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Alan Watt as Guest on Nutrimedical Report with Dr. Bill Deagle ![]() ![]() on Genesis Communications Network |
Feb. 1, 2008 Alan Watt on the Dr. Bill Deagle Show Emergence of The Totalitarian System - "Rollerball" movie: Global Corporation, End of Individuality, Must be "Team Player". "Gattaca" movie, Genetic Enhancement - Golden-Thighed Pythagoras, Eugenics - "Mutants" (Mutt-Ant). Takeover of Food Supply, Rothschilds, India, Monsanto. Sustainability, Consumption of Natural Resources. Scientific Propaganda, Surrealistic Mind-Bomb - Term: "Anti-Government" - Predictable World, Microchipping Prisoners, Satellite Tracking. Kissinger, "Terrorism", Groups Opposed to Globalization. Mercury, Thimerosal in Vaccines. 100 Years War to bring in New Society, "Perfection of that which was left Imperfect" - Adaptation to Changes, Post-911 Military Society. War on Public - Yale War Room - Masonic Trade Guilds, Price Fixing, London. Royal Genealogies, Princess Diana. Psychopathic Types. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Dec. 17, 2007 Alan Watt on the Dr. Bill Deagle Show Technocratic Bureaucratic Control - RCMP, Crown Corporations - Tasers, "New" Inventions, Plasma Weaponry. Space Shuttle, Cold War, Soviet Union, Shared Technology - Taxation, Weapons Research and Development. Kyoto Treaty, Europe - Rising Food, Energy, Heating Costs - End of Private Property - Habitat Areas - Agenda 21 - Pandemics, Smallpox. Carroll Quigley "Tragedy and Hope" book - Parallel Government, Fascist System - Inefficiency of "Democracy". Monsanto Terminator Gene, Food Riots and Farmer Suicides in India, Rothschilds. Genetically Modified Food - Cryogenic Seed Vaults - "Star Trek" series, Roddenberry, Predictive Programming, Phasers, "Re-seeding the Planet". LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Dec. 3, 2007 Alan Watt on the Dr. Bill Deagle Show Manipulation of the Mind - Planned Societal Changes - Advertising Culture. Teddy Bear, Theodore Roosevelt, Hunting, Conservation. "Conspiracy Theory", Pied Pipers, Aleister Crowley - The Circus. US Air Force, Weather Warfare, Climate Change - Storm Creation, Aerial Spraying - Cycles of Ice Ages, Warming Periods. Threat of War - Taxation, "Safety" - George Orwell: East Asia, West Asia, Oceania, Perpetual War - Population Reduction. Parallel Government - New Religion, Earth Worship, Pseudo-Science - Bill Gates, Philanthropy, Foundations. Internal Combustion Engine - UN Agenda 21: No private property, No private vehicles (essential vehicles only). Professorship, Universities, Archives, Higher Knowledge. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Nov. 7, 2007 Alan Watt on the Dr. Bill Deagle Show Psychopathic Elite, Population Reduction, Technological Society - "Brave New World" scenario - Chaos Creation, Genetic Enhancement - Thomas Malthus, Eugenics. War Materials, War Effort, Britain, Churchill, Sweden - Long-Term Business Plan - H.G. Wells - World Military Base in Middle East. Coding of Language - Words, Terms, Conditioning - Money, Debt, Compound Interest, Banking. End to Secrecy - Black-Ops, MI6, CIA. Media, Downloading, Pros and Cons - Journalism, Interpretation, Mind-Bending. Economics, Laws, Legal System. Rhodes Scholarships. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 30, 2007 Alan Watt on the Dr. Bill Deagle Show Standardization - Environmental Alteration - Toxic Homes, Formaldehyde, Chipped Board, Out-gassing Glues and Plastics - Carcinogens. Bioengineering - Oct. 27, 2007 Daily Mail article - Separation into 2 Unique Species - Thomas Malthus - Monsanto, Genetically Modified Food in Canada. Eugenics, Population Reduction, Chronic Diseases, Epstein-Barr Virus - Autism, Vaccines - Profit off of Misery. Logic, Science of Logical Thinking - Indoctrination, Emotion - Television Dramas, Control Factors. California Fires, Blackwater, Schwarzenegger, "Moths". Dividing Line between Those Who Care and Those Who Don't. Trivia - Complicit Media, Essential Arm of System. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 24, 2007 Alan Watt on the Dr. Bill Deagle Show Armenian Massacres - Turkey - Iran - Russia in Afghanistan - CIA Funding, Al-Qaeda. WTO World Trade Organization, World Bank, U.S., United Nations, League of Nations - Internationalism, Corporate Feudalism, Fascism. Dr. Watson, DNA, Eugenics - Culling Populations - Empires - Canada, Norway, Spanish Flu, Live Viruses - Pandemics, Containment. "Playing Politics", Old Games - Bush, Clinton. Canadian Dept. of Fisheries, DNA Insufflation into Released Fish - Modified Food. New Normals, Adaptation - Getting The Word Out, Becoming Active - Chipped Population - Council on Foreign Relations, Psychological Warfare. Nihilistic Art, Culture Creation, Hollywood - Aleister Crowley - "Stars in Our Eyes", "Good and Evil". LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Oct. 16, 2007 Alan Watt on the Dr. Bill Deagle Show Fall of U.S. Dollar versus Canadian - Merger by 2010 - Cave-Man Hiding Out in Afghanistan - Security Services Integration - Border Crossing Refusals. Zbigniew Brzezinski - Mainstream News, Topics for Public to Discuss, Media - White House Meetings, Ongoing Wars - Special Forces in Latin America, Assassinations - Fort Benning. Classes of Types: Aristocracy - Middle Class, Technocracy - Masses at Bottom. Global Plantation - Show of Iron Fist. Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" - Genetic Engineering, Worker Bees - Predictive Programming - Isaac Asimov, Robots, Cyborgs - Artificial Intelligence. Symbols - Computer, Hard Drive, RAM - Sexual Symbology. RFID Human Chipping - Car Insurance, Driver License - Good Reasons, Real Reasons. Pine Gap, Australia - Animal-to-Human Virus Jump - Bacterial, Viral Warfare - Military Exercises, Heavy Aerial Spraying. Climate Change - Previous Ice Ages, Warming - Natural Phenomena. Genealogies, Psychopathy "In the Family". Club of Rome book "The First Global Revolution". H.G. Wells "War of the Worlds". LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 29, 2007 Alan Watt on the Dr. Bill Deagle Show Pirate Brotherhoods, giving Signs and Signals to each other, all countries. Monied System - Elites' use of China. Project for a New American Century - War in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, then Syria. Japanese shipping lines and prison camps. Certification of Medical, Law, other professions - Blackmail tactics. Population Reduction - War - Global Associations - Faith in Science. Streetwise Cunningness of Psychopath - Pure Ego, Unnatural Craving for Power - Inbred Elite - Princess Diana for "new blood" for offspring. Malachi Martin - Catholic Church - High Masonic Lodge in Israel, ALL meet together - Knights Templar in Middle East of yesterday and today. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 21, 2007 Alan Watt on the Dr. Bill Deagle Show GATT Treaty - Factory Set-ups and Applications - Payment by Taxpayer. Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" - Familiarization process - Ideal Design humans. Perfection of that which was left imperfect: US. Man-made and Natural disaster demonstrations - Allison, Ontario - Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces. "Experts" telling us the Plague is near - Race, Ethnic-specific Bio-Weapons. European Union - Common Market (animals). LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 14, 2007 Alan Watt on the Dr. Bill Deagle Show How much can you tell the public without crippling them mentally? New Society and Living - No Rural Living - Habitat Area Supercities. Underground Bases for Continuation of Government. Special Medical Treatment for Politicians in Military Institutions. Show of politics to CON public - Parallel government running the world - Carroll Quigley. Rumsfeld: 100 Years of War - War to change entire world and way of living. Inoculation of soldiers - Debilitating diseases shortly after return home from military service. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 16, 2007 Alan Watt on the Dr. Bill Deagle Show Upper bureaucracy will not be needed in world to come - Nervous managerial class - Well-paid useful idiots. HAARP technologies - Japanese Earthquake. Aerial Spraying (Chemtrails) - Increased rates of bronchial infections, tiredness. World Government - Club of Rome - Future projections of population reduction - A world without women - Hormonal levels (tampering). Nuclear Reactors - Toronto - Local fall-out - Increases of cancers: "Acceptable levels for economic purposes". Order out of Chaos (planned chaos). Science is not the remedy - We need an entirely new system. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 11, 2007 Alan Watt on the Dr. Bill Deagle Show LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 3, 2007 Alan Watt on the Dr. Bill Deagle Show Stopping everything and examining one's self - Composites of Indoctrinations - Marketing of Opinions - Asking "Who am I?. Employment of "Great Thinkers" by kings and queens to plan the future. Major events and cultural changes were planned long before you were born. Propagandists for the Agenda - H.G. Wells - Bringing in a New System - More Efficient "Brave New World". Madame Blavatsky - Side-degrees - Bringing women into New Age - Goal of Theosophy is to cross science with world of spirit. Marshall McLuhan - Perception - Creation of Perception - Manipulation of Perception - Communication through Ether. Rat-Traps - Computers and Internet (Temporary) - Brain-Chip - Superheroes for Youth. Alan talks about his three books - Cutting Through Volumes 1 and 2 - Coding of Language - Human Logic and Programming - Knowing what conclusions a person will come to - Language creation and alteration. Shakespeare - Francis Bacon - Creation of English language - King James Bible - Creating International language of future. Offers to join "Big Circles" - Agencies and Front-men - MI6 - Bribery. Terror forced on public - taking away all rights (including speech). "Lord of the Rings" book and movie - Masonic Symbology - Volcano with Half-moon - Occult Terminology - What you think are the good guys are actually the bad guys - Pope Lothair - Templar Charter - L.O.T.R. (hidden Lothair). Manhattan (hidden Aton) - NATO (ATON) - Memphis, Tennessee - Egyptian Names. Golem - Artificial man - created slave (through magic). Universal (Catholic) Church - Empire - Controlling Minds through Religion - Decree of Constantine - Cathedral structure-architecture-symbols. Battle against that which is "base" - Sinking into world of matter - Training to accept brain-chip - "Miracle Cure" - No More You. Lack of public indignation - Privacy invasion - I.D. - Retaining survival instincts. Sir James Goldsmith (worked for Crown) - Warned U.S. Senate (in speech) about American Union. Pyramid Structure - Panic of those within. War OF Terror - Revolutions to further agenda - Final Revolution - REIGN of Terror (under guise of fighting terror). LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 27, 2007 Alan Watt on the Dr. Bill Deagle Show Globalist Plan - discussed and written about - World of Predictability - Electronic Surveillance from Cradle to Grave, Think Tanks - Uprisings - Use of Neutrino Bomb, Terrorist Bills - 911 - Military-Industrial-Complex, Competition and "Independent" Corporations - All are One at Top, Psychopathy: Problem that has never been addressed. Candidates for office are vetted, from university onward. Wrestling match of politics. Inhumanity of System - Good Consumer-Producers, Jachin and Boaz of Freemasonry, Revelations - Revelation of the plan - Scientific Techniques can be used today. Eons of Time (Ages) - India: 7 Previous Ages - Druids: 3 Previous Ages on record. Targeting of Protein Supply - Genetic Modification of Cattle-Pigs-Fish. "Arks" of Cryogenic Laboratories (3 worldwide). Life is more than buying and selling - living for reward and approval. Recognizing Deviants within Society - Demand for Psychopathic Test for "Public Servants". You reap what you sow - Most people want to save their own lands, etc. - What we do to others will be done to us. Bibles in the West are Censored - Old Psalms (removed) LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 11, 2007 Alan Watt on the Dr. Bill Deagle Show Frank P. Fisher - "War on People Who Have Pain", Medical Malpractice, Politics of Fear - Narcotics - Opioid Analgesics - Scare Tactics - Freely-Available Street Drugs, League of Nations - Population Reduction (Fixed Population) - Denial of Pain Relief Options (Promotion of Euthanasia instead), Lenin and Stalin - Well-paid Teachers and Military - Health Services become Health Authorities, Club of Rome - Bilderbergers - Making Life Intolerable - Suffering Chronic Pain, Taxpayer-Funded Concentration Camps - Nazi Camps - US Camps - I.G. Farben - ITT - GM - Ford - Tank Production, Holland - Legally-Authorized Euthanasia - State deciding Who Lives and Who Dies - "Ethical Suicide", "Soylent Green" movie, Binary Toxins, Synthetic Vitamins, Inoculations and Booster Shots - Vaccines - Autism, ASPARTAME - ASP (Serpent) TAME the person - Donald Rumsfeld (CEO of Aspartame company) - Chemical Warfare, Government Agencies - U.P.S. - Private Corporations working for Govt., Early Government Economists - Malthus - British and Dutch East India Corporation - Building Housing on Swampland, Social Darwinism - Survival Instincts - Cunning - Use of Public to "Feed" Elite - Culling Excess Population - Introduction of Laboratory-Created Diseases - "Deadly Allies" book - Sterilization and Effeminization of Males - Lowering Sperm Count, "Wild Reproduction" - Arthur C. Clarke book "3001" - State-Authorized Reproduction, Testing GMO Foods on Canadian Public - Secret Govt. Deals with Monsanto LISTEN / DOWNLOAD June 5, 2007 Alan Watt on the Dr. Bill Deagle Show Norman Dodd - Reece Commission (Investigation) - Top Foundations taking orders from White House - Ford-Carnegie-Rockefeller Foundations - Funding New Reality into Existence - Blending US and Soviet System - Collectivism, Communist Party - Elite, Planned Parenthood - Eugenics - Stalin, HAARP Weaponry - Testing in British Columbia- Washington State-Australia - Carbon Dioxide Emissions - Convincing Masses They are the Problem, Club of Rome - Think-Tanks - book "First Global Revolution" - Uniting Humanity through Created Enemy, Costs of Oil-Gas-Diesel - Forecasts for Mass Uprisings - Using Neutrino Bombs on Select Populations, Sciences of Controlling Human Mind - Secret Societies behind All Major Revolutions - Psychopathic Sifting Process - NASA 33rd Degree Masons, Creation of Atheism - Then Earth Worship, Bringing in World run by Efficiency - Creating Perfected Human Workers (Slaves), Predictive Programming - "Star Trek" series - "Genetic Enhancement", Media lulling us to Sleep, "Beatles" group - Music Rights - Theodore Adorno - CIA-MI6 and Culture Creation - Introduction of Drug Culture and Promiscuity, Hurricanes - Weather Modification - "Micro-bursts" - "Down-bursts" - Satellite Technology - Daytime Strobe "Lightning" - UN Treaty on Weather Warfare - Mood Manipulation with HAARP Signal, Martial Law - Movements off Rural Areas into Cities, "Matrix" movies - Levels of Occult Meaning - "Grand Architect", Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. - Inauguration - Diaz - Ermine - Masonic