April 19th, 2006
Alan Watt on
"Sweet Liberty" with Jackie Patru


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Jackie Patru: Good Evening, ladies and gentlemen.  Thank you for joining us tonight on Sweet Liberty.  Today is Wednesday.  It is the 19th of April in the year 2006.  And it’s getting warm.  The grass is getting green, the daffodils are out, and the little birds are singing, and it’s just been delightful.  And I hope it’s just as delightful where you are.  And I’m glad you’re with us tonight, ladies and gentlemen.  We have Alan Watt with us tonight, of course.  And Alan has just been invited on so many radio broadcasts, folks.  I hope you can hear me over grandfather [clock].  He looks like he’s getting a little slow, doesn’t he, Alan?


Alan Watt: It could be, it could be the weather.


Jackie: No.  Yeah, it could be or it could be a little screw in there that needs to be turned.  Let me share our spiritual message here.  This is very short, very sweet.  Listen to this, folks.  Listen to this.  "Love waits on welcome, not on time.  Love waits on welcome, not on time."  So, Alan, my goodness, we talked just earlier this evening, and you’ve got about, at least three I think that you mentioned, and you’re going to have to leave early tonight.  Well, at five till.


Alan: Maybe five or ten till.  Maybe ten.


Jackie: Not ten.


Alan: I’ve got scribbles all over the place here.


Jackie: No, not ten, Alan.  Because I don’t have anything at hand prepared, so you can leave at five till, okay.


Alan: Well, yeah, I’ve got these little scribbles and things.  I think people think that guys like me are sort of either retired or living on cash, and I do this as a hobby.  But they should know, it’s not like that at all.  I mean, I cook for myself.  I fix my truck, which I’m doing right now.  And all the stuff that gets mailed out I do too.  So, it’s not a hobby.  And it’s not my income, either.  But I think a lot of people really do think that when you switch on a TV station, for instance, or a radio station, just because it’s there they think that you’re professional and that’s what you do.


Jackie: And that you get paid for it.


Alan: And that you get paid for it.  The money just magically rolls in.


Jackie: Yes, I understand that, with the Sweet Liberty website, I’m sure that I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I said that, each of us, Darren and I, have hundreds of hours in it, Alan, over these years.  Even preparing an article to put it in.


Alan: And just even taking one tape, say, and then putting it on a CD, and then formatting it for the website for downloading, that can take hours and hours, just for one.  For one hour.  So, there’s no team.  There’s no staff here doing it all.


Jackie: Well, let’s put it this way.  Let’s ask anybody who’s listening, who appreciates the information that has been imparted by you, if that’s the right word, via this broadcast.  And of course, you’ve been on others, but speaking particularly to our listeners.  If you appreciate the information, maybe, Alan, I’m glad you brought this up tonight, and folks, this wasn’t planned.  Alan and I never know what we’re going to talk about.  But it is true that, and Alan, I can relate to that.  When Chuck was here, I always felt that I had a helpmate, so if I let the ball go on something, he’d pick it up.  Well, like you said, you do everything.  You know, you cook for yourself, and then, of course you have to do the dishes, and you do your own repairs, plus you do engine repair and building and all sorts of odd jobs to allow you to be able to do what you’re doing.  And folks, I hope you hear this.  I want to mention this, and I’m not saying this to be derogatory, because I think sometimes people say things without really thinking.  Like you said, Alan, they just think automatically that, I guess, I don’t know.


Alan: We have been trained that way.  We’ve been trained you flick on a switch and there’s the TV or the radio station.  And we knew that too, when we were on the shortwave broadcasting.  And sure enough, we asked to get help, and some people did.  Most didn’t.  But most of them then would phone and ask if the show was off the air, and say, well, what happened to you?  We were always going to help; but they didn’t do it.  And that’s how it happens.  One day you’re not there, and what you’re left with then is the established opposition.  And you know, the big boys, because they put their opposition out there, the superstars for you to follow round in circles.  And then, you get no different, no unique information whatsoever.  You’re back in the loop. 


Jackie: I’ve had a lot of listeners call, and say, I wish you were back on the air, there’s nothing to listen to anymore. 


Alan: It’s a routine now.  The shortwave is just a routine.


Jackie: Well, the thing is that the Sweet Liberty listeners, long-time listeners, learned a lot, and when they tune into the other broadcasts, they realize what it is.  They don’t realize, people, most people don’t realize, it is entertainment.  It is entertainment, and they’re pretty well produced, and the information.


Alan: And there’s staff and there’s teams. 


