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"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on The Patrick Timpone Show) ![]() oneradionetwork.com |
Jan. 21, 2014 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt (Guest on The Morning Show w/ Patrick Timpone) Broadcast on oneradionetwork.com Economic Wars - Planned Society - System of Austerity - RIIA/CFR - Free Trade - World Standardization - Obamacare - Universal Healthcare and Population Control - Mandated Abortion and Sterilization - Eugenics - Conformity to Peer Group, Groupthink - State-Appointed Guardians - Elimination of Nuclear Reactors - Energy Rationing - Every Group is Used - History of Israel - Ronald Storrs - Ulster - Wars for Oil - Carroll Quigley - Front-Men and Advisors - Control of Public Opinion - Plunder by Banks - Cashless System, Electronic Currency - Money a Controlling Factor - Planned Wars - CIA and Shortwave Radio - Weaponized Information - RAND and Game Theory - Vetted Politicians - Unraveling Laws - Mass Immigration and Welfare System - European Union - Rise of IMF and BIS - Neuroscience, Self-Policing and Default Positions - International Moneylenders and Finance - Freemasonry and U.S. Constitution - Federation of the World. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 22, 2009 Alan Watt on The Patrick Timpone Show Broadcast on oneradionetwork.com Club of Rome: Warfare Scenario to Unite Planet - Major Foundations and Their Many Front Organizations - Cumbersome Democracy Bypassed by Parallel Government - Collectivism - Zimmerman and Quigley - Family Planning (Depopulation), Old Rockefeller. Elite Worldview, Nobility, Breeding for Traits - Pantheism, Specialized Deities, Egypt - Catholic Church, Vatican, Saints from Paganism - Use of Religion - "Genii in the Bottle" - Bible, Old Testament, 2 Beginnings in Genesis - Mikhail Gorbachev, Creation of New World Religion - Soviet System - Elite Ownership of Means of Production and Distribution, Tyranny - Rothschild's Personal Carbon Tax Scheme - United Nations, CFR-RIIA, Climate Change Con. Allopathic Medicine, Standardized Education for Doctors, Elimination of Competition (Monopoly) - Drug Industry, Big Pharma's Writers. Communism, Bringing in "World Peace" (No Opposition) - Drugging Society - New World Order, Your Purpose to Serve World State - UN as World Authority. Royalty-Aristocracy's Fortune from Chinese / Asian Opium Trade - Afghanistan, Tribal Traditions, Khyber Pass, Strategic Location. Long-Range Geopolitical Strategy - British in India - Brzezinski - Israel, Sir Ronald Storrs, Northern Ireland, Ulster - Aldous Huxley, Catholicism, Malachi Martin. China and Japan Set Up by West as Manufacturers - GATT Treaty, Movement of Factories, Taxpayers Paid for - Emerging Countries, Brazil, Latin America - 3 Regional Blocs: EU, Pacific and Americas - "Closer Ties" (Integration) - "Greening", Lowering Standard of Living - Collectivist Britain. Healthcare, Tested and Weighed Like Animals, Mandatory Abortions for "Inherited Defects" - Eugenics - Management of Cattle. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD April 28, 2009 Alan Watt on The Patrick Timpone Show Broadcast on oneradionetwork.com Ongoing War of Standardization - CFR, Carroll Quigley, Bankers' Foundations - Fabian Society, Shaw - Duty to Serve World State. One Global Culture - Individualism as Enemy - Genetic Alteration, "World Peace" - Psychopathic Traits, Inbreeding Dynastic Families. Police State, Total Information Collection - Breeding Commoners, Ideal Design - Brain Chipping, Programming - Brzezinski, Internet, Al Gore. Credit Rations, Punishment for Non-Compliance - China, One-Child Policy - Stigmatization - UN's War on Smoking, War on Obesity. Stock Market Casino, Economic Crash - IMF - Banking Families - World Revolutions, Albert Pike - Taxation, National Debt, Slavery - Britain, Free Trade System. Services (Police, Medical, etc.) become Authorities - DNA Samples - Optimum Population Trust - Attack on the Male, Sterility. Swine Flu, Big Pharma, Pandemics - Avian Flu, 1918 Spanish Flu, Killer Virus Creation - Ethnic-Specific Viruses. Paper and Pencil - Computer Training Exercise toward Chip - Mind Helmets - "Free" Internet, Information Spying. Constant Crisis Since 2001 - Adaptation to Constant Change - "In the Minds of Men" book by Ian Taylor, Darwin-Wedgwood Family. Obsolete Reality Given to Public - Saying NO - Standing Up to Authority - Staying Alert, Alive and Aware. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Sept. 13, 2008 Alan Watt on The Patrick Timpone Show (Originally Aired Live: Sept. 13, 2008 on 590 AM KLBJ - Austin, Texas, USA.) Jet Spraying, Overcast Skies, Daily Rain - Teller, Metallic Particles in Atmosphere, HAARP - Weather Warfare, Hurricanes - United Nations,. Club of Rome, "The First Global Revolution" book. Libraries, Alteration of History. UN Treaties, Use of Weaponry on Domestic Public. U.S. Government, League of Nations, Wilson, Global Government - Royal Institute for International Affairs, Cecil Rhodes and Lord Milner Groups, Free Trade, Council on Foreign Relations. International Money and Economics - GMO Food, Monsanto, Canada. UN Agenda 21, Habitat Areas, Barren Coastlines - Ruthless Psychopathic Types - Think Tanks, Eugenics, "Inferior Types", Rockefeller Foundation - Evolution, "Evolved Types". GM Food, Biowarfare, Gene Splicing, Bioengineering - Malthus, Culling Population, Restricted Diets - ADM, ConAgra, Agri-Business, Banking. Alvin Toffler, "Third Wave", Vegetarian World - Mad Cow Disease. Written History, Legal Acquiescence by Silence - CFR "Foreign Affairs" magazine, "Nuisance" of Constitution. Law, Coercion and Compliance, Use of Force - "Democracy", Bulk Will Not Object - British Establishment. Implantable Microchips, Baja Club, Spain. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 1 High Altitude Auroral Research Program (HAARP) Technology, Frequencies, Alteration of Moods - Shortwave Signal - ELF, Beached Whales. Pulling the Rug from the U.S. - North American Merger, Free Trade - Reece Commission, The Third Way, Blend of Soviet System and West - Collectivism. Water Fluoridation - Emerging Diseases, Africa - Adolph Hitler, Hess, Lord Lothian - 1938 RIIA Meeting, Melbourne, Australia, WWII - Carroll Quigley, CFR - European Integration. Russia and Georgia, Oil Pipeline - New American Century - War in Iran - Middle East Standardization, Abolition of Old Religions - Restrictions on Travel. "Millennium" book by Jacques Attali - U.S. Economic Takedown, Invading Hordes. Georgia Guidestones, Population Reduction - UN Fertility Statistics - C.G. Darwin's "The Next Million Years" book. Rosicrucians, British Empire, Monarchy - Religion, Obedience to God or Government. Theosophy, Hinduism, New Age Movement - New Priesthood, Scientists - Gorbachev, Earth Worship - Catholic Church. Politicians - John F. Kennedy, Secrecy Speech. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Hour 2 |