Chessboard Floor in Westminster Cathedral - Nimrod ("Builder of Cities") - Royalty wearing same Emblems as Nimrod, Food Shortages - Stocking Up - Preparations - Readiness to Move - Old Reality Crumbles - Culling Down of Population, Toronto Architect - Private Drawings - Future Dome Cities - Travel Underground by Subway - Separation of Elderly-Parents-Children, Arthur C. Clarke books "2001" "2010" "3001", Electrical Power Grid - Fail-safe Systems - Poll-taking in Blackout Areas - Data Collection - Control of ALL Energy Resources - Kyoto Accord - Gardening will become Anti-Social Behaviour - War on Personal Independence, Elite and Hierarchy - Military Structure, David Suzuki - UN - Culling off three quarters of World Population, Cycles of Earth's Revolution around Sun - Ice Ages and Warming Periods - Terror from Media, Co-operation of Nature with Agenda - Project for a New American Century - War in Middle East - Hurricane in New Orleans, Abundance of Oil in Canada - Capped Wells in 1920's, French Revolution - High Masonry - Depopulation of Serfs and Peasants, Cold War - ALL Sides Taxed to Finance, Predictive Programming through Cartoons for Children - Superheroes with Brain-Chips, Going Through Hell before We can See Light on Other Side LISTEN / DOWNLOAD May 7, 2007 Alan Watt on the Dr. Bill Deagle Show Alan's Three Books - Coding of Higher Groups at Top - Sifting Process of Freemasonry - Charity Cover - Swearing Secrecy, Testing for Psychopathic Traits - Side Orders, Alan's CDs and DVDs on Ancient Religions - Pyramid Power Structure, Culture Creation - Every Generation Shaped and Guided for Change, Ancient Greek Wars to Cull Population - Slavery and War, Public Want to Believe Leaders, Carroll Quigley - War is to Create Social Change, British Aristocracy - Greece - Prussia - Interbreeding, Looting the Planet - Pirate Booty - Masonic Skull and Bones Flag - Working for the Queen, Britain (Corporation) - East India Company - Crown Corporations in Commonwealth Countries, Privatization, George Orwell - Father was Lt. Governor of Burma - Opium Production - Shell Corporations, Police Image Propaganda, Plato - Technique of Inbreeding for Traits and Qualities - Dog-Breeding - People-Breeding, Rhodes Scholars - Ability to be Completely Ruthless when Required, Conquerors of Countries Always Turn on Public, Re-writing History - Official Versions, Wolves are the Good Shepherds Now, Party at Buckingham Palace - Flying for a Bottle of Wine, "Man Alive" TV investigation of British Royalty - Loopholes for Wealthy, Monetary System - Economics - Immigration is Transferrence of Property between Countries, GST and VAT tax, Canada-USA Merger, European Union - Public Unaware until Complete, Freemasonry and Eastern Star - over 270 different Fraternities all linked, Beria - Head of NKVD Soviet Union - Mind Control and Psychotherapy - Psychiatry - Children's Indoctrination - Preparation for World Government, King James - Fresh Air and Light Tax (Window Tax), Cecil Rhodes - Takeover of Africa's Diamonds and Gold - Rothschild, Investment in China, Use of China for Elite - Birth-Rate Reduction - UN Sustainable Levels - Building and Demolishing Countries, -- "Star Wars" movies - Faceless Warriors - Clones -- Planned Culture Creation, Soviet Solar Power Reflectors - Turning Night into Day, Fraser Institute - Club of Rome - "Amero" Dollar - FTAA - NAFTA - 2005 Waco Meeting - 2010 Probable Completion, Montreal - Napoleonic Code - Bank Tax Status, Hydrogen Bomb - Teller - HAARP Technology combined with Metallic Aerial Spraying - Causing Global Warming or Freezing - Secondary Wave Signal for Mental and Emotional Control, Tesla - Standing Waves - Non-Lethal Weaponry, World Wildlife Fund - David Suzuki - Ability to Make a person Live to 500 Years, Consanguinity, Destruction of Family Unit and Elders LISTEN / DOWNLOAD |