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Alan Watt as Guest on "The John Stokes Show" KGEZ AM 600 www.Z600.com |
Sept. 8, 2008 Alan Watt on "The John Stokes Show" KGEZ AM 600 (Originally Aired LIVE Sept. 8, 2008 on KGEZ 600 AM "The Edge" - Kalispell, Montana, USA) Weather Warfare - Creation of Communist China - U.S. Debt - World War III - 9-11-2001 - "Millennium" book by Jacques Attali. UK DOD, Crisis, Mass Migration, Rioting - Latin America - Generation of Cannon Fodder for Agenda - World Totalitarian State. Future Population Levels - Man is Building Material - Purpose-Made Human Servants, Genetics - Bioengineering - Cancer Increase, Vaccines - Obesity, Diabetes, Pancreas. Think Tanks - Game Theory, Motivation of Selfishness - Stopping Aging Gene - Medical Treatment - Arks for Seeds and Genes. Alchemists, Higher Sciences - 3 Levels of Reality - "Spiritual" Life - Masses, Debasement of Higher Truth, Conformity - The Individual. Destruction of Old Religion, Christianity - Gorbachev, Earth Worship, Pantheism - New Age Religion. RIIA, CFR - Club of Rome, "The First Global Revolution" book. Hate Laws - "What Were You Thinking?" - Surveillance System, Britain - Police Chiefs, United Nations. Waking Up - Data, Mush and Confusion, The Trap - Old Books - Loss of Sovereignty, 3 Trading Blocs - EMP-Proof Federal Computers. Agri-Food Business Consortium - Weather Modification, Floods and Droughts in Farm Belt, Food Shortages - Kissinger, Welcoming Foreign Troops - Martial Law, North America. "Foreign Relations" magazine, U.S. Constitution - Oklahoma City, Militias. Reacting - Questioning Yourself - New Age, "Photon Belt" - Fact and Fiction - Self-Examination - Leaders to Follow. Parallel Government, "New World Order", Margaret Thatcher - Project for a New American Century - Middle East, Embargo on Iran - FDR, Embargo on Japan, WWII - Versailles Treaty. "Elected" Politicians Groomed for Global Agenda. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 12, 2007 Alan Watt on "The John Stokes Show" KGEZ AM 600 (Originally Aired LIVE July 12, 2007 on KGEZ 600 AM "The Edge" - Kalispell, Montana, USA) Control of vast populations - Taught since ancient times to kings and rulers. Archived history from India - Formulas. Plato - Techniques of culture creation - Thinkers employed by dominant minority. Sumer - Ancient version of today's system. Front-men spokesmen for elite - Chancellors of Britain - Today's cover called democracy. Perfect utopia for guardian class. Carroll Quigley - American Integration - CFR. Getting necessary information out in a short period of time. Middle East conflicts - Memoirs of Sir Ronald Storrs - British take-over of Palestine - Creation of State of Israel. Sierra Leone - Takeover of resources through revolution - Hired mercenaries. Karl Marx - Communist Manifesto - Unification. Maurice Strong - Rockefeller - Earth Charter. Thomas Huxley - Charles Darwin - H.G. Wells - Creation of "free love" to destroy marriage. British Empire - World War I and II - Britain - Promise of new homes, delivery of re-opened condemned housing - Food ration cards until 1952. Public-Private partnerships - Ownership of all energy resources. Lord Bertrand Russell - Experimental schools - Anti-War movement - "Ban the Bomb" symbol. Atheism - Creation of new religion, taught to young, based on a form of Earth-worship - Voluntary sterilization to "save Mother Earth". Weather Modification and Weather Warfare - Spraying atmosphere with metallic particles - Use of HAARP - Tranquilizers. Military planning and strategy for future - Planned Society - Serving a World State - Inability to think as an individual. Computer to iPod to Implanted Brain-Chip - Interfacing brain with regional computers - Loyola world science meeting - BORG of Star Trek. Public ignorance of high-military secret technologies - Are kept in the dark - Obsolete technology given to public. Agenda 21 - Habitat Areas - Crowded Cities. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD |