May 31, 2007





Tamurile: Hello loyal listeners. I am back from a long journey but it's been well worth the wait. Much like Diogenes, the illustrious philosopher cynic, I have been walking around with a lantern looking for an honest man and I can happily report to you all that I have found one. I have found an honorable, noble, honest man and I am happy to present to you an interview that I conducted with him.  The good news is I retrieved it after serious technical, let's say, obstacles. Fortunately, he recorded the same interview. The tail end was lost but that just gives me an opportunity to meet and talk with him so we can share more of his wisdom because there's so much of it that he has that you would benefit considerably from hearing. I’d love to present to you, Mr. Alan Watt.

[Tape begins]

Tamurile: Listen up all you useless eaters. Now since we are in the Land of Oz, whether we care to accept that or not, it's about time to expose the little man behind the mirrors and the big voices. Now, to make the best use of both we’ve agreed to do this interview via a machine gun approach, meaning that I’ll fire topics at Alan and you burst a light beam on all of these things because most of us, whether we realize it or not, are being duped and disinformed. First and foremost, for the sake of our listeners who may not be acquainted with what you’re doing, Alan, could you give them a bit of a background on how you, as a youth were making your journey through life and discovered what was going on. What opened your eyes and what led you to commit yourself to this path?

Alan: It was really when I was very small, I lived in a mining community in Scotland, and when you’re small you’re ignored by adults, which is pretty handy if you want to watch people [Laughs] and listen to them.  I went from friend’s home to friend’s home and I found the same arguments in the every home with the parents over the basic necessities of life at that time. They didn’t have credit cards or anything like that. They didn’t have a welfare system when unemployment was really on the go and it was always about food and rent, food and rent, food and rent. I thought, this is Great Britain supposedly with all these centuries of empire and looting other countries. I said where did all the money go? Of course it all went to a couple of hundred families in London. I went in early into libraries, adult libraries, to find out some of the histories, to find out that even when I was five years old I found out they were changing the history that was being taught at school. I would check it up with very old books in the reference libraries, and we had really good old books, some of them going back to the 1700s that were still in the reference libraries.

Tamurile: And undoubtedly covered with dust because no one actually went in to have a look at them.

Alan: That's right. They even had collections of newspapers, of the local newspapers written at the time. I thought my goodness; they present a completely different history now in school. When I brought all these things up in school, the teachers were astonished because they didn’t know themselves. However, I could present them with the facts and authors and even reporters of the time. That's when I really got onto it, that everything was just like George Orwell, I later found out. History goes down the memory hole with every publication and republication of every major book.  That sent me off on the whole path of wondering why. I can remember too there was a miner’s strike. That was one of the first miner’s strikes and there again was no strike pay. There was no welfare. I think it was Harold Millen, at the time the prime minister, from an aristocratic family – they're all lords and so on – was in the front page of the newspaper telling the public that they’d never had it so good. Meanwhile I and many other people were getting brought up in reopened condemned buildings. They’d been condemned one hundred years ago. In one room four of us. That was pretty standard in these communities and here’s this character telling us we’d never had it so good, you know?

Tamurile: I wonder who he was referring to by “we,” it must have been the royal “we.”

Alan: Oh yeah. They always had it good for sure. This was the arrogance you see that had carried over from a previous century was still alive in Britain – very well camouflaged in Canada and the US. They've worked on it harder to pretend it's a classless society, which is a real joke. Whereas in Britain you even have an accent which will place you in your category of class. It was a very snobbish country. The people were totally controlled, as I grew up I noticed just flicking through different newspapers in different counties and areas you’d have the same starting pay for the same jobs and then the same maximum pay.  I realized you literally had a fixed rate, prices and wage system across the whole country and in England too. That took organization to make that come into play.

Tamurile: What, in effect, you were growing up in was very similar to a caste system as they have in India.

Alan: Absolutely. There's no doubt about it.

Tamurile: You have untouchables, which would be the vast majority of the blue collar, and the fiefdom.

Alan: That's right. What I found out was freemasonry for instance runs Britain. Even my local area, pretty well every major character was a freemason. The big lodge was in my town and it was 300 years old.

Tamurile: Were you approached at any point? Because being the bright child that you were, regardless of what your humble beginnings might have been, undoubtedly you’re precociousness would make you a likely candidate to be lured into that particular organization. Did anyone at any point approach you to join?

Alan:  I had people come up from Oxford and Cambridge and other big universities throwing scholarships at me.

Tamurile: These are the recruiters.

Alan: Yes, and when you turn them down the first time they don't give up. They keep coming back and you have interviews with them. They promise you everything and one of them even said, “do you want to live like the rest of the people here? Don't you want to come down to a place where your future is guaranteed and you have a good income? You won't have the worries of the ordinary people.” Yes, I had all the speeches given to me.

Tamurile: Why would you resist when so many have succumbed to all of these temptations?