Jackie:  But there was one gentleman that wrote to me.  And he said that he felt that people who do what we’re doing and don’t ask anything for it, and he wasn’t referring to me, or anything, but just that he thought it was great that he could go to the website and download archives and things like that, and that he thought that the people were really for real, who did things without for money.  And I said, well, hmm, let’s look at it this way, because I know I found this out, Alan.  And I told you this, and this is God’s honest truth.  I went through my entire life savings.  And I don’t regret it.  I don’t begrudge it.  Because at the time, what we were doing was very important to me, and I felt important to the country, but the point is, literally, when Chuck and I were getting ready to move here, and I went to close out my account, there was only $2,000 in it.  I had a six-figure savings account, Alan.  And I spent it from 1991 to the end of ’95, it was all gone.  And thank heaven, heaven sent me Chuck, because, Alan, I didn’t even know I was broke.  And when I got that $2,000, and I called the bank, and I said, somebody has been withdrawing from my account.  And he said, Jackie, no. This was in Carlinville, small town bank.  But they sent me every single withdrawal slip and it was there, and it was gone.  And, as I pointed out to this gentleman.  I said, if the people who are doing what they’re doing are doing it for free and they run out of money, guess what happens.  They can’t do it anymore.


Alan: I mean, there’s two professions I could choose from, but I’d rather do something that’s honest, you see.  And I certainly could get by a lot better than I’m doing.  I’m not doing this to sell anything.  I don’t make money, even on the books, which I make up myself here right on the floor.


Jackie: Well, maybe you make four or five dollars, Alan.  I mean, you did raise the price five dollars, at my insistence, because I knew you were barely breaking even with the work, with the books.  Because, when you’re only getting ten or so done at a time, you’re paying through the nose for each copy. 


Alan: Yeah, and I also asked if you get more done, is there a discount, and they said no.


Jackie: Well, see, where I go, there is.  But you have to have a lot.  Like, there’s a little bit of a break at a hundred.  There’s a better break at three hundred.  And at five hundred, there’s a better break yet.  Well, you can’t afford to do that, because you don’t have the upfront money to make the savings, so that if your book sells.


Alan: And when I send them overseas, it’s $28.50 just for the mail.


Jackie: To mail it?


Alan: To mail them overseas.


Jackie: What’s overseas?  Oh, to like Europe and that.


Alan: That’s right.  Even the ones to the States, if I was going first class, would be about $20.00.  I take second class instead, you know.


Jackie: Well, I know it’s getting terrible over here, but I remember when our stamps were like 20 some cents a piece, when I would get mail from Canada, a stamp was in the 50 cents.  So, I know, as ours has gone up, yours had to go up tremendously.


Alan: And plus, we have 15% tax on top of the price we see on the envelope. 


Jackie: You have what?


Alan: Because we’re more democratic than you are, we pay extra taxes.  So, we pay 15% over the cost.  So, whatever they charge you, it’s plus 15% extra.


Jackie: For what?


Alan: For everything.  Paper, envelopes, mailing.  There’s another 15% on top of the stamps. 


Jackie: Oh, that’s for their handling your mail.  That’s called handling charges, Alan.


Alan: Actually, I think they’re called pocket charges.  They go into big pockets at the top there, big ones.


Jackie: Yeah.  You mentioned something to me the other day, that you, well, and you didn’t seem surprised.  I was.  You have had a couple book orders, but you said that people aren’t buying the books.  They’re watching the video, you know, free on your website.  But that video doesn’t even compare to the information that’s in your books.  One of the things that really brings it home to me, is that you’ll use in the book, with the diagrams and photographs, they’re old, they’re photocopies of old books that we couldn’t even get our hands on.  And so, it makes what you’re writing, it makes it ring true.  And I remember one particularly, one of the kings or pharaohs or somebody was like a hermaphrodite.  Who was that?


Alan: That’s the famous Akhenaten.


Jackie: Akhenaten.  Well, anyway, there was a photograph up there.  It wasn’t Akhenaten.  It’s in one of the books though.  It might be your first one, but the point is, I was surprised that so many people that go into your website and that go into Sweet Liberty are not ordering the books.  But you said, well, it’s part of the programming.  People don’t read anymore.  I for some reason held our listeners in a whole different light, that they would be the ones that would want to get their hands on something that would convince them.  Maybe they believe what you’re saying.  But it’s different when you’re looking at these ancient writings and stuff, and you see, then you say, oh, my God, what he said was true.  So, I don’t know what to say about this.


Alan: What’s wrong is, as I say, everything now, and I’m so surprised, because apparently the sort of PayPal thing, which is a play on something, people should say it over and over and they’ll get it, what it means.  But it’s only been around for about five years or so, really big time.  And in five years, the people don’t know how to go and buy a postal order any more, or mail something.


Jackie: Or they want PayPal.


Alan: And they want instant, instant you see. 


Jackie: Oh, and I wrote PayPal down all in one word.  Papal?


Alan: Papal, yeah.  It’s a big, the bank, you know.  And in five years they’re so conditioned that they’re ready, almost, for their chip.


