Alan Watt on

"Sweet Liberty" with Jackie Patru

June 28, 2005




Jackie:  Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for joining us tonight here on Sweet Liberty. It is Tuesday and it is the 28th of June in the year 2005 and Alan Watt is back with us again tonight and I was doing last minute preparations. Alan, are you there with us?


Alan:  I am.


Jackie:  Folks, we're going to be talking about Alan's book, "Cutting Through" tonight. We're going to be talking about "Cutting Through" and we're going to zero in on Revelations and so Alan would you give them your address, your contact information.


Alan:  Sure.


Jackie:  Okay, thank you.


Alan:  There's actually three books, 1, 2 and 3, and the last one goes into some of the history of priesthoods and the bankers because they do go hand-in-hand all down through the thousands of years that we know of. I try and give you the documentation – the scanty documentation that is available and I have found enough to put in a book and show you this correlation between religion and money. If anyone wants 1, 2 or 3, "Cutting Through," [see for ordering information.]. You will enjoy this because I don't think the correlations have been put so precisely before.


All knowledge as I say is scattered deliberately, so I think, because I don't see why the authorized historians who have access to archives, as opposed to public libraries, why wouldn't they give us this correlation between money, the system of money, the money which creates standing armies which then go and conquer other countries to force the same money system on them with the debt and all the rest of it and the priesthoods, who basically their purpose is to control the minds of the people so that they'll go along with it. It's still going on today as we force Moslem countries to accept this term called "democracy", a term, by the way, which changes definition every 25 years because the democracy of today is different from that 50 years ago and it's different from the one they had in Britain in the 1800's. At that time only the nobility could vote. People without property had no say in anything.


Jackie:  And that was the truth even in the young America.


Alan:  That's right. It was only landowners and even then they specified a certain acreage before you could vote.


Jackie:  Yes, exactly under the Constitution. You had to be a landowner.


Alan:  That wonderful document written by lawyers that you could drive buses through. Everything is a scam and of course even prior to the revolution there were international meetings in Europe where the bankers and the top front men for the bankers got together and they needed a shining knight in armor that would lead the world into their system believing it was for the people. They couldn't use England because London had pillaged half the world and stole and robbed and so on, and they couldn’t use France because they did the same thing. Therefore they decided to create a brand new one and people fell for it of course. There's more mythology involved in the founding than reality, but that was their Novus Ordo Seclorum, their New World Order. That's the motto and the U.S. is actually doing what it was created to do, which was to bring this in.


Jackie:  Well yes and think about it. They referred to America as the New World, and I thought about that.


Alan:  Every symbol of the U.S. federal government including the Great Seal, both sides, is ancient, ancient Egyptian. Even prior to Egyptian the same symbols were used in Sumer so this is an ancient brotherhood stretching back many, many thousands of years using their symbols openly in front of the people who generally never inquire as to what they actually mean. It's the oddest thing even to see Washington's Monument built like an Egyptian obelisk dedicated to a god. That's why they raised the obelisk. A human being had achieved godhood. That's what apotheosis means and here they erect one in Washington and the average American doesn't ask the question, "why would they put an Egyptian obelisk for Washington in this so-called, so-called Christian country?"  The signs are right in front of us.


Jackie:  I had a call from a very nice man today and he said how much he enjoyed our broadcast but he said I just don't understand why the program before yours and after yours always comes in so good. I hear this from so many people, Alan, that he has to listen so closely to be able to hear it, but he said that he knew that the Bible was true and we talked and I mentioned the King James Version and that Francis Bacon was one of the editors. Who was Francis Bacon? He certainly was an insider but people get the idea and I don't know why because I've said it a jillion times. I know that there's truth in that book. They have to give us truth but there's so much – it's all mingled up with the lies and the contradictions and that is the one thing that it doesn't cease to confuse me I guess is that people can believe that the infallible word of God is contradictory; and it is contradictory. There are so many contradictions.


