March 9, 2014 (#1428)

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt
(Blurb, i.e. Educational Talk)


Poem Copyright Alan Watt March 9, 2014:

Inevitable Fate of Sanctioned Hate:

"Gowned Profs Sitting at the Plate,
Dishing Out to Soldiers Hate,
Hypocrisy, A One-Way Street,
Ensuring Disarmed Target's Defeat,
It's the Age of Conflict in Relations,
Of Authorized Funded Organizations,
Passive Sides Give No Opposition,
Attacked by Destroyers of Tradition,
Vanguard Leaders Howl and Leer,
On Payroll of the High Puppeteer,
Screaming Followers, Avant-Garde, Radical,
Funnelled by College into the Fanatical,
Fools Chant Nouveau Socialist Novenas,
Machiavelli-Created for Utopian Dreamers,
From Fringe of Battle, Emotive, Hectic,
Guided Symbiosis of the Dialectic,
Genderists' Cry of Freedom is Lame,
Demanding You as They Be the Same
New Puritans, All Drab like Ants,
Except Both Genders Wearing Pants,
God Help She of Feminine Beauty,
Tarred and Feathered, Hair Shorn Cruelly,
Self-Righteous Perpetrators of the Deed,
Ignorant of the Shadow Creed
Which Funds Them in this Mystic Dichotomy
Of Also Running, Promoting All Pornography,
Planned Synthesis Signed in Treaties Formal,
Where All Deviancy Declared New Normal,
C.G. Darwin's "Wild Men" Laugh at Pathos,
Toast Triumph of New Order Out of Chaos"
© Alan Watt March 9, 2014


Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 9, 2014 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)
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Hi folks, I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through The Matrix, in a blurb form of course, on March the 9th, 2014.  I’ve mentioned many times in the past about the art of conology. Conology really is a science, a tremendous science on how to manage masses of people, not just individuals, by a form of mental trickery and linguistic trickery, etc. Plus the need of behaviorists and psychologists and anthropologists, even zoologists, all working together to find out what works with all animals, or higher mammals, which will obviously work with humans too. And unfortunately they do.


So it’s well studied of course and all governments have been using experts in these fields, big batteries of experts all along to manage all of us. So do all the associate industries, or institutions as they like to call them, which are essential to governance, such as, not just the banking system but also the entertainment industry, the political industry.  All these industries are institutions which we take for granted as being sort of independent and there to either benefit us or help us or even make us laugh. But they all work together, very much so. That’s why you’ll find all of these institutions get common money from the common people through taxations via the Pentagon or whatever it happens to be to make movies and so on.  So the art is tremendous, tremendous, of managing millions and millions of people.


Now the United Nations of course, with all the treaties they sign too, and all their batteries of think tanks and experts and behaviorists and psychologists and neurologists and neuroscientists, etc., we’re all being managed perfectly well, with being nudged, or made to feel guilty about something we shouldn’t be, all for big, big purposes which those who feel guilty don’t even understand at times. We’re being prompted and guided all along. I’d love to spend hours and hours talking about just that aspect of it but along with this comes the agenda. There’s only one agenda. There’s only ever been one agenda for hundreds of years actually.


I’ve gone through the histories, for instance, of how the revolutions came along, especially the French Revolution is well noted because of the similarity of the later Communist or Soviet Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution where basically an entire class of people were slaughtered. In fact, I think it was Trotsky who boasted about that, we’ve eliminated a whole class of people, and of course they replaced it with their own; that’s what he was referring to. So revolutions are very, very important.  And we are conditioned to think of bloody slaughters as revolutions. But most revolutions, as I say, are bloodless. They are social revolutions, cultural revolutions, which are well planned by the same techniques, often by the same think tanks behind them, the same money powers behind them to change our behavior and modify us all along the same paths of thinking in a form of political correctness or whatever it happens to be at that time.


We’re lied to all the time naturally. We’re lied to as children are lied to; in fact, it’s the same technique.  The noble lie is used, which means it’s done for a good purpose. That’s how the psychopaths can always rationalize whatever they do. It was for a good purpose… The victim is always blamed, you see, for the indoctrination they’re getting. So that’s where we are today.  We are wild animals supposedly.  We’re too stupid to think for ourselves and therefore an elite have to do all the thinking for us, because we can’t be trusted to do the right thing. In fact, pretty well, Sunstein himself, one of the science czars in the US, said that in one of his own books, that the people can’t be trusted to make the right decisions, so he put out the book called Nudge. He’s put out other ones too. Very, very shallow books because they don’t want the public knowing the real in-depth science of mass management of your minds. 


The revolutions of course were to also alter the society of their day into a common guidance, into a new system where they would, again, be conditioned, partly through fear and terror – which is the reign of terror they always have.  And with the bloodless revolutions there’s always the threat eventually, if you don’t conform to the political correctness, of even imprisonment, you know.  First it’s, you can’t say this or even ask a question, and then it comes down to mass condemnation as the public themselves are trained to turn against you in a Pavlovian style. It’s a very simple technique to do. I’ve gone through it all before in talks and it’s been well copied by many talkshow hosts; which is good, it’s got it across the world, on how behaviorism is so well understood by those at the top, and conditioning processes as well.