Jackie: But Alan, I have always held our listeners in a, it didn’t occur to me that anyone listening to this broadcast, with the information that, even when you weren’t on, but especially when you’re on, the information that has been imparted from this broadcast, for ten years it was, actually eight on shortwave, I wouldn’t think that anybody would listen that really wasn’t seeking truth, and that was above, not above, but beyond or outside of, the programming, and well, instead of buying a book and reading, but to sit and listen to somebody, or watch somebody talk.  Maybe a lot of it, this just occurred to me, you now, the news on television.  Because they, people do have a tendency to believe everything that announcer is saying.  Maybe this is an override.  And they say, well, I know it’s so, because Alan Watt said it.  You know how many times I said, do you remember those first twenty broadcasts that we did.  You know.  I don’t know how many times, but I can remember so often saying, I don’t know that this is true just because Alan is saying it.  Didn’t I, Alan?  I didn’t disbelieve you, but just because you were saying it, I didn’t know it was true.  And then, of course, over the years and with the books that you’ve written, especially those first two, well, I guess because they were such eye openers to me, and then, now after all these years, you know, it was like listening to you on George Noory.  And, I talked to another one of our Sweet Liberty listeners.  She said, there wasn’t anything you said that we didn’t already know because we had covered these topics so much, but she said, what a great refresher course it was.  But there has been such wonderful information imparted, and folks, I don’t know.  It’s up to you.  Maybe you don’t want to get Alan’s book.  But maybe you would like to help support the cost of the website.  One of our listeners and a friend of mine, Alan, Darren had put out a thing and said, you know, that if he couldn’t get some help, I didn’t know this, because Darren has been paying the cost of our website this whole time.  But he said, he needed some help, and Jerry, one of our listeners that actually, his help has just been immeasurable.  But he said, well, we can’t let the website go down. So, he called Darren, and said, tell me how much it is, you know, for the year, and he would finish it out.  And that’s what I would think and hope somebody who has the funds to do it, or somebody who would be willing to say, look, I don’t have a lot, but here’s five bucks, or here’s ten bucks, because every little bit helps.


Alan: It helps, and it really is, as I say, and I hate even having to mention this.  And I think people are so used to hearing the begging pleas from the shortwave from the big boys, who are selling everything except the kitchen sink, and that will come shortly with a built-in shortwave or a light on it or something.  And I’m selling nothing.  I’m giving the information away on the site for them.  And it’s not because I’ve got an ulterior motive, selling anything.  It’s because I know what’s going on, and that people have to get it very quickly, where we’re going.  Very, very quickly, because the time is getting so short.  They’ve been trained so carefully and craftily, because the boys at the top understand their natures, how they adapt so quickly.  They’re ready for the cashless society.  They’re ready for having their whole life exposed by the government, which by the way, is called blackmail.  They’re very good at blackmailing people.  And some people will say, well, I’ve got nothing to hide. 


Jackie: I know.


Alan: Well, people should be indignant, because privacy is an essential part of freedom.  Privacy.


Jackie: And over here we call it pry-vacy, folks.  But I’m sure they knew what you meant, but, when you say pam, and then I have to figure out you mean palm.  I want to make sure our listeners know.


Alan: Yeah, well, you say tomayto.


Jackie: And you say tomahto.


Alan: Yeah, that’s it.


Jackie: Well, I know.  I always felt the same way when we were on shortwave.  In fact, it got to the point we’d get so far behind, and Chuck would say, you’ve got to do a pledge night.  And I’d say, Chuck, honey, not just yet.  And finally he’d say, look, I’ll do it for you.  He dreaded it, but I dreaded it more.  And yet here, I mean, it’s like, you know, Chuck told them.  I didn’t, but, oh my God, my life has been dedicated to this.  And just one hour four nights a week, what you put into it, as far as research and etc, not that I ever wrote everything down and stuff like that, but preparation, the time that you give, and yet, and it was for them.  Because I knew it all, or I couldn’t have been sharing it with them.  And yet, I hated to say, we need help here or we’re going to have to go off the air. 


Just to make it easy for people so they don’t have to look it up, do you want to tell them a little bit about the books and how they can get them, or how they can write to you if they wanted to.


Alan: Well, these three books are really, it’s an eye-opener.  I don’t go through the whole history of the Illuminati to entertain you or anything like that.  There’s lots of fake ones put out there, for you to do and amuse you and amaze you.  I show you symbols and symbology that’s been controlling your mind all your life, and you haven’t even been conscious of it.  And I show you the ancient symbols, etc.  And what I’ve done, has been much copied by the big boys, believe you me.  And if I was to say something new today, I guarantee you they’d all be quoting it tomorrow.  That happened just this week, in fact.  I mentioned about the secret societies on one of the other shows, and the next day, a person in Britain, who’s well known for chasing crocodiles, he’s got....


Jackie: We can say names on this broadcast.