Alan:  That is the technique of mind control; it's to give the person the ability to hold two opposing opinions on the same subject in their head at the same time.


Jackie:  And both of them being true?


Alan:  That's right. They'll fight to the death to defend either contradiction.


Jackie:  As I told you just before we went on the air, I really wanted to read the book last night and get into where you were talking about Revelations and after about five minutes I crashed, working out in that hot sun and the good exercise, it really helps you sleep but you said you haven't read it yourself.


Alan:  I read it; I mean I wrote it and I never recheck anything once I've written it so there'll be a few typo errors. I didn't use a computer and I watched my fingers rather than what I was writing, so excuse any typo errors that you come across.


Jackie:  You want me to make a note of it if I find them as I'm reading?


Alan:  Sure. I can't be bothered.


Jackie:  Well, Revelations, can you give us some of what you wrote? You said you don't have a copy there?


Alan:  Yes.


Jackie:  Now Alan, how are you going to make copies for your new people?


Alan:  I've got a master copy.


Jackie:  Oh, but you don't want to mess with the master copy?


Alan:  You get one wrinkle on that and you can't get it through the machine.


Jackie:  Maybe we'll have to do it another time though because I haven't read it so there aren't places that I can refer to. Some of the symbology that you gave in the book can you recall with Revelations?


Alan:  It's all astral theology, the ancient, ancient priesthoods and we don't know how far back they stretch but we know it's way before Sumer, 5,000 BC they already had all of the major planets charted. They had the stars, the constellations and so on named, and many of the stars charted. They knew when certain stars would rise and what time in fact. It was so exact they knew what time it would rise for the first time in a set period and they basically wrote their plan into the constellations rising and setting, which constellations of the zodiac follow which ones, and they used that terminology even to do with – it's like animals chasing each other in a constant circle. They wrote elaborate stories for each part of the story for the zodiac and of course when people are trained to believe these are actual people that lived on earth it's very difficult to get that out so that they can see what it really is, especially if they've been trained from a very, very young age to believe that these are very real people.


In the book I use an old chart, an astrology chart in fact. That's how they couched that back in the 1500's. They were studying astronomy but they used astrology as an exoteric cover and in that particular zodiac you'll even see – have you got it in front of you?


Jackie:  Yes, I've got the book. Where would I go?


Alan:  Go to that zodiacal chart that's there. If you flick through it, the whole page is the zodiac. It's all symbols and animals.


Jackie:  Oh yes, I've already gone by that. It's up towards the front more?


Alan:  I think so. Every religion that's ever been and the stories concerning the individuals--


Jackie:  Oh yes, this is this whole page?


Alan:  Yes.


Jackie:  And then you've got the names, Baal, Saudi, God all Mighty. Now who are all these people?


Alan:  These are all the same people. It's all titles to the sun. It's titles to the sun at different periods of the year.


Jackie:  Baal means lord?


Alan:  Lord and it can also mean sun because it all revolves around the sun. The sun being born in the morning, prior to that, you get the coming of the sun. The color is purple. That's before dawn and like the song goes, "in the deep purple dawn." That's the royal color. That's why royalty is then set above the people. This is a system. The zodiac is a system of the system that we live in.


Jackie:  Are you saying system?


Alan:  Yes, system. Before that you get the royalty, the dawn. The Greeks called it Aurora and Aurora was the goddess of the dawn. She was dressed in purple as well and purple is the royal color for British royalty and royalty all over the world because they come in a sense before the system. They are pre-existent. Their system is pre-existent before the sun rises. That's what it means and then of course as the sun goes through its phases during the day they give it a different title. He's a young lion in the morning and of course he's a full-grown lion at midday and that's really one of the titles of Ra, Almighty Ra, such power and fire, so he's a full-grown adult male basically generally pictured as a lion. Then of course towards sundown he's an older lion who sheds his blood for the world, which is of course the sunset, the sky turns red, so every day the god of the world gives his life for the world. It's that simple.