Alan: Partly intuitive really. I knew there was a lot more too it. I also still knew I was too young to understand it all, but I had read the biography of one guy who went to Oxford. He said that he was taken over when he entered the hallowed halls and looked at all the granite and then all the busts of famous people and authors, and anyone who was anyone in British history is in there somewhere. This author said that it took him over. It literally took him over becoming part of that.

Tamurile: Is it very much like the mafia? Once you’re initiated in, and once you’ve been taken in, it's not like you can say, “I've had enough of this game and I want out.”

Alan: That's right.

Tamurile: There is a great deal of ritualism.

Alan: They have the order, the Oxford Circle, that's their initiation into a little bit higher order of freemasonry and pretty well everybody in MI5 and MI6 from Cambridge or Oxford have either been in the Oxford Circle or the Cambridge Apostles, they call them I think.

Tamurile: Now that's however permeated on a global scale, has it not?

Alan: Yes, wherever Britain went, and this is still the agenda because the United Nations is based on the British Empire and system is the model for the rest of United Nations and democracy as they call it. 

Tamurile: To this day.

Alan: Yes. Whenever they went into another country and they dominated for at least 40 to 50 years, and they would ensure they created a type of middle class system with a British culture instilled in them and the same freemasonry and the same democratic system. That's why they waited so long to pull out of India. They tried to set the same thing up there before they pulled out. That's still, by the way, a UN mandate. When they go into a country they still have that written in their charter. They won't pull out until they've put a little mini-democracy there that is really based on the British system.

Tamurile: Could you perhaps give us a bit of a historical overview on this, the origins of this group and some key names when it first began so that people can do their own referencing and searching?

Alan: Yes. The earliest that I could find, that's available to the public - now remember, and this is an interesting thing to find too - for the public you have public libraries and for an elite you have archives.

Tamurile: Aha!

Alan: It's a big difference because I've had professors tell me that there's maybe one in fifty professors is given access to an archive.

Tamurile: You know I encountered that personally myself here when I was doing, I'm actually on my own journey and I'm not going take away from your discussion here, but I'm validating exactly that. I was actually doing a small paper and trying to get some research on freemasonry for something entirely other in my undergraduate studies and there was definitely a list of books which were within the database system but I simply couldn’t get into the room where they were kept.

Alan: That's right, and that's why certain authors are allowed access to the archives. They're vetted. They're approved. They're sworn. They're bonded and their job generally is to give something a little bit more to the public once in awhile. That's why specific authors come out going over the same materials supposedly and yet giving you a paragraph or a page of information that's never been released to the public before, which makes you ask the obvious question: if all the previous authors on that particular subject had access to the same information, why didn’t they mention it before? This new material or information?  You realize no, everything is authorized for its time and place.

Tamurile: Indeed. There are always more questions than answers.

Alan: Yes.

Tamurile: What is the distinction between freemasonry and illuminati? Those are words that are bandied about all the time.

Alan: “Illuminati,” this was a bit of a clever deception. We could go way back, again back to the names that first come into history openly as what we would call today freemasons, that was Rosicrucian society – the real ones, not the ones you send off your money and they send you a couple of pamphlets back.

Tamurile: [Laughs]

Alan: There's one in California like that. The real one’s in Philadelphia.

Tamurile: There's one in north Ontario.  A few Dutch people seem to be into that.

Alan: There’s a big one in Switzerland. John Dee was the first one to openly come out. It's a mixture of what they call Christian kabbalah. They brought the kabbalah of the Aramaic countries in Hebrew as well and put it in with this new form of Christianity. John Dee wrote books on it. He was the man who coined the term British Empire. He approached Queen Elizabeth I with a suggestion of how to go about creating; he called it a Brytish B-R-Ytish Empire based on a form of free trade for those who would join. Those who wouldn't join would be basically black listed and they would get no trade. However, along with the free trade was to come the gradual merging of the member countries with their legal systems so they’ll be all once again based on the British type structure and system. That was in the 1500s.

Tamurile: So that was a prototype that everyone did as a means of establishing the same thing in other cities and other continents.

Alan: Yes, and in his day too, John Dee was also a spy for Queen Elizabeth I, and that's admitted. There's a lot of declassified stuff down the centuries and his number was 007. That's where they got the name from. He had the largest library in the whole of Britain in his day. He also did a lot of encryption. That's part of their whole technique is to encode things in words and writing, so he put a big book out on calling down the spirits. However, the whole thing really is Masonic coding.  There's an esoteric for the people who read it and they then read the abstract, they call it the spirits; but in reality it was nothing more than giving out to members the codes.

Tamurile: I see. There's a lot of numerology and symbology involved.

Alan: Yes and even the letters of the English alphabet are there. However, along with him, and Queen Elizabeth I, that was the first real openly Masonic court that was Francis Drake. You had other ones. They were pirates too. You call them freebooters. They were authorized to go out from England and raid all the other shipping because they were to acquire as much wealth as they could to build up massive navies for the future to create this British Empire. That's what it was all about.

