan something a hundred years before and bring it into effect. They always make sure they have their own people at the top.
Jackie: Well, of course. Controlled opposition.
Alan: Yes. And you know yourself, and you’ve spoken about it before. You have these United Nations Associations of Police Chiefs for instance. And there’s one for mayors now.
Jackie: Oh, everything, Alan. Chiefs of police and mayors. They have international associations for just about every, and they do have National Associations for every elected official from state legislatures to legislative aids. They’ve got them all.
Alan: And that was the reason they set up the United Nations. It was bit by bit to take over every aspect of your life, really. And they have been at it and working at it. And when they signed that deal, the UN deal, that was really the end of the old system, which the big boys also controlled. This is just the updating of their system to the new system.
Jackie: And, for any of our listeners, that might not be aware of it, in case we have any new listeners, because I have said this. The United Nations, of course, previously was the League of Nations. Prior to that, it was the League to Enforce Peace.
Alan: And before that it was the Concert of Europe.
Jackie: Okay. And people believe, I think, and I can relate to this, because, Alan, when I first woke up and became involved. I believed things that I read, because people wrote them, with you know, a certain amount of authority. But it is kind of a given or an accepted thing, that we signed a charter, that was a treaty with the United Nations. That’s what they call it, a treaty that was signed with the United Nations. All the US did was enter into a membership, because treaties in the United States are made between governments.
Alan: That’s right.
Jackie: And all they did was say, okay, we’re going to become a member of this nongovernmental association. Well, actually the United Nations calls itself intergovernmental organization. And all the other ones that are in it are nongovernmental organizations.
Alan: That’s actually the Soviets. That is the real Soviet, because the Soviet system, Soviet meant that. It was rule by NGOs or councils. And that is how the United Nations is comprised. It is along those same lines.
Jackie: Yes, it is. I believe we mentioned this before. I’ve mentioned it before, we have a piece that I transcribed from, right from the source. I think it was back in the early 40s, or it might have been the late 40s, because they were already, you know, doing the UN. We know they were doing it during the Second World War. But anyway, it was called Peace by Pieces, and how the nongovernmental organizations, the NGOs were going to become, well, not the voice of the people, but basically it is the United Nations.
Alan: That’s right. And of course, the NGOs, the biggest ones, the authorized big boys, NGOs are not little grassroots movements. They have buildings and staff and two or three or more floors for an NGO. They pretend to speak on behalf of the public, and they’re funded by the great foundations.
Jackie: The Chamber of Commerce is one of the biggies. And you know, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America are part of the...
Alan: That’s why they set them up.
Jackie: Yes. And the YMCAs.
Alan: Anything that would grab the young, especially. I mean, most people go through their lives, and once they’re married or they’re in their twenties or thirties, they’re into the system. And from then on, it’s a rush, a mad rush, until they retire. And so, they always go for the young ones and give them a slightly different, modified system. They keep them apart, and the generation gap, which is encouraged. And so, they can always. And the young ones always adapt so quickly. They’re born into this system, which is different from their parents. They adapt to everything in it so quickly, naturally, they don’t question it. And then the ones that come after them are the same for the next step and the next step. And that’s how they do it. Give us the children.
Jackie: Give us the young. Okay, here I am again. There’s a piece in our children’s section, and it is the very first piece. It’s a statement by Auguste Comte, and he said give us the young and we will change the world. And folks, of course, Alan’s website, Cutting Through the Matrix is linked there, but you can get directly to Alan by going to cuttingthroughthematrix.com, and oh, we haven’t talked about this. There’s a new audio/video that was posted. What was it, Sunday night, Alan?
Alan: On Sunday.
Jackie: And it is a speech. It is an audio speech. I mean, an actual speech that John F. Kennedy gave, April 24th, was it Alan? 1961? And what he was saying in this speech, folks, was that he was not going to allow to the extent of his power, he was not going to allow secret societies to exist. And if you haven’t heard it, Alan has commentary before and after, and the speech is there. You will want to hear it. Alan, I literally listened to that thing at least four times. Well, because, of course, the language that he used, he didn’t come out and say, you know, the Freemasons and...