Alan: It doesn’t matter.  The fact is, sure enough, out came a whole bunch on secret societies.  And I even mentioned the other day on a blurb I did about movies to see, about one movie that was called Enemy Mine, and my God, the next day, the D&J show on the shortwave mentioned Enemy Mine.  I thought, my goodness, you know.  Because they must keep the big boys on top of all the information that’s coming out, you see.  And that makes it seem as though they say it first, and then they spin it, of course.


Jackie: Alan, I wanted to say this tonight, also.  On your behalf, but I believe that you’re going to concur wholeheartedly with me.  For, example, there was one broadcast you were on, and you knew the background and bio of the person, and you’re not on anymore, because something came up and you told the truth, and they didn’t like it.  And that will happen.  But you’ve been invited on some broadcasts that actually are hosted by controlled opposition.  And I wanted our listeners to know, I think this is important, that just because you’re on a broadcast with somebody, doesn’t mean that you endorse or embrace in any way, shape, or form.  It’s that you want to take the opportunity to get the word out to as many people as possible.


Alan: That’s it.  And I think also, since the world was conquered, divided, and subdivided, etc, right down to the minute atom, almost, division is the big controlling factor here by the big boys.  And sometimes it’s better to try and converse with someone who’s sworn to be against what you stand for, in the hope that on a one-to-one basis you’ll get through to them, rather than cause conflict.  Once you argue, the game is over, you know.  So you can sow a seed here and there, and it’s up to the conscience then, because that seed won’t go away from that person.


Jackie: Right.  It might be slow germinating, but the seed has been planted.  I just wanted to say that though, because I remember when Jim McCanny was on Coast to Coast, and we talked about it, and I said, you know, the thing that concerns me, is that we know that no radio broadcast is going to be on 500 AM stations, all over the country, unless, maybe knowingly, or unknowingly, Alan, they’re putting out disinformation.  And then it kind of, I was concerned that he would get all jumbled up with all the rest, but I told him, I said, I really understand it.  I mean, I don’t have a particular thing, but had I ever been invited to go on there, on a particular topic that I could talk about, I wouldn’t have said no.


Alan: See, the problem today, well it’s sort of boiling it down into something which is just a bit too small, but one of the problems today is that people don’t know the difference between fiction and non-fiction, and they’ve been trained that way for their whole lives, actually, since they began to bring Sport and Entertainment into the news broadcasts.  So, half of it is Hollywood and half of it is supposed to be news, until it’s all sort of mushed together, and there’s wars abroad and people getting killed, and then there’s somebody getting an affair in Hollywood, and some sports guy kicks a ball somewhere and gets applauded.  It’s all mushed up until nothing is real anymore.  And so, people can’t differentiate what’s real or not.  And they’ve been caught up in a fictional, entertainment type program.  And their minds are being shaped for them, unawares, because it’s primarily through entertainment that you do preconditioning.  You put it into their minds of a possibility to come.  And once you accept it in a fictional form, because your defenses are down, when you start to see it materialize in your life, you don’t oppose it.  It seems somehow familiar.  And that’s because it’s predictive programming, they call it.  It’s a form of programming.  And they found this out in World War I, in Britain.  When the BBC began its radio broadcasts, they were running so short of troops that they used Tavistock Institute to come up with ways of behavior modification amongst the public, and Tavistock suggested using fictional plays on radio.  And so, every day at noon, everybody would tune in, and you were left with a sort of cliffhanger, tune in tomorrow for part 2 or 3 or whatever.  And that was how they started to put these ideas into your head, and of course, it was to do with war and bravery and heroism, and there was real people called Tom and Joe and James, and here they are in the trenches, going to be killed.  What will happen next?  See tomorrow.  Now, this was all geared at the youth to get them to join up.  And so, they used that very successfully.


Jackie: And they make heroes out of the soldiers.  They glorify war is what they do, Alan.


Alan: They do.  And the Pentagon has admitted from two years ago, they put millions into Hollywood after 9/11 to put out these movies like Jarhead, to get the youngsters to join up.


Jackie: I don’t know what Jarhead was.


Alan: It means a Marine, you know.  But it’s aimed primarily at young black guys, who really are sort of the ghetto types that have no...


Jackie: No future ahead of them.


Alan: Yeah.  And suddenly you put a uniform on and your government suddenly respects you.  You see, that’s the message.  You get instant respect if you put that uniform on.  But really, all you are is a number to go off and get killed.  And like Kissinger said in the book about Kissinger.  He said, when he was asked the question, what does he think of the American troops.  And this was in the Vietnam era, that was by Woodward and Bernstein.  Kissinger said to the reporters, he says, Well, the troops are just dumb, stupid animals who are used for foreign policy.  Now, what more do you want?


