Do New-Agers Dream of Electric Coffee-gods?


by Not Sure

1 September 2024


            The term “New Age” defined various spiritual practices, concepts, and beliefs which were gaining popularity in the 1970s.  Most of these practices and ideas had much older origins dating back to Spiritualism, Helena Blavatsky’s Theosophy, and her introduction of Hinduism to the West.  She (and those who promoted her) wanted to usher in a new age, when science was blended with religion.  The Beatles, the counterculture of the 1960s, and the sexual revolution, all heralded a new way of relating to Nature.

            All the ideas that ran counter to the culture in the 1960s and 1970s, are now ensconced in the mainstream.  Do you know a vegan?  Someone who does yoga?  Or meditates?  Or ‘visualizes’?  Or thinks positively?  Or collects crystals?  Or follows their heart?  Or sages their house?  Or reads their horoscope?  Or uses the laws of attraction to manifest their desires?  Or studies numerology?  Or Tarot?  Or practices mindfulness?  Who equates the “Universe” with “God”?  Just think for a moment that none of these ideas were in the mainstream fifty years ago, and now they are everywhere.  Wiccans and Satanists in the military?  Of course.  Feeling polyamorous?  Just look at any newspaper to read how during Covid-19, people, in great numbers, embraced their inner kink.

            Shirley MacLaine went “Out on a Limb” and declared her divinity.  In a television movie based on her book, her guru encourages her to embrace this truth.  He instructs her to say, “I am God.” She hesitates but says it slowly and quietly.  The guru tells her, “Say it again. Say, ‘I am God.’  Say it again.  ‘I am God.’” This time Shirley, as if she is an actress doing the will of her director, loudly proclaims, “I…AM…GOD.”

Ms. MacLaine is ninety now, and God bless her, she looks much like any other ninety-year-old woman.  It appears she will die to her human form.  Is she incarnate God, who chose to become human to impart salvation to mere mortals?  Will she reincarnate to bring wisdom of the divine to some future generation?  Will a future race of chimera-machines recognize her as a deity?  Questions for the ages.

In this talk from December 26, 2007, “NIRVANA'S BANANAS AND THE STRONG DELUSION – THE FOLLY OF GODS AND WANNA-BEES”, Alan said of the New Age, “It's the same techniques that are used because it’s all based on fear and people who go into these religions tend to live in a form of fear, fear of the unknown. The idea being you can overcome fear of the unknown by gaining special powers and becoming a god. Becoming a god, you see. You can become God, the god within, and if you're really, really good and you get good gurus you can take shortcuts and become a god all the quicker, and then go in to see your dentist and you doctor and all the rest of it – and if you're a god and you can't cure yourself, well, what's your doctor and your dentist? They must be super-gods. There's no logic involved. It's not meant to be logical. It's meant to appeal to those people who want no rules. So funny really because they’re the most easy-going people to be controlled by powers that be, because they won't look at what the elite are doing to them. You're not supposed to look at the negative and nasty things, all those downers. Look at the positive things and do a lot of smiling and use all their New Age terminology like all religionists tend to do.

They've all had their little experiences, and they talk about the dreams and generally it's too much caffeine that causes their dreams; and I'm not kidding about that too. I've had people who’ve called me before who've had nightmare after nightmare and I ask them if they drink coffee late in the evening, and they do. I told them, I said do you realize that they modified the coffee bean over 10 years ago? It was one of the first things they modified and why not? Because they went for the things that are commonly taken on a daily basis by the majority of people, tea and coffee, and then they went into all the foods that you eat.

Alan suggests that these amazing journeys people have taken in their dreams are the result of drinking modified coffee, and at the time of this talk (2007), he said the coffee bean had been modified for ten years (1997).  I did a search for the period between 1990 to 2000, and these are just a handful of the articles I found on GMO coffee beans.  The work of modification is still going on, of course, both on the bean and on you.


Decaf Coffee Plants Developed (2003)


Genetically-engineered coffee (2006)


Biotechnological applications for the improvement of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) (2002)


Genetically modified coffee plants expressing the Bacillus thuringiensis cry1Ac gene for resistance to leaf miner (2000)


Escagenetics regulatory update (1994)



On the CTTM Telegram Tragedy & Hope bookclub channel, someone shared this link with the warning, don’t read this book if you like coffee:


Caffeine Blues: wake up to the hidden dangers of America's #1 drug


            And someone on the channel shared this source for “ridiculously healthy coffee”.



            I’ve not read the book, nor tried the coffee.  Proceed at your own risk, and don’t blame me if your crazy dreams stop and your dream journal becomes fire starter.


© Not Sure


The title is a nod to Philip K. Dick.  Prophet?  A mostly authorized futurist?  Interpreter of lysergic acid diethylamide dreams?