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Alan Watt as Guest on "The Secret Truth" with George Butler and Charlotte Littlefield Brown thesecrettruth.com |
May 8, 2010 Alan Watt on "The Secret Truth" with George Butler and Charlotte Littlefield thesecrettruth.com (Originally Aired Live: May 8, 2010 on Genesis Communications Network) Planned Financial Crash and Bank Bailouts - Rise of IMF/World Bank/BIS into Power, Dictating National Budgets - International Banking Cabal Running the World - Fractional Reserve Banking and Lending, Creation of Money Out of Nothing - Fiat Scams, Carbon Credits and Fees, Carbon Economy - Bankers' Records of History - Private Central Banks - Rothschilds and Bank of England (Never Audited). Indoctrination into Matrix Reality - Taxation Flow into Government (Never Enough) - Gov. Borrows Money to Give to Third World - Ancient Greek "Democracy" - Creation of Standing Armies - Elitist C.G. Darwin - One World System - UN, Food Quotas given to Regions - Socialism-Communism - EU Bloc - Vietnam. Privatization - Public-Private Deals (Public Pays for Setup and Maintenance, and Private Profits). RIIA-CFR - Foundations and NGOs, Parallel Gov. Not Responsible to Public - CFR's "End Run" around the U.S. Constitution. Self-Sufficiency - Writing Off the Debt - Gov. Minting/Printing its Own Money - "The Wizard of Oz", Man behind a Curtain - Debt and Intergenerational Slavery - Auditing of Federal Reserve - Fantasy of CO2 - REAL Estate - Language Used to Give Desired Conclusions. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 26, 2009 Alan Watt on "The Secret Truth" with George Butler thesecrettruth.com (Originally Aired Live: Sept. 26, 2009 on Genesis Communications Network) Post-Democratic Global Governance - G20, Scriptwriters, Bureaucratic Preparations - One-Track Agenda - Club of Rome, Global Warming "Fit the Bill" - World Soviet, Run by Experts - Military Think-Tank Projections, Riots, Food Shortages - Mass Demonstrations to Reach Public - Weaponized Culture. Financier-Run Foundations funding NGOs, Parallel Government, 1000 Points of Light - Laws Coming from United Nations - GATT Treaty, Sending Manufacturing to China, Service Economy for West - Global Depopulation - 2001, Century of Change, World Police State. War for Planetary Resources - Interdependence - Standardization - Oil Pipelines, Afghanistan, Taliban, Opium Poppy Growing, Marseilles. Controlled Society, No Personal Choice, Hell on Earth - Indoctrination of Children, Bertrand Russell, Julian Huxley. Barack Obama and Zbigniew Brzezinski - Cult of Personality using Hollywood Techniques. League of Nations / UN, WHO, Mandatory Vaccination, Authority of Govt. Agencies - Methods of Sterilization, Holdren and Ehrlich's "Ecoscience" book, Deathcare. Chemtrails, Weather Warfare and HAARP - Aerial Spraying of Metallic Particles, Edward Teller, E.L.F. Signals. Television Reality, Public Unable to Think for Themselves. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD March 28, 2009 Alan Watt on "The Secret Truth" with George Butler thesecrettruth.com (Originally Aired Live: March 28, 2009 on Genesis Communications Network) G20 Meeting, NGO Leaders, Demonstrations - Bretton Woods 1 and 2, New Economic System, World Bank - "Sustainability" Agenda. Milner Group, RIIA, Collectivism - Catholic-Church-Style Hierarchy. British Feudal System, Lords and Serfs (Villains), Commons Lands - Poor Laws, Workhouses, Malthus, Culling "Useless Eaters" - Fabian Society. "Anarchists" (Unofficial) - Oxford, London School of Economics, Separatist Movements, Quebec - Youth Culture, Conditioned Protesters. History of Money - Phoenician Free Trade, Slave Colonies - Central Banks - C.G. Darwin's "The Next Million Years" book - Consumerism. International Bankers, London, Russia, China - IMF, New Currency - GATT - Carroll Quigley, Collectivism, Club of Rome - Drugging the Public. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 1 America, Class of Bankers, Internationalist Politicians, Australia, Public Under Suspicion. Patriot Radio Infiltrators, Bo Gritz, Counterintelligence - Freemasonry, Reincarnation, Cathars, Albigensians - Symbolism, Archetypal Images - Egyptian Obelisks. Pyramid, Capstone, Wasteland - Dialectic, Leaders for All Sides, Obama - Usefulness to Utilitarian System. Male Sterility, Depopulation - Brain Chipping, Human Alteration - Managerial Class. Babylon, "Completing the Circle", Occult - Basra, Iraq - Corruption, Elected "Representatives", Voting with Party - Repudiation of Debt - U.S., Anglo-American Establishment. Eugenics, Margaret Sanger (Eugenicist), Killing Off "Inferior Types" - Destruction of Culture, Bonding in Society. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 2 Nov. 1, 2008 Alan Watt on "The Secret Truth" with George Butler and Charlotte Littlefield Brown thesecrettruth.com (Originally Aired Live: Nov. 1, 2008 on Genesis Communications Network) Planned World, Changes - Authors, "Conspiracy" and "Patriot" Movement, New Age, Fortune-Telling - Astrology, Tarot, Royalty. Zecharia Sitchin book series - "Spacemen" and "Inferior Slaves", Psychological Operation - Holly, Evergreen, Hollywood Staff, Illusion. Nature Worship - Green, Red, Communism - Orange, The Hague. Riots, U.S. and British Department of Defence, Crisis Creation - Food as Weapon, Agri-Food Business, GMO Food. Fractional Reserve Banking, Fictional Money - Bretton Woods, New Economic Order - NGOs, "Democracy", Lobby Groups - Euro, Amero Currency. Loopholes Closed for Independent Living. Europe, Financial Depression, Oppressive Government - Alexander Hamilton - 9-11, New Laws. Nous, US, Spirit - "Coming Down the Pike", Albert Pike, Halberd, Spear, Axe. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 19, 2008 Alan Watt on "The Secret Truth" with George Butler thesecrettruth.com (Originally Aired Live: July 19, 2008 on Genesis Communications Network) Elite Secret Societies - Roman Equestrian Order - Staff of Moses, Brazen Serpent - Old Testament. Esoteric - Hermaphroditic Deity - Emasculated Priests - Symbology, Water, Fire - Vikings - Washington Monument - Moloch Statue - Sacrifices. Bohemian Grove - Atomic Bomb, 33rd Parallel - Compass, Circle of Friends - Morality, Kabala, Aleister Crowley - Albigensians, Perfecti. Cremation of Care - Rebirth, "Born Again" - Theodore Roosevelt - "Point of Light", Benjamin Franklin, Bush Sr. - "New World Order" - Third Way. Knight's Quest, Audacity - Pirates, Knights Templar, Skull and Bones - Flags - Elihu Yale. "The Great Work", Nature, Science, Perfection of "Imperfect" - Soviet Man - Fabian Society, "Superman" - C.G. Darwin, Lobotomy. Ancient Egypt, Pharaohs, Elite Physical Immortality - Bringing in an "Entity" - "Hell" to a Demon. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 1 Pathocracy, Study of Psychopathic Personalities, Psychopathy - Transhumanism - Brain Chip - Symbol of Fascii (Fasces). World Standardization, United Nations, UNESCO - Three Trading Blocs under Global Government - China, Communism, Wars of Japan, "Fugu Plan" book by Marvin Tokayer. Royal Institute of International Affairs - Club of Rome. Hidden Masters - Hierarchy, Pyramid Structure - Blavatsky - Top Seat, "King of the World". Crusades, Normans, Europe, King of Israel - Dubai, Iran, Babylon - Peruvian Walls, Standing Stones, Ancient Cultures. The Masses - Destruction of Individuality for "Utopia" - Cannot Save This System - Regaining Humanity, Empathy - Natural Sense of Horror and Indignation. Finding Another Way - What is Done to Others will be Done to You. Demoralization Strategy, Totalitarianism, "Contamination" - Those Who Cannot Understand - Tool of Television. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 2 June 21, 2008 Alan Watt on "The Secret Truth" with George Butler thesecrettruth.com (Originally Aired Live: June 21, 2008 on Genesis Communications Network) 9-11 Attack, Kickoff of 21st Century - Planned Society - George Bush Sr. speeches, "New World Order", Sept. 11th, Bin Laden Family. Eugenics, Socialism, Communism, National Health Care, Elimination of "Unfit" - Genetic Research. Carl Jung, "Wall of Bureaucracy" - One Company at Top - Taxpayer-Funded Refineries. Plato, Neo-Platonist Schools - Freemasonry, Mystery Religion - "Mocking the Victim" - Scientific "Priesthood", Experts. Club of Rome, "The First Global Revolution" book - "Man is the Problem" - Earth Charter, Maurice Strong, Greening Agenda, Sterilization "to Save Mother Earth". 2001, New Century, Twin Towers, Jachin and Boaz - Trauma, Psychic Driving. Stampeding the Herd - Sky is Limit for Oil Prices - Movement into Cities, Habitat Areas - UN Agenda 21 - War Strategy. Institutions - United Nations, World Government - Karl Marx, 3 Trading Blocs - EU Vote, Ireland - RIIA, CFR. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 1 Pyramid Structure, Wasteland at Bottom, Eradication of "Old Man" - New Created Human Servants. H.G. Wells - Thomas and Aldous Huxley - Darwinism, "You're Just Another Animal". Television, Standardized Data, Downloaded Opinions - CIA, Culture Creation, MI6. Bilderberger Meeting, Obama and Hillary - Carroll Quigley: Leaders are Vetted. Money System Con - Coin Replaced Barter - Money as Means to an End - Resource Takeover. Joseph McCarthy - Communism - Merger of Soviet and West - Norman Dodd, Reece Commission, Ford Foundation. Degradation of Humanity - Respect for Ourselves, Standing Up - "Services" to Serve the People - Plato's Cave. Prussian Schooling - "The Good Shepherd" movie - Masters of Deception - Abusive System. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 2 Topics of show covered in video: "Rare Carroll Quigley interview in 1974" [5 Parts] (liveleak.com) Part 1 (Main Page) Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Jan. 12, 2008 Alan Watt on "The Secret Truth" with George Butler and Charlotte Littlefield Brown thesecrettruth.com (Originally Aired Live: Jan. 12, 2008 on Genesis Communications Network) (Books: "The First Global Revolution" by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider (Club of Rome). "The Ghost in the Machine" by Arthur Koestler.) The Matrix Shaping and Molding Your Mind - "Terrorism" - "Contaminated Ideas", Psychology. Foundations - Adam Weishaupt - Illuminati (1500's) - Useful Idiots - Reece Commission, Norman Dodd, Ford Foundation, Merger of Soviet and American System. Carroll Quigley - Council on Foreign Relations - Amalgamation of Americas - Global Governance - "Theater of War". Inhuman System - Freedom, Property, Agriculture, Industry - Empire Building, Business Takeovers - Substitutes for War, New Enemy: Terror Within. Club of Rome - Earth Charter, United Nations, Maurice Strong, Animal Rights. Cultural Revolution - Soviet Union, NGOs, Politburo - Beria (NKVD), Generational Indoctrination - Bill Gates, Technology. Cold War, Front Organizations, Corporations - "Democracy" - Group "Protection". Rockefeller, Massacre, Public Relations, Gates (PR Man). Internet Policing, Censorship - Computer Hacking, Firewall Hits, Monitoring, Observation, Government Access. Destruction of Family Unit - State Parenting - Psychopathic Family Dynasties - Technocrats, Bureaucrats. Rhodes Scholars - Elihu Yale, British East India Co.. Nuclear Radiation, Weapons - Scanning Technology. New American Century Club, 9-11, Middle East War, Zbigniew Brzezinski. Private Schools, Vaccinations - Bertrand Russell, Inoculations, Dumbing Down - Education, Group-Think, Commutarianism. Pantheism, Earth Worship, Gorbachev - Totalitarian Measures, Prison Camp, Microchipping. Climate Changes, Ice Ages, Warming Periods, Natural Phenomena. "Inflexibility of Opinion" - Loners, Readers, Possible "Terrorists". Aspartame, Rumsfeld - GMO Food. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 4, 2007 Alan Watt on "The Secret Truth" with George Butler and Charlotte Littlefield Brown thesecrettruth.com (Originally Aired Live: August 4, 2007 on Genesis Communications Network) World Corporations - Forms of Slavery - Wage and Price fixing. Benjamin Franklin's writings on World Federation, run by 12 wise men. Hierarchical Oligarchy - Utopia for Elite. Fascia symbol - Club of Rome - Fascism - Communist Bureaucracy. Strange lightning - Scalar weaponry - Weather warfare - HAARP - Tesla - Technotronic warfare. Instruction of Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs. India - Soma - Hashish - Janus cult. Julian and Aldous Huxley - Scientific Humanism. Psychopathic personality type - Sadomasochism. CONOLOGY - Money is first Trick - INTEREST: Bury the rest. Encoding of English language - Rosicrucians. FTAA and NAFTA - South American agriculture. China: U.N. Model State - One-child policy - Human Genome project - Cloning. Predictive Programming: Losing Reason while being captivated by fiction. Hermaphrodite Androgynous Deities. Psychology of Communication - Psycholinguistics - Human Logic. "Lost Tribes of Israel". Dragon - Draco - Polaris - Winged Serpent. 9-11 - Ides of September - Birth of Diana out of head of Zeus - Arthur C. Clarke's "2001" and "2010". Project for a New American Century - War - Islam. Bosnia and Yugoslavia - War - World Bank. Hashashins (Assassins) - Knights Templar. Nanotechnology - Ethnic-specific virus and bacteria. Higher Truths - Human striving of spirit to reach ultimate of becoming a complete human being. (POEM: "The White Man's Burden" by Kipling) (BOOKS: "The First Global Revolution" by King and Schneider (Club of Rome). "Impact of Science on Society" by Bertrand Russell. "Deadly Allies" by John Bryden) LISTEN / DOWNLOAD |