Because the guys, two guys in fact that I mentioned years ago, who the United Nations World Health Organization employed to start the antismoking campaign, said that they would create social disapproval and they would start in the schools, and they’d also have mass advertising campaigns on television as well. Plus they would get their massive lobbying groups to lobby governments to sign treaties into law so that every year they’d up the antismoking laws, you can’t smoke here, you can’t smoke there, etc. etc. etc.  Until you’ll be in your own little pad, your own little room or house or whatever, and eventually you can’t smoke there either. And if you smoke outside, they conditioned people years ago to start coughing when they saw you with a cigarette 50 yards away basically; that’s how they conditioned the children. Social disapproval coupled with Pavlovian training, you see, it works very, very well.  And it has worked very well. So well in fact that the two guys who were employed to do that said a few years ago that they planned to be using this in other spheres of society for training the public on other ways of social approval and disapproval. 


So when you think your opinions are yours, they’re not yours at all. I’ve mentioned this many, many times. You go along with the herd, the common herd. It’s taboo actually to think really as an individual and you’re not allowed to have your own opinions, really, unless you just keep them to yourself in your own thoughts. Outside your thoughts then the crowd will, just like that movie, that strange movie they put out years ago, about the people who turned into pods, these aliens copied them and you saw them all turning and pointing to the ones who were still original people, and making strange sounds but all pointing to you. Well that’s how they condition the public, if you don’t go along with something that’s politically correct and you don’t parrot the PC terminology and phrases that they give you to parrot. 


Most folk want to belong to their peer group. They don’t want to risk dissension. They don’t want finger-pointing. They want to be included in the group, not excluded in the group. So just like The Body Snatchers, I think it was called, that’s how they’ve conditioned the general public. It’s really taught initially in school, through groupthink, where everyone must eventually agree on the same outcome of any particular topic given to them, guided by the teacher naturally, or you get socially excluded.


In many talks in the past I’ve mentioned about how you’re trained to join groups, especially through university and college. You’ll find a lot of people go into what they think are radical groups, especially if they want to be avant-garde they join the radical group, you see, the cutting edge, for change. It’s drummed into them by the selected professors in the social sciences, who are put there for that very purpose in fact, and they churn them out. So they come out with these causes, you see, across the world; they’re all standardized, you see. And it never dawns on those who are being used, why would the system be approving turning out what you would claim is a radical, you see? If you’re so radical and the system has approved you, you can’t be radical at all, in a sense, otherwise you’d be fighting the system, the very people who put you out there and gave you good marks in all your different areas that you were studying, including revolutions and changing society and culture and everything else. These are approved objectives by those at the top. They’re all approved, you see. So you’re being used by someone for a purpose you don’t understand... you don’t understand. Not only that, you’re not going to be very happy because you’re going to go through life with a chip on your shoulder. You’ve been given the chip and you like it now. You will get certain friends of the same ilk all radically pushing towards what they think is some kind of fairness or justice or whatever, without asking, why is this being pushed by the system at the top? Who benefits from this ultimately?


You find that they all tie in with the same old revolutionary causes that have been going on for hundreds of years. Do you really think that an establishment, that’s all powerful – which it is by the way, only because we accept it as it is, and we are conned so well, and trained to accept it.  Do you really think they would risk anything that wasn’t in their particular interest?  Do you?  I’ve gone through HG Wells’s stuff and many other propagandists for this particular institution that seems to be behind most of it, at least the coordination of it, and you find that he said that, the destruction of the family unit was of prime importance… prime importance.  It was the last vestige of a tribe, and a tribe will stand up for each other if they’re attacked by any authority. It would be much easier, said Wells, when the government can speak right down to you, directly, as an individual and there’s no one, there’s no family to stand up for you, no tribe, no cousins or anything else. All those links are broken and you’re on your own. It’s far, far easier isn’t it?


Today of course we’re all sitting... most folk watch TV, many on their own, or they’re completely absorbed in their electronic gadgets, that are given, which monitor them and profile them constantly with any change in their personalities or interests. They know everything about you. Even the radicals are stamped as being safe, because they know exactly what they are and they are doing the approved things. Most folk never figure this out. Even when you’re looking to protest something, even against radicals, there are ready-made groups for you to join, which never get anywhere, never seem to get anywhere either, you go around in circles. If you start them yourself from the grassroots they will be infiltrated so quickly with people who come in, very nice and sociable – they’re psychopaths actually, trained by government, they have thousands of them; because this is nothing new, even long before the Internet they were doing this kind of thing – and they will cause disruption eventually. Before you know it you’ll be either falling apart, breaking up, or else they’ll have you turned 180 degrees until you’re championing “save mother earth” or something. This actually happened, I know this, to a couple of big groups.


So everything is taken care of, naturally. Power doesn’t let itself be attacked. Power doesn’t even let itself get attacked in the future. They act now and they nip things in the bud before anything can get off the ground that could be of any nuisance to them in any possible way.  There are ready-made groups for you to join. Ready-made, tailor-made and you walk in and there’s a suit there to suit you, it will fit you, you can slip right into it. Your doctrine is all set out for you, your catchphrases, your slogans, all these things are made for you and you’ll know the ropes. If you’re a good psychopath you can do well in these organizations because you’ll learn all the slogans.  You’ll have no problem about having to adopt a whole bunch of things you don’t agree with to get the one thing you agree with through.  Because that’s how they work in, say, the far left wing. 


It’s actually impossible for a normal person to be for every single thing in a doctrine. So when you hear it all spouted then you know for a fact this is scientifically designed, run by a much higher authority than you think.  And those who go along with it, believe you me, will be ruthless, utterly ruthless. If there’s any point, or any networking for instance, with any weird group that’s out there, or another weird group that they don’t agree with, you will be out. They’re ruthless. And sometimes, like we saw in the Soviet system, if they come to power they are bloodthirsty, I mean ruthlessly bloodthirsty. Don’t forget that ever.


So when you see a religious type belief to a political cause, like the far-far left, then you’re dealing with the same thing over and over again.  But it’s authorized from the top, what you think is probably the capitalist system. Because we know the capitalist system, the ones who rule all of that – and they have rulers by the way – gave you the communist system, the dialectic, to get a better society they can control, you know, under the fake guise of a one for all and all for one idea, this socialism they like to call it today. It’s the same system. The same system. It’s the reemergence of the Soviet system but it’s actually the more improved, advanced Soviet merged with the West completely. Massive management by government agencies and authorities right down to the individual, right down to the birth of the child actually with its advocate given to them by the state in some countries like Scotland and England and Wales and other European countries, to make sure as that child is growing up they can constantly give them psychological tests, lots of chats with them, and readjust them.  Adjust them if they have any self-thoughts, as Orwell would say, own-thoughts.  If they don’t just spout slogans and are happy with everything around them, then they’ll be adjusted, and medicated too no doubt as well.


This is an old idea. It’s happening today, as we live through it. I’ve always said, when you have the old agenda you don’t have to toss it out the window because they had the whole future planned in the old agenda. And it’s a long-term agenda. Most men, remember… Men are short-term planners and thinkers. Women are much longer term planners...  longer, way, way, way further than the guys. The guys like to plan things and build it right away. Women can work on something for a long time in the future. So the feminine technique was copied and used by those at the top. They’ve studied us, as I say, for eons for goodness sake, and that’s awfully good. INTERGENERATIONAL changes, the Fabian technique is the best. And by using wars and various crises, because we’re ruled by crisis and worry, naturally. The threat of a war, real, cold or terroristic, or economical crashes, whatever it happens to be, keeping you in a state of fear and terror gives government more power, you see, through the appearance of all these crises, which mainly are bogus and fake.


Remember too, that the bulk of the population governing all of us, and there’s an awful lot of them today, and lots and lots of bureaucrats, millions of bureaucrats, and their families too, all getting awfully well looked after by the state.  It all comes from you at the bottom. They don’t want to toss it out the window. If they get rid of all of you, I mean where are their paychecks going to come from? They’re living higher off the hog than you are. They have way more benefits than you’ll ever have, they call them privileges, because they’re working for government.  But all wealth comes from labor. All wealth comes from the bottom. So you are basically their food supply. And their lifestyle supply. And they have trained you to live lower than they do, even though they call themselves servants, public servants.  So conology, remember, uses a lot of trickery through words and word associations, etc. etc.


But getting back to the groups...  You think of all the different groups out there, and sometimes I get asked to speak at different groups, with their own particular cause. That’s all they see is their own particular cause, generally straight out of university and they’ve been given their cause by the professors. So they’ve stuck, okay this is going to be my cause for life and so on and so on. They think they’re radical, as I say, but they’re approved. And what you’ll find with most of these groups is, again, to destroy the old system, which they see as the old system of traditionalism, of any kind at all, any kind whatsoever, traditional.  They’re all for government intervention into people’s mindsets, children’s mindsets, through different techniques. They’re very angry with any opposition whatsoever, I mean furiously angry. Furiously, as I say, it’s always on the edge of the mass slaughter techniques that the Bolsheviks used.  And never ever forget that. But it’s approved by government. In fact, many of them get government grants to exist. Their meeting houses are often paid for. Their leaders are tax exempt, often, foundations; that’s what they come from. And government is quite happy with them. So they are working for government whether they know it or not, and a big agenda, a world agenda, which they think they understand but they don’t in actual fact.


Now, radical people like that, what they want, what they really want is not freedom for people at all. It’s the opposite. Now, logic must be used in philosophy for instance, and reason. Logic and reason.  Something which is logic and reason, using those techniques, must be consistent. It must be. So if they’re really pushing for freedom they’d have to accept that other people see freedom in a different light than they do.  But they don’t. The radicals don’t see that. They hate anybody with any differing opinions. Under the guise of liberalism, for instance, they are the most intolerant people of all. Completely. They won’t stand for any alternate opinion. So how can they spout on about freedom? They want to destroy their enemies and eliminate enemies. Some people belonged to radical, what they call… what they call radical, and that’s such a joke. As I say, if it’s authorized from university, how can it be radical? Do you think government wouldn’t step in if it was any kind of threat whatsoever to a system that they run? Do you really think so? Of course they wouldn’t.  But it benefits somebody and it’s not the ones pushing it.


