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National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller![]() ![]() Republic Broadcasting Network |
Dec. 16, 2011 Alan Watt on "National Intel Report" on RBN "A Brief Summary to Reality" Alan stands in for John Stadtmiller, 2 hours. *Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 16, 2011 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) Frankfurt School and Macy Group, "Liberalization" of America - Rhodes and Milner Society, Royal Institute of International Affairs / Council on Foreign Relations - Takeover of ALL World Resources - Agenda of Cultural Destruction, End of Family Unit - End of an Age - New American Century, World War - Welfare State and Single-Parent Families - Federation of the World - HG Wells' "Modern Utopia" - Blending of Communism and Capitalism - Training by Indoctrination, Media Propaganda Aimed at the Mass - Creation of Generation Gap to Prevent Transmission of "Contaminated" Values - Fabian Society, George Bernard Shaw - Promotion of Promiscuity, Hedonism, Narcissism - Theodor Adorno - IQ Drop - Human Nature Weaponized - Madame Blavatsky and Theosophy, Use of Drugs in Religions. *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 1 Accidental View of History vs. Reality - Bank Crash as Planned - History Full of Conspiracies, Fomentation of Wars - Mentality of the Perfectly Indoctrinated - Lots of Folk Like Socialism, Big Brother - Banking Racket, Stock Market Bubbles - All Wars are Economic Wars - Pearl Harbor Attack - Delphi Technique, Stacked Audiences, Use of "Experts" and People Pleasers - People are Given their Opinions without their Knowing - Mercenary Soldiers and Plunder - Preparations Made in Advance for Totalitarianism - Carroll Quigley, Greed of Medical System, CFR Member Politicians - Public given Show of Democracy and Voting - War on the Individual - The "Great Experiment" of America, Individualism - Communists' Success, Contamination of the West - Behaviour Altered by Changes in Environment, Radio, Television, Internet - Regaining Your Independence, Individuality and Responsibility - Tower of Babel Cannot be Fixed - Minds have been Stolen - Parliament of the World (for Elite Only). *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 2 Link: CFR Experts Guide Jan. 25, 2010 Alan Watt on "National Intel Report" on RBN "A Brief Debriefing on Reality" Alan stands in for John Stadtmiller, 2 hours. *Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 25, 2010 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) Greatest Changes since Industrial Revolution - No Public Involvement in Post-Democratic System - 2005 Meeting of Canada-US-Mexico for Total Integration - Guided Conflict to Outcome (Synthesis) - Theory of Evolution - Carroll Quigley (Historian for CFR) - Cold War - Blocs, Soviet Union and EU - Merger of Capitalism and Communism - Socialism for Societal Control - Centralization of Power, Federalization - Codes and Laws from UN down. Long-Term Planning and Strategy - Perpetual War - Club of Rome, Getting Public to Give up Rights under Warfare Scenario - Authoritarianism. Creation of Super-Tribe and Common Culture and World Army to Replace Nationalism - Academia - Well-Funded Organizations for Political Change, Only ones with Access to Government. Feudalism, No Rights for Serfs (Bought and Sold with the Land - Chattel) - No Function for "Useless Eaters" in Post-Industrial Society. Glut of Entertainment, Full of Politically-Correct Ideas, Living in Fantasy - Deindustrialization of Britain and West, GATT, Factories' Movement to China - Raids in USSR. Rand Corporation, Public Data put into Game Theory for Behaviour Predictability. Expanding Police Powers, National Databases, Informers on Every Street Collecting Information - Parallel