Tamurile: Ah so the church followed suit with the crusades.

Alan: It's an old ongoing thing. There's nothing really new in it. However, they knew as well that the Catholic Church had ruled the world for a long time with no opposition really. They also know by their own laws of studying humanity and populations for many centuries that you need opposition if you want to create a direct change. It was around the same time you end up with Luther coming out, another catholic priest whose coat of arms is also the rose and cross, by the way.

Tamurile: And we the unclean are stuck between church and state.

Alan: [Laughs] That's right. It's quite interesting. Then of course you had Francis Bacon who came out – again an advisor to royalty – with the new Atlantis, which was under a story form he was also giving the format for a country which would rise in the west. He’s talking about America.

Tamurile: Oh. So there's a lot of metaphor here?

Alan: There's a lot of metaphor; and in fact it's in the Talmud that the country that would feed the world would be a star of the west, not of the east, and it was called Merica.  The new Atlantis was to be a country that would give a new value system to the world. It would technically be on its own and independent. There would be a republican form of government on the surface.

Tamurile: We're referring to the US here.

Alan: That's right. However, he did say, and this has been the same in all ages too, if you want to hide something you bury it or you put something out of site. He talked about an elite would rule the country over the republic system. The real government would be living inside mountains or under the ground in special manmade rooms and he even said laboratories. His book was written in the late 1500s and published in 1602 and here he is writing about laboratories underground. He also called it Solomon’s land; he used the early word for Solomon S-A-L. Solomon of course is the whole Masonic thing again. It was a Christian Masonic thing but in this fictional story that he wrote, and remember its time period, he said that at the end the hero, the visitor to the island was allowed to be escorted into the underground laboratories where they could create any kind of vegetables by specifically combining them but not by crafting them.

Tamurile: So this is in fact a precursor, a blue print, to where we are right here and now.

Alan: Yeah and then he went on and said in the next room they created all kinds of animals knowing what the end product would be, but you could design them from taking the minutest particles from one and combining them with another.

Tamurile: That's genetic manipulation.

Alan: Here’s the other part [laughing], there was even a huge machine, he said, which would control winds and hurricanes and create rain or drought.

Tamurile: A cloud machine. It’s all there in black and white.

Alan: This was a bona-fide genuine publication that’s still found in universities in the old form. I have the old books here too.  How can you even bring that up in an age where they’re still using the sailboat, horses and carts, and reading my candlelight?  Yet here he is writing about this country that was going to lead the world into a new system.

Tamurile: Can you tell us a bit about how the hierarchical strategies work in terms of this elitist core? Is it a bloodline thing? Because now you’ve got all of this Da Vinci Code razzamatazz going on and the whole notion of these holy grail bloodlines and what have you, and it’s the question of specific lineages, and then you have a second echelon of people who are recruited by virtue of what I consider to be faulty genetics because they have no conscience and no capacity to have compassion for their fellow man. I think those are prerequisites if I’m not mistaken.

Alan: They are. In fact, again, there’s nothing staggering; the more you learn about it you’re not staggered by it. There’s a lot of disinformation out there too.

Tamurile: Oh it all makes total sense if one’s just observing carefully.

Alan: Yeah, even with the Da Vinci Code too, that’s the old stuff that the masons always rehash, rehash to fascinate the public.  It’s even deeper than that, because you can go back to Plato, who was a member of the Greek aristocracy. Plato wrote the book called The Republic. He studied most of his life, like most Greeks did, in Egypt.  He learned it from the Egyptians who’d already run the ancient world for a few thousand years at that time. In “The Republic” he describes a future world where guardian elite would rule it. These guardian elite would interbreed with themselves because they were the brightest of all and they had the right to rule because they had acquired all the wealth of that age. That was a prerequisite.  Beneath them there would be a helper class where they could recruit from, a lower class of the brighter ones, once again, for certain qualities (today we’d call them psychopaths) who would serve them well and they’d form a military class out of that. Eventually, he said when the republic comes to its fruition in the future, then we shall bring the women in and then we shall have a class of military which shall interbreed and reproduce the same aggressive type.

Tamurile: So you’ve got programmed drones and the women are basically spawning more of them.

Alan: That’s right and he also talked about altering people for specific jobs. He said if we want a person to pick apples – this is his little joke – he said, we can take a man and a woman who are tall and keep breeding them and breeding them, just like domestic dogs, and get the qualities you want. A miner, you can keep breeding small and squat people until you have little stocky sturdy guys that can go down mines. He was talking about making purpose-made humans for specific functions.  He also said just like you can bring qualities in, he’s talking about mental qualities, you could also breed certain qualities out. You wouldn’t want them to be aggressive. You’d want them to be like the domestic cow for instance. It'd be very efficient as well.

