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The Truth Hertz w/ Charles Giuliani![]() ![]() Republic Broadcasting Network |
August 17, 2007 Alan Watt on "Truth Hertz Radio" with Charles Giuliani Alan stands in for Charles Giuliani, 2 hours. Great Industrial Revolution of Great British Empire - 16 Hour Workdays - Workers' Strikes, Troops turned on workers. Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" - People bred for a task, living in drugged haze - Purpose-made working class. Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority. Mafia-Government - Giuseppe Mazzini (Mason), Italy - Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. World of Extortion: Money demanded by force - Threats (Coercion). "Star Wars" faceless troopers - Mercenaries - Merchants - God of Mercury. DIS-Information and Demonization of "Enemy". Standardized Culture Creation - Hollywood - Movies, Music, Fashion. Far-left-wing CIA-run movements. "Herd Management" during outbreaks, crisis - Hired psychopaths run your country. GLO-BAL: Glow of Baal god - Sacrifice. NGO's - Soviet Structure - Lenin - Dictatorship of (over) Proletariat. Level One Matrix - Panic when waking up - Induced beliefs. Alternate Media Minefield - Professional Authors. Arenas, Teams, Sports - Forms of warfare. Revelations, not prophecy, but a revealing (business plan) - Esoteric meanings - Mark of the Beast - ID plate, card. Talmud interpretation - Kabbalah - Nordic mythology - Yggdrasil - Sion-Zion-Scion-Grafting onto Tree of Life. Tower of Babel - New Tower, System, Language. "Let the dead bury the dead" explained. Predictive Programming - Possibility Thinking - Gradual Acceptance. Socialism=perpetual childhood - Collective control. Arnold Toynbee. IDEAS, SYNCHRONICITY, THOUGHT COMMUNICATION, FORMS explained. Ego-syntonic training - Avoiding pain and seeking pleasure. (Article: Ottawa Citizen, May 8, 2007 "Embryos are to be screened for a cosmetic defect...") (Book: "Escape From Freedom" by Erich Fromm.) LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 16, 2007 Alan Watt on "Truth Hertz Radio" with Charles Giuliani Alan stands in for Charles Giuliani, 2 hours. Middle Ages - Collective Society - Commoners - Sunday Church Education and Morality Plays - High Taxation - Unorganized Spontaneous Revolts. 1700's - Industrial Revolution - Movement into Cities, Cheap Labor - Beginnings of Individualism - Responsibility of Personal Choice. Tubes to Transistors to Nanotechnology and Brain-Chip - Interfacing with Computers - Cartoon Chipped Superheroes - BORG. Gene of Red Berry (Roddenberry) - Predictive Programming. Elite "Utopia" - No-one born unless they serve a function - No "useless eaters". White-Coated Priesthood (Doctors) - Bacterial Babble - "Lancet" inoculation studies. Bertrand Russell and C. G. Darwin - Animal Husbandry (Breeding) - Lobotomy of general public - MMR vaccine - Autism, ADD, Learning disorders. Orwellian Double-think - Passing problems on to next generation - Last Sentient generation who can speak out. Active ID Card - Cell-phone surveillance technology - Steps toward Brain-Chip - Regional supercomputers for programming people. Intergenerational planning - Secret Societies - Stone-Mason Cathedral building projects. Depressions followed by costly wars - Magic Act of Money. Good U.N. Citizens = Producer-Consumers. Population growth and decline - Falling birth rates - Authorized immigration policies. 