Alan Watt on

"Sweet Liberty" with Jackie Patru

April 19, 2005




Jackie:  Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Thanks for being here tonight. This is Tuesday. It is the 19th of April in the year 2005 and I hope that many of you are having a beautiful and delightful day as we've been having here in Millerton, Pennsylvania.


Our spiritual message this evening is from John 18. We do this a lot, yes. In verse 37 when Jesus was having a conversation with Pontius Pilate and Pilate asked him "are you a king" and Jesus said, "You say that I am a king. To this end was I born and for this cause came I into the world that I should bear witness unto the truth. Everyone that is of the truth hears my voice."


And that's pretty cut and dried. Alan Watt, thank you for being here tonight with us again.


Alan:  It's a pleasure.


Jackie:  You know it is very difficult when you're in a conversation that seems to be just rolling and moving fluidly, it's difficult to pick it up but I wrote down the words religiosity versus spirituality.


Alan:  We know that religion means to "rebind" or to "retie" and since most religions, all religions really, have come from preexisting religions, the elite that rule them simply updated them and called them something else and rebound the people or retied the people to the new.


Jackie:  Did you say it was the word ligio or legio?


Alan:  Legio, yes.


Jackie:  It's a Latin word meaning to bind?


Alan:  That's right.


Jackie:  So RE-LIGION to rebind? In other words, the same game just under a new name?


Alan:  Yes, so that's what religion is and religion also has always been used, with the hierarchy at the top symbolizing the god or the heavenly; and then all of his helpers and priests down to the lowest priest; and then all about them are the stars, the commoners, you see, the people, the masses; and so it was reconstruction of that which is above and bringing it below, as the Masons say, and that's what religion was made to do. That's why in fact they use the solar symbols in all of their religions including Christianity.


Now spirituality is a different thing all together. Without spirituality or humankind's natural feeling for knowledge that there's something much bigger working things out there and it's much, much bigger than themselves or any humans, the ones that rule this earthy plane use that need and then pervert it into their own use by dominating the people, often by terrifying them with visions of Hades for the Greeks and Hell eventually for the western Christians and sin of course, which is a big thing. Religion itself is used to dominate and control the public to keep a minority in absolute wealth and power and it hasn't changed today.


Jackie:  Sometimes maybe a conversation like this, people who – I've talked to a couple of our listeners recently and we got into this conversation about whether or not we're a "Christian" and I said I thought I always was but I realize now I'm not. I never was. Not in the way that the "religion" of Christianity teaches or demands that we believe and yet it takes nothing away from what true Christianity could have been if it wasn't made into a religion.


Alan:  That's right. You see, the Christianity in the Gospels is simply eternal truths. Eternal truth never changes. It's eternal. It can't mean something different in a different century or in a different millennium. These are eternal truths and obviously if people followed the eternal truths, without priesthoods or ministers, you would not have this economic system which we're all slaves to, run by the money men and the power brokers and the war makers. It could not exist if people could use their own natural humanity to each other and help each other out, and certainly it would also mean that you wouldn't have this high-tech society either. All the toys would be gone but we've been taught to equate progress--


Jackie:  What do you mean all the toys would be gone, Alan?


Alan:  All the toys that we take for granted today which we were told that would fulfill us basically. Every ad on television tells you to buy this latest gadget and you'll suddenly be smiling, and of course that doesn't happen. However, the big boys who run this system and who have a plan to conquer the whole planet and alter the planet through science, including everybody on the planet, they've conditioned the public to believe that all these toys are good for us; and of course the whole meaning of the allegory of Eden. Eden was the natural state. That's what it meant, the natural state of being; and once you leave the natural state of being, then you're on a road to using science to create something better (what you think is better), and yet it creates a dominant elite who control the system and who are in the process now of conditioning the public to accept chips in their head.


