November 11th, 2011 (#961)
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt Nov 11th, 2011:

Method to the Madness:

"This New World Order is Spewing Laws and Rules,
Coming from Everywhere to Confuse the Fools,
The People the Sheeple Must Stay Confused,
Rather Than Come to Knowing They're All Being Used,
The Redistribution of Wealth Means an Awful Lot,
Subsidizing Food Out the Country Means Less You've Got,
Till Eventually You'll Get Your I.D. Card
With Weekly Food Rationing, Plus Stay in Your Yard,
The Elite, You See, say "Let's Be Constructive",
Take From Falling Nations to the New and Productive,
So the Falling Nations, Under Treaty -- Nothing to Say,
Their Only Function Now is to Pay and Pay
To Abroad -- Hospitals, Businesses Plus Health Care,
And at Home a Dysfunctional Poverty-Stricken Welfare"
© Alan Watt Nov 11th, 2011


Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt – Nov 11th, 2011  (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)
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Hi folks, I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through the Matrix on November 11th, 2011.  For newcomers, help yourself to the website, and if you can wade yourself through them, there’s a lot to choose from there, there’s hundreds of audios to choose from for free download, you’ll begin to understand the big system you live in.  And what you’ll really get right off the bat is the fact that those who rule the present have already set up the future to ensure that they’ll always rule.  That’s how they did it in the past too.  It’s always been the same system.  George Orwell touched on this too, and he should know, because he was up amongst them, working with them.  So, as I say, things don’t just stumble along.  And big social movements don’t come out of the blue by themselves.  Generally they’re well directed and funded, and always for a different purpose than the one that you realize.  You’ll always find out the big boys want you to protest something or demand something, because they have another part of something to change, an agenda to change or a system to change that already oversees you.  And that’s what’s coming about today, because even the protest groups, lots of people who are just really fed up with the banks, we’re all fed up with the banks, everyone across the whole planet is, always have been, but the fact is that there’s other powerful forces behind it too.  Because they want to bring up the World Bank, the IMF and so on.  And you’ll find the history of that, if you read Carroll Quigley’s documentation, Tragedy and Hope, the book, and the other one called The Anglo-American Establishment, well documented, about a group, who set up a long time ago, a hundred years ago, to take over the resources of the whole entire planet.  All the resources.  And in fact, we’re resources too, of course, human resources.


So, help yourself to the audios.  Remember too, you’re the audience that bring me to you.  You can help me tick along here by buying the books and discs at  And you can also donate as well, because it’s often the donations occasionally here and there that pull me through the month, just to pay off what I owe.  And from the US to Canada, you can use a personal check or an international postal money order from your post office or send cash or use PayPal.  You’ll find out how to do it at  Across the world, you’ve got Western Union, Money Gram, and again PayPal.  And, remember again, straight donations are awfully welcome in these hard times, because I don’t bring on advertisers, I don’t have shares in products and sell them to you.  So, I just depend on you to keep it all going here.  As I say, if you go into the website, you’ll find that you can also get, apart from the audios, you’ll find that you can get transcripts in English and other languages.  In the other languages, go into for transcripts, and you can print them up, and read them at your leisure. 


That’s how the world really is.  We always end up protesting against something or demanding something, which the big boys want to bring in.  And now, of course, it’s time that Bretton Woods Part II comes in, and you’ll find out the founder of that talked about that before he died, that there would be a Part II to it, where they’d raise up the Bank for International Settlements, World Bank, and also the IMF to its proper role of running the entire monetary supply of the entire planet and all debt, loans, and everything else too, for all countries.  And that’s what’s come out of the European Union.  They’ve pretty well got what they wanted there.  They’ve got a massive, amalgamated Central Private Bank running them there, under the IMF, and it’s to be the same across the rest of the world.  That’s what these big planned crashes are all about.  Now, it doesn’t mean that there shouldn’t be a bank crash.  Of course, they were all selling bubbles, and just raping and pillaging as they went along there, as they resold home after home and jacked the prices up and sold it to the next big bank.  They were all in on the scam.  They knew it  would come down, but that was the intention.  Make hay while the sun shines.  And then, of course, they get into the next part of the system, with the same banks in charge.  That’s really what it’s all about.  Back with more, after this break.


Hi folks, we’re back, Cutting Through the Matrix.  And it’s interesting that in different countries they celebrate Veterans Day and Remembrance Day in the British Commonwealth countries for all the guys that fought in all these wars that we have no clue why they were really fighting, generally, except for a couple of major ones.  The rest of it is all geopolitics.  And, of course, it’s also part, as I say, of this plan to take over all the resources of the world, and that’s never been more obvious than today.  We’re the generation living through the obvious part of it all.  We find the movements, the US has so many bases across the world, it’s just astounding.  And I’ve talked about them before, and how it goes all the way back to Reagan, and Jeane Kirkpatrick came up with the idea of, since we’ve got a big, big job to do of policing the world, we’ve got more wars to fight, eventually down the road, why not just put up permanent bases across the world, rather than go in when something starts and build and then build a temporary structure; make them permanent.  And they’ve been building them across the entire planet.  And I bet you anything too, when China takes over, and it will be arranged at the United Nations that will be so, because it was talked about back in the ‘40s that China, and the ‘50s, that China would eventually take over as the Policeman of the World, that they’ll hand it over to China.  So, thank you again, American taxpayer.