But supposing you went into radical feminism, and you’ve been filled with hatred by giving partial stories, selective stories, throughout your histories etc.; that’s how it’s done, not all inclusive. And lots of these women think that every guy in the past went off to the pub every day and lived a life of luxury, dressed in lace and silk stockings and three-cornered hats. And nothing was further from the truth.  Because up until really, really up until the 20th century, in lots of European countries, most folk were still regarded as serfs. And serfs really had no rights or property or anything else. And the guys died early because of the workload. And their diets were terrible for themselves and their families. They couldn’t afford proper protein and so on; they were stunted growth. They did not have a life of luxury at all. It’s complete fiction.


You ever wondered that there’s no movies made about peasants, anywhere? Histories are always about the famous and those who are dressed in lace and all the rest of it. This is what history is about. You don’t count, the proles don’t count. They never have counted.  Even today they don’t; the proles don’t count, you see, as Orwell said. But when you’re teaching people to be radical you give them a completely fake view of history, you see. And the radicals, what they really want is to impose their will and have their system imposed on everybody else, without exception... without exception. They’re not for freedom at all. They can’t coexist with any alternate way, just their way.  That’s the truth of it, you see.


So you’re not using logic or reason here. If you were, just be radical and say, yeah we can’t exist with you here.  Don’t go off using freedom and blah-blah-blah-blah-blah, freedom for all. And don’t go off into being offended. If you want to be offended about anything, well, let all of your opponents, that you see as opponents, use the same techniques on you, and they can be offended at whatever you’re doing. Quite simple. If you’re all for freedom and equality then let it be across the whole board. But they won’t, you see. They won’t.


I think Albert Pike mentioned that too, and Mazzini did as well, that they would eventually unleash… eventually unleash the radicals and the atheists, the nihilists and the atheists, to accomplish the rest of the work, which really was to be fairly, fairly bloodless, mainly, again, through social changes, cultural changes and so on. That’s where we are today as they’re all being used. They’re all being used.


At the very, very top of course, the same guys who run the international corporations aren’t bothered by them at all. They actually donate money to a lot of these groups, and the environmentalists and all the rest of it.  Because they want laws passed, which are never what you think they are. You’re not going to have the time to read through 10,000, 20,000 pages for a law.  But their lawyers can do it all.  And they benefit from all the laws that get passed, that restrict everybody else from living and by their own means at all, right down to a common person, until eventually they can’t even collect firewood anymore to heat themselves. They’ve got to be made totally dependent on a system for everything they need to live for. And the far lefties are all for that too, you see.


It’s wonderful how things really are. I mean, I think it’s fascinating, really. So I tell people, never follow leaders because the big boys will train them, give them fantastic training, set them up to be your leaders, before they make the move where that leader is even necessary to appear, rather than let your own leaders pop out of nowhere from the grassroots that they can’t control. That’s standard technique.  Standard, standard, standard, you see. But people never catch on.


Selected political leaders are put out there of course to carefully use these ready-made groups, authorized by the system, for ends, again, for their own ends naturally, but also for the new system.  The same system is the new system; the new system has the same boys running it as they always did. Big power elites, etc., megacorporations, the ultra-ultra-ultra rich, and you think they’re going to let you destroy their system? Of course they’re not. But you’re certainly getting used to destroy all the rest of the people who maybe are against parts of the system. So you’ll neutralize them. And you’ll also divert them off having to oppose you, as you try to destroy their way of life for whatever it happens to be. Quite simple, isn’t it? Very old technique and it works every time. Because people are emotive creatures as opposed to reasoning creatures, you see. That’s why it’s always emotive topics that they hit you with.


Now, those who do the reasoning, such as, say, Charles Galton Darwin... very interesting group of people, the Darwins. Because they’re also intermarried with the Huxleys, if you go into their genealogies. Sir Thomas Huxley was the champion of Darwinism when Darwin died. He was the best pal of Darwin. He was called Darwin’s bulldog. So intergenerationally these families, they classify themselves as the scientific elite working with the super-rich elite. They constantly, down through the generations, work on the same topics, same agendas, etc. It’s very interesting. Interesting too, when you go into the history of the Darwins and you find that from Charles onward they were completely intermarried for generations with one family. They were already selectively breeding with the Wedgwood family. The Wedgwood family also includes the Benn, Tony Wedgwood Benn, a politician in Britain. I think his daughter’s taken over from him; and they’re pushing the same agendas, what appears to be the far left causes, you see.  But it’s not really far left. It’s complete socialistic control of every individual in society; that’s what it really is. And it appears to be the same as communism.


That’s why professor Carroll Quigley, who was all for this, who worked for the Council on Foreign Relations, also called the Royal Institute of International Affairs in Britain.  He said that he worked for them, he was the historian for them, and they are often mistaken for communism because their goals are really the same. Well, if they’re the same, they ARE the same, folks, you see. The capitalists, using also the scientific elite, work towards the same agenda as what you would think is communism, for total social control through multi layers of government, and condition children from school, from birth right on through school etc. Conditioning, conditioning, conditioning. It makes it easier for the top capitalists to run the world when you’re all under total control, when you’re all predictable.


Now, talking about Charles Galton Darwin, who was the physicist of the family, he worked on the Manhattan Project. But he was also an incredible eugenicist who was still pushing eugenics and eugenic control of the population after World War II when the eugenicists retreated for a while because of the racial purity laws of Germany, Nazi Germany, what happened in Germany. They don’t want to mention of course what happened in the Soviet Union who were doing this kind of thing long before them. Because the Soviet system is protected by the darlings of the left. But this is what he said in his own book, Charles Galton Darwin, who actually made a lot of money making weapons of mass destruction because they love humanity so much. But he said here that:


(The Next Million Years by Charles Galton Darwin, 1952 edition.)