Tamurile: So you can just pump them up with estrogen and diminish the amount of testosterone levels and turn them into passive.

Alan: He was also referring to people because you can also breed the people the same way and that’s just it. See if you want the king or the queen, and I found this interesting even about the Rhodes Scholarships, to get one, apart from having to know the right people and that’s a good chunk of it. Now the Rhodes scholarship again was a part of this ongoing British Empire for world conquest for a system set up by Cecil Rhodes and Lord Rothschild and Lord Milner, eventually. Lord Milner chucked his lot in with it too. They created a scholarship to bring in bright students from all different countries and train them for pushing towards world unification and the same standardization system based on Britain. They’re in all bureaucratic departments in federal governments worldwide in every country now, those guys. To get a Rhodes scholarship you have to have been involved in the acceptable social policies of the day, the acceptable demonstrations, etc. We always think we’re demonstrating against something. We never think that sometimes we’re demonstrating for something else because we’re ordinary people. We’re decent people. We don’t think like a psychopath. Their idea was to create NGOs which would have financial backing, backed by the big foundations which would demand…

Tamurile: Can you explain what an NGO is first?

Alan: They’re Non Governmental Organizations where the public would think they were grassroots, just people collecting money around doors and protesting from their homes and writing all this stuff on the kitchen table. However, in reality the biggest Non Governmental Organizations have office buildings and staff, and pension funds and all the rest of it. They’re paid by big foundations like the Rockefellers because all the big foundations (Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller) are part of this world corporation. They’re all high Masonic institutions and they fund the NGO groups that they wish to fund. They then go to governments and say we demand this because this is wrong or right and then the governments are only too happy, you see that’s just what we wanted you to ask and they pass a law.

Tamurile: Indeed, what about the people that are part and parcel of these lobbying groups?

Alan: The same thing. An NGO is just another form of lobby group authorized to be out there for specific changes to be brought into society by governmental action and law.

Tamurile: Has there ever been a time in history to your knowledge where these groups, although they seem to be very well united against the plebeians in terms of achieving complete control, are they competitive amongst themselves?

Alan: They're allowed a certain amount of competitiveness and just finishing the Rhodes part, the one prerequisite to be a Rhodes Scholar is that you must have leadership abilities and you must also have the ability to be very aggressive when required, almost dispassionate.

Tamurile: And be able to read cue cards that someone else has written for you, when it comes to public speaking. So there should be a certain element of charisma there, too, because if you’re the front man you’ve got to persuade thousands of people that what you’re saying is true.

Alan: There's no better personality than the psychopath because a psychopath doesn’t feel empathy for others. However, as they grow up they study and watch how others interact with each other and they become the best actors you could possibly imagine.

Tamurile: So they're brilliant mimickers?

Alan: Fantastic.

Tamurile: Even though there's no authentic or genuine ounce of feeling in them.

Alan: In fact Henderson and Gillespie psychiatry studies in the books they printed back even in the ‘70s had all the latest at that time, the latest information. Psychiatry used to, because it was a fairly new science, look at or find the common psychopath at the street level who ended up in trouble with the law by breaking windows and grabbing things because a psychopath generally wants instant gratification. That's what they thought a psychopath was. Then they were catching on – “wait a minute, we have the same personality types up in politics.” That's when the governments came down and started trying to get this all hushed up. Because that's where they gravitate towards, the brighter ones who are born in families of influence gravitate towards power. They want power because they love to dominate. They are egocentric; they're pure ego, a psychopath.

Tamurile: The agenda is pretty clear. It's a question of control of the global economy and the people in it.  Let's get down to how that has been planned to be effectively achieved.

Alan: Getting back, it's an interesting thing you brought up was Illuminati – what’s the difference between them and masonry.

Tamurile: Yes, see those words are bandied about and some people don't really know the distinction between the two. It's almost becoming cliché.

Alan: It is a cliché and it's meant to be a red herring. They brought Adam Weishaupt up and they keep going on about Weishaupt as though he was the first guy to come up with this agenda and he wasn’t. He was only one member of one branch of freemasonry who got caught at it basically.

Tamurile: Oh so he got a little too big for his britches and he started bragging, did he?

Alan: Psychopaths love to brag. Here’s a little clue to that. Even the serial murderer who eventually gets caught and has been so careful, when he gets caught he has no problem in disclosing to the public every single thing he did and all the details because he thinks he was so clever. He's proud of it. It's the same with these characters.

Tamurile: Hubris is their downfall here.

Alan: That's it.  Weishaupt was just a member of the Bavarian lodge whose symbol was a standard, a very common Masonic symbol, the Beenan Orden they called it – the order of the beehive or the bees because that's their symbol of a perfect society with the queen, with the priests, the drones, and all the workers down below.

Tamurile: Oh irony of ironies and look what’s happening with our bees now.

Alan: I know. You’re looking at a system, but the problem they've had is since the creation of the larger bureaucracies as the governments grew you have the constant inbreeding of psychopathic types now amongst themselves just like the elite. Because, as I say, Plato said you can breed a quality or trait in or you can breed a certain quality or trait out. That's your emotional part, that empathy and so on.  You have ruthless people basically in politics all working towards this agenda and serving their masters because psychopaths do worship those who have more power than themselves. We see that in military situations for instance where they worship the guy at the top. He gets all the glory because they wish they were that person.  You’re looking at a tremendous system that's been put in place. It's been on the go for a long time and they knew back in the 1930s – I know this – what the future of the world was going to be – because I have some of their old books from the Royal Institute of International Affairs that really is an arm that came out of the Rhodes foundation and the Lord Milner Foundation.

Tamurile: Is this something that's accessible to anyone or is it just that they assumed that no one’s going to be interested or will take the time to go to that level of depth?

Alan: It's a ladder. They pretty well know. Legally, it's amazing how legalistic they are. They’ll put things out for the public to consume, or at least legally see, knowing that they probably won’t read it because there's no sex, violence, or a happy ending in it. They're dry boring books. However, when you get ahold of the old Royal Institute of International Affairs books, which is a royal charter corporation really that plans the future all reporters in the empire, and it's still the empire, it's still the common wealth, belong to it. The ones who don't want to belong to it, they wait until they're asked so they do all they're told until they're asked to join. You can’t submit yourself to join. They come to you.  The American branch they set up in the early 1900s, the Council on Foreign Relations. They couldn’t call it the Royal American Institute of International Affairs.

Tamurile: Oh no. That would blow their cover wouldn't it?

Alan: [Laughing] it would blow their cover, yeah.  They called it the Council on Foreign Relations and it's just the American branch of the same thing. You’ll see that all the top politicians in the US are members of it; and in Canada, pretty much everybody in parliament is a member of it.

Tamurile:  Once again these are drones that are carefully cultivated on the basis of very specific instructions and plans.

Alan: Yeah. No one in fact in the public eye gets to be in that position of influence unless they've been vetted and trained and cleared many times over before the public even hear their names.

Tamurile: These meetings like the Bilderberg, these are to, where they get their walking papers and are given their instructions as far as what they're expected to do within a certain time frame.

Alan: That's right. They did the Bilderberger meeting – again, even the name, when they chose the hotel in Holland they probably even built the hotel for the meeting because you’re building the mountain, the berg, you see. It's the builders. They call themselves builders and so they love these little names and stuff to congratulate themselves on their cleverness. They lay these plans down. The club of Rome did the same thing.

Tamurile: Now, I'm just curious because I'm living in Canada what is your angle on all of this hubbub regarding Conrad Black. You know he was supposed to be one of their…

Alan: …one of their group boys.

Tamurile: …raised and taken into the fold and now all the sudden his name is mud. Is this another red herring?

Alan: What we get at the public level is drama.

Tamurile: [Laughing] this is the same thing as Brittany Spears, oh my goodness.

Alan: Yes. We get drama. I kid you not. I watched all this stuff for years and they always give us topics like Zbigniew Brzezinski said and he's advised god knows how many presidents. Brzezinski said in one of his books, shortly the public – this is in the 1970s in the book called Between Two Ages – shortly the public will be unable to come up with ideas or topics to discuss on their own. They’ll only be able to repeat that which was downloaded into them by the previous night’s news. Then he went on to talk about the technotronic era of methods of technology that will be used on whole populations and they’d be completely unaware of it.

Tamurile: Have you heard of the Second Life, Alan? They've started these virtual realities where you can live in a computer.

Alan: Yes and that started with the movie, The Lawnmower Man, as predictive programming to make children want that idea, to make it exciting. They always program us through fiction before the reality comes our way.  These are all scientific techniques that are well understood.

Tamurile: Repeatedly.

Alan: Repetition and it's always exciting. They don't tell you the real story, that once you get your little chip in your head you’ll no longer be you. You will be gone.

Tamurile: But it's all for your own good.

Alan: Oh, it's for “world peace,” and it will be peace because it’ll be peace for the elite, you see.

Tamurile: [Laughing] Because no one has a freewill.

Alan: That's right.

Tamurile: And no one has a brain left.

Alan: That's correct.

Tamurile: That's as Orwellian as one could possibly imagine a future.

Alan: I know. It's terrifying really; but that's what’s on the cards and now the British Ministry of Defence which is a part of NATO, which is a scrambled Aton, you know, Aton is the old sun god of ancient Egypt.

Tamurile: Indeed!

Alan: Even their symbol of NATO is a disguised swastika if you look at it with the two tone colors there.

Tamurile: Oh you’re absolutely right.

Alan: Nothing changes. They put things in plain view, like Albert Pike said, the great pope of freemasonry. He says we put things is plain view of the profane who never understand what they see or hear.  They do this all the time. It's the same with what is the mystery of the Mona Lisa and it's “Amon is all”.