Jackie:  You know I just pulled up some email and there was an article, I don't know who wrote it, about that within the next decade 75 percent of the people could be chipped and here are the ways that it could happen. First of all, all school children would have to be chipped. That's for their own good and if you're in the military you have to be chipped and if you're on social security or any type of government social programs you'd have to be chipped, you know for identification. If you work for a private company that has government contracts you'd have to be chipped; and I'm telling you, Alan, when you read this you see how actually, I'm afraid to say this, but how easily they could get people to buy in to doing this.


Alan:  When they had the World Meeting of the geneticists and biologists and the electronics technicians who worked on the active chips at the Loyola University meeting two or three years ago, anybody who gets a hold of that should go through it carefully because all the top scientists were there and some of the politicians were there. It was headed off by Newt Gingrich and the U.S. Department of Commerce paid for it and yet the public weren't even told about it.


Jackie:  Was this the one where you said that they said that they could combine human cells with computers?


Alan:  Yes. I think it was Sony Corporation and even in some magazines and newspapers over the last few years Sony had created a form of protoplasm, human tissue in other words, combined it with chips and found that they could transmit through both without any problem. Now what it enables them to do is to create a chip, which they can, and this was all discussed at the Loyola University meeting, they have created the chip and part protoplasm will be inserted they said – now these guys didn't say we'd like to. They said this will be inserted in each individual's head.


Jackie:  In the brain someplace?


Alan:  In the brain and it will interface with the main cortex and it would be able to transmit to every part of your brain; make any part of your body move, for instance, and they said also that it will be run by a regional computer. There will be regional computers in every region, which will operate each person's mind for them, and one of them said--


Jackie:  And I suppose that would be by programming, so they could take literally let's say a certain group of people and program them to be one way. They could let's say select out an individual and program that individual to do certain things?


Alan:  Yes, specialized tasks and--


Jackie:  I mean, Alan, could they go so far as to – I suppose this is speculation, but to have people either commit homicides or suicide?


Alan:  Oh, absolutely. In fact one of the top scientists there said, "This will be the end of individuality as we have known it." He said, "It will no longer be possible for the individual to even perceive of themselves as being an individual."  He said, "It will be more like the hive."


Jackie:  That's pretty arrogant. Then when you look at just that thing I just shared with you all about the different reasons where they could justify and people would go along with it because their jobs are involved. It's the way they "make a living," that they would say okay, I have to do this.


Alan:  The thing is they went through that whole scenario in fact at the Loyola University meeting the different techniques they would get the public to take the chip. They gave the time limit to have everybody chipped and they want a good majority to be chipped by the year 2012 and all of them to be chipped by the year 2019. They said that every kindergarten school, every novel writer would be given grants, film producers and so on, would be given grants to write these things into their scripts to make the children want them. Already they've churned out movies since that meeting about brain chips and showing you all the advantages they want you to believe you'll have, where you could be downloaded with information without having to study.


Jackie:  You know probably one of the ways that they'll use it first, to give that first impression of how miraculous this is. A person who may be paralyzed and they could make this person be able to get up and walk and move, and people would be gasping in awe at this wonderful and marvelous invention.


Alan:  It's so easy to do but especially when they convince youngsters that they're going to be the guy Neo on the Matrix, "I need a program right now for whatever, a helicopter," and it just programs the pilot's instructions right into your head. Of course, it won't be like that at all because, as they've said, the purpose is to eliminate individuality from the public. They said in their heads, because they are all linked to central computers, you'll hear vague whisperings of other people's thoughts and it will be more like the hive they said than a system of humanity. What it is actually is the Borg in the Star Trek series.


Jackie:  Which one is the Borg?


Alan:  The Borg is the cyborg type human with the implant and the brain chip run by a central computer.


Jackie:  He's not one with the funny glasses?


Alan:  Yes, they can have one eye as infrared or something, but that's the Borg are and they're laughing in our face because the Borg means "original Bee," you see.


Jackie:  The original Bee. Now you're saying that the world Borg itself means the original Bee?