Alan: Yeah, because it’s all encompassing. It also included the big boys, you know, the Bilderberg type, the Club of Rome, all the great foundations, because he was linked to these people through the money. He understood the agenda. And, the great foundations, even Weishaupt mentioned using philanthropy, meaning people with big bucks or organizations to force a direction in the world. And that’s what they’ve been doing for a long, long, time.
Jackie: Yeah, and he was giving the speech to the Press Club, was it, and you know.
Alan: This is the same associated press, remember, that has the public scratching their heads, saying, why was he killed?
Jackie: Right. Right, exactly.
Alan: And yet, here he is, talking about…
Jackie: How many people do you think ever heard that speech? You heard it, you remembered it.
Alan: That was on the BBC years ago, because it was linked at the time to an oddball documentary on Freemasonry, and they showed that speech at the time. And it was the same year, in fact, that I went to a friend, a school friend’s wedding, his sister’s wedding. And it was held in a Masonic Lodge. And because it was like synchronicity, where things come together at the same time, the speech and the Masonic exposure documentary, and going to that Masonic, where the function was served, called the wedding function reception. The father of the bride, who was drunk, lifted the son up to the keyhole, which was about eye level of an adult into this room. And he lifted me up, and I saw the all-seeing eye on the east. It was coming down from the roof on a pipe. And this big huge eye, and below it was a sort of pyramid thing, a stepped pyramid. And that stuck in my head, like synchronicity. And that’s when I started looking into the secret societies, because these lodges were all over the place.
Jackie: Remember when he mentioned the press as the on-party press. That was quite telling, wasn’t it?
Alan: Well, it’s true. It’s not really even what we think of as parties. To me, there are no sides. There’s only one side.
Jackie: Right, exactly, basically that is what he was saying.
Alan: It’s a system.
Jackie: When Republicans are in, they bash Republicans, when Democrats are in, well, it depends on what they’re doing, what their handlers are having them do, I guess I should say.
Alan: Yeah, because these people remember, most of them on the federal levels are all millionaires. They all have the shares in the same corporations. They know the future agenda, that’s why they do their investments and so on, into those big corporations. They know where the world is going to go, and they put on this dog and pony show for the public.
Jackie: Lining their pockets.
Alan: They line their pockets. And there’s nothing new in that, if you look at the histories of Britain, it was such a…
Jackie: Well, what do you think they did in Rome, Alan?
Alan: I know. And that’s why even the Roman Senate was called the Senate. And the Senate is an Egyptian word, it means the chess board.
Jackie: Oh, wow, I didn’t know that. Did you tell us that before?
Alan: I don’t know.
Jackie: Chessboard.
Alan: I think I’ve mentioned it before. Because that’s what the chessboard was called in Egyptian. And, of course, that’s why even in Britain now they have the black and white squares in the House of Lords.
Jackie: That’s an Egyptian word? Oh, my. Chessboard, oh, Alan.
Alan: That’s why you have the black and the white, the profane and those in the light, is light and black, you see.
Jackie: And those that they say are in the light, are the ones that are in the dark, right?
Alan: Oh, yeah.
Jackie: Sure.
Alan: So, they can control the real world, and they give a different version for the profane, those who are in the dark. And that’s why the Owl, of course, Sophia, Wisdom, is one of their high symbols, because the Owl that sees in the dark is the Land of the Blind. It’s all masonic. It’s high occultic, really.
Jackie: Well, I listened, I told you this. Is that archive to your broadcast that you did Sunday night on Feet to the Fire?
Alan: Actually, I think it’s going to be streaming. It’s been showing in different places, in different countries.
Jackie: No, I’m not talking about the television thing. Feet to the Fire, the one you did ten to…
Alan: Twelve.
Jackie: Yeah, ten to twelve, Sunday night.
Alan: I think that’s maybe up on there, on the website now, I think.
Jackie: Okay. Well, I would like to urge our listeners to go and listen to that. It was excellent. And I, as told you, I thought that the host, I mean, you could hear his intelligence, his sincerity. He just sounded like a for-real guy, Alan.
Alan: Yes. He was interested for sure.
Jackie: Yes, he was. Yes, he was.
Alan: And also that TV one will be broadcast on the 25th, I think. And it’s been shown in some countries as well. So, that was the Out There one. Out There. And once it’s been broadcast, I’ll put it up on the site too.
Jackie: Cool. And he asked you a question that was really the same question that I had asked you, because it has been kind of confusing, why are they letting you say all these things. And would you respond, tell our listeners how you responded to that.
Alan: I think I said on that one, that was really, they’re so cocksure of themselves now that they really don’t care. They know that the public is off balance with everything else that’s going on. And people generally look at their immediate needs or fears or whatever, so they can always keep them off balance about the coming bird flu or whatever, you know. They’re terribly sure and arrogant of it. They’re very arrogant right now, in fact.
Jackie: Well, they say that there will come a time that there’s nothing anybody can do about it. Now, that is arrogance. I mean, when we look back, well, I can’t look back the way you do. But from what, you know, you have shared with us, they’ve tried this over and over and over again, and maybe they haven’t been as close this time. That’s what you said before, that you had a sense, because they didn’t have as high technology as they do today, but, they’ve never been successful.
Alan: Well, maybe it’s a saving grace in a sense. Their defect is their craving for power. It’s abnormal. I mean it’s not normal. It’s beyond the norm. And because of that, their ego is incredibly huge, and there’s only going to be one throne here for the world, and each one of the big boys wants to be seated there, you see. So, their Achilles heel is always when they start fighting each other. They’re not concerned about the little people. Although, the little people can take a terrible beating, as the Titans dance around in their death throes. But it’s very possible they’ll start on each other, eventually.
Jackie: And another saving grace, is, as you said, when enough people wake up to it, and become enlightened, self-enlightened, if you will, because that’s the only way it’s going to happen, although, people like you, who share the information, and plant the seeds, Alan, maybe begin that search, that seeking of knowing thyself, because there’s nothing else to seek, when enough people are enlightened, and will it to be another way, it can be another way.
Alan: Yeah, but it takes an awful lot of work. Because I never say I’m here to save this system. You see most people truly want to save it.
Jackie: I’m not talking about saving the system, you know that.
Alan: You see, most people, really, and that’s why they listen to the shortwave, the big shortwave stations.
Jackie: We’ve got to save the country, take our country back.
Alan: Let’s just stop time here. Don’t let it get any worse. Let me live my life out the way I want it to be, and then you can start time again.
Jackie: I mean, it’s bad enough now, but just don’t let it get any worse. Because, I can handle it. I’m still alive.
Alan: And I’ve got my hobbies, and so on. So, that’s what they really want, and they don’t realize that even the system we live in today was manufactured this way.
Jackie: However, we’re talking about the masses. And there are those who have for some reason escaped that. Those are the ones that this message is for, aren’t they, Alan.
Alan: That’s just exactly right. That’s exactly right. The ones who have died a thousand deaths, as they say. And you die off to everything that you thought was…
Jackie: Oh, man. That’s not easy either, you know. That’s a real journey. That’s a real trip.
Alan: And yet, you have to do it to really understand who you are, and what life is all about, you have to die to all the things that you took for granted. And you have to question them all first, before you even get there. And you realize, my God, there’s nothing in this system that really is natural.
Jackie: Yes, and I think, I just have always felt this, that people who are listening to Sweet Liberty, that they wouldn’t be listening if they weren’t at least potentially part of that realm of people who are seeking truth, who want truth, and who are willing to accept and face it, no matter how…
Alan: Hard it is.