Tamurile: Yes indeed. People once they’re given bread and circuses that’s all that’s really required. They’re easily entertained.

Alan:  They love a mystery and these guys have experts and teams of authors to churn this stuff out to you.

Tamurile: It’s part and parcel of the propaganda.

Alan:  Drama is fantastic because for their British mindset, for Canada say, because they adopted more of the British system, the CBC is based completely on the BBC the way it’s presented.

Tamurile: It’s not even camouflaged as such. It’s most definitely an imitation.

Alan:  Even China has got the same BBC guys working for them and they have the same format in China now. It’s interesting. The BBC started it off with the British public. Canada adopted it, so did Australia. For us, because we’re not so into the oh wild sex, or staring at people and stuff in the streets, they give us a guy who appears to be fallen like Conrad Black, but he’s not fallen at all.  It doesn’t matter what happens to him, he won’t serve time.

Tamurile: He stepped up to the plate to draw attention to himself so that the real plan can be carried out.

Alan: Or, like Brian Mulroney with the kickback scheme, he’ll come back.

Tamurile: He’s got some nice little offshore account somewhere and he sold Canada down.

Alan: Or he’ll end up suing those who accused him and getting billions out of it just like Moroney.

Tamurile: Speaking of accusations, I want to clear up for everybody this whole notion of conspiracy theories, where that phrase was coined and why people like yourself are painted with that brush.

Alan:  It’s an interesting term put out by what they call counter intelligence and people mimic what they hear or see that’s what Charles Galton Darwin talked about who wrote “The Next Million Years” on behalf of the elite in the 1950s, mid 1950s. He published this book called “The Next Million Years” and he said, we create the culture, the public will follow, they mimic what they see, they sing what they hear and they adopt the fashion and everything else. Everything that Plato talked about in ancient times, creating the fashion industry as Plato called it, the music industry, and the drama industry the public mimic. These are old sciences that are still being used.  Charles Galton Darwin rehashed it, but he also went further and talked about the necessity of either sterilizing most of the males or changing the physique of the women through excess and different hormones that they could either inject into you directly or put it in your water supply or spray from the air.

Tamurile: It’s happening as we speak Alan. I read an email from a friend of mine that was pointing out that in Texas they were trying to make mandatory a vaccination amongst girls between the ages of 9 and 11, which is supposedly to prevent the possibility of cervical cancer.

Alan:  The Human Papaloma Virus.  Of course they only admit themselves that it supposedly only works against one particular type of Human Papaloma Virus.

Tamurile: That’s because they don’t work against viruses.

Alan:  I don't trust them, whatever they tell us now. When you go into Charles Galton Darwin’s stuff and Arthur Koestler’s stuff – he again was hired as a propagandist through fiction at one time to basically push or help the left along, because they're on both sides left and right. Koestler, who had worked for Stalin at one point he helped oversee the great famine of the Ukraine where they starved millions to death. He thought it was just wonderful and he admits that in one of his books. He said it was historical necessity at the time. That's how a psychopath rationalizes mass murder. Then Koestler went over to New York and he worked for the United Nations, and he came out with a book called “The Ghost in the Machine”. It's a term that's used often for what are you, you know who are you, are you just a bunch of protoplasmic cells and synapses and neurons and so on; or is there something else to you – the complete you, the sentient you, the individual you, that's what he meant.  His whole job at the United Nations was to find ways of illuminating you, the ghost, again for world peace. He went through all the different factions working at the United Nations. One was trying to do it surgically by lobotomies. One was trying to lobotomize specific parts of the brain by injecting chemicals and specific altered viruses that would target and be up taken by the brain, by the receptors and burn out certain parts that give you higher intellect and even aggressive parts or the parts really which give you your self-survival instincts.  He came out with all this and then in the last chapter, he thought it was a wonderful idea, and once again there’d be world peace.

Tamurile: I think Bertrand Russell was also quite good at submitting strategies along those lines.

Alan: Yes, the same thing. See they all work together, that's just it. These guys all work for a central hub command, that's why they all wrote about the same things, same techniques as well. I should say this, see counter intelligence works by, and this is well documented by guys like Lawrence of Arabia who was trained at Cambridge as a spy basically, counter intelligence puts out sometimes thousands of people in a big city to gather nothing but gossip in bars and so on.

Tamurile: Yeah, sit in a coffee shop and listen to particularly the youth who still think they have free will and a choice. Ha!

Alan: What they do is to find out if the topics they’re putting through the news in the media and the newspapers are being discussed, you see. They give us our discussions.

Tamurile: And whether they’re being accepted.

Alan: Therefore when word comes out of certain things they’re true and they’re not good for the public – that’s what’s called intelligence, something that might be harmful for those that control.  Therefore they have counter intelligence agencies that then pick up the same stuff. They fund people to go out into the limelight. They fund them to the hilt. They train them to become the leaders of what appears to be opposition to the elite.  Then they spin it off into outer space with fantastic stories and literally lead all the followers through a maze of mind control basically.