Jackie:  And who is the god of the world?


Alan:  Well, you can take your pick. I mean there's many names for the same thing in different cultures and Lucifer of course is the light bringer and many of the esoteric sects that coexist inside the Christian sects and always have done in their own private rituals will have Lucifer as their god, meaning the light-bearer. Whereas the average Christian who's taken everything at face value, they're in the dark. They're still in the dark. They haven't seen the light, you see. That's what that means, so as we're being good little Christians we're also being mocked by the people who run Christianity and that's why all of the Pied Piper leaders you get, the TV evangelists, the superstars you might say, multimillionaires, have their own private meetings with Freemasonry. Billy Graham is a 33rd degree Mason and I'm sure all the rest of them are too and they have their own private esoteric meaning for everything.


Jackie:  I forgot to tell you I got a response. Remember that article about the Sanhedrin being reestablished, which you said you don't think it's ever not been and that would probably be so, but they're bringing it out in the open now. One of the courts that they're going to be establishing, the first one in Israel, are the Noahide courts and that one will be established in the U.S. and remember I sent that note to Billy Graham and asked he or his colleagues if there's been any opposition to this. Well, I got mail back from somebody who said Billy asked me to respond to you and he is very ill. He's evidentially on is way out but he just didn't have time to answer me personally and he hasn't done any research on it so there's nothing he had to say about it.


Alan:  No, which is ridiculous because these guys have known about these laws for years and Billy's been over to Israel who knows how many times and his job of course is to bring Christianity together with this religion based in Israel which will be the world court as well.


Jackie:  The world court?


Alan:  Yes. All these boys they lie because that's their job.


Jackie:  Well you know Alan from doing chapter 16 and 17 of the book and rereading the I think it's "The Cause of World Unrest" and all of the rituals that this guy brought out actually from Albert Pike's book, no wonder they're all so in love with Israel. I mean all of these – whatever, the 30th degree, the Knight Kadosh or whatever and their – well, even before then into their initiations, what are you building? We’re building temples, physical temples and temples in men's minds. Which way do you travel? From Babylon to Israel; and they asked them in one of them: Are you ready to be governors of Israel? Now that of course has got to be some kind of code. What the heck does that mean, Alan, are you ready to be governors of Israel?


Alan:  Israel again is Isis Ra-El. It's the bisexual deity in the male/female hermaphroditic god and of course behind all religions it's the same deity because their creator as they say is both male and female, meaning perfection, and of course if you go into that of India, they're far more explicit in connecting the two together. That's why Shiva and so on have attributes of both male and female and they show it openly in their statues and so on. There's a religion behind the exoteric religion. It's always been there and I think it was even Clements that said that when the mass is gone – and that's what he means by that. That's why you have a mass for the people. They're the masses. When the mass is gone, he said, we have our own secret meeting or secret rituals which the profane cannot see; so this has always been here from its very inception. As I say, too, Constantine himself just a week prior to the counsel that he supposedly was responsible for he deified himself as a god in the cult of Mithra. He built a temple so that the people – and this is traditional in the Roman theology – he built a temple so that people could go and worship him, a statue of him, even while he was still alive. He was worshipped as a god and that was traditional in ancient Greece and in Rome, so the secret religion of course is that they all attain godhood.


Jackie:  Did the people differentiate between "gods" and creator?


Alan:  Well, not really. In the Christian religion, even though the Old Testament is so wishy-washy because you have Elohim in the beginning and then you have this latecomer called Jehovah. I could also pronounce all the crazy other names or terms they use for it.


Jackie:  Yawvey and Yahaweh.


Alan:  Oh yes.


Jackie:  Did you hear a click on your phone?


Alan:  I did, yes.


Jackie:  I want you to know that your voice – the volume is up. It's almost like you're being suppressed or something.