Alan: The original Bee and even in the Star Trek series the Borg craft or space ship is called the Hive. They put it all in front of our face through fiction, which programs us subliminally to be familiar with the idea, vaguely familiar with it, and we don't use our censor part of our brain when we're being entertained, so we don't critically analyze the outcome. When they present the actual thing to us, because it's vaguely familiar, we tend to go along with it; and that's called predictive programming from Tavistock Institute in England. However, these scientists did not hope to do anything. They said what they were going to do, so they've been given authority from the higher sources to do this and so that's where science and leaving Eden, which is the natural state, that's where it would always take you: to the same non-existence you might say.


Jackie:  Yes. You could easily hear something like this and realize that the possibility is great that they could be successful and it would be real easy to say well I'll be out of there by then, but you think about all of the children, Alan.


Alan:  I know and it's literally the end of human consciousness.


Jackie:  Well, you know what? They're not going to be successful.


Alan:  I know because there will be people who will resist taking it. Many will take it believing all the propaganda they're given that it's going to enhance them and so on, but once that main switch is thrown one day they'll all turn into little robots and that is the function of it. When you go back to some of the elite's writings in the past, such as "The Next Million Years" by Charles Galton Darwin, Darwin's grandson who was a physicist, he talked about this. He says we must get rid of the excess commoners on the planet and he says those that we retain we must eliminate that part of their brain which gives them their individuality, because it's individuality which gives problems to the elite you see. It's that resistance spark within the individual which makes him resist ultimate powers, so they want to get rid of that and then they'll have their utopia.


However, Darwin himself said, "we, however, being the dominant minority, must retain our survival instincts and therefore we will be left unaltered."  In other words, it will destroy our individual survival instincts and Arthur Koestler, who worked on the same programs for the United Nations, in his book "The Ghost in the Machine" in the last chapter it says the exact same thing. "We must eliminate individuality from the average person. However, we, the dominant minority, must retain our survival instincts and therefore will remain unaltered."  This has been along worked out plan. It's what they call utopia you see.


Jackie:  But they say that they're the dominant minority.


Alan:  Yes.


Jackie:  But really aren't they minions?


Alan:  They're the lower minions and if you go back as far as the plans given out by Plato in "The Republic" for this perfect world state of theirs, Plato talked about the high aristocracy being called 'The Guardians' and the guardians would be allowed to bring in some helpers from the lower class, who may see themselves as guardians but actually would not be, so they'd be a higher helper. Then if we jump from there to Zbigniew Brzezinski's book "Between Two Ages" and "The Technetronic Era," he goes into the same things about controlling each individual electronically, while the dominate elite will remain unaltered.


Jackie:  You know what I think? When we succumb to the lies of organized religion we are losing our individuality, Alan.


Alan:  That was the first attempt. You see the old method of controlling everyone was to have them all conditioned in the same way. That's a form of destroying individuality and that's why they had the mass for the masses.


Jackie:  For example, as you talk sometimes I write down a word or a thought and this is going back in our conversation, but when you were talking about religion and that's exactly what they were meant to do, I wrote down the word contradiction and the word slavery, because for example in the gospel Jesus says very simply to do unto others or love your God with all you heart, mind, soul and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself. Well now anybody who calls themselves "a Christian" and then goes ahead and says it's okay to have slaves. It's okay, it's in the good book, God allowed it. Well, right there, Alan, I don't mean to say that in such a condescending derogatory way either, but right there when you see an absolute contradiction and you will accept both of them as true because it's in the "good book," Alan, you've lost your individuality or at least you're losing it.  I don't care how strict a food regime a person follows and doesn't eat ham and goes through all the food stuff and that makes them an individual. No, it doesn't. It makes them different than other people but it certainly doesn't make them an individual.


Alan:  No, and of course if you believe in the contradictions then you have doublethink as always there – the ability to hold two opposing opinions on the same topic in your head at the same time.


Jackie:  That's true, both of them being true.


Alan:  Of course, that again is like a robot that's going crazy because it's got conflicting dialogue.


Jackie:  We have a call coming in. Shall we take it?


Alan:  Sure.


Jackie:  Hello. You're on the air.


Storm:  I have a question for your guest.


Jackie:  Sure. Who's calling?