The restraint of the breeding of the feebleminded is important and it must never be neglected... (Alan:  Now, remember these guys will put something on the books, they love to put things on the books by law and of course then they stretch it and stretch it and stretch it to be all inclusive of certain other areas. It says...) must never be neglected but it cannot be regarded as a really effective way of improving the human race. If by analogy one wished to improve the breed of racehorses one might accomplish a little by always slaughtering the horse that finished last in every race. But it would be a much slower process than the actual one of sending the winner to the stud farm.  (Alan:  This guy also wanted to make it a law, if they could make it a law, kind of a wish list, so that women could only breed with those who were already stinking rich, wealthy and aristocrats, you see.) 

Conscious of this criticism, eugenists have often attempted to define what are the good characteristics which should be positively encouraged, instead of only the negative ones that must be discouraged, but the results are disappointing. Lists of meritorious qualities such as good health, good physique, high intelligence, good family history, are compiled, and those possessing them are told that they should breed, but the statements lead nowhere in practice, for no one can be expected to assess his own merits and demerits in a balanced way.   (Alan:  Now doesn’t that really take you back to, say, the GIRFEC program in Scotland, and they have one for England under a different name, and one for Wales, where the government has already, last year, given a state-appointed guardian or whatever to every child born in the country, that must assess them consistently from the age of about two months onwards.  You see, it’s already here, all that stuff. So here you have it. So in other words, you can’t really assess yourself, you wouldn’t be honest enough, or you would have a different view of yourself than others, especially the elite, so it’s going to be done for you, you see, by experts, naturally. So he says here…) 

How, for example, is a man to weigh his own good health or good ability against a heredity made dubious, say, by an uncle who was insane, or again how is he to strike a balance between considerable artistic gifts—as he thinks—together with a good family record, but quite bad health. It is clearly beyond anyone to decide these things for himself, and even then the matter is only half settled, since similar judgments are needed for both partners to the marriage. However helpful the literature may be which can be consulted, it is evident that subjective judgments on such matters are too difficult; with the best will in the world they would very often be made wrongly, because, however sincerely he tries, no man can be a good judge in his own case.   (Alan:  He should really clarify that because I mean, Charles Galton Darwin believed HE was a very suitable candidate to continue down through the ages with lots of offspring, etc. etc.)

The only imaginable way of overcoming these difficulties would be to set up a class of consultants who would prescribe what marriages were eugenically admissible and how large the consequent families should be. But this does not solve the difficulty; it only pushes it back a stage, for it leaves unanswered the question who are to be the consultants, and what principles are to guide them in settling the values of the different qualities of mankind. It comes back to just the difficulty I described in my fable, that a tame animal must have a master, and that therefore though it might conceivably be possible to tame the majority of mankind, this could only be done by leaving untamed a minority of the population. Moreover, this minority would have to be the group possessing the most superior qualities of all.   (Alan:  In other words, he’s talking about the master race, which he believed he belonged to, you see. I’ve mentioned all this years ago if you go into the archives at  I put all these books out years ago too. Lots of people have copied them. Lots of hosts have used them. And that’s good because it gets the word out about what’s really happening. But he says here…)

These examples suggest the impossibility of taming mankind as a whole, but before accepting the principle fully, it is proper to examine a case where the exact contrary has happened; this is in the insect civilizations of the ants or termites. In applying the same term, civilization, to both ants and men, it is hardly necessary to say that I am drawing an analogy between things which are really of a very different quality. All species of ants (Alan:  ...he says...) live in cities, and some species have developed agriculture, others animal husbandry; but all these practices are purely instinctive and individual to each species. On the other hand human civilization is an acquired character, based on education, (Alan:  and so he goes on to say here...) and so is not inherent in man's nature. (Alan:  In other words, this thing called civilization is based on education. Remember, education means indoctrination. See, your indoctrination gives you what they call civilization, it’s not a natural thing. So the admission that it’s not a natural thing. So the elite know this, that it’s not a natural thing, this civilization. Neither is this thing, obviously, they call progress. What is progress? Progress is the continuing agenda, the planned agenda of their system, this thing called civilization. So it goes on to say here…)

Nevertheless it may be worth while to follow out the analogy a little further. Admitting the different sense of the words, it may be said that all species of ants have made the third revolution (Alan:  ...interesting eh...), the invention of cities, that some have made the second, agriculture, none the first or fourth, fire and science; but they have all added another revolution of their own, the complete control of the problem of sex. (Alan:  It’s always been so important to these guys, control of all of that, you see.) The ants' nest has no rulers at all, for the queen is hardly more than an egg-laying mechanism, and they seem to get on perfectly well without civil servants or lawyers or captains of industry.