Alan:  It's very possible because a lot of technology out there is so advanced that doing that is quite simple. Yes, you do have this Elohim and of course the secret behind the Elohim which is everybody is confused about and many guys have written books and made lots of money on them, but the real secret is the Elohim is 'we,' meaning the deity who's both male and female. That's what it really refers to.


Jackie:  Is that why it says, "let us make man in our image?"


Alan:  That's right and therefore Adam had the attributes of the deity. He was both male and female and then the female part was separated from him. That's the symbology.


Jackie:  Did they do that through surgery do you think or I mean was the whole thing--


Alan:  No, no. It's all esoteric nonsense.


Jackie:  Okay, but I mean is there any truth behind that back then that man was both male and female and that the story about Adam as being used as a representation of that?


Alan:  No, there's none at all. They definitely had homosexual sects who were priests themselves. I mean that's fairly traditional all down through thousands of years. You would have – I mean what young guy is going to cut off his manhood literally and join the cult of Isis? Which young guy is going to do that voluntarily and then go and spend the rest of his days with men? You always had a homosexual element who dressed as women and that's why even today the robes are still the female robes you know, so when a priest stands there he's representing male and female in one. In other words, he's reflecting their secret deity. 


Jackie:  They probably don't wear anything under their robes either.


Alan:  I don't know. I don’t know but this is the same in every religion.


Jackie:  You mentioned one time the dog priests. Those were the priests that were the ones that were used by the priests?


Alan:  Yes and they had temple prostitutes and they had them in Israel too because they've uncovered some parts of the old temple where they had an entrance which went into the house of prostitutes, the female ones, and then there's a little stela on the wall, a picture of the male ones on the left hand side of the entrance, so they had both and so did Israel. They were no different.


Jackie:  When you said Israel, it wasn't Israel back then?


Alan:  After the so-called Babylonian captivity there was an Israel for a short time, although the Romans called that whole area Edomia on their maps, but you can still check today. They have historical maps but they did have temple prostitutes the same as every other mystic religion across that part of the world and of course the generative power of the sexual act was the closest they claim they came to emulating the creator. It was a creative function and many of them in the higher sects claim that to have sex with the male was still closer to the deity than having sex with the female, so the deviant part of it has been there for thousands and thousands of years.


What they did and this is standard philosophy and history, what they did from the most ancient times to set up this particular system was to create a god and a god's wife in the heavens, so in Egypt it was Osiris and wife Isis. Then they'd have a representative on earth who also emulated that, so you had a human being who would be the god on earth. That was the pharaoh and his wife, so they wrote it into the heavens and then reenacted it on earth.


In fact, the three pyramids themselves are nothing more than the belt of the Constellation Orion.


Jackie:  We have to take our break. On the other side of this I want to remember to tell our listeners, you and I talked about this recently about John Coleman and his books… Somebody must have come down on John Coleman;and folks, for anybody to think that somebody is an ex- or former CIA or MI6 or whatever, it's folly because once you are, you are. Don't you agree with that Alan?


Alan:  They say that themselves.


Jackie:  You get people on radio broadcasts you know guests, former CIA, a former Illuminati. Really? And people fall for it because they say so and that's when our logic has to enter in. It's like people who listen to the broadcasts of people who are syndicated on a lot of different radio stations. Well, George Noory, what's his name, Art Bell, they actually take these people seriously and there are others who are purportedly in the patriot community or whatever you want to call it, alternative radio, and when they're on 18 and 20 and 30 hours a week and syndicated – there's one particular one. I can't mention the name but he's been on C-Span. He's been on I think if I'm not mistaken Fox News but the mainstream mentions him. Now when you get a mention by mainstream you have to know that it's one of theirs.


Alan:  You don't get an interview unless you are playing a role which they know about, and Albert Pike, and I can't stress it enough, he said that "we supply the leaders to the people. When they need a leader we supply them," and they always make sure it's a superstar that seems to have more info than anyone else and they steamroll ahead and before you know it they become almost a deity themselves.