Jackie: I heard David Lang from the Bank of Canada on a tape from the fourth World Wilderness Conference.  He got up to talk about the bank.  He said, this is a wonderful idea, unfortunately, the cannon fodder that inhabits this earth would not understand a not-for-profit bank.  It’s got to be a profit.  But, that’s how he said it, that casually.


Alan: He said this generation is the cannon fodder in that speech.


Jackie: Kissinger said that?


Alan: No, that was at the World Bank one, I’m talking about.  But the Kissinger one was his reply about the troops, and he was telling you honestly what they are.  They are dumb, because they’re too young to know anything.  They’re stupid in the sense that they get the same propaganda as everybody else.


Jackie: Oh, we have to take a break.  I heard the music.  Okay, keep your thought.


(Commercial Break)


Jackie: Alright.  We’re back folks, with Alan Watt.  Alan, you were talking, well, you mentioned the movie Jarhead, and how they use entertainment.


Alan: That’s so a young guy can fantasize of being a hero, because every young man thinks he’s immortal.  He cannot imagine death.  And it’s always going to be somebody else, and death is unreal and it’s in the movies and so on.  And as I say, Woodward and Bernstein said that about foreign policy.  And we better realize that foreign policy is not dreamed up on the spur of a moment, or a catastrophe, or whatever.  Foreign policy is a far-ahead planned strategy of money, economics, etc, and takeovers.  That’s what foreign policy is all about.  So, when Kissinger spoke the truth, he said the soldier is a dumb, stupid animal to be used for foreign policy, he was talking as one of the elite, knowing that that is basically the truth.  They’re not going off to fight for the reasons they think they are.  They’re going off fighting for a long-term strategy that was planned way in advance.  And they should realize that.  It’s like Karl Marx said, every system that’s ever existed in civilization, and he was a Mason, so he should know, civilization being their system of money and control and power.  Every era has been basically formed on an economic system.  And that’s the system we live in today.  It’s an economic system.  And war is about economics, and not for the public of a country.


Jackie: Well, you know, they have multiple layers for everything they do, and remember when Norman Dodd got those archives from, what was it, Carnegie Foundation.  And they said that they had set up a committee to study whether there was any other way better than war, if you wanted to change a society and a people and make sure they never returned to where they were.  And this committee, the conference, came up with the answer and said, no.  There is no way better than war.  And, of course, it is economic and it is also part of the way that they mold the people.


Alan: I think one of the keys to it, is that, you see, the people who have always run empires, run empires by the use of terror.  And terror can take many different approaches to how it effects people.  Some are very subtle, some are overt.  Sometimes it’s all shouting, more than reality, like the Bird Flu for instance.  But there’s terror none the same.  Now, when war ceases, and they know this, once they get their global government on the go, when war ceases they have to keep everybody, to legitimize the need for government, and especially massive government, as they have, you must find enemies everywhere.  And of course that was the Soviet strategy.  It’s been well tested there, because once the Soviets took over, or the Bolsheviks went in and the Soviet regime began, and they took over all those little countries, no one was invading them; there was a little invasion by Britain for a sort of half-hearted attempt, but afterwards they were pretty safe.  No one was invading them.  And to hold power, the Soviets had to find enemies everywhere, and that was a reign of terror, you see, that there were terrorists everywhere, so the government had a reign of terror.  And they just picked people up all over the place, accused them of being spies or anti-Soviet and so on.  And trained the public that they were all around you, they were within you, and it could be you yourself.  And that is what we’re seeing now with this War on Terror, for the New American Century policy, that Cheney and Perle and Wolfowitz and the rest of them planned in the ’90s, and published.  What you’re seeing is a reign of terror on the minds of the public, everywhere.


Jackie: When you say Cheney and who was it?


Alan: Wolfowitz.


Jackie: Okay, but there were people behind them.


Alan: Oh, there was Perle too, Richard Perle, and a whole bunch of them.


Jackie: Okay, but what I’m saying is, it wasn’t just them.


Alan: Oh, I know. 


Jackie: Because, you said this many times, and I am convinced that these people that we know of that are out there in the limelight...


Alan: Are frontmen.


Jackie: They’re frontmen.  They didn’t plan anything.  They probably got together and smoked a few cigars and had a few drinks, and they had all the paper in front of them, because it was already laid out, but they were the ones that were acknowledged and now becoming infamous for it.


Alan: You never ever put your main men to the public.  Because, if you lost them, then a good part of knowledge is gone.  You always put someone who is very useful, but really is also disposable, if need be.  And that’s standard, all down through history.


Jackie: And they don’t care.  You know, they can be slammed, I mean, of course, the media being controlled, they’ll write their pieces to get their "say in".  Nothing ever happens to these people.  So, it doesn’t matter to them whether they’re being slammed in the eyes of the public.