Tamurile: These are deliberate provocateurs that are planted in order to get an uprising and that way weed out people who might be considered a threat.

Alan: Yes. What you do with counter intelligence, as I say, you put the fact in. You make sure that the guy appears to be ‘on the ball’, and then you bring the spin on it – which is often ludicrous by the way, it’s the fantastic spin that gets them.  When you come out and just present the basic facts they’ll say, “oh you must be one of those reptilian guys and ha ha ha.” In other words they throw the baby out with the bathwater. They throw the intelligence out with the ridicule.

Tamurile: This is exactly why I want to be sure that our listeners are clear about this whole conspiracy theorist business and how you do not fall under that category in any way shape or form. I want that clearly understood.

Alan: That theory really was put out by the big boys themselves to be adopted by those in certain movements and they adopted the term quite happily. It really does work. People adopt the terms they’re given not realizing they’re ridiculing themselves.

Tamurile: You did mention in the last phrase the whole reptilian agenda. Can we just blow the lid off of that?

Alan: Oh yeah. You see years ago…

Tamurile: It must not have been a very cost effective thing in terms of this whole extraterrestrials taking over that would have been a very expensive proposition, would it not, to create holograms of ships and that sort of thing.  Is that why they abandoned that whole thing?

Alan: That’s partly the reason. Their studies showed they could not convince enough people anyway. It’s true, you see Aldous Huxley, who worked for Tavistock Institute and who again put out a lot of stuff in fictional form, but it was also part of an agenda which he worked towards.  Huxley himself said that 60% - all studies have shown, and this is from a lecture at Berkeley, you can get that on my website too for download – 60% of the public are instantly suggestible, hypnotics basically.

Tamurile: 60%.

Alan: He said another 20% with a little more work and persuasion can come to believe it just as much, which leaves 20% that they could not affect. These are old studies. They're repeated over and over and over up to the present and it hasn’t really changed. In other words a lot of people will believe anything if authoritative figures tell them over and over.

Tamurile: This is the man in the white coat.

Alan: Yes. Experts. This again was meant to discredit a fact where psychologists had come out years ago studying the great dictators of history, and coming to the same conclusions that psychopaths were basically the types that run the world system. They said that these are unfortunate terms, they said, there’s a part of the brain where all your survival capabilities, reproductive, everything is in this little part of the brain and they unfortunately gave us a slang term called the reptilian part meaning that all animals, even reptiles have this little part in them for reproduction, aggression, all of the baser things which are drives and also aggressive at times. That was starting to get known so they had to bring out something that would make it ludicrous, you see. Therefore books came out about real reptilians and shape shifters and all of this stuff; and now when you mention that part – “oh yeah, they turn into reptiles, don’t they?”  It’s good counter intelligence.

Tamurile: How about over population. The whole notion that the world cannot sustain the people that exist on it now let alone in the future.

Alan: Again, that all goes back, this is not new again, but it was well documented. The technique was documented by Malthus in the 1700s. He was an economist for the British crown and for the British East India Company. He was the first one to fudge these brand new phenomena called statistics. They say there are lies, damn lies, and then there are statistics. It’s hard to argue, you see.

Tamurile: [Laughs]

Alan: It’s hard to argue when they see statistics. Malthus really fudged it. He made graphs that predicted that within 100 years in the 1800s they’d be walking all over each other on the planet, all the commoners, and they might overthrow the elite.  He came down with all these ways and means to eliminate a vast quantity of those that were undesirable. He even suggested building public housing on swamplands so they’ll get infected and their children will be prone disease and all the rest of it.

Tamurile: Just wipe them out with a plague or two.

Alan: Yes. That’s exactly again what Bertrand Russell talked about. He says we’re in a bind. We help the people to live longer and more of the wrong people will breed.  This is what we’re up against here. These are real psychopaths. They really have an agenda.

Tamurile: Let’s take advantage of your being here now and I’ll say some catch phrases and you just burn the light on them. For example – and I’m going to go with things that are just rife in the media, we’re just saturated with it, and that to me is a warning sign. The moment that the mass media is pumping it out there on every single channel, then that gets my alarm bells going. Let’s say for example this whole global warming problem. That all the sudden all of the scientists and all the people in the lab coats who know better than we do about everything, are up in arms about.  We’ve only got a specific time frame to deal with, otherwise we’re all just going to go to hell in a hand basket.

Alan: Yes. Years and years ago the first man to mention world unification through terror and fear where we’d have to unite to fight a common enemy was John Dewey, who helped set up the US Educational system. He’d give lectures and he mentioned that often in his speeches. The only way to unite the world would be to get a terror from out there and from them on came the vast books on science fiction and aliens and alien attacks and all that stuff.

Tamurile: H. G. Wells.