Jackie:  Yes, and they have lots of infomercials too.


Alan:  These people are definitely backed. For instance, in about March or April there was a Rabbinical protest in New York; 6,000 people, many of them Rabbis, were protesting the illegality of the present Israel. They claimed that it's supposed to be Messiah-led to create a new Israel and it hasn't happened, this was done by man, and so 6,000 and all walked across the Brooklyn Bridge, brought everything to a standstill and yet not one paper mentioned that fact.


Jackie:  That's all well and good but it's sort of like a Ross Perot when he was allegedly fighting the NAFTA. He wasn’t fighting the NAFTA. He wasn’t opposing it. In fact his slogan was "not this NAFTA."


Alan:  What I'm saying, though, is not one paper or media mentioned that fact at all, which tells you if the media doesn't want to hear what you've got to say that you won't get a mention and so when you are doing a supposed patriot show – which is a joke anyway, the whole thing, the patriot. I'm sorry to say it but it's true. These guys gave you a system and made them believe it was yours and that's where the patriotism comes from. Now they're simply adjusting their system into the updated version and because people don't like change they're getting angry about it, so they put the Pied Pipers out there to lead you, which will be up the garden path as always, and nothing will be done except keeping you pacified or letting you blow off steam as we go through all the changes.


Jackie:  Yes and my thoughts about these 6,000 people, rabbis, et cetera. Well, okay, not this Israel because it isn't messiah-lead. They believe that their messiah is going to come in with the damn sword and eliminate all their enemies and they still are adherent to the Talmudic--


Alan:  Well, that's the craziness of all religion you see. I don't put them in a different bracket from anybody else. I know that the rabbis know more about the esoteric, but the followers don't, because the rabbis study the Talmud and they get to know what the inner meanings are.


Jackie:  Well, they're lied to. There's this rabbi from Neutra Karta I think it is. I heard him on John Stadtmiller's broadcast several years ago and he was saying they’re anti-Zionist and he said our god has demanded, commanded us to be good neighbors wherever we live. That's an outright lie because they are commanded to root out, pull down and destroy every nation where they live as though they were captives whether their host nation welcomes them with open arms or not.


Alan:  That's where the Noahide laws come in because it's their duty to actually try and get these laws enforced into all gentile nations wherever they travel. That's a commandment really and of course--


Jackie:  That's what I was saying but I was getting emails saying – in fact I did tune in. I got a call and somebody said oh you should hear this guy. He's really great. No, he wasn't, Alan. It was just fuzzy warm, we're good neighbors and we love America and we're anti-Zionists. That's BS. They might be "anti-Zionist" but they're still under the Talmudic law.


Alan:  As far as I'm concerned, there's no single religion out there that should have predominance over any other one or people.


Jackie:  There's no religion out there that should even be.


Alan:  They've all been created from the same source a long time ago and that's the triangle. That's one of the meanings of the triangle and a trinity because they love trinities, you see, and the Mystery Religion had trinities for thousands of years before Jesus and one of the trinities of course is Judaism, Christianity and Mohammedism. That's your three main religions.


Jackie:  On the internet you see all kinds of stuff about the evils of the Muslim religion et cetera and the people who are doing this don't even realize it that Christianity and Talmudism has been combined. It's all one.


Alan:  Legality always wins over and that was why they combined the Old Testament with the New. See, the more you condition people into a culture, and it's culture shaping you see, that's why you give them a specific religion that generally is promoted by the royalty or whoever is at the top. It's designed to have a function, a purpose and to take the people to a certain destination, a "fulfillment" if you like, of a plan and millions of people go along with it all because they're simply trained to do that from a very early age.


Jackie:  What I became aware of is that Christianity and Talmudism are not opposites. They're parallel and the people are on a parallel path, the Christians and the Jews, and that path isn't going to cross. It's going to merge.