Anyway, the US are moving into Australia now.  And I think personally it’s partly to do with there’s such radiation in parts of Japan where American bases were, and they pulled out so many ships there because of the high radiation content, and it’s going to be like that for half a million years, who knows how long, with the pollution of radiation.  So, they’re moving into Australia.  And it says:


US Marines in Darwin


The US will have a permanent new military presence in Australia


(Alan: They already have some already, in different parts)


by rotating marines through a base in Darwin, US President Barack Obama is set to announce.


Mr Obama will make the announcement with Prime Minister Julia Gillard when they visit Darwin next Thursday during his first visit to Australia as President, the Sydney Morning Herald reports.


"This is all about the rise of China, the modernisation of the People's Liberation Army


(A: You know, the guys who are sending us all the products and hold all the debt, you know.)


and, particularly, it's about the increased vulnerability of US forces in Japan and Guam to the new generation of Chinese missiles," Alan Dupont, the Michael Hintze professor of international security at Sydney University, told the newspaper.


The new Chinese missiles could threaten them in a way they've never been able to before, so the US is starting to reposition them to make them less vulnerable.


These things are obsolete.  I hope you understand that.  Even Kissinger and others said the same thing, when they talked about the technotronic warfares and mentioned weather modification, especially weather modification or weather warfare.  Because, they say that now with weather warfare, they can take a country so fast with using natural techniques, basically creating tornados, massive, hundreds and thousands if they need be in an area, wiping out a whole continent, if they need be, and soaking them.  Or else, doing it the slow way of drought, that it makes the Atom Bomb and the H-Bomb obsolete.


So, anyway, we’ve got to keep spending, spending, spending, and that’s disposable income as far as the government is concerned.  They like this disposable stuff, and that’s why they like wars too.  Every shell has to get replaced.  Every missile has to get replaced, or it’s made obsolete in about a month’s time, and of course, the manufacturers come up with Mark 2, 3, to 150 or whatever.  And it’s a great business for them as well.  So, anyway, they’re moving them in there, and that’s just a little bit of information. 


And you know, society is so finished now, as far as I’m concerned, because we’ve lost everything that made, across the world really, countries are not countries anymore.  They’re almost wastelands of humans with not much to do, except take drugs, especially the youngsters in these inner cities, the big cities across England too.  It’s incredible.  They’re living in places that are falling apart, basically. And again, they’re all expected to pay masses of tax money, to bail out all these other countries in Europe, etc, etc.  And there’s nothing left for them.  There’s no future that they can see, except just shoot up heroin, and of course that’s being imported by the shiploads, all the docks.  And such squalor is terrible everywhere.  They have no hope.  They’re nihilistic.  And that was designed, this apathy and nihilism was designed a long time ago, because even Bertrand Russell said in the ‘50s, that eventually nihilism will be brought in and that will create apathy.  Apathy is a great technique for people to be.  What they do is turn on each other.  They don’t turn on the authorities, and it keeps their minds on each other, rather than the authorities.  So, they had all this worked out, all the reactions, and they’ve been pretty correct up until now.  What’s also happening too, is that, you see, all your systems, especially to do with local councils, up to even state and federal councils across the world, are utterly, utterly corrupt.  They’re utterly corrupt these days.  And there’s been so many exposés on the British councils about them scamming, these councillors scamming so much money for them, for themselves.  And they should be going to roads and maintenance, and all the rest of it.  And they become little petty emperors in their own little areas.  So, this article here is about:


Councils 'lose £7m


(A: Which is a drop in the bucket)


in false bank account scam'


(A: Which obviously councillors are in on.  And it says here:)


Councils have been conned out of more than £7m by criminals using information put on their own websites under transparency drives, a survey says.


(A: The government is encouraging this.)


The Audit Commission said officials were being tricked


(A: They’re not being tricked, they’re in on it.)


into making payments - intended for building firms and other contractors - into false bank accounts.


The problem emerged from the survey of 480 public sector organisations.


Housing Minister Grant Shapps said it was "disappointing" some councils had not heeded advice on combating fraud.