Alan: Well, that’s what the president is for.  See, a president and a prime minister, their job is to take the heat.  They take the heat.  And it’s a wrestling match for the public.  You know, you slang Giant Mountain Man against Giant Haystack.


Jackie: And there are so many, oh my goodness, so many movements afoot, to get Bush impeached, as though that’s ever going to happen, Alan.


Alan: It wouldn’t make any difference, as we know, because whoever takes over is sworn to the same agenda as he was. 


Jackie: Well, in other words, if he did get impeached, it would be part of the plan.


Alan: Yeah.  I mean, John Kerry already said when he was running, and it was so funny at the time, because there was a Canadian from BC who was actually managing the Kerry campaign for America, a Canadian citizen, and there was David Fromm from Canada, as the main advisor to Bush.  I mean, I thought, boy, this is a joke, you know.  And they were writing the scripts and everything for Americans to hear, using all the Hollywood clichés and everything else.  And I thought, boy oh boy, you know, it’s a wonderful web they weave, indeed.  But, yeah, presidents and prime ministers just take the heat.  And we don’t vote a new government in.  What we do always is vote the old guys out, we’re so fed up.  That really is how democracy really is about, you know.


Jackie: Right.  Democracy.  And we don’t vote anybody in or out, do we?


Alan: No, never.  In fact, the bureaucrats that have been lifelong bureaucrats in federal governments and the heads of those departments are not voted in by anybody.  Most of them are unknown to the public and remain unknown, and yet, they dialog straight to the United Nations for all their parts of the agenda.


Jackie: You know, back in ’92 when I was campaigning for Bo Gritz, I told you, I was apolitical all my life.  I knew nothing about politics.  I knew nothing, pretty much about anything.  But I was very, you know, taken in by Bo Gritz.  Alan, I just lost my train of thought.  I went thinking out there so far that I lost my train of thought.


Alan: I think maybe it was to do with his appearance after 9/11.  After coming off the shortwave radio, only about a month or two before, and there he was, pictured on the Congressional steps, he just happened to be there, and so did the camera crew.  And he was asked, Mr Gritz, you know, as the most decorated Vietnam veteran, etc – the man who had done years on the shortwave, supposedly for Patriot broadcasting...


Jackie: The hero, yes.


Alan: And there he was, he was asked, who do you think probably blew up the towers.  He says, it’s probably those paranoid black-helicopter-seeing militia types that listen to the shortwave radio.  That’s your frontman.  This is the guy who boasted when he left the army that he left it with hip-pocket orders. 


Jackie: Hip-pocket orders.  Well, I remember what I was going to say.  You were talking about elections.  And this is how naive I was, and how intense I was about what I was doing.  When the election was over, this one guy said to me, we need to start planning for the next election, and Alan, I looked at him, and I meant this.  I said, do you actually think that we’re going to have another election in this country?  And he said, Jackie, they have elections in Russia.  They had them in the Soviet Union.  But, to me, at that time, it was, things were so intense that I thought, well, there will never be another election again.  You know, because we’ve lost it.  But the whole point is, there aren’t elections, because they’re all phony.


Alan: They’re all phony.  It came out in Britain, that Tony Blair, and I’ve been waiting, because they always tell you who these guys are after, once they leave, but he’s not left yet.  But they did declassify some information that said that he was recruited at university, Oxford, of course, by MI5 to go into Left Wing groups and spy on them.  So, basically, MI5 put their own man in as prime minister.  How’s that?


Jackie: Wow.  Well, like the CIA probably puts their...


Alan: Well, look at Daddy Bush.  He worked for the CIA for years.  So, it’s such a farce to watch this, the shenanigans continue, and the public continue to support them as though they’re real people.


Jackie: Yeah.  And another thing that makes me feel sad, is the people, and yet, I want to qualify this, the people who sincerely, because they know that Bush is a bad guy, and they are working very, very hard, hoping and praying that they’ll get him impeached, Alan.  And I look at it now, and I say, they don’t even realize it, but they’ve become the opposition that’s necessary for this whole thing to continue.  However, there’s another way that I have of looking at this, because I know my sincerity, Alan, when I first started out.  I mean, geez, my whole thing was saving the Constitution, and Alan, that’s what I went through my life savings for, and then, I found out that our Constitution was a frame-up.  Okay, but, look, just, you know, bear with me here.  I started out that naive.  And that much love with my country, with what the country stood for, even the flag, Alan. I was one of those flag-waving Americans, proud to be an American.  And what I’m saying is, I look at it today, and oh, my God.  But how, see, not to put these people down, I guess that’s what I’m saying, because they’re sincere, and we don’t realize when we’re doing all this stuff, that we’re just, we’re part of a plan.  And Alan, I’ve wondered if you and I are part of a plan sometimes.  In other words, I don’t know, maybe we are cutting through the matrix. 