Alan: They tried all kinds of gimmicks. They put millions out there. They paid millions to authors to write science fiction to get all this idea, this predictive programming into our minds as a possibility and they did lots of CIA tests and organizational tests on big parts of the populations. They even did Orson Welles’ “War of the Worlds”. They broadcasted over radio. They terrified.

Tamurile: People committed suicide.

Alan: People were even shooting at the big water tanks up on the tall legs they have feeding towns, thinking they were alien craft.  There were car smashes, people trying to get away and all this stuff.  Then it came out years later, it’s declassified now, that it was the US government that was behind it with the departments of the psychological teams at Princeton University as a psychological warfare test.  That’s declassified now.  They were trying this and of course they couldn’t get enough people to go along with it, so it’s much easier to say we’re going to get hit with a comet. We send guys off that can blow comets up so you have Deep Impact and different movies that all came out at the same time.

Tamurile: It’s amazing how insidious that is. You just throw it into the cinema and you can affect a staggering amount of people very easily.

Alan: Yes. The next thing was in the 60s they thought, oh I wonder if we should have another plan B or C because they never have just one plan.  Teller came up with the hydrogen bomb, he was the first man scientist to say, you know we could just spray the atmosphere. Vast spraying exercises with aluminum oxide and different metallic particles if we want to either cool or warm the earth. He also worked on projects to bring polymer, and you’ll see this spray today. You can see polymer spray which spreads fast and it’s very hazy. It’s like looking through a plastic film in the sky. That’s the polymer. Polymer was invented to carry certain viruses and bacterium to the earth for warfare purposes.

Tamurile: Biological warfare.

Alan:  They found that they could do either heating or cooling of the atmosphere on a grand scale depending on the types of mixes they used. They’re like the grand alchemist in the sky. They’re up there everyday. People will notice that since the heavy spraying began after all the countries, including Canada signed the open skies treaty it’s really warmed. It gets warmer. The more they spray it the warmer it becomes because these tiny particles are like reflectors. They reflect light all over the place and back and forth towards each other so the rays don’t strike the earth and bounce off or are absorbed. They literally go back and forth in the atmosphere and it heats the entire atmosphere underneath it.

Tamurile: I in fact experienced that this weekend walking the dogs. It was a beautiful sunny day, not a cloud in the sky, and the temperature was appropriate for an April morning and then two hours later, of course, I saw the criss-cross patterns and did my own cursing under my breath as far as who would be motivated to get up there and do these things and absolutely I felt the difference in the temperature. It became quite unbearable and overheated within two hours.

Alan:  It was five years ago now that they started to use HAARP alongside this. Teller suggested that you could bombard the atmosphere with electromagnetic pulsations. Then by so many meta or metallic particles in the atmosphere, the atmosphere would become like a circuit, more conductive and it could carry at vast distances that way.

Tamurile: Now, I’m aware of the HAARP that’s based out of Alaska. Is there any place else?

Alan: There are 54 of them they admitted to a few years ago.

Tamurile: Oh god in heaven.

Alan: They can use them all in unison too.

Tamurile: They manipulate the weather.

Alan: Yes, and not just the weather. If you go into the United Nations treaty on weather warfare, HAARP is in there. That was signed in the 1970s and everything that they’d been known to do is in that treaty and so every country signed it, not to use it. Now there’s the interesting part with the United Nations. It says they will not use it when states war with each other, but it says nothing about not being able to use it on their own public.

Tamurile: Ah, so of course.

Alan: It's the same with the bullets the police now use, the hollow points. It's not allowed to use hollow-point bullets in warfare against another country because they're so lethal and cause so much damage, but they allow them to use it now in Canada for instance. 

Tamurile: They've developed bombs that will keep buildings intact and only kill the people.

Alan: That's also disclosed that they're going to use them from the Ministry of Defence of Britain they published a week ago in the Guardian. Their whole agenda for the next 30 odd years including the use of neutrino bombs to bring down specific ethnic populations.

Tamurile: This has been openly…

Alan:  I read a whole thing on the air just a week ago. It's up on my site in fact.

Tamurile: Can you please tell everyone where they can look up your website and your podcasts I have been listening to for months on end and highly recommend everyone to go immediately to after they listen to this. Tell everyone where they might be able to get in touch with you.

Alan: If you look into they can see all the stuff that’s there for free downloads.  The other sites I have, I’ve now put them up in Europe with transcripts in different languages: that’s

Tamurile: How long have you been doing this podcasting, Alan?

Alan: I started, I felt I had no option but to start to come out and I got into short wave radio, international short wave, in ’98 and I’ve been on that on and off up until about 2002 or 2003 if not 2004. Then I put my own sites up to get more information out.

Tamurile: And Mr. Watt has indeed been doing that ever since. I am one of his regular listeners. He has numerous books and CDs available for sale via the website. Our conversation is nowhere near over, and he has agreed to grace us with his presence for a subsequent interview.