(A: Well, as I say, it’s integral to the system now.  The fraud is rampant through the underworld and the overworld.  You see, it’s all pretty well one now.  And you’ll find too, as inflation gets massive, taxation goes even higher, and then carbon taxes come in, that’s when really the survival of the fittest for the psychopaths just kicks into overdrive.  And from the little gang at the bottom to local councils, city councils, all the rest of it, these are the ones who end up on top using every device they can.  That’s the way it is.  It says:)


The Audit Commission found that councils across England detected more than £185m worth of fraud last year - up 37% on 2009/10.


(A: Well, that’s what you’re going to get.  As things get more expensive, inflation goes up, and you keep bailing out foreign banks and going into austerity, there’s going to be more and more petty crime.  It’s as simple as that.  There’s no rocket science here.  So:)


Councils said fraud cases were rising because the current economic climate was putting pressure on people's personal finances and "tempting" them to commit fraud.


(A: Well, eventually it will be the only way they can survive, those that can survive, and who will break the rules, you see.  And try to sustain themselves in a better lifestyle.  Fraud will be the only thing that’s left for them.  I mean, what can you say about the system that runs them?  Look at the fraud that’s committed just amongst their politicians, their parliaments, case after case, every week, of, you know diddling their expense accounts by thousands of pounds per month, and so on, and a slap on their wrist.  No big deal.  How’s that for an example, eh?  Yet they’re coming down on the little guys at the bottom.)


They also said a reduction in staff numbers due to cutbacks was weakening internal fraud controls.


(A: No, there’s a lot of nonsense.  Anyway, it says:)


Criminals from the UK and overseas have sent legitimate-looking letters, based on creditor information published on the internet, to persuade officials


(A: You don’t have to persuade officials.  They’re quite happy to put the hand out, believe you me.)


to change account details and redirect payments to them.


That takes collaboration with the crooks.  But that’s what we’ve got to look forward to as the countries go down.  More and more and more of this.  And, as I say, it ends up where literally the psychopaths, at all levels, from the guys at the bottom that are gangs, that club folk to death, and mug them and so on, and run the local booze cans, the local place where you pick up your heroin for the night.  These guys could rise to the top, during these times, and everyone above them too.  All the officials as well, the psychopaths amongst them rise to the top.  Everything becomes a gang.  Everything.


I’m putting up a link tonight too, at Cutting Through the Matrix, about the facts about the global super-rich.  And it’s really a chart and so on.  And it’s the usual stuff, percentage, etc, about who owns the wealth.


0.5% of the world's population owns an eye-popping 38.5% of its total wealth.


(A: And the usual comments, like this is insane.  Well, no kidding, eh?)


And the bottom two-thirds account for just 3.3% of wealth


(A: And it gives you comparisons, etc, countries, and so on.  And it says:)


China, India, Latin America and Africa account for 56% of the world's population, but just 16% of its wealth.


The U.S. is home to 21% of people who have more than $100,000 in wealth. Japan is home to 16%.


And those numbers are even more concentrated when you look at millionaires. One-third of the world's millionaires live in the U.S. Sweden and Switzerland each have 2% of global membership, but a much smaller fraction of the global population.


And those numbers are even more concentrated when you look at millionaires


(A: Etc, etc, and billionaires.)


And the number of ultra-high net worth individuals is growing, due, in part, to the fact that "the past decade has been especially conducive to the establishment of large fortunes," according to Credit Suisse.


(A: And the number of ultra-high net worth individuals is going up and up all the time.  And it says:)


This year, Europe surpassed the U.S. in terms of the number of high-net worth residents (who own between $1 million and $50 million.


So, I’ll put this one up too.  You can yawn through this one, but it’s no surprise at all, because you’ve got to really have money to start with.  You have to be born into the right families and peoples, sometimes, that too, to get that kind of start, to get into the areas where you can accumulate a lot of wealth.  You won’t get it by hard work.  That’s an old fallacy. 


Now, soldiers, you know, I really don’t have much time for soldiers, because they’re really just mercenaries.  I understand why they go into the army, most of them.  Most of them are from the lower classes, who can’t get a job.  But, of course, some of them end up doing the most horrific things, maybe for promotion, I don’t know.  Back with more, after this break.


Hi folks, we’re back, Cutting Through the Matrix.  And, as I say, soldiers, you know come really from the lower classes.  They’re the cannon fodder.  They’re called the pawns on the chessboard.  And it doesn’t really matter what happens to them once they leave the service.  Most of them die off through drugs, or disease that they’ve got in the military.  And that’s okay; no one really cares.  And it’s okay when they’re in action, and they’re killing off the enemy, whoever has been designated to be the enemy, and they do kill them off, whoever it happens to be, even if they know nothing at all about them; it doesn’t really matter.  But that’s just the way it is.  They’re just a part of this modern system of where politics fails, basically, and diplomacy fails, you just end up getting a war to get what you want.  And it’s always been that way.  So, they’re disposable, really, but as long as they kill the enemies, that’s all that matters, for the boys who run commerce.  And it says here:


American soldier gets life sentence for conviction in thrill-killings of Afghan civilians


A military jury sentenced an Afghan war veteran to life in prison after the Army staff sergeant was convicted of murder, conspiracy and other charges in the deaths of civilians, in one of the most gruesome cases to emerge from the conflict.