Govt. to get Work Done, Bypass Democracy. *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 1 Nothing Happens by Chance - Agenda Continuing through Changes of Houses ( = Tyranny) - League of Nations, CFR-RIIA, Global Government without Public Input - Technocrats (Strong, Brzezinski, Kissinger et al) - Survival of Elite in "Sustainable" World - Media is Essential Arm of Govt. - Danger of the "Loner" (Unpredictable), Masses are Predictable. New Sovietization, New World Order - George Orwell - Soviet ( = Rule by Councils), NGOs Demand and Govt. Listens. Rockefeller Dynasty and their Foundations: Funding Eugenics, Sterilization and Population Reduction. Combinations of Money and Power - Borrowing-Money Swindle by Govt., Taxpayers Pay the Debts - Wars to Change Society, Give Up Rights. Endless Stream of News Articles - Rats in Laboratory Cages: 'What are They going to do to us today?' - Taking the Mental Leap - Looking at Who's behind the Front-Men - Executive Orders signed into Law - Official Secrets Act, Information Kept from Public - Communist Pierre Trudeau (Prime Minister of Canada), Classified List of Communist Defectors - Scientist David Kelly Murdered, Autopsy to be Kept Secret 70 Years. 87% of Public Don't Care what's Happening (Want to Play and be Happy Children) - Co-operation by Compliance. Protected High-Tech Supercities for Elite, 99-Year Leases - Existing Cities Left to Crumble. Think Tanks making Policy for Every Aspect of Your Life - Club of Rome, Report on "World Economic Growth". *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 2 Dec. 16, 2009 Alan Watt on "National Intel Report" with John Stadtmiller (Originally Aired Live: Dec. 16, 2009 on Republic Broadcasting Network) Al Gore Caught Lying Again - Leaked Climategate Emails Verboten at IPCC - Communist Manifesto, Marxism, Carbon Taxes / Redistribution of Wealth. British Empire as Embryo for Global Governance - Hate Laws, Different Treatment for Different Groups - Britain, Government Proclamation, Surveillance Cameras in Homes, Child Spies. Bertrand Russell's Experimental Schools, Parental Input will not "Contaminate" Offspring - Bloodless Revolutions, Edward Bernays, Eliminating Bonding between Men and Women. United Nations (Dictatorial Institution) and its Agenda - Millionaire Communists - Fall of Berlin Wall, Merger of West and Soviet Union, Cultural Revolutions - Lord Victor Rothschild: Head of British Security, Communist Party Member, International Banker - Credits to Replace Money - Fabian Socialism, Gradual Socialization. Copenhagen Climate Summit - Takedown of U.S., Losing Rights Fast - Mikhail Gorbachev, Promotion of World Socialism - Chaos Creation - The Unknown X-Factor. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD Nov. 12, 2008 Alan Watt on "National Intel Report" with John Stadtmiller (Originally Aired Live: Nov. 12, 2008 on Republic Broadcasting Network) Willing Fools Used and Abused - Rhodesia, South Africa - Chaos, Martial Law - Children in Uniform - U.S., National Draft, Civilian Security Force. United States, Multiculturalism, "Super Tribe" - Religious Division, Ulster, Montreal - Totalitarian Regime - Ireland, Independence, IRA, London, Irish Famine. Bretton Woods, New Economic Order, Keynes, Service to World State - CFR, RIIA - New Currency, Credits - H.G. Wells "Open Conspiracy". Living in World of Fiction - Service Economy - Bailouts Funded by U.S. Taxpayer - Corporate Welfare - Geopolitics - Barack Obama - Marxism - Rioting. Christianity - Use of Religions - Degenerated Culture, Materialism - Debtor Slavery - Window of Opportunity. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 25, 2008 Alan Watt on "National Intel Report" on RBN "Hey Diddle-Diddle, the Hole's in the Middle, UN, Family Planning Groups and British Doctors urge Britons to Emulate China" (Listen to Show) Alan stands in for John Stadtmiller, 2 hours. (Article: "Doctors' advice to Britons: have fewer children and help save the planet" by Ian Sample (guardian.co.uk) - July 25, 2008.) *Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 25, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) Trading Blocs - Corporations - The Agenda - Waking Up, Reactions - Conditioning, Ignoring Changes. Allegories, Aspects of Human Being - Hiram Abiff (Abyss), Mariah, Conquering Wind, Brutal Civilization - Points of Light, The Owl, Sophia - Unconscious Mind. World under Attack - Perception becomes Reality - Urban Sprawl - Experts, Media - "Network" movie - Feints, Distractions - NGOs, Creating Public Awareness. Meaning of Revelations - Prophecy vs. Revealing - Medici Family, New Gospel, Vaticanus. Expected Riots, Rising Costs - Club of Rome - 2001, Y2K, Jachin and Boaz Attack - A.C. Clarke's "2001", "2010" - Understanding "Nature" - Genetics, Eugenics, The Herd. Science, Seance - Channellers, Mediums, Viril and Thule Society - Inbreeding, Lineages - Bureaucratic and Scientific Tyrannies. Laws since 2001 - Disaster Agencies - Allison (Ontario) Scenario - C.G. Darwin: More Sophisticated Form of Slavery - Pharmaceutical and Banking System. *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 1 Eugenics, Elite View of "Inferior" - Welfare System, Destruction of Family Unit and Bonding - Plato's Republic - Genetic Alteration, "Fish" Men. Re-Creation - Removed Psalms - Elite, Underground Orgies - Albigensians and Cathars - "Son of Their Father's Brother" - Fall of Tower of Babel. "Family Planning" - Overpopulation, Population Reduction - China, Model State, One-Child Policy - "Hole in the Wall" - "This or That" Argument - Catholic Church. American and French Revolution, Benjamin Franklin - "Planned France", Killing of Peasants. Ancient Greece, Wars, Child Sacrifice - Christianity - Abortions of First-Born - Inhuman System - The Poor on Streets - Drama Propaganda. Soybean, Soya Foods, Meat Substitutes, Sterility, Infertility. Consciousness - "Born Again" - Human Nature - "Civilization", Nimrod, Cities, Money - Temple of Diana, The Mint. Egosyntonic Society - Knowing History - Being Human - Righteous Indignation. How to Keep Me (Alan) Going, Donation Information at www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com . *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 2 July 11, 2008 Alan Watt on "National Intel Report" on RBN "We Go Through the Abyss, Stumbling for Sight, with the Goal in Mind, There Will Be Light" Alan stands in for John Stadtmiller, 2 hours. (Article: "Like the dollar, value of American life has dropped" The Associated Press (iht.com) - July 10, 2008.) *Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - July 11, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) Terrorism, Compliance - Standing Armies - 9-11, Giving Up Freedom for "Security" - Communism - Planned Society. Generation Grown Up on Video Games, Desensitized to Killing, Ready for Military - Moral Relativism. Adam Weishaupt - Philanthropy and Charitable Institutions - Democracy, Masses, Minority Groups, Foundations. Thomas Huxley, "Red Tie School", Predictive Programming, Authors - Fabian Society - Descendance from "Gods". Commerce, Money, Merchant Bankers - Phoenicians, Coinage, Slavery, Tin Trade from Cornwall. World System - China, World Manufacturer - Unconscious Average Person - Iraq "War", Saddam Hussein, George W. Bush - Oil Cartel, New Refineries. Global Warming Scam, Club of Rome, Think Tanks - Plato's "Republic", Sciences of Controlling People, Creation of New Types of Humans to Serve Elite. Middle East, World Standardization - Religion - Waco Holocaust, BATF Bowing to Flames. Caring about Upcoming Generations - Devaluation