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Alan Watt as Guest on![]() with Doug Owen and Michael Vail IntelStrikeReport.com |
March 26, 2009 Alan Watt on "The Intel Strike Report" with Doug Owen and Michael Vail IntelStrike.com (Originally Aired LIVE March 26, 2009 on Oracle Broadcasting Network) Agenda Fast and Furious - Demonstrations, Riots, Negotiating with Sharks - Indoctrinated Young Generation. Bookkeeping, Corporate Countries, Herd Maintenance - Patented Genes, New Type of Servant - Genetic Enhancement, "Gattaca" movie - Eugenics Society, Census Tracking. Technology for Control - Virtual Reality, Brain Stimulation - Drugs, Gadgets for Escape - Skinner, Behaviour Modification by Environmental Alteration. Military-Industrial Complex, GE, Microsoft - Corporations, Efficient Workers, Eradication of Individuality - Brain Chip. HAARP Frequencies, Secondary Signals, ELF - Zbigniew Brzezinski, "Between Two Ages" book - 10 Years Aerial Spraying, "National Security". Total War on Public, Arthur Koestler, Lobotomy for "World Peace" - Pharmaceutical Labs, Inoculations, Soaring Auto-Immune Disease Rate, Autism, Asthma, Allergies - Weaponized Food. Internet Addiction, Data Collection, Predictability - Banned Websites Lists, Fines - RAND Corporation - Porn on Internet - Trash Media - Postal Mail, Email Monitoring. CFR "Constitution", Service to World State, Credit Money System. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 18, 2008 Alan Watt on "The Intel Strike Report" with Doug Owen and Michael Vail IntelStrike.com (Originally Aired LIVE Sept. 18, 2008 on Oracle Broadcasting Network) British Financial System, Poverty - Reference Library Books, Histories, Rebellion - Schoolbooks, Rewritten History. United Europe, European Union - Integration of Americas - Parallel Government - RIIA, CFR - Albert Einstein, Politics. Lenin, Soviet System, Social Institutions, Authorities - Children's Aid, Health Services - Foundations, Think Tanks, NGOs. Annunaki, Zechariah Sitchin, "Superiors", "Created Inferior Slaves" - Psy-Ops, Psychological Warfare - Sumerian Language - Counterintelligence Agenda. Freemasonry, the "Great Work" - "Charitable" Organization with Blood and Death Oaths - Jacques Ellul, Information Collection, Eastern Star. Origin of Man - Evolution, "Missing Links" - Ancient Greeks, Lost Empires - Creation Versions - Science, "Day the Earth Stood Still" movie. Egypt, Nature Written in Story Form, Sun's Travel through Constellations of Zodiac - Exoteric for Public - Old Testament, Joseph, Jacob, 12 Tribes, Blessings. "Oracle", Spoken Word, Oracle of Delphi, Journey up Mountain (to Truth) - "Know Thyself" - Tripod, Virgin, Well, Priest Interpretation - Females, Divining, Blood. Intensive Farming, Malnourishment - Population Reduction, Sickness, Sterility - Inoculations, "The Needle" - Genetic Enhancement. World Health Organization (WHO) - Natural and Synthetic Supplements - Pharmaceuticals from Petroleum. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 1 "Waiting for the Miracle" and "Cutting Through" books (at cuttingthroughthematrix.com) - Occult - Mocking the "Proles". New Age, New Religion, Priesthood - "Expert" Advice - Mental Atrophy - Intergenerational Indoctrination, Debasement, Non-Thinking Public - State to Give Morality. League of Nations, World War I and II, United Nations - Grants, Building Codes - UNESCO, "Education", Depopulation Program. Eugenics, Evolution, "Evolved" and "Inferior" types, Commoners - C.G. Darwin's "Next Million Years" book - National Socialism, Natzi Philosophy, Theosophy. 2010, Unification of Americas, Council on Foreign Relations - Maurice Strong, UN Meditation Room - Consumers - Being Born to SERVE World State. Horror Show, Hell on Earth - Crisis Creation, Rations, Limits on Travel - 9-11, Terrorism, 100 Years War. Use of Religions for Control - Catholic Church Opposition - Protestant Factions - New-Agers, Oneness Doctrine, Political Correctness. "Christian" Right-Wing - New American Century and Empire. "Possibility Thinking" - the Beatles, India, New World Order. UK Department of Defence - Riots - Iraq Battalions Return to US. Being Awake Now. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 2 April 15, 2008 Alan Watt on "The Intel Strike Report" with Doug Owen and Michael Vail IntelStrike.com (Originally Aired LIVE April 15, 2008 on TruthNet Radio.) Growing Up in Britain - Standardization - United Nations, World Government, NGOs - Post-Humanism. John Dee, British Empire - H.G. Wells - Family Dynasties, Breeding, Psychopathy - Groups are Used - Top Leaders - New Feudal System and CEO Overlords. Crisis Creation - US Tax Base, Internal Armies - UN. Falling Sky - Autism, ADD, Inoculations, Reduced Immune System - WE are the ENEMY - Sterilization. West Buildup of China (Model State) - Bolshevik Revolution, Russia - Cold War - Bertrand Russell. World Army, Bonding of Soldiers - Shock and Awe - Habitat Areas. Political Party Fronts - Margaret Thatcher, Parallel Government - Democracy - International Education. Television Surrealism - Worldwide (Same) News, Media does Reasoning, Products of Brainwashing - Lobotomy - Dependent Society. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 1 War on Public of Planet - Refugees Forced into Cities - Supercities, New Habitat for Peasantry - Elite Homes. "Never-Ending Story" - Plato - Genetics - Brain Chip Implant, Programmed Tasks - Interfacing Human Brain, Virtual Reality, Ideal Design Creatures. Freemasonry, Albert Pike, Intellectual Elite - Rite of Perfection - "Perfecti" - Manley P. Hall. Aerial Spraying, Chemtrails Worldwide - Brzezinski's "Technetronic Era" - HAARP, ELF, Teller - UN Weather Warfare Treaty - Drugging, Fatigue, Withdrawal Symptoms. Cadmium, Aluminum, Tranquilizing Agents, "Calmatives". Soviet System - Club of Rome, Public are Enemy to Planet - Collectivism - "Services". ROYAL Institute for International Affairs, CFR, North American Amalgamation, EU, Pacific Rim - Institutions. Corporations - Front Democracy, Voting - Foundations, NGOs, Lobbying. Exposing the Con Game, Educating Ourselves, Preparing for the Worst - Masters of War - Retaining Ability to Think. Mass Murderers - War Games, Pentagon, Food Crisis - Getting Out of Cities - Food and Water as Weapons. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 2 Dec. 11, 2007 Alan Watt on "The Intel Strike Report" IntelStrike.com (Originally Aired LIVE Dec. 11, 2007 on TruthNetRadio.com) Voice-to-Skull Technology - Nick Begich on Wendy Mesley Show - Waco Standoff, BATF, Soviet "Pacifier" - Alexander Graham Bell. "Independent" Corporations - Police, Military Weaponry - Police Chiefs, UN - Surveillance. Gulf War One, HAARP - Snowstorm over Iraq - Sensory Perception Distortion - Tesla, Standing Wave. "Democracy" - Winston Churchill - Semblance of Rights - Prof. Carroll Quigley, Anglo-American Agenda. Socialism - Margaret Thatcher's "New World Order" speech - Parallel Government, Technocrats - Thomas Jefferson - "The Establishment". New Age Loop, Fate - Doing Something - UK Department of Defence, Neutron Bombs, Riots, 30-year Forecast. Zbigniew Brzezinski - Public Rebellion - Ancient Rome - Propaganda from Top, 9-11, Giving up Freedom for "Safety" and "Security". Hitler - Population Control, David Suzuki - Club of Rome - New Religion to Control Minds of Public - Gorbachev, Earth Worship. Canadian Mentality: Beer, Hockey, Silly Politicians - David Duke, Pat Buchanan, Ross Perot, Middle-Men. Carbon Tax - ID Cards, Embedded Brain-Chips - Virtual Reality, Pentagon, MI6 - Human-Computer Interface - Transhumanism, Eugenics Society. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 1 Elimination of Small Businesses, Britain, Red Tape - CEOs: New Feudal Overlords - Fascism, Collectivism, Club of Rome, Soviet System, Communism. Primal Drives, Sex to Sell - Pornography on Internet - Chat Rooms, Bodiless Ethereal Entities, Cell-Phones - Body as Battery, Programmed Tasks. Decision Time - Oblivion of Matrix Reality (No YOU), Automatons - Television, Flicker Rate and Brain Waves, Epileptic Seizures, Hypnotic State. Inoculations, IQ Drop - Secret Agreement to Test GMO Food on Public - Biophysical Effects, Hormonal Level Alteration. 60 Hertz Cage, EMF Radiation, Power Outages - Video Games for War Industry, Killing without Thinking. Psychopaths vie for Power - "Titans" fighting - Darwinist Theory, Culling Population - Warfare Tactics, Takeover of Food and Water Supply. Al Gore's Electric Bill and Guest House - "Allegory" - Armand Hammer - John Kerry, Heinz, Packaged Food. Dupont, Monsanto, Genetically Modified Food - Aristocracy's Food Supply, Tenant Farmers. Immune System - History of Inoculations - Dr. Salk, Polio Vaccine - Eugenics, Elimination of "Inferior Types" - Bioengineering - Obesity, Malnourishment. Alan's Books and Websites: CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com , AlanWattSentientSentinel.eu . LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 2 |