(A: A lot of this goes on, in all forces, actually.  It’s just that occasionally, mainly they’re hushed up and they’re kept under wraps.  And it says:)


Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs, of Billings, Mont., was accused of exhorting his bored underlings to slaughter three Afghan civilians for sport.


(A: I don’t think this is the first time this has happened, even in the US.  It says:)


The jury for the court martial at Joint Base Lewis-McChord south of Seattle sentenced Gibbs Thursday to life in prison, but he will be eligible for parole in less than nine years.


The 26-year-old soldier was the highest ranking of five soldiers charged in the deaths of the unarmed men during patrols in Kandahar province early last year.


(A: It’s probably the same bunch.)


At his seven-day court martial, he acknowledged cutting fingers off corpses and yanking out a victim’s tooth to keep as war trophies, “like keeping the antlers off a deer you’d shoot.”


(A: That’s what it says.)


But he insisted he wasn’t involved in the first or third killings, and in the second he merely returned fire.


(A: So, even the two other guys, of course, turned on him and testified against him to get a lighter sentence, I guess.  So:)


The jury deliberated for about four hours before convicting him on all charges. The sentencing hearing began immediately after the verdict was announced, with a prosecutor, Maj. Andre LeBlanc, asking for the maximum, life without parole.


The thing is, what they did too, is they killed folk and just planted guns next to them.  Much like the police do back home, eh.  I mean, that’s been going on forever.  Throw a knife or a gun down.  “I had to shoot them.”  You see?  But, taking trophies is not really an unusual thing.  I’ve seen different guys in different forces, Britain, Canada, States, that show off their photographs.  They all take photographs when they’re first blooded, as they say, next to the corpses that they’ve shot.  Sometimes it’s like a finger in the hole, just to show how bravado it is, and so on.  And gruesome things like that.  So, there’s nothing really new in this, but they just don’t want this leaking out to the public. 


We’re supposed to think it’s all hygienic.  You know, we hear these terms, surgical strikes, and we think of hygiene right away.  We don’t realize that, you know, people in schools have just been blown up.  And they try to hygienize war, which you simply cannot do.  It’s a gruesome thing.  Very primitive.  And it’s all about sticking things in folk or blowing things through them.  And that’s basically it, you know.  Because, what do you expect.  This is the height of mankind, humankind, 21st Century, and it’s worse now than ever.  Anyway, other countries have got it bad too, where they’re all collapsing with their societies and culture and so on.  In some countries, like Australia, they’re giving them power to frisk children now in schools and outside schools too. 


Police will be granted the power to frisk teenagers or children for alcohol after a State Government committee recommended the new powers be passed as law.


The Queensland Police Service pushed for its scope under the Police Powers and Responsibilities Act to be widened to include a "pat down'' of young people who were suspected of carrying alcohol in May this year.


A report released by the Legal Affairs, Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services Committee this afternoon said it supported the motion, so long as police kept a record of all minors who were frisked and pending a review after five years.


It’s also training all children for their future.  This is the future that they must grow up in.  It’s totalitarian.  It’s like all the science fiction movies they’ve fed us over the years, to get us all ready for it.  In the US and some countries they’re already ready for it.  They’ve grown up going through metal detectors, and so on, and opening their school satchels to show them what they’ve got inside.  So, they’re already trained, you know, to walk through.  They’re already trained before they leave school, to go to airports and get patted down there, and walk through the x-ray machines.  It’s all training.  You always train in advance the cattle.  We’re all cattle, you see, at the bottom.  The elite don’t do this, of course.  They have special airports for their private jets and stuff like that, and you know, privileges.  It’s a world of privileges.  Democracy you see, if you look at democracy, if they use the British base, it’s very elastic.  You can keep stretching it, because there’s never a constant definition of it, but in Britain, they’ve been, it’s such an elitist system there.  The home of utter snobbery. 


It’s got so much in common with India.  I’m surprised more folk don’t put it together.  The class system is a caste system.  And in India, it’s horrendous, the caste system.  It will always be horrendous in India.  I don’t think they’ll ever get it out of them.  And that’s why the elite in Britain got on so well with the bigwigs in India, a long time ago.  They have so much in common. 


This training is to get them all ready, in advance, for what they must experience later on in life.  This is the system, this wonderful New World Order.


And of course, everyone has heard too, I’m sure, that radiation levels across Europe have been detected that are higher than normal.  I love how they say “higher than normal but don’t seem to pose a health hazard,” when we know that all the top guys have said there’s no safe level of radiation.  And the longer you get it, even the lowest dose, the worse it is for your DNA to metabolize into something nasty.  Back with more, after this break.