of Life, Abortion, Euthanasia, Body Part Sales - Degeneracy. *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 1 Collective Survival - Primitive Societies, "Arrested Civilizations" - System Based on Commerce, Money, Law - Sumer, Priests, Weights and Measures - Work Week, Slavery. Looking at Bad News - Egosyntonic Behaviour - Corruption from Top Down, Payoffs - Alteration of Perception - Income and Property Tax, RIIA, CFR. Terminology, Reaching Programmed Conclusions - "Value" of Human Life, Economic Units Serving World State - UN Good Producer-Consumers. "Never-Ending Story", We (Humans) are Building Material, Creation of Obedient Servants - Debasement - Airport Searches, Checkpoints - NKVD Roundups. British Department of Defence Projections - Total War - Food Shortage, Sprayed Skies, Flooding, Drought - Depopulation of "Surplus" - Victim Accepts Own Demise. Mob Reaction, Riots - Planned Famine - Agenda 21 - Movement into Cities - Cannon Fodder for Agenda. Robber Barons Plundering Planet - GATT, Factories Move to China - Bureaucracy - H.G. Wells - Free Trade (Authorized). Socialism, Perpetual Children - "Matrix" movie, Enemies have not Woken Up. *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 2 April 4, 2008 Alan Watt on "National Intel Report" on RBN "Polluting the Polity with Probable Plagues" Alan stands in for John Stadtmiller, 2 hours. *Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 4, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) Laboratory-Made Diseases - "Deadly Allies: Canada's Secret War" book, Declassified Info, Virus Creation - Coming Food Shortages - Unearthed Spanish Flu. "Inevitable" Outbreak - Flu Pandemic, Britain, Gordon Brown, Portable Crematoriums - Counter-Terrorism - Eradication of Individuality. Being Terrorized into Compliance - West Nile Virus farce, Dying Crows (eating GMO crops). Free Trade and Continental Amalgamation - John Dee, 'Brytish' Empire - "Services" become "Authorities" - UN's "War on Obesity", Children, Junk Food. Open Signing of Integration of Americas, CFR - Scam of Democracy and Voting - Mind-Bombed Joe Average, Inoculations, Old-Age Diseases in Young - Surrealistic Newscasts, TV Land. *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 1 100 Years War - "The First Global Revolution" book, Club of Rome - EU - Rapid Deployment Forces, Riots - Decreased Crop Yields, Middle East, GMO Seed, Iraq. "Report from Iron Mountain" - Royal Institute of International Affairs, Council on Foreign Relations, Foreign Affairs magazine - Futurist Society, Predictive Programming. Bacterial Warfare, Food Supply, Mad Cow, Lyme Disease. "Wag the Dog" movie, Invasion of Yugoslavia. "Doomsday" Seed Storage Vault, Norway - Cryogenic Arks, Genes, Artificial Insemination - International Space Station - Reseeding Planet. Psychopathy, Psychopaths' Craving of Power, Ruthlessness - Financial System, Money, Commerce - Plato, "Good Breeding" in Humans and Animals, Domestication. Fevers after Inoculations - Inflammation, Death of Tissue - Use of the Needle. Albert Pike, Freemasonic System, Education, Initiation - Mandates - Military Masonic Drills. William Cooper, False Information, Exposing Area 51. Ancient Egyptian Ceremony "Opening of the Mouth" - Brain Engrams - Reprogramming, Cloning, "Downloading" Memories - Pharaohs. *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 2 Topics of show covered in following links: "A flu pandemic NOT TERROR is our biggest threat, says Brown" by James Chapman (dailymail.co.uk) - Mar. 19, 2008. "Pandemic influenza and dentistry" (PDF File)--See page 16--by Tony Jenner in CDO (Chief Dental Officer) Update - March 2008. "Lose weight or we'll take all six of your children away" - Mar. 24, 2008. "Report: EU Must Build Military in Face of Climate Change" from theTrumpet.com - Mar. 17, 2008. "Martin Mittelstaedt on the Doomsday seed vault" by Martin Mittelstaedt (theglobeandmail.com) - Feb. 25, 2008. Feb. 15, 2008 Alan Watt on "National Intel Report" on RBN "Science Promotes Sterilization for Young Women - And We Know Where It Goes From There" Alan stands in for John Stadtmiller, 2 hours. (Article: "Why we should sterilise teenage girls ... temporarily at least" by Fay Weldon, Daily Mail (dailymail.co.uk) - Feb. 15, 2008.) *Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Feb. 15, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) Transitory Society on the Move - Jacques Attali "Millennium" book, New Nomads, Bureaucrats, Work Abroad - ID Cards, Record of Grovelling Obedience. Fabian Society (chartered by Crown) - Eugenics, Euthanasia, Sterilization - The Establishment - Religion based on Darwinism. Foundations, NGOs, "Championing Rights", United Nations, Lobbying - Scientific Dictatorship - Unelected Technocrats, Carroll Quigley - "Evolution", Empires. H. G. Wells, Sir Thomas Huxley, Novels, Fiction, Predictive Programming - Group Infiltration, Leaders Given to Follow - Identity, Conformity to Peer Pressure, Workforce. "Roaring 20's", Prohibition - Ancient Egypt Beer Allocation, Vodka in Soviet Union - Bronfman and Kennedy Families - "Booze Cans", Promiscuity, Birth Control Pill, Abortion, Dehumanization. Destruction of Family Unit - Everyone Numbered, Separated - Alteration of Social Norms, Boundaries, Privacy, "Open Society" - "Network" movie. Bertrand Russell: Credits Replace Money - Abolition of Private Property - Plato - UN (One) Agenda 21 - George Orwell - Tiered Class System - Population Reduction, Jacques Cousteau, David Suzuki. Today Planned over 100 Years Ago - Karl Marx, European Union, Unification of Americas, Pacific Rim, 3 Trading Blocs under World Government. Purpose of War to Change Society. *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 1 Mass Sterilization - Promiscuous Culture aimed at Youth - Create Problem, Offer Solution - Elimination of "Inferior Types" - Predictive Programming, Culture Industry. "Everybody Works for Government" - Slaves - Only One Right in "Democracy"--To Vote - Pierre Trudeau, Canadian Charter - Front-Men Politicians. "Origin of Species", Darwin/Wedgwood Family Interbreeding. Merck, Venereal Vaccinations. Royal Society, African Expedition Funding, East India Co. - Corporations, "Softening-up" Crew, British Empire. Psychopaths - Abuser blames Victim. Government Welfare, Authoritarian Agencies. Understanding Past - H. G. Wells, 3 World Wars, "Freemasonry of the Air", Basra, Iraq. Thinning Dictionary, Linguistic Minimalism - George Orwell's "1984" ("The Last Man"), Torture, Confessions. TV, Fiction, Illusion, Hypnosis - Advertising, Good Consumers, Slogans, Repetition, Jingles - Cartoon Indoctrination - Target Audiences. Beria speeches to Comintern - "Upgrading" Culture every 5 Years - Red Bishop, "Continuing Education" (Propaganda) to Accept Changes - Julian and Aldous Huxley. Masonic Handshake, "Five Points", "Squared" Feet, Signs - Lodges, Perks, "Getting Up the Ladder" - Prince Hall. (Book: "In the Minds of Men: Darwin and the New World Order" by Ian Taylor.) *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 2 Jan. 28, 2008 Alan Watt on "National Intel Report" on RBN "Powers of the Air (Force) - HAARP and the New World Order" "Battle to Retain Sentience" Alan stands in for John Stadtmiller, 2 hours. (Article: "Is Human Tampering Causing Extreme Weather?" by Martin Croucher, Epoch Times UK Staff (epochtimes.com) - Jan. 16, 2008.) *Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Jan. 28, 2008 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) Council on Foreign Relations, Royal Institute for International Affairs - Soviet System - Dialectic of Capitalism and Communism, Third Way. Job of Media - Zbigniew Brzezinski - Human-Computer Interfacing, Virtual Reality, "The Matrix" - Fear of "Authorities", Compliance. "New American Century", Global Empire - Margaret Thatcher's "New World Order" speech - "Religious Fundamentalists" - New Priesthood - Parallel Government, Technocrats, Prof. Carroll Quigley. Problem of "Emotion" for Elite - Logic - Borg, Brain Chip, Annihilation of Conscious Mind - Predictive Programming. Foundations, Front Organizations, Cloak of Charity - Hashshashin, Mind-Controlled Assassins. 