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Alan Watt on "Truth Quest with Melodee" KHEN 106.9 FM, Salida, Colorado, USA ![]() KHEN.org |
April 7, 2009 Alan Watt on "Truth Quest with Melodee" (Originally Aired LIVE April 7, 2009 on KHEN 106.9 FM, Salida, Colorado, USA) (Live streaming was poor quality, here is studio version (clear).) Banking, Planned Society, Scientific Indoctrination, International Socialism - One Party Global System - Marxism, Darwinism. Understanding of Nature (Science) - Foundations Building Consensus - Population Reduction, Ancient Greek Wars, Neoplatonism, Fascism - CFR-RIIA, Parallel Government. H.G. Wells, Creation of "Free Love", Family Breakdown - Julian Huxley, Sterilized Public, Sperm Count Decline - WHO, United Nations, Inoculation Program. Cecil Rhodes, British Empire as Model, Alfred Milner, League of Nations - Home/Property Building Codes and Inspections, Agenda 21 - Immigration, Crowded Cities. Bertrand Russell, Fabian Society - Bretton Woods Accord, Keynes - North American Amalgamation, Fortress America - FTAA, NAFTA, New Parliament - Supercities. Water Supply Privatization, Britain, Ownership of Resources - Corporate Raiders, Takeovers - Interdependence - Chain Stores, Elimination of Competition and Variety. Public-Private Partnerships - Duty to Serve World State, Youth Service - (New World) Order Out of Chaos. "The Soviet Story" movie, Extermination, Ukrainian Genocide - Communism - China. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 1 Financial Crash, Economic Deregulation - Agenda Formula - Demands for Change, Compromise for Populace. Eugenics, Charles Darwin, Karl Marx - Darwin-Wedgwood Inbreeding - Maurice Strong (Groomed by Rockefeller) and Aunt (Advisor to Mao Tsetung). Armand Hammer, Trotsky, Funding for Russian Revolution - Cold War, Meetings of Scientists, Shared Data. "Soylent Green" movie, Overcrowded Cities - Post-Industrial West, Reduction of "Useless Eaters". China, One-Child Policy, Birth Defects, Factory Pollution, Contaminated Crops - Training of Doctors, Rising Cancer Rates Now "Normal". Weather Warfare, Edward Teller, Atmospheric Spraying of Metallic Particles, HAARP - Creation of Earthquakes, Tornadoes, etc. - Signal to Alter Behaviour - Z. Brzezinski. Cultural Revolutions, Separation of Generations - Creation of Promiscuity, Contraceptives. Drugging, China, Opium - Drug Fortunes, Bankers, Pharmaceuticals - Special Forces, Drug Shipments into U.S. - Afghanistan, Poppy Fields - Money Laundering, Payoffs. Lords, Tried by Jury of Peers - Police (Internal Army) for "War on Drugs" - France, Reign of Terror, Restructuring (Depopulation), Soviet Union. Ideological Indoctrination for Youth - Socialism, Revolutionaries - Jesuit Schools - Bankers, Centralized Government, Guaranteed Loan Payment - Lincoln - Disraeli. Individuality - Concern, Empathy for Others - Abolition of Totalitarianism - Value of Human Life, Bonding. Pre-Planned Agenda of Tyranny - Children Born into Martial Law - Programming through Entertainment. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 2 April 1, 2008 Alan Watt on "Truth Quest with Melodee" (co-host Dr. Eric Karlstrom) (Originally Aired LIVE April 1, 2008 on KHEN 106.9 FM, Salida, Colorado, USA) (Songs: "Ruby Ridge" and "Ode to Jimmy" by Dr. Karlstrom.) Culture Authorized from Top Down - Pop and Rock, Promiscuity, Birth Control Pill - Songwriting, Young Musicians, Drugs - LSD, Britain, Testing on Troops - Victor Rothschild. Theo Adorno, Rights to Beatles Songs - Making a Star - Charles Darwin - Sir Thomas Huxley, Red Tie School, Science Fiction Authors, H.G. Wells - Tavistock Institute. Cecil Rhodes Foundation, Scholarships - Lord Alfred Milner, Round Table - Royal Institute for International Affairs - Rhodes Scholars - Stanford, "The Experiment". Bertrand Russell's Experimental Schools - Procreation, Permission to Breed, One-Child Policy, Euthanasia, Sterilization - Existence to Serve. Soviet System - Foundations, NGOs - Norman Dodd, Reece Commission - Gorbachev - Cold War, "Uncle Joe" Stalin - Carroll Quigley, Function of War. Britain and India - British Israel Movement, "Lost Tribes", World Federalist Society - Judaism - B'nai Brith - Albert Pike, Masons' Use of Hebrew Bible. Babylon, Seat of Mystery Religions, 100 Sects (Faces of Isis) - Corporate Movement to Middle East - Pythagoras, Revolution. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 1 New Babylon, Lions at the Gates - Nimrod, Demiurgos, God of the World, Prometheus - Queen of Heaven, a Virgin - Writings of Aristotle. Zbigniew Brzezinski, "Technetronic Era", Technocrats - Carroll Quigley, New Feudal System. Early America, Settlers, Pioneers, Creation of "Real Estate" - Long-Term Planners, Institutions. Freemasonry in British Government and Secret Services - Third Generation Masons - Knights of Columbus, Catholic Church. China, Drugging Public, Opium Trade - Bertrand Russell, Communism - Hannah and Maurice Strong, Baca Grande Ranch, Helter Skelter - Ontario Hydro. Blavatsky, "Hidden Masters" - Rockefeller Family, "Citizen of the World" Awards - Socrates. British Israelism, Christian Wars of Conquest - "Tribes" of Israel, "Blessings" - System of World Government - Egyptian Pharaohs - British Royalty, Crown Land. Agenda 21, United Nations, Laws from UN. Old Testament and Slavery - Christianity, Judaism, Rabbis, Talmud, Pharisees. "Free Trade" - Permission to Travel, Tracking - 2010, Amalgamation of Americas - Active ID Cards, Coming Microchip Implant. Phoenicians, Trade - Stone-mason Cathedral Builders - "Perfection" - Ordo Ab Chao, Police Battalions, Pandemics, Riots. Transhumanism, Post-Humanism, New Type of Human. Decisions, Retaining Sentience, Consciousness. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 2 Oct. 30, 2007 Alan Watt on "Truth Quest with Melodee" (co-host Dr. Eric Karlstrom) (Originally Aired LIVE Oct. 30, 2007 on KHEN 106.9 FM, Salida, Colorado, USA) (Song: "The Bluegrass Conspiracy and White House Blues" by Dr. Karlstrom.) (Note: Answered questions as best as could be, but the phone feed to me was very low. - Alan.) The Matrix, Structured World, Indoctrination from Birth - Sir Thomas and Aldous Huxley - Fascist Elite, Monarchy-Democracy. Rudyard Kipling's "White Man's Burden" poem. Concert of Europe, Napoleon - Machiavellian Advisors, Think-Tanks - Global System. John Stewart Mill - Indigenous Peoples, American Indians, Africans, Irish - Scotland, Highland Clearances - British East India Co. - Darius Amazon Settlement. Ideal Design (I.D.) - Elite Utopia - Charles Galton Darwin, Evolution, "Junk Genes", Human Genome Project - Genetically Modified Food. H.G. Wells - Bilderbergers, United Nations, Agenda 21, Habitat Areas - New Domed Toronto. Maurice Strong, Baca Grande Ranch - Aquifers - Privatized Water, Gas, Electric - Mineral Rights, Biospheres. OSS, "Wizard of Oz", MI6, Information Infiltration - Conspiracy Theory and Coincidence Theory. Project for a New American Century, 911. Dalai Lama, Buddhism, Hinduism, Theosophy, Blavatsky - "Illusion" - "Born Again". Sir Ronald Storrs: New "Ulster" in Middle East - State of Israel - Northern Ireland, Presbyterians, Orangemen, William of Orange. Skull and Bones - Satan, Lucifer (Prometheus) - Demonology, Demonic Possession, Psychopathy. (Song: "The Bluegrass Conspiracy and White House Blues" by Dr. Karlstrom.) LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 1 Adam Weishaupt, Beenan Orden, "Illuminati" - Philanthropic Foundations, NGOs - Albert Pike. IQ Level Drop, Inoculations, Autism, ADD. Teller, H-Bomb, Spraying Skies with Metallic Particles, HAARP - NASA - Chipping, Interfacing with Computers, Cyborgs. George Bush's "Big Idea", Sept. 11 Speeches, "New World Order". American Amalgamation, Free Trade Negotiations, Montreal - Martial Law, "National Security", Fortress America - CSIS, CIA Integration. Virtual Reality, Avatars, Pentagon - Monitoring, Databases, Simulations, Character Profiles. Egyptian Pharaohs, Embalmment. Bin Laden-Bush Partnership, "Bomb-Proof" World Trade Center Contract. Psychopathic Personality, Pathocracy - Winston Churchill. Christianity, Top Churches, Vatican. "Overpopulation", Thomas Malthus - Fear of Commoners out-breeding Elite - Cull to Manageable Level. Global Warming, Club of Rome book: "The First Global Revolution". King James, Fresh Air Tax, Light Tax - Extortion. Compassion, Caring, Spirit - Vietnam War, Iraq War - Collective - "Cult of Personality". LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 2 |