Jackie: Oh, how hard it is. And there is a time of disorientation, and I know you recall this, when, Alan, literally, and it seemed like it lasted for weeks. I was walking around and doing things, and feeling like I wasn’t here, because anything I looked at, everything I looked at it just wasn’t real. And you said, well, that’s a good place to start. Let it all go. And let all of the American Dream… Alan, they said it right, didn’t they? They gave us a Dream. They made it the right thing. They said, it’s a Dream, folks. And we said, oh, the American Dream, only in America. And I cried, you know, when we were singing the National Anthem. When you’re as into the system as I was that way, and I bet you a lot of our listeners are or were. It is, it’s not an easy thing to do. And yet, once you’re out of it, there is a freedom. And we are going to take about a three-minute break, here, and so folks, we’ll be back after this, Alan Watt.
(Commercial Break)
Jackie: So, we give up our dreams, Alan. Our American Dream. What do they give you guys in Canada?
Alan: They had a bit closer to the American Dream, they had material substance for a while, but of course, the agenda had a different future envisaged. And, in fact, at the end of World War II, so many factories had been built in Canada to deal with the war production, that Canada was rated, even by the UN, to be one of the world’s leaders in industry.
Jackie: Even, even above the US?
Alan: At that time. And because it’s a socialist country under the British Commonwealth, the same system. So, they’d used this public/private deal long before we heard of it here, or in the States. And they had to take the taxpayers’ money and build all the factories. But, of course, they had a different plan scheduled for Canada. And they actually started to deindustrialize back in the late 70s, about the same time as they were deindustrializing Britain.
Jackie: And killing the family farms here in America.
Alan: Oh, yeah, yeah. Because then, and of course, the United States, you never get the truth on anything. You know, people who work for government, swear oaths, to the secret oath basically for their service. And they’re under the Official Secrets Act. So, they know that there’s an agenda at all time.
Jackie: Wait, say that again.
Alan: Everyone who works in government takes the oath.
Jackie: In US government too? They take secret oaths?
Alan: It’s an oath to secrecy. That they must keep everything, in Britain, it used to be 35 years after retirement, you couldn’t speak. So, in other words, you’d be dead.
Jackie: You mean, if I became a US Congressman, I’d have to make an oath. Take an oath.
Alan: Under National Security. And you see, you’ve got to understand what they’re talking about when they say National Security. And it’s a corporate state that you know nothing about, then to the public. And of course, they have the agenda for that nation. So, they cannot disclose it. So, we always find out fifty years after the fact as to when this part or that part was signed, or, you know. We’re always way behind in reality, our reality.
Jackie: Well, and not only that, but think about this. They continue to change their definition of National Security.
Alan: Yes. Because in democratic countries, democracy has always been flexible.
Jackie: And securing the homeland. You know, Alan, when I saw that phrase. We’re securing the homeland. You look up the word, secure, it’s they’re securing their property, so to speak.
Alan: You fix it, you tie it, to secure something.
Jackie: Yeah. It has nothing to do with securing the people, or offering some type of protection. Whatever. I mean, it’s all such a sham, but just look up the dog-gone word, securing, and we’re securing the homeland. And then you have to say, whose homeland? When was America ever referred to as "the homeland"?
Alan: And no doubt, somewhere in the federal government, there will be a legal definition of what they mean by that. And that’s what someone can do a search and find out. So, they will have a legal definition of it.
Jackie: You know, I have something I’m going to email you and ask you to take a look at it. I’ve been getting emails from the Homeland Security Investment. And I sent it over to Darren. And I said, Darren, would you please look at this. It looks like. I mean, what else could be called Homeland Security. And I keep getting these emails about all the good investments and how their investments have grown, and etc. And it’s the Homeland Security Investment. And I thought, well, here we are, a separate corporation from the US government incorporated. So, I’ll send it over to you, and see if you can take a look at it and see. Darren just thought it must be not something that was actually connected with the Department of Homeland Security. But, what company would have the right to call themselves Homeland Security?
Alan: Well, an authorized one. Because Federal Express is not Federal. Or even the Treasury. Same sort of thing. So, yeah, most things are actually privately owned, as you know. In fact, this whole public/private deal. And this was discussed back in the 1950s.
Jackie: Public/private partnership.
Alan: It was a general from NATO. He talked about the future armies being basically private armies, owned by corporations, you know, secure various mineral wealth, etc, in different countries. So, most things really are private today. That’s why you’re a private when you join the army. You’re now owned. You’re privately owned.
Jackie: And that’s why you own dog tags. I mean, you wear dog tags.
Alan: And of course, that’s really what it means. But everything is done through this corporate structure and corporate legalism through the names that we’re given. Even the countries’ names, etc. And even Washington D.C. You know, it’s a corporation. So, everything is done through private corporations, really. Because they rule over the public, it doesn’t mean it’s your system, it’s actually their system. It’s a private system.
Jackie: You know, that one. Oh, I know what it was. Greg S. I listened to that. And, you know, they were talking so much about the Jesuits, sort of like, okay, it’s all the Jesuits. Well, Alan, I read Tupper Saucy’s book, and unless he fabricated all of the bibliographies and footnotes, they could lead one to believe that the Jesuits were behind everything.
Alan: Remember, years ago, I said to you on the radio, I said, if you look into it’s this group, it’s that group. It’s whatever group. You’ll find lots of books to back it up. And if you read them all, they’ll all appear to be right. And that’s when you realize, it’s all true, because there’s only one big group running them all. And that is how power is, always.
Jackie: So, each of the different societies have their different little deals that they’re going to work. He sent me his book. And he said, if I didn’t like it, would I please send it back. Well, I had so many highlights and notes. I mean, I was really fascinated with this book, and then I get to the end of it, and he says, we have exactly the government that we’re supposed to have. You know, it’s God’s Plan.
Alan: Oh, God’s Plan.
Jackie: Because we’ve gotten so evil, that we have an evil government. So, everything that’s happening is because we’re all so evil. And I thought, oh shit. Excuse my language. And I looked at this book, and I thought, well, I can’t send this back to him, because I had marked it all up. But what a farce, Alan.
Alan: It’s a farce, but see, government can only exist when it has what appears to be enemies, who threaten you as an individual, a member of the public. And they can stand up as governments and say, we’re here to protect you. We want to tax you, and we want to organize you in a different way to defend you and take care of you. So, the more enemies that you appear to have, the better. And, of course, you cannot, in this day and age. And it’s been like this for a long, long time. You cannot have secret organizations working independently. It’s impossible not to be infiltrated. It’s impossible. It doesn’t matter who you are. And it’s been like that for centuries. And they’re all really one, but they keep the semblance going, so it’s to keep the public always confused.
Jackie: And well, they keep the frontmen, the outer portico, so to speak.
Alan: And the public want someone they can identify with. So, if you’re Protestant, you’ll go for a Protestant leader. Catholic for the Catholic leader. Jewish go for the Jewish leader. Black go for the black leader, and so they make sure they supply all the leaders and sure enough, whatever your belief is, your culture, your creed, there’s someone out there to lead you. Take your pick.
Jackie: Yes. It reminds me of the Council for National Policy. All those phony conservatives, Christian conservative leaders. They, I noticed this, when you look at the list of names of all the organizations, like, you know, Larry Pratt, gun owners of America, and Phyllis Schlafly, and I won’t go on and on, but I thought, well, each of them has an agenda. And each of them is a bell for somebody’s button. I mean, you know, the "right to life"-er’s go for Eagle Forum. And the "right to carry and bear arms" is...
Alan: That’s what I’m saying. All these pied pipers come out. And if you watch them carefully towards the end, it all starts going in the same direction before they merge. And they bring all their followers with them. Their followers end up saying, how did we end up here? And so, that’s what I’m saying, whatever you want to believe in, it’s like walking into a big store, a tailor store for a suit. It doesn’t matter what size you are, what height you are, or breadth you are, there’s one there for you ready made. Take your pick.
Jackie: You’ll find something. And they provide it for us.
Alan: And that’s been done for centuries and thousands of years, in fact. That’s why Mystery Babylon, it was hard to pinpoint. That’s why they called it Mystery.
Jackie: What was Mystery Babylon? What is Mystery Babylon?
Alan: Mystery Babylon is everything for everyone. So, you’d have a bunch, say, those priests over in the West there. No, it’s the ones over in the East over there. Oh, it’s those ones to the North.
Jackie: Well, it’s New York City. It’s the Catholic Church. Are you talking about Mystery Babylon in Revelations?
Alan: Yeah, and even before Revelations. I mean, Babylon was a complete system of all religions, degrees of truth, secret societies, etc.
Jackie: You mean, Babylon itself at the time. Whoa.
Alan: Of all kinds. And so, it was hard to put it down as Babylon was, blah, blah, blah. It was everything, it was an entire system of economics, social control, war policies, foreign policies, everything.
Jackie: And now, is it true that where Iraq is where Babylon was.
Alan: It was in that area.
Jackie: Do you think that’s connected with why, you know, the minute that they "invaded" that they went into the museums and all the archives?
Alan: We even talked on the air before that happened, remember? And they’d just shown a television program here on CBC, I think it was CBC, and it was about investors in New York and Louisiana, who were already taking bids for the antiques which they would steal from the museums in Iraq. These were big multi-millionaires. These were the go-getter guys.
Jackie: Well, and then the really, really big guys would get a hold of the ancient manuscripts.
Alan: But, here’s the kicker, Jackie. They knew before the American military went in and eventually got to there. Now, it tells you that some…
Jackie: You mean this was before they went into the war?
Alan: Yes. But these guys had already taken the bids. They were cocksure to get what they wanted. How would you be able to say that unless you had contacts in the CIA, who would go in with the troops and cordon off the museums and take the pick? That’s how it had to have been done. That’s how it had to have been.
Jackie: Because, it really is a bedrock of civilization, isn’t it?
Alan: It’s ancient. Even Bill Clinton when he was in, had been on, many thousands of Cruise Missiles had been going over into Iraq every few years. That’s when the embargo and they were starving them all to death.
Jackie: Alan, they were doing by-weekly bombing runs.
Alan: Yes. Putting all these Cruise Missiles from ships. And I used to wonder, because most of them are landing in the desert. And I says, there’s nothing there. But there was something there. There were ancient sites there, archaeological sites, and they were destroying evidence. Which would probably knock religions, etc, out of the window. That’s what I think. They were hitting ancient archaeological sites. And digs.
Jackie: That would what, did you say?
Alan: Knock a lot of the religions out the window. I mean, people don’t realize how powerful a tool the established religions have always been.
Jackie: I’m sure, which the Dead Sea Scrolls would have done. If the Dead Sea Scrolls were found as they said they were, you think about this, they were held under lock and key for fifty years, Alan. Only seven.
Alan: Well, I know, if they’re even genuine.
Jackie: That’s what I said. If there were Dead Sea Scrolls. That’s the problem. Everything we talk about, we don’t even know if it’s real.
Alan: The thing that gets me, some young shepherd, supposedly boys, one day threw stones in and they heard a clunk, because they hit a jar in a cave. Now, little boys go into all kinds of caves, and supposedly for a couple of thousand years no one had done so? That’s impossible.
Jackie: Well, there you go. Thank you for that Alan.
Alan: But these routes were not out of the way.
Jackie: So, here I am, talking about the fact that they had the Dead Sea Scrolls under lock and key, for fifty years, and they probably don’t even really exist.