9-11, Security, Border Crossings, "Terrorists", Training for Totalitarian System. Perfection of Society - Symbol of Bee-Hive - Perfected Slaves, "Passing Time" - One Life to Live - "Karma" Credit Card - Television "Upgrading". So-Called "Art" - Ancient Rome - Dehumanization, Degradation - Declassified Info: MI6 and CIA Funding Radical Groups and Culture Industry - Nihilism, Drugging, Valium. Immigration, Globalism, Land Lease Program, America, Europe - Africa, China - Worker Bees, The White Man. Hollywood, American History, Colonization, Revolutions, The Colonies - Elites, "Eugenic Superiority" - Plantation Slaves - Peasantry - Fluoridization. *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 1 Interbred Elite - Commoners - Eugenics, Intermarriage, Bluebloods, Psychopathy - Plato: Breed Traits In or Out - Darwin, Albert Pike, "Nature". Marriage Under Attack - ID (Ideal Design), Purpose-Made Humans - Consumer Society to Servile Society - Racial and Religious Tensions. Inoculations, "Shot" Immune Systems - Charles Galton Darwin - Daily Aerial Spraying, Metallic Particles, HAARP, Weather Control. Bermuda Triangle, ELF, Military-Industrial Complex - UN Weather Warfare Treaties - Floods, Droughts, Small Farmers put Under. Climate Manipulation, Jet Stream, Strange Weather - Con Game of Global Warming - Standard Air Force Reply: "Condensation Trails" - "Conspiracy Theorists". Club of Rome, New Enemy is Mankind - Front Men at Top, Scriptwriters, Myth of Modern Democracy - World War III, First Attack on Iraq (1990's), IMF, World Bank. Geneva Bible, King James Bible - Eradication of "Superstitions", Family Unit, Old Religions - Esperanto - Microchipping, Computer Language of Mathematics. World Citizenship Awards, Rockefeller, CFR, RIIA - Socrates: "Citizen of the World". Borg Agenda - Battle to Retain and Regain Consciousness - Range of Human Emotion - Standing Up for Our Rights. Television, "Pushing the Envelope", Science of Culture Creation - Zoroastrianism - Perception Distortion - Knighting of Media Moguls - TV Newscasters, Father Figures. *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 2 Nov. 12, 2007 Alan Watt on "National Intel Report" on RBN "Moneybags Rule Peasant Rags and the Symptoms of Their System" Alan stands in for John Stadtmiller, 2 hours. *Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Nov. 12, 2007 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments) Symbols, Logos, Egypt - Religion Creation - Queen of England, Raised Diaz, Scepter, Ermine - Egyptian Bureaucratic Cities. League of Nations, World Standardization, World Wars - Young Men, Military, Mercenaries. Knighthood, Skull and Bones, Knights Templars - Grecian Islands, Aegean Sea. "Positive Population Checks", Malthus, Elihu Yale. Immigrants, American Pioneers - Penal Laws, Shipment to Americas - White, Black, American Indian Slaves. History (HIS STORY) - British Public Hangings - Rebellions, Scotland, Bonny Prince Charlie - Irish Famine. Warburgs of Germany, Federal Reserve, Versailles - Stock Market, Wall Street - Phoenicians (Canaan), Trade Routes, Merchant Bankers - Brotherhood, Fraternities. Cold War, Russia, U.S., Scientists - Bolshevik Revolution funding, Trotsky, Rothschilds. "Lord of the Rings", Tolkien - Hobbits, Peasantry - "Illumined Ones", "Land of the Blessed" - Entombment of Pharaohs. *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 1 Global System, Interwoven Matrix - Signs and Symptoms of a Disease - Rampant Racism, Unhesitant Soldiers, Middle East. UN Building in New York (Built atop Slaughterhouse). Arnold Toynbee, Prof. Carroll Quigley, Jacques Attali. Policeman of World, Britain, U.S., China - Devaluation of Dollar - U.S.