Storm:  Storm from New York. You're first name again, I'm sorry.


Jackie:  It's Alan Watt.


Storm:  All right, Alan. Here's what I want to ask you. I'm sure you're aware they changed the $20 bill twice. That's what I was planning on getting to in a minute. You're aware of the $20 bills.


Jackie:  Yes he is.


Storm:  Okay. There are two. They made one when Clinton was in office and then they redesigned it again. You know the money is counterfeit anyway but this is the point to cut to the chase. If you were to take your thumb and your back finger and press it over the left eye area of the face that was Grant's or--


Jackie:  Your thumb or your what?


Storm:  I say your middle finger. You know the middle finger that let's say people in college pick up the middle finger and give the finger to you. That finger and your thumb and you press – put the middle finger in the back, put your thumb in the front or vice versa and press part over a new $20 bill the one that has the different colors on it because there's two different versions you will feel the microchip that is over the left eye. And they don't have them on the 10s and they don't have it on the 5 and they don't have it on the 1--


Jackie:  But it's on the 20.


Storm:  On the 50 and possibly the new 100.


Jackie:  So what was your question?


Storm:  I'm asking if he has ever heard of that because if you were to get one but it has to be the one that the newest ones that look like they have cooking grease on them. They look even dirtier looking than the first new 20 or 50. They have a chip in it. You can feel when you press on the right eye.


Jackie:  Okay, we heard that.


Storm:  Right. You don't feel it. What they use that for is – what they do is if you are taking money outside the country or really can't take money outside--


Jackie:  Storm, what you're talking about I believe most of our listeners and of course Alan is aware of. In other words --


Storm:  Most people don't have the slightest idea.


Jackie:  Okay, thank you Storm. Okay Alan, any comments there?


Alan:  They've been using technology on the public very quietly for many, many years and they began to actually test active chips embedded in people in the 1960's and releasing the people who had no knowledge of these chips and then they followed them down through their lives and caused them to do odd things at times and followed up how they handled their incidences.


Jackie:  But you're not saying that since, did you say the 1960's, that they were able to mesh – in other words, that technology that you were telling us about, that they're talking about, that they can now do, that they've been doing?


Alan:  They've actually been doing but the chip that they implanted then was done on lots of servicemen who had minor operations while in the service and then released.


Jackie:  And how do you know this Alan?


Alan:  Because when you read the psychiatric reports from Britain for instance you find that schizophrenia has specific signs and symptoms and generally they were also a religious nature. Suddenly about 1960, long before computers, even the word computer became common to the people, they had patients suddenly coming in diagnosed as schizophrenia, having hallucinations and believing that they had a chip in their spine that was controlling them. The one thing they all had in common was they'd all had minor operations while in the military and that was hushed up.


Jackie:  Now this was actually in a medical report, in a psychiatric report?


Alan:  That's right.


Jackie:  Did they allude to the fact that there was a chip in these people?


Alan:  Of course they didn't and the psychiatrists didn't because the head psychiatrist would obviously be in the know. They had to be in the know but the thing was this was experimental models you might say and they could then treat this person, convince them that they had schizophrenia and give them medication, then release them back into society and then activate the chip again and make them do strange things. They have been definitely testing them but this new chip that they claim that they have--


Jackie:  Excuse me. Did the medical report, the psychiatric report also report that each one of them had had surgery while they were in the military?


Alan:  Yes, because they always have their backgrounds in all previous medical records. Now the thing is too, when you tie it in with the CIA’s UFO deception, which they also plan to unleash on the public, and suddenly you have people claiming they've got chips in their hands or in their nasal passages, in their sinuses. Then you find out there are some surgeons who are taking these things out; they're removing them and they can't explain exactly what they are because they tend to almost move when you try to move them when you pick them up. They have this protoplasmic coating on them. Once again, I'm convinced it's the authorities that have been doing this, since it's the authorities who admitted they wanted to do it to the whole planet. When then discussed this at the Loyola University meetings, the scientists never said they would like to test this out. It was all taken a priori that they obviously had been tested out and worked. They said their only problem was now to convince the public to accept it and that's how far ahead they are.