Alan: Oh, I know, that’s the thing.  I mean eventually I’ll give them so much stuff to do with the occult explanations, and I’m telling you, they’re not buying it from the bookstores, the stuff I’ll be giving them, and really, it will open their eyes.  It will open their eyes.


Jackie: Well, I’ve often wondered that.


Alan: This is the time for it, you know.


Jackie: As controlled as this world is, if my being on the air and imparting all the information that I did.  I mean, a lot of it was on a political vein. I mean, we covered everything.  We covered the educational system and regional governance and States’ rights, and just everything, Alan.  We covered the chemtrails.  But maybe, what each person does that is sincere, maybe they’re exactly where they’re supposed to be at that particular time.  And maybe that’s the opening for them, if you would.  You know, like my first foray into this whole thing was campaigning for Bo Gritz for president.  You see what I’m saying.  And you know, I felt sorry for the people that were campaigning for Ross Perot, Alan.  Because I knew he was a phony.  Well, you know how I knew he was a phony?  Because he was on mainstream media.


Alan: Exactly, exactly. 


Jackie: However, I felt sorry for them.  I felt compassionate.  Because I knew that what they were doing they so believed in, and here I am campaigning for Bo Gritz.  So, you know, one of the new people to our website and the radio broadcast had written, and he said that it looks like, you know, that there’s nothing that we can do, or should do, just let it unfold.  Well, I said, I think that would be saying, okay, nobody says anything and they just steamroller.  They’re steamrolling over us.  But basically part of the conversation was fighting against it.  And I said, maybe it has nothing to do with fighting against something.  Maybe it is taking a stand for something, Alan.


Alan: Well, what I’m doing is telling them.  I mean, the people will choose where they want to go, and they are, even if they want to be willingly blind.  But they’re choosing where they want to go.  And all I’m doing is telling them, and I have no doubt that many of them will like this World Socialism, which is only a transitory phase to the next type of human, which has been widely discussed in all the scientific papers and meetings.


Jackie: The Soviet Man.


Alan: The Soviet man, the real Soviet, the real genetically made one.


Jackie: Yes, the Soviet Man. 


Alan: And if they don’t want to hold on to this thing called individual sentience as an intelligent being.  An individual sentience, a unique creature.  If they want to give that up, then for them, so be it.  But personally, I won’t, for me. 


Jackie: But did you hear what I said though?  Basically what he was talking about is somehow we have to have a plan to stop this.  Do you see what I’m saying, Alan?  I don’t see it being stopped.  I see it being derailed.  I think it’s been derailed down throughout the ages.


Alan: You can certainly slow this thing down and try to get a breathing space, while people catch up and really understand where they’re going.  Where they’ve been going.  And if they want to consent to it, as I say, you give your power to the Beast and on you go.  But no one can ever say at the end of their life, if they were asked, did you know what was happening?  Yeah.  Did you do anything about it?  No.  That’s it.  That’s the bottom line.  What did you do with your life?  That’s it.  No one can say I didn’t know.  And then ask some Creator, now let me go on from here.  Why would you give anybody, anybody, that kind of gift and say there’s nothing here for anyone else?  Boy, that’s a human thing, isn’t it?  “I deserve it.”


Jackie: No, it isn’t.  It’s Christian.


Alan: Whatever, whatever.  And the New Age too are just the same.


Jackie: And I’m saying Christian in the sense that Christianity is today.  It has nothing to do with the teachings of one that we have known as Jesus.


Alan: It never does.  It’s dogma that comes after it that totally alters everything, and you end up with different classes of Christians.  It’s so sad.  You know.  And divided and...


Jackie: Well, and besides that, what I’ve noticed so much is that there’s so much self righteousness.


Alan: There always is.


Jackie: And judgmentalness.


Alan: All religions have that.


Jackie: They seem to know who’s going to hell and who isn’t.


Alan: All religions have that.  All religions, you know.  I mean, I’ve heard the top people of different religious sects bombasting everybody else.  And yet, they themselves are supposed to be, some of them think they’re godlike.


Jackie: Well, it’s every religion.  I know what you mean, yeah.


Alan: But that’s the pettiness of humanity. 


Jackie: I had a friend at one time, we used to have conversations.  He was, a, I would say, call it hellfire-and-brimstone Christian.  He had even eyes that remind me of what "Saint Paul" would have looked like.  Like, you know what I’m saying.  Fire and just looking down on everybody.  And he looked at me one time, because, you know, we had conversations.  And he looked at me one time, and he says, isn’t it a shame honey that so many good people are going to go to hell.  And I said, who, Bobby, like me?  Because I don’t "believe" the way you believe.  But it was said with such pride.  And I said, you know what.  He also told me that because he was a divorcee and he had a daughter, that God was no longer in that home.  And I said, I don’t understand what you mean.  He says, the man is the godhood.  You know, that was by Paul, that said that.  The man is the godhood of the home.  I said, are you telling me you actually believe that because you’re not there that our heavenly father is not there?  And I said, Bobby, if you really believe it, and I know you love your wife, I mean, loved her, and she is the mother of your daughter, and I know you love your daughter.  He was saying it with this boastful, chest out, I’m going to heaven, they’re going to hell.