-Canada Merger, Integration. Slavery, Bad Karma - Spartans, Money, Trapezi. Privacy - Foreign Surveillance, "Intelligence Gathering" - Tapped Telephones, Emails, Government Supercomputers. Law, Royal Decrees, Papal Bulls, Legislation, Bills - Feudal System, Court of Law - "Devil's Advocate" movie - Armies of Lawyers. Pharaohs' Drug Use - Pharmaceuticals - Opium, China, India, Afghanistan. "The Great Work", Knighting by Queen, Allegiance Sworn to Crown - Sham of Democracy, Elections to stop Rebellions. Spirit Side of Things - "Let the Dead bury the Dead" - Trying to "Walk" - "The Blind" - Demands to Know what Associations They Belong To. *LISTEN / DOWNLOAD HOUR 2 Sept. 13, 2007 Alan Watt on "National Intel Report" with John Stadtmiller Airport Detention for Back Taxes - "Financial Terrorism." Definition of "Good Citizen". Democracy: Majority counted on to do what Elite want them to do - No Individual Rights. New Economic System - No Person will be born without a "function" - Egosyntonic behaviour encouraged to break cohesiveness. Alvin Toffler - Merger of Capitalism, Communism - Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis. Carl Jung writings - Fascist Elite at Top (Old Aristocracy), Communistic Bureaucracy. Carroll Quigley: Corporate Feudalism, CEO Overlords. United Nations - UNESCO in Iraq - War is to change culture of ALL Participants. NAFTA Superhighways - 30 Years of Rioting - Movement into Habitat Areas - Domed Cities. System of Managed Chaos - Easiest Culture to Destroy is Most Civilized. Project for a New American Century - War in Iraq-Afghanistan-Iran-Syria. (Originally Aired LIVE Sept. 13, 2007 on Republic Broadcasting Network and Satellite Radio) LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 10, 2007 Alan Watt on "National Intel Report" with John Stadtmiller Alan stands in for John Stadtmiller, 2 hours. Note: Because of overloading of RBN telephone system, original live audio had some distortion in parts. This version from Alan's telephone is clear and has been inserted. "The Establishment", Very Old Families. Advertising and Marketing techniques. TEL (built upon previous system or place)-LEVI (high priest)-SION (sun and moon). Good Shepherds (scientists, experts) and their Sheep. CONstitution: CON of the Standing (up-standing) - Freemasonic "Founding Fathers". Knighthood of British Empire - Elton John, Rudolph Giuliani, Kissinger - Order of the Garter ("Joined at the Hip"). Drugs, Rock and Roll - LSD - BBC. Legal and Illegal system - Laws of Nature - Opposites. Bronfman, Kennedy families - Running booze during prohibition - British Royalty relations with Gangsters. Knights of Columbus LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 9, 2007 Alan Watt on "National Intel Report" with John Stadtmiller Alan stands in for John Stadtmiller, 2 hours. The End of an Age leading to a new type of human - "Great Leap Forward" - 2001 - 2010 - Arthur C. Clarke. Americas - British East India Co.. John Dee - Queen Elizabeth I. Rosicrucian Court - Francis Bacon. Individuality shunned - Collective "Teamwork" promoted. British Secret Service - Group Infiltration - 9-11 Fiasco, MI6 and Mossad warned U.S. - Project for a New American Century. GATT - FTAA - NAFTA. ID: Ideal Design - Efficient programmed humans. New World Order of global society and "oneness". Rats in a Laboratory