Jackie:  I remember you saying a long time ago that when they talk about a technology that they just discovered, they've had it for a long time; and what you're saying falls in line with that. We have to take our break. Alan Watt is our guest tonight and as usual the conversation it gets intense, Alan, is what it does and I wasn't – when you were talking about the people who came in that had schizophrenia and thought that they had chips—I'll hold that question. Hi, you're on the air.


Joe:  Hello.


Jackie:  Yes.


Joe:  It's Joe.


Jackie:  Hi Joe. Speak up, honey.


Joe:  Can you hear me now?


Jackie:  Heck yes, that's great.


Joe:  You know talking about those implanted chips, I was listening to all this stuff today on the Oklahoma City bombing and that brought back from my mind that Timothy McVeigh always swore he had a chip in his buttocks.


Jackie:  In his hip. He did, didn't he, Joe?


Joe:  Yes, he always did and that guy William Cooper, you know that was killed and murdered in Arizona, he said that he run into him and somebody else. Actually I can't remember who the other guy was, but anyway they got into a conversation and McVeigh wanted him to feel it because he acted like well I know you don't believe me--


Jackie:  Who? Cooper said he ran into McVeigh?


Joe:  Yes. He said he run into him at a gun shop in [Sholoh] or whatever it was that he lived and he just said that McVeigh – a was a couple of Mid-East, what do you call them, an Arab looking fellow was with him and they – of course Cooper was well known and they had a real nice conversation.


Jackie:  Speak up, Joe, please.


Joe:  According to Cooper, McVeigh tried to get him to feel it and Cooper said I didn't want to and so they've been around. Nothing surprises me what they do, but anyway I just thought that was revealing.


Jackie:  It sure does and that was 10 years ago. Okay Joe, thanks for your call. Yes he did, didn't he, Alan?


Alan:  It was in the newspapers here that McVeigh complained that he did have one in that region.


Jackie:  Yes, well it was in the newspapers here too and it was on the news.


Alan:  It showed a clip of McVeigh in Gulf War I personally escorting Schwarzkopf around some of the bases.


Jackie:  Oh, you're kidding?


Alan:  No, and so he was in Special Forces. Andy [Ramage] who was in Special Forces in Britain in the Special Air Service, the SAS, wrote a book after Gulf War I talking about his own men being chipped under the eyebrow, so they definitely got chipped for Special Forces.


Jackie:  And that was back in the '60's, Alan.Oh, I'm sorry. I was thinking of Vietnam.


Alan:  The '90's. They certainly did a lot of experimenting in Vietnam; if anyone's ever seen "Jacob's Ladder" it's worth going to see.


Jackie: "Jacob's Ladder?"


Alan:  Yes, the movie.


Jackie:  What is it?


Alan:  It's about some of the experiences of certain individuals who were tested with different things during the Vietnam era, where they actually thought they were in Vietnam but they were being tested elsewhere with different drugs and so on and actually killing each other. It's an interesting movie.


Jackie:  "Jacob's Ladder" and they made a movie about this, and people will look at it and because it's a movie they won't believe that it's true.


Alan:  They were trying to get the soldiers to become so primitively aggressive that they would kill everything and be ferocious, and they used U.S. troops and created two different sections and actually set them against each other. Then they dissected the people, the guys' brains even, to see what physical effect had done damage-wise to the brain.


Jackie:  Did they say it had done damage?


Alan:  Yes.


Jackie:  This is a little bit off the beaten path, in the same church a different pew, speaking of our military personnel. I hate saying that. The young men and women in America who go into wars. Lilly had heard that we know that they're bringing the recruiters right into the schools today, Alan, and she had heard and is going to try and do some research on it to make sure whether it is accurate or not that they're actually signing them up 14 years and older. Now of course somehow – you know that's a contractual agreement. They're not legally bound unless they really change the laws, that if you contract 12 and up or something that the contract is valid. But I wanted to say this for the sake of our listeners, for those of you who have children or know your friends' children, your relatives, try to check into it and see if this is happening and warn them not to allow their child to do that because it isn't the law anyway.


Alan:  It's quite amazing that American psychiatry will protect children from pedophiles, the reason being that you cannot have consensual sex from a child under the age of I think it's 16 because they're too immature to make truly rational decisions, and yet they're trying to get them into the military where they can go and get killed at a younger age than that.


Jackie:  Well, I know this is maybe a poor comparison or an example, but when you think about it there are some states now that don't even allow the young people to have driver's licenses until they're 18, and of course you could not go into a tavern and have a beer or have a glass of wine at dinner until you're 21 years old, but you can go in at the age of 17 and begin to kill and die in defense of the world order.


Alan:  That's the reason for it because the military – which is a Masonic Order, by the way. Everything in the military is purely masonry, all the symbols and so on. It actually is a form of conditioning the mind and drilling out the individuality and creating the mass man, who will do what he'd told, the nearest thing to a robot; and children can't imagine themselves dying you see. Death is a strange thing to them. It happens to other people and they're always old and they're brought up with movies where the heroes never get killed because the bad guys can never shoot straight and all these movies have happy endings for the guys. They've been brought up purposely to do the killing and be slaughtered because older and wiser men wouldn't join the military you see. They know the political scams. They've lived and they understand things but youngsters don't and that's why the military always recruits the young for their wars and it's well understood as a science.


Jackie:  And of course their lack of experience, meaning lack of wisdom really, their minds would be so malleable. They would be so susceptible to the brainwashing.


Alan:  Sure. They go from being a nobody to getting this uniform and having all this accolade and you feel so proud of yourself, you see. This is how they do it and of course it's a different story if you come back wounded, it's your tough luck basically; but all these children think well somebody else might get it, but it won't be me. They can't imagine death.


Jackie:  There's also that side of it that literally has turned them into barbarians, where it appears that many of them are killing with glee.


Alan:  Yes they are.


Jackie:  And they're celebrating it. They're videotaping it. They are so many reports and even the personally made videos that are being shown on, being available on the internet.  I believe that in the past for the most part those who had to engage in war, the majority of them moaned or I should say mourned even when they had to shoot a so-called enemy and they grieved and they were guilty, but today it's different, isn't it, Alan?


Alan:  Yes. They've been trained on military techniques on video games.


Jackie:  Yes. Hi, you're on the air.


Lilly:  Hi. It's me, Lilly. I sent you two emails about that, I found it under Google. If you put in Google search recruiting 14 year olds and I sent this to you anyway.


Jackie:  All right, thank you honey.


Lilly:  The thing is the parents have to sign in for it but the children are like 14 year old to 17 year old and then the parents get hounded by the children that please, please, please let me join up and then the parents or if they are in poor financial condition they then start getting money from the time they sign up from their future pay. Once they turn 18 then their future pay is deducted from what they would be getting in the future. It's something in the No Child Left Behind Act that's been [inaudible] before they get younger. But anyway, if you put it into Google you'll find it, recruiting 14 year olds.


Jackie:  And the section of the No Child Left Behind Act, Lilly, can you find that and email it to me?


Lilly:  I didn't get it down. It's in the email I sent you.


Jackie:  Okay honey, thank you.


Lilly:  The first email.


Jackie:  Thank you, Lil. Did you get that, Alan?


Alan:  Yes.


Jackie:  So they'll have the parents sign them up and you know I would really love to see that recruitment form because wouldn’t you love to see what they're doing or saying or promising for the parents to actually register their 14-year old child and it could be a boy or a girl. Hello, you're on the air.


Myron:  Good evening, Mrs. Patru and Mr. Watt.


Jackie:  Hi.


Myron:  Yes. I have a question for Mr. Watt. My name is Myron, I'm calling from Georgia. I'd like to ask Mr. Watt a question. I'd like to know if he knows someone by the name of Baron von Knigge? He was a partner with Adam Weishaupt in the Order of the Illuminati back in the 1700's and I was just wondering if Mr. Watt has any knowledge of research on this gentleman.