Why cannot man set up a community like an ants' nest? This would be the ideal of the anarchist, and hitherto it has held no promise at all of success, but with the help of recent and probable future biological discoveries, some sort of imitation by man of the ants' nest cannot be quite excluded from consideration. Thus the control of the numbers of the two sexes may become possible, and with the knowledge of the various sexual hormones it might also become possible to free the majority of mankind from the urgency of sexual impulse, so that they could live contented celibate lives, instead of the unsatisfied celibate lives that are the compulsory lot of such a large fraction of the present population of the world. (Alan:  That was back in the 1950s of course. They used the sexual revolution to alter that one.)  If these discoveries should be made—and this is really by no means impossible—man would be able to carry out the sex revolution which is the typical characteristic of the insect civilizations. The detail would of course have to be quite different, for instead of one queen there would have to be large numbers of fertile women to renew the population, whereas there might be one king, literally the father of his country. Also it is probable that on account of their greater physical strength, it would be the men who would be the workers.

Such an organization is certainly repellently unattractive to most of us—perhaps excepting some of the autocrats of the present world—but it is not this that excludes the possibility of it. There is no danger whatever of its happening, because of the inherent difference between vertebrate and insect, for the vertebrate is so very much more flexible than the insect in its behaviour. Most insects simply die if placed on an unfamiliar food plant, whereas the vertebrate will always try experiments if its normal diet fails. An insect can be used to prey on and destroy another one that has become a pest, and, when it has done so, the predator will die of starvation; in the same role a vertebrate predator would not die, but would start to destroy some other, perhaps beneficent, species. Now of all vertebrates man is preeminent in his willingness to try experiments, so that it is inconceivable that he should settle down into the inflexible unquestioning course of life that is typical of an insect. It would call for a quite radical change in his whole nature. It would not be a mere change into a new species of homo that would be needed, nor even a change into a new genus or family or order of the mammals. It would have to be a fundamental change into a new phylum of the animal kingdom, and that would not take a mere million years, but many hundreds of millions of years.  (Alan:  ...except for, unless, he says...)

There is no prospect of man's nature imitating an insect's, but it is much more nearly imaginable that his development should go, like that of the dogs, into a set of breeds each specialized for a particular purpose.

Now, in the book too, The Next Million Years, he goes into “we”, meaning the elite themselves, could use hormones to alter the behavior of men and women. Well, we have all the bisphenol As and the xenoestrogens, all these artificial mimickers basically of estrogens, getting pumped into our bodies all the time, in our foods and from all the plastics that have been known since the 1890s contain this stuff. And also too, I’ve gone through the lectures where it hits the male fetus in the womb at the age of about 8 to 12 weeks, very important, if the mother’s on a high dose of this stuff, then he’s not going to have his proper accoutrements in the proper order, or at least in the proper dimensions you might say, that they should have developed into. They know all of this stuff too. These techniques are being used. He also mentioned using it, putting it into the water supply or putting it into inoculations and various other techniques for altering the behavior of men and women. He also knew too of course, that too much of this would affect the women and make them more aggressive actually. So, it’s very interesting.

Now, a little secret about these books that go out there by these people, whenever they say something, like it’s going to be like the future that all this will happen, they’re already doing it. They’ve always been this way. It’s the same now with geoengineering; they’ve been doing it since 1998 solidly across the world, on a regular basis. But they keep having these meetings pretending, they’re discussing what would the effects be if they ever should do it. This is the standard technique of keeping you in a different reality of what’s happening. He says…


At every turn the argument leads back to this question of the master breed. Nothing can be done in the way of changing man from a wild into a tame animal without first creating such a breed, but most people are entirely inconsistent in their ideas of what they want created. On the one hand they feel that all the world's problems would be solved if only there were a wise and good man who would tell everybody what to do, but on the other hand they bitterly resent being themselves told what to do. As to which of these motives would prevail, it seems at least probable that it would be the resentment, so that if the breed should arise in any manner, it would be extirpated before it could ever become well established. It is, however, imaginable, that there might be a part of the world in which the breed was accepted, and that this part should gain a superiority over the rest of the world, because it could develop various suitable breeds of specialists under the control and direction of the master breed, and by the exercise of the skills of these specialists it might overcome the other nations. So it is appropriate to look a little further into the matter.  (Alan:  ...he says.  Later on, lower down that page it says, and that’s page 131, the 1952 edition, he says…)


These would be of great value, but they would not be the master breed, and the question arises of a more precise prescription for what the qualities of the master breed are to be.


It is usually best to build on what one already has, rather than to start from nothing. So the natural procedure would be to begin with existing rulers, since these have already established themselves as acceptable to at least a good many of their fellow creatures. One would collect together, say, a hundred of the most important present rulers—among them of course should be included a good many who exert secret influence without holding any overt office (Alan:  ...that’s your Bill Gates, your Rockefellers, etc. etc. that he’s talking about.) —and tell them to get on with the business of settling what the master breed should be. It is impossible to believe that any such body of men would ever reach agreement on any subject whatever; so this plan fails. (Alan:  That’s actually been very successful today.) In the search for the qualities of the master breed the next idea might be to appeal to the wisdom of our forefathers. Plato in his Republic devotes much attention to this very subject. Why not then find a Plato, give him his group of recruits, and let him educate them for thirty years according to his prescription— though perhaps fortifying it by the findings of modern educational theory; the result should be the master breed. But this will not do either, for Plato was not educating the master breed, he was educating the civil servant breed. It is not about these that there is any difficulty; it is the finding of someone to fill the role of Plato himself. It all comes back to the point that we do not know in the remotest degree what we want; for I do not count as an answer the one that would usually be proposed, which would be that the type required should be good and wise, while at the same time showing a special favour for the particular enthusiasms of the proposer. The reason for the impossibility of making a prescription for the master breed is that it is not a breed at all; to call it so is to change the sense of the word. Breeds are specialized for particular purposes, (Alan:  Actually, the Bureaucrat is a breed. He is specialized for particular purposes.)  but the essence of masters is that they must not be specialized. (Alan:  He’s talking about the wild man.) They have to be able to deal with totally unforeseen conditions, and this is a quality of wild, not of tame, life. No prescription for the master breed is possible.  (Alan:  You can’t put any impositions or restrictions on him.)