pulling levers for reward - Trained Public - Producer-Consumers. Red Archbishop of Canterbury - "Continuing Education" - Tavistock - "World Peace" and Utopia. People ready to fall for anything: serpent people, reptilians, future "written in the stars". Open Skies Treaty - Aerial Spraying - Chemtrails - Aerosol Tranquilizers - Foreign Pilots. War on World, every culture and people - Scientific Dictatorship - Aldous Huxley. Inoculations (Vaccinations) - I.Q. Drop, Dumbing-Down Public - Fevers and Brain Inflammation - Autism. Elite Psychopathic Pathocracy - System of Money, Debt, Taxation. Discordant and Experimental Music - Behavioural Sciences. Eugenics Movement - Class System - Brahmin Castes - Noble Freemasonry - Darwin and Wedgwood Families - Interbreeding. Ceremony of Lares fire - Ancestral Spirits - Reincarnation of Family Lineages belief - Egyptian Pharaohs. Revelations of Bible - Plagues, Famine, etc. creation through science. Gun Confiscation in U.S. (BOOKS: "Anglo American Establishment" and "Tragedy and Hope" by Carroll Quigley. "Millennium" by Jacques Attali. "The Grand Chessboard" by Zbigniew Brzezinski. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 8, 2007 Alan Watt on "National Intel Report" with John Stadtmiller Alan stands in for John Stadtmiller, 2 hours. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD July 20, 2007 Alan Watt on "National Intel Report" with John Stadtmiller Big Agendas - A World Order with a completely new way of living. Public do not question media - it does thinking and reasoning for them. Heavy traffic on Alan's websites - Lots of visitors - Crashing servers and juggling sites. Capitalist defense of Soviet Union - Amalgamation of two systems. Indoctrination of children from birth onward. U.S. takeover as policeman of world, then China. Voluntary sterilization - Eugenics. Creation of a New Age religion based on Earth worship - Gorbachev. Rockefeller's Global Citizenship awards. Most Favored Nation status (in 1500's). H.G. Wells book: "Open Conspiracy" - Nothing is secret, it just isn't widely publicized. CON-Game of Democracy - Pretends to speak on your behalf. Karl Marx: "Das Kapital" - 3 Trading Blocs. Aldous Huxley - Scientific Dictatorship. Predictive Programming - Tavistock Institute - Control of Human Mind - Bertrand Russell's experimental schools (1920's). Scottish Rite of Freemasonry - B'nai Brith - Foundations - "Masters over the masters of the world". LISTEN / DOWNLOAD May 11, 2007 Alan Watt on "National Intel Report" with John Stadtmiller --Alan's Bio - Books - History - Poetry-- The "Memory Hole" - Editing and Altering, History of Iraq - Commerce - Trade in Babylon, CBC Documentary on Iraq Museum Artifacts - Sale to Private Holders (before war), Planned Regionalization of Planet - United Europe-Americas-Africa, British Empire, Nelson Mandela - ANC, Donald Rumsfeld and Bush, Taxpayer Money to Build New Refineries (for Halliburton), Mainstream and Alternative Media, Marketing, Foundations authorized by UN, Policing the Internet - Firewall Break-ins, Alteration of Perception - Cell Phone Chatter on Buses - Ether World of Abstract Voices, End of "Independent" Countries, Habitat Areas - No Private Property or Vehicles - Population Reduction, Licensing, Agenda is Well Written About, America and "Democracy", Critical Thinking and Logic removed from Schools - Social Indoctrination - Graduated System, One Long-Term Business Plan, Emotionless Top Psychopaths, --H.G. Wells book "Shape of Things to Come-- Religious Leaders do not Follow Religion of "Their People", Global Governance, Advertising - You Must Smile, Oaths Leaders and Politicians have Sworn To, Evolutionary Religion of Elite, Royalty, Monetary System, You are Conditioned to believe You are Inferior, Rule by "Majority" LISTEN / DOWNLOAD |