Alan:  Eventually so will the updated the Muslim world, once the job is finished in the Middle East, they'll merge too.


Jackie:  Well, that's the intention.


Alan:  The trinity always merges, that's why you have three in one.


Jackie:  You look at the Christians waiting for Jesus. He's coming back and he's going to have his kingdom. The seat of his kingdom is going to be in Israel and then of course you've got the Jews on the same parallel path. They're waiting for their messiah who has not come yet and he's going to be the one that's going to rule the world. One of the things that you read in their websites on the Noahide laws et cetera, one of the things they're telling the Jews, one of the most frequently asked questions, why hasn't our messiah come? They said because the world is not ready for him yet and the world will not be ready for him until the Christians have become Hassidic Gentiles and that would be under the Noahide laws and so it's their duty, their mandate to proselytize and bring people in convincing them that this is the true "religion." Of course, then you have so-called Christian pastors and some of them on the air 20 and 30 hours a week actually getting their followers to observe the Talmudic holidays.


Alan:  Well, sheep go into the pasture and that's what a pastor means. He's looking after sheep and you can't do anything about it because sheep follow. That's all they do is follow and they will go willingly into whatever the guys at the top decide for them and it's unfortunate but that's the truth. That's why they call the man the pastor.


Jackie:  There are some people waking up. I know that from phone calls that I get from people and you have said that you've had some really great phone calls from people who suddenly just – it suddenly hits them. I thought about this last night that I'm not sitting here "bible bashing, Christian bashing," which evidentially to some people it sounds like what I'm doing, and Alan, I wouldn't even be talking about this because it is so sensitive for people who are really steeped in it. Now I was raised up in the Lutheran Church. I mean it wasn't like I didn't have religion but I knew that there was stuff that we weren't being told. It just wasn't making sense to me. But the only reason that I do this is because I see that it is the engine that is driving this plan for world dominion and it's so important and I would not intentionally offend or hurt somebody's feelings or tick people off just to do it. It would be nice if we didn't have to talk about this.


Alan:  When you have people going along with it and they become part of your problem or my problem because they're giving their power to this system and whether we agree with it or not we're supposed to go along with it or else; and I don't like that either. We all have a right to say what we know and what we think and if it hurts their feelings, then that's just too bad. If they're so brainwashed into this double-speak religion, a god of vengeance and a god who loves you, well that is their problem.


Jackie:  A god of vengeance, a god who loves you, "I'll curse you if you don't follow every one of my bloody statutes and I'll bless you if you do."


Alan:  "I'll make rich ones to lord over you and I can make rich whoever I want to. I'll have my favorites if I want them and I admire guys who can steal titles and property from others," because that's the whole story that they give you where Jacob gets the blessing that was supposed to be put on his brother. He cheated his old dad out of it trying to pretend he was the brother.


Jackie:  I thought was a really pathetic story when you read about it.


Alan:  It's a good story for that type of conniving and cunning.


Jackie:  That a father would reject the gift of one son and accept the gift of the other.


Alan:  Yes, a half-blind old man.


Jackie:  Yes and not only that, but the one son, wasn't he offering the fruits of his labors from the land?


Alan:  That's right. What it symbolizes is the man of nature. It's not real people, you see. What it also symbolizes is the one who has cunning and uses his intelligence but not his muscles to work and therefore it's his right to take advantage of the schmucks. That's the lesson there. That's what the lesson is.


Jackie:  People who believe that story, then in their minds they would want to be like the son who was blessed, the liar, the one that's cunning.


Alan:  The deceiver, and if God says that's okay then that's okay with them. Then they cannot complain when the government comes and steals whatever they have.


Jackie:  It's like the story about Abraham and Sarah and they waited a hundred years to have a son but meantime--


Alan:  She wasn't quite sure she wanted one.


Jackie:  Meantime, Hagar her handmaiden, she sent him in to Abraham to have a son and then when what was his name, Isaac, their son was born, she got jealous. She wanted what's his name out of the way. What was his name? Born to Hagar.