In these considerations I have been assuming the licence of supposing that we might be able really to change human nature in a heritable manner, and this is far beyond all probability. Returning now to more practical considerations, there seems no likelihood whatever of a master breed arising. (Alan:  Well since then it apparently has.)


Of all animals man is the most ready to try experiments and there are always candidates—far too many candidates—who regard themselves as fit members for the master breed. This quality is a characteristic of a wild animal, and it will always prevent man from domesticating himself. He will always prevent the creation of the master breed, through which alone the rest of man could be domesticated. The evolution of the human race will not be accomplished in the ten thousand years of tame animals, but in the million years of wild animals, because man is and will always continue to be a wild animal.


Now, the big organizations, that some of his cousins attended, world conferences and so on, working on this very problem, came up with the idea of literally going ahead, and not through just simply persuasion to change societies across the planet, but by literally using chemicals, hormones, inoculations and so on to dumb down lots of the public already deemed to be inferior, which are the common proles, and to alter their sexual behavior, in many ways, not just through social changes which are promoted and encouraged and advertised and really pushed, but also through altering the makeup of your endocrine system basically, and your hormonal levels. In other words, you become fairly sterile.  And too much estrogen in the male has obvious consequences as well, which are self-evident today. So it’s been done. It’s already been done. It’s interesting, the Doublespeak throughout the books these guys put out because you’ll find in other chapters little hints that these things were already being worked on and implemented in his day. Very interesting, as I say.


Don’t you understand, this whole myth of democracy, this placebo we are given, this safety valve to blow off steam, is a joke? It’s a joke, folks. I mean, why do you bother voting for your country when your country is already internationally run, by international corporations, too, involved for their own benefit and not for your benefit? Where organizations like the United Nations set up by the Royal Institute of International Affairs, a private organization, CFR, which also set up the IMF and run that, which also set up the Bank for International Settlements and run that, all private organizations, why bother voting under this pretense of democracy when private organizations have set up the whole system that you’re voting for?  Why? We’re privately run. The world is privately run. Quite simple.


But now you’ll see why these pressure groups of radicalized students are churned out of universities with their own particular causes; they think it’s theirs but it’s not of course.  They will never figure out the end goal of all of this. And even if they could achieve their end goal, whatever chip that’s on their shoulder won’t be removed. It won’t be removed because the chip really is there and under the guise of their cause. The chip’s got something else wrong with the person, generally, when they’re really radical and angry and furious. But they’re used and they’re created and they’re authorized and they’re churned out in every generation, and they’ll never figure it out of course. Every one of them wants special status. Not equal status, special status, you see. So how can you have equality when some people are getting special status? How can you have equality?


So why go along with the pretense that you have it in the first place, of democracy, or any kind of freedom? If you had freedom no topic can be taboo. None. Zilch.  None. Even if it’s topics you don’t like, or you’re afraid of, it shouldn’t be taboo. If people want to discuss it, let them discuss it or ask the questions. And if you think that some topic sounds nutty or crazy, well don’t worry about it.  There should be a lot of other people too who will say, well it’s nutty or crazy; just don’t make laws to impose it on everybody else, that’s all.


Now, most folk, as I say, unfortunately, will never figure out the system. They get caught up in… Even after this talk and the many talks I’ve given over the years, with the next day’s news they’ll listen to, whatever they listen to, be scared stiff and go back into emotive responses to things.  That’s how you’re all controlled, through fear and emotion. A lot of people use the fear, fear, fear, fear, and at the end of an hour’s talk they’ll sell you something for five minutes which is the antidote to the fear. It’s always awfully expensive, mind you. So apparently money will allay fear, you can buy things to allay fear, etc. etc. etc. And I have no time for that kind of thing at all. It’s disgusting. It’s a disgusting technique to create that kind of thing. It’s legal but it’s disgusting. It tells you all you need to know about the person using it. It really does.