911 - "Historical Necessity", "A Must-Be" - Ukraine Famine (Starvation). Arthur C. Clarke's "2001" - Overcoming HAL, Demiurgos, SUN. Zoroaster - Holy Fire lit by priest (for small fee) - Aztecs - Magic - Paying for Sunrise. RIIA - CFR - Round Table - Rhodes Scholarship. H.G. Wells "Open Conspiracy" - Nothing is Hidden - Legally, Agenda is Published. Cold War - Enemy Creation - Uniting Europe - Mix of Communism and Capitalism. Pop (Father) - Rock (Ashlar) - Rap (Gavel) - Heavy Metal... Groups to join for EVERY Personality Type - YOU are your own champion - Educating yourself. Double-Agent Spies in U.K. - MI5, MI6 - Peter Wright book: "Spycatcher". Tribal Emblems, Uniforms - "Doing Your Duty" - Manipulation of Young to fight and kill - Mercenaries - Women in Military. Robotic World - Emulation of Ants, Insects - "Creatures of Instinct". Preparation of the Mind for times to come - Finding Companionship with Others - Too Few Sentient Thinkers. National Emergency Preparedness Network - Natural, Man-made Disasters - Simulations - NATO countries. Levels of Matrix - Breaking Free. The Conclusion is up to YOU. - Finding Purpose and Direction. Battle of Collective against Individual. Pointing the finger at Psychopaths at the top, and their Lackeys. LISTEN / DOWNLOAD August 10, 2007 Alan Watt on "Truth Hertz Radio" with Charles Giuliani Alan stands in for Charles Giuliani, 2 hours. The Matrix we live in - Nothing happens by chance in this system. AUTHORized Authors - Re-inforcing Myths. Money is Root of System - Winners and Losers in Inhumane world. Sumer, Hurrians - Gold, Silver - Coin - Debt Racket, Bankruptcy. Federal Reserve, Bank of Canada, Sparta. Family Planning=Abortion, Global Planning=Genocide. Psychopathy - Psychopathic Recruits for Military - Holy Loch, Scotland Military Base - Nuclear Weaponry. Freud, Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis - Terms: Infantile, Neurotic, etc. - Conformity to Personality Type. Kinsey Report - Promiscuity, Perversion - Destruction of Tradition and Family Unit. Departments of Culture (Government) - Grants for Artists - Nihilism - Mind Control through rapid change - Pentagon - Generation X (written off). Moloch the Owl: Sees in Dark (Profane). "Matrix" Movies - Computerized systems, Programmed events - Being on chessboard as pawn. Pandora's Box, cannot be shut once opened - You are never the same - Must then Act. "Anti-Government" crimes - Property confiscation for "Dissenters" - Now in U.S. - Gorbachev's speech to Politburo. Buddhism - Hinduism, Brahma, Primordial Slime - Theory of Evolution - "The Coming" - Freemasonic religion. Battle for Individual Self - Sacredness of Life - Caring about Others. Hitler's speeches, Natziism (National Socialism) - Hypnotism by Emotion, Hysteria. HOLLYWOOD=HOLY WOOD=Wizard's Staff - Holly: Ever-Green Wood - Mickey Mouse' Magic Wand. Real Estate, Market - Business manipulation - Price-gouging. Agenda 21 (21st Century) - Habitat Areas - No Private Property. Media: Essential arm of government - 8 Repetitions for public to remember. Television: 60 Hz cycle and flicker, hypnotic, destroys communication - Late-night news when tired, censor part of brain is down, goes into subconscious. Luther, Calvin, Kantian philosophy - Perception - Marshall McLuhan - Mass-man or Individuality? - The Enlightenment - "Dare to Know" - Conscience as relation to your deity. (BOOK: "The Next Million Years" by Charles Galton Darwin.) LISTEN / DOWNLOAD May 23, 2007 Alan Watt on "Truth Hertz Radio" with Charles Giuliani Predictive Programming - Media does Thinking for Public - Hollywood movies about Eager Reporters, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Mammals look to Adults for Signs of Danger, Carroll Quigley, John Dewey - World Govt. run by Experts in Science - Efficiency - Dominant Minority, 1950's Push for Separating Religion - Sense of Right and Wrong - Creating Fear of Government, Elite Religious Views - A god has Power over Life and