Alan: Well you know, Socrates said it thousands of years ago, when he was talking about the different sects they had in Greece at the time.  He said, not content, he says, with making laws all about nature, meaning, how nature worked, he says, now they’re making laws about the afterlife and the world to come and the conditions to get there.  Nothing has changed.  Petty people always go the same way. 


Jackie: Wow.  Well, you know what, Alan?


Alan: I’ve got to go.


Jackie: Oh, do you?  Oh, no.  Alan, it’s not even ten till yet.


Alan: Yeah, but I think it might have been between ten to and five to.


Jackie: It is not.


Alan: No, but what I mean, when the call will come here.


Jackie: Oh, I see.  Well, if they get a busy signal, they’ll call you back, won’t they?


Alan: Well, I don’t know.


Jackie: Oh, man.


Alan: But you could explain that, because there’s so much on that site.  They’re getting all of it free.


Jackie: Yeah, well, I’ve got something that I was going to bring up anyway, and I’m going to bring it up.  I mean, I made a couple notes while we were talking, and I will, of course, mention the site.  But about how they use entertainment to get things in our head.


Alan: Yeah, predictive programming.


Jackie: And what’s happening right now, with the immigration thing.  Well, they’ve had a movie about it, already, The Second American Civil War.  Alan, thank you.  Now, whoa, where are you going to be?


Alan: I think it’s called kevinsmith.com. 


Jackie: It’s only on the internet.  Okay, kevinsmith.com.  And you’re going to be on at 10pm?


Alan: Till 12.


Jackie: Oh, 10 to 12.  Okay, alright, Alan.


Alan: Okey-doke.


Jackie: Thanks for being here tonight.


Alan: Yeah, it’s a pleasure. 


Jackie: Okay, you hang up, and see what happens.


Alan: Okay.


Jackie: Okay, bye.


Alan: Bye now.


Jackie: Okay folks, I guess we’re okay.  I wasn’t sure I was going to get a dial tone or not.  Let me give you Alan’s website, for those of you who aren’t aware of it.  I can’t imagine any of you aren’t.  It’s Cutting Through the Matrix, cuttingthroughthematrix.com.  And you might want to take a look.  In the books, the three books that he’s written, Cutting Through, Cutting Through is what it is.  He calls it the Matrix, I called it B.S., because it is.  But you can actually read excerpts of his books.  Any way that you can help and see by getting the books, you’re actually helping yourself too.  It’s exactly what you’re doing.


What I wanted to mention.  When he was talking about how they use entertainment, I had mentioned this to Alan before.  I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it on the air or not.  There was a movie put out, and I’m relating this to what’s happening today with the immigration thing, the, oh, my God, the insanity.  The Latinos, the Mexicans, even Mexican citizens, I mean, American citizen Mexicans, they’re having a big rally, they claim that they’re taking over America.  America is a white and aging America.  They’re not having babies.  And that they’re taking over America.  Now, I want to remind you that a few years ago, probably about four years ago, maybe five, USA Today.  I have the newspaper here, a big headline, and it said, right on the front page, if you can’t speak Spanish, you may be left behind.  Okay?  What is happening today, just know this folks, it is so planned.  It has been so planned for so long, and I know that Alan and I talked about this.  When you think about the American Civil War, and it was a war of Northern aggression.  It had nothing to do with slavery, and that is true.  But what they did is they wound up with a standing army.  A standing army for the first time in this country.  And remember, excuse me.  Oh, my God.  We’re out of time.  Well, grandfather is running slow.  I’m going to have to fix him.  We’ll be back with you next Wednesday night, folks.  And it will be 10pm very shortly Eastern Time.  And if you want to hear Alan, kevinsmith.com.  And I’ll be back with you, as I said, probably with Alan, next Wednesday night.  Okay, so I talked myself right through what I wanted to talk to you about, but, it’s alright I guess.  We’ll see you next Wednesday night, folks.


Alan's Materials Available for Purchase and Ordering Information:


"Cutting Through"
  Volumes 1, 2, 3


"Waiting for the Miracle....."
Also available in Spanish or Portuguese translation: "Esperando el Milagro....." (Español) & "Esperando um Milagre....." (Português)


Ancient Religions and History MP3 CDs:
Part 1 (1998) and Part 2 (1998-2000)


Blurbs and 'Cutting Through the Matrix' Shows on MP3 CDs (Up to 50 Hours per Disc)


"Reality Check Part 1"   &   "Reality Check Part 2 - Wisdom, Esoterica and ...TIME"