Alan: See, you can manufacture anything to look old.
Jackie: Exactly. Well, thank you. Thank you. That, you know what, that’s what Cutting Through the Matrix is, isn’t it. You know, you have the perfect label, name for your website. And I think you said, it’s sort of like breaking the spell. You break the spell that has been cast. That’s Cutting Through the Matrix. And you know, we talked about this. This is kind of on the same line. When I was learning about the way they’re teaching children to read. Look/say reading. And I’m really not off track here, off our point. I was talking to Charlotte Iserbyt, and she said this on the air. I wouldn’t even want my child to learn the Ten Commandments by Look/Say reading. And I said, I don’t understand that, why? She said there’s no transference. Well, I didn’t understand that. Then I had Anita Hoge on, and Alan, this is when I really got it. She said, when we are really learning something, let’s look at the brain like a tree and the brain stem. And when the child begins to learn, all of these synapses are created. Those are the branches, the twigs. And each area, for example, science and geography and reading. And those are main branches. Mathematics. And then there’s all the little twigs. But she said, everything is connected. So, the child actually can think and reason. Now, with look/say reading, they don’t have any concepts. They learn a word, and she said, now, picture the brain with a bunch of dashes in it. Nothing is connected. There’s no connection any place. There’s no ability to reason or think.
Alan: Yeah, well, that’s ideal for a population that’s going to go through big changes.
Jackie: Yes, but why did I go into that? I said, I’m not off our point. Where were we?
Alan: Well, things like the Dead Sea Scrolls and how they…
Jackie: And the Matrix.
Alan: And the Matrix, because, yeah, I mean, I looked at where they found the Dead Sea Scrolls and, now, for thousands of years the same shepherd boys have gone on the same routes. It’s not like it was a huge, massive country here, you know, like the Sahara or the desert. It was the same general routes. And boys explore everything.
Jackie: Right. But we were talking about Cutting Through the Matrix. And when we were talking about this on the air, my question was, okay. Things that have been brainwashed into people, just these synapses that have this information in it, that they believe. And I asked you, how, how would a person become unbrainwashed? Could those synapses be replaced with actual truth, or would it have to be cross-circuited? And you said, I think it would have to be cross-circuited. Which made sense to me. It has to be a shock. And I think that’s what Cutting Through the Matrix is, Alan.
Alan: Yeah, you have to.
Jackie: Talk to people.
Alan: It’s like this stuff. See, people parrot what they’re given to parrot, and Brzezinski said that in his own book, that they give us the topics to talk about. And they always have. And I thought about that one not long ago, where NASA claimed it sent off some multi-billion dollar spaceship up into space to collect some space dust, you know, and they got something less than one gram or something. And they prattle on about that, no doubt, at cocktail parties people prattled on about this nonsense. And they tell us such utter rubbish, you know. And most of the data in our lives is just that. It’s just data. And it’s like telling us that they send all these shuttles up there to see if spiders can have sex in space, you know. I mean, it’s utter tripe. It’s tripe. Because that’s not the function of those things at all. They’re up there putting up satellites that are going to watch you and monitor you and stuff like that. But they give us rubbish on a consistent, daily basis.
Jackie: They say that those satellites are so powerful that they can see a mole on your butt.
Alan: Yeah, they could. But this is the rubbish they feed us, consistently. And that’s how it’s always been. We’re fed nonsense. Utter nonsense.
Jackie: Doesn’t it make you feel creepy sometimes? Sometimes when I’m outside, and I think, you know, there could be a satellite zeroing in. And it could be like they’re ten yards away.
Alan: Yes, I know.
Jackie: You know, whatever you’re doing.
Alan: And they have so many up there that it boggles the mind.