Death - Belief They are Gods, Winners and Losers in Money System of Debt and Credit - "He Who has the Gold makes the Rules" - Money-Trap, University Education - Lies and Slants to Shape the Mind - Plato's Cave - Illumined = Alumni, Bishops in Fine Clothes - Bowing Down to Wealth, Rockefeller - Gunning Down of Miners by Militia - P.R. Make-Over of Rockefeller as Philanthropist, Rudolph Guiliani - Knighted in Britain, Advisors are the Bosses over Front-Men Puppets, Putin, Pre-Selected High Cabinets, Margaret Thatcher and Husband - Both were Real Estate Lawyers - British Govt. bought Mil. Base Lands from Husband, Fleecing the Sheep (Profane), Early Inoculations not for Purposes Claimed - Faith-Based Medical System - Each Generation in Medicine is Trained Differently - Eradication of Old Facts, Arrogance and Ego can Blind a Person, History Archives - Limited Top-Secret Access, Bertrand Russell - Madame Blavatsky - Anne Besant - Ghost-written Books, Destruction of Old Religion to bring in New Mix of Christianity and Eastern Religion, Charles Taze Russell - Mason - Buried under Pyramid, 1960's - Beatles' Trip to India - Indian (Hindu) Philosophy - Yoga - Out of Body Experiences - Enslaving Minds, New Mathematical Language for New Age - Brain-chip Implants - Replacement of Oral Language, London Royalty and Aristocrats, Beria - NKVD - 1934 Comintern Meeting - Indoctrination of Children incrementally, Intelligencia - Voltaire - Fiction and Censor Part of Brain, Music for each Generation - Rap - Wrapping it Up - Strike of Masonic Gavel on Square Block = a RAP, Abusive System - Abused turn toward Abuser for Help, LAW - Threat of Force and Use of Force, -- "The Next Million Years" book by Charles Galton Darwin -- "A More Sophisticated Form of Slavery", Studies on Psychopathy, Loopholes - Fallacy of Independent International Corporations - CIA Funding of Intl. Corps., Authorized Technology from the Top, Blackmail Schemes - IMF trap - Modified Seeds for Farmers, CIA - OSS ("Wizard of OZ") - Control from London, Stealth Bomber - Area 51 Military Base - Noiseless Crafts coming out of Underground Hangars, Obsolete Technology given to Public, "Discovery of the Gene" - Rutherford - Genetic Research, Voice-to-Skull, Himalayan Military Base, Cold War Spies - All Working towards Common Goal of World Unification, Satellite Controls and Chipped Society, Middle-Ages Serfs and Modern Slavery, Lethal and Non-Lethal Weaponry, Nobility and Commoners, Vaccinations to Lobotomize areas of Brain, Psychopathic Culture in an Inhumane System, -- "We Buy Our Own Chains -- Chipping Alzheimer's Patients, Programming Humans for Specific Tasks, EVIL = LIVE (backwards), Sustainable Development, Use of Trivia to Keep Public Occupied and Not Thinking, Jack the Ripper, Casting Spells over Public - The Word Spoken into Existence - Witchcraft, Dan Rather - Worked for CIA, Bill Clinton - Rhodes Scholarship - Cecil Rhodes - Training for World Government, Number 2 Man in Masonry - Vices and Advisors are more important than Front-Man Boss, "New American Century" - Wolfowitz - War in Middle East, Theodore Roosevelt - Woodrow Wilson - Karl Marx - United Europe-Americas-Pacific Rim Regions, Three Meanings of Zionism - Priority of Zion Templars group - Sion or Zion - Kabbala - SI = Sin + ON = Male Phallic Symbol - Perfection of Male and Female (2 in 1), Selective Breeding - Hurrian (Aryan) Race - Inbreeding to regain Certain Qualities C- Eugenics - Genealogy - Pre-Selected Mates, Bush and Kerry - George Washington, -- Alan's Websites and Books and Discs for purchase -- Herodotus - First thing Pharaohs were taught was how to Control the Populace. 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