Hi folks, I’m back, Cutting Through the Matrix.  Just talking about this release of radiation across Europe, which they’re claiming is not from Japan.  They said:


The agency said the cause was not known but was not the result of Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, which spread radiation across the globe in March.


(A: Well, it’s been still spreading radiation across the globe, if you look into the investigators in Japan itself.  Of course it is.  And I read one last week, I think it was, the highest levels of radiation of all time, from the very beginning, were released about a week ago, so, I mean, it’s still coming off the Mox fuel and everything else.  Anyway, they’re talking about iodine-131 here.  And it says:)


The "very low levels of iodine-131


(A: Isn’t this something you would tell a baby, you know?  Don’t worry, go to sleep.)


The "very low levels of iodine-131


(A: This is the one that gives you thyroid cancer and so on.)


have been measured in the atmosphere," the agency said in a statement. It said such radioisotope will lose much of its radiation in about eight days.


(A: They’re so precise with everything, but they don’t know where it’s coming from, eh?  Who’s kidding who?)


However, an official familiar with the matter, who asked for anonymity because he was not authorized to comment, said the release appeared to be continuing.


(A: So, it’s continuing.  And it’s just wonderful how they tell us stuff, isn’t it?)


In Prague, an official at the Czech State Office for Nuclear Safety said he was "100 percent sure" that the radiation had not come from any Czech nuclear power plant - or from any other source on Czech territory.


Speaking on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to talk to the media, the official said tests are under way around the country to try and identify the source.


(A: They can tell from satellite where the source is.  They know this.)


The Czechs are betting heavily on nuclear power and have plans to dramatically increase production - a move that would give the country a place among Europe's most nuclear-dependent nations. They currently rely on six nuclear reactors for 33 percent of their total electricity. The government hopes to at least double that output.


That's in stark contrast to its neighbors: German Chancellor Angela Merkel's government decided to phase out nuclear energy by 2022 following the meltdown at the Fukushima plants, and Switzerland has followed suit. Austria abandoned nuclear energy after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster and strictly opposes the Czech nuclear program


It’s dangerous to get a program nowadays, because generally the US goes over and bombs you.  “There will be no other gods but me.”  And that’s how it really works, isn’t it?


And talking about how society is completely finished, it’s kaput, culturally and every other way.  And we’re debased too, by the media, and debased by entertainment, and you see it all around you, and this is an article here from Britain.  And Britain really is such a mess, in these cities, these overcrowded cities, where they’ve been thrown into these dumps, and the high-rises that were just thrown up, these prefabricated monstrosities that are damp and full of fungus after a week, after they open them.  Anyway:


Sittingbourne family fight killer's sex change


(A: No kidding. This is an axe-murderer.)


Jim and Judy White have started a petition against prisoners receiving NHS


(A: You can’t get an operation if you’re dying, but you can get a sex change.  It says:)


The family of a Kent man who was beaten to death are campaigning to stop his killer getting a sex change in prison.


Relatives of Clive White have said taxpayers should not pay for treatment for jailed Robert Page, from Sittingbourne, who uses the name Emma.


(A: Oh.)


The Department of Health said prisoners had the right to receive the same NHS services as anyone else.


(A: This is all free, you know.  As I say, if you’ve got cancer there, just, you know, do yourself in, because by the time you wait for treatment, you’ve had it anyway.  But they’ll give you a sex change.  Oh, it’s mental distress.  You know.  Mental distress if you can’t turn from one thing to the other.  And the taxpayer should pay for that too, you know.)


Disabled Mr White, of Sittingbourne, was attacked with an axe and hammer in 2000.


(A: This is a real sweetheart that did him in, eh?  He was already disabled.)


attacked with an axe and hammer in 2000. Page was jailed in 2001.


Page, then 24, lived four doors away from Mr White, 56, at the time of the killing.


In 2003, his murder conviction was quashed


(A: That’s what they do, you see.  This is the liberalism.  This is the strange law system you have.  You’ve got to look at the law system, and once you understand the law system, where it came from, go into where it came from, and study it properly, and you’ll understand why you’re in the system that you’re in today.  Anyway, it says:)


and his guilty plea to manslaughter was accepted. He is now in HMP Wakefield, West Yorkshire.


'Same rights as anyone'


So, yep, he’s now called Emma.  “Just call me Emma, or I’ll stick this axe in your head,” I suppose, you know.  And we’re supposed to put up with this rubbish.  This rubbish, as we pamper and pamper people who used to, just like Napoleon, you know.  “Call me Napoleon, or I’ll kill you.”  And they used to have other ways to deal with them. 


And this is an interesting article here.  It is quite funny.  It’s like something from a TV series.  It says:


Welcome to Quail Hollow Farm CSA - Community Supported Agriculture


(A: This is what happened in the States, just recently.  And:)


Dearest Guests, (You have all become dear to us!)


What an evening we had this last Friday night! It had all the makings of a really great novel: drama, suspense, anticipation, crisis, heroic efforts, villains and victors, resolution and a happy ending.


(A: This is them cracking down on farms.  It’s just absurd now.)


The evening was everything I had dreamed and hoped it would be. The weather was perfect, the farm was filled with friends and guests roaming around talking about organic, sustainable farming practices. Our young interns were teaching and sharing their passion for farming and their role in it. (A high hope for our future!) The pig didn’t get loose. Our guests were excited to spend an evening together. The food was prepared exquisitely. The long dinner table, under the direction of dear friends, was absolutely stunningly beautiful. The music was superb. The stars were bright and life was really good. And then, …


for a few moments, it felt like the rug was pulled out from underneath us and my wonderful world came crashing down. As guests were mingling, finishing tours of the farm, and while the first course of the meal was being prepared and ready to be sent out, a Southern Nevada Health District employee came for an inspection.


Because this was a gathering of people invited to our farm for dinner, I had no idea that the Health Department would become involved. I received a phone call from them two days before the event informing me that because this was a “public event” (I would like to know what is the definition of “public” and “private”) we would be required to apply for a “special use permit”. If we did not do so immediately, we would be charged a ridiculous fine. Stunned, we immediately complied.


(A: So, they paid this in advance, right?  But that’s not good enough, you see.)


We were in the middle of our harvest day for our CSA shares, a very busy time for us, but Monte immediately left to comply with the demand and filled out the required paper work and paid for the fee. (Did I mention that we live in Overton, nowhere near a Health Department office?) Paper work now in order, he was informed that we would not actually be given the permit until an inspector came to check it all out. She came literally while our guests were arriving!


In order to overcome any trouble with the Health Department of cooking on the premises, most of the food was prepared in a certified kitchen in Las Vegas; and to further remove any doubt, we rented a certified kitchen trailer to be here on the farm for the preparation of the meals. The inspector, Mary Oaks, clearly not the one in charge of the inspection as she was constantly on the phone with her superior Susan somebody who was calling all the shots from who knows where.


Susan deemed our food unfit for consumption and demanded that we call off the event because: 1. Some of the prepared food packages did not have labels on them. (The code actually allows for this if it is to be consumed within 72 hours.) 2. Some of the meat was not USDA certified. (Did I mention that this was a farm to fork meal?)


(A: That’s what they call it, farm to fork, when you arrive at the farm.)


3. Some of the food that was prepared in advance was not up to temperature at the time of inspection. (It was being prepared to be brought to proper temperature for serving when the inspection occurred.) 4. Even the vegetables prepared in advance had to be thrown out because they were cut and were then considered a “bio-hazard”.


(A: No kidding.  A bio-hazard.  Yep.)


5. We did not have receipts for our food.


(A: Oh, you’ve got to keep receipts for you food now, eh.)


 (Reminder! This food came from farms not from the supermarket! I have talked with several chefs who have said that in all their years cooking they have never been asked for receipts.)


At this time Monte, trying to reason with Susan to find a possible solution for the problem, suggested turning this event from a “public” event to a “private” event by allowing the guests to become part of our farm club, thus eliminating any jurisdiction or responsibility on their part. This idea infuriated Susan and threatened that if we did not comply the police would be called and personally escort our guests off the property.


(A: This is your own property, remember.)


This is not the vision of the evening we had in mind! So regretfully, again we complied.


The only way to keep our guests on the property was to destroy the food.


(A: This is the conditions that this little petty official set out.)


I can’t tell you how sick to my stomach I was watching that first dish of Mint Lamb Meatballs hit the bottom of the unsanitized trash can. Here we were with guests who had paid in advance and had come from long distances away anticipating a wonderful dining experience, waiting for dinner while we were behind the kitchen curtain throwing it away! I know of the hours and labor that went into the preparation of that food.


We asked the inspector if we could save the food for a private family event that we were having the next day. (A personal family choice to use our own food.) We were denied


(A: Can you believe this?  Do you understand what has to be done, folks?  Do you understand what has to be done?  Do you?)


We were denied and she was insulted that we would even consider endangering our families health. I assured her that I had complete faith and trust in Giovanni our chef and the food that was prepared, (obviously, or I wouldn’t be wanting to serve it to our guests).


I then asked if we couldn’t feed the food to our “public guests” or even to our private family, then at least let us feed it to our pigs. (I think it should be a criminal action to waste any resource of the land. Being dedicated to our organic farm, we are forever looking for good inputs into our compost and soil and good food that can be fed to our animals. The animals and compost pile always get our left over garden surplus and food. We truly are trying to be as sustainable as possible.) Again, a call to Susan and another negative response.