Jackie: Oh, yeah. Chuck and I used to sit out on the side deck, at night you know, and turn off the lights in the house. And just because it’s beautiful up here and you know, when there aren’t the chemtrails, the stars are, there’s just billions and billions of them. But we just sat there one night, and suddenly, we saw this star moving. And suddenly, he said, that isn’t a star. It’s a satellite. And we watched that satellite make its little trek, and then we kept finding satellites, Alan. They’re all over.
Alan: Yeah, and that’s the ones that you can see. You know.
Jackie: Yeah, that’s the ones we could see.
Alan: It’s like the latest NASA thing. They said, oh, they sent another multi-million dollar satellite to start tracking the weather patterns, to see how clouds form and how they move. Oh, gee. They did this long before they started the chemtrails, because they use those patterns to move the chemicals. We’re fed nonsense on a daily basis. And it’s always been that way. And it’s so amazing to me that scientific theories, this is how we’re taught in the bottom Matrix, everything is theory, which is taught as fact. They keep changing the theories every few years without saying, oops, I guess we were wrong with the last ones.
Jackie: I told you about the, well, I read an article, in fact, I haven’t sent it to Darren yet. I read an article, I think in the Tribune. I don’t think I told you about this, but maybe I did. But it was, this article talked about the hoax of global warming. And it mentioned two Time magazine articles. One was from 1974. And the other one was from 2006. And the one in 1974, talked about we were going into an Ice Age. And I had to find that article, and so I did a search, and dog-gone it, I found it. And they were talking about all the terrible weather that we were having then, the droughts and the floods and all this unusual weather, and it was all because we were about to enter a new Ice Age. And then, you read Time Magazine, 19, whatever it was, it was 2006, it was this year, March something. And it says, "Be Worried. Be Very Worried." And it tells about all the weird, wild weather. It says, it’s because of global warming. And I’m going to send. I didn’t want to just send an article over there that talked about these articles. I found both of them, Alan.
Alan: And that’s after, of course, the US Air Force said that they would be able to own the weather.
Jackie: We’ve got that in our weather.
Alan: It can’t be related of course, eh?
Jackie: But like you said, they just keep changing the story. And you know, from 1970 whatever, to 2006, well, heck, people aren’t going to remember that.
Alan: No, they won’t.
Jackie: So, if you put up both articles, don’t just read an article about those articles but actually read them, you can see the lies. You can see the lies. I’ve got both of those articles ready, and haven’t sent them over to him, and I need to do that. You know, we’re just about out of our hour here. And so, tell our listeners whatever you would like to say.
Alan: Well, they’ve got to find themselves and then empty their minds of all the refuse and garbage that’s been instilled of us, and start thinking for themselves. And they’ll be surprised what they come up with. We can all do it, you know, if we want to.
Jackie: Yes, and you know what it takes, Alan. Quiet time.
Alan: Quiet time and thinking time.
Jackie: Well, you can’t think if you’ve got a radio blasting.
Alan: That’s right. All you’re doing is following an agenda.
Jackie: You can’t think if the television is blaring. So, the quiet time is the important time, that allows us to get in touch with that part of ourselves.
Alan: Well, we’re using something we’re all given, and that’s our own brain and mind, to think with. It’s amazing how we give it away to others to do our thinking for us. Amazing.
Jackie: Well, it is true though that without that quiet, it’s not going to happen. It can’t happen.
Alan: It can’t happen.
Jackie: And for our listeners who have small children, who, my grandchildren, they have their own little boomboxes or whatever. They’ve got headsets and they, you know, when they’re traveling they’ll go ahead and put the headsets on. So, nobody talks to each other. I say, take them away. Explain to the children why I did it, with the grandchildren that summer, and said please just leave it in here and go out there and just hear the birds and hear God’s music.
Alan: And talk to each other.
Jackie: And talk to each other. So, as parents, we have responsibilities for our children. Alan, thank you for tonight.
Alan: It’s a pleasure.
Jackie: Thank you. Folks, we’ll be back with you Wednesday night. Darren will be with you, Monday and Tuesday. So, be sure to tune in. Good Night, folks.
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