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"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster) ![]() RealityBytesRadio |
Sep. 30, 2020 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster) RealityBytesRadio False-Positives; PCR Test - Australia's Use of Force - Unisex Culture; Men Wearing Leotards - Sustainability - United Nations, Veganism, The Thin Look - The World Bank, Progressive Policies - Destruction of Marriage; Abortion - Smart Meters, Tracking Your Purchases - THX-1138; Body Armour - Trafalgar Square Protest - BLM, Eric Mann - Saul Alinsky - Norman Dodd, Reece Commission, Foundations - Gramsci - Adorno, Destruction of All Norms; Necrophilia - Toynbee - Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House) - Wars in the Middle East - Antony C. Sutton; Trilateral Commission - Funding the Moving of Factories to China; Free Trade - IPCC, Coal and Steel Plants in India - Video Games; Blunting Feeling and Empathy; Training Soldiers to Kill - Modern Warfare - PNAC Group; List of Countries to Be Taken Out - Collective Punishment - Post-Democratic Society - California - Road Blocks in Ireland - CIA - Oestrogen - Leni Riefenstahl - Film Propaganda Techniques - War on the Family - Big Corporations Taking Over Rental Business - Starvation - Resolute - Year Zero - Brute Force Eradication of any Memory of How Things Were - Hurricane Katrina, Destroying Pets - Confiscating Firearms - Trained that Women are the Leaders, Men are Irrelevant - Lack of Basic Survival Skills, Trained Helplessness - The Club of Rome - World Economic Forum - Bulgaria Protests Calling for Resignation of Prime Minister - Corruption in European Union - Non-Governmental Organizations - U.S. and CIA Involvement in Destabilization of Countries; What is the CIA? - MI6 and Other Intelligence Agencies - Putin Kicked Out Many NGOs - A Big Idea; A New World Order Coming Into View - Tyrants Terrified of Religion; People who have Something Bigger than Themselves to Live For - Good and Evil - Movie, Network - Learn to Say "No". *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sep. 2, 2020 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster) RealityBytesRadio Antifa - Scottish SNP - Communism - Cheap Labour - IRA - World Economic Forum (WEF) - A New System Based on a Form of Technocracy - Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA, Now called Chatham House), Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) - All Energy will be Controlled - Covid, Post-Covid, Austerity - Universal Basic Income - Sustainability - Ireland - Japan and Germany Post-WWII - The Internet - Global Supra-National Governance; The Elders; United Nations - Burning Koran in Sweden, Riots - Bought and Paid for Judges - Perception Management - Television Media Seen as Authority; Propaganda - Club of Rome; Post-Consumer society - George Soros - Merging with China into a World System; China to Police the World - Reimagining Education, Reimagining the Police - The Accidental View of History - Trump, Paris Climate Accord - Black Lives Matter - Rockefeller's Agenda to Take Over World's Resources; Creation of American Medical Association (AMA) - Trust in News Anchors - Aldous Huxley on the Mike Wallace Show, Dominant Minority, Academia, Scientific Managers - Total Submission of Society through Covid Scare - High Definition Television; Hypnotic State; Pentagon Programs Targeting People with Pixel Rates - Documentary out of Germany about the Unabomber - Make Stars, People Follow the Stars - Lockdown, Masks, Social-Distancing - H.G. Wells, Free Love, A Modern Utopia - Astor Family, Fabian Society - BLM, Marxists - Worldwide Toppling of Statues; Well-Funded Leaders and Mercenaries - Winston Churchill - Carroll Quigley's Books, Tragedy and Hope; The Anglo-American Establishment - Milner's Kindergarten, RIIA - Marx, Three Trading Blocs - Ted Heath - Malachi Martin, CIA used Jesuits; Catholic Church, Materialism; The Spiritual Side of Things; Martin's Book, Hostage to the Devil, Demonic Possession - Psychopathy versus Possession - Bill Gates - Mazzini, World Revolutionary Party - Lenin, Bolshevism, Communism - Madam Blavatsky, Blending Theosophy with Hinduism; Goal is to Blend the Spirit with Science - Jeffrey Epstein - What is a Demon?; Fallen One, Rebel, Eve, Progress, Progressive; Immortality - Jimmy Savile - Scotland, Culloden, Elimination of Highlanders, Genocide - Wartime Scenario, Rationing; Club of Rome, Man is the Enemy; Replace Democracy; No Country Allowed to Reopen Unless They're Green and Sustainable - Geoengineering - Gaslighting - Bill Gates, Vaccinations, India, Africa, Live Polio Virus in Vaccines - Fauci's Wife, a Bioethicist - The World Bank - Politicians on the Left Committed to Overthrow of U.S. Government - Kamala Harris - Soros Advocating and Funding Insurrection - Bertrand Russell, Frankfurt School, Macy Group, Control People Through Diet, Injections and Injunctions. *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Aug. 5, 2020 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster) realitybytesradio Covid, a Tool and Excuse to Accomplish an Agenda - A Complete Revolution to Bring in a New Society - You are Your Own Champion - Listen to Your Sixth Sense - Six Feet Apart, Social Distancing Model Designed by a School Girl - Make You Doubt Your Own Sanity - ID Chips, Digital Tattoos - Cashless Society - Banning Gasoline Vehicles - Agenda 21 - Sustainability - Soviet Psychiatric Term was Inflexibility of Opinion - Terror and Compliance - SAGE - BIT (Behavioural Insights Teams); Step Up the Terror so Public Will Comply - Covid Used to Implement the Long-Term Plans of the WEF (World Economic Forum) - The Great Global Reset - Austerity - Wartime Measures, Rationing - Riots Funded by Globalists - Fascism - Masks Because You cannot Be Allowed to Return to Normal - PCR Test Useless for Diagnostics - If You're Not Compliant with Face Masks, You're an Enemy of the People - Socialized Medicine - Euthanasia - 2016 Hospital Horror Story - Hazmat Suits for the Good Citizens. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 15, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster) realitybytesradio.com New Gun Legislation - Canada's Gun Laws Under Trudeau - Wolves in Scotland - Political Correctness - Entertainment Industry - Destruction of Cultures and Nations - Frankfurt School - America's Cultural Cold War - Climate Change - Club of Rome - Hyping of "Extreme" Weather - Changes to Food - Monsanto's Advertising - Scotland - U.N. Rewilding Agenda - Maurice Strong - Biodiversity - Bulgaria - European Union Regulations - Destroying Independence - GMO - India's Farmers - Corporate Farming - Monsanto's Tactics - Subsidized Farming - Paid Not to Farm - Agenda 21, Essential Vehicles Only - Paris Climate Summit - Forced into Megacities - "Good" Citizens, Behaviour Modification - IMF - Total War - Economic Crash to Bring in New System - Lima Declaration - Service Economy - Indoctrination - United Nations Agendas Coming Together - Expanding Idea of "Burden on Society". LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 10, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster) realitybytesradio.com Portrayal of Old Cultures - TV Show Vikings - Ancient Greeks - Historical Drama - Average Characters Portrayed as Savages - Propaganda - Adopt Opinions Given to You - Education for Commoners - Westerns - Dehumanize Enemy - Mythology of American West - Mining Towns - The Dukes of Hazzard - Cooperation of Scottish Clans - Hadrian's Wall - Gaelic and Tartans Outlawed - Culloden - Danelaw - Normans - Eradicate Past to Dominate - Mass Immigration - Germany - WWII Reparations - Boer War - Pre-WWI Agitating Against Germany - Final Push to Eliminate European Culture - Kissinger, Destabilizing Middle East - Ethnicity - Deculturalization - Bulgaria - Eastern Europe - End of Nations - van Rompuy -Greece - Selling off Islands - Diversity of Culture - Chaos - Economic Group at Top - Funding Terrorism - Future Serfs - Common World Government and Money - Food Redistribution - Food as a Weapon - Future Culture is No Culture. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Aug. 13, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster) realitybytesradio.com Communism - Celebrity Politicians - Trotsky, Lenin - Propaganda - Nelson Mandela - Bankers Funded Communism - Tribal Leaders in Africa - United Nations -World Government - Bob Geldof - Bono - Celebrities in RIIA and CFR - Charles Galton Darwin - George Clooney, Angelina Jolie - Yuri Bezmenov - Cultural Subversion of West - Oh, Canada - Departments of Culture - Creation of Celebrities - Data Collection - Community Spy System. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 16, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster) realitybytesradio.com New Normals - Ban on Smoking - French Revolution - Woody Allen Movie Bananas - Movie, Land of the Blind - Wartime Promiscuity - Movies and Novels - Jimmy Saville - Lowering Age of Consent - Blame the Victim - Eliminating Shock Value - Push Envelope Through Comedy - Paedophilia - Purpose of Censorship - Fabian Society - Incremental Change - Sadomasochism - Frankfurt School, Destroy Bonding - The Open Conspiracy - Humans Losing Instinct to Protect Young - Arrested Development - Men Playing Computer Games - Movie, Lucy, Next Phase of Evolution - Separate the Generations - Soviet System - Political Correctness - Linguistic Minimalism - George Orwell, 1984 - No Language to Express Ideas - Women More Adaptable to Change - Experts - GIRFEC - Technocracy Inc. - Austerity Normalized - Political and Corporate Corruption - Basic Morals - TSA Theft - Culture of Organized Crime - Gay Marriage - Emotive Topics - Brave New World - Legalization of Drugs - Global Monetary System - Entertainment for Indoctrination - China - Ethnocentrism. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 11, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster) realitybytesradio.com Bilderberg Group - Charlie Skelton - Council on Foreign Relations - Exclusive Clubs of Elite - Never Been Democracy - United Nations - G7 Timed with Bilderberg - Security Over the Top - Deliberate Distraction - Trans-Pacific Partnership - Trade Treaties - Only Allowed to Vote in this Form of Democracy - Elite Committees Choose Leaders - Alternative Media - Feed Listeners the Myth - Jeffrey Sachs, Economist, U.N. Advisor - Millennium Goals, Agenda 21 - Bilderberg Keeps Focus Off Important Meetings and Agreements - Counter-Intelligence - Conspiracy Movement - IBM Meetings - Privatization - Serfdom System - Wage Slavery - Austerity - Bertrand Russell - Press Knows What NOT to Tell Public - Big Plans for Canada - Top Bankers at Bilderberg - Abuse System - No Complaints Department - Global Governance - CIGI - RIIA, CFR - Experts - Fraud of Economics - Nations Borrowing from Private Banks - Protests are Managed - Break Free of Your Conditioning - Disaster Laws. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Topics of show covered in following links: Jeffrey Sachs We have six months to save the world, says leading economist May 14, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster) realitybytesradio.com Patriot Movement Started in U.S. in 1960's by CIA - Background Scatter - NAFTA - Trans-Pacific Partnership - Sherpas, Technocrats -"Truth" Movement Reacts to Things that have Already Happened - Milner Group, Takeover of World's Resources - Super-Fascism - Technocracy - Patriot Movement is a Big Business - Charlie Skelton - Patriot Business and Cult of Celebrity - People Expect a Show, Entertainment - Short Attention Spans - Propaganda Now Visual - Emotions Used Against You - Social Engineering - Psychological Warfare - Optimistic Era - Apathy - Soviet Techniques Now Used in West - Alternative Media Uses Fear - Eradicate Individualism - Folk Look for Leaders - Individuals Forced into Joining Groups - U.S., Materialistic, Bow Down to Money, Wealthy People - Rockefeller Makeover into Philanthropist - Information Outlets Infiltrated with Agents - Big Machinery Makes the Stars - 9/11, Create Groups that are Used - Bernays, Look for Existing Organizations to Use - Organization in Soviet System - U.N. Agenda - Truth Movement Associated with 9/11 - Learned Helplessness - Already Under Totalitarianism - Individuals Must Decide Right and Wrong for Themselves - Neil's Skype Troubles - The Point is to Be an Individual - If You are in a Group and Mandate Changes, You Know it has Been Taken Over - Many People don't Mind Being Managed in this System - Don't Let Yourself Be Used. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Apr. 23, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster) realitybytesradio.com Bureaucratic Nightmares - "Brazil" - Phone Problems - Six Weeks for a Gas Hookup - Permits, Fees, Long Waits - Technocracy - Managed from Birth to Death - Antony Sutton, Funding of Soviet System - Three Major Trading Blocs - Problems of World Stem from Individualism - GIRFEC - Tuttle and Buttle - Corporate Welfare - Call Centers, No Idea What They're Saying - India's Large Middle Class, Exporting People - Caste, Class System - India and China, Family-Oriented, Ethnocentric - Black Market - Gradually Alter Culture - Five, Ten, Hundred Year Plans - Multiculturalism - Free Movement of Labour - Integration Until No Longer a Native Population - No Skilled Workers Remain in Poland - Department of Defense (UK) Predictions - Create Super City-States - Same Plan for U.S. - Force Folk into Cities - Big Agra Businesses - Destroy Basic Morality - Old Soviet System You See Results of Eliminating Religion - Gangsters Admired - Shared Cultural Values - Bulgaria - Adapting to Bribery - Those at Top Almost a Different Species. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Jan. 19, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster and Thomas Sheridan) realitybytesradio.com Music Business and Culture Creators - Hit Song Creation - Emulation of the Stars - Songwriting - Band Selection from Line-ups - Folk Music, Counterculture and Communism - Bob Dylan - Directed Culture for World Control - Laurel Canyon - CIA and LSD Experiments - America's Cultural Cold War - Hollywood Movies - Destruction of the Family Unit - Creation of a World Culture - Beatnik Era and Atonal Jazz - Prohibition, Drugs and Promiscuity - BBC and Pop Music Promotion - Mick Jagger - Male Image Changeover - Reece Commission, Merger of the West and Soviet System - Plato, Licensed Culture Industry and Travelling Plays - Families in Military Establishment - Jim Morrison - Frank Zappa - David Bowie - Elvis Presley - Music Promoted from the Top Down - Destruction of Religion - Show Business - Fake Accents - Government-Funded Radical Clubs - Departments of Culture, Artists' Grants - Communist Publishing - Nouveau Art and "Expert" Opinions - Cultural Debasement - Creation of Apathy, Nihilism and Narcissism - Think Tanks' Projections of the Future. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Jan. 15, 2015 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster) realitybytesradio.com System of Money and Middlemen - Introduction of Coinage - Artificial System of Cities - Bankers' Plunder - New American Century - Pretense of Democracy - Geopolitical Strategy - Invasion of Iraq and Syria - RIIA/CFR, UN, EU and NAFTA - Soviet Union - Agitation of the Masses and Revolt - Cold War, Cultural Warfare and "Liberation" - Mass Immigration - Iran - Martial Law - Canada, Anti-Terrorism Bill - Wars and Blowback - Collective Punishment - Shootings in Toronto - Creation of Apathy - Euthanasia - Destruction of Religions - The Young Targetted - Dynasties in Power - Gangsterism - Rockefellers, Standardization. Monopoly - Post-War Germany and Japan, Creation of a New Culture - C.G. Darwin, Materialism, Bioengineering - Social Indoctrination. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Dec. 18, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster) realitybytesradio.com Lord Birkenhead and 1929 Cosmopolitan Article - Blitz of Science - Breeding for Particular Jobs - Rutherford and Genetics - Total Control of the Environment - Life Extension for Elite - Invention of Television - Technology for Control Purposes - Experimentation on the Human Brain, Electrical Stimulation, Soviet Union, Tavistock - Bertrand Russell, Experimental Schools - Scientific Elite - Controlled Society, Obsolete Workers, Sterilization - Withering Away of Nation-States - Guided "Correct" Decisions - Cannabis, Soma, Prescribed Drugs - Human Genetic Modification - Psychopathic Elite's Breeding and Education - Enticement and Slavery - Depiction of a Future Utopia - Vaccinations and Sterility - Indoctrination through TV - Repetition of Slogans - Services become Authorities - Management from Birth to Death - Drastic Depopulation. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Nov. 24, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster and Thomas Sheridan) realitybytesradio.com Fabian Society - Scientific Elite Management - Wedgwood-Benn Family - History Rewritten and Prewritten - Women's Lib Movement - Cecil Rhodes, RIIA/CFR and British Empire - New Age Movement, Anne Besant, Theosophy and Hinduism - 1920s, Prohibition, Drugs, Promiscuity and Abortions - Armand Hammer - Sin Cities, Berlin, Shanghai - Gloria Steinem - Winston Churchill - Inner and Outer Party - Jesuit Technique and Education - Tony Blair - Authoritarian BBC - George Bernard Shaw - H.G. Wells - Elimination of "Inferior" Types - Club of Rome - Default Positions - Perfect Indoctrination - Pavlov - Groupthink - Life of George Orwell - Burma Opium Company - Socialism and Communism - MI5 - Fabian Strategy - Arthur Koestler - Tavistock Institute - Aldous Huxley - The Soviet Story - Russia and EU. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 1 Alien and UFO Agenda - The Day the Earth Stood Still - Outside Threat to Unite the World - Science Fiction - Star Trek and the Enterprise - UN Charter, Pearson, Reid and Hiss - Goal of World Government - Germany, Nationalism and Vril Society, Inner Earth - Mind Control - Sci-Fi Fascination - NASA and Space Weaponry - Earth Army - CIA and Behaviour Modification - Creation of New Kinds of Humans for Specific Tasks - Caste System - Switzerland - Use of Existing Institutions, Religions - Entertainment Industry, Political Correctness - Universities and Education - Creation of a Star Image, Personality Cult - David Bowie - Destruction of Cultures - Beria and Updated Indoctrination, Programming for Changes - Negation of Parental Input - Reclaim Your Mind. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 2 Nov. 13, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster) Originally Broadcast Nov. 13, 2014 on awakeradio.co.uk Vaccinations and the Immune System in Children - Old and New Type of Autism - Pharmacology, Medical System and Training - Adverse Reactions - Vaccine Batches and Studies - Dropping IQ - Injection of Modified Viruses - Reducing Lifespans - Polio Shot - Bertrand Russell - Underreported Pediatric Reactions - Licenced Doctors - "Greed is Good" - Fever after Vaccination - Flu Viruses - Aerosol Vaccines - Embedded Viruses in the Gut - Suppressed Information - National Health Service and Testing on Populations - Auto-Immune Diseases - Whooping Cough - Brain Experimentation - Mapping the Brain - The Ghost in the Machine - Neuroscience and Epigenetics - Creation of a Compliant Population - New Kinds of Cancers - Vaccination in Medical Profession - Cartoons and Audio-Visual Techniques - Weaponized Entertainment - LSD and Experiments - Perception Alteration - Normalization of Autism Spectrum - Video Games and Militarization of the Public - Inducement of Seizures. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 16, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster) Originally Broadcast Oct. 16, 2014 on awakeradio.co.uk Front Systems - Compliance through Fear - War Mode - Simultaneous Crises - Holding onto Sanity - Fear-Based Selling - External Motivational Factors - Money and Taxation - Anxiety - Stampeding the Herd - Guidance by Experts - Media Handouts from Government - Banks' Plunder - Punch and Judy Show of Politics - Political Donations - One Agenda - Insanity - Populations Monitored - Children Need Guidance - Politicians Following a Script, Acting Lessons, Image Makeovers - China, Forms of Government, Teaching of Shame - Science of Language and Grammar - Freedom in Your Own Mind - Inducing Fear through Music and Drama. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 25, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster) Originally Broadcast Sept. 25, 2014 on awakeradio.co.uk Scotland - Scottish Referendum, Vote for Independence - Division of Nations - RIIA and Future Plans for Britain, Immigration, Deindustrialization - SNP - Union of the Crowns - Non-Democratic European Union - War Debt - Amalgamation under EU - Salmond and Sturgeon - Internationalism, British Commonwealth Meeting, Free Trade Agreements - Edward Teller, Aerial Spraying of Metallic Particles, Weather Warfare - Highlander 2 movie - Flooding and Drought - Catastrophic Effects from Geoengineering - Mining Industry, Food and Futures Market - Public Health Monitoring - Aluminum Oxide - Bronchial and Nasal Problems - Alteration of Jet Stream - HAARP and Effects - Open Skies Treaty - Airline Pilots - Leaders are Given to Follow - Order Out of Chaos - Completely New Way of Living - Agenda 21, Essential Travel Only. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Aug. 14, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster) Originally Broadcast Aug. 14, 2014 on awakeradio.co.uk Alan's "Cutting Through" Book Series - Hermaphroditic Agenda - NASA and Long-Term Space Travel - Eunuchs - Bioengineering of Male and Female - Xenoestrogens - Inoculations and the Immune System - Hormonal Alteration - Freemasonry, Inner Meanings and Cryptology - English Language - Words and Symbols - Corporate Logos - Introduction of Money and Taxation - Consumerism - Symbol of The Pyramid and Ziggurat - Re-creation of Heaven on Earth - Constellation Orion - Kings and Pharaohs - Building of the Egyptian Pyramids - Slavery - System of Civilization - Merchant Bankers - Cities and Class Structure - World Empire - Travelling Elite - Black Sea Area, Resorts, Ancient Buildings, Mythology - Upheavals, Earthquakes - Biblical Book of Revelation - Directed Culture - Beast System and its Image - "Progressive" Society - Elite's Ongoing Program, Goal of Perfecting Man - Nudging - 21st Century of Change - Perpetual War - Chemtrails, Weather Control - Scientific Indoctrination of Children, Negation of Parental Input - Vaccination and Childhood Illnesses. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 17, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster) Originally Broadcast July 17, 2014 on awakeradio.co.uk Freemasonry, Scottish Rite, Grand Lodges, Rosicrucians - Enlightened Masters - Roman Orders - Protestantism and Revolutionary Movement - Abolition of Private Property - Pike, Mazzini and Lenin - Mithraic Cult - Traveling Lodges - Masonic Signs and Gestures - Left and Right Hand, Dialectic Process, Opposing Groups and Resolution - Five Points of Masonry - Craft Guilds - Neck Tie, Circle of Influence - The New Age - Wiccanism - Wikipedia - Builder's Hod - Puritanism - Bogomils and Cathars - Catholic Church and Dissenters - Masonic Degrees and Outer Portico - Hidden Masters, Benevolent Dictatorship - Obedience to Superiors - Knight Orders, Jerusalem, Templars - Working Class and Unions - "Wild" Elite - Vote Counters - Militarized Police Forces - Authoritarian Age - Kabbalah - John Dee - Solomon's Temple and Entered Apprentices - Alchemy - Lodges Working Together. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 12, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster) Originally Broadcast June 12, 2014 on awakeradio.co.uk System of Kings, Advisors and Money-Men - Concept of Democracy - Kingdoms and Monarchies - International Moneylenders - Tax Farming - Early Christianity and Usury - Mentality Created in a Money System - Latin America - Expansion in the US - Barry Fell and Ancient Archaeological Finds - Phoenicians, Accumulation of Debt, War and Free Trade - Intermarried Royal Families and Elite - Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (House of Windsor) - Norman Invasion - Softening-Up Crew of the Church - William the Conqueror - Columbus and Cortez - Royalty Parachuted into Countries - Prince Philip - King George and English Language - Winston Churchill - Spencer Family - Ptolemies in Egypt - Reigns of Terror, Slaughter - Recruitment of Psychopaths - Treatment of Peasants - Worship of Power, Strong Rulers - Lord Kitchener - Perfected Propaganda Pieces - Dominant Minority - CCTV Cameras - London - Military, Private Soldiers - Monitoring of the Public. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD May 15, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster) Originally Broadcast May 15, 2014 on awakeradio.co.uk Dehumanization of the Enemy - Training of Soldiers to Kill - Sandhurst and Total War - Free-fire Zones in Iraq - Drugged Soldiers - World War I and II - Devaluation of Life - Star Wars movies, Faceless Troops, SWAT Teams - Use of Overwhelming Force - Acclimatization to Black Uniforms - Obliteration of Natural Instincts - Video Games Designed by Military - Creation of the New Western Culture - State Agencies become Authorities over the Public - Eugenics - Bulgaria and Eastern Europe, Eastern Orthodox Christians under Communism - Deliberate Policy of Starvation in Soviet System - Common Culture - Destruction of the Family Unit - Government Talking Directly to the Individual - Cultural Revolutions - Common World Culture - Parallel Government of Foundations and NGOs - National Service and Communitarianism - Soviet (Council) System - Propaganda - Pharmacological Control of Society - Psychological Testing of Children - CFR/RIIA, Free Trade Agreements, Economic Integration - European Union - Authoritarian System - Muzzling Journalists. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD April 10, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster) Originally Broadcast April 10, 2014 on awakeradio.co.uk 19th Century, Rise of Academia and Intelligentsia - Fabian Society - Scientific Control of Society - HG Wells - Bertrand Russell - Societal Change through Fiction - Science of Language - Aldous Huxley - Scientific Indoctrination of Children - Drug Promotion - Books Written on Two Levels - Populations Trained for War - Sexual Revolution - Destruction of Marriage and Family - Frankfurt School et al - Dehumanization - Poisoned Food - Neuroscience - Professor Persinger and Field Theory - Foundations' Grants to Universities for Research - Political Correctness - Bureaucracies - Experiments on Animals - Selection of Psychopaths - Schools' Authority over Parents - Revolutions across the World - Socialist State. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD March 20, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster) Originally Broadcast March 20, 2014 on awakeradio.co.uk British Empire, Free Trade and Crown Corporations - Monopolization - Rockefeller and Standard Oil - RIIA/CFR - The Dialectic - Creation of Opposition Groups - Control of Media, Official News - Foundations and their Long-Term Goals - Fabian Strategy, Socialism - National Parks - Integration of the Americas - Maurice Strong - Front Organizations - Public Acceptance of Expert Rule - Blending of Capitalism and Communism - P.R. Blitz for Gorbachev - Creation of a New Religion - Agenda 21, UN Model Cities, Electric Cars, Biofuels, Elimination of Private Vehicles - Scientific Indoctrination - Scotland, Deculturalization, Highland Clearances, Genocide. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 1 Culture Industry, Authorized Updates, Propaganda - Pornography in Horror Movies - Children Mimic what They See - Dehumanization - BBC and Cultural Alteration - Think Tanks' Future Scenarios - Zombies - Sports and Corporate Welfare - Hedonistic, Narcissistic Society - Organ Donation Business - Body Parts Warehouse - Real Communities - Government Services become Authorities - Social Engineering from Birth - Destruction of Normalcy - Genetically-Modified Humans - One Agenda. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 2 Nov. 21, 2013 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on Reality Bytes Radio w/ Neil Foster) Originally Broadcast Nov. 21, 2013 on awakeradio.co.uk Great Britain and British Empire - Planned System - Royal Institute of International Affairs - Non-Governmental Organizations - Collectivism and Club of Rome - Albert Pike - IBM and Associated Corporations - Expert-Run Feudalism - Purpose of Warfare - RIIA/CFR Member Politicians - New World Religion - Deindustrialization of Britain - Creation of European Union - History of Money - Spartans - Moneylenders, Debt, Standing Armies and Slavery - Phoenicians - Bank of Canada - C.G. Darwin's "The Next Million Years" - Intergenerational Debt - Tribal Societies and Tribalism - Christianity, Secret Societies and Revolutions - Catholic Church and Structure - Martin Luther and Protestantism - Oliver Cromwell - Old and New Testament - Planned Society - Authoritarianism - GIRFEC Program - Scotland - Elimination of Rebellious Peoples - Planned Genocide - Darwinism - Self-Destruction of Cultures - Mass Immigration Policies. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 1 George Bernard Shaw and Fabian Society - Cultural War - Dissention Amongst the Genders - Hormonal Alteration - Advice from "Experts" - Theo Adorno and Frankfurt School - Hypersexualization - Scientific Indoctrination - Power of Money - Elimination of Private Property - Pound Sterling - Devaluation of Currency - Annual Meetings of RIIA, Planning for Wars, Build-up of China as World Producer - Vetted Politicians - Leaders Given to the Public to Follow - The Circus, New Age Movement and Gurus - Internationalism - Fracking Industry and Exports - Rigged System - Debt-Free Money - Elite's Belief System. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 2 |