Jackie:  Okay, and Myron, you have to hang up to hear the answer.


Myron:  I will. Thank you. Have a good night.


Jackie:  You too. Bye bye. Okay, Alan.


Alan:  I know the name and I know that of course the Illuminati of Weishaupt did not originate with Weishaupt. It was simply the illuminati popping its head up in a period in time. That was all, but around Weishaupt, he had some scientists and so on who were working on human behavior and studying it intensely, long before Freud or any of these boys were around.


Jackie:  And that Baron von Knigge.


Alan:  He was one of them. What's interesting too is that when you read what Weishaupt claims, he said that at the end stage they would unleash the nihilists and the atheists.


Jackie:  He said what, Alan?


Alan:  That they would unleash the nihilists and the atheists in the biggest war for the world; and of course that was echoed by Lenin and before him [Buckerin] and it was also mentioned by Marx at one point. It was all the illuminati and what they've done is they've created the very generation of dumbed-down children. They've brought them up on violence and video games. The state has given them their values, not their parents, and they are unleashing the nihilists and the atheists and that's why they're over in Iraq killing with glee.


Jackie:  Yes. We have a caller here. Hi, caller you're on the air.


Jeff:  Hello. 


Jackie: Oh, hi Jeff.


Jeff:  How you doing?


Jackie:  Fine.


Jeff:  There is, from what I understand, a $16,000 bonus for anybody who enlists today. Sounds like selling your soul to the devil, doesn't it?


Jackie:  You mean they get the $16,000 upfront?


Jeff:  Yes and then they'll call when they're needed.


Jackie:  Well that would certainly seal a contract, wouldn't it?


Jeff:  Yes.


Jackie:  If a parent was signing for minor – okay Jeff, did you hear that on the news or what?


Jeff:  No. From a soldier.


Jackie:  Okay, thanks. Anything else, Jeff?


Jeff:  No. The reception is really terrible down here.


Jackie:  Oh is it? I'm sorry to hear that. Okay thanks. Bye. Did you hear that, Alan?


Alan:  Yes.


Jackie:  $16,000 bonus.


Alan:  Just to finish off on Weishaupt, now most people know that the Bavarian authorities raided his lodges. Their lodges by the way went into Germany and they were called the Beenan Lodge or the Order of Bees and the symbol is the beehive, which is the same symbol George Washington in his Masonic regalia has down in the bottom of his painting. Anyway, Weishaupt when he was chased out he got refuge in the area of Germany of Saxe-Coburg. Now Saxe-Coburg is the old house of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha royal family of Britain today; so why would the royal family not only give Adam Weishaupt refuge, they also gave him a lifelong pension and that's recorded history too. You see they're all tied in together. Weishaupt wasn't an independent agent.


Jackie:  Did you say Saxe-Coburg, like C-O-B-E-R-G?


Alan:  Yes.


Jackie:  And Saxe would be SACHS?


Alan:  It's S-A-X-E they spelled it there.


Jackie:  Oh, S-A-X-E.


Alan:  But it's the same as Sachs. It doesn't matter how it's spelled.


Jackie:  Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.


Alan:  Yes and that literally was the royal family that George and all those boys came from.


Jackie:  Oh, that was their relatives?


Alan:  Yes. Weishaupt and these guys were agents of a much higher power, just as Lenin was. Getting back to this whole discussion, we are living in the times where spiritual values better start to emerge in the individual because the war is going on right now and it's slow at the moment and yet it's also making great strides psychologically to condition people to accept all technologies and all technologies are just so wonderful you see. It's called progress, but once this technology comes to full fruition and implementation it's the end of conscious thought, which means it's the end of the human race's ability to contact their own 'creator,' if you like, and people better think about that.


Jackie:  Well, the implications of that are endless.


Alan:  Absolutely.


Jackie:  It just takes my mind out there. If that happens to an individual and they leave this dimension, the physical, with that seed so to speak, it comes back with them, Alan, and something has to happen. If we took it out there in I would have to say the negative. In other words, if they were successful you would have people being born into it – being born into it and never ever, ever questioning.