It would be like a salesman coming into your house trying to sell a vacuum cleaner. And you’ve had vacuum cleaners over the years, different kinds of vacuum cleaners, and he gives you his sales pitch.  And he sums up this person may buy one and may not. They know right away; they know within 30 seconds if you’re going to buy. And they have all these techniques which are used from psychology, that politicians also use on you, etc. And you follow into it. Anyway, if he’s not getting what he wants from you, which is a sale, he can then use the next dirty trick, which is, oh, you know I’ve got a little video here I can pop in your computer and let you see it, and it will show you all the hidden mites and things that can seriously damage your health.  And then he pops this thing in there and by God, there’s a child with asthma dying on a bed there, wheezing, and you say, oh my God this is awful. Yeah, and look at it, the house looks nice and clean.  Generally they’ve got it picked as a house that’s so darn tidy, you know, it’s been done with a whole professional crew and not your vacuum cleaner.  But anyway, it doesn’t matter. The whole point is to say, well look at this incredibly tidy house, and look at these mites under the microscope, everyone’s got them apparently. And then it goes into, there’s some doctor, some guy in a white coat – they always wear the stethoscopes hanging around their neck; that’s a badge of approval, you know, and I don’t know why, trying to run with a stethoscope around your neck is not easy; they always fall off. But the fact is, this is the rubbish they condition the public with. So here comes the standard doctor with his badge of approval hanging around his neck and he says, oh yes, he says, and he goes in to give you a bit of anatomy and physiology and some of the biology. And he tells you of how it destroys the cells in the lungs and so on, the cilia, oh my God, they won’t work properly. And you see these blowups of damaged lung tissue, you know, generally from someone that’s been through World War I with being gassed with mustard gas, but they don’t tell you that. Anyway, it has its effect. And by the time he’s finished you’re ready to buy his vacuum cleaner. Simple techniques.


Therefore, when you listen to something like that, fear driven, and here’s the antidote, what does that tell you about the person pushing it? Is that a person with integrity? Is it? That’s up to you to decide. Now, some folk get addicted to fear. I’ve known people who have bought underground shelters in the past, when that was getting pushed back in the 90s, because they thought there was going to be a nuclear war. And they thought that if it wasn’t going to be a nuclear war, then that’s also when all the plague movies came out, like virus and blah-blah-blah, terrifying folk, you see. And the Masters who utilize fear get in on the act and they’re selling these things like mini submarines that they bury under the garden, with a big, big backhoe and it costs you a fortune and all the rest of it. One guy I know even uses it now as a root cellar because of course he’s never had to use it. So this is how it goes.


Think before you get panicked. Don’t get panicked. If somebody’s trying to panic you there’s always an ulterior motive. Government runs the same way. It’s always, as I say, war, real war which they create, or the threat of a war, or a cold war which is fantastic because the R&D money and the taxation goes up and you don’t complain because they’re protecting you from a potential war. We’re just used, folks, I’m sorry to say. Or financial crisis… Oh there’s going to be a financial crisis blah-blah-blah. Or the country is in debt. What do you mean the country is in debt? Why is the country borrowing money in the first place? ...look at all the taxes they bring in.


And this democracy is wonderful. Do you see in any charter of any country that they can’t borrow money? Of course it’s not there. Who runs them? The banks do, the ones who lend to them, the big international bankers. But people keep voting for the same system, that’s never worked. And every time, twice a century at least they have the two big crashes where they plunder you; the banks never lose a damn thing. They gain a lot, because we always bail them out. And you keep voting for the same system.  I’m just tossing ideas out there; I’m not advocating something else. I’m just telling you how it is.


It’s conology.  It’s just conology. But I’m trying to get you to think for yourselves at least and question things. That’s a start. That’s a start, folks. But you’re run by sciences which most folk haven’t got a clue exist. Haven’t got a clue. A simple part of conology, as I say, is the weather. Never mind the fact that they’re spraying you, they’re manipulating the weather, have been for years, and using HAARP along with it too apart from the spray. I’ve gone through all the talks that Mr Teller did back in the 1950s talking about spraying the skies with metallic particles and then hitting it with magnetic frequency waves and pulse waves, altering weather. Old techniques, so nothing’s new. And it’s been done.


I’ve been keeping my own records of these cold temperatures here and it’s March and last Wednesday night into Thursday morning it was back down to almost 40 below again at night; when it gets 40 below it’s almost the same in both Celsius and Fahrenheit. It was about 25 or 30 below last night. But you look into the government stations and they’ve only got it down about 2 to 6 below. They never change it all night long, nor the next day. Why is that? It’s because, you see, very few folk, I’m one of the oddballs that still has outside thermometers; I like to check things myself. Most folk don’t have them. Brzezinski said in the 70s in his book Between Two Ages, most folk eventually will be unable to think for themselves, they will expect the media to do their reasoning for them. So you tune into the media, the news channel, whatever, and they tell you something. And it must be true, why would they be lying to you?  It’s so simple.  It doesn’t fit in with global warming, you see. And you’ve got all these new carbon taxes flooding in like crazy.  It doesn’t fit in.


We are conned on every level out there.  The TV is just the con box, and an indoctrination box, because there’s not a darn thing out there from a comedy to a drama to a movie that doesn’t have, convey with it… See, it’s the conveying mechanism to download you with something, either hypersexualize you, or to update you with your PC stuff, or to instill guilts into you for things you’ve never done, to give special statuses to different kinds of people and so on and so on and so on. That’s how it’s done, folks. It’s the delivery system, it’s weaponized.  It’s the delivery system. The story in any movie or drama or thriller is the delivery system, the hook to make you follow it through all the sex and all the rest of it, the sex and violence and blah-blah-blah-blah-blah; it’s the delivery system. Especially teenage horror movies, tits and bum movies I call them.  The little bit of story is simply to keep you watching it, and say okay I should really turn it off but I want to find out how it ends, the story, the thriller part of it. And you watch all the rest of it on the way, and you’re contaminated. It’s very simple. Old techniques, eh.  Nothing new under the sun.


Well, from Hamish and myself from Ontario, Canada, it’s good night and may your God or your Gods GO with you.   


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