(A: No, you can’t feed it to the pigs, either.)


Okay, so let me get this right. So the food that was raised here on our farm and selected and gathered from familiar local sources, cooked and prepared with skill and love was even unfit to feed to my pigs!?!


Who gave them the right to tell me what I feed my animals? Not only were we denied the use of the food for any purpose, to ensure that it truly was unfit for feed of any kind we were again threatened with police action if we did not only throw the food in the trash, but then to add insult to injury, we were ordered to pour bleach on it.


(A: By the official from the government.)


Now the food is also unfit for compost


(A: And so on, and so on, and so on.)


hundreds of pounds of food was good for nothing but adding to our ever increasing land fill!


So, it just shows you how bad things truly are, but there’s a reason for all of this, the reason is being, you see, that in the near future, in the near future, folks, you’ll get a little chitty that’s a ration card for you to get food.  Because under the interdependence system of this world, and the big chain farms that you have now, these big Walmart-style farms.  That’s all they are, chain farms.  That have taken over, as they put all the small farmers out of business, thanks to your governments being lobbied and complying with the big chains and taking their money for it, of course, that you have to be able to put your money up for the best bidders, and not only the best bidders across the world, but also to countries that can’t afford it, you see.  This is the redistribution of wealth.  But your tax money will support the funding of it being transported over to those countries, and the buying of it for them, on their behalf, you see.  I’m not kidding about this.  This is why all this madness is coming down and more and more restrictions.  They’re not stupid.  The ones at the very top are not stupid at all.  Their petty bureaucrats are.  But the people at the top know exactly where it’s all coming down to and why.  You will see.  You will see. 


Now, I’ll go to a caller.  It’s Alex from Victoria, who’s hanging on there, if Alex is still there.


Alex: Hey there.  How are you?


Alan: Not so bad, yeah.


Alex: Good.  We went to the legislature here in Victoria this morning, for the memorial rally and the service that they hold for the veterans and deceased veterans and disabled veterans that fought for allegedly for freedom and democracy.  And we watched this charade unfold.  It was so obvious after listening to, you know, you talking about history and the agencies of social control and everything, what was really going on.  It was like seeing it through a completely different light, a different eye.  The most profound thing about this service was that the “defence department” was actually making it rain on them.  They completely whipped up this weather system, which broke up just after the rally.  And it ruined the service and the parade and everything, and you could see the electromagnetic plasma gas floating apart in black clouds and stuff, floating apart.  And then we sort of filmed the weather, recently, like a couple hours later.  The sky was actually boiling.  They had the HAARP system whizzing it about, and making hail, and all kinds of weird rainbows and colors in the sky.  Just ridiculous. 


Alan: Yeah, it is.  It’s normal though, for those who’ve been watching it since they really started it, about ’98 they were doing it daily then.  And the year 2000 is when they put HAARP on at 24 hours per day.  Then, it’s nothing new.  But for the rest of the public, they’re still down on the lower level news, again, lower level reality.  They’re caught up in all the Wall Street stuff, etc, the protests.  But they can’t get into the higher stuff too, the high tech that’s being used, high technotronic warfare on the general population.  And, I mean, Kissinger talked about that, and Brzezinski, and he said, eventually, that will be the way that they’ll pacify whole continents of people.  And it’s working awfully well.  You know, when it rains now, when they spray and then the rain falls, you can always tell what kind they’re spraying, because you know it’s going to rain, by the different colors of them or shades of them.  And you know, everyone’s tired as can be.  As soon as the rain starts, everybody wants to go to their beds, during the day, you know.  So, it’s affecting us too.  And so many, I mean, once again, the medical establishments know.  They get the statistics daily fed into central computers in Ottawa of across Canada, from all doctor’s offices and hospitals.  They know the amount of people that are coming in with this repeated bronchitis that they get.  They’ve never smoked in their lives, and all the usual stuff.  And they can’t clear it up.  The pharmacists all know it, because they’re selling all the different stuff to try, and bronchodilators and all the rest of it, but it’s no big concern.  It’s no crisis.  Even though it’s more than gone up tenfold in the last ten years.  It’s no crisis.  They all know what’s causing it, of course.  But it’s a slow cull on a lot of people.  And some people get hit worse than others, depending on your age group and so on.  This is a cull that’s going on, yeah.


Alex: They probably should have smoked.


Alan: It might have helped them actually, yeah, because they cough up the stuff, rather than it go through their alveoli, their tissue, into the bloodstream.  Absolutely.


Alex: Yeah, you’ve got less of it into the bloodstream, through the alveoli, yeah.  It was really interesting.  I went down there.  I kind of made sure that I had some people on the ready to play catch if something had happened.  But I went down there to try and wake up people that were in the armed services, whether they’re military or law enforcement, whatever.  Because I just wanted to go up and say what was actually going on and how everything was reversed.  And you know, how the whole thing had been laid out through the Rothschilds, like them funding of all sides of every conflict and arming them.