Alan:  Yes, I know who you mean.


Jackie:  Okay, you know who I mean. Well, you read that in the Old Testament and the Lord said to Abraham – this is my of course paraphrasing, but it's like okay it was fine that he impregnated this woman and had a child by her, but then when Isaac was born Sarah didn't want them around and so the Lord said to Abraham get him out of here, put her on an ass and put him on an ass and send them away. Don't upset Sarah. Alan, when you read that, that is so pathetically sick to believe that "Creator or God" would be that lacking in compassion.


Alan:  However, the ones who belong to this Mystery Religion and who believe that they are gods would do these things because they have no compassion for anyone outside their system.


Jackie:  But there are people who claim to be Christians who take a lot of stock in those Old Testament stories. In fact, it seems to me that Christians are more in love with the Old Testament than they are with the little 10 percent of the Bible, the gospels, which I know that isn't all there anyway; but to read that and believe it, that is very sad to me because your heart tells you – I mean your heart knows or our inner knowing that that isn't our Creator. We wouldn't do that to somebody.


Alan:  No, but a mafia boss would.


Jackie:  Yes and they say well God can do anything he wants and that's how they slough it off.


Alan:  I don't waste my time with these people because you see when indoctrination takes it's like an inoculation. They have that term "the inoculation has taken," meaning it’s supposed to work. It's the same with indoctrination. The ones who have come from even abusive families and it doesn't have to be physical abuse, abuse of the mind is generally the first thing that happens, they grow up almost being obsessional with rules, regulations and laws.


Jackie:  And abuse of laws.


Alan:  Yes and so they gravitate right into that whole thing because the god that's presented in the Old Testament is a very human, almost an alcoholic personality, "Come here, go away. I want to cuddle you or I might just turn around and smack you." See that's the ambivalence of this deity because it was basically an oriental king that they molded the whole thing on, a despot basically, so it's nothing to do with a creator at all. It's a man-made religion and within that man-made religion is an esoteric religion which is taught everywhere to select groups.


Jackie:  When I realized how important it is to have these conversations and it was a long time ago, Alan, because I remember it had to have been around in '98 because I was doing the broadcast at 6 p.m.  I remember one of our listeners who called in and he said, I love listening to you and you're so inspiring and et cetera, but, he said, Jackie, don't you understand this is God's plan, it's in the book; and I gulped. I gulped and thought oh my goodness and when I got off the air that evening I said, Chuck, we have met the enemy and he is us and I think one of the most dangerous books in this world is the Holy Bible.


Alan:  That's why it's on every Masonic temple. They have it on the altar, that Black Book, the book is the law is black you see. That's what it means. Saturn is always dressed in black. That's why you have black-robed priests and rabbis and so on, and so their book is black because that's the Saturnalian law.


Jackie:  Well, for any of our listeners who are listening, I just want you to know that these conversations would not be being had if it wasn't very clear in my mind that it is the engine that is driving that will, if enough people don't wake up to the lies, it will help to implement their plan for world dominion.


Alan:  The purpose of all psychological warfare is to disarm the enemies mind prior to anything occurring, and, of course, when you say, "it's written in the Bible. It's God's plan" --


Jackie:  It's the infallible word of God and the Bible seems to be worshipped.


Alan:  It is, especially the King James Version.


Jackie:  Yes, that's the one.


Alan:  They think that's the one that Jesus used.


Jackie:  That's the one and only. We’re out of our hour. Alan, thanks for being here. Would you stay on the line when we go off?


Alan:  Sure.


Jackie:  Ladies and gentlemen, we'll be back with you tomorrow night and thank you for being here with us tonight and I pray that your minds and your ears and your eyes are opened and that you will consider the conversations and maybe if you get Alan's books, that might help a lot when you see the ancient records that he has in the books. It's all there.



(Transcribed by Linda)