Alan:  They wouldn't have the ability to even to think up a question. If you cannot be who you are as an individual and know you are separate, although amongst others, that will be gone totally. As they said, it will be more like the beehive than a natural society of humanity. This is an ancient goal and you can trace the beehive symbol not only back to Egypt but back to the ancient Minoans.


Jackie:  Yes and you know what?  Love would be non-existent.


Alan:  You couldn't have love because you need individual human qualities and experiences in order to come to the ability to have love and to exercise it, and if you can't even experience the fact that you are a distinct individual, then you'll be more like as they say a bee in a hive with a job to do. You could have no abstract thought of your own, no abstract imagination or creative abilities. The brain would simply be the conduit for your programming which is coming through the air from some giant computer and if they want you to come in for adjustments you couldn't stop yourself. Your legs would start walking towards wherever it is.


Jackie:  That's right. There would be no – what you were just talking about. I've got this book "Family of Light" here and it reminded me of a short passage under the "Family of Dark," it was that chapter. It was talking about the beings who feed off harm to others are feeding their energy fields through a limited channel and this energy it says is not freely flowing through them, so when they access energy they want a lot of it and usually of a violent nature. Those who create harm to others are starved energetically. Why? Because they do not have love and do not feel connected and are shut off from living. The walking living dead is what you are without love and that is the truth, isn't it, Alan?


Alan:  Oh, it is the truth and unfortunately the ones who feed as you say off hate and anger are in charge of the world.


Jackie:  Oh boy and they keep creating it, don't they?


Alan:  It's the only thing they can do.


Jackie:  They do not resonate. That's another passage in that same chapter in the "Family of Dark," that if we refuse to live in fear, to live in hatred, anxiety, greed, all of that type of energy, but in love, in compassion, empathy, that they can't exist because they do not resonate to that vibration, that energy of love; they cannot exist in that atmosphere.


Alan:  In fact, they can't exist in this very system which they have created without it. They can't exist at all. Technically, even physically, they are useless creatures in a natural civilization. They're totally impracticable as far as taking care of themselves or doing anything useful but they thrive on this system which they have created. The more useless they are physically the higher up the tree they are as our dominant minority.


Jackie:  The dominant minority. Here's highlighted a couple of sentences that I thought was really beautiful along what we're talking about. It says: "You have equated power with material consumption, collection and hoarding. You admire people who have vast mansions, cashes of gold, jewels and trinkets to dazzle and befuddle the public. Is this really wealth and power? The real power lies in knowing the meaning of the song that the birds sing to be synchronized and harmonized by the sounds of nature, the tree frogs, the insects, the whippoorwills, the calls of the morning dove and the mocking bird or the nightingale with its sweet sound at dusk."  That is perfect, Alan, because that's where it is truly at.


Alan:  As I say, if you go into the Amazon those people would be called primitive and backwards and so on, because we come from this system, but they get up in the morning and they live a full day everyday and life is completely full of meaning for them, without knowing what Freud said or Einstein or anyone else. They have complete meaning in their whole existence, and as far as being in touch with their spirituality, they're so content and in touch with it that they have no high blood pressure or psychiatrists or anything else. They don't need it.


Jackie:  And they don't know that they have over-happiness disorder.


Alan:  Yes, that's right. They're called an "arrested civilization" by the demons that run this world.


Jackie:  Well, it always does come down to each and every one of us as an individual and it is true that is the journey that we take by ourselves, Alan.


Alan:  We do.


Jackie:  Nobody can take it for us and we cannot take it for anybody else. We're out of our hour and once again just thank you so much for being here.


Alan:  It's been a pleasure.


Jackie:  Sometimes it would be nice if we had two or three, wouldn’t it, Alan?


Alan:  Right.


Jackie:  Ladies and gentlemen, we'll be back with you tomorrow night and thank you for being here and God bless you. Good night, Alan.


Alan:  Good night.



(Transcribed by Linda)