Alan: That’s right.


Alex: And I just looked into these people’s eyes, and they have this attitude that, you know, they’re just indoctrinated.  It’s ridiculous.


Alan: Yeah.  Hold on, and I’ll get to you.  I generally wear a black poppy.  That gets some comments.  And I’ll explain why.  Back after this break.


Hi folks, we’re back, Cutting Through the Matrix.  And just talking about Remembrance Day, Veteran’s Day, it’s all the same thing, really.  And how it’s a good idea to wear a black poppy, because people will ask you, why is that black?  And you tell them why it’s black.  You tell them why the wars are all a farce, as far as the people are concerned who actually do the fighting.  And they pick young guys, instead of older guys, because older guys have got a bit of wisdom by that time.  And you can get some conversation sparked off as to why they’re really fighting, and the geopolitics behind it.  And of course, the big money grubbers that use them just like private armies.  That’s really all they are.  That’s why you’re called a private when you join the army.  You’re privately owned now, you see.  And so, it’s good to have some conversation pieces by wearing, starting up by wearing a black poppy.  Try it and see.  And be able to handle yourself too, because some of them, some of the guys who have just come out, most of the vets actually who just left don’t go to these things.  They’re too shell-shocked or whatever.  Some of them will attend and they’re on a lot of drugs too, after being over there.  All kinds.  I think they’re on seven different kinds of medication they’re prescribed.  It really does a number on their brain.  And they can go wacky at times.  So be careful what you say.  But that’s just the way it is.  And I might try to sneak in Dave from Idaho, if Dave is still there.  Is Dave there?  Hello, Dave?


Dave: I’m here.


Alan: Yes.  Go, ahead, Dave.


Dave: Yeah.  How are you doing?


Alan: Not bad at all.


Dave: I’m glad for that.  You’ve been going through an entire week of operation here.  And that’s good.


Alan: A week of operation?


Dave: Yeah.  You’ve been explaining a lot of things that a lot of people that are listening to you are absolutely not getting.


Alan: Oh, I know.  I know. 


Dave: Yeah, it’s horrible.  And I get you on that.  It’s depressing, when you actually do things to help people and to actually inform people, and they just flat don’t get it.


Alan: They don’t get it.  No.  No.  They’re still caught up, you see, you’ve got to understand too.  For the Patriot systems, let’s put it that way, there’s a lot of daily news just thrown out there and it keeps you in that day’s, and yet it’s forgotten the next day, but you try to tell them the whys and the wherefores of why things are happening, and explain, to show them that nothing is by chance, and hopefully, hopefully, maybe one in a hundred will get it.  Hopefully, if you’re lucky.  Other ones just go on to the next show and listen to the rest of the stuff, you know.


Dave: Yeah.  Well, I think actually going back to the symbology of it, that you see the basis of how things work.  It’s far more important.


Alan: Absolutely.


Dave: I love that.  I do love that.  You do that so well.


Alan: Even the term uniform, as one, you know.  That’s what it means.  Where they’d all be the same and they would get drilled.  And again, this Masonic, Kabalistic idea of how they’re trained.  Square bashing, they call it.  They train on the square.  And all the terms all come from a form of Masonry, which is a deeper root, of course.  But this is what they’re used for.  They’re used privately for big corporations.  Whole nations now are used by big corporations.  We all are, as individuals, used by the big corporations.  Our tax money gets thrown at them by the trainload to bail them out, all the time.  And we still think we have countries.  Who’s kidding who?  But thanks for calling.  And from Hamish and myself, from Ontario, Canada, where we might get snow tonight, it’s good night, and may your god or your gods go with you.  Remember too, help and hopefully buy some books and donate.  See you on Monday.



Topics of show covered in following links:

US to Set up Military Base in Darwin Australia

Corrupt Town Council Officials Working with International Gangsters Scam 7 Million Pounds from Peasants

The Super Rich

Thrill-Killings in US Military

Australia--Cops to Frisk Minors

Increased Radiation Detected in Europe

Axe Murderer to Get Free Sex Change While in Prison

Farm Guest Picnic Raided by Officials

& Video of Raid


Alan's Materials Available for Purchase and Ordering Information:


"Cutting Through"
  Volumes 1, 2, 3


"Waiting for the Miracle....."
Also available in Spanish or Portuguese translation: "Esperando el Milagro....." (Español) & "Esperando um Milagre....." (Português)


Ancient Religions and History MP3 CDs:
Part 1 (1998) and Part 2 (1998-2000)


Blurbs and 'Cutting Through the Matrix' Shows on MP3 CDs (Up to 50 Hours per Disc)


"Reality Check Part 1"   &   "Reality Check Part 2 - Wisdom, Esoterica and ...TIME"